Friday, 12 August 2011

The Translation

109   A beautiful type of Rebecca meeting Isaac in the field in the cool of the day. We meet Him in the air; II Thessalonians tells us so: "For we which are alive and remain shall not prevent, or hinder, those which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise first; we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." Perfect! All these types. Therefore the theophany, if you have died and entered into that theophany, what happens? The theophany comes to the earth to pick up the redeemed body. And if you're here in the air, you take the body to meet the theophany (there you are), and caught up and go to meet the Lord in the air.

  387-2  We're begotten of the Holy Spirit that in us is Christ, a son of God being formed in us. And when this earthly body be dissolved, this spiritual body comes from the bowels of the earth, there is another body waiting to receive it. If this earthly tabernacle is dropped, there is another body to receive it. This mortal body puts on immortality. This terrestrial puts on celestial. This... See what I mean? There is a natural body that's sinful; but in it's making just like it is another body that we go to. And I am so grateful to God that I can say as your pastor and brother, I seen those people, so help me, in that body and handled them with my hands. That's right.

RISING.OF.THE.SUN  JEFF.IN  V-3 N-12  65-0418M
You potentially have the Earnest, the waiting. Now, when you get the Dynamics, you have been quickened from mortal to immortality. It makes the whole body come subject to the Word. It'll make you act different, look different, live different; It'll just make you different.
28-2   Now, look! …been quickened. You who were once dead in sin and trespasses, and darkness has He quickened. What by? His Spirit that raised up Jesus on Easter morning from the dead. And if It dwells in your mortal bodies (now watch!) It also quickens, brings to Life, makes it subject to the Word. Now, how can you claim to have that Spirit and throw yourself away from the Word? You're quickened by something else.

88    Then after you recognize the very Word of God was Eagle Food, then you left the other thing. You've then been formed into the living image of the Living God. You heard from your theophany. "If this earthly body be dissolved, we have one waiting."

78  Then when a man is borned again from heaven, he becomes a spirit babe in Christ. And then when this robe of flesh is dropped, there is a natural body, theophany--a body not made with hands, neither born of a woman--that we go to.  …That's the reason Jesus knowed all things, 'cause He was Word before He was flesh. Then we become the Word. Here we are formed to the Word image to be a partaker of the Word, feed on the Word, by being predestinated since the beginning.

When this mortal takes on immortality, this--this death is swallowed up in victory, then we shall see Him as He is and have a body like His Own glorious Body. Oh, what a time to come!

  67  Now, we see the attribute, sons of His Spirit have not yet entered into the Word form body, but--a theophany. This body is subject to the Word and earnest--waiting for the earnest change of the body.

TRUE.EASTER.SEAL  JEFF.IN  V-14 N-3  61-0402
  143   …He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." We see that taking place right now. What was the next thing? The change of the body. Now, show that this--we are looking for an expected Son. Glory. Is that right? We cannot meet Him in these bodies. If we are changed back to young men and women, still we can't meet Him, because we have to meet Him in the air. There has to be something done besides change us back to young men and women; we've got to be changed and caught up in the air to meet Him. And the next thing coming is the rapture of the church, and the change of the body of the sleeping saints to meet the Lord Jesus in the air.

  40-6  Birth pains--it's hard to die. But die right now! Die! Come out of your own unbelief! Come out of it! This is the Word of God made manifest, just as It was when Jesus come on the earth; it's Jesus Christ again among you, proven.  Abraham received a son immediately (the promised son) after that taken place. And Jesus is coming again! That's His Spirit. He's so close to the earth, so close to coming that He's ready to receive you if you're ready to receive Him.
  E-73   We which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep, for the trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise. We will be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye and be caught up to together to meet the Lord in the air, and forever be with the Lord, that great Son that's coming.
See Him getting His church ready? What's He doing? He's showing them His last sign. The next thing is what? The rapture, the rapture. The Son appears and we're changed. We can't go to get Him in the air. He's too high for us. But we'll be changed like Abraham, father, was in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and be caught up together to meet Him in the air.  This mortal shall put on immortality. This corruption shall put on incorruption.

