Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Redemption Over?

Redemption Over?
Editor’s note: There are some who propagate Redemption has been over since the year
1963. To contemplate such a notion, we would have to disregard certain occurrences that
Brother Branham taught would transpire at the time when the Blood leaves the Mercy Seat.
For example, the world has not witnessed the pouring out of the wrath of God, which the
Blood of Christ is presently holding back.
If the Blood of Jesus Christ was removed from the Mercy Seat, it would cause complete
separation of the worshiper from God. Each attribute of God’s plan of Redemption, such as:
The Kinsman Redeemer, The High Priest, the Intercessor, the Mediator, the Sacrifice upon
the Mercy Seat, the Throne of Grace would become void. This would cause the breach or
chasm to re-occur between God and man, which the condescending of God (through Jesus
Christ) had bridged.
By doing away with the Intercession of the Blood of Christ you would do away with
numerous gifts and promises given to the Church. For example, Salvation, Grace,
Perfection, Divine healing, and free moral agency, would all be gone.
The following appendix poses pertinent questions based upon Brother Branham’s Message
concerning the Blood and Redemption as it applies to us today.
Please note the date of many of Brother Branham’s statements, especially those which are
quoted after March, 1963.
E-5 …around the world was a rainbow. And that rainbow represented the Blood
of Jesus Christ. And if that Blood would ever leave there, God couldn't look at the
world a second. He'd destroy it. That Blood of Christ is the only thing that
keeps the--the wrath of God off us tonight. Did you know that? If it wasn't for
that, there'd be no more world in five minutes from now. God cannot look in
the face of sin. And the reason He can't see the world is because the Blood of
Jesus Christ is a holding it off of sin.
TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
41-9 Many people thinks today, "Because I belong to the church, I'm safely
secured." Don't you believe such nonsense, when the Blood shall be a token
unto you. The Spirit now is a Token unto you, the Life that was in the Blood.
309 He's coming again. Would you want to be His foe or would you want to
be His child? A angry God on that morning, nothing but the Blood of Jesus
will He recognize.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
E-23 The church is the only one that'll live today and not go out into universalism
and so forth, and out into this modernistic, social Gospel, is those who's got the
Blood on the doorpost out here, of the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ: borned
again. They know where they're standing, if they're really borned again. They'll not
be entangled with every yoke, and every doctrine, and tossed about here,
and there, and every cult. They know where they're standing: in Christ, through
the Blood.
1. Are we under the Blood or are we not?
2. Will the Blood remain on the Mercy Seat as an Intercessory, as long as Satan, the
accuser is present before the Throne?
3. Has the Church Age ended and the rapture already happened?
4. Has the resurrection already taken place? Has the “time appointed,” (as described by
Brother Branham) the time Christ “calls” for His Queen, and “He claims His
possession,” already happened?
5. Has the last gentile been saved? Has the change of dispensations occurred, from the
Gentile back to the Jews? If the Blood has been removed from the mercy seat why hasn’t
the wrath of God fell upon the earth, i.e. the literal opening of the 6th seal, and the
tribulation period?
6. If the “last one” had “come in,” in March 1963, (after the Seals were opened) why
would Brother Branham say in 1964, “He's setting at the right hand of God
TONIGHT doing His mediatorial work.” ?
7. If the “last one” has come in, why did Brother Branham claim to still be searching for
that “last one” in sermons preached after March 1963?
8. If Christ had to remain as an Intercessor until every name had been manifested on earth,
(which we understand was by being born, …a baby becomes a living soul when it takes
its first breath…) has there not been one elected seed born since 1963?
9. Why would Brother Branham print in the Church Age Book, “His present office…
now” is the High Priest? (Remember, Brother Branham personally edited this book for
5 years… then distributed it Dec 4, 1965.)
10. If there is no Intercessor or High Priest, (because the Blood has been removed) has the
gift of healing been done away with? Has the apostolic age ceased? If the apostolic age is
over, why did Brother Branham insist it had not, in 1964?
11. Is it possible to separate any of the attributes from the Seven Redemptive Names of
Jehovah, manifested through Jesus Christ? Can we do away with parts of the 7
compound redemptive names? Is He no longer Jehovah Jireh, the Lord’s provided
sacrifice for salvation, and Jehovah-rapha, the Lord that heals all our diseases? Why
would Brother Branham say the 7 compound names STILL apply to Him in November
of 1963?
12. If the Blood does not apply to the Bride after 1963, why did Brother Branham say it
“perfects the Bride” in 1964? How will the Bride now be perfected without the Blood?
13. How does a believer have the Token without first accepting and applying the Blood
14. If there is no provided place for intercession after March 1963, why did Brother
Branham point us to “one provided place” after the Seals were open? Can we be “born
again without the Blood cleansing us”?
15. Why did Brother Branham tell us the Church Age had not ended, and mercy was not
over if the Blood has already been removed from the Mercy Seat?
16. Wasn’t free moral agency for every mortal born, just as it was for Adam and Eve? If the
Blood has been removed, then there is no choice to be made, therefore there is no free
moral agency?
Is Redemption over? Did that happen in 1963?
1. Are we under the Blood or are we not?
“the requirement of Him TODAY is the Blood of His own Son”
E-8 You're either a Christian, or you're not a Christian.
And the only way you can be a Christian is being borned again of the Spirit of
God. And that's the only remedy--under the blood of the Lord Jesus. And
when you confess your sins to God, and you do have pardon from God, then you
are not a sinner. He that's borned of God does not commit sin. If he does it, it's
unwillfully. The worshipper once purged has no more conscience of sin.
TOKEN.THE BAKF.CA V-22 N-8 64-0208
156 …the requirement of Him TODAY is the Blood of His own Son, Jesus
Christ, and the Token of the Holy Ghost.
TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
10-8 And now, how could there be a more perfect Sacrifice than God Himself
becoming the Atonement Himself? When God was made flesh and His Own
creative Blood that it--only way that a Life of God could ever come back, because
all of us was born by sex. And therefore, the life that's in there is of the world, and
that life will not stand. It's a thing that is already judged and condemned. You can't
patch it up. There's no way to patch it. There's no way to--to smooth it out. There's
no way to make it better. It's got to die. That's the only requirement there is. It's
got to die, and the substitute, a Life of Jesus Christ has to come into you, which is
the Holy Ghost, God's Token, that you have accepted the Blood of His Son,
Jesus Christ.
E-61 …if God was in Elisha, how much more was He in his Son. And if God by
that little portion could raise up a dead baby, how much more God in his fullness?
Well, how much more now, with God identified with us and in us? The atonement's
made, it wasn't made then. They was still under the atonement of the sacrificed
ram, and now we're under the atonement of the blood of God. Not Jewish
blood, not Gentile blood--He was neither one. He was God's blood.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
E-72 He is the same yesterday, today. He died in order to make an atonement
to make these things come to pass, to give you the privileges of drawing
from what He done for you. Now remember, if you're a sinner, you were actually
saved when Jesus died at the cross. But you have to believe it, and accept it as
your own personal salvation. And if you're sick, you were healed when Jesus was
wounded for our transgressions. "With His stripes, you were healed."
17-4 …there's only one place that God will fellowship with man; that is under the
blood of the sacrifice. That's the reason they had to come to Jerusalem. God will
never meet with man nowhere else, but under the Blood. When you turn the
Blood down, then your meeting place with God has been taken away. God
made His first decision in the garden of Eden, that man would only worship Him
under the shed blood of the sacrifice. And that's the only place that God met with
man then; and that's the only place that God ever did meet with man; and that's
the only place He meets with man today, is under the shed Blood of the
Sacrifice. See?
E-50 There's no place where the church ever goes through the tribulation period.
Christ's Blood in the fullness of the application of the Blood of Jesus Christ
cleanses all sin. And why do we have to be purged? We are purged daily. No
tribulation... Listen. Listen what Jesus said in Saint John 5:24, "He that heareth My
Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Everlasting Life, and shall not come
to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life."
134-4 {120} Notice, these type, the reason they die out, they go through the
purging of trial of the tribulation; because they're not actually under the
Blood. They claim they are, but they're not. How can they go through a trial to
purify them when the--when the bleach Blood of Jesus Christ takes every symptom
of sin and stuff away from you. And you're already dead, and your life is hid in Him
through God and sealed in there by the Holy Ghost; what are you going to be
judged for? Where you going to get your purification? What do you have to be
purified from when you're perfectly in Christ, sinless? How... What's the judgment
for? But it's this sleeping bunch that them people can't make out.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
1033-174 (the foolish virgin) …Now, she will have to go through the tribulation
period. And the reason of it is, is because she has rejected the Atonement in
Its fullness. She is a believer, a professed believer, but she will have to go through
the tribulation period.
2. Will the Blood remain on the Mercy Seat as an Intercessory, as long as Satan, the
accuser is present before the Throne?
“as long as the Intercessor is still on the throne, Satan can stand there and
14-1 Both the heavens and earth now is contaminated with devils that can
accuse us before God. Jesus is there to intercede for us (See?), WHILE the
accusers keep pointing a finger, "They did this. They did this. They did this." But
THE BLOOD STILL COVERS. He came to redeem that Elected that He foresaw.
170-1 {361} But in Revelations 12:7-9, Satan the spirit, the devil, which is up
there now, accuser of our brethren, all right; the Church is taken up, and Satan
is cast out. When the Church goes up, Satan comes down. Then Satan
incarnates himself in the antichrist and is called the beast.
305-2 {183} …when the Church goes up, Satan's cast out. See? It's done
then. All of his accusing is done. See? Now, as long... Look, as long as the
Intercessor is still on the throne, Satan can stand there and accuse, because
he is the attorney of the other side. He's the opponent of Christ. And Christ is...
He's standing there... The--the--the opponent is standing there saying, "But wait,
Adam fell. Adam done this. I conquered him. I got his wife to believe a lie, and You
said she'd be damned by it. I got it." But here's the Mediator standing there
(Amen.), the Kinsman Redeemer (Amen.) standing there with the Blood that
can take the vilest sinner's heart and change it. A Mediator is on the throne.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
3. Has the Church Age ended and the rapture already happened?
“no more Blood; the church age is over”
1032-Q-306 After the Bride is raptured will any of the foolish virgin be saved or
will they all be lost? No. See, everything will be finished for the Gentile church
when the Bride is taken from the earth. The Spirit of God leaves the earth:
"He that's filthy is filthy still; he that's righteous is righteous still; he that's holy is holy
still." In other words the sanctuary becomes smokey, where the--the Attorney
stands to plead the case. Christ leaves the sanctuary; His day of mediatorial is
over. The rapture comes; He leaves from the sanctuary, goes forth and takes the
Book of Redemption, and claims everything He redeemed. There's no more
mediatorial work.
