Let’s consider the requisite elements of the identity of the woman of the 6th Vision.
RE: the 6th Vision, is there any female political figure, anywhere that PERFECTLY
fits each and every one of the following criteria? Can you with sincere conviction
place Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Nancey Palosi, Geraldine Ferraro, Sandra O’
Conner, Condoleezza Rice, or any other past or future woman politician’s name
with each of the following prophet’s descriptive characteristics, and say, ‘yes,
that’s her, absolutely fulfilled by her’… ?
"a great woman stand up in the United States"
"being beautiful and attractive"
"dressed in real highly royals like purple"
“a woman stand in the United States like a great queen”
"beautiful looking"
"some great powerful woman"
"but cruel in heart"
"beautiful to look at"
"but a cruel wicked heart"
"will take over the whole nation"
"take over in this United States and rule"
"the nation bowed to her"
“she'll lead the nation to pollution”
“she made the nation step--go to her step”
You can not arbitrarily select certain prophetic portions of this vision, and ignore
parts that are as equally important. We were directed that ALL must line up.
For example, if you determine the woman to be a carnal literal woman, then why
wouldn’t ALL her dress be literally the color of purple?, If we accept the woman on
the basis of gender only, again a carnal assumption, then why isn’t it just as
important that she be literally: notably, remarkably beautiful and attractive with a
wicked and cruel heart? And who can determine what type of “heart” a political
woman persona may have?
Imagine waiting for some woman to come TO LEAD this nation to pollution.... a
nominal person can look around and see the USA is absolutely filthy, polluted
enough to vomit; from its moral basis to the sewer spewed out daily from
Hollywood. Again, another errant assumption of something supposedly to come
with the appearing of a literal woman manifestation of the 6th Vision.
Why then, the prophetic “woman” symbol in the 6th Vision?
And I said, "It will come to pass before the end time comes that there will be a great woman
stand up in the United States, because the United States is marked woman.
Why is it a woman's nation? Because it's leading right up to the domination of Catholicism.
We saw this very thing April 2008, with the White House giving the Pope the
greatest reception and accolade ever bestowed upon a foreign head… in the
history of the United States.
According to the 6th Vision prophecy, one can believe a literal woman politician is
yet to rise, or one can believe the woman in the vision was the spiritual
application of the rise to power of the Woman of Rev 17, in the USA.
The rise of Roman Catholicism in the USA has been a long drawn out battle ever
since America was founded. As Br Branham pointed out, the founding fathers
came here to flee her persecution. Ever since America was born, the Vatican
powers have been trying to conquer this nation and make it into the same
Church-state satellite as seen in Ireland, Spain, and Mexico. Abraham Lincoln
spoke of the Jesuit plots against this nation as very real, beginning with
grassroots efforts, spreading from hospices and schools, to politics and media.
The basic principles of American freedom of religion were overcame in the 20th
Century, as prophesied in 1933, when by popular vote the American public voted
into power the very system the founding fathers fled from across the Atlantic. The
Presidency was captured by a Catholic who would not take the Presidential oath of
freedom for all. This culminated a joining of church and state, and the power
thereof offered obeisance to Rome. Since that time, Roman Catholicism
permeates American politics, in all parties and affiliations.
The Rise of Roman Catholicism did not stop there, nor was it isolated to one man,
one presidential term, one First Lady, or one decade. The successful Rise of
Roman Catholicism in the USA was also manifested with the Ecumenical
Movement of Unity and the full cooperation of the National Council of Churches,
and the World Council of Churches, i.e., the “Confederation of Churches.” This we
know as the “image unto the beast.” The world headquarters facility was built in
New York City, (notice, in the USA.) During the time of the preaching of the Seals,
Vatican II, or as Br Branham referred to it, the Ecumenical Council was in
progress. The pope was gathering and uniting sects that had been divided and
separated for centuries. Unity has been the priority of every pope since. Most
notably, in the USA, the Pentecostals groups and nominal denominations were
swept into fellowship and cooperation with the ecumenical net. Remember now,
the American churches were independent until this time.
As a conquering king, the pope came to this nation the very first time in 1965, as
Br Branham declared he came as “the false head to the false bride”. Since that
time every single US president has sought the pope’s counsel time and again.
Every president since Kennedy has either received the pope in the USA, or been
received by him at the Vatican. Records show many of the USA First Ladies, vicepresidents,
and cabinet members traveling to the Vatican for meetings with the
pope, as well. Today, American financial institutions, corporations, politics, media,
schools, and churches are persuaded by the Woman of Rev 17.
This is how the nation walks to her step.
This is how the nation was led by her to pollution
This is how she wears high royals of purple
This is how she is beautiful yet cruel of heart
This is how the country is “dominated” by her
This is how this nation “bows” to her
This is how she takes over in the United States and rules
“Watch the purple curtain” was not told as a trivial thing. I believe it was meant
for us to recognize what has been going on and see the Rise of Roman
Catholicism and the fulfillment of vision and Scripture just before the destruction
of the USA. How far reaching is the power of the Woman of Rev 17, in the USA
today? Compare what we have today, with what it was in 1933.
Now, let me say this so it won't hurt, but you'll know what I mean. There's another curtain. It's
called the purple curtain. You watch that one. That's the one you watch. It's going to take
over. You be careful. See? It's going to be so deceitful, it'd deceive the very elected if
possible. See?
97 Uniting denominational, Protestantism fulfills exactly what the Scripture said of
Revelations 17. "All whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life was--belong to
her." One or the other. You're either beast or the image of the beast. The Bible said so.
67 The Jew--Jews united themselves against Jesus, as their--as their Messiah. Therefore,
we see what happened. We see the same thing now: Communism uniting to destroy the
church, after the church has united in the World Council of Churches and trying to destroy the
Message, the Word of God. They tried to get rid of It. The only thing they can do is to draw
themselves a council, because that they are separated; a little group here, the Methodists,
and Baptists, and Lutherans, and Presbyterians, Church of Christ, and so forth like that. They
can't do nothing, 'cause this one will be against this one, this one be against the other one;
their doctrine is just as much difference as the east is from the west. See, they can't do it. But
once together under one big head, they got it. They got it then.
That's where the Catholics are so in unity, the Roman Catholic, 'course they're in a unity,
they're the majority is the Roman Catholic; the Greek and other Catholics are--are not as
much as the Roman Catholic. Now, they unite together, and that's the reason they stand
together. No matter what takes place, that pope is the head of everything.
You see where that pope come over here the other day? Did you notice all them thirteen's that
happened then? He spoke thirteen words, had thirteen taking communion, spoke in Yankee
Stadium, which is thirteen. Everything was thirteen.
And our nation's number's thirteen, appears in the 13th chapter of Revelation: thirteen stripes,
thirteen stars, thirteen bars, thirteen numbers on the coins, thirteen stars on the coin,
everything's thirteen, and a woman.
And here comes the pope, the head to the woman, the false antichrist to the false bride of
science. (Which, our world, our American eastern world here--or western world, has led the
world, in science.), comes to her in his scientific church, and now all Protestants is bowing
to him (See?), on thirteen. You see it? Everything is in a thirteen. Our whole nation,
everything else is thirteen, a woman's world. See? Here we are; we got it.