  1113-Q-362    Please explain the mystery of the translation of the Bride.
Just a change (See?),…
Abraham, He was looking for a promised son that was promised him. Is that right? And the church is looking for a promised Son. The Bride (Is that right?), the Bride is looking for the promised Son. Before the promised son could come to Sarah and Abraham, their bodies had to be changed. Is that right?
…And we cannot receive the promised Son that's promised us today in these bodies that we live in; these bodies are sin.
  1114-247   This first conscience controls this body with see, taste, feel, smell, and hear, and it's just got us all scrupled up; we reason and everything else. But that new body, that comes from this borned again (not this first conscience, it'll pass away)... It's that inside something that lives. Everybody understand it say, "Amen." [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.]
It's not this outside see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. It isn't. It's subject to death and will die, but the inside part of you, down in here, inside, that is the person that cannot die. See? And that's the person that the new life starts from, from this new birth; and it builds another person in the image of this person you are, around that life. You get it?
So potentially it's in here, and what is it? The Word promised before the foundation of the world. And around there, this only reflects the negative; that will reflect the positive, the Word. See? And the same thing is--or the translation of the Bride will be the same thing. The Word that's in you, the body will materialize around that Word, and the same thing did by Sarah... When that old body that she had, that first body, it had to be changed in order to produce a son. You get it? That body could not do it. This body cannot do it, so it'll have to be changed the same way to receive the Son.
  149   …sealing them into the Kingdom of God until the Coming and the appearing of the visible body of the Lord Jesus to catch away His Bride.

 75   Now we find out, the little flock is ready for the Dynamics to move It up into the skies, to escape all this tribulation.

A moment, a twinkling of an eye…

  E-22   If the Body is correctly wired up, and the Father in heaven turns the big master switch on, something's going to rise up. That's right. That's if the Body is... if the building is properly wired.
And if it's properly taught and every fiber of our body, being lost in Christ and to His Word alone...

ONENESS  JEFF.IN  V-10 N-2  62-0211
  209    Here we are in the end time, coming from the east and west, north and south. What are we doing? Getting ready for that rapture, getting ready for--holding ourselves steady for a few minutes till every fiber is filled with the Holy Ghost. Then she'll go up. Oh, my. Calling His people together to Himself in the true oneness with Himself, because it's His one Holy Spirit. "By one Spirit are we all individually baptized into one body, collectively, the Body of Jesus Christ." And Jesus Christ living with His Spirit in our flesh is serving the church and doing the same things He did as a--as a sign, as an ensign to the world, that we're in the last days, getting ready for the rapture.

  116   The Dynamics of this church will be a refilling of the Holy Spirit, that we have worked in a small measure, while the Headstone is coming down to unite with the Body. But when that Head and Body unites together the full power of the Holy Ghost would raise Her up just exactly like... Even the dead, that's dead in Christ for hundreds of years ago, will rise in the beauty of His Holiness and take a flight through the skies. The Dynamics is the Holy Spirit.

COUNTDOWN  BAKF.CA  V-22 N-9  64-0209
  89    Jesus Christ is our great, glorious Astronaut tube that we'll be in, that'll be propelled by the Holy Ghost in power and Fire, when she begins to fly one of these mornings. The Holy Ghost Fire hit the earth like that, and when they do, the Church will be lifted up. And all the nations will stand, they won't need television, they'll see Him. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, as She propels Her way in yonder, into the glorious realms of--of Heaven, to be married to Her Bridegroom.

WHY.CRY.SPEAK  JEFF.IN  V-2 N-26  63-0714M
  10-7  That when that Light flashes from the sky, and the trumpet sounds, the Body of Christ will be quickly gathered together, and changed in a moment, and taken into the heavens.

  E-52    He sent them up to Jerusalem. And they went into the upper room and stayed there for ten days and nights, until suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a rushing mighty wind that filled all the house where they were setting. God made a way to anoint His Church and to spread Her across the ages, across the nations, rather.
And today, that same mighty glorious Church is marching on to Zion…

  117    And Lord, we're waiting on their baptism, just as we are all in the audience here waiting for the resurrection. And someday, Lord, while we're standing together in heavenly places, may there come a sound from heaven; the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first. May we be caught up with Him to meet the Lord in the air and forever be with Him.

  E-46   He tore the body of Jesus apart, taking the Spirit, lifted up the body to the right hand of the throne of God, and sent down the other part, the part He tore out, the Spirit, upon us, which is called the Holy Spirit. And the very life that was in Christ is in you. That shows He's your Redeemer. He's adopted you unto God. And now we are sons and daughters of God with the Spirit of Christ. "The works that I do shall you do also. Greater than this shall you do; for I go unto My Father." Amen.