513-1 {336} After the rapture has been taken place, will any of the church be
saved in the end who was not taken in the rapture? No. Huh-uh, 'cause the
Blood's done left. You see, there'll be no intercessions; the Gentile age is
finished. There'll be no one saved after the rapture, none of the church. Huh-uh.
The church... "Let him that's filthy be filthy still, him that's holy be holy still." See?
That won't take place, not after the Church is gone.
197 Notice now, at the end of this age, John when he saw the sea of brass
there, it was clear as crystal. What was it? The Word had been taken from the
earth, raptured in the church, and was clear as crystal, no more Blood; the
church age is over.
63-1 The Church is the Blood of Christ by the Spirit, because the Life is in
the blood. That's the baptism of the Holy Ghost that baptizes us into His Body,
that recognizes only His Body, His flesh, His Word.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
1160-Q-392 Question:The church age ending and has blacked out, the Bride is
called, we have already entered into the tribulation period?
No, no, no, you're... I wished that I could just have more time on that. See, see?
The Bride, when she's taken from the church, then the church age will cease.
Laodicea goes into chaos; the Bride goes to glory; and the tribulation period sets in
upon the sleeping virgin for three and a half years while Israel is getting its
4. Has the resurrection already taken place?
Has the “time appointed,” (as described by Brother Branham) the time Christ “calls” for
His Queen, and “He claims His possession,” already happened?
“the appointed time”
107-2 {269} He leaves the throne of--to be an Intercessor as a slain Lamb to be a
Lion, King, to bring the world to judgment who has rejected His message. He's not
a Mediator. Remember the Old Testament teaching now, as we hurry. When the
blood went off the mercy seat, what was it? Judgment seat. And when the
Lamb slain walked forward from eternity out of the Father's throne and took His
rights, it was a judgment seat. Then He become not a Lamb, but a Lion, King.
And He calls for His Queen to come stand by His side.
See JOB 14:14-15
E-61 Just like He'd appeared to him down there: Elohim. He needed--He needed
a body to come down to earth in, so He just gathered up the cosmic light, and the
petroleums, and so forth, and stepped into it. See, He's God. That's the way He'll
do you. After you're no more than a spoonful of ashes in the dust, He'll still speak,
and you'll be there. He'll call your name and you'll answer: the seed of
89-4 {138} Christ has redeemed us now. We are now redeemed, but He has not
claimed His possession yet. Now, you might different with that, but just hold on a
minute (See?); we'll see. See?
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
90-1 {140} He hasn't claimed it. See? If He took the Book of Redemption,
everything that Adam had and everything that he lost, Christ redeems back; and
He's already redeemed us, but He hasn't took the possession yet. HE
RESURRECTION, and then the earth will be renewed again, and then He will
take possession, His possession which He got when He redeemed us, but will
do it at the appointed time. Oh, my.
332-3 While I believe, with all my heart, the seat's still open. I believe He's
still on the throne of God, but soon He's going to rise now and come forth to
claim what He has redeemed. He's doing the work of Kinsman Redeemer while
Ruth is waiting. But soon, you know, after Boaz done the kinsman work, then he
come and claimed his possessions, and that's exactly what the Bible said He done.
He come forth and took the Book; THEN intercession is over. He's off the throne.
There's no more Blood on the mercy seat, and then what is it? Judgment seat.
Don't let it be said some of these days. "I thought the rapture was supposed to
come," and hear the Voice say back, "It's in the past." God help you.
5. Has the last gentile been saved? Has the change of dispensations occurred, from the
Gentile back to the Jews? If the Blood has been removed from the mercy seat why hasn’t the
wrath of God fell upon the earth, i.e. the literal opening of the 6th seal, and the tribulation
“until the Gentile dispensation will be finished”
REV.CHAP.5.PART.2 JEFF.IN ROJC 747-793 61-0618
218 And they'll tread down the walls of Jerusalem until the Gentile
dispensation will be finished, the church is taken up (the Elect, the Bride) out
of there.
E-51 When those Jews receive the gospel, you Gentiles are finished. God
deals with Jews as a nation, us as a people, the Jews always as a nation, the
nation of Israel.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
369-1 {280} He takes the Gentile Bride. Now, she goes up, and when she goes
up, two prophets arrive to Israel. See?
215 Moses and Elijah has to come. And besides, the Bride hasn't been
taken out of the way yet. And them prophets will return, and they'll do the sign of
the prophet. That's the Scripture. There it all is fulfilled then perfectly. Israel as a
nation will be born in one day.
“when the Church is gone…” “ tribulation plagues are poured out on
158 And remember, the very minute that the Jews receive Christ, the Gentile
UPON THEM--the tribulation.
185 God is fixing to rain out that sixth seal upon the earth, break that seal and
turn loose the wrath of God upon the earth. But before He does that, the
Church will be gone. The Bride will be gone; the church won't, she'll go
through the tribulation, but the Bride will be gone. His little wife won't go
through that.
PARADOX BAKF.CA V-22 N-5 64-0206M
270 We see the atomic bombs hanging out yonder, everywhere, and the great
missiles can carry total destruction in an hour. We see the gases hanging above
us there, that would rain the fires down, out of the heaven, and destroy the earth.
But we see Jesus, also, Who made the promise! And as was said, "This same
Jesus, that was taken up from you, will come again in like manner as you've
seen Him go into heaven." We are watching for that glad Day to come.
“the judgments of God is held off by His Blood”
68 Jesus died, and the judgments of God is held off by His Blood.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
95 …when that Blood is removed, and all that was foreknown has been called
into the precious body, His church has been made ready and taken up, THEN
God's wrath is on the people.
445-5 {391} For we realize we have just a short time, and the Church might go at
any time.
The Lamb might at any time leave the sanctuary up there or--or the throne of
sacrifice, come forth from the throne of God where the sacrifice laid, and then it's
over. There's no more hopes for the world; she's finished. Then she goes into
frustrations of great spasms of earthquakes and--and great shakings like it was
at--at the resurrection. And--and the--the--as Christ rose from the grave, when
the saints rise, the same thing will take place. Lord, it could be at any minute.
We're watching for that glad day to arrive.
E-37 But someday, up through the we'll see the Son of God walk up there and
say, "Time shall be no more." Then the earthquake, and there won't be one stone
left upon another. Oh, to think, Lord, that we'll go home, then it's all over, that
glorious event.
“Blood goes off the mercy seat… “ “wrath of God falls on the earth”
67 We are now approaching, in this age a cleansing of the sanctuary and the
judgments coming upon the earth. See? As long as Blood is there, God cannot
destroy the earth; long as Blood is there, nobody's a sinner before God.
Everybody's right, because there's an Atonement for everybody. But if you fail to
accept that Atonement and go into His Presence, then you are a sinner; you're
beyond that mercy. Then you've judged yourself.
But now while there is mercy... But when the cleansing of the sanctuary comes,
the Blood goes off the mercy seat and then the wrath of God falls upon the
earth. Oh, my. God, be merciful to us, that we be not in that day found without
mercies of God.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
10-4 Now, we are living in the shadows, and the wrath is ready to strike, and
God's requiring a Token that you, yourself, have received His Token, the
Holy Ghost. It's the only way and the only sign that God will ever pass, because It
is the literal Life of Jesus Christ returned back into the believer.
181 There is a coming blessing just as the same as there is a coming wrath. Oh,
we have to be looking for one of it tonight. You have to either be looking for the
wrath to fall upon you and for destruction, or either you have to be looking
for the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
E-85 And one of these mornings, there'll be a disappearing, and one of these
nights, there'll be a disappearing; and the church will be changed and caught up to
meet Jesus in the air. And woe unto this bunch then. They'll gnaw their tongues
for pain, when the atomic sweeps into the nation, burns eyes out, and runs like
water down, and tongues are gnawed for pain, and screaming, just one bomb
bursting after another.
50 …All under the Blood of Jesus is saved, all out from under It is lost and is
ready for destruction.
6. If the “last one“ had “come in,” in March 1963, (after the Seals were opened) why
would Brother Branham say in 1964, “He's setting at the right hand of God
TONIGHT doing His mediatorial work.” ?
“Jesus sets right there and waits with His mediatorial work until that last
410-5 {135} You cannot intercess unless there's Blood there. Yes, there's
one Mediator between God and man, and that's Christ Jesus. That's what the
Scriptures says. There He stands, and until the last soul has been redeemed,
and then He comes forth to claim what He has redeemed...
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
400-3 {63} He's standing in the holy place TONIGHT in glory as an
Intercessor, making intercessions for everyone of those souls whose name is on
that Book. And nobody knows that name but Him. He's the One that's got the Book
in His hand. And He knows when that last one comes in, THEN His
intercessing days is over. He comes forth then to claim what He's interceded for.
E-5 So we're--we're trying to get every soul saved so that Jesus can come. And
He cannot come until that last one that has the name on the Book of Life, that was
put there before the foundation of the world, when that name is called, that's the
last one then. He came to redeem, to bring back. "Redeem" is "to bring back."
And when He brings the last one in... He's setting at the right hand of God
TONIGHT doing His mediatorial work. And when that last soul is saved that was
redeemed and seen and knowed by God before the foundation of the world, when
that last soul's saved, that closes the Book. Then the Lamb comes out and takes
the Book out of the right hand of Him that sets upon the throne. Then it's--then He's
coming then. He's coming to the earth.
101-2 {228} And what did He do now? He's been back here interceding until His
Blood has atoned for every person, and the Lamb now, knows what's written in the
Book. So He knowed from the foundation of the world their names were in there,
so He has stood back here and re--and--and done mediator work like this until--
mediatorial work till every one that's been put in the Book has been redeemed and
is finished, and now He walks out.
101-3 {228} See, He's done His kinsman work. He's all... You know--you know
what the kinsman work was to testify before elders. You remember Boaz kicking
off his shoe and so forth? He's done all this now. Now, He comes to take His Bride.
Amen. He comes now as King; He's looking for His Queen.
132-3 {104} And when the sound come, "The Bridegroom cometh," then
everyone of those that slept down through those ages awakened, every one.
See, it isn't God, as we'd think, just going to hunt Him out a few thousand people of
this age and take them. It's the very elected out of every age.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
And that's the reason Christ has to stay on the mediatorial seat back there as an
Intercessor until that last one comes in at the last age. And these revelations then
of what it has been breaks forth upon the people, and they see what's happened.
See? You get it now?
292-1 {92} The same thing with the human being; it's a type. When all the mist is
moved away, and the revealed Truth to that real seed laying there still germitized,
and the Light of the Gospel can strike it by true a-vindication of the Word, it'll live;
it's got Life in it...?... Outside of that it can't live. It hasn't got no Life in it.