And so is this great nation of ours. We come here, and on Plymouth Rock this nation was
founded on freedom of religion because our forefathers had fled Roman persecution of the
modern Jezebel system, and had come up, and stood many great persecutions and
martyrdom under that false system of Jezebel.
But the voice of politics is so much stronger in the earth today than the Voice of God, until
people sold their Christian birthright for a mess of popularity, education, and political power.
It's such a shame to see it. The very thing that our nation was made, what it's made on, the
people turned right back around and--and voted in the thing that we left the other country. And
the--and the PLYMOUTH ROCK, and Mayflower, and them, the--come over here and--and
established this great economy that we have... Is the very thing that we fought so hard to
come out of, we've put ourselves right back in its clutches, because that the Bible speaks
it would be that way.
And tonight that's the reason this nation stays... She's doomed; there's no hope for it at all.
She's crossed the line between judgment and mercy. And she's elected in what she has
here to control the nation; and she's rotten to the core.
It won't help a bit. She's gone now. She's crossed that line about five years ago between
repentance, judgment, and mercy.
Br Branham denotes 3 things that coincide with the fulfillment of the 6th Vision.
1. women would be permitted to vote (by the 19th Amendment 1920, that
2. the women would help elect the wrong president (40 years later that
happened, Kennedy was voted in, 1960)
3. FROM THIS The Catholic Church would come to power fulfilling the 6th Vision
No person today can become elected President as a direct result of Kennedy’s
presidential influence, yet we are told to notice this event as it represents
Scripture fulfilled, and facilitates a behind the scenes rule of power by the Catholic
Church in this nation. Make no mistake, the condition the United States is in
spiritually has continued to wax worse and worse, in complete domination by the
Catholic Church, Jezebel system.
Oh, my. We're ripe for damnation. There's nothing left but judgment. That's right. She isn't
very old. Revelations 13 said this nation wouldn't live very long, anyhow. You know that. The
little lamb raised up and never did come a ram like the rest of them. It died in its youth. That's
right. When the ecclesiastical power and civil powers met together with those two little horns
of the ram, then united church and state... And we're almost doing it RIGHT NOW. It just
depends on which way the wave blows when they have another election. And we're
almost at it RIGHT NOW.
It never dawned upon my heart so much until the--the last election, and then I seen
where we were at. And the Holy Spirit begin to reveal to me to--to warn the people and to
place this.
How many remembers THAT VISION here in the church? Sure. Said that how that even
KENNEDY would be elected in this last election.
The birth of Catholicism... In order to do this, to catch the--the eyes of the Christians and
also the eyes of the pagans, to weld them together and make one church... Oh, I wish I had
that just now, a piece of paper somebody laid up here the other night. I was going to bring it,
and I forgot it; so many things laying around in the room there. They're doing the very same
thing right now, and you started it when you elected the last MAN you elected. They are
working now to find even a Bible that won't hurt the Catholic, nor the Jew, nor the Protestant.
They're going to make them a Bible that'll fit the whole thing. CAN'T YOU SEE the
cunningness of ANOTHER CONSTANTINE?History's just repeating itself back.
The great Nicene Council had taken place in A.D. 325; all of them was brought together; the
bishops and fathers of the Christian faith was brought together at Nicaea. That's the reason
it's called the Nicaea Council, in A.D. 325. And about fifteen hundred delegates came to the--
the--the convention, or the council, about fifteen hundred delegates, and the laity
outnumbered the bishops five to one in the delegation; but yet, through the Nicolaitanes (the
cold formals) and Constantine's politicianal plan, they outvoted the true church, and won the
victory, and issued in bishops a holy order of men; taking this--the Holy Spirit from the
meeting, and placing it upon bishops, cardinals, and popes, and so forth. The same crooked
deal that the Democrat party played in this last thing... Now, that's right. Now, we're not...
I'd... And the Republicans would be just as lowdown. But I'm talking about one thing that they
proved (Edgar Hoover) in California and many other places: they had those voting machines
placed to where you'd vote for Mr. Nixon; you had to vote for--for Kennedy the same time.
That was a crooked outfit back there, and here's the birth of it again, to get in a certain
MAN, to get over a certain doctrine: Nicolaitane doctrine, which was once just a--a deeds,
now it's become a doctrine. The days of AL SMITH it was a deeds, but NOW it's a doctrine.
Uh-huh, uh-huh. NOW, it's here; it's upon us. "Oh, he'll make a jim-dandy president,"
there's no doubt about that in my mind; certainly, and for that next term, till he can get welded
in, get these pagan and Christian formals weld together.
A few years ago, when they had--the Pentecostals first broke out, it saved the nation a
few years ago when AL SMITH was going to run. America knowed better then. But
Pentecost got so worldly it went right on in and sold their rights as a Christian to
politics, and its politics ahead of the Bible. Oh, my.
There's a lot of similarity to--to Israel. They come in and took a land, and drove out the
occupants, and set up their own system there. And--and that's the same way America did,
drove back the Indians and set up our system. Israel had a great man among them. They had
like Solomon and--and David and great warriors. We had great men, Washington and Lincoln.
But finally there comes something to the throne that through politics has brought in there. And
it wasn't Ahab. He was a pretty good guy himself. But that woman behind him...
You know the Bible speaks that same thing in the last day here? And you, loving your
political... You Democrats, loving your political stand more than you did your Bible and
God, and you elected that. I'm not a Republican. I'm a Christian. I'm here for one thing. Talk
about selling birthrights, we have did it. Certainly you have. And now you've got it, what are
you going to do with it? You had to do it to fulfill this Scripture, and the people seen that.
ONCE.MORE_ NY.NY 63-1117
...they would elect the wrong President. And in this would be a woman stand up that
would govern the United States: not actually a woman, but a church. Then I seen her
with nothing but ashes.
Ahab was nothing but a figurehead for Jezebel. That's all this will be, just a figurehead. He
won't do it himself, but that system behind him will drive him to it. That's exactly right.
Pinch your conscience, you Christians. Wake yourself up; it's later than you think. The
condition that we're in...
...watch that purple curtain. She's setting right here on the throne today in this
Remember, just like Ahab did, and Jezebel behind him, that's... The Bible calls the Catholic
church Jezebel, prostitute. And Ahab wasn't no bad guy; I don't say that Mr. Kennedy isn't a
nice man; I don't know nothing about him. He's a man; that's all I know. He's the President; I
believe he will make a good president. It's not him; it's that system behind him. Wait till
she gets wormed into the Cabinet and everywhere she can, then watch what happens.
E-85 Now, Ahab was a pretty good fellow. It was... He--he wanted to do right, but he
couldn't do right for that woman of his. Now, I ain't nothing against the man that I was
speaking about a few minutes ago. He might be a good man. But it's that system of that
harlot behind him that twists his neck. That's the thing's going to do it. Come in like--just
as easy as he can, like that, and flash the whole thing down.
Then you say, "Brother Branham, last Sunday you said 'There wasn't a hope.'" Yes. "Why?"
It's spurned its call. It's got to receive it. It's going to receive it. There's coming a time when
this nation's going to go to pieces. I saw it in 1933. See? I looked off...
You said, you might've said, "Well, it didn't happen then."
But it's going to happen. Neither was Mussolini in power; neither was the Maginot Line built;
neither did the car look like an egg in them days, and the things; neither did the women elect
a President that would look like a--a college boy, and all these other things; neither
would there be a Catholic President, and so forth, spoke of. About thirty years ago, or more,
these things were predicted, but He only showed me way off down to the end.
