Table of Contents
1 “discern the Body of the Lord” …….4
2 “the Absolute, the solid Foundation” …….17
3 “denying the present day promises of the Word” …….23
4 that same spirit of Nicolaitanism …….42
5 “a manifestation of the Son of man” …….52
6 “God’s seed, His gene” …….72
7 “potentially there right now” …….83
8 “at the appointed time” …….89
9 The Resurrection …….93
10 The Translation ……104
11 “Divine judgment, and it’s coming” ……117
12 The Millennium ……124
13 The Ministry of Moses and Elijah ……128
14 The question of Polygamy ……146
appendix (overview) ……161
Recently a number of questions have been asked regarding certain teachings circulating within the ranks of those believing Brother Branham’s Message. This reference booklet addresses these teachings and the motivation behind them.
We must be careful to perceive and discern the revealed Body-Word of the Lord, brought to us by Brother Branham. By carnal reasoning many fail to discern the manifested Word, given by the Voice of God for this age. Thus they are suffering from spiritual sickness, spiritual blindness, and consequently death.
Why is it so important to say what the tapes say? …13
How do you know what is right, and what is incorrect in the Message? …17
Are the Gifts and Callings of God done away with, and what difference does it make? …24
Will there be a Bride’s Ministry? …35
Where is the Nicolaitan spirit today, and what will happen to it? …42
Was Brother Branham’s Ministry complete? …62
How can the rapture be a secret, yet the whole world will see it happen? …90
What is the relationship of the rapture, and the fulfillment of the Seventh Vision,
or the total annihilation of this nation? …91
Is the Rapture and resurrection passed? …93
Will there be a literal return of Jesus Christ, or was that fulfilled spiritually? …95
What are we looking to take place as a sign that the end is at hand? …113
Will the Old Testament sacrifice be re-instated as it was under Moses? …130
When will the Temple be rebuilt, and will this be done by Moses and Elijah? …139-144
Is Polygamy acceptable? …157
Brother Branham was given a vision of the “preview of the Bride,” a little over a year before he left us. At the end of the vision he was shown some members of the Bride would, “…get out of step with that Word if I don't watch…” He also made reference that it may be when his time was over.
I hope that each minister in the Message would look closely at the teachings he is feeding the people, as we are ultimately responsible for the continuance of this Message. It is what we must keep our eyes upon. Any deviation, no matter how slight, will cause us to be out of step with the Word.
RAPTURE.THE YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 65-1204
203 151 And I looked, and here come that sainted bunch of little girls just exactly the way they was, all correctly dressed, their hair hanging way down on their back, smooth, clean, marching like this to the step of the Gospel. She was the Word. And it looked like one out of every nation. I was looking at it as they passed by, and seen them pass by. Instead of going down, they started going up. And I noticed one of them trying, two or three of them trying--getting out of line; I screamed, "Stay in line!" And the vision left me, and I was standing in this room screaming, "Stay in line!"
That represented the Bride coming out of all nations. See? She... Each one represented a nation, as they marched perfectly in line with the Word. See?
195 195 And then, I have to watch Her. She will get out of step with that Word if I don't watch, when she's passing by, if she gets by. Maybe it'll be my time when I'm over (see?), when I'm finished, or whatever it is.
572-390 147 But this message that I'm preaching is the true message of this day, and it's the last message. You see what I'm doing, brethren? I'm putting you all the same place I am, 'cause you're just as much into it as I am. You are messengers of this same message.
191 112 Apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors. That's what the Body consists of. …And these apostles, pastors, teachers, and evangelists are all here to be sure that in these gifts these things are working right. If they finds something false raising up, quickly they condemn it, 'cause it's not according to the Scripture…
55 When I say anything, I must know it; God's going to hold me responsible for it.
And I know that after my going away from this earth them tapes and them books will be living on, and many of you young children will find in the days to come that this is exactly the truth, because I speak it in the Name of the Lord.
225 084 So has the Gospel and the power of Almighty God has spread around the world. And the separation time is now taking place, when God is a-calling a Bride, and the Devil's calling a church. Let me be part of the Bride. Let us pray.
Dear God, we see the handwriting on the wall. We're at the end time. We know that there's great things laying ahead; but yet somewhere, somewhere out in this mess out here, is still honest people that's been ordained to Life. It'd be impossible for one man or two men; but, God, all of us together, let us spread in every corner we can, the good news that Jesus is coming, and (See?), just spread a little Bread along, a little Word. Wherever the eagles are, they'll follow that Food. Whether It comes by a tape, or whether It comes by a word or a testimony, eagles will follow It to Its headquarters. For It is written, "Where the Carcass is, there the eagles will gather."
Dear Jesus, we know that Thou art the Carcass that we eat. Thou art the Word, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. We pray, God, that as we scatter the Word, that the true eagles will find It.
48-4 …may we take inventory now, that we have seen and heard the Voice of God speaking through His Word, and we know what hour we're living.
If there's a question about it, there's got to be an answer.
62 035 And when these questions confront us about the Bible Truths, there's got to be the right answer somewhere. That's right; it's got to be there.
And when we see something presented, I think instead of just running away, say, "Oh nonsense, I couldn't believe a thing like that; I couldn't believe that," why don't you take the Bible and set down and face up to it. Study It. You're here in the meeting now, just look it over. Check it out yourself with the Word; check the Word by the Word. That's the only way to make It tell the Truth. And It must tell the Truth from Genesis to Revelation. Christ is the revelation of the whole Bible. In Him, Christ, all the fulness--fulfilling of all the prophecies of the Bible is met unconditionally in Christ Jesus, 'cause He was God manifested in the flesh.
1 “…discern the Body of the Lord”
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
165 077 Be fearless in your testimony. Amen. If it's revealed to you, you are fearless. You don't care if the whole world, what they say; you're fearless. When it's revealed to you, "This is the Truth coming from God," then you can be fearless. If not, you can't be.
41 021 Now, people look at the Word, literally, and that's the way you are supposed to look at It, but It declares Itself both literally and spiritually. The Spirit makes the Word to live to the promise. In other words, It's a Seed, the Spirit gives Its Life. It unctionizes, It gives It Its--its go, like rain gives to the seed that's buried in the ground. It breaks forth, Life. And when you look at Jesus as the promised Word of the hour, then it will be revealed to you. If you look at Him, you'll see that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, the same Christ.
They claimed to believe, that they had believed every word that He had--He had said, they believed all the Bible. And here was the--here was the Messiah, the God of the Bible, standing there in identification, identifying the very written Word. And they were supposed to be believers of that Word. And Him referring back and telling them that, "You remember what was said about this? And what was said about this? And how Jesus must do this, or, how the Christ must do this? And how He..." All these things and yet they didn't understand it. They didn't know.
E-33 033 What was it? They knowed the Word as far as the letter was, but they didn't understand the Word when it was literally interpreted. That's what it is today. Every man's got his own interpretation, when God condemns the whole thing. God does His Own interpretating. If God said He will do a thing, He does it. That's the interpretation thereof. God interprets His Own Word.
E-35 035 We've got the church formal, carnal. We got the church spiritual, borned again, with signs and wonders, by spiritual revelation, just the same as it was at the garden of Eden. The spirit of Cain is here; the spirit of Christ is here. You have to make your choice.
98 There stood a Man. They come to see God, and they seen a Man. See? They couldn't see God, because God was veiled to them. Now, keep that on your mind: God was veiled in a Man. They could say, "No man could do these works except it be God. No man could do it, and how--here stands a Man and yet the works of God is manifested through Him." See, they couldn't understand that God was veiled.
101 053 He's veiled in a man, as He always was veiled. But He was veiled unto them; He was in His human temple. God was in a human temple. Now, be real careful; now He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. See? God veiled, hiding Himself from the world, veiled in human being... See?
109 030 I've never believed that heaven was a place where there's a bunch of buildings, where there's a bunch of houses up there made with mortar, daubed up with paper, paint on the wall. I've never believed that a supernatural being would have to live in a literal house. I believe, when Jesus spoke in John 14 said, "In My Father's house is many mansions," He meant, "a body, a dwelling place." For the Scriptures verify the same thing, they say, "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." You see it?
Mortal beings is the only one who lives in mortal habitations. Immortal beings live in immortal habitations. And the place that we go into until we return back, is not a place of brick, mortar, and clay, or precious stones, or jewels. It's a place, a condition, that we move out of this dimension that we live into, into another dimension. And it's a house, a tabernacle, a dwelling place.
Jesus said, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in three days." And they thought He was speaking of the Solomon's temple, but He was speaking of His own body.
And He's gone to prepare a place for every believer, that the very moment we step out of these mortal regions, we don't go out into myth or some supernatural spirit, but we go into a tabernacle, a dwelling place.
26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death
till he come.
27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink [this] cup of the Lord,
unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.
28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of [that] bread, and drink of [that]
29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself,
not discerning the Lord's body.
36-3 107 So Jesus, so full of this quickening power, said, "If you can destroy this temple that took you forty years, you thought, to build, I'll raise it up in three days."
Why? Why could Jesus say that? I want to ask you. Why could Jesus say a thing like that? He knew that He was... Amen. I wished I could make that stick. He knew Who He was. He knew that every word God had wrote in there of Him, He'd fulfilled it. He knew He was the One David spoke of.
Do you know you're the one the Bible speaks of? Do you know your position is in Christ? If you're in Christ, you're a new creature. Do you know this Word is just like everyday living to you. Why, sure. It's yours. You are an eagle; that's your food.
74 031 When we take this, it shows to the church that I believe every Word of God. I believe that He is the Bread of Life that come from God out of heaven. I believe every Word that He says is the Truth. And I live by It to the best of my knowledge, God being my Judge.
269 193 You're not feeding on a man. A man, his words will fail, but you're feeding on the unfailing Body-Word of the Son of man.
158 110 What are you eating on? Where do you get your daily diet? Where are you feeding, from the Word of God or some old a-carrion that's been used back yonder years and years ago? Is your experience even tonight with something you've picked up many years ago, or is it fresh and new tonight, new manna that's just fell from heaven and you're feeding your soul on it and looking tomorrow for something good and better?
21-7 068 That's the same Jesus. It's the same Angel. Have you got discernment to discern the Lord's Body? Do you believe that I'm telling you the truth? Do you believe that Christ is giving witness of it? If you believe that, raise up your hands. How many believers are in here that will shake their hands like this? Then you believe me as God's prophet. Don't you doubt one bit. Take those hands that you're waving towards God and lay on somebody next to you, and you'll see the glory of God. That's all He can do. Can you discern the Lord's Body. Can you discern that His Spirit is here. "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."
I mean to say that that's the Truth. Jesus, that Word stood on the earth, which was the Word, the One that was raised up, and raised Lazarus. He said, "I am the Resurrection and Life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." There's no way to stop the living Word of God. It's got to rise again.
324 147 And from out of this chaos of this modern scientific Eden that we're living in of culture and--and science and education, all this modern stuff, we'll rise. "This robe of flesh we'll drop, and rise and seize the everlasting prize," someday. We'll go through the air, and this will all be over. For the Word of God that's brought us from the modern thinking of our mind, transforming our mind into the renewing of our hearts towards God, and our spirits; that same Spirit that spoke that, has transformed us this far, and It also will take us into His Presence, into His glory with a glorified body.
THIRST TUCSON.AZ V-16 N-6 65-0919
63 030 'Cause, Jesus said, "If we add one word to This, or take one Word from It, our part is taken out of the Book of Life." See, not one Scripture. We must take It just the way It's written. And God watches over His Word, to perform It, and we know that It's got to be just right.
So therefore, no matter what a church would say, what anyone else would say, if you're borned of the Spirit of God, you become part of the Bible. God told Ezekiel, he was a prophet, He said, "Take the scroll and eat it," then the prophet and the scroll became part of each other. And that's the believer when he receives the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible, and the Spirit of God is the Word of God. "My Words are Spirit. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Hebrews 13:8, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
E-107 107 Jesus said, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also." Nothing uncertain about that. "These signs shall follow them that believe." That's right. "He that believeth on Me, though he were dead yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." Nothing uncertain about that. Resurrection is sure. Right.
"He that eats My flesh and drinks My Blood has Everlasting Life, and I'll raise him up at the last day. But he that eats and drinks It unworthily, eats and drinks damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's Body." No uncertainty about any of it. Right. If you eat it worthily, walking in the Word, in the faith, God promised the resurrection. If you eat it unworthy, you're dead right then when you're living.
14-6 046 Let's discern the Body of the Lord, discern the times that we're living in. We'll die spiritually if we don't do that. [1] And if this is true, and the Holy Spirit is with us, and we've got the last sign of the coming of the Lord just before He come... Remember, that was just before Sodom burned…
504-1 {284} 136 26. Well, the Scripture says that many are sick and weakly among you because of the discerning of the Lord's Body. That's exactly right, because (See?), the Lord's Body is the Bride…
341 170 We seen You heal our sick, even raise our dead (come back to life through prayer), and we seen all these things happen, Father. Now, bring us back to Life, spiritually; bring us back into realization of Eternal Life through Christ Jesus.
111 064 Now, listen. In closing I'll make this last remark. Many are sick and weakly among you, and many are asleep, spiritually dead, because they don't have discernment of the Body of Christ. This sick body that we got... God help us to have spiritual discernment of that revelation of the Kingdom of God and of the love of God in our hearts, shed abroad by the Holy Ghost…
E-39 039 Don't get spiritual amnesia, 'cause you will--you'll identify yourself with something else. Stay right with that Word.
E-26 026 Israel had got in that same shape now. They didn't want God's prophets no more. They didn't need them. And if one would come and bring them the Word, and try to bring them back to the Word, they would reject it. They always do it in that manner of corruption, when the world and the church joins itself together. Then they don't want nothing spiritual. They don't want THUS SAITH THE LORD; they want what they want.
225 084 Let us not be ashamed when we stand before people, wicked, indifferent people, religious, whatever it is. As Paul told Timothy, let's be instant in season, out of season; reproving and rebuking, with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they'll not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap for themselves together teachers, having itching ears, and will be turned from the truth to fables.
God, we're living in that day.
E-29 029 And your spiritual attitude towards God's Word identifies you, exactly where you're standing.
God's Word vindicated, proved, that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is just the same as it ever was on the day of Pentecost, or any other time. And Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And your attitude towards that identifies whether you have spiritual amnesia or not. That's right. No matter whether you're a deacon, or even if you're a preacher; it doesn't make... They get it too. So we find out it's contagious, and hits the whole thing.
E-55 055 And Jesus promised just before the end time, as it was in Sodom, so would it be in it. It'd be identified. And the people's so traditional till they made the promise of God of no effect by their tradition. Spiritual amnesia, spiritual amnesia is exactly what it is. See, they have forgotten these things.
E-56 056 How can you be a Christian and deny the Word? You can't do it. God is the Word. The Word's in you. You and the Word are the same.
E-27 027 Now, that--want stop a minute though on that Rock was Christ. The Rock was Christ. It was there in literal form as it is in spiritual form today. The Manna, the food, which is the Word that come from God out of heaven, Christ is the Word of God, and we eat the Word. See? We set like in the message this morning; we listen, our souls reaching, grab that Word. We live by the Word. He said, "They all eat that same spiritual manna; and they all did drink, all drink from that same spiritual Rock: and that Rock was Christ."
126 051 … if the Word is in us and has come to us, as It did Elijah in that day, It'll do the same thing that he did: he would feed on the secret Things of God which is hid from the world. Oh. Again it makes the message and the messenger as one.
The spiritual Food is ready, and it's in the season now. And each one of you can have this Food if you wish it, if you're willing to steal away from all of the unbelief of this hour, if you're ready to come into Christ, come into His promise. And remember His promises in Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, also in Saint John 14:12 (and how many more Scriptures of telling), Joel 2:38, and all that He would do, or 2:28, rather, what He would do in these last days. And how the prophet said that it'd be Light in these last days, how it would work, what it would do, all the Scriptures pointing to this last days. And that is Christ. If you can hide away in That now, in that secret Place, you can eat and see the goodness and mercy of God. If you're sick, there's healing there.
My opinion is this: one day when Jesus... It had been prophesied Jesus would come on the earth. And He came, He lived, He died. Nobody knowed nothing about it, hardly--not even one percent of the Jews ever knowed He was on the earth. About one hundredth of the world ever knowed He was there.
E-67 067 John the Baptist--from Isaiah, from Malachi... Why, when they prophesied of him, said all the mountains, the high places, will be brought low. All the low places will be brought high. And, oh, how the rams... the leaves will clap their hands, and the mountains will skip like little rams--all those things. Well, them traditional people had it all figured out some other way. And here come John, and preached exactly like He said, and even the disciples didn't know it. [2]
One day they come to Him. He said, "The Son of man's going up to Jerusalem."
They said, "Well, why is it then, that the Scripture says... the scribes write and tell us that before these things will take place that Elias is going to come?"
He said, "He's already come, and you didn't know it." And then He told them it was John. But said he done just what the Scriptures said he would do, and they done to him what the Scriptures said. See?
E-68 068 And one of these days you're going to wonder... When that rapture comes...
Remember, there's about five, eight hundred people missing every day over the earth, that they can't account for. And He said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein eight souls were saved."
One of these days judgment's going to strike the world, strike the nation, strike the church--clear her out for the great millennium that is to come. And then you're going to say, "Well, why did it say that the rapture would first come before these things taken place?"
He'll say, "It's already come, and you didn't know it." Somebody on his road to church, a little lady going somewhere on a visit--they're gone. You don't know when it happened, passed by. It's always been that way. So will it be again.
32 016 But you can't say it from the platform like this or on them tapes, but (See?), just set down and study them. Just keep studying them, over and over. It's hard to understand. So many people misunderstand it. And did you know, little flock, it is--it is that way amongst all humans? It always has been.
34 017 If they could not understand our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (even His apostles, see?), then how could we expect to understand it in this day. You see? He said, He'd say things so straight, you know. And He wouldn't explain them. He'd just say them. Said, like for instance, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you." [3]
…Well, they said, "This man is a vampire (See?), wants to drink His Blood." See, He never explained it. He just said it. But later on, Paul came along and explained it out, how it was taking communion, you know, eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood. And so He just said those things.
36 018 And finally, at last, the apostles one day, even after the resurrection, there was one was leaning upon His shoulder, John He loved. He was a young man. And He said, "What is it to you if this man tarries till I come?" There went out a saying among them, that John wasn't going to--going to die till Jesus returned. Jesus did not say that. He just, what... He said, "What is it to you if he does tarry?" …That was said for a purpose. These things are all for a purpose.
God took that young John and lift him up in the Spirit, and saw His coming, plumb over into the--the age that is to come. See, said, "What is it to you if he tarries?" He didn't tarry in physical; but--but the Word that He spoke through him brought us to this age where we are now.
21 013 Now, my subject this morning, I trust that God will reveal this. And each time, if you who take the tapes and listen, and I hope and trust that you have had a spiritual understanding of what that God has been in trying to get over to the church without saying it right out. See?
It's a thing sometime... We have to say things in such a way, that it might thin down, it might bring some to go out, some to leave, and some to--to--to ponder over. But that's done purposely. It must be done that way.
23 014 Then it might be that some would say, "You mean God would purposely do a thing like that?" He certainly did. He does yet.
MATTHEW 13:10-17
3 …and He spake many things unto them in parables…
10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries
of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
E-24 024 You cannot understand it, until it's revealed to you. The whole thing is built on spiritual revelations. You've got to hear, and then recognize, and then act. It's revealed to some and not to others. One man can read, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever."
The carnal mind say, "Well, in a way He is."
The spiritual mind will say, "In every way He is."
242-194 081 Follow that same line of Cain right down through to the ark, from the ark right up into Israel, from Israel right on into Jesus, and from Jesus right on till this day, and see if that carnal, fundamental church, stiff and starch, scholarly... I mean men who have the Scriptures, who knows all the doctrine and the theologies, they can explain it, boy, just like [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] that, but without spiritual revelation. That's right. That's the doctrine of Cain.
312-635 032 But God in the beginning knew who would receive Him and who would not receive Him. Therefore He could predestinate, or not predestinate, but by foreknowledge He could tell who would be saved and who wouldn't be saved, for He knew which person would take up which spirit.
90 089 Notice. And it's always caused the natural to hate the Spiritual. It caused Cain to hate Abel; it caused Korah to hate Moses; it caused Judas to hate Jesus; and on and on it goes. It causes the natural to hate the Spiritual, just as Cain at the beginning hated Abel, the one that God received the sacrifice from, and tries to destroy them. They try to destroy the influence; they try to destroy everything, because it's nothing but jealousy.
It started in Cain and proved that it was jealousy, and it's still the same thing today when the natural, the carnal, and the Spiritual meet together. It proves it's Satan, no other way, because jealousy comes from Satan. And then causes an impersonation of the Truth--somebody to try to impersonate something that isn't--they are not ordained to do.
25 016 And, today, one reason that the church is in the condition that it's in, is because there is so many voices, so many other voices to attract the church from the Voice of God, till it's very doubtful that many would hear the Voice of God though It spoke right in their midst. [4] They perhaps wouldn't even understand It, because It would be a foreign thing to them. They have got themselves so much centered on the voices of the day!
E-70 070 The end-time sign will certainly accompany the end-time voice.
Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride? That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth. He won't need to speak for himself, God will speak for him by the voice of the sign.
45 027 The people gets in trouble, and God answers them. He sends them a anointed prophet or some kind of a messenger, because He cannot go back on His Word that He has destined for that age. But, what He does, He sends a messenger to make that part of the Word live to that age.
122 …Moses might not even knowed it himself, but he was the anointed Word of that day. He was the anointed Messenger. So if he was the Messenger of that hour, he was the Messiah of that hour. He was the anointed one.
348-1 {100} 050 The very thing that the Church is watering, that is the Seed, the Seed of the Word; it's the very Word that becomes alive and carries us to our unseen Bridegroom.
18-1 094 And how will the… people that's believing Him know it, unless they're constantly in the Word to know what He is. Daniel said the wise shall know, but the foolish, the unwise wouldn't know. They shall know their God.
18-2 095 Now, now, how He said It'll appear in the last days is to bring the people back to the Word, so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word.
That is why the light comes through some God-given messenger in a certain area, and then from that messenger there spreads the light through the ministry of others who have been faithfully taught. But of course all those who go out don't always learn how necessary it is to speak ONLY what the messenger has spoken. (Remember, Paul warned the people to say only what he said, I Corinthians 14:37, "If any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD. What? came the Word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?") They add here, or take away there, and soon the message is no longer pure, and the revival dies down. How careful we must be to hear ONE voice, for the Spirit has but one voice which is the voice of God. Paul warned them to say what he said, even as Peter did likewise. He warned them that even he (Paul) could not change one word of what he had given by revelation. [5]
90 048 And I thought, "What does this mean?"
He said, "They're your people."
I said, "My people? There couldn't be that many Branhams; there's millions..."
He said, "They're your converts."
…some glorious day the Son of God shall come, and you will be judged according to the Word that you preached to them."
Oh, brother, I said, "Will Paul have to bring his group?"
"Yes, sir."
I said, "I preached It just exactly like Paul said It. I never divvied; I never took into any church creeds or anything else. I stayed the same."
And all of them screamed with one accord, "We know that. We're resting with assurance." Said, "You will present us to Him, and then we'll all go back to earth again to live forever." Oh, my.
E-13 013 And that's the reason I just--just lay it out the way it's wrote here. See? And then it's up to you, and at the day of judgment I want--when I pass away from this world, if I'm still conscious and going, I want to be able to say like Paul, "There's no man's blood upon my hands, for I've not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God, as I know it," just the way it is.
In the days of the seventh messenger, in the days of the Laodicean Age, its messenger will reveal the mysteries of God as revealed to Paul. He will speak out, and those who receive that prophet in his own name will receive the beneficent effect of that prophet's ministry. And they that hear him will be blessed and become part of that bride of the last day who are mentioned in Revelation 22:17, "The Spirit and the bride say come." The corn of wheat (the Bride Wheat) that fell into the ground at Nicaea has come back to original Word Grain again. Praise God forever. Yes, listen to the authenticated prophet of God who appears in this last age. What he says from God, the bride will say. The Spirit and the prophet and the bride will be saying the same thing.
E-73 073 Now notice, the voice of the sign. Now, Jesus, in Luke 17:30, promised the sign of the end-time. The last sign was God manifested in a human body that could discern the thoughts that was in Sarah's mind in the tent behind her. That's what He said. That's the sign that He promised at the end. What did He say it would do?
It would be known in the days, the last days, when the Son of man will be revealed--be revealed to us. When the Son of man is revealed, that'll be the sign He will be revealed by.
E-71 071 Hear me. THUS SAITH THE LORD, you believe it with all your heart. He promised it in the last day. Hasn't been for two thousand years, because the Bible said it wouldn't be. But Jesus said... As it was in the days of Sodom, when that Angel come, turned His back to the tent, and asked for Sarah, and told what she said in the building... How many knows that? Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." When? Just before Sodom burned. That's just before this world's going to burn. The whole unbelieving world will be--go into chaos and burn with fervent heat. We know that. And just before that time...Remember, THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, this is your last sign. Write it in your Bible. And if something rises besides this, and greater than this, call me a false prophet.
2 …the Absolute, the solid Foundation
E-65 065 you put your heart right on God's Word, and heavens and earth will pass away, but that never shall pass away. That's the Absolute. That's the solid Foundation. That's the... That's my Compass, my Sail, that's my Guide, that's my Life--is upon that absolute of God's Word. I'm tied there eternally with Him.
251 106 You're a creation of the Word. Because the foundation stone was laid in you before the foundation of the world, predestinated to be sons and daughters of God.
And upon this come stone upon stone in each age to vindicate that Word that's coming up, just exactly as Jesus did in His age, which is the Capstone of it all. In Him laid every age.
“…not by a new cart”
E-23 023 Now, as I expressed a few moments ago about reading between the lines... But if you're reading between the lines and try to make It say something, that in between the lines says something different than what the lines says, then it's wrong. But it's got to agree, all the way through It. The Bible is just like a great jig-saw puzzle, if you'll excuse the expression. And if you just try to put it together just the way you look at it, you've got to have something over here to look at. If you don't, you'll ruin your scene. You'll have a cow picking grass on top of a tree. So it won't be right.
So that's the way it is with--when you try to put the Bible together with a intellectual understanding of It. You can't do it. It's a Spirit written Word, and it takes the Holy Spirit to place It together.
E-18 018 Well, that's the way the Bible's wrote--between the lines. You know many of my sermons, like of God turning Abraham and Sarah back to young people, you'd have to... you have read between the lines to see out what the Scripture says. You have to know. But it'll never get off the line. See? In between the lines will just bring the lines together and make it one big picture.
102 072 The whole thing has become corrupted. Did you know the Bible said it would come corrupted? Did you know the--the Bible speaks that this day will be here, when even the tables of the Lord will be full of vomit? And said, "Who can I teach doctrine? Who can I make understand it? For precept must be upon precept upon precept, upon line upon line." [6]
232 101 No matter how much your anointing is, you've got to get in God's provided position. David's anointing was all right, but in doing it he got enthused and stepped over the boundary line. What did he do? He stepped over the boundary line. Instead of putting the ark in its original position, he carried it on a new cart and not over the hearts of the Levites. It was supposed to be carried on the shoulder of the Levites, which is over the heart. The Word is not in the mind; It's in the heart, not on a new cart. What was that? Some--represented something new David did there: spoke of every denomination there'd ever be. God's Word is not to be by--carried by state presbyters or bishops, and so forth, of denominations. It's the baptism of the Holy Ghost in the heart of man, and not in some ecclesiastical move. The Holy Spirit is a treasure of God's love in the heart of men and women to obey. See?
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19-5 063 No, I don't care what it is. See? If it's against God's Word, be against it. That's your enemy. Anything that's against the Word is your enemy. Everything that's for the Word is your brother. He's a part of you.
E-22 022 Then the Word that's wrote in parables and everything else can only be revealed; and the only truth will ever be known by it is the spiritual revelation. And if your revelation doesn't tie it together, then your revelation's wrong.
135 061 Now, He reveals these things by His foreknowledge to those who He has ordained to these things; otherwise they don't see it. Stand right there looking right at it and can't see it.
21-5 Now, we were made for Christ; Christ wasn't made for us. That's what we try to do today in our text books, is try to make the Word, which is Christ, suit us, instead of us trying to make ourselves to suit the Word. That's the difference.
90 044 That's the way David did. He had it in his way, so he just said, "You know what I'll do? We're moving." He had a revelation. "We're moving now, so we'll do a new way. The days of miracles is passed, so we'll just make us another organization. We'll build a new cart, and show them a new thing that's started." What a false prophecy. You've got to go back the way God said do it.