292-4 {96} Them names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation
of the world, will come forth just as certain as anything. That's why Jesus sets right
there and waits with His mediatorial work until that last seed. He will know exactly
when to strikes.
7. If the “last one” has come in, why did Brother Branham claim to still be searching for
that “last one” in sermons preached after March 1963?
“that we might find that last one so we can go home”
1181-Q-426 Would we still be on fire and preach the Gospel, or is the time
NO, keep preaching just as hard as you can preach. Brother, stay with it; I'm right
behind you.
53-2 I'm just going to wait 'cause there are many, many, around the altar now.
See, maybe one of them, if I held just a little longer, might be another one out
there. Might be somewhere in New York; it might be somewhere in Philadelphia;
out in California or in Arizona; somewhere there might be another one coming.
Pastor, wherever you are, don't give the altar call up now. We may never see
another Thanksgiving.
This might be the last one, and the records will be put up tonight for the last time.
The tape will run out one of these days. The record will be cut and be in God's
album, See? Then it's going to be played back what your thoughts is now. Don't
say you didn't know different; you do.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
SATAN'S.EDEN JEFF.IN V-2 N-20 65-0829
27-1 May we do everything that's in our power with love, and understanding--
understanding that God is searching the world today, finding every lost
sheep. May we talk to them with seasoned prayer of love and the Word of God,
that we might find that last one so we can go home, and get out of this old
Eden of Satan here…
PROVING.HIS.WORD L.A.CA V-18 N-3 65-0426
208 Grant it, Lord, so that they can take the Message from one to the other,
till that last one is in the fold, and then the doors will be shut.
ONE.IN.A.MILLION LA.CA V-18 N-1 65-0425M
71 We don't know where they are, but that last one must come in and then
the door will be closed. O God, Who knows all things, search our lives this
morning. And send us wherever that we could go, that we might find that last one,
that the door would be closed and the Shepherd inside with the sheep.
2-3 …we're looking for the coming of the Lord. He's... As the songs said, we're
seeking out that little lost sheep that's, that... He--He won't come until that
sheep's in. Everyone has to be in the fold. He won't close the door till that last
one's in. So minister brothers, I'm sure with you this morning, I'm trying to hunt
out that last sheep.
8. If Christ had to remain as an Intercessor until every name had been manifested on earth,
(which we understand was by being born, …a baby becomes a living soul when it takes its
first breath…) has there not been one elected seed born since 1963?
“Last soul comes in…” “ last name manifested on earth”
135 There's a baby is begotten in its mother's womb, that's got one kind of life;
that's, see, a life, its little--the little cells in its body is twisting and kicking and
jumping like that. But when it's born, it has a [Brother Branham claps his hand,
imitating a spank--Ed.] like that, and then he squeals out and becomes a living
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
52 …that baby's born, …Just as soon as it's born, the breath of life comes
into it; and God breathes it in there, and it becomes a living soul.
233-4 {34} Now, he'd never noticed that before. Why? He had been back there
in His--doing His mediatorial work, for He was bleeding for the people, intercessing
for the people until THE LAST SOUL that was put on the Lamb's Book of Life
before the foundation of the world come in. There's just going to be so many of
them there, and that's it. That's all. The others won't even want to come in; they
have no desire to come in. And so then when that last soul comes in, then the time
of redemption is finished. Then the Lamb comes forth to claim His rights to what
He has redeemed, and that's all creation. The earth and everything belongs to
Him. See? He has redeemed it with His own Blood.
125-6 {59} Now, the Lamb in the time of intercessory back here, He knew that
there were names in there that was put in there from the foundation of the world,
and as long as them names have never been manifested on earth as yet, He
had to stay there as Intercessor. Do you get it? Perfectly predestination... See?
All right, He had to stay there, because He came to die for those that God had
ordained to Eternal Life. See, see? By His foreknowledge He saw them, not by His
own will. His will was that none should perish, but by His foreknowledge He knew
who would and who would not.
Therefore as long as there was one name hadn't never yet been clared--
declared in earth, Christ had to stay there as an Intercessor to take care of
that name. But as soon as that final name had been splashed in that Clorox
or bleach, then His intercessory days was over.
87 Notice, when this, your sins are confessed, and your sins are dropped into
the bleach of the Blood of the Son of God, it remits sin so much that it's--it's
put in the Sea of God's Forgetfulness, and can never even be remembered in
His sight anymore. Then what, that, does that make a man? A son of God. God
never remembers you to be a sinner.
You are a son, you are a daughter, there is no more remembrance of sin at all.
God puts it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, the bleach.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
The Sea of Forgetfulness is Christ's Blood that was shed for you. And therefore,
then, you and God, are Father and son, by Jesus Christ's grace; not by anything
you done, but by His grace. You are sons and daughters of God, and a partaker of
His blessings and of His power and of His Life. His Life is in you, for you are a son
of God.
84-6 … we stand justified in the Presence of God as a drop of ink dropping into a
tub full of bleach. You'll never find the stain of the ink no more. It went
somewhere. It'll never come back again. And when man is truly redeemed (that
predestinated seed that sees it and accepts it), his sins are demolished. It's
gone. It's separated. It's dropped into the ink of the--of the Blood of Jesus Christ
and it's never to be remembered. God forgets it, and he stands as a son and a
daughter of God in the Presence of God. Amen and amen. Now, we are the sons
of God, not we will be; we are. Now, we're redeemed.
E-13 Now, we are very happy to know that we have this great bleach that Jesus
Christ brought to us, His own blood.
65 …when Jesus died at the cross I died with Him, for I was in Him then; for He
was the Fulness of the Word manifested, knowing that we would be manifested
13 And the last name goes on that Book, or, the last name that's redeemed, that
was put on that Book, that settles it. He comes to claim what He redeemed.
HE.THAT.IS.IN.YOU JEFF.IN. V-6 N-12 63-1110E
45 …when the last name comes out, that was put on the Lamb's Book of Life,
that was slain before the foundation of the world; when that last name has been
redeemed, His work is finished. He comes forth to claim what He has redeemed.
8 That Church is a predestinated Church. Every name that was ever put on that
Book, Jesus came to redeem. And when the last name is redeemed, the Book is
closed. Now, He didn't intend that no one would be lost, but His foreknowledge let
Him know who would be lost.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
Therefore, He could predestinate, and then their names were put on the Book. And
then when that Book of redemption is closed and sealed with seven seals, while it's
being worked out by the--by the mysterious powers of God. And someday when
the Book of redemption is finished, the Lamb takes It. And then the last
name is called off of that, the Lamb comes forward to call for what He has
redeemed, that's His Church. And I believe that time is close at hand.
9 …I trust that the Lord will continue, and may there be souls saved here
UNTIL the last name is on the Book in God's great recording station on High,
those who have accepted Christ as Saviour, been filled with His Spirit.
184 Lord, if there is a man or woman, boy or girl, in Presence now, that doesn't
know You, that they will accept You just now, Father. It might be the last
name that will ever go on the Book, out of Shreveport.
9. Why would Brother Branham print in the Church Age Book, “His present office…
now” is the High Priest? (Remember, Brother Branham personally edited this book for 5
years….then distributed it Dec 4, 1965.)
“His present office”
The LAMB, the High Priest holding His blood as an atonement on the mercy
seat for our sins is the Lord God Almighty. That is His present office. That is
what He is doing now, pleading His blood for our sins. But one day that Lamb will
become the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He will come forth in power and glory and
take His authority to reign as King.
PERSEVERANT DAL.TX V-19 N-9 64-0305 (March 5, 1964)
212 Now how many believes that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever,
raise up your hand. How many knows that this is the Truth? In Hebrews 3, says
that, "Right now He is the High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of
our infirmities." How many knows that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
213 Well, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever,... Only, He is not, in
physical form; when He returns like that, time is over, He will take the Church
with Him.
214 But He is here in the form of the Holy Ghost, to come into me and into you,
and perform His same works. He said, in John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the
works that I do shall He do also." Is that right? [Congregation, "Amen."--Ed.]
345 That little lady with gray hair, setting there looking at me, right here, you
believe God? You believe that God can reveal to me what you're thinking about
there? You got a tumor on the breast. You believe God can take it off of you?
That's right. Have faith and believe. Now, what did she touch? The woman that
touched the border of His garment, the Bible said... You that want to get the Bible;
He said, "He's a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our
infirmities." Isn't that right? He's that High Priest, and He's standing right
here, NOW people are touching Him.
PROVING.HIS.WORD L.A.CA V-18 N-3 65-0426 (April 26, 1965)
169 Now, remember, tonight, Jesus said... Also, in Hebrews:1, Hebrews the 3rd
chapter, I believe it is, He said that, "He now is a High Priest," THIS AGE WE'RE
LIVING IN NOW, "a High Priest sitting in the Majesty of God, in the heavens, that
can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity."
117 Now--and one time, and if a man walked through that veil, it was sudden
death. Now, it's death not to go through it. Amen. If you can't break that veil of
tradition, break through that wall of denomination to see God in His power, it's
death. Once where it was death to go in, now it's death to stay out. The whole
mercy seat's setting in plain view; anybody can see It; the veil's rent. Glory to God.
The whole mercy seat comes into plain view. How God could have mercy on foul
sinners as us, when He hid Himself, was a mystery. And now It's in plain view, or in
full view, revealed by His Word.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
10. If there is no Intercessor or High Priest, (because the Blood has been removed) has the
gift of healing been done away with? Has the apostolic age ceased? If the apostolic age is
over, why did Brother Branham insist it had not ceased, in 1964?
“The corporal body's sitting at the right hand of God to make intercession”
LOOKING.UNTO.JESUS PHOENIX.AZ V-22 N-2 64-0122 (January 22, 1964)
158 Lord Jesus, while there's still an opportunity for man to look, may they
look tonight and see Him in the power of His resurrection. He is not dead, but
He lives forevermore, ready to make intercession for those who are ready to
confess Him. Grant it, Lord.
SHALOM PHOENIX.AZ V-22 N-1 64-0119 (January 19, 1964)
13 So WE FACE THIS YEAR just like we do all years; there is a--a regret of our
mistakes in the past, and a looking forward for a future of the glorious Light of
Christ. No doubt, if we live through this year, we'll find many mistakes that we have
made, and we just expect that because it goes along the pro and con. That's the
law of average that we live by here in this life. But we're so glad we have a
Mediator Who sets at the right hand of God, to make intercessions. When we
are willing to admit our mistakes that we done wrong, then He forgives them. He is
full of grace and mercy, to forgive us for those mistakes.
