The preaching to the lost
When does the message get preached to the “lost”?
“Lost”, i.e. “dead, damned, reprobate, condemned, eternally separated from God,
blinded, numb, beyond reach, without hope, doomed, taken the mark of the beast”
Past, present or future?
The message to the doomed, what did they do? Laughed at it. What do they do
today? The same thing.
Then He sent another messengers, two of them, and they went down. That was His
Second Pull for Lot--for Sodom. But look at that one that went last. Just more and
more mercy; it was all over then--all over at that time. That third Messenger that went
down there, the Third Pull, what was He? What kind of a ministry did He have? He
set with the elected and told them what was taking place behind Him. Is that
right? But when He stepped off into Babylon--or into Sodom, He wanted to find... Even
Abraham crying, "If I could find fifty righteous..." on down to ten righteous.
Noah shut up, was a testimony. God shut the door after his Third Pull. After the Third
Pull at Sodom, the doors was shut. There was no more mercy. The ten couldn't be
found. And the lost had the Gospel preached that could not be saved, because it was
yet... Been that way in every age; every age reject the message before judgment.
Have they done it again? Is that appearing of that Pillar of Fire down yonder on the
river? Is that appearing alone in the message of cutting the women, and throwing the
places where it should be, and rebuking those ministers who takes the place with
the denomination instead of staying on the Word, when God's thoroughly avindicated
that it's Him and not some poor ignorant unlearned thing like a man. It's
God. And have we now come to the spot that the Third Pull would return again to
the lost eternally?
Has the ministry of Jesus Christ in this day patterned the day that He was here when
He preached first? When He was a young Galilean prophet, everybody wanted Him in
their church, when He healed the sick and everything.
But when He went to prophesying, and rebuking them, and calling them a bunch of
vipers, right then He started declining, and finally led to His crucifixion, assassination.
The preaching to the lost
But remember, He had another ministry; He preached to the eternal lost and damned,
that didn't repent in the days that they had a chance to repent. Will that ministry
return like that, that the ministry will continue to go on to a lost and damned
people, where there's no mercy to be gotten for them? Think of it, what if it could.
You say, "Is it, Brother Branham?" I don't know. It could be later than we think.
Only ONE messenger for each age receives what the Spirit has to say to that age,
and that ONE MESSENGER is the messenger to the true church. He speaks for
God by revelation to the "churches", BOTH TRUE AND FALSE. The message is
then broadcast TO ALL. But though it is broadcast for all who come within range of
the message, that message is received individually by only a certain qualified group in
a certain way.
Now, there's been all kinds of ministries. God in this last days, I believe, has given us
everything He's got in his book. Everything that He's promised, we've seen. And still, it
seems like the people can't grasp it. Those who are ordained to grasp it, will grasp it.
Only those. It blinds one; opens the eyes of another.
But you notice, just before they entered the promised land, all of the--the differences
that--that had rose up among them. They... One of the great things was Korah. He
didn't want this one--man leadership. Dathan, and how they come up before Moses
and tried to tell him that "the--the message had to mean this," and put a different
interpretation to it, their own ideas of what it was. And they every one perished! Every
Jesus said, "There wasn't none of them but what perished."
They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for the space of forty years,"
(Saint John 6.) Jesus said, "And they are every one dead."
DEAD means "ETERNALLY SEPARATED." They're all dead, yet they enjoyed
hearing the message, yet they enjoyed the manna that fell. Not another manna; the
genuine manna!
Same now. Cain's revelation of the Word done the same thing that these has. What?
Promised her. At the end of time, what promises this Eve now? Listen close now, I'm
closing. What promise to this Eve at the end time? Riches, Laodicea, great name,
great person, rich. "But DEAD, and naked, and don't know it." That's what the
church age ended in.
The preaching to the lost
But she denies the Word. To make Matthew 24:24 real to her, she tries to move in
with a lot of noise, and a lot of this, and a lot of social standings, and things like this,
trying to say, "Well, we got power! Glory to God (Hallelujah.), we got power!" Having a
form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, so close that it would deceive the
very elected...