137 063 Many sincere persons go join an organization, or a group, or a cult of some sort, and there they die spiritually. You can't tell them nothing. They get that stuff drilled into them: "Why, these bishops said this, and this said this; this said this." You show them right here in the Word of God where it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, "But our pastor..." I don't care what your pastor says, don't care what I say, or anybody else says. If it's contrary to God's vindicated Word, the hour, the time, the Message, and so forth, forget it! Stay away from it. And I've got to stand before every one of you in the day of judgment, and you know that.
258 187 Notice, compare them together now when you get home. Notice, Matthew 24:24, Jesus speaking, Paul, II Timothy 3:8, many others.
And now compare that, and then put another Scripture, Luke 17:30, Malachi 4: As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, the anointed Word of the hour, so will these men, not man, men, anointed ones, resist the Truth.
In the very day that the Son of man is revealed, Revelations 10:1-7, read it when you get home... The seventh angel's Message, opening up the Seals... What is it? Not the angel is the Son of man, but the messenger is revealing the Son of man.
262 189 Notice the very day when this messenger, not when he starts on the, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. No more... There's no more higher order to reveal the Word than prophets. But the only way the prophet can be a-vindicated is by the Word. And remember the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? It is then, in that day when this thing is to take place that Jannes and Jambres, the impersonators, will appear again, just like they did when Moses appeared with the original Word to say it; they appear to impersonate it. Just exactly right. Now, you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See? Anointed ones.
177 087 How will He take His Bride? By the Word, not by a new cart, not by some theologian's idea, but according to His Word He'll identify Her. Don't put one thing to It or take one thing from It now. Leave It the way It is. See?
232 101 The Word is not in the mind; It's in the heart, not on a new cart.
189 095 Don't take some new thing. They're flying everywhere, and there'll be more than that come. But don't take these new things. The Lord your God has declared to you what is Truth. The Lord your God has vindicated what is Truth by His Word and by His Spirit. "Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit." And the Spirit... God seeks those who worship Him in the Spirit and Truth. "Thy Word is Truth." And He's thoroughly a-vindicated that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He's showed the evening seeds to you. He's revealed it to you in the Word. He's proven it to you by His Spirit.
74 039 For Satan is not spoke of as a god of any other age but this age…. Oh, don't miss it! He is the god of this evil age worshipped by millions and billions of people, and they don't know it.
155 061 And remember, you might meet a spirit that would act like God. You might meet a spirit would do this, that, or the other; follow it a little bit and see how it compares with the Word of God. You might meet a spirit that would tell you you're saved, and give you a glorious feeling, and you'd shout and scream; then it comes to denying the Word, how can the Holy Spirit, that wrote the Word, deny His Own Word? That Spirit must punctuate every promise of God with an "amen." If it isn't, then you never met God; you met a deceiving spirit. And the world's full of it today.
But when you see God come down and make a statement that He's going to do a certain thing, then it comes back and does that time after time after time, then you've got a genuine Spirit of God.
How could a Spirit be on a man, the Holy Spirit that wrote the Bible, then turn around and deny, "That's not right; that was for some other day"?
He said, "The promise is unto you, and to your children, to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." That was Acts 2:38. How can a spirit then accept anything different from that, and be of God, when Hebrews 13:8 said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever"?
103 052 "Oh, it don't make any difference if you are baptized in the titles of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. What difference does it make?" It made so much difference, until Paul commanded a bunch of Baptists that they had to be rebaptized in the Name of Jesus Christ before the Holy Ghost would ever come on them, and also caused that apostle to scream out and said, "If a angel comes from heaven and preaches anything else, let him be cursed." Sure it makes a difference. Oh, my.
"There's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost in these days. That was only for the apostles. It's passed. And such a thing as prophets? It's not even known of. Miracles? They're unscientific. Malachi 4? That was for another age. John 14:12? Oh, Jesus didn't really mean that. Luke 17:30? Oh, that was just a myth." See? "It's misinterpreted. It wasn't in the original." Such tommyrot, when God Almighty comes down in our midst and proves it. When He says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He proves that so. I don't care who says not about it; God interprets His own Word. He said He would do this thing in the last days: "There would be Light in the evening time." And there is Light for the manifestation of the Son of God.
E-113 067 Could you imagine? He went up in the temple, looked upon the people with anger, kicked over the sacrifices that Jehovah required, and screamed out, "It's written, my Father's house is made a house of prayer; and you've made it a den of thieves."
What would He do today if He come to our modern churches? There'd be some more table moving. There'd be some more pew jumping. Why, He'd tear it to pieces. Right. It would be the same thing. Don't you see, Jesus is very Scriptural. He was the Word. He had not to write anything. He was the Word. He was the living Word. And the people failed to recognize it.
E-115 068 And how can a man today, upon the principles of what... Jesus promised these signs to all the world, and this blessing to all the world, and the Holy Ghost to fall just like it did in the beginning on whosoever God would call. How can a man call himself a Christian, and deny that Word, and say the Holy Spirit is in him? The Holy Spirit will punctuate every Word of God with an "Amen." That's exactly right.
E-52 052 Jesus said, "You teach for doctrine the traditions of men, and you make the commandments of God of non effect with your traditions." If He said it in that day, what about this?
427-1 {249} 089 Paul stood right with that Word and said, "I know this, that there'll be false brethren rise up among you. Go around and what they'll make--denominations and everything else among you. And what they'll do, they'll go on to the last days and horrible time." Why? He was a prophet. There stood that Word in Him, how it would end up way over there.
Said, "false men among yourselves will rise up and speaking things, and draw away brethren who are disciples. That's exactly the antichrist." It did just exactly that.
123 085 …just exactly like Balaam, on back, other false prophets... )... Having a form of godliness,... (Anointed. See? Having a form, anointed, ordained ministers)... having a form of godliness, but denying...
That He's the same yesterday, today, and... denying His Word. How did they deny Jesus in that day? Who did they deny when they denied Jesus? The Word. They were religious. They taught from their Bible but denied the present day Word. What are they today? Same thing, anointed, preaching the Gospel of Pentecost, but denying the present day promise of the Word being vindicated: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
215 070 Now, I am not He, but I am His servant. I do not believe that you lay hands on people and give them gifts. "Gifts and callings are without repentance." They are predestinated of God, to meet the age and the time of that age. Any Bible student knows that's the truth.
3 “…denying the present day promise of the Word”
101 072 Now, what happened in the time of Micaiah? Ahab was killed, and the dogs licked his blood according to the Word of God. "Oh, you false teachers, so saith God, someday you'll reap what you're sowing, you blind leaders of the blind." I'm not angry; I'm just telling you a Truth. And I wouldn't have said this if up there in that room if the Holy Spirit didn't say, "Say it in that manner." Have I ever told you anything wrong, but what God proved it to be right? Wake up, my brethren, before it's too late.
102 073 But let me say this. How could've thorn wake up and be a thistle, when it was predestinated to that? How could the elected keep from seeing it? Because they're elected to see it. "All the Father has given Me will come," said Jesus, "but none of them can come unless He's give it to Me from before the foundation of the world…
That's God's purpose for Jesus Christ, was to express Himself, to take His own laws and live by His laws, and fulfill His law by death. Christ, God died in flesh in order to condemn sin in the flesh that He might bring to Himself a glorious Bride, redeemed back, that will believe only in the Word of God and not swap It, like Eve did, for intellectual conceptions of men. You see it?
37-2 122 That's Christ's idea. That's God's idea. The new birth reveals this. And if a man says he's borned again and try to place these promises of Christ in this last day to some other age, making Him Christ yesterday, but not today, then that man or that person has been in a--a delusion by Satan. And if that man says that he believes that, and it doesn't manifest itself through him... Jesus said in Mark 16, "These signs shall follow them that believe... into all the world and to every age." Casting out devils, and speaking with tongues, and--and all of these great manifestations of gifts that would follow, that they shall--not that they maybe, they ought to; they will. And heavens and earth will pass away, but His Word won't.
It is Jesus and Jesus, alone. He sets the members in the Body. He endows them with their ministries. He puts the gifts at her disposal. He cares for her and guides her. She is His sole property and He has no other one but her.
167 066 … He embodies Himself, taking your body and my body, and gives you gifts, gives me gifts, and through these gifts He makes Hisself known. That's the secret Food.
In My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues. If they taken up a deadly thing or serpent, or drinking a deadly thing, will not harm them. They'll lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover." That was His last commission to the church: Mark the 16th chapter.
8-3 021 Paul's, ordaining these gifts into the church thirty years later, and said in Galatians 1:8: "If an angel from heaven preaches to you any other Gospel than this which is already received (See?), already been preached, let him be accursed."
I believe that Pentecost began without an ending. I believe it's to be to every creature, all times and all places. That Pentecost should always remain. The Pentecostal blessings should be upon the people.
8-5 022 And now, what is this Pentecostal blessing? It's a confirmation of the resurrection.
72 048 You don't understand the approach to the ministry, because the ministry is a God-called gift." "God hath set in the Church first apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors." God set them in there for the perfecting of the Church. Business Men should testify. Women, housewife, no matter if you're the maid in somebody's house, testify. Do everything you can for the Kingdom; but don't ever inject your own ideas; just say, What the Message says and keep going on (see?). And then maybe you'd have some influence. Well, don't try to preach now until God, you know, calls you. Just stay right with that, your testimony, because if you don't, you'll get off in the wrong category; and then you'll mess up everything. That's it. And it doesn't please God at all.
Don't compromise; stand on the Word!
77 052 …it's a dangerous thing to try to compromise and do something else, or try to get lifted up within yourself…
58 039 How God blesses a man that will be true to the Word of God. Now, he may not be very popular, but he'll be blessed.
124 073 Now, we know His Presence are here. It's vindicated. We are having it. We're trusting in this coming week it'll continue to be vindicated among us, the sick will be healed and great things will be taking place. We don't want the popular idea; we want the Truth.
E-118 070 You see, God wants to work in His church. Jesus said, "I'll be with you always, even to the end of the world. The works that I do shall you do also." St. John 12:14, "The works that I do shall you do also; even more than this shall you do; for I go to my Father." Now the church tries to deny that, to get a way to get more members, to be more popular.
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93 042 God's real true way of living has never been popular. It never will be popular. "For the preaching of the Gospel is foolishness to them that perish." Paul said, "I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it's the power of God unto salvation to them that believe."
36 036 That's the way it was in the changing of the church ages, each time, when the message was rejected. And God giving these gifts and messages to the people, and they turn them down, then there is nothing left but judgment.
Satan’s same tactics
119 069 You can see people today... There's two spirits; and One of them is the Holy Spirit; the other one's a unholy spirit, and one's governed by that. And both of them religious. Now, that's the strange part; they're both religious. And just like Esau and Jacob was, both religious; like Cain and Abel was, both religious; like Judas and Jesus was, both religious--both religious... And we see it today, both sides religious. See, it's the same spirit. The people die, but the spirit doesn't die; it goes right on. Both religious, one of them is possessed with the Holy Spirit that lives the kind of life that they should live and walk godly and honest. They wouldn't beat you out of a penny, and they'd--they'd do everything honest that they could to help you--and the others just will--just as nice as they can be. And the others we find out it's just visa versa, and yet both of them are religious spirits. Two of them, one Holy Spirit and the other a unholy spirit.
Ministers sometimes claiming to be servants of Christ, and when the Word is thoroughly identified to be vindicated for that day, that it is the Message of the hour, and they'll sell out their--their popularity to their denomination just exactly like Judas did--betray Jesus to the Pharisees and the Sadducees. That spirit don't die. So there... That's amongst the believers, make-believers and unbelievers. See? That's just exactly... come right down and sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, and many man'll do it today for a meal ticket for an extra hundred dollars a week. Right. Deny the God that's standing in the midst of them that brought their Life and with the full Word.
164 087 See the two opposing spirits at work in this evil age? Can you see it? Each very religious, Cain and Abel, spirits again coming to their heads, still same as they started: one worshipping by beauty, and by knowledge, and by education, and by science, and by ethics; and the other One by faith of the revelation of the Word of God. Both of them is standing right in this building this morning. That's right.
124 050 And remember, the sin that Israel did (by Balaam saying, "They're all the same."), that sin never was forgiven Israel. And look; let me give you a striking figure; out of two million that left Egypt, two of them went into the promised land. Every one of them eat the same thing; they all danced in the Spirit; they all had everything in common. But when it come to the separating time, the Word done the separating. So is it today. The Word done the separating. When it come time, he said, "Why, here, we're..."
It's so close, look that the Bible said in the last days the two spirits (Matthew 24:24) would be so close, it would deceive the very elected if it was possible. That shuck looks just exactly like the wheat, but it ain't the wheat. See? It isn't the wheat, but it looks just exactly like it. See? So close, it would deceive the very elected... You denominated and fall into that denomination, and dry up and die, and the wheat moved right on out through the... See? It's exactly right. It's a carrier but not the wheat.
E-21 021 So the devil usually starts that little flare, and so watch it. He tries to cut off the move of God. Every time he will do that. And he's still the same devil, use the same techniques that he did in the old days, he still uses them today. We could only read the Old Testament, then we'd learn the tactics of the devil, how that he does.
Satan and his demons anoints humanity to disbelieve God's Word. Now, if you want to confirm that, you turn to Genesis 3:4.
Let's just turn back there and listen to this just a minute, and see if that ain't his first tactic. That's the first thing he did; he never leaves his same tactics; he does it all the time. Now, just see if that--that's what it is. Now, he didn't disagree with the Word; he just caused her to kinda misconstrue that a little, you know, just kinda make It sound like the way he wanted It to sound--don't take the whole Word.
32-6 113 Now, Genesis, I got here Genesis 3 and 4. Let's see if that's what that says now. All right.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die--not surely die:
See how he quoted it around? "Oh, we believe the days of miracles is past. We don't believe there is such a thing as people receiving the Holy Ghost like they did on Pentecost. Oh, any way you're baptized, it doesn't make any difference." See the devil? See his tactics?
Satan come to Eve and begin to reason against the Word of God, the great Armor that God had fortified His people with. He begin to use reasoning. Now, "It's only reasonable that God would not destroy you. Surely you will not die." But remember, friends, that's Satan's tactic to begin with, and he still uses the same thing, and still successful with it: a reasoning.
E-41 041 They try to reason: "Why would we need the Holy Ghost today? Why would we need Divine healing? Why would we need this, and how would we need another Pentecost? We're all civilized." They were too.
E-53 053 What is the tactics of Satan? Reasoning. "It's just reasonable." And when you hear anything that reasons against the Word, get away from it. It's the devil. I don't care how old-fashion it is, how strange it looks, when God said so, that settles it eternally. Get away from anything that reasons against the Word.
"Oh, it's reasonable today we don't need Divine healing, because we got fine doctors." Get away from that.
"It's... "Oh, just the twelve apostles received the Holy Ghost. It..." Well, why did Peter say "It's for you, and for your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call?"
A fellow said it was just for back there. I said, "You're too late. I done got it down here," so--so we--so we know it's right. See? Anything that reasons against the Word of God... Said, "These signs shall follow them that believe."
How... "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth (in all the world at all times), these signs shall follow them that believe." How far? I can show you where God put Divine healing in the church. Now, you show me where He took it out by the Word. See? The miracles and signs, and the Holy Ghost, He's the same Jesus yesterday, today, and forever.
E-39 039 But those who went off with the other church in their traditions, they missed it. See?
And Jesus told those teachers. He said, "You with your traditions, you take the commandments of God, and make them of non effect." Now, what would they do with their tradition today, saying, "The days of miracles is past." That's a tradition. "There's no such a thing as Divine healing." That's tradition, not the Bible. I can show any man where Jesus ordained His church and commissioned it to all the world, to every creature, and these signs shall follow them that believe. Now, I want somebody to show me a spot of Scripture where He taken it away from the church. It's not there. It's still in the church. It's the traditions that's twisted it out.
E-37 037 You remember when Jesus gave His church like... He gave His church power in Saint Matthew the 10th chapter to cast out devils, heal the sick, and--and the lepers, and raise the dead. Is that right? Now, I want somebody who doesn't believe in Divine healing show me by the Scripture where He ever took that power away from the church. I want the chapter, the Book, and the verse. Where He give that power to His church I can show you chapter, Book, and verse, where He told them it would be at all races, all places, to all the world. Now, you tell me where He said, "I made a mistake. I've got to take it back." Show it to me, some critic. It's not in God's Word.
284 241 Then Eve met her failure, so did the church; gave away to denomination, rules of man, to be ruled by man, not controlled by the Spirit no more. She went away from the Word, and accepted dogmas. Who can say "amen"? [Congregation says, "Amen!"--Ed.] Sure. But do you know we Protestants accept as many dogmas as they got, when we add something to this Word or take something from It? Satan got her, with his same old technique he did Eve, compromising. That's where he got it, said something different from the Word, a creed or a denomination.
83 055 The trouble of it is with man, he don't know his Leader. Yes, sir. They'll rally around a denomination; they'll rally around a bishop or a man; but they won't rally around the Leader, the Holy Spirit and the Word.
172 099 …all down through the ages... Zwingli, Finley, Finney, all of the rest of them, when they had a revival, what did they do with it? Throwed it right into a denominational feast, and crawled in with the rest of them, put a brand on you like the rest of them. Then you got a bunch of man controlling you. The Holy Spirit can't move no farther. That's exactly... You start to preach something the Bible teaches, like it... and the denomination don't believe that; put you right out. Try it once and see if it's right or not. You'll see that it's the Truth. See, at denominational feast every time they're called to it, that Balaam feast, trouble sets in.
112 054 Now, I want you to notice the difference between a cistern and a fountain of living water; artesian well, and an old broken cistern out there full of bugs, lizards, frogs, germs, whatmore. See?
And here is an artesian well. Now, watch this. It's self-supporting. You don't have to get any big systems and bring a lot of money into it. You don't have to join a lot of members. It supports its members, of the Spirit of Life in them, functioning.
Notice the water that comes from it, fresh, pure and clean. Not a cistern, something stagnated that's been in-documented by forty, fifty different minds, saying, "This is right, and that's right, and this conception," and vote and call on, and as they do, and then make a denomination out of it. It's pure and clean, unadulterated Word of God, coming from the hand of God. It's a real artesian well.
160 114 There's your ages. But remember, that Pentecostal church in the last days was the Laodicean, and Christ was turned out, the Kernel, the Wheat Itself. When He tried... Remember, when He tried to manifest Hisself in the church, He was taken out. It was still a church, claimed to be, anointed. But here's the Word, Christ Himself; that's the anointed Word which shall come for the rest of His Body, the Bride. The anointed of the same water that watered the wheat, as we talked about, also waters the tares--anointed ones. Only the elected or predestinated will be able to detect the difference between them. Now, Ephesians 5:1 tells you so, and about how it was. They are anointed ones.
46 031 Notice. The same anointing water brings forth the wheat, brings forth the weed. The same Holy Spirit that anoints the church, that gives them desire to save souls, that gives them power to perform miracles, It falls on the unjust the same as the just: the very same Spirit. Now, you can't make it another way and understand Matthew 24:24. He said, "There shall rise false christs," false anointed ones, anointed with the genuine thing, but be false prophets of it, false teachers of it. What would make a man want to be a false teacher of something that's Truth? Now, we'll get down to the mark of the beast in a few minutes, and you'll see it's denomination. See, see? False teachers, false anointed, anointed christs, but false teachers. It's the only way you can see it.
179 078 And it will be brought into you predestinated, and when the Lord breathes upon you, His Spirit will quicken that Word to a reality, and you'll see that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Oh, my.
Leave the world's denomination, religious pack. Let it lay like that cigarette pack in the woods. Let it rot and decay (it's--it's a wrong filter), and take the Word which is Christ that gives, and reaches, and preserves the taste of Eternal Life to everyone that will take it--Eternal Life.
The Word, if you are predestinated, you see It. There's no way to hide It from you. You look there and say, "Why, It's just so plain before my face--I'd look at It; there it is. I'm looking right at It. I see It. Here It is, the Word, every word, just word by word, living out." Then there's a taste of Eternal Life that you want. And when you breathe through that... What can come through that, God's Filter? Nothing but the Spirit, no world at all, no unbelief at all. It's God's Filter. And when you breathe through that, nothing can get through that but the Holy Ghost.
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182 076 You'll go to heaven as one single person, between you and God. That's all. I don't care what church you belong to. And if you neglect to read the Bible and to believe the Bible, and the Holy Spirit to feed upon That, you will die. Jesus said in St. John... 4:3, the Scripture I got right... Jesus said that, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word," not just part of It.
We take a little bit here. I call that a Bible hitchhiker. They say, "Well, I believe This, but now let's go over here. See?" See?
You've got to take It, Word by Word. Jesus said, "Man shall live by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Did you know that?
16-3 049 I don't care what your church believes in. If it's contrary to the Word of God, stay away from it. The Bible said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Mark 16 said, "These signs would follow them that believe." If a church preaches different from that don't... You--you die to that thing; be born again into the Word of God. "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." That's how far it was to go. "These signs shall follow them that believe in all the world and to every creature that will believe."
148 If I go in this generation, may the people who believe this message never stand still for a denomination. God will... You'll die right in your track. Remember that. The very hour that you mention denomination among you, I don't care how sincere you are, take man for your leader instead of the Holy Spirit to confirm this Word, that's the hour you die. The genuine Seed cannot, because there's nothing left after the seed; it's the same thing was back at the beginning. It's the Bride that fell into the ground to bring forth the corn of wheat again.
152 066 Remember, one word caused every death that's in the earth; every illegitimate child was borned because Eve, the first church, the bride of the first Adam, doubted God's Word and accepted a denominational, or a intellectual, or a school exceptions of it; because It was reasoned out, that "Surely, God is a good God." God is a good God, but He's also a just God. He must keep His Word. School, she accepted it. There's where some of you seminary boys, no doubt a call in your life, but you run off to some Bible school to have this doctrine injected in you, and there's where you die. Stay with God and His Word. They won't let you; or, you can't even belong to their congregation, won't accept you on the platform. So let them have it; let the dead bury the dead; let's follow Christ the Word.
73 …God took Jesus to the Calvary and tore Him apart, and received the body up into heaven and sent the Spirit down upon us, that the same Spirit was on Him has to be on you to dovetail with the Body, to be the Bride at the end time ...See? Won't be a denomination, now. It'll be the Word, what He was. See? But like that Word has to come to Word, like cell in a human being.
You know, when your--your body's being built, it isn't one cell of a human, next of a dog, and next of a pig. Oh, no, no. It's all human cell. That's the way the Body of Christ is, all the Word of God. Not just part of It, some tradition added to It; no, It's all the Body of Christ.
148 063 Now, that Life is present tonight. That's right. The Holy Spirit is here, which is Christ in Spirit form; His Spirit, the anointing is here.
... a little while, and the world seeth me no more; yet ye will see me:...
For I'll be with you, even in you, to the consummation, to the end of the world...
Jesus alone can lead you to that Eternal Life. There's no church, no denomination, no preacher, no priest, no nothing else can lead you to It, you must be led by Him, the only One that can lead you.
150 064 Could you imagine Him leading you out of His Word, which that's Him? And if He is the Word, and you're a part of Him, won't you be a part of the Word?
347-2 {94} So gifts and callings are predestinated of God. They are--they are God's gifts and callings, even without repentance, the Bible said. See? They were ordained before the foundation of the world. See?
E-31 031 The Bible said there's five offices in the Church that is ordained of God and put in the Church--office holders. First is apostles, prophet, teachers, evangelists, pastors. They're God's foreordination. By predestination, by foreknowledge He saw it, placed it in the Church for every age.
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189 But God wants to fill every fiber of His church; He wants to fill your thinking; He wants to fill your mind. He wants to fill every bit of you, just make you completely, totally dead to yourself or to your thinking, just so surrendered in God till His Word's just living right through you. You don't know nothing else but God's Word; just stay right with His Word; It is Life. "My Words are Life," said Jesus. He's placed with them, teachers believing the Bible, prophets that say the truth, that say, show the same prophecy that they've always did down through the age. What's He done? He's showing Himself alive among them, confirming His Word. His Word, the Kingdom of God is God's Word made power.
E-50 050 You know, the religions today can explain it all away. "This happened, and that's gone." And "This was for another age. And this..." But a man that's ever met God face-to-face and talked to Him, there's no scientist, or no devil, or nothing else can come on that sacred ground, He was there where he met God, and he knows what he's talking about.
38-3 110 Whatever you are, you're servants of God. Whatever God wants you to do, where your place is... God placed in the church some apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors. He placed that by virtue of His own predestination. And you were that to begin with. [7]
494-4 {232} 111 22. Would the Bride of Christ have... Would the Bride of Christ have a ministry before the rapture?
Sure. That's what's going on right now. See? The Bride of Christ... Certainly. It is the Message of the hour (See?), the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's consist of apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. Is that right? That's the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's got a ministry, great ministry; it's the ministry of the hour; it'll be so humble...
E-47 047 Politics don't belong in church, the Holy Ghost is to take the church over, and not a politic vote of who's who. God placed in the church some apostles, some prophets, and some teachers, and evangelists, and pastors, not man voted them in there. God placed them in there by the calling of the Holy Spirit, prayer meetings, and laying on of hands, and staying before God.
27 014 And he that cometh to God must believe God; and faith comes by hearing the Word of God. See? You must first believe this is God's Word, and you must come to God by the Word. See? Just take the Word, what It says, and That's right. Everything else contrary to It is not right.
176 101 The end-time evangelist's message is from Malachi 4. It's a restoring. The message and messenger both will have to be a restoration of the faith. [8]
…What is it? It's a message that goes forth, a message and messenger of the last days, that's not to bring them to a creed, but to jerk them out of those creeds and bring them back to the original faith of the fathers, the Pentecostal fathers, where the church is to be in the last days, not the Mosaic fathers, but the Pentecostal fathers.
104 069 What did He say in Malachi 4? Would restore, restore back the original Pentecostal faith, back to the people with the same Pentecostal message, the same Pentecostal sign, the same Pentecostal evidence, the same God, the same power, the same teaching, everything exactly, with the vindication of the same Pillar of Fire that struck Paul down on the road, down to Damascus; among us today, doing the same things He did in that day.
87 035 And in the last day, Revelation 10, in Revelation 10, we find out that the Laodicea, last messenger of the last age, in the... during the time of his prophecy, that the Seven Seals would be opened, the seven mysteries, sevenfold mysteries that had been left off.
28-8 081 What did He do? He opened up the Seven Seals of the last message. Did you notice that? The Seven Seals, which all the mysteries of the Seven Church Ages were sealed with Seven Seals.
The reformers didn't have time to do it in their days. They didn't live long enough. But this blessed revelation of the Seven Seals is opened to us in this last days from a prophecy that went forth to Arizona.
132 079 Now, we believe that the hour has come that St. John 14:12 must be fulfilled. We--we believe that Malachi 4 must be fulfilled. We believe that Luke 17:30 must be fulfilled. We believe that all these prophecies that He said would come to pass in this day, we believe they must be fulfilled. And we believe we're seeing them fulfilled right now. [9] That's exactly right!
Friends, this is the fulfillment of Malachi 4, St. Luke 17, St. John 15, oh, so many, Revelation 10, so many prophecies that can be pinned exactly to this day.
155 058 He made the promise, that Malachi 4 promises it would say. A Message would come forth that would restore the people back to the original Pentecostal Message, and with the same blessings they had on the day of... What is it? It's a two-winged eagle, both New and Old Testament, flopping its promises together, of God, to fulfill what the promises of the Bible said it would do.
Bride’s Ministry
E-50 050. And the message of this great messenger that'll come in this closing day in the Laodicean church Age, the Pentecostal Age, will be the one that'll take the church to the rapture.
35-3 102. And now, I believe she's ready to strike that final climax yonder, to bring forth a faith that will rapture the Church into Glory; and She's laying in the Messages! We're really at the end time. We've talked about it and everything, but the thing has moved upon us now. Hear them! Yes, sir.
184 078 This is coming into that Third Pull! …And watch a perfect God, with a perfect heart, keep a perfect promise, by His perfect Word, which is sharper than a two-edged sword and a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart. What? We're coming now to the perfection, because the people has to come to this in order for the rapture. That's what's holding it away right now, is waiting for that church to come into that perfect raptured faith.
494-4 {232} 111 22. Would the Bride of Christ have... Would the Bride of Christ have a ministry before the rapture?
Sure. That's what's going on right now. See? The Bride of Christ... Certainly. It is the Message of the hour (See?), the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's consist of apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. Is that right? That's the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's got a ministry, great ministry; it's the ministry of the hour; it'll be so humble...
E-149 149 And He's the same Messiah today as He was then, only without a corporal body here on earth. He sent His Spirit back to use your body, my body. Now, you might not be able to do this. We know in the Scripture there's one in a generation, but, see, but...
E-150 150 Yet, you can believe it. And you got other things that you can do.
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154 087 Then if He is in you, it's not you any more living; it's Him living in you. See? It's not your thinking and what you would think about this; it's what He said about this. See? Then if He is in you, He absolutely would not deny what He said. He couldn't do it. But He would keep what He has said, and He's trying to find that person that He can vindicate Himself through.