E-44 Right at this very hour there's people being healed all around the world.
The hour is here. Now, we look at our symptoms. Shame on us. when Jonah in-
-under them circumstances could look away from his symptoms... He said he
refused to look at them. He said, "They're lying vanities. I will look towards Your
holy temple." O God, give us men and women with rugged faith, who'll not look to
symptoms or look at anything the devil hands you. Hand it back to him. Say, "I
believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe in His all-sufficient power. I
believe that His Presence is here now to set me free from any bondage that Satan
put upon me. And I look to the--where He sits at the right hand of God, ever
living to make intercession to me with His own Blood."
As a High Priest He sets there, and but how much more ought we to look to the
holy place of God where Jesus Himself, our Mediator, the only One between God
and man, stands with His own Blood to make intercessions on our confession.
Amen. Don't get... "Amen" means "so be it." I believe it with all my heart.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
ABSOLUTE.AN SHREVEPORT.LA 63-1201M (December 1, 1963)
124 …when He, God, raised Him up the--on the third day, was for our
justification. Therefore, exalted at the right hand of the Majesty on High, HE IS AN
INTERCESSOR, to make intercessions upon our... for our weaknesses, as we
confess it to Him, and die out to ourself; placing His Word back in us, the
promise. And our faith makes that Word live, because Christ is in us, the
quickener to the Word.
How I wish the church could see that, all arguments and strife would be over!
“the apostolic age ceased? Where do you get it?”
TRIAL.A TUCSON.AZ 64-0427 (April 27,1964)
E-76 You want to know where this man, that He's the same yesterday, today,
and forever? You want to know where the nail scars and the prints and things? Any
hypocrite could do that. The life of Christ returns in the form of the Holy Ghost, not
a nail scar. The corporal body's sitting at the right hand of God to make
intercession. But the Holy Ghost has come to carry on his work. I want you to
know that St. John 14:5, Jesus said, "He that believeth in me, the works that I do
shall he do also." I want you, also, to know that John the (14th), 15th chapter says
that "I am the vine, ye are the branches." And how can the branches bear any
other kind of a life or fruit than that was in the vine?
E-77 How can you people say that the apostolic age ceased? Where do you
get it? How can a vine come out and bear... today can go out and bear a orange,
and this day bear a pumpkin? It would have to change its life. In Malachi, the 3rd
chapter, God said, "I am God, and I change not." What He was then, He is today.
And He always was, and always will be.
MIGHTY.GOD.UNVEILED PHIL.PA V-3 N-22 64-0629 (June 29, 1964)
14-3 Now, the traditions has made a veil. They say that the days of miracles is
past. A man spoke to me, a fine, cultured gentleman in Tucson, Arizona, where I
live. I'd had a meeting at the Ramada; and we'd been speaking at the Business
Men's convention, where the Lord Jesus had come present and done great things.
And this Christian gentleman came to me and he said (a minister of the church,
fine man), and he said, "Brother Branham, you are trying to project to the people
an apostolic age," he said, "and when the apostolic age has ceased."
And I said, "I pray thee, my brother, show me when the apostolic age ceased
in the Scripture."
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
I said, "The apostolic age began on the day of Pentecost, and it has... Peter said
on the day of Pentecost, `The promise is unto you, and to your children, and to
them that are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' When did it
cease? If God is still calling, then the apostolic age still is in session."
14-5 And so, that is where the people try to blindfold so many people, by the
traditions of the elders, as it was then.
SEED.OF.DISCREPANCY PHOENIX.AZ 65-0118 (January 18, 1965)
29 When a man stands and says he's a Gospel preacher, and says that the
days of miracles is past, that's the seed of discrepancy. When a man stands
and says that he's a minister, a pastor of a church of somewhere, and he does not
believe that Jesus Christ is the same in every detail (except the physical body),
same yesterday, today, and forever, that's the seed of discrepancy. When he says
that miracles and apostolic age passed, that's seed of discrepancy. When
they say, "There's no such a thing as Divine healing," that's seed of discrepancy.
And the world is full of it. It crowds out and chokes out the wheat.
11. Is it possible to separate any of the attributes from the Seven Redemptive Names of
Jehovah, manifested through Jesus Christ? Can we do away with parts of the 7 compound
redemptive names? Is He no longer Jehovah Jireh, the Lord’s provided sacrifice for
salvation, and Jehovah-rapha, the Lord that heals all our diseases?
“Them compound redemptive Names STILL apply to Him”
E-6 If He wasn't Jehovah-jireh, then He wasn't Jehovah-rapha. And if He's
Jehovah-jireh, the Lord's provided sacrifice, He's Jehovah-rapha the Lord that
heals all thy diseases, and He has to be the same yesterday, today, and forever,
so that settles it. You can't separate God and put Him in parts. God is one.
And we can't make parts out of God.
169 …if He is Jehovah-jireh, He is Jehovah-rapha, 'the healer,' also. For, all
seven compound names, 'our victory,' 'our banner,' and 'our shield,' and 'our
buckler,' and 'Our healing,' and 'our salvation,' 'our provided sacrifice,' all laid in
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
E-7 Now, Jehovah-jireh is one of the seven, compound, redemptive Names of
God. And He's Jehovah-jireh, the Lord will provide Himself a sacrifice. He's
Jehovah-rapha, the Lord that healeth all thy diseases. He's Jehovah-manasses,
Jehovah the--our buckler, our shield, our peace. Seven, compound redemptive
Names... And those compound, redemptive Names are inseparable. They are
part of God. God is represented in those seven redemptive Name. The whole
plan of redemption lays in those Names.
HE.THAT.IS.IN.YOU JEFF.IN. V-6 N-12 63-1110E (November 10, 1963)
240 Them compound redemptive Names STILL apply to Him. He's still
Jehovah-jireh, "the Lord can provide for Himself a Sacrifice."
JEHOVAH.JIREH.2 LOUISVILLE.MS 64-0403 (April 3, 1964)
E-42 Now, God has seven compound redemptive Names. We know that.
And you cannot separate them from Christ. You can't separate them. Christ
met every one of those compound redemptive Names. You believe that? He... You
believe He's Jehovah-jireh, the Lord's provided Sacrifice? Then what about
Jehovah-rapha, the Lord heals all thy diseases?
E-136 Now remember, I'm going to talk to you about the high priest. HE IS A
HIGH PRIEST that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. He is
Jehovah-jireh, the Lord's provided sacrifice. He's Jehovah-rapha, the Lord that
heals all thy diseases. You believe that? He's Jehovah-manasses, a buckler, a
shield, or peace. He's still... Well, how many believes all those redemptive names
of Jehovah was applied to Jesus? Sure. He had to be. If He was... They're
inseparable. So He had to be all of them. And if He's still Jehovah-jireh, He's
Jehovah-rapha. If He's Jehovah-jireh, He's... Jehovah-jireh is the Lord's
provided sacrifice for salvation. Then he's Jehovah-rapha, that heals all of
our diseases.
PARADOX BAKF.CA V-22 N-5 64-0206M (February 6, 1964)
118 He is still, like Genesis 22, Jehovah-Jireh, "the Lord can provide for
Himself a sacrifice." See? He remains. That's one of His compound, redemptive
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
28-7 Take Divine healing away from Christ, you cut half the atonement in
two. See? What do you see when you look?
…If you look at it through the creed, they'll tell you the days of healing is passed.
But if you look at it through the Word, you'll see He's the same yesterday, today,
and forever.
12. If the Blood does not apply to the Bride after 1963, why did Brother Branham say it
“perfects the Bride” in 1964? How will the Bride now be perfected without the Blood?
27-3 The Blood of Jesus Christ perfects the Bride.
1109-Q-355 …the perfecting comes between us and God. The Blood of Christ
is what perfects us in the Holy Spirit.
37-4 You are standing, if you're standing on God's Word and with God's Word,
every amen, every jot, every tittle. Where you standing? I'm trying to tell you: Pull
away from them shucks and get out here in the wheat where you can get ripe
before the sun. I hear the coming of the combine. You're standing complete,
justified like you never did it in the first place. Hallelujah. Talk about a
Thanksgiving. You are the pure, virtuous, sinless Bride of the Son of the living
God. Every man and woman that's born of the Spirit of God, and washed in the
Blood of Jesus Christ, and believes every Word of God, stands as though
you never sinned at the first place. YOU'RE PERFECT.
129-1 {79} …the Church has been judged, and they have judged themselves, and
have accepted the Blood, how can God judge a man that's perfectly, totally
sinless? You say, "There's no such a person." Every borned again believer, true
believer, is perfectly, absolutely sinless before God. He's not trusting in his
works. In the Blood of Jesus that his confession's dropped into... The Bible says
so. See? "He that--that is borned of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin."
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
How can you make a man a sinner when the bleach of the Blood of Jesus Christ is
between him and God, that would scatter sin till there'd be nothing left of it. See?
How can that pure Blood of Christ ever let a sin pass there? He cannot. Jesus said,
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." And how
could we even start the thought of being perfect, but Jesus required it. And if
Jesus required it, He's got to make a way for it; and He has: His own Blood.
E-54 Now, the thing of it is, it's come to a place where that all the stain of sin is
washed away. Then you stand redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. You are a
Adam, like he was before he fell. You are a son of God, washed in the blood of
God's own Blood.
E-30 That's what we must have: perfect faith to make the perfect Word of
God perform perfectly. That's it. We must believe it without a shadow of
1109-Q-355 …the perfecting comes between us and God. The Blood of
Christ is what perfects us in the Holy Spirit.
50 And that's the way with a real Christian. Did you know a real Christian doesn't
have even any sin at all imputed to him? David said, "Blessed is the man who God
will not impute sin to." When you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb (not by
make-belief, but really the--the Blood of the Lamb), God does not impute to you
anything that's done, because you're under the Blood and He doesn't see it.
THERE'S A BLOOD SACRIFICE; the only thing He can see you in, is the way
He saw you before the foundation of the world when He put your name in the
Lamb's Book of Life. That's all He can look at, because you are redeemed from
everything that was ever done, you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Therefore
there's no gall in you, there's no unclean habit in you, because that the Blood of the
Lamb has did this; and God cannot impute sin to you after you've got a sin-offering
laying there waiting for you.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
62 He's gone to prepare a place, a perfect place, where no evil exist, no sickness
exists, no old age exists, no death exists. It's a perfect place calling you to that
perfection, and you have to be perfect to get there. The Bible said so. Jesus
said, "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect." And it's a
perfect Kingdom, so it must be a perfect people come; because you have to
stand and be married to a perfect Son of God; and you must be a perfect
Bride. So how can you do it through anything else but the perfect Word of
God, which is the waters of separation that washes us from our sins. Amen! That's
right. The Blood of Jesus Christ. Think of it! The dripping, bloody Word! Amen! The
Blood, the--the Word of God bleeding blood to wash the Bride in! Amen!