And as that thing approaches, time by time, that cup's filling up.
And Israel was the leading nation of the world in her days, because they had great godly
men, men like David, like Solomon, men of honor, man of integrity, men that knowed God and
trusted God. But one day, there come a renegade that got elected to the throne, and that was
Ahab, a borderline believer.
This nation was known all over the world as the leading nation, 'cause we'd had godly men
behind it: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, men like that who trusted God and feared
God. But just as Israel made its mistake and put Ahab in, we did the same thing not long
…But let me tell you; you thought some much of your politics instead of God's Bible, you let it
come right in and take over. God's first. What are we here for freedom of religion of what?
That Jezebel system. Our President now is married to that Jezebel system. Exactly right.
Just as it was then, so is it now. It ain't him that... I've... Mr... The President, I have nothing
against him. But that system behind it...
…You've ANCHORED the whole nation and sold out your God-given birthrights to the
very thing that you brought here for, for freedom from. That's exactly right. Amen. I didn't
aim to get on that.
It's too late now. That's to fulfill prophecy.
Is there any politician you know who would fit perfectly all the aspects of Jezebel?
How can an elected man politician (wrong gender) fit into the prophesy of the
woman of the 6th vision?
How can any man or woman bring on a "wave of stuff," "heaping of sin" or
"pollution" to an entire nation?
How can one politician represent an undermining of the principles of the founding
fathers of the USA?
Why was it important to know "America knowed better" than elect Al Smith in the
1928 presidential election, but the election of Kennedy in 1960, "they'll pay for it".
Why? They were both aspiring to be the first Catholic president of the USA.
There is only one answer that connects the entirety of the prophesy of who the
woman is of the 6th vision: Romanism/Catholiscim.
Remember, Jezebel, she calls herself a prophetess to subdue the people, and she says that
she is the only voice of God on the earth. She'll make the carnal mind believe that as sure as
the world.
There'll come a worship of a woman in the United States, and that'll be Mary. I seen it, thirty--
1931. Seven things happened. I got it right on paper here with me, wrote it in 1931. How that I
said, "This President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, he will cause all the world, help do it, send the
world to war." Hadn't come to war yet, during times of depression. I said, "Another thing..."
And my mother, a square-back Democrat, if she didn't look at me hard when I said that. I said,
"I don't care if there's a Republican or if he was a Socialist or whatever he is, this is THUS
And I said, "Doing this, they're permitting women to vote. And when they do that, they done
one of the greatest disgraces this nation ever done." And I said, "Someday they'll pay for
it." And they did at this last election. That's what elected him: women.
And you precious colored people in the south, how you voted. You say, "You have no
business saying that in the pulpit." Oh, yes I have; it's the Word of God. And the stain of--of
Abraham Lincoln, the one that freed you, laying yonder in that museum on a woman's dress,
and you sell your birthright. Shame on you.
And you people, for politics, because you're just a good Democrat, voted for something like
that and sold your birthrights of Americanism and Christianity to give it over to the prostitute
that run us in this nation, what made us what we was. See how she's been creeping in real
easy, until NOW she's on the throne (Sure.), the White House throne.
Watch! Already... Did you see the other day about the Catholic schools and Protestant
schools? Support the Catholic school but not the Protestant school. Oh, brother, you watch for
a wave of stuff coming forth now. Notice, and as they did it, look what taken place. All this sin
heaping in, got to a place and got the nation in that kind of a staggering place...
A few years ago, when they had--the Pentecostals first broke out, it saved the nation a few
years ago when Al Smith was going to run. America knowed better then. But Pentecost
got so worldly it went right on in and sold their rights as a Christian to politics, and its politics
ahead of the Bible. Oh, my.
Now, just a minute, and watch just how this comes out. Now, we find out what they did and
the things they did; we see it parallel in here just exactly, sin on every hand. Jezebel
come in; she bewitched all the people. And notice, finally she begin to build big shrines to
Baalim. Is that right? And the Baalim priests flocked from everywhere to get into that place,
and begin to contaminate the land with Baalim worship. Look how they done; look how they've
weeded in. Just the things they done, look where they're at today. Look at Catholicism
swallowing up, swallowing up, swallowing up; marrying into it, breaking this, just exactly
what Daniel said they'd do:
Notice for the first time in history, all three branches of the U.S. government are
headed up by Catholic representation.
Supreme Court: 6 of 9 judges are Catholic
Congress: The House, Nancy Pelosi, The Senate, VP Joseph Biden (both Catholic)
The President: Obama
Is Obama, Catholic controlled?
Look at today, the minister of war and, oh, so many different offices and President, and this
nation is all Catholic controlled.
Same now, letting Rome take over, why, we're doing it all the time. She's took the
government; she's taking the places; she's taking the people; now she's taking the churches.
What are we doing? Setting still, agreeing with them.
The catholic case for OBAMA 58 pages
PATRICK WHELAN MD, PHD Founder of Catholic Democrats
Before he was a devoted husband and father, or a U.S. Senator, or a presidential candidate of
historic accomplishments, Barack Obama took a job working as a community organizer
for a group of 8 Catholic parishes in one of the nation’s largest cities. With funding from
the U.S. Bishops and working for three years out of an office in a Catholic church
rectory, he embarked on a campaign to empower the lives of thousands of people who were
suffering through economic circumstances not unlike what has befallen our country today. This
booklet tells the story of his early exposure to Catholicism, compares the contours of his public
life with the Catholic Social Tradition, and explores the reasons why many Catholics will be
enthusiastically voting in 2008 to elect Barack Obama as the next president.
— Victoria Reggie Kennedy
Hyannis Port, Massachusetts
This book is about one candidate for President, Senator Barack Obama, and
his relationship with American Roman Catholics. Senator Obama has drawn the support of
millions of Catholics across the United States. We explore here the reasons why so many
Catholics have chosen to support him, an act rooted for many in what it means to be an
American Catholic today. In doing so, perhaps we will shed some light on how American
Catholics connect their faith and politics. Reading this may persuade some people to vote for
Senator Obama. We hope you are one of them. At the very least, we think that it will give you
a more accurate picture of him and his relationship to Catholicism.
According to national exit polls, 54 percent of Catholics chose Obama election nite.
Presidents George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan nominated every Catholic
currently on the Supreme Court: Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence
Thomas, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito.
Sonia Sotomayor's appointment to the Supreme Court provides the sixth Catholic
vote on a nine-person court.
Ask yourself why our presidents have repeatedly, shown obeisance to the vatican
from the Kennedy era on?
The United States and the Vatican established full diplomatic ties in 1984. Why
did President Reagan do this? After reading the following, do we expect Obama to
do anything different?
President Reagan made no secret of the fact that he calls on the pope for
guidance in the governing of America. See his incredible statement before the
National Catholic Education Association in April 1982:
"I am grateful for your help in shaping American policy to reflect God's will... and I will
look forward to further guidance from His Holiness Pope John Paul II during an audience I will
have with him in June."
During a speech to a group of conservatives on February 18, 1983, Reagan made
the statement that the attempted assassination of the pope was "an assault on
God." Can it be that the president receives the words of the pope as if they were
actually words or instructions direct from God?