155 088 Now, that doesn't mean He has to do it to everybody. In the time that Moses led the children of Israel, there was one: that was Moses. The rest of them just followed the message.
160 085 Now, the little--humble little Bride of Christ just simply believes the Word, whoever She is; it's individuals.
42-1 125 Can't you see, Spirit-filled people, something's fixing to happen? Don't look for some great big universal something sweeping, nothing but the coming of the Lord Jesus.
13-3 043 People are looking forward to a great something to come, and you're at the end of what has already come. The last signs has been given to the Gentile church. The Jews will have it after the church is raptured, but we're in the end of the Gentile age.
132 092 Just as Sarah tried to bring the promise of the supernatural by, by hand-picked Hagar, so has the church trying to bring a revival, our great evangelists, across the countries today, "A revival in our time, a revival in our time. All you Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, all get together." How can you have a revival of fresh manna on an old dead vulture? How can you have it? "Revival in our time." The revival would be so small, they'd never know it ever happening.
133 093 Pentecostals said, "Oh, there's going to be a great thing happen." It's happening, and they don't know it. That's it. See? Yes, sir. "For where the carcass is there the eagles will be gathered...?... That's what it said. What is the carcass? The Word. He is the Word, the carcass, Christ, Christ in you, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
59 035 The believer today, yet we're heir to all things, yet we're heir to every spiritual blessing, every physical blessing, every blessing the Bible promises, yet you have to fight every inch of it. That's the way God's got it set up. It's always been that way. You have to fight to possess what you know is your own.
…the continuity of His unchanging Word
170 077 God's calling individuals. "I stand at the door and knock. If any man, any person..." One individual out of a thousand, it might be one out of a million.
30-1 100 Now, down through the ages He has been slowly unfolding this mystery. Can you see now? Now, down through the... how that He... What happened in the prefigure now? He opened Adam's side and took part of his flesh, which was Adam, to make Eve.
The Bride has to be the Word, for He is the Word. She cannot stand on creeds; She cannot stand on denomination; She cannot stand on good behavior; She has to stand alone on the Word, because She's part of It; She was taken from Christ. See?
30-2 101 And to be sure that the whole Rapture now... Luther was a part; Wesley was a part; the prophets was a part. If they aren't a part... just in the revelation that they was making up the Body: feet, toes, arms and so forth until the Head (which we get to that in a few minutes, see?) that makes the entire rapture. It's the Body of the Word, which is Christ. [10] Amen. Outside of that, you're lost. I don't care how good you are, or what your relationship is, or what your fellowship is, or what your organization is; you're lost outside of that Word being in you.
30-3 102 "If ye abide in Me (the Word), My Word abide in you, then you ask what you will." because you and the Word are the same.
45-3 148 Watch God's great revelation unfolding. By lack of this revelation is why we have so many different divisions among us and so much mockery, so much division among us, is because the people lack that revelation. See, they lack that revelation: the teachers.
182 069 You go into a church and watch the pastor, if he's real wild and carries on, the congregation will be the same. See? They take the spirit of one another instead of the Holy Spirit.
That's the reason we got so much perverted teaching of the Bible. Instead of coming back to the blueprint, they've taken the spirit of some denomination. See? But the Word is just as foreign to them as It was in the days when Jesus come forth, introducing the real true Gospel. They said, "He's a devil. He's Beelzebub."
58 036 Notice the continuity of His unchanging Word, also the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "When the Holy Ghost is come upon you, He will remind you, or reveal these things that I have told you, and also will show you things to come."
9-1 017 How He could stand there and say, "This day this Scripture is fulfilled right before your eyes!" How outstanding! How so plainly, and yet those people misunderstood. Why?--is because they took the interpretation of some order of priest that they were listening to. And history always repeats itself, and Scripture has a compound meaning to It and a compound revelation!
…and so is it today! Is because that we're in such a turmoil as we are, and people fail to see the Truth of God, is because there's too many manmade interpretations of God's Word! God don't need nobody to interpret His Word! He is His Own interpreter!
He is now interpreting as he did to Pharaoh, trying to keep you from seeing the meaning of the vindicated Word of His promised age in the Evening Light, vindicated and proved. He's trying by his knowledge, and schools, and better educated people, and ethics, and so forth, to keep you away from seeing that. Anything, so that you won't look at that and see that's Jesus Christ. How do you know it's Jesus Christ? He is the Word, and He's the Word of this age….
174 096 Trying to keep you from seeing the real meaning of the Word, not what... See, he's interpreting It, saying It means this. God said, "I promised in the last days I'd send you Malachi 4." It don't have to be interpreted; He did it. He said, "And as it was in the days of Lot, the world will be in a Sodom condition; and that time I will reveal the Son of man by it exactly." We got all kinds of impersonations and everything else of it, but we got the real one too. See? He said He would do it. He said the antichrist would raise up and almost deceive the Elected if it was possible. But said, "Let them alone. Let them go ahead. Their folly will be found out." Why? The Word test proves it. See? When you come to that Word, "That'd been back this way, that... Oh, I don't believe in serpent's seed; I don't believe in this, that, and the other." It's never been revealed to you.
175 097 Anything that denies God's Word, keep away from it.
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And the people sit in the church and hear the Messages of God, and believe them, and won't accept It. They wouldn't say, "Well, now I don't believe that's right." Some of them will come, say and agree with It, say, "I believe It's right," but you won't do it. See, you'll die. Dying in the pews of the church, because they won't accept the remedy. They won't. See, what it does, it takes a little bit of the--the popularity out of the people. It kind of beats them up a little bit.
141 100 Oh, the awareness of the Holy Spirit, the awe that strikes a man's soul when he stops to think how real and plain it's right before us.
36 036 That's the way it was in the changing of the church ages, each time, when the message was rejected. And God giving these gifts and messages to the people, and they turn them down, then there is nothing left but judgment.
318 162 Now, to the perfect... After the stalk has been formed, after the tassel's been formed, after the grain has come onto the cob, then it has to come to perfection, back to a regular grain again. And remember, the grain must be germitized. See? If it don't, it won't live. See? None of that was outside of them messages will ever come to Life. It has to be germitized to it. Remember, the same Life that was in the stalk is in the grain.
140 066 Jesus said to Israel, "If you had only have known your day." One time setting on Mt. Olives He looked over, said, Jerusalem, oh, Jerusalem..." He wept. He looked down; He seen... Not in any comparison and maybe way it--the other night--other morning about ten o'clock when I saw that prostitute church. Down in your heart you feel the Holy Spirit dropping tears. "Jerusalem, oh, Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered you. But what did you do? You killed the prophets that I sent to you. You murdered them!" And the Messages has been sent to the church today has been murdered by their denominational dogmas. The Scripture has been murdered by their dogmas. Jesus said, "If you'd only knowed your day; but it's too far now, it's too late now." So is it with the churches.
I do believe with all my heart she's passed redemption.
87 068 And what have the churches desired? A murderer of the Word; one who takes a system. If the system is contrary to the Word, then it's a murderer to the Word. And they desired a denomination tradition in the stead of the True Word being manifested, and proved that It's God amongst the people: by science, through pictures; Light, the same Angel of the Lord, the Pillar of Fire; the same One that lived on earth in the--in the body of Jesus Christ is come upon His people in the last day, where science has took the picture of It. The church has seen His works. It's thoroughly identified by tapes and everything, around and around the world, and personally ministered. And still in all of that their systems are desiring a council of churches, to condemn the Truth. Desiring a murderer that would shut off, or stop, or sell out; and it'll do it. They'll stop such a thing, and the council of churches will have to do it, There's the mark of the beast. Antichrist--Against the Word, which is Christ.
135 064 There's always twins. And that's the reason... Don't forget this, little flock. The church in the last days is going to be twins, so close that'd deceive the elected: Matthew 24:24. See? The church is going... It's a Pentecostal move. It's so much like the real thing, till it would deceive the very elected if it was possible. …See, just two fathers, that's all; same mother, same church, same movement, same thing. The bedding ground is the same, where the Word falls; but one of them, like here, is perverted. You understand? Say "amen" if you did see. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See, one of them is a perversion, because it's the wrong father. Which, I will prove someday, if God will let me, that denomination is the mark of the beast. See, it's a wrong father. He's steering people to an organization instead of to the Word. See, it's the wrong father. It's a Cain move.
For in every age the church has been governed by a hierarchy--a priesthood--an apostolic succession--closing the door of mercy and grace to whom it will, and instead of assuming the love and responsibility of the church it has with mercenary lust preyed upon her and destroyed her. The clergy lived in luxury while the poor church fed on the husks of abuse. And not one age did any different.
Each bound itself to organization and put the government upon men and committed the church to that government. Dare let the people rise up, and they were brutally suppressed or cast out. Every denomination has the same spirit. Every denomination swears that it has the key to the government of the church. Every denomination claims that it opens the door. But that is not true. It is Jesus and Jesus, alone. He sets the members in the Body. He endows them with their ministries. He puts the gifts at her disposal. He cares for her and guides her. She is His sole property and He has no other one but her.
13-2 035 When they say that Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever; that His power isn't the same; that His Gospel isn't the same, when the Bible says It's the same; God defy every denomination, every creed, and He moved forth in His Holy Spirit as He promised, and proved it to us that He is alive. We are the benefactors of His resurrection, quickened after being dead in the world in sin and trespasses; He has quickened us together with Him--raised with Him, now sitting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
Now watch this doctrine of Balaam most carefully. Notice above all, that it is the deliberate maneuver of a corrupt clergy to bind the people to them, by leading the people deliberately into the sin of unbelief. The Nicolaitane doctrine was the corruption of the clergy as they sought political power amongst themselves, while Balaamism is the subjection of the people to their system of creed and worship in order to hold them. Now watch this carefully. What was it that bound the people to the nominal church and thereby destroyed them? It was the creeds and dogmas formed into church tenets. It was the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. They were not given the true food, the Word. They were given the food that came from idol worship, Babylonian paganism wrapped up in Christian terminology. And that very same spirit and doctrine is right amongst all Protestants and it is called DENOMINATION. Nicolaitanism is organization, humanizing the leadership of the church, and thereby deposing the Spirit.
4 that same spirit of Nicolaitanism
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197 081 Now, see, then you had to be before the world was ever formed, your name was put on the Lamb's Book of Life. And then what can you eat? The Holy Spirit lives by the Word of God. And now in Revelation 22:19, the Bible said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." See how deep it is? You cannot...The Holy Spirit won't live on the things of the world.
When any man turns from the Word of God and joins a church instead of receiving the Holy Spirit, that man dies. Dead! That is what he is. Don't join a church. Don't get into organization and get taken up with creeds and tradition or anything that takes the place of the Word and the Spirit or you're dead. It's all over. You're dead. Eternally separated from God!
Instead of the straight Word of God, instead of the Spirit-filled men in the church who were led by Spirit-given revelation, there are now creeds, and by-laws, and the educated guesses of educated men. Learning has taken the place of revelation. Reason has replaced faith. Program has replaced spontaneous praise in the Holy Ghost. It wasn't so from the beginning. The whole specie has changed. It has become a hybrid church.
The church is made up of good and bad. Two vines make the church. They are like the wheat and tares, growing up side by side. But one is the TRUE. The other is the FALSE. Now God will speak TO each one and He will talk ABOUT each one. He will call them the church. And only the elect will really know which is the true Spirit. Only the elect will not be deceived. Matthew 24:24, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." So way back there in the early church (a very short period after Pentecost) the false vine got to intertwine itself around the True Vine and we find these deeds of the Nicolaitanes. And that spirit is going to be found fighting the True Vine until it is destroyed by God. Now have you got it?
All right. Now what was the spiritual climate of that church? It had left its first love. Leaving its first love of the Word of God was revealed to us as having fallen from its origin, which was Pentecost. In plain English, that means this church was in danger of being taken away from the leading of the Holy Spirit, the control of the Spirit. This was exactly what took place after Moses led Israel out of Egypt.
The way of God was to lead them by the cloud of fire, prophetic utterance, miracles and signs, and God-given wonders. This was to be accomplished by `God-selected', and `God-ordained', and `God-equipped', and `God-sent' men, with the whole camp being dominated by a Holy Ghost move. They rebelled and wanted a set of rules and creeds to go by. Then they wanted a king. Then they wanted to be exactly like the world and went into complete apostasy and oblivion. That is exactly how the first church age started, and it will get worse and worse, until the Holy Spirit is completely rejected and God must destroy the people.
Jesus said that the two would be so close together until it would deceive the very elected, the Bride, if it was possible. Antichrist, it's the antichrist spirit.
160-4 {295} 131 Remember in the church ages when we opened the first church age back there, we found out that the Holy Spirit was against a certain thing that got started in that church age, and that was called "the deeds of the Nicolaitanes." You remember it? "Nico" means "to conquer." "Laity" means "the church, the laity." "Nicolaitanes" "to conquer the laity": take the Holy Spirit out of the church and give it all to one holy man, let him be the boss of all of it. You went through it (See?), Nicolaitane. Notice, Nicolaitia was a--a saying in one church; it become a doctrine in the next church age. And in the third church age it was a forcement; and they had the Nicaea Council. And it was then made a doctrine and a church.
160-5 {295} 132 And what was the first thing happened? An organization from it.
160-6 {297} 133 …at the Nicaea Council when he started out a spirit of Nicolaitia to form an organization among the people, and then it kept on going on, going on; it become a saying, then it become a doctrine.
163-5 {314} 141 You say, "Way back--way back in the apostles time?" He was called Nicolaitia there. Then in the next church age, then he become a doctrine in the church. First he was just a saying, then he become a doctrine.
Swell, celebrity people, fine dressed, highly educated, polished didn't want all that carrying on in the church. No, they didn't want all that Holy Ghost stuff.
170-4 {368} 165 Notice, Nicolaitia, the antichrist teaching that started in the days of Paul against God's Word…
Notice the change of color of these horses: same rider. Change of color of horses... And a horse is a beast, and the beast in the Bible under a symbol represents a power. The same system riding on another color power from the innocent white to a bloody red... See? Watch him now how he's coming.
211-5 {263} 101 When he first started, he was just... Well he's just a little doctrine in the--in the--amongst called the Nicolaitanism. Of course it wouldn't slay anything. (That's Revelations 2:6, if you want to put it down.) He wouldn't slay anything. It's just a doctrine, just a spirit amongst the people. Now, he wouldn't slay nothing.
Oh, he was so innocent riding on this white horse. "Well, you know, we can have a great worldwide church. We could call it the universal church." They still do. All right. See? Now, "We could have... Oh, it is perfectly innocent. And, oh, it's so innocent. It's just a group of men. We'll all get together for fellowship." See, it's very innocent; it's white, the white horse was. See? Now.
That is exactly what Nicolaitanism has come to. They say, "Never mind what God's Word says. You can't understand it. We have to interpret it for you. Furthermore the Bible is not finished. It has to change with the times and we will tell you what the changes are." How contrary that is to the Word of God that emphatically states, "Let God be true, but every man a liar," whenever there is a conflict with the truth. Heaven and earth will pass away, but NOT ONE WORD of God will fail. So the people are led by people who presume to be what they are not.
"Grievous wolves," is hardly strong enough to describe them. Nicolaitanism. Organization. Man over man.
Nicolaitanism is organization, humanizing the leadership of the church, and thereby deposing the Spirit. Balaamism is denominationalism which takes the church manual instead of the Bible. And right to this hour, many of God's people are caught in the snare of denominationalism and God is crying to them, "Come out of her My people, lest ye be partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues." You see they are ignorant. But if the rapture should take place at this moment, ignorance would be no court of appeal from the judgment of God for being in the wrong ranks.
When any religious people embrace both Nicolaitanism and Balaamism, and have the political, financial and physical power to back it up there is only one direction they can go. That direction is right into the Jezebel doctrine.
E-51 051 The pastor can't do it himself. The laity's got to help in this. We're all a partner. That's what started the chaos at the first time at the Nicaea council. They wanted, when the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes... "Nico" means "to conquer," and "laity" means to take away from the laity, make a holy man. That's not a holy man, holy hill; it's a holy God, a holy God amongst people. The laity has part of it. We're children. There's no great ones among us. How can you have faith when you desire respects one from another? We're all one in Christ Jesus. There's no big men and little men. We're all the same. We're children of one Father, and we're His children.
See how they twist the Word…
129 089 Hawks hopping like buzzards. Oh, my. Think of it, how critical what--how the hour is. Just as the hawk has long lost his identification as a hawk, so has the church long lost her identification as a lesser bird brother of the eagle, God's prophets. Once a carrier of a true word, justification, then it become a carrier of sanctification, then it become a carrier of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, restoration of the gifts. But then when it goes on and keeps going back try to eat something, manna from another day, it's rotten. It's no good. A genuine eagle of this day knows that was all right, but we got that plus until Jesus Christ is made manifest in the fullness of His power as He promised to be in this last day.
130 090 She is now a dry shuck. It's passed. The Spirit of God passed through her. It's true. And will not--she will not be heir with the a-vindicated seed Word. She sure will not be. She'll not be in the rapture. She will be a church member, may come up in the second resurrection, be judged according to what's she's heard.
E-47 047 That's all right but that one thing. So that's the way that the unbeliever, the--the unidentified person with God; he will say, "Oh, I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe God is the Father of Jesus Christ. I believe all these other things." See? But when it comes down to this other part, "Oh, that's for another day," See? There's the lie of it. That's right. He's trying to twist a little of the right Word around to make it deceiving to the people.
God's Word doesn't make no mistakes. What it says, It doesn't need somebody's interpretation to twist it around and make It say something It doesn't say. Just take It for what It says, because It's God's Word.
16-1 041 And so, the--the wisdom that I want you to get straightened out on 'fore we start... There is a wisdom of God. A wisdom of God is stay with His Word, but Satan in his wisdom tried to twist the Word; so that's the wisdom I'm speaking of.
There's a certain amount of faith that goes with Satan. In order to--to accept Satan you've got to believe Satan. So there is a perverted faith to a perverted thing. And anything that would try to twist the Word of God, to make It say something that It doesn't, is the wrong spirit (See?), offering wisdom against God's wisdom.
E-25 025 Now, if one little twist of God's Word caused every death, every sorrow, every heartache, everything, the troubles we've been through, just to twist one little Word of God, and they didn't get by with it...
It's cost us six thousand years of heartaches, and even the Son of God that come to the earth and died to redeem the human race. Every war, every heartache, every unwedded mother, everything that ever happened wrong in the world was because one person disbelieved, believed ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent of God's Word, and just twisted a little teeny bit at the end, and caused all this. Then one twist anywhere... Don't think you'll ever get back anything less than the entire Word of God. Believe It. Stand on It. We got to say just as It said.
29 029 It's God doing His Own interpretation. It happens. No matter how much we try to twist It, and say, "It don't mean This, and don't mean That." It means just exactly, and God is His Own interpreter. He vindicates His Word, and that's His interpretation of It, because it's brought to pass.
230 187 Who can make a man a minister? Who can give a man a gift by laying hands on him? "God has set in the church!" See? See how they twist the Word. Like Eve now, with her new knowing, knowledge, she had Adam at her sway. She could do what she wanted to, see, as soon as she got Adam to accept it.
72 035 Remember, first Satan quoted that Scripture just as clear as it could be, "God has said that, `Ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden of Eden'?" See? "You shall not eat of every tree?"
And remember now, Eve said, "Yes, we may eat of every tree; but the tree that's in the midst of the garden, we mustn't even touch it." Now, watch him in his message twist that Word just a little bit in saying... Eve said, "For God said, that if we do this, that day we die."
He said, "Oh, surely you'll not die." See, he was a--a man; he said, "You, you do this now. And you're--you're kind of an ignorant people. You, really, you don't know all things. But if you would only partake of this, then you'd have wisdom, you'd have knowledge. You'd know right from wrong and be like gods (See?), you, if you'd only partake of this wisdom that I have. I know, but you don't."
354-384 075 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have took you like a hen does her brood, how oft would I have made you Mine, but you would not. You had your own seminaries, hatched out your priests. They taught you against Me, and now you're left at your own; your destruction lays ahead of you."
the teaching of Balaam
60 043 But you might see that the anointing gets on the unjust, the false teachers, and causes them to do exactly what God told them not to do; but they'll do it anyhow. Why? They cannot help it. How can a thistle be anything else but a thistle? No matter how much good rain's sprinkled on it, it's got to be a thistle. That's the reason Jesus said they'll be so close it would deceive the very elected (which is in the roots), if it were possible. But it ain't possible. A wheat can do nothing but bear wheat; that's all it can bear.
68 051 Balaam, anointed with the same Spirit that was upon Moses... What was the difference? The teaching of Moses was perfect. The Bible said here in II Peter that it was the teaching of Balaam that Israel received that God never did forgive: unpardonable sin. Not a one of them got saved. Though they had come out under the blessings of God and seen the hand of God moving by this mighty prophet and seen it exactly vindicated by God, and because another prophet come in with a teaching contrary, and disputed with Moses, and tried to prove to the people that Moses was wrong...
And Dathan, Korah, and many of them agreed with him and taught the children of Israel to commit fornications, to go after his organization that we're all the same, "Whether we're Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostals, and what more, we're all the same." We're not the same. Ye are a separated people, holy unto the Lord, dedicated to the Word and the Spirit of God to bear fruit of His promise of this day. And you're not of them.
70 052 Now, the teaching of Balaam... Not the prophecy of Balaam, that was all right; that was God. How many believes that? The prophecy of Balaam was exactly right, 'cause He couldn't speak nothing else. The anointing of God wouldn't speak nothing else. And God vindicated it by proving it was the truth. But it was the teaching of Balaam. Now, compare that with Matthew 24:24.
Anointed ones, but their teaching is false, the trinities and all things like that. Wrong, antichrist.
Balaam was just as fundamentally speaking as Moses was. Moses... The correct number of God is seven. And Balaam said, "Build me seven altars--seven clean sacrifices, oxes, and seven rams." That's speaking of the coming of the Son of God. Fundamentally he was just as right as any of them.
83 We all--all you people, you Protestants should all join with us." We're coming to that in a little bit. "It's all brothers and sisters anyhow." It isn't. Never was and never will be with the real genuine church of God. Can't be.
233 086 Remember, there's always three groups of people in every bunch of people you gather; that's, make-believers, unbelievers, and believers. We have them in every group. They've had them in all time.
91 067 You take any of these false baptisms, false so-and-so-and-so's, I don't care how real it sounds, how much they try to impersonate, it's a lie if it's contrary to God's Word of this hour. That's exactly. You say, "Well, our's... Well, we did this, and we did this; and our church is this way, and..." I don't care what it is; if it's contrary to the written Word for his hour, it's a lie. God will have nothing to do with it. No matter how sincere, how educated, how smart, how true it sounds, how reasonable it sounds, if it's contrary to the Word of this hour...
102 073 But let me say this. How could've thorn wake up and be a thistle, when it was predestinated to that? How could the elected keep from seeing it? Because they're elected to see it. "All the Father has given Me will come," said Jesus, "but none of them can come unless He's give it to Me from before the foundation of the world, when their names was put on the Lamb's Book of Life…"
182 131 Look at the last days, it'd be so close it'd deceive the very elected if it was possible. Oh, my. The reason the elected won't be deceived, you know why? Is because they are the Word. See? Just like the Life that's in the root…it can't deny itself. See? It is the Word and in the season of the Word. That's right.
186 132 The reason the elected, Jesus said, won't be deceived, because they are that Word. They can't be nothing else. They can't hear nothing else. They don't know nothing else.
Balaam said, "I prophesied right in Your Name; and it come to pass."
"That's exactly right, but when it come to the Word you refused it." Oh, brother. See the deceiving part?
Uniting unbelief with the Word
E-8 And that's the way God's Word is. It's God's prescription. Yes, brother. It's God's prescription to His people to cure every sickness, every disease. Sin and physical, whatever it may be, it's all met in God's Word. Amen. It's God's Word. It was so at the beginning; it was so in the middle age; it's so in every age, and It's so this morning; just the same as It was when He spoke It, 'cause It cannot deviate one speck because It's God's Word.
Then people today, no wonder they cry out: "Days of miracles is past. There's no such a thing as Divine healing." Why do they do it? Because they've took God's Word and made their creed wrapped up in it, and it makes the thing wrong. And it hasn't got no power in there. If an angel, a bishop, a archbishop, or whatever it might be come and change one Word, it'll change the whole prescription. Let's say exactly what It says. What God said, let's leave It right like that.
93 One Word of God misplaced, or misconstrued, or It not accepted, breaks the whole Chain. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
63 039 God, in every dispensation, has sent forth someone anointed with the Holy Spirit to bring forth His Message for that age, every time.
Now, we could start back, to back it up just a little bit. Even from the beginning, God was the Messenger at the beginning, to tell Adam and Eve, "You shall eat this, but you shall not do this." That was the message. And when man stepped across the message of the hour, it brought death and chaos to the whole human race. Now, that's how much the message means. And remember that it wasn't just a complete blank denial of what God said, that Eve believed; it was taking what God said and whitewashing it over, or--or just misconstruing it a little bit, just adding a little bit to It, or taking a little bit away from It.
E-29 029 And the first thing that God put before man was obey His Word. And just one little slip, not a whole great big chapter, but just misconstruing the Word, just twisting it a little bit (Satan did) by reasoning, and it caused the whole... Every heartache that ever was, every sickness, every death, every little sick baby, every grave on the hillside, just to disbelieve one little Word... Just not exactly throwed it out, but just misquoted it, just reasoned. "Isn't it reasonable that God wouldn't do such a thing?" he said. But God said He would do it. See?
E-30 030 And then, if God let all this six thousand years of suffering, just because of just taking one Word and--and misguiding it, and caused all of this, how's He going to let us go back with another Word all misguided?
But, God has said. And that settles it. The Word. See, it started with just a little misconstruing of the Word. And the same thing, it's ending the same way.
129 104 Notice, a daughter is a product of a mother and father by union. Now, here's something shocking. But death (physical), physical death is the uniting of mother Eve and Satan together by disbelieving God's Word. They united and brought in the--the product of death. She... the... Death is a product of uniting Satan and Eve together.
130 105 Eve had the Word. Satan's against the Word. And look. Almost ninety-nine and ninety-nine hundredths of it, Satan admitted was right. So close, the Bible said, "In the last days... would deceive the very Elected if it was possible." See how it comes in? How it's always been? How it's going out? The same way. United of unbelief in all the full Word of God. You got it? That's what brought death; is uniting unbelief with the Word.
71 043 We find out that at the beginning when a messenger was sent, to--to misconstrue His Word or to doubt one Word, it was total annihilation and eternal separation from God, to misconstrue that messenger's Word.
SATAN'S.EDEN JEFF.IN V-2 N-20 65-0829
5-4 017 Oh, you say, "But wait a minute; we preach the Word." Look back here at my text tonight. Satan was the one preached the Word to Eve first. "God has said." See? It's that misconstruing that part of the Scripture that applies to the day. He will let you know all that Jesus did was perfectly well. He will let you know all that Moses did was perfectly well. But when you take the promises that they gave for this day; then that was applied to another age. That's just all he has to do (See?) is to get the people to believe it that way, and that--that's all. For you cannot take one word away from It, or add one word to It, but that's what he does.
83 060 What caused the first sin? Not by just a big point blank lie, but because Eve misconstrued (the devil did to her) one word. One word broke the chain, and Eve refused to take one word. That was the beginning of the Bible. Jesus came in the center of the Bible; He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." That's the entire Word of God. Do you believe that's the revelation of Him? The entire Word of God.
Then in Revelation 22, Jesus came to John on the Isle of Patmos. And Jesus: "I Jesus have sent My angel to testify of these things. (See?) Whosoever shall take one word out of It or add one word to It, I'll take his part from the Book of Life."
A lot of them say, "Well, I--I, believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God." That's all right. Then add the rest of it to it.
128 089 Ever learning,... never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
(Now, here's the shocking--here's the shocking part. Listen to this.) Now, as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobates concerning the faith...
(That was once delivered to the saints, of course.)... concerning the faith. ("And he shall turn the faith of the fathers--or the children back to the fathers.")
Reprobate concerning the faith...
5 “…a manifestation of the Son of man”
E-106 106 Now, if the audience can hear my voice... And you who've seen the picture of the Angel of the Lord, His Presence is here. And in the Name of Jesus Christ, I take every spirit here under my control for the glory of God, and the manifestation of His Son Who is now present.
120 108 Heavenly Father, we would see Jesus. Let Him come tonight, Lord Jesus. Come in the power of Your resurrection. I've been long speaking, but just a word or two from You will mean more than all anyone could say, and then let the church not be asleep. Let the... God's last manifestation, as He promised, "As it was in the days of Sodom, before the fire fell on the Gentiles, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man."
194 077 And it's come to the time for Jesus Christ to identify Himself among the people, the same yesterday, today, and forever, which will be the last sign that will be shook before the people. Remember, a little while after that manifestation of God in a human form, in a flesh, fire fell and consumed the Gentiles. "And as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man."