Yes, sir. She stands perfect, virgin, unadulterated; She never sinned in the first
place. Amen! She was trapped into it. See? There's the Father's House that He's
gone to prepare.
13. How does a believer have the Token without first accepting and applying the Blood
“The Spirit is the Token that the Blood has been applied”
TOKEN.THE DAL.TX V-19 N-12 64-0308 (March 8, 1964)
45 And every man that's born in the world, I don't care how good of home he
come out of, he is guilty of the Blood of Jesus Christ until he has accepted the
pardon of it. And the only way that you know the pardon is right, when the Token
puts Itself upon you, and you have the Token.
TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
52-6 It's not nonsense to us. It's the Token. It's the Token. We accept this
sacred Blood sacrifice... We accept His sacrifice Blood. Then give (See?)--
that gives us the Life, the Token, a seal of His promise. Ephesians 4:30, said,
"Grieve not the" blood?--no, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit, whereby ye are
covenanted (put away)--you are covenanted; you are a Token; the Holy Spirit will
be the seal..."
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
60-3 The Blood cleanses. The Spirit is a Token that the Blood's been applied.
See? The Spirit is the Token that the Blood has been applied. Until the
Blood's applied, the--the Spirit cannot come. But when the Blood is applied,
then the Spirit is a Token, sent it back to you, that your faith in the Blood has been
accepted. Your fare's paid. Your fare's paid. It's all over. The case is closed. You're
a Christian. You are a believer. Christ is in you, and you're in Christ.
TOKEN.THE BAKF.CA V-22 N-8 64-0208
believers from the unbelievers. The believer worshipper was identified with his
sacrifice. He must apply the blood. It wasn't take and kill the lamb, set the blood out
there somewhere, or keep it in a charger, take it down to the neighbors. He had to
apply the blood. THAT'S THE WAY IT IS TONIGHT. We could come and
sympathize with everything God does, that isn't what He requires. You've got to
apply it. It's not sufficient until you apply it. The blood must be applied. That
shows that you are identified. The worshipper laid his hand upon the lamb and
then killed it, identified himself with the sacrifice.
23 The same thing we do tonight, is lay our hand upon our sacrifice and identify
ourself with Him. And He is the Word. We have to be identified. Only through Christ
is when we're identified by the Word, because He is the Word, always has been. In
the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God...
and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, the same yesterday, today,
and forever.
14. If there is no provided place for intercession after March 1963, why did Brother
Branham point us to “one provided place” after the Seals were open? Can you be “born
again without the Blood cleansing us?
“one provided place…” “ under the Sacrifice”
67 God has ONE place that He meets man, that's under the Blood. And
outside of that... There is no failing. That's right. You got, must have, under the
70 …And that's one thing that EVERY born-again believer has in common, is the
Blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses them.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
39 Now, remember, He has a provided place, one place alone where He'll
meet the believing children.
64 Now, to back it up, we could take the entire Bible to back up what I'm going to
say. For, the place that He chose is in Christ, in Jesus Christ. It is in Him, His
Son; God's Son, Jesus Christ. …UNDER THE SACRIFICE of His Own Son!
That's God's only provided place. There is where people can meet God, is in
Christ. That is His provided place.
E-71 …the blood of God saves us. The blood of God brings Jesus Christ in
our midst. The blood of God brings the Holy Ghost. Not the blood of a Jew or a
Gentile, but God's own creative blood.
TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
6-9 The believer, today, standing under the shed Blood, identified with the
Sacrifice--just as perfect as--as it can be.
8-3 The Blood is the Token, and the Token must be applied (See?), or it's not--or
even the covenant is not in effect.
15. Why did Brother Branham tell us the Church Age had not ended, and mercy was not
over, if the Blood has already been removed from the Mercy Seat?
“Is Mercy over?”
55-6 There's no more mercy; WHEN the Lamb takes the Book, that's it; that's
all of it; and it looks a whole lot like it could be now. Maybe we have another day.
Maybe today's that day. Maybe tomorrow is the last... Maybe tonight's the
last night. Maybe this is the last year. I don't know, friends.
I'm telling you. I don't know. It'll never be told me, BUT WHEN God takes that
last name and redeems it from that Book of Life, that's all of it.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
1105-Q-348 Brother Branham, some say mercy is over and no one can be
saved. Now, is this true? (I'm glad I got this one.) We watch and pray--we
watch the prayer lines, and it seems some are still finding mercy. Now, that's the
first question, you got two. "IS MERCY OVER?" Don't never think that. See?
Just keep right on doing everything you can until you're taken away. See? "We
notice in the prayer line some's finds mercy." Sure. Mercy's--the doors are open.
See? I think where you got this--this thought might lay between... See, I don't have
time to give each one of these Scriptures their right place (You see?), each one of
these things their right place. They... In the prayer line you find mercy, certainly. If I
knowed Jesus was coming this afternoon, I'd be doing just the thing I'm doing right
now (See?), just continuing right on. Mercy is always open. See?
1105-201 And now, where I think you get it, is about the finishing of the
Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals being loosed. See? The Seven
Seals, it's manifested what takes place has--what has took place. The seventh
church age, we're at the end of the seventh church age. When I say the end, that
doesn't mean it's this very hour, this very minute. You remember, the Bible
said, back in the times of--of the Lord Jesus, Paul said, "For the time is at hand."
Do you realize how long that was in God's time? That was yesterday. My time, it's
been two thousand years. See? The time is at hand. See? What God calls at
hand is not what we call at hand. See? So just keep on believing, keep on
praying, keep on... GOD'S STILL GOT MERCY OPEN; just keep flowing into it as
1160-Q-391 Brother Branham, have you made statements recently
concerning that church age has ended, Laodicea? No, I never said it's ended.
If I did, you misunderstood, or I said it wrong.
It is--this is the last church age; it's the end of church ages, the Laodicea. It hasn't
ended; when it ends, the church is gone. So as long as the church is here, it
hasn't ended. See?
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
1160-Q-392 The church age ending and has blacked out, the Bride is called,
we have already entered into the tribulation period?
No, no, no, you're... I wished that I could just have more time on that. See, see?
The Bride, when she's taken from the church, then the church age will cease.
Laodicea goes into chaos; the Bride goes to glory; and the tribulation period sets
16. Wasn’t free moral agency for every mortal born, just as it was for Adam and Eve? If
the Blood has been removed, (then there is no choice to be made) has free moral agency
ended too?
“You send your own soul to its eternal destination upon the free moral
153 …you are a mortal being and you are given the--you are given the
opportunity of choice. You have a choice. God made it so you can choose. If He
put Adam and Eve on free moral agency so they could choose, and then they
made the wrong choice. And, see, He can do no more to you than He did to
them, He's got to put you the same thing so you can choose or reject.
76 "What are we doing here? Where did we come from? Or what business we
got being here?" We wasn't put here just by chance; we were put here for a
purpose; and we must serve that purpose. But still we're back on the basis of free
moral agency where we can serve it or reject it, just like Adam did in the beginning.
46 …He put man on free moral agency, "If you take this you live, if you take that
you die." And every man that comes into the world is still set with the same
thing. God, by His foreknowledge, knew who would and who would not.
Questions concerning the Blood and related points
E-18 God called Abraham by election. God elects people. And over in--in the
Book of Ephesians the 1st chapter and about the 5th verse, Paul states the word
"predestinated" us to the adoption of sons. Now, that doesn't mean that God just
puts you in a little channel and runs you through, and you can't help if you--
how you go, when you--you... Would be no reward. But God gives you the free
moral agency to make your choice, but God will keep His believer.
E-19 And "predestination" is a hard word among a congregation of people,
because predestination... Really "foreknowledge" is a better word. And
predestination looks back to foreknowledge, and foreknowledge looks on to
destiny. That God, being infinite, in the beginning knew the end from the
beginning, therefore He knew what people would do, so He could foretell
what would take place, for He knew what would be. Therefore He... Before
Esau or Jacob, either one was born, God could say, "Esau I've hated, and Jacob
I've loved," because He foreknew what they could be. He never made Esau the
way he was. He wasn't willing that Esau would be that way, but Esau, by
choice, God knew would take that way. So that's how He knows us today. He
knows your heart. And if... You might be able to fool your neighbor; you might be
able to fool your pastor; but you'll never be able to fool God, 'cause He knows your
E-27 God doesn't send you to hell for being a sinner. God sends you to hell,
because you won't repent and take Christ as your Saviour. You refused to take the
right road. You send yourself to torment. You send your own soul to its eternal
destination upon the free moral agency of your own convictions. God does
not send anyone to hell. He never did, and He never will. Men send themselves to
hell, because they refuse to--to accept the way of salvation. God isn't... He's longsuffering.
He doesn't want any to perish. Never wanted it. But men rather walk in
darkness than to walk in Light.
27 And all the words of God has to be fulfilled; therefore, we know that Jesus
has gone to prepare a place to receive a people unto Himself. Who those people
are, I hope it's--we are part of those people tonight. If it isn't, my friend, God has
made a way, a condition, that you can be included in that if you want to.
You're on free moral agency; you can act the way you wish to.

The preaching to the lost

The preaching to the lost
When does the message get preached to the “lost”?
“Lost”, i.e. “dead, damned, reprobate, condemned, eternally separated from God,
blinded, numb, beyond reach, without hope, doomed, taken the mark of the beast”
Past, present or future?
The message to the doomed, what did they do? Laughed at it. What do they do
today? The same thing.
Then He sent another messengers, two of them, and they went down. That was His
Second Pull for Lot--for Sodom. But look at that one that went last. Just more and
more mercy; it was all over then--all over at that time. That third Messenger that went
down there, the Third Pull, what was He? What kind of a ministry did He have? He
set with the elected and told them what was taking place behind Him. Is that
right? But when He stepped off into Babylon--or into Sodom, He wanted to find... Even
Abraham crying, "If I could find fifty righteous..." on down to ten righteous.
Noah shut up, was a testimony. God shut the door after his Third Pull. After the Third
Pull at Sodom, the doors was shut. There was no more mercy. The ten couldn't be
found. And the lost had the Gospel preached that could not be saved, because it was
yet... Been that way in every age; every age reject the message before judgment.
Have they done it again? Is that appearing of that Pillar of Fire down yonder on the
river? Is that appearing alone in the message of cutting the women, and throwing the
places where it should be, and rebuking those ministers who takes the place with
the denomination instead of staying on the Word, when God's thoroughly avindicated
that it's Him and not some poor ignorant unlearned thing like a man. It's
God. And have we now come to the spot that the Third Pull would return again to
the lost eternally?