On August 6, 1984, columnist Mary McGrory offered that Mr. Reagan comes on as
more Catholic than the Pope:
“Catholic issues seem to consume him ........ Reagan's motivation now seems to be his inability
to tolerate the "oppression of the Church" to which the Pope has attested.... John Kennedy may
be smiling somewhere at the sight of an American president wrapping himself in the arms of
Holy Mother Church... By contrast, Reagan is going out of his way to show that with him there
is no separation of church and state. He wants it known that there is a direct line between
him and the Pope, that he seeks counsel from the Vatican City. Reagan took the
extraordinary step of inviting the Pope's ambassador, Pio Laghi, to his Santa Barbara ranch for
consultation on delicate foreign policy questions.”
Every President since Kennedy has sought the counsel of the pope, regardless of
their denomination. We even saw 4 presidents travel to the Vatican and literally
bow before the dead corpse of the last one. The influence of the Vatican is
apparent, as the pope is recognized by the American leaders as a mentor and
consul. Have you read what Abraham Lincoln had to say about the Vatican and
how different that opinion is from presidents today?
Listen to Lincoln's words which have been edited out of all history books. They are
absolutely chilling. (remember 100 years after the election of Lincoln, (1860)
Kennedy was elected, (1960).
"This (civil) war would never have been possible without the sinister
influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land
reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great
differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question
of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the
Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on
the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the
money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were
at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the
bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize
that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood
shed in this war. I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the
knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this
war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once, take a
tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as
all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both
sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely
unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear
what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city
of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the
priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under
the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their
schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but
the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of
Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people
from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a
reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain,
and wherever there are any people who want to be free.
"Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to
hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse
and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am
for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I
cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the
Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils,
theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to bum my
wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their
opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today.
But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to
every one that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are
sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death
those who differ from him in religion."
“If the American people could learn what I know of the fierce hatred of the priests of Rome
against our institutions, our schools, our most sacred rights, and our so dearly bought liberties,
they would drive them out as traitors.” – President Abraham Lincoln
The 6th Vision is clearly a mystery. It is also integral to the prophet's ministry.
(Remember history repeats itself, especially prophetic types.)
1. The USA types Israel of old.
a. both had Godly men in the beginning
b. both had Ahab and Jezebel rise
c. both had Elijah and his ministry rise against them
d. Ahab, Jezebel, and Elijah ALL appear at the same time with the same end
result for both Israel and the USA
2. The Beast system came to power just as the Image to the Beast came to
a. as the beast raised to power at Nicea so does the image to the beast
1. Nicea Council, The Ecumenical Council (Vatican II) mirror each other
2. Constantine merged religious and political power for complete control
3. USA politics elected the first Catholic president, merging of ecclesiastical
power with political power for complete control
4. From the 1960 election forward, Catholicism has gained control of the United
States in every political aspect.
5. Nicea and Vatican II, apostasy went from deeds to doctrine
(As a footnote, do not be sidetracked by USA political parties… notice the term
“political power” includes BOTH of them.)
Br Branham clearly taught the last thing, the last sign, the last manifestation
promised to the gentiles, was the appearing of the son of man ministry. It
happened, and there is nothing left but judgment. Exactly typing Sodom. It is my
belief that means there is nothing left but the 7th Vision. I find it impossible to
explain away time after time his insistence there is nothing left. The only choice
you have is to simply ignore them to cling to a notion something else must
transpire first for the gentile bride, before she is taken.
Brother, sister, I don't know, in my Bible, of any other thing God promised to do before the
rapture of the Church. I don't. You're thinking of a mark of the beast, coming; I've told you, it's,
they done got it. See? The next thing left is for the rapture of the Church. It could come
at any time, and not disrupt any Scripture in the Bible, as far as I know it. God knows
that's true. Yes, sir. The time is at hand. It's later than we think.
Now, the next thing left is the translation of the church…
54 There is not a thing left, my Christian friend, but the coming of the Lord Jesus
Christ. That's the only hope that the church has.
There is not another thing that I know to happen but the rapture, the coming of the Lord
Jesus Christ. It's all ready.
Let's think of the Laodicea church age, and its condition, today. As far as I know, I don't see
anything to hinder at this time the coming of the Lord Jesus, outside of the readiness of
His church.
16 That's God Himself doing His Own interpretation, interpreting. He don't need anybody to
interpret Him, He interprets Himself by manifesting what He promised that He would do.
Oh, if the church could only see that and see the promises that's lotted for each age! All
other ages, God has sent on the scene (even down through the seven church ages) and has
manifested everything that He promised to do. Everything, there's not one thing left
undone. Exactly! What He said He would do, that He did.
74 …can't you wake up, my brother? Or does it blind you? Would you throw it out and call it
false prophecy when it's vindicated right before you by the world, by the time, by the peoples,
and by the Holy Spirit Who wrote It. It's vindicated both naturally, spiritually, materially.
Everything that He said is fulfilled and proven.
And God giving these gifts and messages to the people, and they turn them down, then there
is nothing left but judgment.
181 There is a coming blessing just as the same as there is a coming wrath. Oh, we
have to be looking for one of it tonight. You have to either be looking for the wrath to fall
upon you and for destruction, or either you have to be looking for the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus.
Remember, that was the last thing that Abraham saw before the fire fell and judged the
Gentile world, and before the promised son came on the scene: Isaac. This is the last thing
that the Christian church will see in the sign of miracle until the appearing of Jesus
Christ. If God has give me favor before you, believe me in the Name of the Lord: there's
nothing else left in the Bible to be done but take on the mark of the beast; and you have
the Seal of God.
20-3 This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, and the Seven Seals had the
mysteries hid of what it all was, and is supposed to open it in the last day, at the Laodicean
age, at the end of time. Thanks be to God, that finishes the Message to the Church. That
finishes it, when they look back and see what has been, and see where it's all brought up
to, that finishes it, the age of the church.
28 …there is a portion of Word laid for every age. And there is some anointing comes
down, that projects that portion of Word for that age. And you see where we're at today. Read
what we're supposed to be doing, then you'll know how far we are. I only see one thing left,
the coming of the Lord Jesus, at any time, a rapture for the Church, and we're to meet
Him in the air. Now these things has got to come to pass in this day, just as He promised that
He would do it.
42-1 Can't you see, Spirit-filled people, something's fixing to happen? Don't look for some
great big universal something sweeping, nothing but the coming of the Lord Jesus.
Remember, just remember the words and promise of the Lord. Won't you come on in right
quick? Get away from them big walls. The resurrection is near at hand now.
963-194 And what was the last sign they had before that promised son that they'd waited on all
these years re--come back? Was God standing in the form of a Man and could discern the
thoughts that was in Sarah's heart (Sarah being the church, representing the church)--discern the
thoughts that's in the church that was even behind Him. Is that right? And immediately after that,
she changed back to a young woman and him a young man; and Isaac was brought on the scene,
the promised son.
I believe you're seeing the last thing that'll happen to the church before the rapture.
That's exactly. I believe it. The rain is over.
217 What more do you want to see? Remember, I tell you in the Name of the Lord, if you
regard me to be His servant, this is the last sign that the church will see, according to the
Scripture. That was the last thing that Abraham seen done before the promised son arrived.
And we are the royal Seed of Abraham, and Jesus promised the royal Seed to see the same
thing that Abraham seen, just before the Gentile world burned.