RAPTURE.THE YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 65-1204
117 089 Now, if you take Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse, He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man begins to reveal Himself." What is reveal? Make His revelation of what He is in this day, revealed out to the people, the Word that's made known for the day, revealed to the people by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, making that Jesus live among us.
233 086 Jesus, when He come, He was to be a prophet. That's right. And today, before Jesus comes again, the full manifestation of the Person of Jesus Christ is to be manifested in flesh. Think of it. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed." What is revealed? Unfolded, made known. The secret had been brought forth, revealed. In the day that the Son of man will be revealed, the world will be in a Sodom condition. We've got it, haven't we? Yeah. How many believes that? It's in a Sodom condition. And that's exactly right. Look where it's setting, now.
101 068 Now, notice, but at the opening of the Seven Seals, Revelations 10, the full Word is to be borned into manifestation again and vindicated by the Spirit of God in the full strength, as It was when It was here on earth, manifested in the same way, doing the same things that It did when It was here on earth. Amen! Hebrews 13:8 said Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In St. Luke 17:30 Jesus said, "In the last days, as it was in the days of Sodom when the Son of man will be revealing Himself again, it'll be the same thing."
269 193 I wasn't the One that appeared down on the river; I was only standing there when He appeared. I'm not the One that performs these things and foretells these things that happens as perfect as they are; I'm only one that's near when He does it. I was only a voice that He used to say it. It wasn't what I knew; it's what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through. It isn't me. It wasn't the seventh angel, oh, no; it was a manifestation of the Son of man. It wasn't the angel, his Message; it was the mystery that God unfolded. It's not a man; it's God. The angel was not the Son of man; he was a messenger from the Son of man. The Son of man is Christ. He's the One that you're feeding on. You're not feeding on a man. A man, his words will fail, but you're feeding on the unfailing Body-Word of the Son of man. [11]
290 120 …someday there will be a rapture and we'll see the manifestation of that Word, "For the Son of man shall come in the clouds of glory with His holy Angels with Him, and we'll be caught up to meet Him in the air." It will then be... We hear of it now; then we'll see it with our own eyes.
236 236 The Bridegroom call will come right through this, when the Son of man will come down and come in human flesh to unite the two together. The Church has to be the Word, He is the Word, and the two unites together, and, to do that, it'll take the manifestation of the revealing of the Son of man. Not a clergyman. I--I don't know, I... Do you see what I mean? See, it's Son of man, Jesus Christ, will come down in human flesh among us, and will make His Word so real that it'll unite the Church and Him as one, the Bride, and then she will go Home to the Wedding Supper.
“…a voice that He used”
28 016 Now, that Word, you see, you must never leave that Word. You must stay exactly with that Word, the way It's written. Don't put no private interpretation to It. Just say It just the way It's written. That is God's Word, and that is God. God and His Word is the same, just the same.
302 151 Notice, same Pillar of Fire sent to Moses and to Paul that wrote the Bible, now sent to reveal It. The grace of God, the unchanging God fulfilling the promises of Matthew 28, "Lo, I am with you always," fulfilling St. John 14:12, "The works that I do, you also," fulfilling St. Luke 17:28-29, "In the last days the Son of man will be revealed," (See, see?) Malachi 4, "Behold, I send to you Elijah the prophet, that will restore the faith of the people back to the original Word." You see?
(conversation during a prayer line)
E-83 083 Was that true? That wasn't me speaking, sir. I'm Brother Branham speaking now. That was Him speaking then.
E-79 079 …as I get myself completely yielded to the Holy Spirit, then He starts talking. It's no me. He is using my voice, but it's not me. It's Him. See? That's just the Scripture exactly.
488-84 052 Any sermon that I ever preached that had any meaning to it, is when I got yielded, got William Branham out of the way, and Christ could take in and start talking.
269 193…I'm only one that's near when He does it. I was only a voice that He used to say it. It wasn't what I knew; it's what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through. It isn't me. It wasn't the seventh angel, oh, no; it was a manifestation of the Son of man. [12]
E-22 022 And Abraham said, "It's Elohim, the all-sufficient One." Remember, immediately after that Sodom was burned…
But where are we at now? God speaking right among us, through us audible, just like He did there. And He promised to do it; that's the thing. It ain't something we made up. The Bible said so.
Jesus said, "You've took your traditions and made the Word of God of no effect."
E-79 079 It's about the same thing today. The creeds that we're taught, and things, has put the Word of God out of action. The word can't come forth. And the things said true, they're so indocumated with something else they can't see it. Remember, that voice will haunt not only you here--this tape goes all over the world. I am not exactly speaking to you all here. But if there's somebody here needs it, well then, it's for you then. But remember, that voice will haunt you as long as you live. And the day of your dying it will haunt you. Obey it! Come back! Our traditions has took the Word of God and made it of no effect.
COUNTDOWN BAKF.CA V-22 N-9 64-0209
Now He cannot do one more thing, and will never do one more sign before the people. That's according to the Bible. I want somebody to tell me one more sign that He promised to do, besides what He's done right here. "As it was in the days of Sodom," and Malachi 4, and them promises that He made, all hooks right into the same thing. There'll not be any more sign given to the church. The next thing you'll see will be a flight into Heaven. They'll be taken up.
173 082 Don't, don't miss it, friend. Remember, listen at my voice. It'll haunt you all your life, if you haven't got in. Out yonder, when you're suffering for your punishment, and where weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, that voice will scream back and forth. You hear it all the time in that weary, spooky place of hell. Don't fail. Now's your opportunity.
33-4 081 The God of heaven will raise up, and my voice will be on the magnetic tape of God's great time yonder. And it will condemn this generation in the last day. …Condemn this generation of preachers who have the form of Godliness and denying the power of the Word and Its manifestation when It's properly identified that He's still Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. I indict them by the Word of God.
261 Oh, wandering star, let's stop. Wandering son, wandering Seed that's going from place to place in this deformity, turn this morning, children. Please hear me as a man that's trying to stand between the living and the dead.
115 081 But watch. Jesus said that in this end time again the two spirits would be real close together again. Is that right? Now, notice. It will be closer than that was; this is the end time. Oh, children. God have mercy upon us. Till it would even be so real till it would deceive the very elected if possible. Now, how you going--how did we tell it in them days? How you going to tell it today? The same way, stay with the Word: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now, care all this Message. And when you listen to the tape--even maybe I'll be gone someday when the Lord's finished with me here on the earth--you'll refer back to this. Listen to my voice, what I'm telling you. If He takes me before His coming, just remember, I've spoke to you in the Name of the Lord by the Word of the Lord. [13]
53 026 Now, if you'll take Saint John 5:24, listen to this, "He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life."
…Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father has drawed him. And all that My Father hath given Me, they will come. My sheep, My doves, hear My Voice. A stranger they will not follow." And what is the Voice of God? Is the Word of God. What's any man's voice but his word? It's the Word of God; they'll hear the Word of God.
107 076 Not even one punctuation, one expression, anything shall ever fail in the Word of God. It can't fail, because It's God, God manifested in the form of a human flesh. For it's God Himself in letter form, prophet form, manifested in flesh. Now, that's the reason Jesus could say, "The ones who spoke to you, you call them gods, who spoke to you by the Word of God," said; "and they were gods." Those prophets when they were anointed with the Spirit of God and brought exactly the Word of God, then they were gods. It was God's Word speaking through them.
E-20 020 It's the elect always that God speaks to and sends His message to.
34-5 098 In the beginning was the Word, and if the Word was God then you were in God. The Word, the part that you're to play was in God before the foundation of the world. He seen you. He knew you. He predestinated you to it. And I'll tell you; just as that eagle recognized that voice, so does a real borned again Christian recognize the Voice of God speaking through the Word, when they see It anointed and vindicated.
88 039 Then after you recognize the very Word of God was Eagle Food, then you left the other thing. You've then been formed into the living image of the Living God. You heard from your theophany. "If this earthly body be dissolved, we have one waiting."
18-2 095 Now, now, how He said It'll appear in the last days is to bring the people back to the Word, so that the Bride will know Her Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word.
36-4 104 Just like I said the little eagle, when he heard the Bridegroom's Voice, he went to It, the anointed, vindicated Word of God for the last days.
74 029 …when an Angel stands from heaven and tells you, and here it is right in the Scripture, that--that's true. See? That's right. See, He always speaks exact with the Scripture.
349-2 {111} 054 …them revelations in the presence of that ball of Fire hanging there in the room,[14] till... Oh, brother. Although I've seen It since a child, every time It comes near me, It alarms me. He almost puts me in an unconscious condition. You never get used to it. You can't: too sacred.
79 042 Now, you said, "Satan's son?" Show me one place in the Bible that Cain was ever called Adam's son. The Bible said he was the son of that evil one, serpent's seed. No, the cover's been took off now, brother. The pyramid has been opened as the revelation showed.
468-3 {78} 036 Now, gathered in heavenly places (See?) it also means more than just to be rejoicing. In heavenly places, if you're really assembled in Christ, it's a fearful thing.
Standing by the--that Angel of the Lord, you think you'd just be shouting and screaming. That--that's not it. It scares you to death nearly. See? So you see, there--there's a difference in just rejoicing and bubble dancing (which is all right), and then coming down to the real thing. See, see? There's where the fear... It's a fearful thing. Not that you fear that you're lost, but you're really before Angelic Being and the Holy Ghost Himself standing there.
300 150 The Pillar of Fire appearing visibly among us, identifying that the Message is right, like He did at Mount Sinai...
Oh, in this last days to see that same Pillar of Fire right among us, speaking the same Word, not only that, but interpreting It by making It manifest and proving that It's the Truth. So the people has not one way to disbelieve, lest they just wilfully want to, and then, "He that sins wilfully after having a knowledge of the Truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin."
49 049 Oh, it's beyond! How I get a message, I will be going along and Something strikes me. Then... And if I know it's God, I will take it over and find it in the Scripture. Then I have... It's never failed, but, from Genesis to Revelations, run true, no matter what people think about It. And it's been more so than ever since those Seven Seals.
45-2 117 Look what we've seen in this day. The Quickening Power has come to us to open the Seven Seals. What was that? The intelligence of a man? No, the Quickening Power of God. See? The Quickening Power of God foretold this would take place. See? But the Quickening Power of God made the world testify to It, it's the Truth. The Angel of the Lord, what I told you was around, that Pillar of Fire, Quickening Power, let the world testify that It's the Truth. And in that, they didn't know what It was, and we who just look this way... and It's our Lord up there. You see?
45-3 118 He is the One Who opened those Seals; He is those Seals. For the whole Word of God is Christ, and Christ is the Seals that was open. What is the opening of those Seals then? Revealing Christ. And the very seven Angels which represented the Seven churches was all completed, and we couldn't even see It. They did--they took the picture, not us.
And there He is standing there, Supreme Judge, showing that He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. What identification!
Quickening Power did that to us. Quickening Power lets us see His coming. Quickening Power snatched us from death to Life.
118 063 How God could have mercy on foul sinners as us, when He hid Himself, was a mystery. And now It's in plain view, or in full view, revealed by His Word. It's always the Word, constantly; that is God. It's the Word that opens it up. If those people would've knowed the Word of God that day when Jesus died, they'd have seen the mercy seat, they would've seen Who He was.
209 108 Now in this age, when the old denominational and traditional veil has been rent from the Word of God, so It can be manifested. You see what I mean? The tradition says, "All those things are past." (Let it soak a little bit.) "The things are past." But in this last day that traditional veil has been rent apart; here stands the Pillar of Fire. See? Here He is, manifesting the Word for this day. The veil's rent. Now, the world, still they don't believe it. No matter what, they don't see it. They don't see it. It wasn't sent to them.
“…the Message would come. And here it is.”
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I say it because it's Life, because I'm responsible to God for saying it. And I must say it. And my Message...All the time knowing back there under healing and so forth like that, was just to catch the people's attention, knowing the Message would come. And here it is.
157 118 And them Seven Seals opened, those mysteries and showing those things is what's happened.
152 075 And the God of heaven promised the evening time would have evening Light. Three years ago this mystery was a prophecy, "What time is it, sir?" But now it's history. It's passed. The promise is fulfilled.
45 018 I left here, by a vision to go yonder to Tucson to see what the Lord wanted me to do. There He met me up there, as He told you here that He would do it, and the form of seven Angels, and said to return back and the Seven Seals was to be opened.
23-3 047 …the Seven Seals of the hidden mysteries of the entire Bible would be opened and fulfill Revelations 10, that in the Seventh Angel's Message these things should come to pass! This day this Scripture is fulfilled before our eyes! This day this Scripture is fulfilled.
42 030 …that was a conception that they had before the fullness of the Word come into existence or the opening of the Seven Seals that's promised to us in this age.
22-5 064 Now, you see what happened there in marriage and divorce, when it was...?... the Seven Seals was opened, that brought out the real truth of it.
122 059 You people that follow these tapes, with our--our brother here. Now you've heard me preach on the Serpent's Seed. And that cannot be denied. That was opened up in one of those Seven Seals.
30 017 …since the opening of the Seven Seals, the mysterious Book that's been mysterious to us... According to Revelation 10:1-7, all the mysteries that's wrote in this Book that's been hid down through the age of the reformers is supposed to be brought out into view by the angel of the last church age. How many knows that's right? That's right! Supposed to be brought. All the mysteries of the mysterious Book is to be revealed to the Laodicea Messenger of that age.
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76 056 So we're living in the Laodicea Age, and these Seven Seals that's held that Book is a mystery to people, should be open at that day. That's what He promised. Now, it won't be nothing outside the Word, because you can't add to the Word or take from the Word. It's got to remain always the Word. But the revelation is to reveal the Truth of It, what It is, to make It fit with the rest of the Scripture. And then God vindicates that to be the Truth.
43-1 124 God had to open up those Seven Seals…
219 093 But now is the Bride-calling; now's when the Seven Seals has been opened; now when the complete things that the reformers left has to be opened; and only Malachi 4 can do that, because it takes the revelation straight from God to an individual to do so.
28-8 081 What did He do? He opened up the Seven Seals of the last message. Did you notice that? The Seven Seals, which all the mysteries of the Seven Church Ages were sealed with Seven Seals. The reformers didn't have time to do it in their days. They didn't live long enough. But this blessed revelation of the Seven Seals is opened to us in this last days from a prophecy that went forth to Arizona.
How I asked God the other day, "What are You doing with me out here in this desert?" Did you know Moses wrote the New Testament, or Old Testament? He certainly did: first four books gives the laws and everything: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. He wrote the Old Testament. To do that he had to leave all his associates and loved ones and go into a desert.
29-1 082 Paul wrote the New Testament. That's right. He wrote Romans and--Romans and all the rest of them there, a Hebrews, and Timothy, and so forth. And to do that, he had to separate from hisself and go down into Arabia into a desert for three years and get the revelation of God. Oh, you say, "What about Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?" They were scribes that just wrote what Jesus did. Paul separated and put the Word together. That's right.
Well, then, look if it taken that, and he had to go to a desert away from their loved ones... You remember "What--What Time Is It, Sir?" [The Spoken Word. Vol. 2, No. 11--Ed.] How many ever heard it, say, "Amen." Was it exactly right? Then we've got the revelation in this last days for the message of the Lord God to gather His Bride together. No other age has it been promised. It's promised in this age.
29-3 083 Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, St. John 14:12, Joel 2:38. Those promises is just exactly like John the Baptist identified himself in the Scripture.
37-6 108 Oh, that spiritual union of Christ in His church now, when the flesh is becoming Word, and the Word is becoming flesh. Manifested, vindicated, just what the Bible said would happen in this day, it's happening day by day. Why, it's accumulating so fast out on those deserts, and things taking place, that I couldn't even keep up with it. We're near the coming of Jesus to be united with His church, where the Word becomes the Word.
36-8 105 This is the opening of the Seven Seals. I know it sounds strange to you, but God has vindicated it so perfectly, there's no--no question in it, just perfectly.
E-20 020 I was called to--by God to preach the Gospel thirty-one years ago. I've fought ever since. Every inch of ground I've fought with the Sword of God, taking the promise, and cutting away.
Revelation 10:7 "And in the days of the voice of the seventh messenger, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished as He hath declared to His servants the prophets." There it is. He is sending a vindicated prophet. He is sending a prophet after almost two thousand years. He is sending someone who is so far from organization, education, and the world of religion that as John the Baptist and Elijah of old, He will hear only from God and he will have "thus saith the Lord" and speak for God. He will be God's mouthpiece and HE, AS IT IS DECLARED IN MALACHI 4:6, WILL TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN BACK TO THE FATHERS. He will bring back the elect of the last day and they will hear a vindicated prophet give the exact truth as it was with Paul. He will restore the truth as they had it.
30-3 083 But in the day's of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished...
…. Notice, his type of message: finishing all the mysteries of God that are written in the Book. The seventh angel is winding up all the mysteries that's lain loose-ended, all out through these organizations and denominations. The seventh angel gathers them up and finishes the entire mystery. That's what the Bible said: finishes the mystery of the written Book.
20-3 107 And in the last chapter of Revelations Jesus, Himself, the same God said, "Whosoever shall take one word out or add one word to It..." This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, and the Seven Seals had the mysteries hid of what it all was, and is supposed to open it in the last day, at the Laodicean age, at the end of time. Thanks be to God, that finishes the Message to the Church. That finishes it, when they look back and see what has been, and see where it's all brought up to, that finishes it, the age of the church.
565-2 {307} 101 Now, the voice of that great thunder and the mission that was brought here has been revealed that it--and proven that it was of God. Just think now. I knew not these Seals, and they been revealed this week.
Did anybody think of that? Of those seven Angels, being this being the message that was coming forth, them Angels bringing me back here for that?
147-1 {199} 091 But in the days... (days)... of the voice of the seventh angel,... (That last angel, earthly angel.)
This Angel come down from heaven. Wasn't Him. He come from heaven, but He's speaking here the voice of the seventh angel. Which is a "angel" means "a messenger." Anybody knows that. And the messenger to the church age...
... in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery... (Seven Seals, all--all the mysteries)... of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
147-2 {201} 092 The entire mystery is unfolded. That's the ministry of that angel. See? Be so simple people just drop off the top of it. …But Revelations 10 said his message was to reveal not reform, reveal the secrets, reveal secrets. It's the Word in the man.
His Message calling the Bride
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40 030 It's all the Word of God, but it's building. Like the feet, arms, coming up, it's forming a Bride for the rapture. See, It don't--don't displace them people back there; they lived to their message. All them will come out that was in the Bride. Just like life going through a stalk of wheat. It leaves the wheat--the hull, but the wheat forms itself, like the grain of wheat that fell in the ground.
15-4 044 It's the Holy Spirit coming down to quicken, make alive those people that's foreordained of God to be in the rapture. Oh, that is, if he's a true eagle, he will understand the message of the hour: if he's a true eagle.
160 070 …the Message of this age, It's got to be brought out of the Scriptures and vindicated and proved by God that it's God doing so. Then you either receive That or reject It. That's Eternal Life, leadership of the Holy Spirit, leading His church.
35-3 102 Oh, and I remember when He swept down there in that big Light, standing yonder at the bottom of the river, 1933, in June, when He said, "As--as John the Baptist was sent forth and forerun the first coming of Christ, I send you with a Message to the world to forerun the second coming of Christ."
And around the world she's went when revival fires had been built for fifteen years on nearly every mountain. Divine healing across the nations, and the power, and restoration. And now, I believe she's ready to strike that final climax yonder, to bring forth a faith that will rapture the Church into Glory; and She's laying in the Messages!
222 126 Getting the Bride ready, that's what it is. Now we're going to end right here by saying this. The end-time message is to get the Bride ready and prepared for the rapture.
37-4 124 The new birth is Christ, is a revelation. God has revealed to you this great mystery, and that's the new birth. Now, what are you going to do when you get all that group together, where the revelation is perfectly in harmony, and God expressing it through His Word by the same actions, the same things that He did, making the Word manifest? Oh, if the Church only knew its position. It will one day. Then, the rapture will go when it knows what it is.
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65 051 But to the church, the Bride, the rapture is a revelation to her. It's revealed to her, that the revelation, the true Bride of Christ will be waiting for that revelation of the rapture.
Now, it is a revelation, for the revelation is faith. You cannot have a revelation without it being faith. Faith is a revelation, because it's something that's revealed to you.
129 053 You say, "Why is it that the Message don't go out in these great big places, these big crusades, like amongst the denominations?"
It's not their Food; it's not the church (so-called) Food. It's the Bride Food. It's spiritual Food in season.
49-5 128 We're living in a dying world amongst dying people, with a Message of Life and with a evidence of the Resurrection.
21 017 And now, the entire Holy Spirit visits the church making God in human flesh as He did before Sodom, the burning there, which was a type. Then Abraham, He appeared to him.
And all the things that He hasn't done down through the ages, in the church ages, He is now doing. Back to the Word, because the messages, and the messages, and the messages has to wind up in the entire Word. And in the last days, the Seven Seals being open, was to pick up every straggle that's been left off in it and make the whole thing in one great big body of the Bride, that them who lived back there was not perfect until this church be perfected, the Bride group in the last days, to bring them in and all together be taken up. [15]
36 017 You get to a place, each one gets starchy, and gets off, and they can't receive new revelation. They're settled down; and there they are, and there they die. And the life goes right through that, and goes right on to make the wheat. And when the wheat comes, that life that's traveled through that wheat, the resurrection brings the whole thing out; brings up for the rapture.
318 And remember, the grain must be germitized. See? If it don't, it won't live. See? None of that was outside of them messages will ever come to Life.
11-5 031 I'm afraid today that too many of us are not getting people to Christ. We're getting them to a church, to a theory, but we must get them to Christ. He is the only One, and the only One that has Life. "He that has the Son, has Life." And if the life of a man that's dead be projected in you, you will live the same life he lives…
Romans 8:11 says, "If the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, It will also quickens your mortal bodies"--that same Life, them same powers, them same beneficiaries that He had here on earth from God. He redeemed you, a Seed that was foreknown by God, whose names was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And that Gospel Light of the resurrection, the confirmation of the Word...
How did we know He was the Christ? Because He proved what He talked about. How will I know the Message of the hour? God proves what He promised and He talks about it.
32-5 097 St Matthew the 27th chapter and the 51st verse it said, many of the saints that slept in the dust of the earth resurrected and come out of the graves with Him when He come up on Easter morning.
Why? They had that potential. They had that quickening power (See?), and raised up from the dead, and went with Him in the resurrection, enjoying the resurrection with Him, because they were full of that quickening power…
The New Testament saints with that quickening power shall resurrect also at His second coming, just as sure as the Old Testament saints with all that quickening power upon their bones, and translations, and powers, and so forth that showed of God. Them prophets, who the Word of God came to, they resurrected with Him on that resurrection morning.
And with the promise of God, that everyone that's in Christ Jesus will also come with Him in His resurrection: the quickening power of God upon the bones.
…we are included in that great resurrection morning coming, that great Easter. We have the earnest of it right now in our mortal bodies.
11-3 032 The predestinated ones are the first, of course, to be quickened, when the Holy Spirit comes to claim its own.
If you don't die with Him at Calvary, you can't be none of His. I was there when He died. I died with Him.
And then I was with Him when He raised up from the dead. I come up on Easter morning with Him in the resurrection. Whatever He did, I was right there with Him. Every believer was the same.
E-37 037 And now I am seated with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with all the powers of hell conquered through Him. Every Christian believer was seated the same way, 'cause you have to be identified.
177 081 Now, you're ordained to Life. You see It if you're ordained to see It. If you're not ordained to see It, you won't see It. Said, "They have eyes but they can't see, ears and can't hear."
111 069 "I am." not, "I will be." "I am the Resurrection and the Life," saith God; "He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die."
355 312 The Word, Itself, made flesh in you, you are a reflection of this hour, the Message, reflection of it. See, you live again, live the Life that was in Jesus Christ. You're in the Presence of the Son.
1147-23 013 And our Message is no different; it's the same Message you've heard all your life, only something more been revealed to it. This Message is the same Message that Luther preached, same Message that Wesley preached, the same Message that Pentecostals preached, only something added to It. What it is, is the revealing of the Seals, what them reformers left off (See?), that's been made known in this day could not be known then.
160 He said, "What was left over, don't let it stay till morning (to come into this other age), burn it with fire; be destroyed." That the age that you're living in, the Message of this age, It's got to be brought out of the Scriptures and vindicated and proved by God that it's God doing so. Then you either receive That or reject It. That's Eternal Life, leadership of the Holy Spirit, leading His church.
71 034 And the Gentiles are called out. The Bride's ready. The rapture is at hand. Can we realize that? Can we actually believe that? Is it a story that's been told? Is it a myth to us? Is it a something that sounds real? Is it something that we outside can believe? Or is it something that's in us, that's part of us, that its more than life to us? What attitude do we set in this morning in this tabernacle? Remember it'll be a small flock that receives it.
35 016 But in the midst of all of it, through every age and every prophet that had been or would be, there's going to be a certain amount of people that's predestinated to hear that Message, and they'll follow It. Those ignore the crowd. They ignore the criticism of the unbeliever. They have no argument with them. They've got one thing to do, that's believe and to get every bit of It they can, soak It in like Mary who set at the feet of Jesus. [16]
190 This is a trembling time. Where we at? This Word is coming to Life now.
14 010 …God has opened to us the mysteries of this last day. And we are here with this Message.
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130 098 Three things happened, …a shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to happen before Jesus appears. Now, a shout. Jesus does all three of them when He's--He's--He's descending. A "shout," what is a "shout"? It's the Message going forth first, the living Bread of Life bringing forth the Bride.
…a shout, and then a voice, and then a trumpet. Shout, a messenger getting the people ready. The second is a voice of the resurrection. The same voice that, a loud voice in St. John 11:38 and 44 that called Lazarus from the grave.
153 116 …Now, the third thing is a trumpet, which always at the Feast of Trumpets is calling the people to the feast; and that'll be the Bride's supper, the Lamb's supper with the Bride in the sky.
See, the first things comes forth is His Message calling the Bride together. The next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride, the--the one that's died back in the other ages. They're caught together, and the trumpet, the feast in the heavens--in the sky. Why, it's--that's the thing that takes place, friends.
207 097 One time when they killed the Prince of Peace, and put Him in the grave, and sealed up the tomb, and death held Him for three days and nights, but on Easter morning He had the scepter in His hand and hollered, "Get away death! Get away grave! Open up! I am the King's Message. I must come forth to prove this resurrection. I am the resurrection and life!" Hallelujah. I feel real good now. It's the King's Message. Let's recognize It, friends, for we're called to gather together for the sounding of the Trumpet. For the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more.
My intentions and desire tonight is to awaken that church again to the coming of the Lord Jesus at hand. I have to rebuke it. I have to rebuke sin in whatever manner it is. I don't mean it to anybody's denomination. I have a Message.
29 019 Now, its hard to get in a church for a sponsorship just as it was with our Lord Jesus; 'cause it's Him; it isn't me.
But as He preached at the first, and healed the sick, raised the dead, and cleansed the lepers, and cast out devils, everybody wanted Him. But there come a time where there's a Message that always follows every sign, because the sign has a voice. But when He set down one day, and said, "I and My Father are One!" that was more than they could stand.
It was also when He said, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no Life in you."
190 And after the sign went forth, and the Voice following, and the churches begin to turn me down and close their doors, upon Doctrine, that any of them is daresn't to stand before me to say It's right or wrong. I challenge any of them. Uh-huh. Not to be smart, but I know where I'm at. That's right. What did they do? What did they do? They shut every door. "Now, what are you going to do?"
188 I'm thankful tonight for the witness of the Holy Spirit, for the Message. I know it might, some might disagree with It, but as I have told you, I am duty bound to a Message. A sign went forth, and God does not send a sign just to show that He is God. A Message, a Voice always follows the sign. Anyone knows that.
108 049 John looked up! Now, what is he? The prophet! And here is the Word, there comes the Word coming right straight to the prophet, right to the water. John said, "Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. There He is, that's Him." Jesus never spoke a word, walked right out into the water. And I can see there, standing in that water (think of a drama), two of the greatest that ever struck the earth: God the Word, and His prophet.
109 050 Notice, the Word come to the prophet in this dispensation of grace, in the water (uh-huh). I thought you'd catch it (uh-huh). In the water! The first revelation of the Word was in the water. Now, you see where the Bride started, the Evening-light Message? In the water!
… Now, let me give a drama here:
"John, you're a prophet, you know the Word." See? "You recognize Me, you know Who I am."
"I have need to be baptized of Thee," John said.
Jesus said, "Suffer that to be so. That's exactly right, you do have need to be baptized of Me. But remember, John, being a prophet, it is behooving to us, or becoming to us (as the Word and the prophet), that we fulfill every Word (uh-huh). For, John," (here's the revelation now) "John, you know Who I am, I am the Sacrifice.
And according to the Word of God, the sacrifice had to be washed before it was presented for sacrifice." Is that right? The Word... "The lamb was washed and then presented for sacrifice, and I am that Lamb. And I must be washed before I can be presented to the world for a sacrifice. Suffer it to be so, John, for thus it is becoming to us as the Word and the prophet together."