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of
corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
TITUS 1:16
16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny [him], being abominable, and
disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
You'll cross that line, and you'll never want to do it. You'll still hear the Gospel; sure,
but you'll never accept it. You can't accept it. But the Gospel will be preached to the
doomed, those that are eternally lost, can't get saved no more. You're already in
that spot and don't know it. You think you're living in pleasure and dead while
you're alive. Oh.
HEAR.YE.HIM 56-0611
And God's pardoning grace, God's Divine healing is the property of every believer if
it's received as that. But if it's turned down, then it's of none effect. God is not
guilty, because He's offered it to you.
"If we sin willfully after we receive the knowledge, it's been preached to you, read to
you, proved to you; after we see the knowledge of the truth, and you go ahead and
unbelieve, willfully, there's no more sacrifice for sin.
You know, the Bible said you can believe a lie and be damned by it. See? That's
exactly the truth. They form, no matter what the Word of God says, they lean to
their own understanding. They--they lean on it; they believe it; they think it's the
Truth. You can keep believing a lie over and over and over till it's the truth to you.
That's right.
The preaching to the lost
…they can say, "Oh, we believe the Bible, but not This. We don't believe This. We
believe This was for another age. We believe this is That," because some
denomination has twisted their minds into that cesspool.
When Jesus said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It,
his part will be taken from the Book of Life."
Dear God, think of the disappointments there at judgment when people's lived a
good, clean, holy life, went to church just as loyal as they could be, AND LOST.
…when I think of this world and the thousands that I know that's LOST, BLACK
SHADOWED (Yeah.), then your heart just bleeds. What can you do? What can you...
You just feel the Holy Spirit crying out in your heart. Like it must've been in our Lord
when He looked over Jerusalem, His own people (See?), said, "Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen would her brood, but you
would not." You just feel the Holy Spirit say, "How often I would've gathered you
(See?), but you would not." See?
And you can stand in the Presence of the living God, you can stand under the
anointing of the Spirit and see It moving, and still It won't touch you. You can see what
God said, preached to you perfectly and then manifested, and still won't go in, "don't
believe It," then, there, you are beyond reach. You're ALREADY DEAD, numb,
blinded, gone on. They were completely.
147 The Bible said in Malachi 4 what would happen today, Revelation 10, how the
Seven Seals would be open and reveal all these mysteries that's been hid through
these reformers. He said how it would be done. It's in the Bible, THUS SAITH THE
LORD. God has completely, perfectly identified that and a-vindicated It to be the Truth
by signs, wonders in the heavens and the skies, and everything else for thirty-three
years. You think they'll listen to it? NO, THEY'RE DEAD.
Oh, no wonder, no wonder the damnation of God is heaped up. God put it right
before your eyes, and you shut your eyes and fail to look at it. Shutting up your bowels
of compassion when you see the true Word of God in these Seven Seals being
vindicated and proved to be so, and witnessed in the heavens across the nations
and everywhere else by great signs and wonders that He promised He would do.
Then you shut up and say, "I don't know; I can't help it, I..." See? OH, MY. DEAD,
AND DON'T KNOW IT. Sins and trespasses you're dead. Oh, my.
The preaching to the lost
Like He give Egypt, He give Egypt place to repent. What was that last plague? Was
death. That's the last plague that's hit the Pentecostal church. It's spiritual
DEAD. He gave her place to repent, and she rejected it; now she's dead. She'll
never rise again.
Be awful to think, now, that some of these days that people would be going on
preaching just like they did in the days of Noah, they would be going on just the same,
but to a doomed WORLD that's already the doors is closed. We don't know what
time that might happen.
There's no safety zone but One; that's Christ, the Son of the living God. And there's
only one thing that is the safety zone, and that's Him; all outside of there will
perish just as certain as God said so.
Now, the little--humble little Bride of Christ just simply believes the Word,
whoever She is; it's individuals.
God's calling individuals. "I stand at the door and knock. If any man, any person..."
One individual out of a thousand, it might be one out of a million.
When I think of the blinded human beings in this earth who see, but yet, can't
understand … and still they don't understand. How can it be? Because their eyes are
not open. It's going to open one of these days, my friend, but it'll be too late then.
The time will be gone. And you'll wonder back, "You mean to tell me this, that soand-
so, and such a thing was this, and I didn't know it?" It goes over their head.