  E-85  Have we forgot who's with us? Who is this, sailing life's solemn main with us? Who is it give the promise?  He is the Word. See? It has never been taken from us as yet. I want it so in my heart if they ever take this, I've got it here. See? But the Word is still with us. He is the Word. And the things that the doctor can't remedy, the things that the church world can't remedy, we have the Creator of all things with us.

502-4   When the Lamb leaves that seat of the throne, to--being a Mediator, He becomes down here, and the day of redemption for the church is finished.

  1032-Q-306    After the Bride is raptured will any of the foolish virgin be saved or will they all be lost?
No. See, everything will be finished for the Gentile church when the Bride is taken from the earth. The Spirit of God leaves the earth: "He that's filthy is filthy still; he that's righteous is righteous still; he that's holy is holy still." In other words the sanctuary becomes smokey, where the--the Attorney stands to plead the case. Christ leaves the sanctuary; His day of mediatorial is over. The rapture comes; He leaves from the sanctuary, goes forth and takes the Book of Redemption, and claims everything He redeemed. There's no more mediatorial work.

  513-1  After the rapture has been taken place, will any of the church be saved in the end who was not taken in the rapture?
No. Huh-uh, 'cause the Blood's done left. You see, there'll be no intercessions; the Gentile age is finished. There'll be no one saved after the rapture, none of the church. Huh-uh. The church... "Let him that's filthy be filthy still, him that's holy be holy still." See? That won't take place, not after the Church is gone.

  342-307  And someday this Holy Spirit, that's in the Church, will scream, and will lift up, and will receive itself into this body form that's setting at the right hand of the Majesty of God, to make intercessions for we sinners…

  15-1    That's the reason I do believe that when that Bride is called out and elected and set in the Book of Life, there'll come a sound from heaven that'll take such a baptism of the Holy Spirit in--to that Bride that'll take Her from the earth, in a rapturing grace. God promised it.  …There is a heaven, and there's a literal Jesus Christ there that'll come in a body form to receive His church and His Bride! No matter how old the story seems, it's still the Truth; God said so. That's--that's what believers believe.

RAPTURE.THE  YUMA.AZ  V-5 N-14  65-1204
178   I thought, "Oh, my God, one day there'll come a blast from heaven, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Them Old Testament saints back yonder who are waiting a blast forth and come out of there first and go into the resurrection; we'll drop right in line and going to the skies, these old mortal bodies changed and made like unto His own glorious body.
What a--what a parade that'll be when it starts heavenward some of these days in that rapturing time that lays ahead, oh, proudly displaying the Blood of Jesus Christ upon their chests, the Message of God in the hour that they lived in. That's the hour that we're looking forward to, brother.

  206    Dear God, in this solemn moment, it's going to be a time like this when there really will be a clap of thunder someday, and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise. And each one of us knows, and are aware tonight, Father, that we're going to have to answer for every word we give, and every word we say.

  290   someday there will be a rapture and we'll see the manifestation of that Word, "For the Son of man shall come in the clouds of glory with His holy Angels with Him, and we'll be caught up to meet Him in the air." It will then be... We hear of it now; then we'll see it with our own eyes.

How will the Rapture Be?
"As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of Lot."

Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of Lot." Remember, before any rain fell, Noah was in the ark, See?
Noah was in the ark, He was carried over through the... And now, Noah was a type of the Jews, but Enoch went home without dying. And when Noah seen Enoch go, he knowed it was time to start on that ark. That's right. That was Noah's sign, when Enoch went home. And as soon as the Gentile church is taken away, then He makes Hisself known to Israel. See? That's right.
Remember, in the days of Lot, as Jesus said, before one speck of fire ever hit the earth, that Angel said, "Hasten. Hurry. Get out of here, for I can't do nothing until thou has come hence." Before any fire hit, Lot and his family was out and gone. So the rapture will come before the tribulation sets in.
The tribulation, many people get that mixed up; we'll get it straightened this week, the Lord willing, by the help of the Lord.
Remember, you're looking for a great tribulation period, that was, if you'll type that in the Bible, that was Jacob's trouble days (You see?), when he was troubled. That had nothing to do with the Gentiles; the Gentile has nothing to do with it. No type in the Bible for that. The Gentile church is raptured.