25 016 …at Spring Street and Water, right at the river front. And there's where the Angel of the Lord appeared in public first, and--at 2:00 o'clock one afternoon. And a Voice came from it, said, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, your Message will forerun the second coming."
26 017 This is thirty years later, and here I am still tonight proclaiming that Message. And around the world it's went, and I'm glad to be back in my hometown tonight to represent this Lord Jesus Christ that I still love with all my heart. Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before. I've never changed one iota in my doctrine. The first thing I started with, I still believe the same thing tonight. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
362 184 One day down on the river, before the ministry started, first revival, He appeared in the skies, identified Himself and give the commission. All these years I've hid it in my heart, veiling Christ, same Pillar of Fire interpreting the Word, as promised. We're in the last days, just the coming of the Lord.
269 193 I wasn't the One that appeared down on the river; I was only standing there when He appeared. I'm not the One that performs these things and foretells these things that happens as perfect as they are; I'm only one that's near when He does it. I was only a voice that He used to say it. It wasn't what I knew; it's what I just surrendered myself to, that He spoke through. It isn't me. It wasn't the seventh angel, oh, no; it was a manifestation of the Son of man.
460-6 {24} 011 If you can understand it, this is that third pull. You should've caught that the other day.
God, give me courage to take that Sword of the Word that He put in my hand about thirty-three years ago and hold it and march forward to the third pull is my prayer. Let's bow our heads.
185 069 Jesus said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. But if I do the works of My Father, the Word that's predicted for Me to do, then you... If you can't believe Me, believe the works that I do, that you might be saved." See? Jesus said, "My sheep know My Voice. They know My Word, they see It when It's vindicated for that age."
262 189 Notice the very day when this messenger, not when he starts on the, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. …And remember the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word.
27 012 So I've got my mind set on this Message. That's that Third Pull, and it's the one I must be loyal and reverent to.
197 But my gift comes from God, 'cause I love Him. And--and this I believe, "gifts and callings are without repentance." They're predestinated of God. They're each generation. And my part in this was to that Word, for It to live again, become the Word to discern and know. That's prophetic, which is promised according to Malachi 4, to be in this day, makes us perfectly in the last day.
E-8 008 When they cried out, they heard that voice coming, "Fear not, it is I. Be not afraid. Be of a good courage." And if you'll just watch the Word of promise for this day, you'll hear that same voice speaking through the Word. "It's Me. I promised to do this in the last days. Fear not. Don't be scared. Put your trust in Me, the Son of God (Who He is). Believe it now."
14 As I'm beginning to get old, and know that my days are numbered, and know now that these young men can take this message and sweep it on to the coming of the Lord, if He doesn't come in my generation... Which I'm hoping to see Him... I look daily for Him, and watch, keeping myself prepared for that hour.
6 “…God's seed, His gene…”
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15-1 048 Every seed will bring forth of its kind. If you are a seed of God, an attribute, a son of God, then the Word of God is sown in you. See? And then when you hear the Word of God, "My sheep hear My voice; a stranger they won't follow."... You get it? Then every seed comes forth after its own kind.
318 162 And remember, the grain must be germitized. See? If it don't, it won't live. See? None of that was outside of them messages will ever come to Life. It has to be germitized to it.
Dear God, out across the land everywhere, speak to their hearts. You're the only One that can change their hearts. If that wasn't Seed put in there from the beginning, they'll never see It, Lord. They just... The blind will lead the blind; they'll fall in the ditch as sure as anything, because Your Word says they will.
231 106 And the earth, in flesh, is also the incubator that bears the seed of God. See, just exactly. Not the world, how great the world is; it's how great the God that made it. See, see?
Now, if you are a son and daughter of God, then you were in God at the beginning. You're His attribute. If you wasn't there then, then you never was or never will be.
And then, that shows that in you was that predestinated seed down in you that makes you hunger for God. "All the Father has given Me, has given Me to redeem--they died with Me at Calvary; they raised with Me in the resurrection--all that He has given Me, will come to Me. They'll be placed in the body (whether foot, arm, nose, mouth, whatever it is). They'll be placed in there, and they will come to Me in their season."
127 056 … What is it? It's the germ, seed Word from the beginning, that you was in God at the beginning, standing here drawing the seed Life. The seed is in your heart by foreordination! Hallelujah. The seed is already in there by the foreknowledge of God, predestinated. And when it draws, it can't draw through nothing else but the Word!
If you are true seed, you will hear that Word; the Spirit will baptize you into the body of Christ, filling you and empowering you, and you will receive the Word for your day and age. See how clear the true evidence becomes when the Word is revealed to you?
E-80 080 …we preach the Gospel to them that's predestinated, or foreknown by God to Eternal Life, "My sheep hear My voice."
24-5 072 …when a genuine foreordained son of God by the Word of God hears that voice of God, he'll rise and go to meet It. It's the potentials that he's going to meet the real living Word. As He was... The bride will meet the groom. She's a part of His body.
163 072 Your physical contacts the physical. Your spiritual contacts the spiritual. But inside of that you've got a soul, and that soul is that gene that come from God.
167 074 And when a man has been borned again by the Word of God, predestinated to Eternal Life, called "The Elected," it'll be Word of God on top of Word, Word on Word!
121 045 You are here because your name was placed on the Lamb's Book of Life before there was even a foundation of the world. That's exactly right. You're a gene, a spiritual gene out of your heavenly Father, a part of God's Word. That be so, as I've said, then you was with Jesus when He was here because He was the Word: you suffered with Him, died with Him, buried with Him, and rose with Him, and now setting in heavenly places in Him!
119 044 There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that comes from God. And He foreordained every creature that would ever have It. Just as you were the gene in your father, you was a gene in God; one of His attributes to begin with, or you'll never be There.
172 064 …that real gene, that real germ, a soul of God that was in God before the foundation of the world... Remember, you that's really got the Spirit of God in you tonight, you were here in Christ, because He was the Fullness of the Word. He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Do you believe that? Look, He was in Christ. Then if you were in God, a gene, a word, a attribute from the beginning, then you walked with Him here on earth; you talked with Him on earth, you suffered with Him on earth; you died with Him at Calvary; and you rose with Him again; and now you're setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, communing with Him, the Word, as It feeds into your soul, that, "Man shall live by ever Word that proceedeth..."
35-1 115 If you got Eternal Life, there's only one form; that's God, and you are an expressed attribute. See? If you're--if you're not, you're not going to be there anyhow. "No man can come to Me except My Father's drawed him." See, which passes away all these old things, but these things don't, so it speaks of eternity.
The Holy Ghost is eternal. Then you are in eternity where you was all the time, but you've just recognized what happened. See, you were made for an eternal purpose, because you was--the manifestation of a attribute that was in God that thought of you and expressed you, and He made a earth to take you out of, and to make you a human being; and sin come along and perverted His way. You come anyhow, but you was lost with the world, so He come and redeemed you, the expressed attribute, and also redeems this earth by the same way. Then His purpose rolls on.
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148 111 Unless that was God's seed, His gene from the beginning, predestinated, you're finished. [17]
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82 062 A Bride coming out called... And that's the one that the Bride Tree is the--the Bride, rather, is the one that's going to be in the rapture, that alone, nothing but the Bride, the elected one foreknown by God from the beginning, the Father's spiritual gene.
43-3 125 If you're a born again Christian, that little Germ that's predestinated in you, it's Word coming on Word, on Word, on Word, on Word, till it comes into the full statue of Christ. That's right. So He can come and get His Bride.
260 108 Now, then, you are a son of God in the house of God; you are a part of God's economy. Romans 8:1, "Then there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." For they are dead to the world, alive in Him, and living in this present day, making the Word that God has used them for, foreordained them, placing their names in this Bride Book. And when the Waters comes upon that seed that's in the heart, raises it up to the Bride of Christ. Oh, my. Just perfect as it can be. In every age it's been that way.
262 109 But now we come to the head, the capstone. "Grace. Grace." the capstone cried.
The headstone crying what? "Grace. Grace." Passed from death and creed into a living Word of the living God. God's only provided plan for His age, His sons in the Word age quickened by the Spirit like a spark that's lit off of something to make it alive; and seated now in heavenly places in present tense, already alive and subject to every promise in the Word. Then what does that do? You being a part of God's gene, a part of the Word, other men a part of God's Word, seated together, manifest the entire Body of Christ, because there's no leaven among you. [18] (See what He's talking about, Brother Brown?) No leaven among you, just the Word only, seated in heavenly places in the door where He put His Name: Christ Jesus.
87 042 Now, think. These men, why was they called and was put in this condition, these Pharisees, by Jesus. Said, "In vain you worship Me..." Worship Him: genuine worship, true worship from their hearts... "You... In vain you worship Me." Why? "Teaching for doctrine their tradition of men; therefore you make the commandments of God of no effect to the people."
If I brought you a Methodist message, it would take no effect on you; this is Bride time. If Moses taught the message of Noah, it would take no effect. If Jesus taught Moses' message, it would take no effect. Because the predestinated seed are laying there that will only be watered by that type of water that's give for that seed. It won't grow any other condition. It must be the condition that grows it.
124 055 Now, here, predestinated plan is in plain view. Just as other seed, the Word of God is a Seed and must have the ground prepared beforehand. If you sowed seed, just throwed it out there on the ground, it would do no good; the birds would pick it up.
You throw it among thistles and thorns; it'll choke it out pretty soon. Jesus' parable said so. So the ground has to be made ready first. So God, in sovereign grace prepares the heart first. He prepared you before the foundation of the world to receive Him in this age. He foreknew you by his foreknowledge and ordained you to Eternal Life. He knew you; therefore He prepared you.
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16-5 053 The Spirit of God is not something that you--is schooled into you. It's something that's predestinated into you by the hand of Almighty God. Your experiences cannot be schooled or taught into you; it's predestinated by God's hand and God's foreknowledge into you. That's right.
225 104 Don't stumble at that word, "predestination." I know you do. But, listen, It's not my word. It's one of God's Words. You want to read it, read Ephesians 1:5, which, "He has predestinated us to the adoptions of sons through Jesus Christ." See?
Just let me just break it just a minute, in a--just a minute to break this out of your mind. Look. Just as you were in your father at the beginning, a germ seed... Did you know that, every one of you? You were in your great-great-great-grandfather also, did you know that?
Read the Book of Hebrews, where that we find that Levi paid tithes when he was in the loins of Abraham, four generations behind him. When Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec, it was accounted to his great-great-grandson down below him, and he was then in the loins of Abraham. There you are. See?
228 105 You were in the loins of your father, but your father could not have any fellowship with you until you was transformed into a body of flesh.
My son there was in me. I--I--I wanted a son, but he was in me then. See? He was in me then. But through wedlock, he was transformed into a man like me, and then he become like me.
And you become like your parents (See?), 'cause it was in you to begin with. Now, if we are the sons of God, His attributes... Which you are an attribute of your father, not your mother; your father. The germ lays in the father. See? And now. your mother was an incubator that bear you, bear the seed of your father. See?
231 106 And the earth, in flesh, is also the incubator that bears the seed of God. See, just exactly. Not the world, how great the world is; it's how great the God that made it. See, see?
Now, if you are a son and daughter of God, then you were in God at the beginning. You're His attribute. If you wasn't there then, then you never was or never will be.
'Cause, I cannot bear, from my loins, the son of this man here or that man there, I can only bear my own sons, and they would bear my likeness. Hallelujah. You see it?
234 107 Sons and daughters was in God at the beginning. Now, look. You've got Eternal Life, you say. We believe it, that we got Eternal Life. Well, there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. That's the only thing that is eternal, is God. Then if you've got Eternal Life, that Life that's in you always was, and you were in the loins of God before there even was a world. And when the Word Itself... Jesus Himself is called the Word, and in St. John 1, said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." Then you were in the loins of Jesus, and went to Calvary with Him. You died with Him, and you raised with Him. And today we're setting in heavenly places in Him, filled with His Spirit, sons and daughters of God. Die with Him, raised with Him. Sure.
And the Word is supposed to transform you from what the things of the world are, into the image of sons and daughters of God. And the Word can only come through these prophets, as they spoke. And it had to be compared with the Word, and show that it was the Word. Then if you accept that Word, It'll transform you from a son of God, or a daughter--or, from a son of the world, the daughter of the world to a son and daughter of God.
282 127 Look at you in here. How many's had that experience? Every one of us. We've had that experience. Because It was spoke; It was believed; and the Word came forth and fell into the bed of the heart; and there It growed right out of it. See? Transforming yourself, His Holy Spirit transforms the seed Word into Its likeness. Like if a pear tree brings forth a pear, apple tree a apple, things like that, His Word will bring forth sons and daughters of God. That's what It's supposed to do.
…in the days of Jesus how He hid Hisself. "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came to His own; His own received Him not." See? He hides Himself from the smartest, intellectual man there is on the earth.
95 068 You say, "Well, this is Doctor, holy father So-and-so." I don't care who he is; God hides Himself from him, and will reveal it to babies such as will learn (See?), babies of God, predestinated seed.
Think. The Mighty God, setting in His own Word, blinding the smart, educated people of this present age, and they don't see it. They think it's a bunch of fanaticism.
But down on the inside of that man, if that little tie-post had been there, that Seed of God that was predestinated before the foundation of the world, I don't care what takes place; it holds him; it's there to stay.
94 044 The predestinated Seed of God who can't do nothing else but follow It, means more than life to us. Take our lives, but don't take That.
78 036 Then when a man is borned again from heaven, he becomes a spirit babe in Christ. And then when this robe of flesh is dropped, there is a natural body, theophany--a body not made with hands, neither born of a woman--that we go to.
II Corinthians 5:1 "If this earthly body be dis--dissolved (this earthly tabernacle), we have another one."
…Then we become the Word. Here we are formed to the Word image to be a partaker of the Word, feed on the Word, by being predestinated since the beginning. You see, that little spark of life that you had in you from the beginning when you started your journey... Many of you can remember it. You joined this church and joined that church, and try this and that; nothing satisfied. That's right! But one day you just recognized it.
Then if you are a son of God or a daughter of God, you were in God all the time. but He knew what bed and time that you'd be planted. So now you're made a creature, a son of God, manifested son or daughter of God to meet the challenge of this hour to vindicate the true and living God of this hour, the message that's coming forth in this time. That's right. You were done there before the foundation of the world.
And when a man's borned of the Spirit of God, he don't inject anything into his life; It's unadulterated Word of God vindicated for that hour. He takes the full Word of God; he don't put no creeds, nothing else into It. It's purely unadulterated, God's Word made manifest among us.
74 It's the anchor of the soul to see His revelation of His Word.
252 115 Enoch was translated from death by God's transforming power. What did God do that for? For a type of the rapturing church that's coming.
That Word has to come to pass, It's God's Word. Plant It in your heart, if you want to go in a rapture. If you want to be Christians, genuine, place this Word. As I believe it was Ezekiel, God said, "Take that scroll and eat it up," that the prophet and the Word would become the same. And every promise in there has to manifest itself, because it's God's original Seed. Don't you let some educated theologian out here try to pump It out of you. Don't you let him spray you with that carnal science, and knowledge, and education. Believe God.
212 098 Now, what is the transformation? (Quickly.) How do we get it? What does the transformation? God does it by the Spirit of His Word. He transforms. He plants His Seed, throws His Spirit on It, and It brings forth the product. His Holy Spirit transforms the Seed Word in to be vindicated of its kind.
What kind of a seed you are, that shows just what's in you. You can't hide it. Whatever you are inside, it shows outside. You just can't keep from it. You can't make that tree anything but what it is. See, it's--it's going to be that way.
The Holy Spirit transforms the seeds that's on the inside of it. No matter what kind of a seed it is, It'll transform it. If it's evil, it'll bring forth evil. If it's a hypocrite, it'll bring forth a hypocrite. If it's a genuine Word of God, it'll bring forth a genuine son or daughter of God, through a thinking man's Filter. When the Seed comes up, it comes through That; It produces a son and daughter of God.
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143 107 When He pours the Spirit upon the Word, what happens? Just like putting water on any other seed. It'll live, and it'll bring forth of its kind.
3 002 And now, Father, we do not want to be at this hour conformed to things of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our spirit by the Holy Ghost, that He might come and take our lives into His own care, and would--would lead us and guide us for what days we have left upon the earth and magnify His great Name.
241 111 True predestinated believers will stay with the Word because they are part of that Word.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." Then you were in the loins of Jesus, and went to Calvary with Him. You died with Him, and you raised with Him. And today we're setting in heavenly places in Him, filled with His Spirit, sons and daughters of God. Die with Him, raised with Him.
235 108 Now, then, now... Now you can fellowship with Him. You couldn't back there, because you were just a Word in Him, a seed. But now He's manifested you, and now He wants you to fellowship with Him. Then He came down, was made flesh so He could perfectly fellowship with you. See the perfect fellowship? Oh, my, them deep mysteries of God, how wonderful. See, God could not fellowship in the Spirit, so God became man with us.
Now, we can fellowship, was through the--the riches of His Word, and in which you are a part of. You are part of the Word; 'cause He was the Word at the beginning; you're the Word now.
That's right. Quickened! Not only was His resurrection for Himself, but for whosoever will--to this predestinated Seed that's a-laying there quickened, quickens the mortal body. They laid hands on the sick; they'd recover. They prayed, and in the Spirit they saw visions, called the dead back to life. That's right. Quickened their mortal bodies; and if It comes into you, if it be so--now, you can say it's so, but if it be so--these signs follows them. See? And It quickens your mortal body; It'll quicken you.
Now, Notice! Quickened into the Presence of God. Why? It was the Spirit of God that raised up Jesus from the grave. And the Spirit of God... "I give unto them Eternal Life (come from the Greek word, if you look it up, Zoe), which moves It through you and then quickens their, even their mind.
33-2 086 Now, look! How can you say that that Spirit dwells in you though you done everything that you thought was right? Here's your evidence whether you've got It or not: if the Spirit that was in Christ is in you, It also quickens you to the Word, for He is the Word. And if it, contrary, quickens you away from the Word, then it isn't the Spirit of Christ! Don't care what you done, until that moves you in the Word... "My sheep hear My Voice and they shall live by every Word"--every Word.
Now, the predestinated Ones are the first to be quickened by the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit comes to claim Its Own. Now, this is deep now and be sure to catch this good!
10-4 026 In Luke 24th chapter, 49th verse, He said, "Behold I send the promise of the Father upon you; but tarry ye (or wait ye) in the city of Jerusalem, until you be endued with power from on High" to show that, not only did He draw all the benefits out of it, but He shared those benefits. He come to redeem, or to bring to Life those predestinated Seed, that God seen before the foundation of the world, and put their names in the Book of Life; and here they are on the earth without a hope. He came not only to be the blessing, but to share the blessing with every predestinated Seed. Now, if the seed wasn't on the earth it could not live. It had to be on the earth and also germitized. No matter how long it's kept in darkness, it'll come forth when the S-o-n shines upon it.
65 044 There... See, here is no... There is no judgment to the Royal, Spiritual, predestinated Seed of Abraham, for they are predestinated to Eternal Life. They have accepted God's provided Sacrifice, and that Sacrifice which is Christ, the Word. "And there is therefore now no condemnation (St. John 5:24, if you want the Scripture)... There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)... walk not after the flesh, but the Spirit."
And Romans 5:24, "He that heareth My Word (the word there is `understandeth.' Any drunkard anything else can hear it, can walk away)... But he that heareth My Word--understands My Word--and believeth on Him that sent Me hath Everlasting Life and shall not come into the judgment, but's passed from death unto Life." Yes, sir. He that this great mystery of the God made known, understand, how that God was in Christ reconciling Himself to the world, how that He and the Father were One, how that the great mysteries of the fulfilling of God taking and bringing Hisself, manifested in the age of human beings, and in the stream of human beings, and in the company of human beings, to make His Word manifested in the day in the eastern rising of the sun and to do the same thing as the sun sets in the west, to make Hisself manifested in a Bride church, the Word made manifest. See? It will to... "He that understandeth (that is, to know), that's been revealed to him of Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life and will not come into the judgment, but's passed from death unto Life."
E-52 052 That's where the church failed today: disbelieving the Word. But in this case, to the royal seed called, predestinated to Eternal Life, the royal seed of Abraham, they believe that Word. I don't care what comes or goes, how much they laugh, who says this, that, or the other, they're ordained to Eternal Life. Then she goes right straight back. Her and her Lover, Christ, is one. The Life, the Spirit that's in Christ is in the church. That's the eternal covenant here.
58 043 I'm only saying it in the Light of the hour that we're walking in, and for the benefit of people who are trying to seek this Light. Truly, Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him." No man will never see it. It's that predestinated Seed, and that only, is going to receive It. But we've come to that place again. The Bible said that, "You're the light of the world."
59 044 The prophet said, "Gross darkness upon the people," upon the people of the world at this time. And that's exactly what we've got, gross darkness upon the people.
63 043 That's why the rapture is different and will only be for the Royal Seed of Abraham. It cannot come by the natural, carnal seed of the church. It'll have to be the Royal Seed of the Word of God through Abraham, the Royal Seed. That's why the rapture has to be first, 'cause remember, "we which are alive and remain shall not hinder, prevent those which are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first. We which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them together and meet the Lord in the air." Notice, and again it's written, "And the rest of the dead live not for a thousand years."
Therefore, they're--they will not be heirs together; they'll not be in the rapture together. There's absolutely a church natural and church Spiritual, a church carnal, a church Spiritual.
32 023 Now, the only way that you can be a son or daughter of God... Because you have to be the--have to have Eternal Life... And there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life. Only one form of Eternal Life: that was God. There to be a son of God, you had to be in Him always. The gene of your life, spiritual life tonight, was in God the Father before there was even a molecule.
See? And you are nothing but the manifestation of the gene of life that was in God as a son of God. Now, you're expressed, after His Word has come in you, to light up this age…In the beginning was the Word,... the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us,...
The Word was made flesh; therefore, you walked with Him, when... You were in Him when He was on earth. You suffered with Him, and you died with Him; you was buried with Him, and now you're risen with Him and manifested attributes of God, setting in heavenly places, already raised, resurrected to new life and setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, that means so much now-days, church. That means so much to us, to see ourself positionally placed in Jesus Christ.
7 “… potentially there right now”
326 148 How do we get it? We are potentially there right now (See?), because God said so. It has to be. When He raised Lazarus there, said, "Don't think this is strange, for the hour is coming when all that's in the grave will hear the Voice of the Son of man, and shall come forth; some to shame, and some to Life."
What is it? Transforming, transforming by the Word of God, making us sons and daughters of God, and will also give us Life in the world to come. Oh, my. What more could I say? Listen not to other things.
64 045 We have become from mortal beings, from time beings to eternal beings when the Word of God lit our souls and we become sons and daughters of God with the attributes, the gene of God in us to be sons and daughters of the Father God in heaven, crying, "Abba, Father, my God, my God!" In My Father's House..."
102 048 You say, "He makes our bodies obey? Oh, I believe we have jurisdiction over that." Then you're--you're not fully surrendered.
For, you're not your own; you are dead. "You yourself are dead, and your life is hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Ghost." How are you going to get away from that? I think we need a revival. "Our lives are dead." We are dead; your own thoughts. You think pure thoughts. Them old worldly thoughts that leads you off, you're dead to that. "And your life is hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Spirit." What a position! What a secure! Oh, my. How long, till the next revival? "Until the day of your redemption." Ephesians 4:30, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption." What a secure feeling, knowing and watching the Holy Spirit change your nature from a vile person. Amen. Then we know we've passed from death unto Life, we see the Holy Spirit living in us, His Life.
Paul said, "The life that I once lived, I live no more. Oh, not me, but the Christ that lives in me!" That's it, he had passed from death unto Life, and Christ was alive in him. Safely secured!
92 060 And the Church and the Bride and the Word is becoming so one, until the very Word Itself is working out the works of the Bridegroom. Amen! You see it? A uniting! Not no more, "Join the church"; not more of this, but flee from everything and tied to Jesus Christ. See? It's the uniting time: God, uniting His Bride together, bringing It back. Just exactly. Uniting the Words of His promise...
What a privilege it is to know that there is something in the resurrection that's pertaining to us.
14-3 042 Now, notice, recognize the call of God's Word, which is a part of... And it's a eagle to an eagle. Now, if that mother would've screamed like a--a buzzard, he'd have never knowed it. He'd have been just as well off in the barnyard. But it was the scream of an eagle. There was something inside that little fellow that he knowed he was an eagle; and the same thing is with every true believer.
When the preaching of God's Word comes forth, and it's vindicated, and proved that it's God's Word for this hour, then there's something within the believer; I don't care how loyal his father was to a church, or how loyal his mother was, or his grandparents, and if that church is teaching contrary to this hour of the baptism of the Holy Ghost message; there's something in him that screams out. He'll leave the barnyard. He's got to do it. The chicken might've been all right one day but this is eagle hour. See? It--it's a different.
It's something that he must leave, the old coop, and fly away into the blue.
Then this earthly body is quickened and brought by the quickening Spirit to the obedience of God's Word.
206-2 When any man turns from the Word of God and joins a church instead of receiving the Holy Spirit, that man dies. Dead! That is what he is. Don't join a church. Don't get into organization and get taken up with creeds and tradition or anything that takes the place of the Word and the Spirit or you're dead. It's all over. You're dead. Eternally separated from God!
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197 081 Now, see, then you had to be before the world was ever formed, your name was put on the Lamb's Book of Life. And then what can you eat? The Holy Spirit lives by the Word of God. And now in Revelation 22:19, the Bible said, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of This, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life." See how deep it is? You cannot...The Holy Spirit won't live on the things of the world.
311 127 Then the works that the Holy Spirit is doing today by these visions never failing, promises never failing, all the apostolic signs promised in the Bible of Malachi 4, and, oh, the Revelations 10:7, all of that is being fulfilled and proved by scientific, every other way. And if I haven't told you the Truth, these things would not happen. But if I have told you the Truth, they bear record that I've told you the Truth. He's still the same, yesterday, today, and forever, and the manifestation of His Spirit is catching away a Bride. Let that faith, revelation, fall into your heart, that this is the hour.
143 085 Now if God is raised up from the dead, then He's here tonight. He promised it. Now, his corporal body sits on the throne of God. He took... sat down on the throne of God. But the Holy Spirit is here, which is Christ in spirit form. The word Christ means the anointed one. And that anointing was upon Him is upon the church, you all. Now it just kept coming from justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, restoration of the gifts, right down to the top of it. Right. It's coming in the minority all the time. It's gathering now. And now there's a church. Now a bride will come out of the church. See? Church goes through the tribulation period; not bride.
206 076 You know, one time Jesus was asked a question. He said, "Why does the scribes say that Elias must first come?"
And Jesus said, "I say unto you, He has already come, and you didn't know it."
One of these days you're going to say, "Well, I thought the Church was going, had to do this, that, and the other. I thought there would be a rapture. I thought..."
See, it'll be a secret catching away.
236 236 Not no more as a church, see, not no more; the Bride is called. See? "In that day the Son of man will be revealed." What? To join the Church to the Head, unite, the marriage of the Bride. The Bridegroom call will come right through this, when the Son of man will come down and come in human flesh to unite the two together. The Church has to be the Word, He is the Word, and the two unites together, and, to do that, it'll take the manifestation of the revealing of the Son of man. Not a clergyman. I--I don't know, I... Do you see what I mean? See, it's Son of man, Jesus Christ, will come down in human flesh among us, and will make His Word so real that it'll unite the Church and Him as one, the Bride, and then she will go Home to the Wedding Supper. Amen.
20-1 058 …if you're ordained on that ground, the Holy Spirit is here to find you; and when It finds you, you recognize His call. You know the hour you're living. You know that these things are supposed to happen, quickly you're raptured up to meet it, and now you're setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
E-7 007 Aren't we happy? We haven't got a thing to worry about, not a thing. We've anchored in Christ, sitting in heavenly places, caught up in rapturing grace right now, sitting in His presence in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Death itself can't touch us. Anchored away, nothing can bother us--just simply secured and waiting for His coming.
15-4 044 It's the Holy Spirit coming down to quicken, make alive those people that's foreordained of God to be in the rapture. Oh, that is, if he's a true eagle, he will understand the message of the hour.
47-2 122 For now (notice!), we are redeemed by Him and now risen with Him. That's what Easter means to the people: risen with Him. Notice. Now, we have His Spirit in us, the Abstract deed, fully paid. No! You don't say, "Well, I hope I make it." You've already made it. Not, "I will make it"; "I've already made it." I never made it, He made it for me. See? Not me, Him.
50-6 131 And now (see?), now you are already resurrected. When God raised Him up, He raised you; the Son is just now on you. And now you're growing into a blossom Life like He was, to be resurrected completely in that last day. Your potentials you have now. Why do you know? Your soul changed, didn't it? Your body come in obedience to It, didn't it? Into obedience to what? A church? The Word, which is the Life. Then you are now resurrected from the dead.