Has the ministry of Jesus Christ in this day patterned the day that He was here when
He preached first? When He was a young Galilean prophet, everybody wanted Him in
their church, when He healed the sick and everything.
But when He went to prophesying, and rebuking them, and calling them a bunch of
vipers, right then He started declining, and finally led to His crucifixion, assassination.
The preaching to the lost
But remember, He had another ministry; He preached to the eternal lost and damned,
that didn't repent in the days that they had a chance to repent. Will that ministry
return like that, that the ministry will continue to go on to a lost and damned
people, where there's no mercy to be gotten for them? Think of it, what if it could.
You say, "Is it, Brother Branham?" I don't know. It could be later than we think.
Only ONE messenger for each age receives what the Spirit has to say to that age,
and that ONE MESSENGER is the messenger to the true church. He speaks for
God by revelation to the "churches", BOTH TRUE AND FALSE. The message is
then broadcast TO ALL. But though it is broadcast for all who come within range of
the message, that message is received individually by only a certain qualified group in
a certain way.
Now, there's been all kinds of ministries. God in this last days, I believe, has given us
everything He's got in his book. Everything that He's promised, we've seen. And still, it
seems like the people can't grasp it. Those who are ordained to grasp it, will grasp it.
Only those. It blinds one; opens the eyes of another.
But you notice, just before they entered the promised land, all of the--the differences
that--that had rose up among them. They... One of the great things was Korah. He
didn't want this one--man leadership. Dathan, and how they come up before Moses
and tried to tell him that "the--the message had to mean this," and put a different
interpretation to it, their own ideas of what it was. And they every one perished! Every
Jesus said, "There wasn't none of them but what perished."
They said, "Our fathers eat manna in the wilderness, for the space of forty years,"
(Saint John 6.) Jesus said, "And they are every one dead."
DEAD means "ETERNALLY SEPARATED." They're all dead, yet they enjoyed
hearing the message, yet they enjoyed the manna that fell. Not another manna; the
genuine manna!
Same now. Cain's revelation of the Word done the same thing that these has. What?
Promised her. At the end of time, what promises this Eve now? Listen close now, I'm
closing. What promise to this Eve at the end time? Riches, Laodicea, great name,
great person, rich. "But DEAD, and naked, and don't know it." That's what the
church age ended in.
The preaching to the lost
But she denies the Word. To make Matthew 24:24 real to her, she tries to move in
with a lot of noise, and a lot of this, and a lot of social standings, and things like this,
trying to say, "Well, we got power! Glory to God (Hallelujah.), we got power!" Having a
form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, so close that it would deceive the
very elected...
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of
corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
TITUS 1:16
16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny [him], being abominable, and
disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
You'll cross that line, and you'll never want to do it. You'll still hear the Gospel; sure,
but you'll never accept it. You can't accept it. But the Gospel will be preached to the
doomed, those that are eternally lost, can't get saved no more. You're already in
that spot and don't know it. You think you're living in pleasure and dead while
you're alive. Oh.
HEAR.YE.HIM 56-0611
And God's pardoning grace, God's Divine healing is the property of every believer if
it's received as that. But if it's turned down, then it's of none effect. God is not
guilty, because He's offered it to you.
"If we sin willfully after we receive the knowledge, it's been preached to you, read to
you, proved to you; after we see the knowledge of the truth, and you go ahead and
unbelieve, willfully, there's no more sacrifice for sin.
You know, the Bible said you can believe a lie and be damned by it. See? That's
exactly the truth. They form, no matter what the Word of God says, they lean to
their own understanding. They--they lean on it; they believe it; they think it's the
Truth. You can keep believing a lie over and over and over till it's the truth to you.
That's right.
The preaching to the lost
…they can say, "Oh, we believe the Bible, but not This. We don't believe This. We
believe This was for another age. We believe this is That," because some
denomination has twisted their minds into that cesspool.
When Jesus said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It,
his part will be taken from the Book of Life."
Dear God, think of the disappointments there at judgment when people's lived a
good, clean, holy life, went to church just as loyal as they could be, AND LOST.
…when I think of this world and the thousands that I know that's LOST, BLACK
SHADOWED (Yeah.), then your heart just bleeds. What can you do? What can you...
You just feel the Holy Spirit crying out in your heart. Like it must've been in our Lord
when He looked over Jerusalem, His own people (See?), said, "Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you as a hen would her brood, but you
would not." You just feel the Holy Spirit say, "How often I would've gathered you
(See?), but you would not." See?
And you can stand in the Presence of the living God, you can stand under the
anointing of the Spirit and see It moving, and still It won't touch you. You can see what
God said, preached to you perfectly and then manifested, and still won't go in, "don't
believe It," then, there, you are beyond reach. You're ALREADY DEAD, numb,
blinded, gone on. They were completely.
147 The Bible said in Malachi 4 what would happen today, Revelation 10, how the
Seven Seals would be open and reveal all these mysteries that's been hid through
these reformers. He said how it would be done. It's in the Bible, THUS SAITH THE
LORD. God has completely, perfectly identified that and a-vindicated It to be the Truth
by signs, wonders in the heavens and the skies, and everything else for thirty-three
years. You think they'll listen to it? NO, THEY'RE DEAD.
Oh, no wonder, no wonder the damnation of God is heaped up. God put it right
before your eyes, and you shut your eyes and fail to look at it. Shutting up your bowels
of compassion when you see the true Word of God in these Seven Seals being
vindicated and proved to be so, and witnessed in the heavens across the nations
and everywhere else by great signs and wonders that He promised He would do.
Then you shut up and say, "I don't know; I can't help it, I..." See? OH, MY. DEAD,
AND DON'T KNOW IT. Sins and trespasses you're dead. Oh, my.
The preaching to the lost
Like He give Egypt, He give Egypt place to repent. What was that last plague? Was
death. That's the last plague that's hit the Pentecostal church. It's spiritual
DEAD. He gave her place to repent, and she rejected it; now she's dead. She'll
never rise again.
Be awful to think, now, that some of these days that people would be going on
preaching just like they did in the days of Noah, they would be going on just the same,
but to a doomed WORLD that's already the doors is closed. We don't know what
time that might happen.
There's no safety zone but One; that's Christ, the Son of the living God. And there's
only one thing that is the safety zone, and that's Him; all outside of there will
perish just as certain as God said so.
Now, the little--humble little Bride of Christ just simply believes the Word,
whoever She is; it's individuals.
God's calling individuals. "I stand at the door and knock. If any man, any person..."
One individual out of a thousand, it might be one out of a million.
When I think of the blinded human beings in this earth who see, but yet, can't
understand … and still they don't understand. How can it be? Because their eyes are
not open. It's going to open one of these days, my friend, but it'll be too late then.
The time will be gone. And you'll wonder back, "You mean to tell me this, that soand-
so, and such a thing was this, and I didn't know it?" It goes over their head.
They don't catch it. Do you catch what I'm saying? It goes over them. It's
right...Looking for some great something to happen in the future when it's right
now, and you fail to see it.
The preaching to the lost
And that's the way with the world today. It's got plenty to eat, plenty to wear, fine
churches, big places, fine educated ministers. And so they don't need nothing else.
But you don't know the Scriptures said you're naked, miserable, blind and don't
know it. Don't know it! And you can't tell them no different. They continually wade
right on down that line, and fail to let the Word of God influence them to believe Jesus
Christ is raised from the dead and alive today, the same yesterday, today, and
forever, showing Himself alive. They're just simply dead. Everywhere, everywhere
you go seems to be the same thing.
Had to be that way, you know. He has to be put out of the church. There's no way at
all for it to keep from being this way. God said it would be this way. But if... let it shake
you. Let it shake you good. No matter what nation you're in, wherever you're at,
whoever you are, let it wake you up. Hours come and go. The first thing you know,
you'll be saying, "Well, I thought there was supposed to be this happen before
the rapture." There might be a voice come back like it did one time, "It's already
happened and you didn't know it." You'll be all anchored off in a church
somewhere, saying, "I'm just as secure as I can be," and the first thing you
know the rapture will be gone. It's going to be a secret, sudden going--nobody know
nothing about it. The world will keep right on going, like Noah went into the ark.
You remember after Noah went into the ark, he sat there seven days after God closed
the door. God closed the door and Noah sat in the ark for seven days before anything
happened. And the door of mercy will be closed in your face, and might already be.
And just think of it--the people'll go ahead preaching, people'll think they're
getting saved, putting their names on books, joining church, shouting, jumping
up and down.
As we see the great end time signs on earth today, we know that that's right. Now,
look, I've waited for this for a long, long time, for this Message to you (See?), and
you've seen the end time signs. And I've preached it to you and showed it to you by
everything that Christ said. Is that right? You'll admit that. At the end time, I don't see
nothing left. You say, "What about the mark of the beast?" Those who reject the
Holy Spirit, is already marked by the beast. The punishment will come later.
Now, somebody said, "Now, there's going to be a--a mark of the beast; it's going to
come someday." Let me tell you, it's already come.
See? As soon as the Holy Ghost begin to fall, the mark of the beast begin to
take place. See, you only have two things: One of them is, accept It, takes the Seal
of God, To reject It, takes the mark of the beast. To reject the Seal of God is to take
the mark of the beast. Everybody understand?
The preaching to the lost
To reject the Seal of God is to take the mark of the beast, for the Bible said all that
was not sealed by the Seal of God took the mark of the beast. When the trumpet
sounded and all wanted to go free could go, them that didn't was marked. Now, you
see, the mark of the beast, if we talk about it in the future, is when it's going to
be made manifest, when you realize it's what you've already done. See? And so
is the Holy Spirit; It's to be manifested when we see the Lord Jesus coming in
glory, and feel that transforming power, and see the dead rising out of the grave, and
know that in a second longer we'll be changed and have a body like His. It'll be
made manifest. Then to see those who rejected it, will be left down--out--out.
Life belongs to God alone, and He's the only One that handles life. So we must come
to that place to be germitized by the Word of God, or we will never rise again.
Our--our--our life is totally finished when--when we finish this life here. That does it
altogether if we're--if we're not germitized by the--by the Word of God, by the Life of
Notice, God's life, which is in the Greek called Zoe, moving through them and in
them, quickened their minds to His Word. Now, let me say that real quietly now.
The Spirit of God that moves among the people, quickens the mind of the person to
the promise of God…
Now then, when the church becomes hybridized, will it produce pure Christians? It
can't. The life or seed that brings Christians to birth is not in them. Like brings
forth like. The Baptists bring forth more Baptists and they act like Baptists. Methodists
bring forth Methodists and they act like Methodists. Not one is known by the power of
God nor can they be for it's not there. They are known by their ceremonial worship of
God and their creeds and dogmas.