They don't catch it. Do you catch what I'm saying? It goes over them. It's
right...Looking for some great something to happen in the future when it's right
now, and you fail to see it.
The preaching to the lost
And that's the way with the world today. It's got plenty to eat, plenty to wear, fine
churches, big places, fine educated ministers. And so they don't need nothing else.
But you don't know the Scriptures said you're naked, miserable, blind and don't
know it. Don't know it! And you can't tell them no different. They continually wade
right on down that line, and fail to let the Word of God influence them to believe Jesus
Christ is raised from the dead and alive today, the same yesterday, today, and
forever, showing Himself alive. They're just simply dead. Everywhere, everywhere
you go seems to be the same thing.
Had to be that way, you know. He has to be put out of the church. There's no way at
all for it to keep from being this way. God said it would be this way. But if... let it shake
you. Let it shake you good. No matter what nation you're in, wherever you're at,
whoever you are, let it wake you up. Hours come and go. The first thing you know,
you'll be saying, "Well, I thought there was supposed to be this happen before
the rapture." There might be a voice come back like it did one time, "It's already
happened and you didn't know it." You'll be all anchored off in a church
somewhere, saying, "I'm just as secure as I can be," and the first thing you
know the rapture will be gone. It's going to be a secret, sudden going--nobody know
nothing about it. The world will keep right on going, like Noah went into the ark.
You remember after Noah went into the ark, he sat there seven days after God closed
the door. God closed the door and Noah sat in the ark for seven days before anything
happened. And the door of mercy will be closed in your face, and might already be.
And just think of it--the people'll go ahead preaching, people'll think they're
getting saved, putting their names on books, joining church, shouting, jumping
up and down.
As we see the great end time signs on earth today, we know that that's right. Now,
look, I've waited for this for a long, long time, for this Message to you (See?), and
you've seen the end time signs. And I've preached it to you and showed it to you by
everything that Christ said. Is that right? You'll admit that. At the end time, I don't see
nothing left. You say, "What about the mark of the beast?" Those who reject the
Holy Spirit, is already marked by the beast. The punishment will come later.
Now, somebody said, "Now, there's going to be a--a mark of the beast; it's going to
come someday." Let me tell you, it's already come.
See? As soon as the Holy Ghost begin to fall, the mark of the beast begin to
take place. See, you only have two things: One of them is, accept It, takes the Seal
of God, To reject It, takes the mark of the beast. To reject the Seal of God is to take
the mark of the beast. Everybody understand?
The preaching to the lost
To reject the Seal of God is to take the mark of the beast, for the Bible said all that
was not sealed by the Seal of God took the mark of the beast. When the trumpet
sounded and all wanted to go free could go, them that didn't was marked. Now, you
see, the mark of the beast, if we talk about it in the future, is when it's going to
be made manifest, when you realize it's what you've already done. See? And so
is the Holy Spirit; It's to be manifested when we see the Lord Jesus coming in
glory, and feel that transforming power, and see the dead rising out of the grave, and
know that in a second longer we'll be changed and have a body like His. It'll be
made manifest. Then to see those who rejected it, will be left down--out--out.
Life belongs to God alone, and He's the only One that handles life. So we must come
to that place to be germitized by the Word of God, or we will never rise again.
Our--our--our life is totally finished when--when we finish this life here. That does it
altogether if we're--if we're not germitized by the--by the Word of God, by the Life of
Notice, God's life, which is in the Greek called Zoe, moving through them and in
them, quickened their minds to His Word. Now, let me say that real quietly now.
The Spirit of God that moves among the people, quickens the mind of the person to
the promise of God…
Now then, when the church becomes hybridized, will it produce pure Christians? It
can't. The life or seed that brings Christians to birth is not in them. Like brings
forth like. The Baptists bring forth more Baptists and they act like Baptists. Methodists
bring forth Methodists and they act like Methodists. Not one is known by the power of
God nor can they be for it's not there. They are known by their ceremonial worship of
God and their creeds and dogmas.
Talk about a hybrid. Do you know the most famous hybrid in the world? It has been
with us for ages. It is the mule. It is a cross between a donkey and a horse. He is a
funny kind of an animal. He can't reproduce himself. He has no life that can do that.