  E-68   What's the next thing after this sign goes away? God's going to condition Abraham's children, getting ready to receive the promised son. How are we going to receive Him? We can't receive Him in these bodies. We're going to meet Him in the air. Praise God forever! The trumpet shall sound. The dead in Christ shall rise and we'll go to meet Him in the air. What's He doing? The last sign before the transfiguration, the last sign before the rapture. For most any time the atomic bomb's going to destroy the world. Before it screams into the tapes, "Jesus is coming," "We which are alive and remain shall not prevent or hinder those that are asleep dead--for the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise. We which are alive shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. An old man will be young. An old woman will be young again. And we'll be conditioned to meet the promised coming Son. Oh, Hallelujah. We'll not change God's order.

 Did you notice back yonder where the rains fell on the other time? Where did it fall? Noah was in the ark before the judgment struck. Sodom: Lot was out of Sodom before it ever taken place. See? That's... Sure, we're--we ain't going through no tribulation period;  we're going in a rapture one of these days. Certainly. What do we... Why do you have to be judged? He stood my tribulation: Jesus Christ. There's where my tribulation taken place right there, yeah. I accepted Him, and free... "When I see the blood I'll pass over you." That's right. Moses was safe--safely protected with Israel while the tribulation fell. That's right.

Church of the living God... God be merciful. Don't you want to break away from these old sound barriers here and be ready to meet Him? If there is people who isn't ready to meet Him, and you know if the trumpet would sound that you'd still be earthbound here, to go through that great, horrible tribulation, like those who was turned out of the ark: they perished in the water. Children, teen-agers: they was without mercy. They all drowned and their dead carcasses floated on the water and the crows and buzzards eat them. Them that was in the ark was safe. The days of Noah, everything that was sinful, destroyed. In the days of Sodom, everything in Sodom burned. Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt: miserably degraded. But none of those things touched Noah. None of them touched Abraham. Neither will these touch the seed of Abraham.

  47  Across the nation, will come, those who are dead in Christ will rise first. The rapture will take place, the Church will be taken Home. And then the Tribulation will set in, and, oh, my, we don't want to be here during that time.  I don't want to be here in the Tribulation. No. God forbid that any of us would ever be here during that time. Because "He that's filthy is filthy still; he that's holy is holy still; he that's righteous is righteous still." There is no... The Lamb had come forth with His Book of Redemption, and the Bride has been taken out those who turned it down has to go through a Tribulation period, both Jew and Gentile. What a time of Tribulation! I don't want that.

Think what it would be if they'd ever go to throwing those atomic missiles. The old earth would rock out into space, and time should be no more.
But we're taught in the blessed Word, before this ever happens the church is going home to be with her Lord. Oh, how Noah got in the ark before the rain fell, Lot was called out of Sodom before the fire fell. Lord, we believe the church will be caught up out of the earth before the great destruction comes. We're so happy to know that we're nearing that time.
And, Father, as we look this morning and know that it could happen before night, this nation, or world, could be blowed to bits. Some little nation or some fanatic let one of those missiles loose--and they're all aimed at one another--here it would go. But before it happens, God, the rapture, the trumpet will sound and we'll be summoned into the skies to meet our Lord.

No matter what comes or goes, let them blow it up Sunday night if they want to. If they want to, the bomb will not be through cracking, till we will be in glory with Him in the millennium. There's nothing can harm us. Hallelujah!

  104   Oh, how comfortable it is to see the oncoming judgments, and feel that comfort feeling of the Holy Spirit. Hear them talk of atomic bombs, and just think what's happened, a peace that passes understanding. Why, the bomb won't no more go out of the gun until we'll be in the Presence of Jesus with Eternal Life; we old people, back young again; the babies, up to an age with no more death or sorrow. Oh, what a wonderful thing.

FUTURE.HOME  JEFF.IN  V-3 N-5  64-0802
  70-2   Just a little while and we'll be summoned; then the rapture will come. Just a little bitty group like Enoch will be taken up. Then the remnant of the woman's seed that keep the commandments of God (Jews), have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Gentiles), will be hunted down like dogs and shall give their life for their testimony. Then one great morning, the break of the millennium for the--the honeymoon will start.

  42-2   And in Isaiah 27:12 and 13 is where He sounds that trumpet and all of the nations will recognize Israel's in her homeland, God with her. Then the Bride will come to be with the Bridegroom, and the Bridegroom with the Bride (and then the great Millennium, after the whole world is destroyed by atomic power; and there'll be a New Heavens and New Earth) shall live forever.

  E-19   And I believe the trumpet of God shall sound one of these mornings; the dead in Christ shall lie--rise. We which are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. And then the great punishment for the wicked will begin on the earth.