36-1 106 We're beyond any shadow of doubt, potentially in the resurrection right now, the saints getting ready to be taken up in the air.
38 012 And then as God gave out His Word, what would be, predestinated His church before the foundation of the world, it would appear before Him, without spot or wrinkle. And the timepiece is moving right on down. And It'll be there, a church, glorious church, without spot or wrinkle. I'm trusting that we're all here tonight members of that church. And that... There's only one way to enter that church,… you enter it by new birth.
72 034 And then when you become subject to that Spirit, it throws your whole being subject to that Spirit. And that Spirit is nothing in the world but this Seed Word made manifest, or quickened (Hallelujah.), made alive. And when the Bible said, "Don't do this," that body quickly turns to it; there's no question. And what is it? It's the earnest of the resurrection. This body will be raised up again, because it's already started. It was once subject to sin, and mire, and corruption, but now it's got the earnest; it's turned heavenly. Now, that's the earnest that you're going in the rapture. It's the earnest.
71 034 And the Gentiles are called out. The Bride's ready. The rapture is at hand. Can we realize that? Can we actually believe that? Is it a story that's been told? Is it a myth to us? Is it a something that sounds real? Is it something that we outside can believe? Or is it something that's in us, that's part of us, that its more than life to us? What attitude do we set in this morning in this tabernacle? Remember it'll be a small flock that receives it.
That's how we're transformed: by God's Word. When God said, "Let there be light," and that mass of creation out there come over in around the sun, and begin to revolve around the sun, and became a garden of Eden because it obeyed the Word of God. It done the perfect will of God, for it was transformed from chaos into a garden of Eden by the Word of God.
52 026 Now, that's what we are here for. That's my message, has been all along, is the Word of God.
58 029 Now, we want to be transformed, ourselves, by the renewing of our mind. See, not what we have on this earth, what we are going to look for on this earth, but what we are coming to in the world that is to come: transformed by renewing of our mind.
322 146 The transforming power of God that's taken us from the chaos of science and education, and the things of the world, and the understanding of this modern day, has transformed us now into sons and daughters of God. And even death itself can never hold us in the grave. "We'll be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye."
"Oh, you mean to say..."
I mean to say that that's the Truth. Jesus, that Word stood on the earth, which was the Word, the One that was raised up, and raised Lazarus. He said, "I am the Resurrection and Life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." There's no way to stop the living Word of God. It's got to rise again.
124 094 …When the messenger of the Seventh Church Age begins to sound his Message, that the mysteries of all the things that's been twisted up down through the age would be revealed in that time. And here we see it, the Son of man coming among His people and doing just exactly, confirming His Message as He said He would do. Here we find it in this last age.
133 100 Now, remember, the Message is promised. And when all these mysteries has been all so bundled up by the bunch of ecclesiastics, it will take a--a direct prophet from God to reveal it. And that's exactly what He promised to do. See?
Now, remember, the Word of the Lord comes to the prophet, not the theologian, the prophet. He is a reflector of God's Word. He can't say nothing; he can't say his own thoughts; he can only speak what God reveals.
It's Luke 17. It's--it's Isaiah... All those prophecies that it can--perfectly set in order for this day in the Scriptures, we see it living right there. There's no...
142 106 …It's just... It's tremendous. When you see God come from the heaven, stand before groups of man, and stand there, declare Himself just as He ever did... And that's the Truth, and this Bible open. See? We're here!
143 107 And the denominational system is dead. It's gone. It'll never rise again. It'll be burned.
8 “…at the appointed time.”
E-37 037 But all that's got Eternal Life, God will bring with Him at the coming of Christ. And you'll resurrect, not an old man and woman, not a little bitty baby, but you'll resurrect to the perfect young man and young woman of about twenty-two or twenty three years old. You'll be like that forever in the Presence of God. That's exactly the truth.
There is the Redeemer. Christ has redeemed us now. We are now redeemed, but He has not claimed His possession yet. Now, you might different with that, but just hold on a minute (See?); we'll see. See?
90-1 {140} 074 He hasn't claimed it. See? If He took the Book of Redemption, everything that Adam had and everything that he lost, Christ redeems back; and He's already redeemed us, but He hasn't took the possession yet. He cannot until the time appointed, and then will come the resurrection, and then the earth will be renewed again, and then He will take possession, His possession which He got when He redeemed us, but will do it at the appointed time.
75-2 243 And the Body must follow the Head, as the wife follows the husband. Being that Adam was not deceived, he walked out with Eve. Eve was deceived. She was in the transgression, or the entire resurrection of the whole body would've come forth at the day of the Lord Jesus, when He come forth from the grave, but He had to redeem Her, which is His Body. She has to be redeemed in order to come to Him. Do you see it? Oh, my. See? It couldn't have happen then. The redemption is going on.
75-3 244 Now, you see the Seals when He was in His mediatorial work back there redeeming? But someday He comes forth to get this Book that He's redeemed, and all that's in this Book would be Him, for that's the believer, the Words in the Book, and the Word is Him, and all that's in It.
“the appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ is two different things”
14 As I'm beginning to get old, and know that my days are numbered, and know now that these young men can take this message and sweep it on to the coming of the Lord, if He doesn't come in my generation... Which I'm hoping to see Him... I look daily for Him, and watch, keeping myself prepared for that hour.
There's a homecoming time pretty soon, for the church of the living God, who's been waiting His coming.
Everything's in order. I'm so glad. I'm getting so tired. Oh, for that great hour. And to think that we've had a part in this junction time. Remember, "So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed from heaven." Now, remember, before the rain fell, Noah was in the ark. Before the fire fell, Lot was out of Sodom, for the Angel said, "I can't do nothing until you come hither. I've got to lever in my hand to pull and make the fires fall from heaven." And I think that's exactly: the Angel of destruction is holding the hand of Russia, with the atomic bombs, until the church comes together as one great body of Christ. "I can't do nothing till you come hither." Oh, if that isn't a blessed assurance. And if we see everything set in order, the going home of the church is in order. Here's the Angel of God with the same message, performing the same signs, the same wonders; everything's set in order.
167 066 Now, He appeared here as a physical body, looked just exactly like Hofmann's Head of Christ at Thirty-three, and blood running out of His hand, and so forth, nail scars all over Him, I wouldn't accept it. No, no, no, no. When He comes, Hisself, "Every eye shall see Him, every tongue shall confess Him; and as the lightning cometh from the east unto the west, so shall it be." See? We don't believe these cults and clans. We believe God is the Word.
But He embodies Himself, taking your body and my body, and gives you gifts, gives me gifts, and through these gifts He makes Hisself known. That's the secret Food. No matter how much He'd make Hisself known by me, you've got to believe it; you've got to have a gift of faith too to believe it.
PROVING.HIS.WORD L.A.CA V-18 N-3 65-0426
249 084 But I'm asking you to receive Jesus Christ while you... You'll probably never be no closer to Him until you see Him in person when He comes in His visible body from the heavens.
E-40 040 …Christ is here revealing Himself, "Hiding it from the eyes of the educated, wise and prudent, and revealing it to babes such as will learn." Bringing His Church, that, showing His manifestation, revealing Himself before judgment is revealed, because He always sends an Angel of mercy before He sends a Angel of destruction.
E-81 081 Now, remember these two words before I leave you: the appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ is two different things. Christ is now appearing in the fullness of His power. His coming will be afterwards: His appearing before His coming.
307 129 Now, we will quickly get this. Now, remember:
Revelation 1:7... every eye shall see Him,...
Now, that wasn't the rapture then. Was it? See? It wasn't the rapture. It wasn't the rapture. What was He speaking to? The second coming.
E-33 033 Oh, won't it be wonderful on that day? Aren't you happy today to be a living to see the Son of man revealing Himself to His Church? "In the day that the Son of man is revealed..." What does He do? Reveal Himself in mercy first. Then the next time, He reveals Hisself in judgment to condemn those who spurn mercy.
E-42 Jesus said Himself, "In that day when the Son of man reveals Himself from heaven..." He's revealing Himself now in mercy to His church. The next revealing will be in judgment on those who's rejected Him.
"For as the sun shineth from the east unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man be." See? Yes, He'll--He'll--He'll appear, and it'll be a universal thing. And now, that will...
184-4 {51} 026 Now, 'course, when they find out that something has taken place (You see?), then they'll... Now, remember, that will take place immediately after the going home of the Church (after the rapture).
E-22 022 And Abraham said, "It's Elohim, the all-sufficient One." Remember, immediately after that Sodom was burned…
But where are we at now? God speaking right among us, through us audible, just like He did there.
236 236 …The Bridegroom call will come right through this, when the Son of man will come down and come in human flesh to unite the two together. The Church has to be the Word, He is the Word, and the two unites together, and, to do that, it'll take the manifestation of the revealing of the Son of man. Not a clergyman. I--I don't know, I... Do you see what I mean? See, it's Son of man, Jesus Christ, will come down in human flesh among us, and will make His Word so real that it'll unite the Church and Him as one, the Bride, and then she will go Home to the Wedding Supper. Amen.
262 189 And remember the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? It is then, in that day when this thing is to take place that Jannes and Jambres, the impersonators, will appear again, just like they did when Moses appeared with the original Word to say it; they appear to impersonate it. Just exactly right. Now, you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See? Anointed ones.
7-4 020 ….watch the third pull then. It'll be absolutely to the total lost, but it--it will be for the Bride and the church.
E-63 063 What has it done to our eyes in these days, a promise fulfilled? Has it opened our eyes? When we seen St. John 14:12, Hebrews 13:8, St. John 14:9, have we seen Luke 17:27-28, and all these Scriptures as promised, Malachi 4, all of them fulfilled right here before us? What has it done to our eyes? If it doesn't open them, it'll blind them eternally. It opens some, blinds the others. See? It opens them to it these last days, what He's promised to do this, what He said He would do it, restore back the faith.
94 038 They have no spiritual sight or spiritual feelings, at all. 'Cause, no man can sit in a crowd of people, wherein the Holy Spirit is falling, no matter if he is absolutely a sinner, or she, but what they're bound to sense the Presence of God, when you see the Word He promised being fulfilled. Then you would have to be numb; and when you see it with your own eyes, happening, then you'll have to be blind, spiritually, I'm not speaking physically. But you can certainly be spiritually blind, and have twenty-twenties, physical sight.
9 The Resurrection
43-1 We believe in feet washing. We believe in Communion. We believe in the second coming of Christ, the visible corporal body of the Lord, not spirit, but the corporal body of the Lord Jesus coming again in glory. We believe in the physical resurrection of the dead to receive a body, not old and wrinkled as we go into the grave, but a new one in the very bliss of youth to live forever.
25 009 Isn't it marvelous today that all shadows has passed away? All the, "Well, I hope that I'll come in the resurrection." No more "hope." We have the assurance. That's all. We know it. No more "hope so," because something happened in our lives that took all shadows away. When Christ the resurrected One came to our sinful conditions that we were in, and the old things died out in the crucifixion with Him at the altar, and we rose anew again with Him, and live with Him and reign with Him, and seated now in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We're already raised with Him. The resurrection's already passed as far as we are concerned, because we are now risen with Christ (Amen.), seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. No more guessing about it, it's all over. Amen. I just love that. No more "hopes," no more "wishing," no more. Oh, it's over. We are now risen with Him, setting in heavenly places.
Oh, what a great thing! We are--we are now in Christ Jesus (Amen!), babies, babes in Christ, children of God, waiting for the full deliverance at the coming of our Lord Jesus the--to receive us up unto Hisself, when the body, this mortal, will take on immortality.
E-7 007 Aren't we happy? We haven't got a thing to worry about, not a thing. We've anchored in Christ, sitting in heavenly places, caught up in rapturing grace right now, sitting in His presence in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Death itself can't touch us. Anchored away, nothing can bother us--just simply secured and waiting for His coming. And we're grateful for this.
50-6 131 And now (see?), now you are already resurrected. When God raised Him up, He raised you; the Son is just now on you. And now you're growing into a blossom Life like He was, to be resurrected completely in that last day. Your potentials you have now. Why do you know? Your soul changed, didn't it? Your body come in obedience to It, didn't it? Into obedience to what? A church? The Word, which is the Life. Then you are now resurrected from the dead.
It is Easter with Jesus and I. It's Easter with you and Jesus, and it's Easter with you, I, and Jesus. We are all--Jesus, you, and I--we're all resurrected together and we will rise at the last day even though our spirits leave our body, even though the bodies rust, may they go to dust, may they be burnt up, may they be in the bottom of the sea--the Bible said an Angel poured out his upon the sea and everything that died come up. There's nothing can hide us or separate us from that God that we love so well, that's raised us up together.
180 086 And what is it when you're way out there in redemption with a brand new body, you've turned back to a young man altogether again, or a young woman; you're never going to die no more…. And He will speak someday, and the dead in Christ shall rise, and that body that I once lived in will resurrect into a glorified body; and I'll walk; and I'll talk; and I'll live; and I'll enjoy (Hallelujah)…
92 041 For he said, "Why did you call me out of my rest, seeing you become a enemy to God?" Watch him prophesy. "Tomorrow night by this time you'll be with me." He was still a prophet, though he was gone from this body. See, he become here and was part of that Word, and he entered from the flesh life back into the body that had been prepared for him before the foundation of the world. He entered into the theophany which was the Word. You get it? That's where all believers go when we turn from here.
Then in that form the veil then is lifted. You see you are the Word also when you enter into there. As a little baby as I said awhile ago...
Now, notice. Praise God for these opening Seals is my prayer, to know these things.
E-84 084 Jesus, when He comes, every eye shall see Him, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess when the Body of Jesus returns.
I believe in His literal coming, corporal body, descending from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, the trump of God. The dead in Christ shall rise. But His Spirit is here with us. And as the church, like the pyramid, comes into a--a point, so has the church in the days of Luther, days of Wesley, days of Pentecostal. And now just before the Headstone comes into it, that church has to be honed so perfect, till the same ministry that He did here, His same Spirit, so predominant, will bring that same Body right into it, and resurrect the whole thing. That's exactly. Amen. Glory to God.
E-56 056 Some of them don't believe in His literal coming. The Bible said He will come. So we're looking for His coming. If He isn't here tonight, we'll be looking in the morning. If He isn't here in the morning, we'll be looking tomorrow night for Him, and we'll keep on looking. If we fall asleep, or--or we haven't fainted in vain, for the trumpet of God shall sound that final trumpet, and the dead in Christ shall rise. And we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air and forever be there. That's the sound of the trumpet. Whether I live or whether I'm gone, don't make any difference. I'll hear the sound. I'll rise: rise, oh, yes. Yes.
15-1 034 That's the reason I do believe that when that Bride is called out and elected and set in the Book of Life, there'll come a sound from heaven that'll take such a baptism of the Holy Spirit in--to that Bride that'll take Her from the earth, in a rapturing grace. God promised it.
I don't care how many science... and how--how many astronauts they signed up, and everything else, and how many million miles they can see--I don't care nothing about that. There is a heaven, and there's a literal Jesus Christ there that'll come in a body form to receive His church and His Bride! No matter how old the story seems, it's still the Truth; God said so. That's--that's what believers believe.
Here the other day, on a estimation, it showed that ninety-nine percent of the Protestant preachers throughout the nation don't believe in the literal second coming of Christ. Eighty-seven percent Deny the virgin birth. Think of that. What are our children going to face out yonder? God give us back to the faith again that was once delivered to the saints.
141 100 Then He was made actually human flesh and dwelled among us in the Person of Jesus Christ Himself, born of the virgin Mary. He come in that form so He could die and went back into heaven. Now, in this last days He has promised to manifest Himself in the Fullness again of His flesh in Spirit. See?
For as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man. Now, look at the Sodom, how it set, and what taken place, and Jesus Christ being manifested in bodily form of His church today (See?), doing the same things, same work, same things that He did all the time, never changes, the eternal One. See? And upon earth today, He has manifested Himself in the human bodies, our human bodies that He has called, and done exactly the same thing He done in sundry time, and in the times of His flesh upon the earth. And doing the same thing today, because God in sundry times spoke to the fathers through the prophets, in this last days through His Son Jesus Christ (See?), the Son being revealed in the last days, God manifested in human flesh, setting just before Sodom's destruction, the end of the Gentile world. You see it? There's three manifestations.
142 101 Now, the next thing happens, is when it's all gathered up into that one Person, Jesus Christ, Bride and Body at the physical return of the Lord Jesus, making His three times when He was brought on earth, killed, crucified, raised up, manifested Hisself in the form of His Body, which is His Bride, the Woman.
Do you believe this is a wicked, adulterous generation? Well, what would be the sign of Jonah? Would be the resurrection of Christ. Is that right? The resurrection of Christ, to prove to this wicked generation that Christ still lives, which, He's been raised now for two thousand years, so it'd be the evidence of the resurrection.
256 140 Well, there's many of us Protestants across the country don't believe in the physical resurrection. Hundreds of churches don't believe in that, the physical return, or anything. See? I believe in the literal birth, death, burial, resurrection, second coming, all in Christ. I believe that He's fully Christ. The same Jesus taken up, the same Jesus will return. And I believe in the Person of the Holy Ghost, He's here now, His Spirit, His Life moving in the church.
E-59 059 …until we see the perfect Son of God formed in our midst, to bring back the literal body of Christ. And the bodies of those asleep in Him shall be changed and made like into His own glorious body,…
927-Q-236 020 He tells them when the time will come when there won't be one stone upon another; what will be the sign of His coming; and then, at the end of the world. And many times, if you don't watch closely now how that He answers (See?), you'll get it mixed up and throw it all in one time; and then you're all mixed up.
E-57 057 Now, we believe that Christ died and rose again. You believe that? I believe the Bible teaches He's the same yesterday, today and forever. You believe that? Then if He is the same, He's got to be everything the same except the corporal body. Now, that Body, when It comes, time shall be no more, how many knows that? Yes, when Jesus comes in His literal Body... But He come now in the form of the Holy Ghost. And He lives in His Church. He--we said, "We are the branches and He's the Vine." He just stands in us in Spirit manner, and feeds the gifts of the church. How many knows that? And He said, "The things that I do, shall you also."
I believe it was about seventy percent of the Protestants didn't even believe in the--the physical resurrection or the literal coming. A statistics showed it. They simply deny it. Many of them, thousands of them deny the virgin birth.
E-22 022 "They've took away my Lord." Why? They have to. If you can't believe in the physical resurrection, then you cannot preach a Christ that's the same yesterday, today, and forever. You can't take His Word, then what about it? We make ourselves unbelievers and infidels.
E-67 067 He's Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-manasseh. He's Jehovah-rapha. He--He's every Name tonight that He was then, He is now. And the Blood of Christ has covered and redeemed you from everything that Adam did to you.
Now, you don't have it in the fulness, but you have it as the earnest of your salvation. If there's no Divine healing, there's no resurrection.
154 095 That same voice said to John, "Come up here; I'll show you some things that's fixing to happen."
That same voice that shall sound when the dead in Christ rise, "For the trumpet..." The trumpet... What is a trumpet? The voice of Christ, the same One sounded and summoned him up. He heard the voice like a trumpet sound and said, "Come up hither."
See how the resurrection will be? It'll be in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. That clear sounding voice, and He will summons the church, calling, "Come out of it." That great summonsing voice, God, help me to hear it that day.
And even death itself shall not prevent this great event, for the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then with them we shall be caught up to meet Him. We're looking for the coming of that great day, Lord. Help us now.
22 014 And oh, how thankful we are for all of God's great blessings. May it continue to be with us until that last trumpet blows. And you know, we'll be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. Think of it. Missing people, they can't see you no more, but you're getting together with the rest of the group. "They which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (or `hinder,' the word is) those which are asleep." Not dead, no, Christians don't die. They're just taking a little rest (See?); that's all. Oh, my. "And the trump of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, appear to many..." And all at once you happen to stand and look, and "Well, there's a brother..." And you know it ain't long. In a few minutes we'll be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, and together with them be missing on earth, caught up to meet the Lord in the air.
E-152 092 Our heavenly Father, knowing that the sun is swiftly going down, time shall be no more. One day the great archangel will step out on the scene of time, from out of eternity. And the trumpet of God shall sound and every man and woman will answer to what we know to be the truth, the Word of God.
PARADOX BAKF.CA V-22 N-5 64-0206M
267 The great paradox is coming ahead of us, "When the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more; and the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair." When the resurrection comes, and we're caught up together, to meet Him in the air, that'll be the final paradox, when we go to be with Him.
We're here to carry on now until our time is called or the great general resurrection when Jesus comes to get us all.
43 024 Dear God, I'm thinking of another great time coming, and that will be the resurrection, when the old-timers will come forth first, saints, the patriarchs. "For we which are alive and remain shall not prevent or hinder those which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first." Then when we see that great... just those people going, marching up through the skies; and we'll be standing, waiting for our change, knowing that we'll fall in line, also. God, make us faithful soldiers.
30-5 090 The resurrection. We are now in the resurrection. We are setting with Him in the resurrection, but only those who have Life, not those who do not have Life. They won't know it. They'll never know it. They'll go right on thinking they're getting the Holy Ghost, being saved, and the rapture will done be over with and gone.
We need an Easter, a resurrection that's potentials.
24-5 072 … let me say to you this in godly fear, knowing that I may never live to see an Easter again, but there's one thing sure: when a genuine foreordained son of God by the Word of God hears that voice of God, he'll rise and go to meet It. It's the potentials that he's going to meet the real living Word. As He was... The bride will meet the groom. She's a part of His body.
22-1 064 When this quickening power fell from heaven, there was a bravery set upon them. There was something, an understanding, where they wasn't too sure of it a few hours before.
They knowed He had--He'd died; they know He had risen; they had talked to Him on the way; but was that thing for them, or was it just for them, or for Jesus Himself? But here on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, the Abstract, fell upon the believers that made them part of His resurrection, made him part of His fellowship. The Holy Spirit came and confirmed to them that they would be raised up, because they were potentially raised then from cowards to brave men. They were--they were afraid of the very Word that they thought. Don't let this pass over you.
E-112 112 And the good thing about it, friends, is think of this: before we get to this kingdom... before this King comes, now we can sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus--lifted up above all the shadows of all the corruption of the world, and all their television programs, and all these other nonsenses they got on the earth today, and all the rotten pollution and systems and everything--be lifted up in heavenly places. And the Holy Spirit, Himself, come upon us and speak out, and call to us our sins, and tell us how to get straightened up--and what we've done in life, and what we're doing. It's the Holy Spirit-Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's the King that shall come to his kingdom some day, and his kingdom is now being established in the hearts of his people here on earth.
502-4 131 When the Lamb leaves that seat of the throne, to--being a Mediator, He becomes down here, and the day of redemption for the church is finished.
1105-Q-348 110 348. Brother Branham, some say mercy is over and no one can be saved. Now, is this true?
"Is mercy over?" Don't never think that. See? Just keep right on doing everything you can until you're taken away. See?
E-82 082 But the very thing that could help them, and the only thing could help them, they was afraid of it.
And today, it's the same thing. They're afraid to take a hold of the Holy Spirit. They're afraid to believe God's Message. They're afraid to believe the Holy Spirit when they see it working among them. They'll say, "Now, wait a minute. I don't know whether it could be for me or not." It's for whosoever will. Healing's for everybody. Salvation is for whosoever will come, anybody.
"Be not afraid. It is I." It's Christ. He is not dead; He's alive for evermore, and has the keys of death and hell. And there's nothing can harm. Do you believe that? God remains God. If He ever was God, He's still God. Do you believe that?
E-8 008 When they cried out, they heard that voice coming, "Fear not, it is I. Be not afraid. Be of a good courage." And if you'll just watch the Word of promise for this day, you'll hear that same voice speaking through the Word. "It's Me. I promised to do this in the last days. Fear not. Don't be scared. Put your trust in Me, the Son of God (Who He is). Believe it now."
He'll come and steal away
E-36 036 When I think of the blinded human beings in this earth who see, but yet, can't understand... See God come into the meeting and perform the very same things that He performed when He was here on earth, see Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God perform, and act, and do just as He did when He was here on earth, and still they don't understand. How can it be? Because their eyes are not open. It's going to open one of these days, my friend, but it'll be too late then. The time will be gone. And you'll wonder back, "You mean to tell me this, that so-and-so, and such a thing was this, and I didn't know it?" It goes over their head. They don't catch it. Do you catch what I'm saying? It goes over them. It's right...Looking for some great something to happen in the future when it's right now, and you fail to see it.
E-40 040 Let me say this: you're looking for something to come to pass that's already here; it's going a past you, and you don't know it. You're trying to place it in a future. Little did they know Elijah was Elijah, till he was dead. Little did they know Elisha was, until he was gone. Little did they know that John was; even the disciples didn't know he was that man. They even said to Jesus, "Why does the Scripture say that Elias must come first?"
He said, "He's already come, and you didn't know him."
Don't let this pass you. Not me, but it's Him. Don't let His blessed, resurrected presence pass by, and you're looking, the devil's pointing you in the future, when it's right here, now.
E-70 070 Now, Jesus Christ is here in the form of the Holy Ghost with--with all the Divine gifts in the whole body of Christ being made manifest. All the things that He promised to the church is being shown unto us. And some of us care so little. Some of us are so...
We keep looking ahead. As long as Satan can make you look ahead for something over yonder, you're passing over the very thing that God's given you. Listen to this remark. "Man is constantly praising God for what He has done, and looking forward to what He will do, and ignoring what He's doing." That's the status of mankind. He's always did that, and the same thing is tonight. Men look over, and look back, and see what God does, and talk about a great God back yonder at Pentecost, and looking for a great day of a millennium when He will come again: and ignoring His very Being in the presence of His people, making ready for that millennium.
They ignore it. It's just the nature of people to do that. Satan gets among them to hide their eyes from the very thing that God sent to them. That's all he has to do. You go to church as much as you want to. Do whatever you wish to. But to ignore the very things that God sends to us, why, we're--we're turned--turned down.
E-81 081 Even the disciples said, "Why does the scribes say Elias must first come?"
Said, "Elias has already come and you didn't know it." Goes over your head and you don't know it. Don't miss it. The Holy Spirit, Christ is here.
Now, remember these two words before I leave you: the appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ is two different things. Christ is now appearing in the fullness of His power. His coming will be afterwards: His appearing before His coming.
21 013 Now, my subject this morning, I trust that God will reveal this. And each time, if you who take the tapes and listen, and I hope and trust that you have had a spiritual understanding of what that God has been in trying to get over to the church without saying it right out. See?
It's a thing sometime... We have to say things in such a way, that it might thin down, it might bring some to go out, some to leave, and some to--to--to ponder over. But that's done purposely. It must be done that way.
23 014 Then it might be that some would say, "You mean God would purposely do a thing like that?" He certainly did. He does yet.
MATTHEW 13:10-17
3 …and He spake many things unto them in parables…
10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries
of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
119-3 {18} 009 There's where I think that people are going to be so surprised. They're--they're--they're applying the church way over into the tribulation to those things that's a-happened. And as I said Sunday (yesterday), "The first thing you know those tribulations will break in, and you'll wonder why was not the--the first coming was the rapture. And it'll be as it has been; it's passed and you didn't know it." See?
ONE.IN.A.MILLION LA.CA V-18 N-1 65-0425M
57 031 There is approximately five hundred million so-called Christians in the world today, and each day ends a generation. And now, what if the rapture would come today and five hundred people, universally, would be taken in the rapture? You would never know or even see in the paper, of them going. And the Coming of the Lord is a secret Coming. He'll come and steal away. It'll be such a minority, till... Just like it was in the days when the disciples asked Jesus, "Why does the Scribes say that--that Elias must first come?"
He said, "He has already come, and you never knew it." Did you ever think what the people did? They went right on believing that Mo... that Elias was coming. And he was right among them, and they didn't know it. So will it be in the Coming of the Son of man! They'll do with Him just the same thing. The Spirit of God is here. Well, what are we going to do with It? Are we going to eat Manna, and so forth, and not continually move up as we grow?
153 057 But It's the whole Word, all the Word, the Word of the hour; what counts. And we'll never do it until God anoints a prophet that can stand and tell It, and confirms It, and prove It that It's right. It'll slip right through the people and they'll never know It, just like it's always been. It'll go right through your hands again, the first thing you know. God will do it, and you'll never even know it's done. See, He just slips right through and gets His Bride and takes her right on, steals her away, right out of the midst of the people.
One of these days you're going to say, "Well, I thought the Church was going, had to do this, that, and the other. I thought there would be a rapture. I thought..."
See, it'll be a secret catching away. If He took one here in Hot Springs, and one somewhere else, and one down there, and one there, will make up literally millions of those that come up out of the ground. And there is at least five hundred people, every day, missed in the world, and we don't even know where they went to. See, the rapture is going to make up of all those who sleep in the dust of the earth, that's right with God.
They'll say, "Well, I thought a rapture was to take place."
"It's already passed, and you knew it not. You are left." See?