Yet talk about work. He can outwork the horse or the donkey. But watch his nature.
He is stubborn and you can never trust him. He is a perfect picture of hybrid religion.
A cross between truth and darkness, for the horse is a type of the true believer and
the ass a picture of the unrighteous one. Mix them and you have a sterile, formal
religion. It hasn't the seed of life. It is dead. It can talk about truth but it can't
produce it. It doesn't have God in its midst, yet it gathers together and talks about
God, and all the while systematically denies the power. They will deny the Word in the
very Name of the Lord. And there is never any hope for them.
The preaching to the lost
When any man turns from the Word of God and joins a church instead of receiving the
Holy Spirit, that man dies. Dead! That is what he is. Don't join a church. Don't get into
organization and get taken up with creeds and tradition or anything that takes the
place of the Word and the Spirit or you're dead. It's all over. You're dead.
They are getting away from that Word, our own groups are. I am duty bound to a
Message; not to be different, but because of love. Love is corrective. Come back! Stay
away from that thing! You ministering brothers, I don't care what your groups does,
stay away from it! Stay out of it! It's the mark of the beast, stay away from it!
See, Jesus is knocking in this Laodicea age. See where they put Him out? He is trying
to get to individuals, not--not organizations and groups of people. He is trying to get
one here, and one there, and one there, trying.
…my opinion, the last member will be caught up one of these days. It might come,
and you wouldn't know nothing about it. Remember, it's a secret, secret catching
…the Holy Spirit is here to find you; and when It finds you, you recognize His call.
You know the hour you're living. You know that these things are supposed to happen,
quickly you're raptured up to meet it, and now you're setting in heavenly places
in Christ Jesus. Oh, what a promise. What a heavenly Father Who would give us
these things.
Notice, when Jesus came and manifested the Word, because the Word discerned the
thoughts that was in the heart (as Hebrews 4 says It will--4:12--that He would)... The
Word was a discerner of the thoughts of the heart, and He came as the Son of man,
the Prophet. What happened? This priest with only intellectual learning said, "It's a
devil," because that's what his denomination called it. What did it do? He had no
representation, so it blacked him out.
The preaching to the lost
Notice the little woman at the well….
He said, "By the way, go get your husband and come here."
And she said, "I don't have any husband."
"Why," He said, "you've told the truth (See?), because you've had five, and the one
you now have is not your husband." See? Watch. Something happened (See?);
something took Life. Now, if it hadn't have been in there to begin with, if she
hadn't have had representation from predestination, it'd never took hold.
There stood priests there, said, "This man's Beelzebub." See, no representation.
Eternal Life, "you always was." See, you have Eternal Life, there's only one form of it;
that's God. You were His attribute, He thought of you and knowed you before the
foundation of the world in His mind. See? She looked around. Look what a--what a
sinful shape she was in. But, see, He couldn't--He couldn't get that priest, because
the priest was a educated scholar, a theologian in the Word, but no representation in
heaven (See?), wasn't in God's thinking at all. But this woman was. She said,
"Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." That's just all He wanted her to see. See?
And that's the way it is with every born-again believer. You can hear all the theology
you want to, and all the manmade discrepancy; but when that Word flashes out
there, then there is something takes a hold, you come to It. "You who were once
dead in sin; that life has He quickened." THERE HAS TO BE A LIFE THERE TO
QUICKEN TO, FIRST. God, by His foreknowledge, knowed all things. And we were
predestinated to be sons and daughters of God. "Ye who were once dead in sin and
trespasses, wherein we all had our times past, but hath He quickened."
60 …if He is a Redeemer, He come... To "redeem" is to pick up that which has
fallen, to redeem back to a place where it was at the beginning. So none will be
picked up but them that was in His thoughts at the beginning. He come to
redeem, not this cannon fodder that we see around professing to be Christians,
but that He came to redeem that was in God's thinking at the beginning. This other is
just something that's makes around to show the statue. See? It just... It's a--it's a
garden, a flower garden. It plays its part. But the statue's what you want to see, the
Statue of Christ, which was God projected to the earth in the form of a man. Amen.
That's the Statue you want to see. That's the one. This other is just makeup for it. You
The preaching to the lost
When does the message get preached to the “lost”?