Talk about a hybrid. Do you know the most famous hybrid in the world? It has been
with us for ages. It is the mule. It is a cross between a donkey and a horse. He is a
funny kind of an animal. He can't reproduce himself. He has no life that can do that.
Yet talk about work. He can outwork the horse or the donkey. But watch his nature.
He is stubborn and you can never trust him. He is a perfect picture of hybrid religion.
A cross between truth and darkness, for the horse is a type of the true believer and
the ass a picture of the unrighteous one. Mix them and you have a sterile, formal
religion. It hasn't the seed of life. It is dead. It can talk about truth but it can't
produce it. It doesn't have God in its midst, yet it gathers together and talks about
God, and all the while systematically denies the power. They will deny the Word in the
very Name of the Lord. And there is never any hope for them.
The preaching to the lost
When any man turns from the Word of God and joins a church instead of receiving the
Holy Spirit, that man dies. Dead! That is what he is. Don't join a church. Don't get into
organization and get taken up with creeds and tradition or anything that takes the
place of the Word and the Spirit or you're dead. It's all over. You're dead.
They are getting away from that Word, our own groups are. I am duty bound to a
Message; not to be different, but because of love. Love is corrective. Come back! Stay
away from that thing! You ministering brothers, I don't care what your groups does,
stay away from it! Stay out of it! It's the mark of the beast, stay away from it!
See, Jesus is knocking in this Laodicea age. See where they put Him out? He is trying
to get to individuals, not--not organizations and groups of people. He is trying to get
one here, and one there, and one there, trying.
…my opinion, the last member will be caught up one of these days. It might come,
and you wouldn't know nothing about it. Remember, it's a secret, secret catching
…the Holy Spirit is here to find you; and when It finds you, you recognize His call.
You know the hour you're living. You know that these things are supposed to happen,
quickly you're raptured up to meet it, and now you're setting in heavenly places
in Christ Jesus. Oh, what a promise. What a heavenly Father Who would give us
these things.
Notice, when Jesus came and manifested the Word, because the Word discerned the
thoughts that was in the heart (as Hebrews 4 says It will--4:12--that He would)... The
Word was a discerner of the thoughts of the heart, and He came as the Son of man,
the Prophet. What happened? This priest with only intellectual learning said, "It's a
devil," because that's what his denomination called it. What did it do? He had no
representation, so it blacked him out.
The preaching to the lost
Notice the little woman at the well….
He said, "By the way, go get your husband and come here."
And she said, "I don't have any husband."
"Why," He said, "you've told the truth (See?), because you've had five, and the one
you now have is not your husband." See? Watch. Something happened (See?);
something took Life. Now, if it hadn't have been in there to begin with, if she
hadn't have had representation from predestination, it'd never took hold.
There stood priests there, said, "This man's Beelzebub." See, no representation.
Eternal Life, "you always was." See, you have Eternal Life, there's only one form of it;
that's God. You were His attribute, He thought of you and knowed you before the
foundation of the world in His mind. See? She looked around. Look what a--what a
sinful shape she was in. But, see, He couldn't--He couldn't get that priest, because
the priest was a educated scholar, a theologian in the Word, but no representation in
heaven (See?), wasn't in God's thinking at all. But this woman was. She said,
"Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet." That's just all He wanted her to see. See?
And that's the way it is with every born-again believer. You can hear all the theology
you want to, and all the manmade discrepancy; but when that Word flashes out
there, then there is something takes a hold, you come to It. "You who were once
dead in sin; that life has He quickened." THERE HAS TO BE A LIFE THERE TO
QUICKEN TO, FIRST. God, by His foreknowledge, knowed all things. And we were
predestinated to be sons and daughters of God. "Ye who were once dead in sin and
trespasses, wherein we all had our times past, but hath He quickened."
60 …if He is a Redeemer, He come... To "redeem" is to pick up that which has
fallen, to redeem back to a place where it was at the beginning. So none will be
picked up but them that was in His thoughts at the beginning. He come to
redeem, not this cannon fodder that we see around professing to be Christians,
but that He came to redeem that was in God's thinking at the beginning. This other is
just something that's makes around to show the statue. See? It just... It's a--it's a
garden, a flower garden. It plays its part. But the statue's what you want to see, the
Statue of Christ, which was God projected to the earth in the form of a man. Amen.
That's the Statue you want to see. That's the one. This other is just makeup for it. You

Our New Name

Our New Name
The question was asked of me, “How could the complete revelation of the Seven Thunders be
revealed if we do not know our New Name?” This question was asked because Brother Branham
clearly says, “I don't know what it is now…” and the “new Name” was to be revealed by the
revealing of the seven thunder mysteries.
To the overcomers a “new name” is given, I believe both figuratively, (now) and literally, (our
new name at the translation.) Once quickened to Life by the Word, the Elected recognizes their
position in Christ, which was predestinated before the foundation of the world. We, as believers
become One with the Word, a chaste virgin to the Word, taking His Name, as our new Name, as a
Bride does her Bridegroom’s name. How does this happen? By One Spirit, we are baptized into
that Body. What is the Spirit? The Word. Once this happens, the bride never looks at another
suitor, she keeps herself pure from the world.
And the white rock? To me, that is the revelation of this Hour, the Message of this Laodicean
messenger. Remember it is he who is calling a Bride out from Babylon. ‘Come out of her my
people, and be SEPARATE.’
I believe Brother Branham’s Message is the fulfillment of Rev 10, the opening of the Seals, the
“finish” of the mysteries of God, and yes, the revelation of the seven thunders. This is how we
know the “New Name” . Figuratively it is the Bridegroom’s.
Is this our literal “new name,” which we receive once we are translated? No, we do not know
that, but it will be known when we get there. (‘there’ meaning: the other side) It is my humble
opinion this is not “two names.” Instead, one conjoined name. Just as a bride takes the surname
(or last name) of her Bridegroom, conjoined with our “first name” which we receive when we are
translated. This entire Name, is one that was written on the Lamb’s Book of Life, by His
foreknowledge, before the foundation of the world.
As Abram was given a new name, (a new name that was directly associated with that of Elohim)
so has the Bride been given a new Name, that of the Bridegroom’s.
And to show him what He was going to do, He changed his name in the 17th chapter.
And He changed Sarah's name. That's right. Watch those names, mean something.
Why did He change Jacob's name to Israel? Why did He change Saul's name to Paul?
Why did He do all those things? After He overcome and entered into glory He said that
His Name was changed. In Revelations it's given a promise to those that overcome,
He would make known His new Name. That's right. Every time they overcome they
was given a new name.
Abraham, when he finally overcome, he was taken from the name of Abram, said, "You
shall not be called Abram any more, but shall be called Abraham." Give him part of His
Name, tacked His name onto it: Elo-him. H-i-m and h-a-m: Elohim. In other words, I am
the Father of all things. See? And I'm making you a father of nations, so I've changed
and give you part of My Name, father of nations, h-a-m. See? Elo-him, Abraham...
Gen 17:5-7
5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be
Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings
shall come out of thee.
7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee
in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy
seed after thee.
Gen 17:15-16
15 And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her
name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be.
16 And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she
shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.
God took Abraham out, and placed the adoption upon him, and changed his name
(Glory.) from Abram to Abraham. Abraham comes from the word of "Elohim," God's own
name. He associated his name with God's name. God is Elohim. How many knows
that? The great Jehovah, Elohim, the all-sufficient One, the self-existing One, Elohim.
And what did He do? He took the H-E-M off of His name and placed it onto Abraham's
name, because he was A-bra-ham. God is the Father of all, and Abraham is father of
nations. Glory. Elohim, Father of all: Abraham, father of nations. Placing positionally.
…Now, then in the same chapter He gives him a sign, gives the Pentecostal church a
sign of the end time. After Abraham had his name changed a few days, he was placed
then as Elohim, associated with God. (Oh! Oh, you know, isn't it good to be a holy
roller?) Placed him, associated him with God, give part of His name.
And what kind of a name does His church have? His name. Is that right? "I come in
My Father's name and you received Me not." Jesus' name. "If another will come in their
name, his name, organization name him you'll receive." But He associated Abraham
with His name, and His church has His name. Many fine women in this world, tonight,
but there's one Mrs. William Branham; she's the one goes with me. One church that lives
in the name of Jesus. "Whatsoever you do in word and deed, do it in the name of
Matt 12:21
21 And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.
The Bible does not call my name--my name, William Branham, or call your name
whoever it is, but we are in Him anyhow.
…it's a identifying age.
Now, all that it happens in the natural is only a type that's going on in the spiritual. We
also, the Christian church itself, which is of no denomination, but of a nature... It is the
mystical body of Christ, and it's identified also. It bears identification.
In my heart the greatest thing that I could think of is to be like Jesus Christ, to be
identified with Him. There's why I baptize the people in the Name of Jesus Christ,
because He is our Identification. We pack the identification. "Whatsoever you do in
word or in deed do it in the Name of Jesus Christ, giving praise to God for it." And we are
identified with Him in baptism.
…these few stood for the Word of God, and thereby honored the Lord. Now He would
honor them in return. For they shall walk with Him in white. They had identified
themselves with Him on earth and now He would identify Himself with them in the
New Jerusalem. And how marvelous will be that identification!
And there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life. Only one form of Eternal
Life: that was God. There to be a son of God, you had to be in Him always. The gene
of your life, spiritual life tonight, was in God the Father before there was even a
molecule. See? And you are nothing but the manifestation of the gene of life that
was in God as a son of God. Now, you're expressed, after His Word has come in you,
to light up this age. You are the--expressing God's Life in you, because you are a son or
a daughter of God. Therefore... You get what I mean? See? You are in--you are now
made... You're setting in this church tonight, because your duty is to express God to this
nation, and this people, and this neighborhood where you associate. Wherever you are,
God knew that you would be here, because you have to be one of His genes or His
attributes. You had to be. If you ever--if you've got Eternal Life, then it always was
Eternal Life. And God before there was a foundation of the world knew that you would be
here. And when the Word--or the water, the washing of the water of the Word fell upon
you, you was expressed in a being. Now, you have fellowship with your Father, God, just
as you have with you earthly father. See? You are citizens of the King, not citizens, but
you are children, sons and daughters of the Living God if it be that the Eternal Life dwells
in you. Now, then if it was, Jesus was the Fullness of God manifested.