Let’s consider the requisite elements of the identity of the woman of the 6th Vision.
RE: the 6th Vision, is there any female political figure, anywhere that PERFECTLY
fits each and every one of the following criteria? Can you with sincere conviction
place Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Nancey Palosi, Geraldine Ferraro, Sandra O’
Conner, Condoleezza Rice, or any other past or future woman politician’s name
with each of the following prophet’s descriptive characteristics, and say, ‘yes,
that’s her, absolutely fulfilled by her’… ?
"a great woman stand up in the United States"
"being beautiful and attractive"
"dressed in real highly royals like purple"
“a woman stand in the United States like a great queen”
"beautiful looking"
"some great powerful woman"
"but cruel in heart"
"beautiful to look at"
"but a cruel wicked heart"
"will take over the whole nation"
"take over in this United States and rule"
"the nation bowed to her"
“she'll lead the nation to pollution”
“she made the nation step--go to her step”
You can not arbitrarily select certain prophetic portions of this vision, and ignore
parts that are as equally important. We were directed that ALL must line up.
For example, if you determine the woman to be a carnal literal woman, then why
wouldn’t ALL her dress be literally the color of purple?, If we accept the woman on
the basis of gender only, again a carnal assumption, then why isn’t it just as
important that she be literally: notably, remarkably beautiful and attractive with a
wicked and cruel heart? And who can determine what type of “heart” a political
woman persona may have?
Imagine waiting for some woman to come TO LEAD this nation to pollution.... a
nominal person can look around and see the USA is absolutely filthy, polluted
enough to vomit; from its moral basis to the sewer spewed out daily from
Hollywood. Again, another errant assumption of something supposedly to come
with the appearing of a literal woman manifestation of the 6th Vision.
Why then, the prophetic “woman” symbol in the 6th Vision?
And I said, "It will come to pass before the end time comes that there will be a great woman
stand up in the United States, because the United States is marked woman.
Why is it a woman's nation? Because it's leading right up to the domination of Catholicism.
We saw this very thing April 2008, with the White House giving the Pope the
greatest reception and accolade ever bestowed upon a foreign head… in the
history of the United States.
According to the 6th Vision prophecy, one can believe a literal woman politician is
yet to rise, or one can believe the woman in the vision was the spiritual
application of the rise to power of the Woman of Rev 17, in the USA.
The rise of Roman Catholicism in the USA has been a long drawn out battle ever
since America was founded. As Br Branham pointed out, the founding fathers
came here to flee her persecution. Ever since America was born, the Vatican
powers have been trying to conquer this nation and make it into the same
Church-state satellite as seen in Ireland, Spain, and Mexico. Abraham Lincoln
spoke of the Jesuit plots against this nation as very real, beginning with
grassroots efforts, spreading from hospices and schools, to politics and media.
The basic principles of American freedom of religion were overcame in the 20th
Century, as prophesied in 1933, when by popular vote the American public voted
into power the very system the founding fathers fled from across the Atlantic. The
Presidency was captured by a Catholic who would not take the Presidential oath of
freedom for all. This culminated a joining of church and state, and the power
thereof offered obeisance to Rome. Since that time, Roman Catholicism
permeates American politics, in all parties and affiliations.
The Rise of Roman Catholicism did not stop there, nor was it isolated to one man,
one presidential term, one First Lady, or one decade. The successful Rise of
Roman Catholicism in the USA was also manifested with the Ecumenical
Movement of Unity and the full cooperation of the National Council of Churches,
and the World Council of Churches, i.e., the “Confederation of Churches.” This we
know as the “image unto the beast.” The world headquarters facility was built in
New York City, (notice, in the USA.) During the time of the preaching of the Seals,
Vatican II, or as Br Branham referred to it, the Ecumenical Council was in
progress. The pope was gathering and uniting sects that had been divided and
separated for centuries. Unity has been the priority of every pope since. Most
notably, in the USA, the Pentecostals groups and nominal denominations were
swept into fellowship and cooperation with the ecumenical net. Remember now,
the American churches were independent until this time.
As a conquering king, the pope came to this nation the very first time in 1965, as
Br Branham declared he came as “the false head to the false bride”. Since that
time every single US president has sought the pope’s counsel time and again.
Every president since Kennedy has either received the pope in the USA, or been
received by him at the Vatican. Records show many of the USA First Ladies, vicepresidents,
and cabinet members traveling to the Vatican for meetings with the
pope, as well. Today, American financial institutions, corporations, politics, media,
schools, and churches are persuaded by the Woman of Rev 17.
This is how the nation walks to her step.
This is how the nation was led by her to pollution
This is how she wears high royals of purple
This is how she is beautiful yet cruel of heart
This is how the country is “dominated” by her
This is how this nation “bows” to her
This is how she takes over in the United States and rules
“Watch the purple curtain” was not told as a trivial thing. I believe it was meant
for us to recognize what has been going on and see the Rise of Roman
Catholicism and the fulfillment of vision and Scripture just before the destruction
of the USA. How far reaching is the power of the Woman of Rev 17, in the USA
today? Compare what we have today, with what it was in 1933.
Now, let me say this so it won't hurt, but you'll know what I mean. There's another curtain. It's
called the purple curtain. You watch that one. That's the one you watch. It's going to take
over. You be careful. See? It's going to be so deceitful, it'd deceive the very elected if
possible. See?
97 Uniting denominational, Protestantism fulfills exactly what the Scripture said of
Revelations 17. "All whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life was--belong to
her." One or the other. You're either beast or the image of the beast. The Bible said so.
67 The Jew--Jews united themselves against Jesus, as their--as their Messiah. Therefore,
we see what happened. We see the same thing now: Communism uniting to destroy the
church, after the church has united in the World Council of Churches and trying to destroy the
Message, the Word of God. They tried to get rid of It. The only thing they can do is to draw
themselves a council, because that they are separated; a little group here, the Methodists,
and Baptists, and Lutherans, and Presbyterians, Church of Christ, and so forth like that. They
can't do nothing, 'cause this one will be against this one, this one be against the other one;
their doctrine is just as much difference as the east is from the west. See, they can't do it. But
once together under one big head, they got it. They got it then.
That's where the Catholics are so in unity, the Roman Catholic, 'course they're in a unity,
they're the majority is the Roman Catholic; the Greek and other Catholics are--are not as
much as the Roman Catholic. Now, they unite together, and that's the reason they stand
together. No matter what takes place, that pope is the head of everything.
You see where that pope come over here the other day? Did you notice all them thirteen's that
happened then? He spoke thirteen words, had thirteen taking communion, spoke in Yankee
Stadium, which is thirteen. Everything was thirteen.
And our nation's number's thirteen, appears in the 13th chapter of Revelation: thirteen stripes,
thirteen stars, thirteen bars, thirteen numbers on the coins, thirteen stars on the coin,
everything's thirteen, and a woman.
And here comes the pope, the head to the woman, the false antichrist to the false bride of
science. (Which, our world, our American eastern world here--or western world, has led the
world, in science.), comes to her in his scientific church, and now all Protestants is bowing
to him (See?), on thirteen. You see it? Everything is in a thirteen. Our whole nation,
everything else is thirteen, a woman's world. See? Here we are; we got it.