“Lost”, i.e. “dead, damned, reprobate, condemned, eternally separated from God,
blinded, numb, beyond reach, without hope, doomed, taken the mark of the beast”
Past, present or future?
The message to the doomed, what did they do? Laughed at it. What do they do
today? The same thing.
Then He sent another messengers, two of them, and they went down. That was His
Second Pull for Lot--for Sodom. But look at that one that went last. Just more and
more mercy; it was all over then--all over at that time. That third Messenger that went
down there, the Third Pull, what was He? What kind of a ministry did He have? He
set with the elected and told them what was taking place behind Him. Is that
right? But when He stepped off into Babylon--or into Sodom, He wanted to find... Even
Abraham crying, "If I could find fifty righteous..." on down to ten righteous.
Noah shut up, was a testimony. God shut the door after his Third Pull. After the Third
Pull at Sodom, the doors was shut. There was no more mercy. The ten couldn't be
found. And the lost had the Gospel preached that could not be saved, because it was
yet... Been that way in every age; every age reject the message before judgment.
Have they done it again? Is that appearing of that Pillar of Fire down yonder on the
river? Is that appearing alone in the message of cutting the women, and throwing the
places where it should be, and rebuking those ministers who takes the place with
the denomination instead of staying on the Word, when God's thoroughly avindicated
that it's Him and not some poor ignorant unlearned thing like a man. It's
God. And have we now come to the spot that the Third Pull would return again to
the lost eternally?
Has the ministry of Jesus Christ in this day patterned the day that He was here when
He preached first? When He was a young Galilean prophet, everybody wanted Him in
their church, when He healed the sick and everything.
But when He went to prophesying, and rebuking them, and calling them a bunch of
vipers, right then He started declining, and finally led to His crucifixion, assassination.
The preaching to the lost
But remember, He had another ministry; He preached to the eternal lost and damned,
that didn't repent in the days that they had a chance to repent. Will that ministry
return like that, that the ministry will continue to go on to a lost and damned
people, where there's no mercy to be gotten for them? Think of it, what if it could.
You say, "Is it, Brother Branham?" I don't know. It could be later than we think.
Only ONE messenger for each age receives what the Spirit has to say to that age,
and that ONE MESSENGER is the messenger to the true church. He speaks for
God by revelation to the "churches", BOTH TRUE AND FALSE. The message is
then broadcast TO ALL. But though it is broadcast for all who come within range of
the message, that message is received individually by only a certain qualified group in
a certain way.
Now, there's been all kinds of ministries. God in this last days, I believe, has given us
everything He's got in his book. Everything that He's promised, we've seen. And still, it
seems like the people can't grasp it. Those who are ordained to grasp it, will grasp it.
Only those. It blinds one; opens the eyes of another.
But you notice, just before they entered the promised land, all of the--the differences
that--that had rose up among them. They... One of the great things was Korah. He
didn't want this one--man leadership. Dathan, and how they come up before Moses
and tried to tell him that "the--the message had to mean this," and put a different
interpretation to it, their own ideas of what it was. And they every one perished! Every
Jesus said, "There wasn't none of them but what perished."
They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for the space of forty years,"
(Saint John 6.) Jesus said, "And they are every one dead."
DEAD means "ETERNALLY SEPARATED." They're all dead, yet they enjoyed
hearing the message, yet they enjoyed the manna that fell. Not another manna; the
genuine manna!
Same now. Cain's revelation of the Word done the same thing that these has. What?
Promised her. At the end of time, what promises this Eve now? Listen close now, I'm
closing. What promise to this Eve at the end time? Riches, Laodicea, great name,
great person, rich. "But DEAD, and naked, and don't know it." That's what the
church age ended in.
The preaching to the lost
But she denies the Word. To make Matthew 24:24 real to her, she tries to move in
with a lot of noise, and a lot of this, and a lot of social standings, and things like this,
trying to say, "Well, we got power! Glory to God (Hallelujah.), we got power!" Having a
form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, so close that it would deceive the
very elected...