He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily; therefore, when He came to the earth and
was manifested in flesh, you were here in Him then, because He was the Word. In
the beginning was the Word,... the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the
Word was made flesh and dwelled among us,... The Word was made flesh; therefore,
you walked with Him, when... You were in Him when He was on earth. You suffered
with Him, and you died with Him; you was buried with Him, and now you're risen with
Him and manifested attributes of God, setting in heavenly places, already raised,
resurrected to new life and setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, that means so
much now-days, church. That means so much to us, to see ourself positionally
placed in Jesus Christ. Now, if we are those attributes of God, we cannot live by
creeds; we cannot live by denominationalism; we must live by the Word, because the
Bride is a part of the Bridegroom like any wife is a part of her husband; therefore, we
must be that Word Bride. And what is that Word Bride? The manifestation of this hour,
the Bride, not a creed or denomination, but a living Oracle of God, a living attribute of
God displaying to the world the attributes of God in the formation of the Bride
that's to be expressed in this hour that we're now living.
Now, look. If a woman goes out here and is married to a man, and she goes out and
makes love with another man and has affairs with him, and come back to her husband,
he should kick her out. That right? She must be true to him, 'cause she's vowed to him.
And the Bride of Christ is vowed to Christ, and He is the Word. Not even wink at the
other side, a woman should not even wink at another man. She should make no signs,
no emotions at all towards him, for she is absolutely a bride to one bridegroom. We don't
want none of your mixed trees, your denominations. Be true to Christ, the Word. He'll
vindicate It to be true. No, sir! Not even any emotion of anything towards making love to
him, not join his ranks or anything else, or let him get you in his arms or in his care, or--or
talk to you over this way, that way, you listen to--only one Voice: "My sheep know My
voice; a stranger, they'll not..." What is His Voice? Any man's voice is his word, and this
is It, the Bible. Not one word to be added to It or taken from It, just stay right with that
Voice. A stranger they won't follow, a denomination. As She is part of the Groom, true
to Him in every point, waiting the Wedding, uniting, not at the ecumenical council, but
in the sky, the Wedding Supper. She has been given (this is for our own church) the...
She has been given and revealed to Her the Seven Sealed mysteries of the Bible.
She--she sees the folly of the deceiver, so very close to the Truth that almost deceive
the Elected; She sees it.
"There comes the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!" The only safety
zone there is is in that Lamb of God. In Him alone is salvation, not in any church, any
creed, any people, any father, any mother, any holy man, or nothing, holy place; it's in
the Holy God, the Lord Jesus Christ, where God placed His Name on a human being
for redemption, Who paid the price for us sinners. That's the only place that there is
salvation. That's the Rock I stand on.
… it's Jesus Christ, by the New Birth, believing that Bible. That's God's provided way,
and the only way that He has, is in Jesus Christ, His Son. And, in His Son, He placed His
Name. His! God's Name is Jesus, 'cause He came in His Father's Name. And so that
would be God's Name, because He was God.
Now, notice, when this great moving power of God comes into a son of God, it
quickens him, the Spirit of Life enters into him. Then what does it do? It seats them in
heavenly places, right now. Not they "will be." We are now. Now, we've already
resurrected, the dynamics and the mechanics is gone to work, quickened us, and we're
quickened up into the Presence of God, where His Spirit is. And now we are seated
together in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus; in Christ Jesus, sitting in there, that great
seat that's already fired up, been raised from the dead. We're a part of it. If you're a part
of the Bride, you are, because the Bride is part of the Groom, you know. So we find
out that it's the same thing, and She'll do just exactly what's predicted for Her to do in this
day. She won't be a Laodicea, not by no means a lukewarm. But She'll be on fire for
God, She'll be moving on in the Spirit of God.
Now, we're looking here now to find out. Now, let us, now at this same time that it does,
that this strikes us; and, when, we're once dead in sin and trespassing, trespasses,
rather, he... we been quickened together unto His Word of this age.
"… a new name written in this rock that nobody knows but he himself." He knows who
he is, but he can't tell others. See, see? No one knows but himself. See? Peter knows he
had the keys, but you didn't hear him bragging about it. See? These guys who brag
about what they are is usually nothing. "A white rock, and in it a new name," not his own
name, but he's somebody else (see?) that only he himself knows (he that's got the rock,
the name).
What is the--the name of the--that'll be on the people of Revelations 3:12?
I--I don't know. Yeah. He said give them a new name. I--I--I don't know what that is.
See? It'll be probably made known when we get there, but I--I don't know what it is
now. See? See, He is going to do that. See? He give them a new name that--that they
just knowed themselves. See?
Why did He change Jacob to Israel? Not until he wrestled with the Lord, not until he
overcome. And when Jesus overcome death, hell and the grave, the Bible said, "He had
a new Name." And when Jacob overcome.
And if the Church can overcome, she will stop saying, "I am Methodist, Baptist, and
Presbyterian." When she can overcome her creeds and the world that's drawed her in
there, she'll come back to the Bride of Jesus Christ, Miss Jesus Christ. Amen.
Now, that's what the church is also. It's in the same condition. She's a type. She has the
same precious virtues by Spirit given to her to preserve the Spirit and the Word and
never commit adultery with anything of the world or anything, stay virgin to the Word
as a woman is to stay virtuous to her husband. It's a sacred trust.
To honor her Lord's Word above every manmade creed, wisdom, denomination there is,
the church is given that trust. They say well, "My church..." I don't care what your church
believes in. If it's contrary to the Word of God, stay away from it.
"And I will write my NEW Name upon him." My New Name. When ALL becomes new,
then He will take upon Him a new Name and that Name will be the Name of the bride
also. What that Name is, none dare conjecture. It would have to be a revelation of the
Spirit given so conclusively that none would dare deny it. But no doubt He will leave that
revelation to the day when He desires to give that Name forth.
198-306 That's that great Person the Lord Jesus. He was Jehovah, God inveiled in
flesh. The Bible said, "Whatever you do in word and deed, do it all in His Name." The
Bible said the whole family in heaven is named Jesus, and the whole family on earth is
named Jesus. Let's pray in His Name, live in His Name, teach in His Name, die in His
Name, buried in His Name, baptized in His Name, resurrect in His Name, go to heaven
in His Name. That's His Name, and His Bride is named Mrs. Jesus. He'll take a
people out of the Gentiles for His Name's sake.
And I'm not a oneness. No, sir. You trinitarian people get that away from you. I am not a
oneness. No, sir. I'm not a oneness, neither a trinitarian. I believe what the Bible says.
Listen, there's one woman setting... There's fine, nice looking, beautiful women setting in
this church this morning, young women, middle-aged women, old women; they're all
fine; they're somebody's wife, somebody's daughter, somebody's sweetheart, so forth.
They're every one... There's one Mrs. Branham setting here. You're every one women,
but there's one Mrs. William Branham. She's the one goes home with me. She's the
one's my sweetheart. She's the one that's raising my children.
There's many fine churches in the world today, but there's one Mrs. Jesus that's
bringing forth the real true borned again creatures of God. You know what I mean
don't you? Her name's not Methodist; Her name is not Baptist; Her name is Jesus, Mrs.
Jesus. Sure She is. She's bringing forth people, not members of the Methodist church,
she's not bringing forth Baptist church, or Presbyterian, or Catholic; She's bringing forth
them borned, rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus. There She is, that's Her. I'm so glad
that I'm with Her. She's a mystical Church. She don't have any denomination. She
carries none of these great big fancy names and big buildings. She meets wherever
there's members of the Body gathers together. They worship in Spirit and in Truth. They
were predestinated before the foundation of the world.
And I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God...
(Which is all the same: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus: the Bride married to Jesus, makes it
Mrs. Jesus, and so forth. See?) There's some mighty fine women in this building
tonight, mighty fine, but there's one of them that's mine; she's got my name. I hope you
got that. She's bearing my name; so will His Bride. All right:
I write upon him the name of my God,... which is the new Jerusalem, which cometh
down... or, the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down from
God... out from heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
I better leave that alone, hadn't I? All right. Notice, "him" there is singular. Now, if you'll
go back to Revelation 2:17 just a minute, just review it just a second:
He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that
overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in
the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receives it.
ISAIAH 62:2-5
2 And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt
be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name.
3 Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in
the hand of thy God.
4 Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be
termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzi-bah, and thy land Beulah: for the
LORD delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married.
5 For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the
bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.
STRONG'S # 2657
Chephtsiy bahh {khef-tsee'baw} {from 2654}
Hephzi-bah = "my delight is in her"
2) a name for Jesusalem (figurative)
(Also from Brown Driver & Briggs Hebrew
2654 chaphets -- 1) to delight
in, to take pleasure in, to desire, to be
pleased with
a) used of men
1) to take pleasure in, to delight in
2) to desire, to be pleased to do
b) used of God
1) to delight in, to have pleasure in
2) to be pleased to do
2) to move, to bend down
2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of
heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with
men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall
be with them, and be their God.
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things
are passed away.
ISAIAH 62:12
12 And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the LORD: and
thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken.
12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he
shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the
name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of
heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
HEBREWS 12:22-24
22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the
heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,
23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in
heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling,
that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
That great church Jerusalem, the Jerusalem and which not here on earth, but we are
of the Jerusalem of above where the Word come from, from predestination (See?);
not old Jerusalem that perishes, the New Jerusalem that can't perish; not the old
Jerusalem built by man, but the New Jerusalem's built by God (See?); the Word up there
now being made manifest. "In My Father's house are many mansions; I'll go and prepare
them for you," the Creator making the streets of gold and so forth. That's the one that
doesn't perish.
SATAN'S.EDEN JEFF.IN V-2 N-20 65-0829
And I, John, saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, descending from God out of
heaven." There God will be with His true attribute sons and daughters, where He
can fellowship with them in holiness…
LUKE 17:21
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
HEBREWS 11:8-10
8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after
receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling
in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:
10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is
JOHN 14:2
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I
go to prepare a place for you.
14 For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To
him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a
white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving
he that receiveth it.
JOHN 6:48
48 I am that bread of life.
Do you know you're the one the Bible speaks of? Do you know your position is in
Christ? If you're in Christ, you're a new creature. Do you know this Word is just
like everyday living to you. Why, sure. It's yours. You are an eagle; that's your
You say, "Why is it that the Message don't go out in these great big places, these big
crusades, like amongst the denominations?"
It's not their Food; it's not the church (so-called) Food. It's the Bride Food.
Aren't we happy? We haven't got a thing to worry about, not a thing. We've anchored
in Christ, sitting in heavenly places, caught up in rapturing grace right now, sitting
in His presence in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
…the Spirit of God, which is the Word of God ("My Word is Spirit and Life will put the
Bride in her place, 'cause she'll recognize her position in the Word; then she's in
Christ.") will put her in her place