"Well, everything is going..." Yes, sir.
It's a secret coming, the rapture is, comes to steal away.
33-1 110 Now, the coming of the Lord is in mystery. …After it's already been completed then He reveals, He shows what He's done.
10 The Translation
109 047 A beautiful type of Rebecca meeting Isaac in the field in the cool of the day. We meet Him in the air; II Thessalonians tells us so: "For we which are alive and remain shall not prevent, or hinder, those which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise first; we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." Perfect! All these types.
Therefore the theophany, if you have died and entered into that theophany, what happens? The theophany comes to the earth to pick up the redeemed body. And if you're here in the air, you take the body to meet the theophany (there you are), and caught up and go to meet the Lord in the air.
387-2 {450} 161 We're begotten of the Holy Spirit that in us is Christ, a son of God being formed in us. And when this earthly body be dissolved, this spiritual body comes from the bowels of the earth, there is another body waiting to receive it. If this earthly tabernacle is dropped, there is another body to receive it. This mortal body puts on immortality. This terrestrial puts on celestial. This... See what I mean? There is a natural body that's sinful; but in it's making just like it is another body that we go to. And I am so grateful to God that I can say as your pastor and brother, I seen those people, so help me, in that body and handled them with my hands. That's right.
You potentially have the Earnest, the waiting. Now, when you get the Dynamics, you have been quickened from mortal to immortality. It makes the whole body come subject to the Word. It'll make you act different, look different, live different; It'll just make you different.
28-2 073 Now, look! [Second side incomplete--Ed.]... been quickened. You who were once dead in sin and trespasses, and darkness has He quickened. What by? His Spirit that raised up Jesus on Easter morning from the dead. And if It dwells in your mortal bodies (now watch!) It also quickens, brings to Life, makes it subject to the Word. Now, how can you claim to have that Spirit and throw yourself away from the Word? You're quickened by something else.
88 039 Then after you recognize the very Word of God was Eagle Food, then you left the other thing. You've then been formed into the living image of the Living God. You heard from your theophany. "If this earthly body be dissolved, we have one waiting."
78 36 Then when a man is borned again from heaven, he becomes a spirit babe in Christ. And then when this robe of flesh is dropped, there is a natural body, theophany--a body not made with hands, neither born of a woman--that we go to.
…That's the reason Jesus knowed all things, 'cause He was Word before He was flesh. Then we become the Word. Here we are formed to the Word image to be a partaker of the Word, feed on the Word, by being predestinated since the beginning.
When this mortal takes on immortality, this--this death is swallowed up in victory, then we shall see Him as He is and have a body like His Own glorious Body. Oh, what a time to come!
67 032 Now, we see the attribute, sons of His Spirit have not yet entered into the Word form body, but--a theophany. This body is subject to the Word and earnest--waiting for the earnest change of the body.
143 083 …He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." We see that taking place right now. What was the next thing? The change of the body. Now, show that this--we are looking for an expected Son. Glory. Is that right? We cannot meet Him in these bodies. If we are changed back to young men and women, still we can't meet Him, because we have to meet Him in the air. There has to be something done besides change us back to young men and women; we've got to be changed and caught up in the air to meet Him. And the next thing coming is the rapture of the church, and the change of the body of the sleeping saints to meet the Lord Jesus in the air.
40-6 086 Birth pains--it's hard to die. But die right now! Die! Come out of your own unbelief! Come out of it! This is the Word of God made manifest, just as It was when Jesus come on the earth; it's Jesus Christ again among you, proven. Abraham received a son immediately (the promised son) after that taken place. And Jesus is coming again! That's His Spirit. He's so close to the earth, so close to coming that He's ready to receive you if you're ready to receive Him.
E-73 073 We which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep, for the trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise. We will be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye and be caught up to together to meet the Lord in the air, and forever be with the Lord, that great Son that's coming.
See Him getting His church ready? What's He doing? He's showing them His last sign. The next thing is what? The rapture, the rapture. The Son appears and we're changed. We can't go to get Him in the air. He's too high for us. But we'll be changed like Abraham, father, was in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and be caught up together to meet Him in the air.
E-74 074 This mortal shall put on immortality. This corruption shall put on incorruption.
1113-Q-362 362. Please explain the mystery of the translation of the Bride.
Just a change (See?),…
Abraham, He was looking for a promised son that was promised him. Is that right? And the church is looking for a promised Son. The Bride (Is that right?), the Bride is looking for the promised Son.
Before the promised son could come to Sarah and Abraham, their bodies had to be changed. Is that right?
…And we cannot receive the promised Son that's promised us today in these bodies that we live in; these bodies are sin.
And we cannot receive the promised Son that's promised us today in these bodies that we live in; these bodies are sin.
1114-247 134 This first conscience controls this body with see, taste, feel, smell, and hear, and it's just got us all scrupled up; we reason and everything else. But that new body, that comes from this borned again (not this first conscience, it'll pass away)... It's that inside something that lives. Everybody understand it say, "Amen." [Congregation replies, "Amen."--Ed.]
It's not this outside see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. It isn't. It's subject to death and will die, but the inside part of you, down in here, inside, that is the person that cannot die. See? And that's the person that the new life starts from, from this new birth; and it builds another person in the image of this person you are, around that life. You get it?
1114-249 135 So potentially it's in here, and what is it? The Word promised before the foundation of the world. And around there, this only reflects the negative; that will reflect the positive, the Word. See?
And the same thing is--or the translation of the Bride will be the same thing. The Word that's in you, the body will materialize around that Word, and the same thing did by Sarah... When that old body that she had, that first body, it had to be changed in order to produce a son. You get it? That body could not do it. This body cannot do it, so it'll have to be changed the same way to receive the Son.
149 066 …sealing them into the Kingdom of God until the Coming and the appearing of the visible body of the Lord Jesus to catch away His Bride.
75 067 Now we find out, the little flock is ready for the Dynamics to move It up into the skies, to escape all this tribulation.
A moment, a twinkling of an eye…
E-22 022 If the Body is correctly wired up, and the Father in heaven turns the big master switch on, something's going to rise up. That's right. That's if the Body is... if the building is properly wired.
And if it's properly taught and every fiber of our body, being lost in Christ and to His Word alone...
ONENESS JEFF.IN V-10 N-2 62-0211
209 110 Here we are in the end time, coming from the east and west, north and south. What are we doing? Getting ready for that rapture, getting ready for--holding ourselves steady for a few minutes till every fiber is filled with the Holy Ghost. Then she'll go up. Oh, my. Calling His people together to Himself in the true oneness with Himself, because it's His one Holy Spirit. "By one Spirit are we all individually baptized into one body, collectively, the Body of Jesus Christ." And Jesus Christ living with His Spirit in our flesh is serving the church and doing the same things He did as a--as a sign, as an ensign to the world, that we're in the last days, getting ready for the rapture.
116 093 The Dynamics of this church will be a refilling of the Holy Spirit, that we have worked in a small measure, while the Headstone is coming down to unite with the Body. But when that Head and Body unites together the full power of the Holy Ghost would raise Her up just exactly like... Even the dead, that's dead in Christ for hundreds of years ago, will rise in the beauty of His Holiness and take a flight through the skies. The Dynamics is the Holy Spirit.
COUNTDOWN BAKF.CA V-22 N-9 64-0209
89 050 Jesus Christ is our great, glorious Astronaut tube that we'll be in, that'll be propelled by the Holy Ghost in power and Fire, when she begins to fly one of these mornings. The Holy Ghost Fire hit the earth like that, and when they do, the Church will be lifted up. And all the nations will stand, they won't need television, they'll see Him. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, as She propels Her way in yonder, into the glorious realms of--of Heaven, to be married to Her Bridegroom.
10-7 021 That when that Light flashes from the sky, and the trumpet sounds, the Body of Christ will be quickly gathered together, and changed in a moment, and taken into the heavens.
E-52 052 He sent them up to Jerusalem. And they went into the upper room and stayed there for ten days and nights, until suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a rushing mighty wind that filled all the house where they were setting. God made a way to anoint His Church and to spread Her across the ages, across the nations, rather.
And today, that same mighty glorious Church is marching on to Zion…
117 065 And Lord, we're waiting on their baptism, just as we are all in the audience here waiting for the resurrection. And someday, Lord, while we're standing together in heavenly places, may there come a sound from heaven; the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first. May we be caught up with Him to meet the Lord in the air and forever be with Him.
E-46 046 He tore the body of Jesus apart, taking the Spirit, lifted up the body to the right hand of the throne of God, and sent down the other part, the part He tore out, the Spirit, upon us, which is called the Holy Spirit. And the very life that was in Christ is in you. That shows He's your Redeemer. He's adopted you unto God. And now we are sons and daughters of God with the Spirit of Christ. "The works that I do shall you do also. Greater than this shall you do; for I go unto My Father." Amen.
E-85 050 Have we forgot who's with us? Who is this, sailing life's solemn main with us? Who is it give the promise? He is the Word. See? It has never been taken from us as yet. I want it so in my heart if they ever take this, I've got it here. See? But the Word is still with us. He is the Word. And the things that the doctor can't remedy, the things that the church world can't remedy, we have the Creator of all things with us.
502-4 {275} 131 When the Lamb leaves that seat of the throne, to--being a Mediator, He becomes down here, and the day of redemption for the church is finished.
1032-Q-306 087 306. After the Bride is raptured will any of the foolish virgin be saved or will they all be lost?
No. See, everything will be finished for the Gentile church when the Bride is taken from the earth. The Spirit of God leaves the earth: "He that's filthy is filthy still; he that's righteous is righteous still; he that's holy is holy still." In other words the sanctuary becomes smokey, where the--the Attorney stands to plead the case. Christ leaves the sanctuary; His day of mediatorial is over. The rapture comes; He leaves from the sanctuary, goes forth and takes the Book of Redemption, and claims everything He redeemed. There's no more mediatorial work.
513-1 {336} 34. After the rapture has been taken place, will any of the church be saved in the end who was not taken in the rapture?
No. Huh-uh, 'cause the Blood's done left. You see, there'll be no intercessions; the Gentile age is finished. There'll be no one saved after the rapture, none of the church. Huh-uh. The church... "Let him that's filthy be filthy still, him that's holy be holy still." See? That won't take place, not after the Church is gone.
342-307 040 And someday this Holy Spirit, that's in the Church, will scream, and will lift up, and will receive itself into this body form that's setting at the right hand of the Majesty of God, to make intercessions for we sinners…
15-1 034 That's the reason I do believe that when that Bride is called out and elected and set in the Book of Life, there'll come a sound from heaven that'll take such a baptism of the Holy Spirit in--to that Bride that'll take Her from the earth, in a rapturing grace. God promised it. …There is a heaven, and there's a literal Jesus Christ there that'll come in a body form to receive His church and His Bride! No matter how old the story seems, it's still the Truth; God said so. That's--that's what believers believe.
RAPTURE.THE YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 65-1204
178 135 I thought, "Oh, my God, one day there'll come a blast from heaven, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Them Old Testament saints back yonder who are waiting a blast forth and come out of there first and go into the resurrection; we'll drop right in line and going to the skies, these old mortal bodies changed and made like unto His own glorious body.
What a--what a parade that'll be when it starts heavenward some of these days in that rapturing time that lays ahead, oh, proudly displaying the Blood of Jesus Christ upon their chests, the Message of God in the hour that they lived in. That's the hour that we're looking forward to, brother.
206 124 Dear God, in this solemn moment, it's going to be a time like this when there really will be a clap of thunder someday, and the Son of God shall descend from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and the trump of God, the dead in Christ shall rise. And each one of us knows, and are aware tonight, Father, that we're going to have to answer for every word we give, and every word we say.
290 120 …someday there will be a rapture and we'll see the manifestation of that Word, "For the Son of man shall come in the clouds of glory with His holy Angels with Him, and we'll be caught up to meet Him in the air." It will then be... We hear of it now; then we'll see it with our own eyes.
How will the Rapture Be?
"As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of Lot."
Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of Lot." Remember, before any rain fell, Noah was in the ark, See?
Noah was in the ark, He was carried over through the... And now, Noah was a type of the Jews, but Enoch went home without dying. And when Noah seen Enoch go, he knowed it was time to start on that ark. That's right. That was Noah's sign, when Enoch went home. And as soon as the Gentile church is taken away, then He makes Hisself known to Israel. See? That's right.
399 165 Remember, in the days of Lot, as Jesus said, before one speck of fire ever hit the earth, that Angel said, "Hasten. Hurry. Get out of here, for I can't do nothing until thou has come hence." Before any fire hit, Lot and his family was out and gone. So the rapture will come before the tribulation sets in.
The tribulation, many people get that mixed up; we'll get it straightened this week, the Lord willing, by the help of the Lord.
Remember, you're looking for a great tribulation period, that was, if you'll type that in the Bible, that was Jacob's trouble days (You see?), when he was troubled. That had nothing to do with the Gentiles; the Gentile has nothing to do with it. No type in the Bible for that. The Gentile church is raptured.
E-68 068 What's the next thing after this sign goes away? God's going to condition Abraham's children, getting ready to receive the promised son. How are we going to receive Him? We can't receive Him in these bodies. We're going to meet Him in the air. Praise God forever! The trumpet shall sound. The dead in Christ shall rise and we'll go to meet Him in the air. What's He doing? The last sign before the transfiguration, the last sign before the rapture. For most any time the atomic bomb's going to destroy the world. Before it screams into the tapes, "Jesus is coming," "We which are alive and remain shall not prevent or hinder those that are asleep dead--for the trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise. We which are alive shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. An old man will be young. An old woman will be young again. And we'll be conditioned to meet the promised coming Son. Oh, Hallelujah. We'll not change God's order.
Did you notice back yonder where the rains fell on the other time? Where did it fall? Noah was in the ark before the judgment struck. Sodom: Lot was out of Sodom before it ever taken place. See? That's... Sure, we're--we ain't going through no tribulation period; we're going in a rapture one of these days. Certainly. What do we... Why do you have to be judged? He stood my tribulation: Jesus Christ. There's where my tribulation taken place right there, yeah. I accepted Him, and free... "When I see the blood I'll pass over you." That's right. Moses was safe--safely protected with Israel while the tribulation fell. That's right.
Church of the living God... God be merciful. Don't you want to break away from these old sound barriers here and be ready to meet Him? If there is people who isn't ready to meet Him, and you know if the trumpet would sound that you'd still be earthbound here, to go through that great, horrible tribulation, like those who was turned out of the ark: they perished in the water. Children, teen-agers: they was without mercy. They all drowned and their dead carcasses floated on the water and the crows and buzzards eat them. Them that was in the ark was safe. The days of Noah, everything that was sinful, destroyed. In the days of Sodom, everything in Sodom burned. Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt: miserably degraded. But none of those things touched Noah. None of them touched Abraham. Neither will these touch the seed of Abraham.
47 020 Across the nation, will come, those who are dead in Christ will rise first. The rapture will take place, the Church will be taken Home. And then the Tribulation will set in, and, oh, my, we don't want to be here during that time. I don't want to be here in the Tribulation. No. God forbid that any of us would ever be here during that time. Because "He that's filthy is filthy still; he that's holy is holy still; he that's righteous is righteous still." There is no... The Lamb had come forth with His Book of Redemption, and the Bride has been taken out those who turned it down has to go through a Tribulation period, both Jew and Gentile. What a time of Tribulation! I don't want that.
Think what it would be if they'd ever go to throwing those atomic missiles. The old earth would rock out into space, and time should be no more.
But we're taught in the blessed Word, before this ever happens the church is going home to be with her Lord. Oh, how Noah got in the ark before the rain fell, Lot was called out of Sodom before the fire fell. Lord, we believe the church will be caught up out of the earth before the great destruction comes. We're so happy to know that we're nearing that time.
And, Father, as we look this morning and know that it could happen before night, this nation, or world, could be blowed to bits. Some little nation or some fanatic let one of those missiles loose--and they're all aimed at one another--here it would go. But before it happens, God, the rapture, the trumpet will sound and we'll be summoned into the skies to meet our Lord.
No matter what comes or goes, let them blow it up Sunday night if they want to. If they want to, the bomb will not be through cracking, till we will be in glory with Him in the millennium. There's nothing can harm us. Hallelujah!
104 044 Oh, how comfortable it is to see the oncoming judgments, and feel that comfort feeling of the Holy Spirit. Hear them talk of atomic bombs, and just think what's happened, a peace that passes understanding. Why, the bomb won't no more go out of the gun until we'll be in the Presence of Jesus with Eternal Life; we old people, back young again; the babies, up to an age with no more death or sorrow. Oh, what a wonderful thing.
70-2 239 Just a little while and we'll be summoned; then the rapture will come. Just a little bitty group like Enoch will be taken up. Then the remnant of the woman's seed that keep the commandments of God (Jews), have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Gentiles), will be hunted down like dogs and shall give their life for their testimony. Then one great morning, the break of the millennium for the--the honeymoon will start.
42-2 218 And in Isaiah 27:12 and 13 is where He sounds that trumpet and all of the nations will recognize Israel's in her homeland, God with her. Then the Bride will come to be with the Bridegroom, and the Bridegroom with the Bride (and then the great Millennium, after the whole world is destroyed by atomic power; and there'll be a New Heavens and New Earth) shall live forever.
E-19 019 And I believe the trumpet of God shall sound one of these mornings; the dead in Christ shall lie--rise. We which are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. And then the great punishment for the wicked will begin on the earth.
“I only see one thing left…”
28 016 I only see one thing left, the coming of the Lord Jesus, at any time, a rapture for the Church, and we're to meet Him in the air. Now these things has got to come to pass in this day, just as He promised that He would do it.
42-1 125 Can't you see, Spirit-filled people, something's fixing to happen? Don't look for some great big universal something sweeping, nothing but the coming of the Lord Jesus. Remember, just remember the words and promise of the Lord. Won't you come on in right quick? Get away from them big walls. The resurrection is near at hand now.
42-3 126 If there's somebody here that don't know that they'd go in that resurrection, and not sure that they've got that resurrection power resting in them... Though the skin worms destroy it, though an atomic bomb burst right in the middle of you, it'll never destroy that quickening resurrection power. No, no, sister, brother, your precious name is put on the Lamb's Book of Life up yonder. No man can rub it out.
E-24 024 Jesus said, "When the Son of man is revealed from heaven." Let me close by saying this: that the Son of man is now being revealed from heaven.
"Will it come after while, Brother Branham?"
It is now. And I hope I won't have to make this so personal of this own meeting, but that your spirit within you that's give you by God, can read what I'm talking about.
The Son of man has already come from glory and is revealing Himself for the past few years to His Church in mercy, showing them His great Presence, doing the same things that He did when He was here on earth, revealing Himself like He did to Abraham. Before the destruction, He has come now in mercy, revealing Himself to the Church. It's being laughed at and scoffed at. The next time He reveals Hisself, it'll be in judgment on the world and the nations that's forgot God and sinned their way of grace--their day of grace, rather, away.
46-3 131 Get ready. The fire's going to fall one of these days. God's going to let Him come, in a sight to behold. Would you be ready when He comes? Would you be ready to go up with Him when He comes? The secret rapture of the supernatural Bride... She'll be made from mortal to immortality; be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. We which are alive and remain shall not prevent them which are asleep.
92 068 Micaiah said to him (not right out to his face, but in other words), "You're anointed with a lying spirit." Wouldn't that be something to tell a bishop? But he done it.
And so this bishop walked up and said, "You'll never have fellowship no more," and smacked him in the face; said, "You know that I'm a vindicated man. My church made me the head of it, this thing. The popular vote of God's people made me this. My organization made me this. And God gave us this land, and He intends for it to belong to us. And I have THUS SAITH THE LORD." Smacked him and said, "Which way did the Spirit of God go when It left me?"
Micaiah said, "You'll find out one of these days when California's beneath the sea out yonder," and a lot of these same things. See? "You'll see which a-way It went when you're setting in the inner prisons."
33-1 110 Now, the coming of the Lord is in mystery. We don't know when He's coming, how He's coming, but we know He's coming, See? And so was all the mysteries of God waiting for this last day. After it's already been completed then He reveals, He shows what He's done.
58-5 189 And these men resisted it as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses: Able to produce a church and produce a group of people just as... But their folly will be made manifest when Jesus takes His Bride and sets Her up here and says, "This is Her," and away He goes with Her. That's right. Their folly will be made known.
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89 050 Jesus Christ is our great, glorious Astronaut tube that we'll be in, that'll be propelled by the Holy Ghost in power and Fire, when she begins to fly one of these mornings. The Holy Ghost Fire hit the earth like that, and when they do, the Church will be lifted up. And all the nations will stand, they won't need television, they'll see Him. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, as She propels Her way in yonder, into the glorious realms of--of Heaven, to be married to Her Bridegroom. God help us to live for that day!
E-37 037 And now, tonight here in this great mammoth city where the wealth of the world almost lays, towering buildings like great canyons, as you walk through the streets. But someday, up through the we'll see the Son of God walk up there and say, "Time shall be no more." Then the earthquake, and there won't be one stone left upon another. Oh, to think, Lord, that we'll go home, then it's all over, that glorious event.
35-3 085 That's solemn warning. We don't know what time. And you don't know what time that this city one day is going to be laying out here in the bottom of this ocean. …remember, one day you'll be laying in the bottom of this sea. You're great honeycomb under you right now. The wrath of God is belching right beneath you. How much longer He'll hold this sandbar hanging over that, when that ocean out yonder a mile deep will slide in there plumb back to the Salton Sea. It'll be worse than the last day of Pompeii. Repent, Los Angeles. Repent the rest of you and turn to God. The hour of His wrath is upon the earth. Flee while there's time to flee and come into Christ."
566-5 {320} 105 We're at the end, friend. Soon it shall be time run out. Millions will lose their lives. Millions will be--that now believe that they are saved will be counted fodder for the atomic age.
E-100 100 And let me say this tonight, the very God that America claims they believe in will be the very God that will sink her beneath the sea. She'll burn like a eternal fire.
151 080 Why, you perverted generation of snakes, what's the matter with you anyhow? My God will judge this nation someday with fire. He'll sink it beneath the ocean. The hour of His judgment is at hand.
There's a homecoming time pretty soon, for the church of the living God, who's been waiting His coming. Everything's in order. I'm so glad. I'm getting so tired. Oh, for that great hour. And to think that we've had a part in this junction time. Remember, "So shall it be in the coming of the Son of man, when the Son of man is being revealed from heaven." Now, remember, before the rain fell, Noah was in the ark. Before the fire fell, Lot was out of Sodom, for the Angel said, "I can't do nothing until you come hither. I've got to lever in my hand to pull and make the fires fall from heaven." And I think that's exactly: the Angel of destruction is holding the hand of Russia, with the atomic bombs, until the church comes together as one great body of Christ. "I can't do nothing till you come hither." Oh, if that isn't a blessed assurance. And if we see everything set in order, the going home of the church is in order. Here's the Angel of God with the same message, performing the same signs, the same wonders; everything's set in order.
11 “Divine judgment, and it's coming…”
181 079 There is a coming blessing just as the same as there is a coming wrath. Oh, we have to be looking for one of it tonight. You have to either be looking for the wrath to fall upon you and for destruction, or either you have to be looking for the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
E-40 040 Right at any hour that God would permit, when that final person is saved, when the completeness of the body of Jesus has been completed, Russia could send over a hundred or two hundred missiles; in ten minutes time there wouldn't be a living thing left on this continent.
E-39 039 God's warning as it was in the days of Noah, getting the people ready. Something's about to happen. The atomic power and things are about ready to burst in upon us. Millions will die in a split second. But oh, my, God getting His Church ready for the rapture, the coming of the Son of God.
Notice. Then before God sends something to the earth, He always sends His message.
E-29 029 When God sends a gift to the people and they recognize it, it's always a golden age. But when they refuse it, there's nothing left but a chaos for that generation. Now, listen closely. If God had sent the Holy Spirit in this age for a sign, and we reject It, there's nothing left but a destruction. But if we refuse it, we'll sure to be blowed off the earth. The atomic bombs are hanging ready now, each one afraid to pull the trigger.
But someday, they'll have too much vodka and press the trigger. And when that--that bomb passes through that radar, sound... When it goes through there, there'll be others go the other way. And you know what will take place? The world can't stand it. And the Gospel's been preached, and Christ is being made manifested to the people, just before the rapture of the taking away of the Church. Before that can happen, the Church will be gone.
722-173 069 In otherwise, the righteous, in returning with Christ to the earth, shall tread upon the ashes. When you see these people, haughty, arrogant, despisable, snoopy, and yet claiming to be Christians, they're nothing but ashes. That's all. That's what the Scripture says.
45-7 130 Brother, let's get all things ready, for one of these days, the fire's going to fall. We're going up. Now, let's get ready for the fire-falling time.
We're in the last days. We all know that. And we're ready for the coming of the Lord. The thing to do is separate yourself from all sin. Separate yourself from anything that pertains to the world. Don't love the world or the things of the world. Let no man, by his creed, deceive you. You stay right straight in the promise of God, the Word of God; and that Word, if It's the Word, for this age, God vindicates It so. If He doesn't, it's not the Word for this day.
26-7 But now the end of the Gentile dispensation is here, and Russia (the Communists) has a bomb pointed right towards it to end it too. Don't worry, it's coming. The Bible said so. It'll be here with your name wrote on it. It'll go into powder in one second's time, the whole nation. It'll be completely annihilation.
And there's only one thing left; that's Divine judgment, and it's coming. And Russia's down there setting there waiting for you.
E-53 053 Brother, to realize that a hundred and fifty million people could die in one hour and that could be before daylight breaks in the morning. This whole nation could become annihilated. And what do you think will take place? …
If ten thousand planes loaded with atomic bombs, if each one would drop an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb on this nation, the whole world would shake plumb from its orbit. What would that do? Fulfill every word God said would come to pass.
the earth will straighten up…
And the earth does not set straight up; it sets tilted. That shook it out from where the moon and stars, where they was looking at, and misplaced then, or--or you could not keep time by it anymore, because it's setting lopsided--setting tilted back. Therefore, it would not hit them stars at the same time, because it's--it's out of cater to them stars. You understand? I believe that's what it is.
67 036 It's laying back in that condition. And that only shows that this is just a period of time, Can't you see? God don't have things out of cater. He's just letting it run like that for a little time.
86 047 When God had the antediluvian world and destroyed it by water, He changed the astronomy date and then let the Romans come in and make up their calendar, which it hits, and jumps, and so forth.
74 049 Now, we also find that--that His first coming wasn't at the day of the Lord. Is that right? Now, back to Malachi, let's straighten this out first, "Coming at the day of the Lord." Now, watch His compound coming, His one coming and His second. Have you got your spiritual thinking ready? 6th verse now, "He shall..."
He will send Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the LORD:... (Is that right?) Now, we realize that that wasn't John, 'cause it wasn't the dreadful day of the Lord, was it? And neither did He burn the earth. So it must've meant a preview, or--or another future coming of John--or of--of Elijah. Is that right? 'Cause He said, "I'll send Elijah, and I'm going to burn the whole earth, and I'm going to just clean it off, and you'll walk out upon their ashes." That's the millennium; we know that. After the atomic bomb shall blow it to pieces, then there'll be--the earth will straighten up. And there'll be a great day here on the earth, and the church will reign with Jesus on the earth for a thousand years. Is that right? "But before that great and dreadful day of the Lord, when it's going to be blowed up, I'll send to you Elijah the prophet." Is that right? So it did not mean John the Baptist in that state, because the dreadful day of the Lord wasn't then: two thousand years off. Is that right?
69 037 …because the world's tilted. We all know that from study in school, and it's out of cater. Now, let's take Revelations where we're going to have to go over here in the days of the two prophets. The Bible said they prophesied one thousand two hundred and threescore days. Now, you take the astronomy calendar, it would sure miss it a long ways from being three and one-half years. And you take the Roman calendar that we have today, it would miss it a long ways. But you take the prophetic calendar, and there's exactly one thousand two hundred and threescore days in thirty days to the month. See?
83 045 …in Revelation the 11th chapter and the 3rd verse. Them prophets will prophesy one thousand two hundred and three-score days, which is in the midst of the last week of the Jews. Then they're cut off and the Armageddon sets in. Then if that be so, there it is again exactly thirty days in a month. See? Then it's a--it's not no thirty-one days and twenty-eight days and so forth--it's exactly thirty days in a month each time.
Tribulation …the great and dreadful day of the LORD
The day of the Lord is when the judgments fall, and after that comes the millennium. Right now the world does what it wants to do with the Christian. They call him all manner of evil names, making fun of him. But there is coming that great and notable day when they will wail and howl, for the Lamb is coming in wrath to judge the world. That is when the righteous will have their day with the Lord, for the wicked shall burn and the righteous will walk over their ashes into the millennium. Malachi 4:3, "And ye shall tread down the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts."