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of
corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
TITUS 1:16
16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny [him], being abominable, and
disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
You'll cross that line, and you'll never want to do it. You'll still hear the Gospel; sure,
but you'll never accept it. You can't accept it. But the Gospel will be preached to the
doomed, those that are eternally lost, can't get saved no more. You're already in
that spot and don't know it. You think you're living in pleasure and dead while
you're alive. Oh.
HEAR.YE.HIM 56-0611
And God's pardoning grace, God's Divine healing is the property of every believer if
it's received as that. But if it's turned down, then it's of none effect. God is not
guilty, because He's offered it to you.
"If we sin willfully after we receive the knowledge, it's been preached to you, read to
you, proved to you; after we see the knowledge of the truth, and you go ahead and
unbelieve, willfully, there's no more sacrifice for sin.
You know, the Bible said you can believe a lie and be damned by it. See? That's
exactly the truth. They form, no matter what the Word of God says, they lean to
their own understanding. They--they lean on it; they believe it; they think it's the
Truth. You can keep believing a lie over and over and over till it's the truth to you.
That's right.
The preaching to the lost
…they can say, "Oh, we believe the Bible, but not This. We don't believe This. We
believe This was for another age. We believe this is That," because some
denomination has twisted their minds into that cesspool.
When Jesus said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It,
his part will be taken from the Book of Life."
Dear God, think of the disappointments there at judgment when people's lived a
good, clean, holy life, went to church just as loyal as they could be, AND LOST.
…when I think of this world and the thousands that I know that's LOST, BLACK
SHADOWED (Yeah.), then your heart just bleeds. What can you do? What can you...
You just feel the Holy Spirit crying out in your heart. Like it must've been in our Lord
when He looked over Jerusalem, His own people (See?), said, "Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen would her brood, but you
would not." You just feel the Holy Spirit say, "How often I would've gathered you
(See?), but you would not." See?
And you can stand in the Presence of the living God, you can stand under the
anointing of the Spirit and see It moving, and still It won't touch you. You can see what
God said, preached to you perfectly and then manifested, and still won't go in, "don't
believe It," then, there, you are beyond reach. You're ALREADY DEAD, numb,
blinded, gone on. They were completely.
147 The Bible said in Malachi 4 what would happen today, Revelation 10, how the
Seven Seals would be open and reveal all these mysteries that's been hid through
these reformers. He said how it would be done. It's in the Bible, THUS SAITH THE
LORD. God has completely, perfectly identified that and a-vindicated It to be the Truth
by signs, wonders in the heavens and the skies, and everything else for thirty-three
years. You think they'll listen to it? NO, THEY'RE DEAD.
Oh, no wonder, no wonder the damnation of God is heaped up. God put it right
before your eyes, and you shut your eyes and fail to look at it. Shutting up your bowels
of compassion when you see the true Word of God in these Seven Seals being
vindicated and proved to be so, and witnessed in the heavens across the nations
and everywhere else by great signs and wonders that He promised He would do.
Then you shut up and say, "I don't know; I can't help it, I..." See? OH, MY. DEAD,
AND DON'T KNOW IT. Sins and trespasses you're dead. Oh, my.
The preaching to the lost
Like He give Egypt, He give Egypt place to repent. What was that last plague? Was
death. That's the last plague that's hit the Pentecostal church. It's spiritual
DEAD. He gave her place to repent, and she rejected it; now she's dead. She'll
never rise again.
Be awful to think, now, that some of these days that people would be going on
preaching just like they did in the days of Noah, they would be going on just the same,
but to a doomed WORLD that's already the doors is closed. We don't know what
time that might happen.
There's no safety zone but One; that's Christ, the Son of the living God. And there's
only one thing that is the safety zone, and that's Him; all outside of there will
perish just as certain as God said so.
Now, the little--humble little Bride of Christ just simply believes the Word,
whoever She is; it's individuals.
God's calling individuals. "I stand at the door and knock. If any man, any person..."
One individual out of a thousand, it might be one out of a million.
When I think of the blinded human beings in this earth who see, but yet, can't
understand … and still they don't understand. How can it be? Because their eyes are
not open. It's going to open one of these days, my friend, but it'll be too late then.
The time will be gone. And you'll wonder back, "You mean to tell me this, that soand-
so, and such a thing was this, and I didn't know it?" It goes over their head.