“I only see one thing left…”

28    I only see one thing left, the coming of the Lord Jesus, at any time, a rapture for the Church, and we're to meet Him in the air. Now these things has got to come to pass in this day, just as He promised that He would do it.

  42-1   Can't you see, Spirit-filled people, something's fixing to happen? Don't look for some great big universal something sweeping, nothing but the coming of the Lord Jesus. Remember, just remember the words and promise of the Lord. Won't you come on in right quick? Get away from them big walls. The resurrection is near at hand now.  If there's somebody here that don't know that they'd go in that resurrection, and not sure that they've got that resurrection power resting in them... Though the skin worms destroy it, though an atomic bomb burst right in the middle of you, it'll never destroy that quickening resurrection power. No, no, sister, brother, your precious name is put on the Lamb's Book of Life up yonder. No man can rub it out.

E-24  Jesus said, "When the Son of man is revealed from heaven." Let me close by saying this: that the Son of man is now being revealed from heaven.
"Will it come after while, Brother Branham?"
It is now. And I hope I won't have to make this so personal of this own meeting, but that your spirit within you that's give you by God, can read what I'm talking about.
The Son of man has already come from glory and is revealing Himself for the past few years to His Church in mercy, showing them His great Presence, doing the same things that He did when He was here on earth, revealing Himself like He did to Abraham. Before the destruction, He has come now in mercy, revealing Himself to the Church. It's being laughed at and scoffed at. The next time He reveals Hisself, it'll be in judgment on the world and the nations that's forgot God and sinned their way of grace--their day of grace, rather, away.

  46-3   Get ready. The fire's going to fall one of these days. God's going to let Him come, in a sight to behold. Would you be ready when He comes? Would you be ready to go up with Him when He comes? The secret rapture of the supernatural Bride... She'll be made from mortal to immortality; be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. We which are alive and remain shall not prevent them which are asleep.

COUNTDOWN  BAKF.CA  V-22 N-9  64-0209
  89   Jesus Christ is our great, glorious Astronaut tube that we'll be in, that'll be propelled by the Holy Ghost in power and Fire, when she begins to fly one of these mornings. The Holy Ghost Fire hit the earth like that, and when they do, the Church will be lifted up. And all the nations will stand, they won't need television, they'll see Him. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, as She propels Her way in yonder, into the glorious realms of--of Heaven, to be married to Her Bridegroom. God help us to live for that day!

  E-37   And now, tonight here in this great mammoth city where the wealth of the world almost lays, towering buildings like great canyons, as you walk through the streets. But someday, up through the we'll see the Son of God walk up there and say, "Time shall be no more." Then the earthquake, and there won't be one stone left upon another. Oh, to think, Lord, that we'll go home, then it's all over, that glorious event.

CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE  L.A.CA  V-2 N-28  65-0429E
  35-3   That's solemn warning. We don't know what time. And you don't know what time that this city one day is going to be laying out here in the bottom of this ocean. …remember, one day you'll be laying in the bottom of this sea. You're great honeycomb under you right now. The wrath of God is belching right beneath you. How much longer He'll hold this sandbar hanging over that, when that ocean out yonder a mile deep will slide in there plumb back to the Salton Sea. It'll be worse than the last day of Pompeii. Repent, Los Angeles. Repent the rest of you and turn to God. The hour of His wrath is upon the earth. Flee while there's time to flee and come into Christ."

  566-5  We're at the end, friend. Soon it shall be time run out. Millions will lose their lives. Millions will be--that now believe that they are saved will be counted fodder for the atomic age.

  151  Why, you perverted generation of snakes, what's the matter with you anyhow? My God will judge this nation someday with fire. He'll sink it beneath the ocean. The hour of His judgment is at hand.

There's a homecoming time pretty soon, for the church of the living God, who's been waiting His coming.  Everything's in order. I'm so glad. I'm getting so tired. Oh, for that great hour. And to think that we've had a part in this junction time. Remember, "So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed from heaven." Now, remember, before the rain fell, Noah was in the ark. Before the fire fell, Lot was out of Sodom, for the Angel said, "I can't do nothing until you come hither. I've got to lever in my hand to pull and make the fires fall from heaven." And I think that's exactly: the Angel of destruction is holding the hand of Russia, with the atomic bombs, until the church comes together as one great body of Christ. "I can't do nothing till you come hither." Oh, if that isn't a blessed assurance. And if we see everything set in order, the going home of the church is in order. Here's the Angel of God with the same message, performing the same signs, the same wonders; everything's set in order.

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