And so is this great nation of ours. We come here, and on Plymouth Rock this nation was
founded on freedom of religion because our forefathers had fled Roman persecution of the
modern Jezebel system, and had come up, and stood many great persecutions and
martyrdom under that false system of Jezebel.
But the voice of politics is so much stronger in the earth today than the Voice of God, until
people sold their Christian birthright for a mess of popularity, education, and political power.
It's such a shame to see it. The very thing that our nation was made, what it's made on, the
people turned right back around and--and voted in the thing that we left the other country. And
the--and the PLYMOUTH ROCK, and Mayflower, and them, the--come over here and--and
established this great economy that we have... Is the very thing that we fought so hard to
come out of, we've put ourselves right back in its clutches, because that the Bible speaks
it would be that way.
And tonight that's the reason this nation stays... She's doomed; there's no hope for it at all.
She's crossed the line between judgment and mercy. And she's elected in what she has
here to control the nation; and she's rotten to the core.
It won't help a bit. She's gone now. She's crossed that line about five years ago between
repentance, judgment, and mercy.
Br Branham denotes 3 things that coincide with the fulfillment of the 6th Vision.
1. women would be permitted to vote (by the 19th Amendment 1920, that
2. the women would help elect the wrong president (40 years later that
happened, Kennedy was voted in, 1960)
3. FROM THIS The Catholic Church would come to power fulfilling the 6th Vision
No person today can become elected President as a direct result of Kennedy’s
presidential influence, yet we are told to notice this event as it represents
Scripture fulfilled, and facilitates a behind the scenes rule of power by the Catholic
Church in this nation. Make no mistake, the condition the United States is in
spiritually has continued to wax worse and worse, in complete domination by the
Catholic Church, Jezebel system.
Oh, my. We're ripe for damnation. There's nothing left but judgment. That's right. She isn't
very old. Revelations 13 said this nation wouldn't live very long, anyhow. You know that. The
little lamb raised up and never did come a ram like the rest of them. It died in its youth. That's
right. When the ecclesiastical power and civil powers met together with those two little horns
of the ram, then united church and state... And we're almost doing it RIGHT NOW. It just
depends on which way the wave blows when they have another election. And we're
almost at it RIGHT NOW.
It never dawned upon my heart so much until the--the last election, and then I seen
where we were at. And the Holy Spirit begin to reveal to me to--to warn the people and to
place this.
How many remembers THAT VISION here in the church? Sure. Said that how that even
KENNEDY would be elected in this last election.
The birth of Catholicism... In order to do this, to catch the--the eyes of the Christians and
also the eyes of the pagans, to weld them together and make one church... Oh, I wish I had
that just now, a piece of paper somebody laid up here the other night. I was going to bring it,
and I forgot it; so many things laying around in the room there. They're doing the very same
thing right now, and you started it when you elected the last MAN you elected. They are
working now to find even a Bible that won't hurt the Catholic, nor the Jew, nor the Protestant.
They're going to make them a Bible that'll fit the whole thing. CAN'T YOU SEE the
cunningness of ANOTHER CONSTANTINE?History's just repeating itself back.
The great Nicene Council had taken place in A.D. 325; all of them was brought together; the
bishops and fathers of the Christian faith was brought together at Nicaea. That's the reason
it's called the Nicaea Council, in A.D. 325. And about fifteen hundred delegates came to the--
the--the convention, or the council, about fifteen hundred delegates, and the laity
outnumbered the bishops five to one in the delegation; but yet, through the Nicolaitanes (the
cold formals) and Constantine's politicianal plan, they outvoted the true church, and won the
victory, and issued in bishops a holy order of men; taking this--the Holy Spirit from the
meeting, and placing it upon bishops, cardinals, and popes, and so forth. The same crooked
deal that the Democrat party played in this last thing... Now, that's right. Now, we're not...
I'd... And the Republicans would be just as lowdown. But I'm talking about one thing that they
proved (Edgar Hoover) in California and many other places: they had those voting machines
placed to where you'd vote for Mr. Nixon; you had to vote for--for Kennedy the same time.
That was a crooked outfit back there, and here's the birth of it again, to get in a certain
MAN, to get over a certain doctrine: Nicolaitane doctrine, which was once just a--a deeds,
now it's become a doctrine. The days of AL SMITH it was a deeds, but NOW it's a doctrine.
Uh-huh, uh-huh. NOW, it's here; it's upon us. "Oh, he'll make a jim-dandy president,"
there's no doubt about that in my mind; certainly, and for that next term, till he can get welded
in, get these pagan and Christian formals weld together.
A few years ago, when they had--the Pentecostals first broke out, it saved the nation a
few years ago when AL SMITH was going to run. America knowed better then. But
Pentecost got so worldly it went right on in and sold their rights as a Christian to
politics, and its politics ahead of the Bible. Oh, my.
There's a lot of similarity to--to Israel. They come in and took a land, and drove out the
occupants, and set up their own system there. And--and that's the same way America did,
drove back the Indians and set up our system. Israel had a great man among them. They had
like Solomon and--and David and great warriors. We had great men, Washington and Lincoln.
But finally there comes something to the throne that through politics has brought in there. And
it wasn't Ahab. He was a pretty good guy himself. But that woman behind him...
You know the Bible speaks that same thing in the last day here? And you, loving your
political... You Democrats, loving your political stand more than you did your Bible and
God, and you elected that. I'm not a Republican. I'm a Christian. I'm here for one thing. Talk
about selling birthrights, we have did it. Certainly you have. And now you've got it, what are
you going to do with it? You had to do it to fulfill this Scripture, and the people seen that.
ONCE.MORE_ NY.NY 63-1117
...they would elect the wrong President. And in this would be a woman stand up that
would govern the United States: not actually a woman, but a church. Then I seen her
with nothing but ashes.
Ahab was nothing but a figurehead for Jezebel. That's all this will be, just a figurehead. He
won't do it himself, but that system behind him will drive him to it. That's exactly right.
Pinch your conscience, you Christians. Wake yourself up; it's later than you think. The
condition that we're in...
...watch that purple curtain. She's setting right here on the throne today in this
Remember, just like Ahab did, and Jezebel behind him, that's... The Bible calls the Catholic
church Jezebel, prostitute. And Ahab wasn't no bad guy; I don't say that Mr. Kennedy isn't a
nice man; I don't know nothing about him. He's a man; that's all I know. He's the President; I
believe he will make a good president. It's not him; it's that system behind him. Wait till
she gets wormed into the Cabinet and everywhere she can, then watch what happens.
E-85 Now, Ahab was a pretty good fellow. It was... He--he wanted to do right, but he
couldn't do right for that woman of his. Now, I ain't nothing against the man that I was
speaking about a few minutes ago. He might be a good man. But it's that system of that
harlot behind him that twists his neck. That's the thing's going to do it. Come in like--just
as easy as he can, like that, and flash the whole thing down.
Then you say, "Brother Branham, last Sunday you said 'There wasn't a hope.'" Yes. "Why?"
It's spurned its call. It's got to receive it. It's going to receive it. There's coming a time when
this nation's going to go to pieces. I saw it in 1933. See? I looked off...
You said, you might've said, "Well, it didn't happen then."
But it's going to happen. Neither was Mussolini in power; neither was the Maginot Line built;
neither did the car look like an egg in them days, and the things; neither did the women elect
a President that would look like a--a college boy, and all these other things; neither
would there be a Catholic President, and so forth, spoke of. About thirty years ago, or more,
these things were predicted, but He only showed me way off down to the end.