They don't catch it. Do you catch what I'm saying? It goes over them. It's
right...Looking for some great something to happen in the future when it's right
now, and you fail to see it.
The preaching to the lost
And that's the way with the world today. It's got plenty to eat, plenty to wear, fine
churches, big places, fine educated ministers. And so they don't need nothing else.
But you don't know the Scriptures said you're naked, miserable, blind and don't
know it. Don't know it! And you can't tell them no different. They continually wade
right on down that line, and fail to let the Word of God influence them to believe Jesus
Christ is raised from the dead and alive today, the same yesterday, today, and
forever, showing Himself alive. They're just simply dead. Everywhere, everywhere
you go seems to be the same thing.
Had to be that way, you know. He has to be put out of the church. There's no way at
all for it to keep from being this way. God said it would be this way. But if... let it shake
you. Let it shake you good. No matter what nation you're in, wherever you're at,
whoever you are, let it wake you up. Hours come and go. The first thing you know,
you'll be saying, "Well, I thought there was supposed to be this happen before
the rapture." There might be a voice come back like it did one time, "It's already
happened and you didn't know it." You'll be all anchored off in a church
somewhere, saying, "I'm just as secure as I can be," and the first thing you
know the rapture will be gone. It's going to be a secret, sudden going--nobody know
nothing about it. The world will keep right on going, like Noah went into the ark.
You remember after Noah went into the ark, he sat there seven days after God closed
the door. God closed the door and Noah sat in the ark for seven days before anything
happened. And the door of mercy will be closed in your face, and might already be.
And just think of it--the people'll go ahead preaching, people'll think they're
getting saved, putting their names on books, joining church, shouting, jumping
up and down.
As we see the great end time signs on earth today, we know that that's right. Now,
look, I've waited for this for a long, long time, for this Message to you (See?), and
you've seen the end time signs. And I've preached it to you and showed it to you by
everything that Christ said. Is that right? You'll admit that. At the end time, I don't see
nothing left. You say, "What about the mark of the beast?" Those who reject the
Holy Spirit, is already marked by the beast. The punishment will come later.
Now, somebody said, "Now, there's going to be a--a mark of the beast; it's going to
come someday." Let me tell you, it's already come.
See? As soon as the Holy Ghost begin to fall, the mark of the beast begin to
take place. See, you only have two things: One of them is, accept It, takes the Seal
of God, To reject It, takes the mark of the beast. To reject the Seal of God is to take
the mark of the beast. Everybody understand?
The preaching to the lost
To reject the Seal of God is to take the mark of the beast, for the Bible said all that
was not sealed by the Seal of God took the mark of the beast. When the trumpet
sounded and all wanted to go free could go, them that didn't was marked. Now, you
see, the mark of the beast, if we talk about it in the future, is when it's going to
be made manifest, when you realize it's what you've already done. See? And so
is the Holy Spirit; It's to be manifested when we see the Lord Jesus coming in
glory, and feel that transforming power, and see the dead rising out of the grave, and
know that in a second longer we'll be changed and have a body like His. It'll be
made manifest. Then to see those who rejected it, will be left down--out--out.
Life belongs to God alone, and He's the only One that handles life. So we must come
to that place to be germitized by the Word of God, or we will never rise again.
Our--our--our life is totally finished when--when we finish this life here. That does it
altogether if we're--if we're not germitized by the--by the Word of God, by the Life of
Notice, God's life, which is in the Greek called Zoe, moving through them and in
them, quickened their minds to His Word. Now, let me say that real quietly now.
The Spirit of God that moves among the people, quickens the mind of the person to
the promise of God…
Now then, when the church becomes hybridized, will it produce pure Christians? It
can't. The life or seed that brings Christians to birth is not in them. Like brings
forth like. The Baptists bring forth more Baptists and they act like Baptists. Methodists
bring forth Methodists and they act like Methodists. Not one is known by the power of
God nor can they be for it's not there. They are known by their ceremonial worship of
God and their creeds and dogmas.
Talk about a hybrid. Do you know the most famous hybrid in the world? It has been
with us for ages. It is the mule. It is a cross between a donkey and a horse. He is a
funny kind of an animal. He can't reproduce himself. He has no life that can do that.