And as that thing approaches, time by time, that cup's filling up.
And Israel was the leading nation of the world in her days, because they had great godly
men, men like David, like Solomon, men of honor, man of integrity, men that knowed God and
trusted God. But one day, there come a renegade that got elected to the throne, and that was
Ahab, a borderline believer.
This nation was known all over the world as the leading nation, 'cause we'd had godly men
behind it: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, men like that who trusted God and feared
God. But just as Israel made its mistake and put Ahab in, we did the same thing not long
…But let me tell you; you thought some much of your politics instead of God's Bible, you let it
come right in and take over. God's first. What are we here for freedom of religion of what?
That Jezebel system. Our President now is married to that Jezebel system. Exactly right.
Just as it was then, so is it now. It ain't him that... I've... Mr... The President, I have nothing
against him. But that system behind it...
…You've ANCHORED the whole nation and sold out your God-given birthrights to the
very thing that you brought here for, for freedom from. That's exactly right. Amen. I didn't
aim to get on that.
It's too late now. That's to fulfill prophecy.
Is there any politician you know who would fit perfectly all the aspects of Jezebel?
How can an elected man politician (wrong gender) fit into the prophesy of the
woman of the 6th vision?
How can any man or woman bring on a "wave of stuff," "heaping of sin" or
"pollution" to an entire nation?
How can one politician represent an undermining of the principles of the founding
fathers of the USA?
Why was it important to know "America knowed better" than elect Al Smith in the
1928 presidential election, but the election of Kennedy in 1960, "they'll pay for it".
Why? They were both aspiring to be the first Catholic president of the USA.
There is only one answer that connects the entirety of the prophesy of who the
woman is of the 6th vision: Romanism/Catholiscim.
Remember, Jezebel, she calls herself a prophetess to subdue the people, and she says that
she is the only voice of God on the earth. She'll make the carnal mind believe that as sure as
the world.
There'll come a worship of a woman in the United States, and that'll be Mary. I seen it, thirty--
1931. Seven things happened. I got it right on paper here with me, wrote it in 1931. How that I
said, "This President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, he will cause all the world, help do it, send the
world to war." Hadn't come to war yet, during times of depression. I said, "Another thing..."
And my mother, a square-back Democrat, if she didn't look at me hard when I said that. I said,
"I don't care if there's a Republican or if he was a Socialist or whatever he is, this is THUS
And I said, "Doing this, they're permitting women to vote. And when they do that, they done
one of the greatest disgraces this nation ever done." And I said, "Someday they'll pay for
it." And they did at this last election. That's what elected him: women.
And you precious colored people in the south, how you voted. You say, "You have no
business saying that in the pulpit." Oh, yes I have; it's the Word of God. And the stain of--of
Abraham Lincoln, the one that freed you, laying yonder in that museum on a woman's dress,
and you sell your birthright. Shame on you.
And you people, for politics, because you're just a good Democrat, voted for something like
that and sold your birthrights of Americanism and Christianity to give it over to the prostitute
that run us in this nation, what made us what we was. See how she's been creeping in real
easy, until NOW she's on the throne (Sure.), the White House throne.
Watch! Already... Did you see the other day about the Catholic schools and Protestant
schools? Support the Catholic school but not the Protestant school. Oh, brother, you watch for
a wave of stuff coming forth now. Notice, and as they did it, look what taken place. All this sin
heaping in, got to a place and got the nation in that kind of a staggering place...
A few years ago, when they had--the Pentecostals first broke out, it saved the nation a few
years ago when Al Smith was going to run. America knowed better then. But Pentecost
got so worldly it went right on in and sold their rights as a Christian to politics, and its politics
ahead of the Bible. Oh, my.
Now, just a minute, and watch just how this comes out. Now, we find out what they did and
the things they did; we see it parallel in here just exactly, sin on every hand. Jezebel
come in; she bewitched all the people. And notice, finally she begin to build big shrines to
Baalim. Is that right? And the Baalim priests flocked from everywhere to get into that place,
and begin to contaminate the land with Baalim worship. Look how they done; look how they've
weeded in. Just the things they done, look where they're at today. Look at Catholicism
swallowing up, swallowing up, swallowing up; marrying into it, breaking this, just exactly
what Daniel said they'd do:
Notice for the first time in history, all three branches of the U.S. government are
headed up by Catholic representation.
Supreme Court: 6 of 9 judges are Catholic
Congress: The House, Nancy Pelosi, The Senate, VP Joseph Biden (both Catholic)
The President: Obama
Is Obama, Catholic controlled?
Look at today, the minister of war and, oh, so many different offices and President, and this
nation is all Catholic controlled.
Same now, letting Rome take over, why, we're doing it all the time. She's took the
government; she's taking the places; she's taking the people; now she's taking the churches.
What are we doing? Setting still, agreeing with them.
The catholic case for OBAMA 58 pages
PATRICK WHELAN MD, PHD Founder of Catholic Democrats
Before he was a devoted husband and father, or a U.S. Senator, or a presidential candidate of
historic accomplishments, Barack Obama took a job working as a community organizer
for a group of 8 Catholic parishes in one of the nation’s largest cities. With funding from
the U.S. Bishops and working for three years out of an office in a Catholic church
rectory, he embarked on a campaign to empower the lives of thousands of people who were
suffering through economic circumstances not unlike what has befallen our country today. This
booklet tells the story of his early exposure to Catholicism, compares the contours of his public
life with the Catholic Social Tradition, and explores the reasons why many Catholics will be
enthusiastically voting in 2008 to elect Barack Obama as the next president.
— Victoria Reggie Kennedy
Hyannis Port, Massachusetts
This book is about one candidate for President, Senator Barack Obama, and
his relationship with American Roman Catholics. Senator Obama has drawn the support of
millions of Catholics across the United States. We explore here the reasons why so many
Catholics have chosen to support him, an act rooted for many in what it means to be an
American Catholic today. In doing so, perhaps we will shed some light on how American
Catholics connect their faith and politics. Reading this may persuade some people to vote for
Senator Obama. We hope you are one of them. At the very least, we think that it will give you
a more accurate picture of him and his relationship to Catholicism.
According to national exit polls, 54 percent of Catholics chose Obama election nite.
Presidents George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan nominated every Catholic
currently on the Supreme Court: Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence
Thomas, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito.
Sonia Sotomayor's appointment to the Supreme Court provides the sixth Catholic
vote on a nine-person court.
Ask yourself why our presidents have repeatedly, shown obeisance to the vatican
from the Kennedy era on?
The United States and the Vatican established full diplomatic ties in 1984. Why
did President Reagan do this? After reading the following, do we expect Obama to
do anything different?
President Reagan made no secret of the fact that he calls on the pope for
guidance in the governing of America. See his incredible statement before the
National Catholic Education Association in April 1982:
"I am grateful for your help in shaping American policy to reflect God's will... and I will
look forward to further guidance from His Holiness Pope John Paul II during an audience I will
have with him in June."
During a speech to a group of conservatives on February 18, 1983, Reagan made
the statement that the attempted assassination of the pope was "an assault on
God." Can it be that the president receives the words of the pope as if they were
actually words or instructions direct from God?
On August 6, 1984, columnist Mary McGrory offered that Mr. Reagan comes on as
more Catholic than the Pope:
“Catholic issues seem to consume him ........ Reagan's motivation now seems to be his inability
to tolerate the "oppression of the Church" to which the Pope has attested.... John Kennedy may
be smiling somewhere at the sight of an American president wrapping himself in the arms of
Holy Mother Church... By contrast, Reagan is going out of his way to show that with him there
is no separation of church and state. He wants it known that there is a direct line between
him and the Pope, that he seeks counsel from the Vatican City. Reagan took the
extraordinary step of inviting the Pope's ambassador, Pio Laghi, to his Santa Barbara ranch for
consultation on delicate foreign policy questions.”
Every President since Kennedy has sought the counsel of the pope, regardless of
their denomination. We even saw 4 presidents travel to the Vatican and literally
bow before the dead corpse of the last one. The influence of the Vatican is
apparent, as the pope is recognized by the American leaders as a mentor and
consul. Have you read what Abraham Lincoln had to say about the Vatican and
how different that opinion is from presidents today?
Listen to Lincoln's words which have been edited out of all history books. They are
absolutely chilling. (remember 100 years after the election of Lincoln, (1860)
Kennedy was elected, (1960).
"This (civil) war would never have been possible without the sinister
influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land
reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great
differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question
of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the
Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on
the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the
money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were
at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the
bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize
that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood
shed in this war. I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the
knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this
war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once, take a
tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as
all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both
sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely
unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear
what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city
of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the
priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under
the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their
schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but
the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of
Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people
from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a
reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain,
and wherever there are any people who want to be free.
"Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to
hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse
and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am
for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I
cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the
Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils,
theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to bum my
wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their
opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today.
But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to
every one that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are
sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death
those who differ from him in religion."
“If the American people could learn what I know of the fierce hatred of the priests of Rome
against our institutions, our schools, our most sacred rights, and our so dearly bought liberties,
they would drive them out as traitors.” – President Abraham Lincoln
The 6th Vision is clearly a mystery. It is also integral to the prophet's ministry.
(Remember history repeats itself, especially prophetic types.)
1. The USA types Israel of old.
a. both had Godly men in the beginning
b. both had Ahab and Jezebel rise
c. both had Elijah and his ministry rise against them
d. Ahab, Jezebel, and Elijah ALL appear at the same time with the same end
result for both Israel and the USA
2. The Beast system came to power just as the Image to the Beast came to
a. as the beast raised to power at Nicea so does the image to the beast
1. Nicea Council, The Ecumenical Council (Vatican II) mirror each other
2. Constantine merged religious and political power for complete control
3. USA politics elected the first Catholic president, merging of ecclesiastical
power with political power for complete control
4. From the 1960 election forward, Catholicism has gained control of the United
States in every political aspect.
5. Nicea and Vatican II, apostasy went from deeds to doctrine
(As a footnote, do not be sidetracked by USA political parties… notice the term
“political power” includes BOTH of them.)
Br Branham clearly taught the last thing, the last sign, the last manifestation
promised to the gentiles, was the appearing of the son of man ministry. It
happened, and there is nothing left but judgment. Exactly typing Sodom. It is my
belief that means there is nothing left but the 7th Vision. I find it impossible to
explain away time after time his insistence there is nothing left. The only choice
you have is to simply ignore them to cling to a notion something else must
transpire first for the gentile bride, before she is taken.
Brother, sister, I don't know, in my Bible, of any other thing God promised to do before the
rapture of the Church. I don't. You're thinking of a mark of the beast, coming; I've told you, it's,
they done got it. See? The next thing left is for the rapture of the Church. It could come
at any time, and not disrupt any Scripture in the Bible, as far as I know it. God knows
that's true. Yes, sir. The time is at hand. It's later than we think.
Now, the next thing left is the translation of the church…
54 There is not a thing left, my Christian friend, but the coming of the Lord Jesus
Christ. That's the only hope that the church has.
There is not another thing that I know to happen but the rapture, the coming of the Lord
Jesus Christ. It's all ready.
Let's think of the Laodicea church age, and its condition, today. As far as I know, I don't see
anything to hinder at this time the coming of the Lord Jesus, outside of the readiness of
His church.
16 That's God Himself doing His Own interpretation, interpreting. He don't need anybody to
interpret Him, He interprets Himself by manifesting what He promised that He would do.
Oh, if the church could only see that and see the promises that's lotted for each age! All
other ages, God has sent on the scene (even down through the seven church ages) and has
manifested everything that He promised to do. Everything, there's not one thing left
undone. Exactly! What He said He would do, that He did.
74 …can't you wake up, my brother? Or does it blind you? Would you throw it out and call it
false prophecy when it's vindicated right before you by the world, by the time, by the peoples,
and by the Holy Spirit Who wrote It. It's vindicated both naturally, spiritually, materially.
Everything that He said is fulfilled and proven.
And God giving these gifts and messages to the people, and they turn them down, then there
is nothing left but judgment.
181 There is a coming blessing just as the same as there is a coming wrath. Oh, we
have to be looking for one of it tonight. You have to either be looking for the wrath to fall
upon you and for destruction, or either you have to be looking for the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus.
Remember, that was the last thing that Abraham saw before the fire fell and judged the
Gentile world, and before the promised son came on the scene: Isaac. This is the last thing
that the Christian church will see in the sign of miracle until the appearing of Jesus
Christ. If God has give me favor before you, believe me in the Name of the Lord: there's
nothing else left in the Bible to be done but take on the mark of the beast; and you have
the Seal of God.
20-3 This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, and the Seven Seals had the
mysteries hid of what it all was, and is supposed to open it in the last day, at the Laodicean
age, at the end of time. Thanks be to God, that finishes the Message to the Church. That
finishes it, when they look back and see what has been, and see where it's all brought up
to, that finishes it, the age of the church.
28 …there is a portion of Word laid for every age. And there is some anointing comes
down, that projects that portion of Word for that age. And you see where we're at today. Read
what we're supposed to be doing, then you'll know how far we are. I only see one thing left,
the coming of the Lord Jesus, at any time, a rapture for the Church, and we're to meet
Him in the air. Now these things has got to come to pass in this day, just as He promised that
He would do it.
42-1 Can't you see, Spirit-filled people, something's fixing to happen? Don't look for some
great big universal something sweeping, nothing but the coming of the Lord Jesus.
Remember, just remember the words and promise of the Lord. Won't you come on in right
quick? Get away from them big walls. The resurrection is near at hand now.
963-194 And what was the last sign they had before that promised son that they'd waited on all
these years re--come back? Was God standing in the form of a Man and could discern the
thoughts that was in Sarah's heart (Sarah being the church, representing the church)--discern the
thoughts that's in the church that was even behind Him. Is that right? And immediately after that,
she changed back to a young woman and him a young man; and Isaac was brought on the scene,
the promised son.
I believe you're seeing the last thing that'll happen to the church before the rapture.
That's exactly. I believe it. The rain is over.
217 What more do you want to see? Remember, I tell you in the Name of the Lord, if you
regard me to be His servant, this is the last sign that the church will see, according to the
Scripture. That was the last thing that Abraham seen done before the promised son arrived.
And we are the royal Seed of Abraham, and Jesus promised the royal Seed to see the same
thing that Abraham seen, just before the Gentile world burned.
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