Yet talk about work. He can outwork the horse or the donkey. But watch his nature.
He is stubborn and you can never trust him. He is a perfect picture of hybrid religion.
A cross between truth and darkness, for the horse is a type of the true believer and
the ass a picture of the unrighteous one. Mix them and you have a sterile, formal
religion. It hasn't the seed of life. It is dead. It can talk about truth but it can't
produce it. It doesn't have God in its midst, yet it gathers together and talks about
God, and all the while systematically denies the power. They will deny the Word in the
very Name of the Lord. And there is never any hope for them.
The preaching to the lost
When any man turns from the Word of God and joins a church instead of receiving the
Holy Spirit, that man dies. Dead! That is what he is. Don't join a church. Don't get into
organization and get taken up with creeds and tradition or anything that takes the
place of the Word and the Spirit or you're dead. It's all over. You're dead.
They are getting away from that Word, our own groups are. I am duty bound to a
Message; not to be different, but because of love. Love is corrective. Come back! Stay
away from that thing! You ministering brothers, I don't care what your groups does,
stay away from it! Stay out of it! It's the mark of the beast, stay away from it!
See, Jesus is knocking in this Laodicea age. See where they put Him out? He is trying
to get to individuals, not--not organizations and groups of people. He is trying to get
one here, and one there, and one there, trying.
…my opinion, the last member will be caught up one of these days. It might come,
and you wouldn't know nothing about it. Remember, it's a secret, secret catching
…the Holy Spirit is here to find you; and when It finds you, you recognize His call.
You know the hour you're living. You know that these things are supposed to happen,
quickly you're raptured up to meet it, and now you're setting in heavenly places
in Christ Jesus. Oh, what a promise. What a heavenly Father Who would give us
these things.
Notice, when Jesus came and manifested the Word, because the Word discerned the
thoughts that was in the heart (as Hebrews 4 says It will--4:12--that He would)... The
Word was a discerner of the thoughts of the heart, and He came as the Son of man,
the Prophet. What happened? This priest with only intellectual learning said, "It's a
devil," because that's what his denomination called it. What did it do? He had no
representation, so it blacked him out.
The preaching to the lost
Notice the little woman at the well….
He said, "By the way, go get your husband and come here."
And she said, "I don't have any husband."
"Why," He said, "you've told the truth (See?), because you've had five, and the one
you now have is not your husband." See? Watch. Something happened (See?);
something took Life. Now, if it hadn't have been in there to begin with, if she
hadn't have had representation from predestination, it'd never took hold.
There stood priests there, said, "This man's Beelzebub." See, no representation.
Eternal Life, "you always was." See, you have Eternal Life, there's only one form of it;
that's God. You were His attribute, He thought of you and knowed you before the
foundation of the world in His mind. See? She looked around. Look what a--what a
sinful shape she was in. But, see, He couldn't--He couldn't get that priest, because
the priest was a educated scholar, a theologian in the Word, but no representation in
heaven (See?), wasn't in God's thinking at all. But this woman was. She said,
"Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." That's just all He wanted her to see. See?
And that's the way it is with every born-again believer. You can hear all the theology
you want to, and all the manmade discrepancy; but when that Word flashes out
there, then there is something takes a hold, you come to It. "You who were once
dead in sin; that life has He quickened." THERE HAS TO BE A LIFE THERE TO
QUICKEN TO, FIRST. God, by His foreknowledge, knowed all things. And we were
predestinated to be sons and daughters of God. "Ye who were once dead in sin and
trespasses, wherein we all had our times past, but hath He quickened."
60 …if He is a Redeemer, He come... To "redeem" is to pick up that which has
fallen, to redeem back to a place where it was at the beginning. So none will be
picked up but them that was in His thoughts at the beginning. He come to
redeem, not this cannon fodder that we see around professing to be Christians,
but that He came to redeem that was in God's thinking at the beginning. This other is
just something that's makes around to show the statue. See? It just... It's a--it's a
garden, a flower garden. It plays its part. But the statue's what you want to see, the
Statue of Christ, which was God projected to the earth in the form of a man. Amen.
That's the Statue you want to see. That's the one. This other is just makeup for it. You
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