(Now listen, close now.) Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of that great and dreadful day of the LORD:
243 145 Now, that could not have been John. It could not, because the world would've been destroyed then. But here He said in Matthew 3, He sends a messenger before Him. And Jesus said, "That's the Elijah that was to come to prepare the way before Me. But before this great atomic bomb hits, I'll send to you Elijah the prophet."
Where's the wicked going to be after the tribulation? Ashes…
Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of that great and dreadful day of the Lord:
151-1 {229} …And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
There you are. That's the Word of the Lord. He's promised it. It must come.
151-2 {230} 105 And now, if you'll notice how this happens, it's beautiful how God does it. The Bride goes forth and the--with the Groom; and--and then after that the wicked is burned with unquenchable fire.
172 083 Remember, Sodom burned. Is that right? Well, this world is to burn. Jesus said so. And it'll be the time that--like Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse said: In the days it'll be like Sodom and Gomorrah, then the Son of man will be revealed. And then what would happen? According to Malachi, He will burn the earth again, and the righteous in the Millennium will walk out upon the ashes of the wicked. Is that right? See? So we're right at the end time. We're setting here at the door now waiting for Him to come.
E-45 045 It's going to be awful on that morning, all the screams and cries that you ever hear, rich man throwing their money on the streets, rainbows flickering in the skies, lighting a flashing, thunders a roaring, the moon turning into blood and dripping out like drops--dark blood falling, the sun refusing to shine, the rocks a roaring, atoms exploding everywhere, fire falling...Huh-uh. I don't want no trouble then. I want to be sure of it. I want to make sure right now, 'cause you know, this might be the last hour that I be here, you, either one. It's all over then. The way the tree leans, that's the way it falls.
154 084 When the moon and stars is gone, and the earth has weeped itself into the mountains, and the deserts and everything has--has--is no more, and the world is a-toddling like a drunk man coming home at night, and the stars refuse to shine and fall from the heavens, and the moon turns into blood, and the--the sun blushes and hides its face, when they see the Son of man coming, you'll shine in the righteousness of Jesus Christ to come forth from the grave as a young, beautiful woman to take your mate, and live forever and forever and forever; and all eternal ages you'll still be living. That's what the Holy Ghost is for.
408-4 {121} 041 We find out now, John said, "I beheld when He had opened the Sixth Seal, there was a great earthquake." Then all nature was interrupted. See? God's been doing great things, like healing the sick, and open the eyes of the blind, and doing great works, but we find out here that nature took a tumble. Yes, all nature...
Look what taken place, the--the earth quaked; the sun went black; and the moon wouldn't give its light; and the stars shook and fell; and, why, everything happened (See?) right at the time of the opening of this Sixth Seal. That's when it takes place, right immediately after the announcing of those martyrs. See? The martyrs had been finished.
409-1 {124} 042 Now, you see, we're right close into that hour now. It could be at any time (See?), because the Church is just about ready to take its flight. But remember, when these things happen, the Bride won't be here. Just remember, the Bride's gone.
E-50 050 There's no place where the church ever goes through the tribulation period. Christ's Blood in the fullness of the application of the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses all sin. And why do we have to be purged? We are purged daily. No tribulation..
Listen. Listen what Jesus said in Saint John 5:24, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Everlasting Life, and shall not come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." Amen.
74 066 This is not popular. It makes you unpopular, but it's the Truth! It's God's command for it to be done, and God will do it. God bless you. Don't mean to scold you, but to warn you. It's better to be scorched than burned, at any time, so take warning. The Holy Spirit speaks in this last days.
75 067 All is written in the Book will escape it. Now we find out, the little flock is ready for the Dynamics to move It up into the skies, to escape all this tribulation.
76 068 Someone said, the other day when I was talking, said, "Brother Branham, you don't believe then the church will go through the tribulation?"
I said, "I believe the church will, but not the Bride." The church will go through the tribulation, yes, sir, but the Bride is free from it. She'll go in the rapture, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. She'll be caught up to meet her Lord in the air, for the Wedding Supper. She has nothing to go through any tribulation about; her Lord has paid her price. We're so thankful for that. Yes, sir.
1160-Q-392 046 392. Question:The church age ending and has blacked out, the Bride is called, we have already entered into the tribulation period?
No, no, no, you're... I wished that I could just have more time on that. See, see? The Bride, when she's taken from the church, then the church age will cease. Laodicea goes into chaos; the Bride goes to glory; and the tribulation period sets in upon the sleeping virgin for three and a half years while Israel is getting its prophecy; then tribulation sets in upon Israel; and then comes the battle of Armageddon which destroys all things.
And then, the Bride returns back with the Groom for a thousand years, the millennium reign; after that comes the white throne judgment; after that comes the new heavens and new earth and the new city coming down from God out of heaven. Eternity and time blends together.
399 165 Remember, in the days of Lot, as Jesus said, before one speck of fire ever hit the earth, that Angel said, "Hasten. Hurry. Get out of here, for I can't do nothing until thou has come hence." Before any fire hit, Lot and his family was out and gone. So the rapture will come before the tribulation sets in.
1165-Q-404 061 404. When the millennium starts, how will the unbelievers be taken off of the earth?
The unbelievers will go down in the tribulation period with the sleeping virgin, and all those others (unbelievers, and sleeping virgin), and the remnant of Israel that's to be taken out.
88 088 Now it's the same thing today. We're at the end time. Now, those people ought to have known. See? Now, you noticed, Noah was a type of the Jews that'll be carried over through the Tribulation. Enoch was a type of the--of the real Message, of the translation of the Church, for Enoch was taken up and then the flood came. And both of them... The first prophet, Enoch, was taken out of the way so Noah could go on with his--with his... God could go on with Noah. And now the Church will be taken away so that God can deal again with the Jews, the remnant of the Jews, the hundred and forty-four thousand, as we've been through it in the Scriptures here.
954-155 084 "What about the people that believe in the Lord now and don't--and not the way you preach?"
They don't have to believe this. They don't have to believe the way I preach it. See? Don't have to believe that. "... for the last day Message. Will they be saved?" Yes, if they believe the Lord. See? And if they--if they disagree and say, "I don't believe He's the Word. I don't believe that this is right. I don't believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost," that shows where they're headed for, the tribulation period. But those who can accept the Word in Its fullness, not me preaching It, because It's the Bible says so. Those who accept that is free, because they--the Word's already been judged.
12 The Millennium
21-4 112 That's when the Millennium starts, the Great Trumpet.
113 089 That's Him among us, His Word being identified. Shalom. The great day is fixing to break, when the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair, when His chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the sky. When the roll is called up yonder, I will be there. Our names are on His Book, we will be there. "Shalom. Good morning. Peace be unto you."
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203 095 Now, He promised to send Christ the Second time. And whenever He does, when Christ comes the Second time, there will be an Eternal shalom.
21-4 112 Now notice, the trumpet is to call together the people--assemble themselves together for something. Sometime it announced a important person like in Joseph. They sounded the trumpet and Joseph was appearing, which was a--a symbol of the Great Trumpet (that we speak of and get to after while) in Isaiah that says when that Great Trumpet sounds and the ensign will be lifted up out there, then there'll come a time when the Great Trumpet will be sounded; and all the nations will gather to Jerusalem.
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270 176 We see the atomic bombs hanging out yonder, everywhere, and the great missiles can carry total destruction in an hour. We see the gases hanging above us there, that would rain the fires down, out of the heaven, and destroy the earth. But we see Jesus, also, Who made the promise! And as was said, "This same Jesus, that was taken up from you, will come again in like manner as you've seen Him go into heaven." We are watching for that glad Day to come.
I certainly would have loved to have been here during the time of His visit to the earth, but still I think this right now, is a greater time, because it's a time that He's coming to take the people that He's redeemed, nearing the resurrection when all the redeemed will come forth. What a glorious opportunity we have to speak to a dying people: great time.
7-1 018 We are enthused about it. And we know that history is closing out. The world's history will soon be over.
Then we're going to step into a new day, to the great Millennium. That as one believer, I believe in the--in a Millennium, a Millennium reign with Christ, a thousand years upon the earth; the physical return of the Lord Jesus to take a physical people, glorified by His cleansing Blood.
148 105 The Bible predicts that there would come a time right at the closing time, that the sun would come out, and there would be an evening Light. We all know that, don't we? We--we're we who are familiar with our message today from the Lord Jesus, we believe that there'll be a evening Light. And this evening Light... Of course, the great Light will come when Jesus Himself will be manifested here on earth, or up in the heavens, taking away His Bride, and then the millennium will set in.
But in Revelations 12:7-9, Satan the spirit, the devil, which is up there now, accuser of our brethren, all right; the Church is taken up, and Satan is cast out. When the Church goes up, Satan comes down. Then Satan incarnates himself in the antichrist and is called the beast.
And at the same time that this devil falls out of heaven and becomes incarnate in a man, the Holy Spirit goes up and comes down incarnate Man. Amen. Oh, my. What a time.
1093-Q-340 083 340. Does the millennium have to do with the one thousand years? Could it not be a generation?
No. A generation allotted in the Bible is forty years. But the Bible said, "And they lived and reign with Christ one thousand years." It will be one thousand years upon the earth, 'cause one thousand years upon the earth is only counted a time, for parable like to God, as one day. One thousand years upon on the earth is only one day with God, as God counting time. How many understands that now?
So it's that Sabbath day when the church will no more labor against sin. And Satan is bound for a little season, a thousand years, 'cause his subjects is all in hell, and his... The church that's on earth is redeemed and right in the Presence of Christ, so he has nothing he can work on. So it's not a chain, as I said, a log chain; it's a chain of circumstance; he has nothing he can do. He's helpless and hopeless, just waiting for the resurrection of the subjects; then they're separated as the sheep from the goats.
1092-Q-339 079 339. Now, if time ceases when the Seals were opened, then--is... If time ceased (pardon me) when the Seals were opened, then the millennium is also--then the millennium is also finished, is it not?
No, no. Time didn't cease when the Seals were opened. Misunderstood it. What happened, the mysteries was revealed, not time ceased. See? Just look. Watch real close now, and will--play your tape if you got it from a tape. See?
1092-142 080 Time never ceased until the... This must be a post-millennialist or something that asked the question. Because see? We got a thousand years after the church has gone home and comes back upon the earth. Then time ceases in the new heavens and new earth.
Now, the millennium is not the new heavens and new earth. There will still be sin after the millennium. The millennium is a type of Noah going in the ark, and carried over, and brought Ham and them on the other side. And sin even come out of the ark. See?
But Enoch, the translated one, was a type of the Bride that went up, not the one that was carried over. So sin will still be on the other side of the millennium, but not during the millennium. See? During the millennium is peace. See? But sin will be dealt with the other side of the millennium, and then time fades out. And now, the opening of the Seven Seals that was given by the Holy Spirit, the Seven Seals only was to make known what had been left off in the dispensations behind us.
1045-233 117 The church, the lukewarm, the anything outside of the elected Bride will go through the tribulation period. They will not raise in the first resurrection: "The rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years," just the foreordained, predestinated, elected Bride, God's own elections. "Who is it, Brother Branham?" I don't know? I can't tell you who it is, but I know it's going to be there, 'cause the Lord said they would. See? They are the ones that'll go up from the tribulation, but the rest of them will go through the tribulation, go down, and everything will be killed before the millennium. Then the--the righteous shall come out in the millennium and live a thousand years.
And after the thousand years, then the great white throne judgment comes, and then the dead, both right and wrong is raised. And the books are opened, and the Book of Life was open; and the saints, the Wife and the Husband, set and judge the world. And there it comes to pass the saying: "And He'll judge all nations with a rod of iron." All nations shall stand before Him there, and He'll judge them with the rod of iron. He'll separate the sheep from the goats and say to the goats, "Depart," and the sheeps, "Come, ye blessed of My Father."
1045-235 118 Now then, there will be a camp meeting of the saints upon the breadth of the earth. And Satan is loosed out of his prison and goes to make war again with the saints, just exactly what he done in glory to begin with. And then God rains fire and brimstone out of the heavens, and the whole earth is removed like... It just burn up and destroyed. And there's no more sea, no more water, no more nothing left on the earth. Volcanic will spray and burst and blow, and the whole thing...
"And I saw a new heavens and a new earth: for the first heavens and the first earth was passed away; and there was no more sea. I, John, saw the holy city descending from God out of heaven as a Bride adored for her husband." Remember it? And in this Bride... "Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men," and God shall dwell with them upon this pyramid-shaped city fifteen hundred square miles. And in the top of the city there'll be a Light. Amen.
1111-226 125 Will the church who died during the tribulation period (See?) be in the resurrection?
(answer) The second resurrection, second resurrection.
Will they also wait until the resurrection of the ungodly?
(answer) The just and the unjust will be raised at the same time.
Will they live again during the millennium?
(answer) No. And the rest of the dead live not for the end of the thousand years.
Author’s comments:
Another carnal interpretation is that of the resurrection and the rapture being past, literally. Let’s clarify this revelation: Yes, it is past for the believer, who has accepted this message and has been transformed by the renewing of their minds, raptured up, caught up into heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Secure in Him, waiting for the appointed time,(which has not occurred yet). The completion of the resurrection is a literal, physical, return of the corporal body of Christ in the heavens, and a literal, physical, resurrection of the dead saints, and a literal, physical translation of the living bride into those eternal, glorified bodies that He has prepared for us to partake with Him at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
This will correspond with a literal, physical return of Moses and Elijah, who will minister to the 144,000 Jews, a literal, physical earthquake, and pouring out of the judgments of God beginning with a literal, physical atomic annihilation of the US and Canada. At this time Satan and his angels will be literally, physically incarnated in human flesh, as the tribulation commences for those left on earth. Remember, you can not isolate any one of these events and say it has happened. Each one hinges upon another, then another, and another.
13 The Ministry of Moses and Elijah
1093-147 082 Now, the next thing left is the translation of the church, the return of Moses and Elijah, the millennium reign upon the earth with the Bride and Groom for a thousand years, and then the judgment bar, and then a total annihilation of sin. It'll never be no more at that time.
616-Q-145 047 145. Yes, "the abomination that maketh desolation," Jesus, in Matthew 24, spoke of it. The abomination (means filthiness) that maketh desolation, the abomination was the Moslem--Mosque of Omar that was built on the temple grounds where the holy place stood.
616-109 048 In A.D. 96, Titus came in and captured Jerusalem and burnt the temple, and they built the Mosque of Omar (the Mohammedan religion) right on the temple grounds, and still stands there to this day. And it will stand there until God returns to the Jews again. "And the abomination (that is the Mosque of Omar) that maketh desolation of the holy place," standing in the holy place...
The Gentiles would be in possession there, until the Gentile dispensation would be finished."
324-716 061 Now, there's yet three and a half years promised. If you notice, these witnesses of Revelations 11 prophesy a thousand, two hundred and three score days, exactly three and a half years. Now... And they were in sackcloth. Now, watch their ministry, what they are. Now, these two witnesses are killed.
Now, the... They returned to the Jews after the rapture of the Gentile church. The Gentile church goes home for the wedding supper, and as Rebekah was taken into Abraham's place with Isaac and there was married...
And Rebekah and Isaac come out with full possession of everything that Abraham had; it all went to Isaac. Absolutely. And it could not come to Isaac until first Isaac was married. Oh, hallelujah. There you are.
48-224 086 Then when the church is taken up, Moses and Elijah appears in Revelations 11, and preaches Jesus Christ to them.
158 108 And remember, the very minute that the Jews receive Christ, the Gentile Church is gone. Then the Gentiles has the plagues poured out upon them--the tribulation.
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And the Prince would be cut off in the midst; that's three and a half, the half of seven is three and a half, would be cut off. And the daily sacrifice would be done away with; and the abomination that maketh desolation, which the Moslem of Omar stood on the temple grounds today... when they burnt the temple... And then there is three and a half years yet left to the Israel.
218 124 And Christ came and preached and prophesied just exactly three and a half years, and the daily sacrifice was taken away, everything just as perfect as it could be. And the Moslem of Omar was built on the same grounds and stands there to this day. And they'll tread down the walls of Jerusalem until the Gentile dispensation will be finished, the church is taken up (the Elect, the Bride) out of there.
And the two prophets, Elijah and Moses, turns to Israel for them other … three and a half years. It's the most beautiful thing when you see it brought out...
419-2 {190} 070 This Sixth Seal is the tribulation period. That's what takes place. The Bride has gone. See? There's no living creature, nothing there to say it. It's just... Now, God is not dealing with the Church no more. It's been gone. He's dealing with Israel. See, see? This is the other side. This is when Israel receives the message of the Kingdom by the two prophets of Revelations 11.
Israel still had seventy weeks left, and in the midst of the seventy week the Messiah would be cut off, and the daily sacrifice taken away (Is that right?), but there was still three and a half weeks determined. In this block He takes the Gentile Bride. Now, she goes up, and when she goes up, two prophets arrive to Israel. See?
44-4 231 God changed her body and turned them back. It's a mystery that's to be revealed now in this day by the Son of man (see?), the evening Message. See? Turned back... And that was the last sign they seen was what? That discernment before the change of the body come. And before we can ever receive the Son, what happened? "The trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in Christ shall rise first (the new body); and we which are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment in the twinkle of an eye (Hallelujah.); and shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air." The secret has been made known; the Seals are opened; the trumpet sounded for Israel; their two prophets is ready to appear. What is it? The Church must get off the scene right now so they can appear. He can't deal with two at the same time; He never did. See?
44-5 232 The Bride must step out of the way to go up now, so the two servants, the two servants of God, in Revelations, the two prophets, can appear upon the scene to sound the Seventh Trumpet to them, make known to them the Christ.
1091-Q-336 076 336. Moses and--and Elijah on earth now? Are Moses and Elijah on earth now? Are they in America?
No. See? No, they're not here; they won't be until the church is taken away, then Moses and Elijah..
40-1 133 Listen, there'll be none of that new earth ever mounted up to a little yellow sod bank for a grave: be none of them there. Man and God has come together. Bride and Bridegroom, heavens and earth has embraced each other. God has come down to dwell among men; His tabernacle's with them. There could be no more sin, no more sorrow. Never will there ever be a tear drop off of a mother's cheek over her baby. Amen. It won't be on that new ground. No, it's redeemed. It belongs to Him and for His, that was redeemed out of it.
40-2 134 See, and look, you are part of that ground. Is that right? And when He redeems you, He redeemed the earth with the same thing, and you are together again. Oh, how much plainer can it be. See? You have to be redeemed, 'cause you're part of it. And if the Blood didn't drop on you, you ain't redeemed yet, you're not called. Then He cleanses it; that's the same thing He does in the fire. Even the Blood dropped; it's yet got to be cleansed by fire (That's right.) for a dwelling place for God. God already took up His abode. Potentially the Kingdom of God is in the earth now in the hearts of His saints. It's His attributes that He begin in the beginning. Now His attributes is redeemed. What's He waiting? to redeem the earth to set His attributes on it to fulfill exactly His predestinated plan. Do you see it?
Will Moses and Elijah re-instate the sacrifice of the red heifer, and the rebuilding of the Temple?
Israel used to take the red heifer and sacrifice her upon the altar for the remission of sins. For a year the sins of the guilty one was covered. But that covering could not take away the desire for sin. It was not a perfect offering. It was a shadow until the real came along. So each year the man would sacrifice and each year come back because he still had the same desire to sin.
The life of the animal atoned for his sin, but being animal blood that was shed and animal life that was given it could not come back upon the man. If it had come back, it still would not have availed. But when Christ the perfect substitute was given, and His blood was shed, then the life that was in Christ came back upon the repentant sinner and that life being the perfect life of Christ, sinless and righteous, then the guilty one could go free for he had no desire to sin. The life of Jesus had come back upon him. That is what is meant in Romans 8:2, "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."
But the Jews back there in the time of Jesus did not want to accept that sacrifice. The blood of bulls and goats made nothing perfect. It was once God's ordained method. But now Christ having appeared in the flesh, and by the shedding of His own blood has put away sin and by that offering of Himself has made us perfect. The Jews would not take that.
171 089 Now, these two prophets, what will they do? It's Moses and Elijah! They'll rise on the scene. They'll tell those Jews their mistake. And out of that Jewish bunch that's there now to be the 144,000, God will call with these prophets... What is it? The Spirit of Elijah off this Gentile church will just continue right on into that Jewish church, go right on in and call Moses with him. Hallelujah. You see it? And he'll preach the same message of Pentecost to those Jews, that they rejected the Messiah. Amen! You see it? It'll be the same Pentecostal message that these Jews will preach right over to them. And they'll hate those Jews so bad till they'll kill them.
40-4 207 Think of it! It's the end time, folks. Hallelujah. The great day of the Lord is at hand. Gather yourselves together. Feast of the Messiah, they'll reject Him, and they'll find out that there is their Messiah. The Bible said them striking things like this would take place.
40-5 208 In Revelations 11 call, their ministry will be the ministry of Moses and Elias calling to Israel out of the Jewish traditions, just as the seventh angel's Message called the Bride out of the Pentecostal traditions.
Remember Moses and Elijah is to call Israel out of the old atonement of the lamb, and sheep, and blood, and goats, and sacrifice to the real living Sacrifice, to the Word.
40-6 209 And the seventh angel's Message, under the same trumpet, same everything, exactly, the same seal, is to what? Call the people, the Bride out of the Pentecostal and world traditions to the genuine Atonement, the Word, Christ, impersonated in His Word here, made flesh among us.
43-1 223 Notice! Watch here! The ministry will be Moses and Elijah, changing and calling Israel from the Jewish traditions (listen!), from the Jewish traditions that they been mixed up in (being prophets, they believe--they'll believe Him), calling them to the Feast of the Atonement (Christ), letting them recognize Christ. They'll say, "He's coming, He will be here." The Jews will be gathering, things like that, and then when He comes say, "Here I am." See?
"Where'd you get them scars?"
"In the house of My friends."
43-2 224 Now, the same as those two prophets did... Remember, the Gentile Bride is to have a prophet called Elias (Elijah) that's to call them out of their traditions (the Bride), just the same as these prophets call Jews out of Judaism to Christ, the Atonement. And the Gentiles already knows the Atonement, but it's to call the Bride back to the original Atonement…
36-6 186 Don't miss this people! And you on tape listen close! This has been the time of Pentecostal feast. The Jews has laid silent; they rejected it. Now, they've got to be called back to the Atonement. We know Who the Atonement was; they didn't. And the trumpet sound after the Pentecostal jubilee, calls the Jews together.
34-2 173 The sabbaths are over and ready for the Jews to be called. Where to? The Feast of Atonement. Oh, Church, don't you see that? Called to the Feast of the Atonement, what? To recognize the Atonement--not no more chickens, and geese, and what they've been doing; the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world. Israel's going to know that.
37-1 188 How perfect it is today. It's not the re-killing of it (which Moses symbolized in striking the rock the second time; it didn't work), not a killing of a beast, but a mourning of rejecting the Atonement. Oh, my.
37-2 189 This will be the trumpet, the feast be a rejected, then their Messiah made known. Notice! They'll know their Messiah when they see Him. He's coming in power this time, the One they looked for. He's coming in power for the Gentile Bride, and the Jews are going to recognize Him.
37-4 191 But they're coming back; and when they do see the Atonement appear, the Bible said when they see that, they said they'd separate one home from another and weep for days, like a--like a family that's lost their only son. "Where did you get those wounds?"
He said, "In the house of My friend."
E-17 017 Notice, in the shedding of the blood... Now, He said, "I'll tell you, you must take this..." Now, watch the priest didn't bring blood, the congregation brought the heifer for the murder, for the sacrifice, for the killing. And the congregation brought Jesus to Calvary, which was a type. They condemned Him and brought Him to Calvary that they could slay Him.
And notice, he must killed in the sight of Eleazar and the company. And Christ was killed in the presence of the high priest and all the company of Israel.
And notice, when they died, when the heifer died, the red heifer was killed, then they taken her blood on the fingers of the high priest and walked before the congregation, before the doors of the congregation and struck it seven times, seven times with blood, as a public testimony to the public. It was lifted up before a door. Seven different times that it was struck there, showing it through all the seven different dispensations, that the Blood of Christ is still a public testimony: first thousand years, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh. Amen. When we see Him setting on the throne of David, He will still have the scars on His hands to show that He's the Redeemer. Amen.
E-18 018 Notice, then He said, "After doing that, then the heifer should be burned," which was on the brass altar, speaking of judgment, Divine judgment. Then, after that, then there was to be made a water of separation. In that was to be put cedar wood, scarlet wood, and hyssop, speaking of the cross and the hyssop meaning, "Christ on the cross." Those three elements was always used when a sacrifice was in the Bible.
TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
43-4 137 Now, remember, Hebrews 13:10-20, a everlasting covenant... God's blood-bound promise makes us free from sin. Amen. There's no sin in them. Sin, self, flesh worship Him, and show forth His promised power. God's blood-bound, Token-bound covenant people, has the Spirit of Jesus Christ in here that, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do, shall he do also."
Displaying the covenant... See? New Testament... "Testament" means "covenant." That's right, isn't it Dr. Vayle? Testament means covenant. The New Testament means the New Covenant: The old Testament was the old...
Under the lamb, that the life could not come back on the believer. The New Testament was the Lamb of God, and His Life comes back on us.
Blood's Life. See? Blood is Life in the New Testament. See? Life is from the Blood of the Lamb, which means the New Testament, new covenant, that God... "After those days, will I write my law upon the fleshly tables of their heart." See, see? Not upon the stony tables of lamb's blood, which you had--say, "Yeah, I got the blood over here. Now, what does it say do?" But upon the tables of your heart. See? "The Spirit covenant will I make with the people."
43-7 138 And it displays His power. John, 14:12, says, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." New Testament is new covenant, new life. Shows Jesus has met every requirement for us that God required to make us back truly sons and daughters of God, under the Blood where there is no more condemnation.
Romans 8:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in (not those who are believing it), those who are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
"And My Word is Spirit and life?."
E-54 054 What good would it done Moses to come with--with Enoch's message? What good would it done Moses to come with--with Noah's message? What good would it done Jesus to come with--with Moses' message?
221 159 So you see... We notice Moses never give them what was Noah's time. "We'll build an ark now, 'cause that's the Word. You know, Noah built an ark one day." No, vultures was eating on that. No, no. This was a promised Word.
Notice. For his message he had from God, he had the genuine predestinated Word of God for that hour. Neither did Jesus serve them Moses' leftover. Moses had the Word for that hour, but Moses was a prophet. Here's God Himself. See? He never served them Moses' leftover.
Matthew the 27th chapter and the--and the 51st verse. All right. We read this at the crucifixion of our Lord:
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom;...
58 041 Now, that was the law, The law ended right there, because the veil kept the congregation from the holy articles of God.
186 098 But when Jesus came, He came as the Redeemer Anointed One. And that was both Moses and all that was in Moses, and all the Word, and all the Godhead bodily was in Him. That's the reason the whole temple veil rent and the mercy seat come in perfect view. He was the Anointed One.
13-3 039 Now, when the veil was rent at Calvary, the Mercy Seat came into plain view, but what happened? It was hanging on Calvary, dripping in Blood. As they had took blood year after year at the cleansing of the sanctuary and the sprinkling of the mercy seat, there, God, with His great, mighty stroke of lightning power, split the old badger veil from top to bottom, and the Mercy Seat came into plain view. The real genuine Lamb of God was hanging in plain view on Calvary, the real Mercy Seat, when God had paid the price Himself and become one of us, and had manifested Himself as a man to get acquainted with us and we to be acquainted with Him.
236 119 But God's in full view of us, hid. Same now. Then when God in His mercy rent the veil, He was brought into plain view. But they were so wrapped in their traditions, He was still hid from them. Same now. All that Glory, hid, is hid for us in Christ the Word, Who is our Temple.
290 120 May we be found in Him, the only provided Place. And He is the Sacrifice. We bring Him, what we've heard about, Jesus Christ, into the house of God by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, through the Name of Jesus Christ. And there our sacrifice is accepted, and we're brought into the family; because, yet straying out in the world, we were ordained sons and daughters of God before the foundation of the world.
The real sacrifice
146 074 Creeds and traditions and their blinded condition had turned them from the true Light of the promised Word. The Word that God had vindicated by Jesus the Light of the world came and made that Word live right exactly through His time, exactly to the days. He'll be cut off in the midst of the seventy weeks (that's right), which is the 3 1/2 years of His prophecy. The Messiah would come, the prince, and would prophesy. And 3 1/2 days of this, then He'd be cut off from the living and make a atonement. And that's exactly. He preached 3 1/2 years,
And the very Psalm that David said, "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me (the 22nd Psalm)? All My bones, they stare at Me.
They wag their heads; they pass by Me." Eight hundred and fifty years beforehand when David sung that song in the Spirit, and it was considered prophecy, and given... They was singing them songs in the temple when the same Sacrifice was hanging on the cross with His hands a-pierced, "And they pierced My hands and My feet." See? See there? Why? They were living in a glare; they didn't see the Light.
The church this day is prophesied to be blinded, to reject the evening time Message; Revelation 3 said so; "Thou art wretched, miserable... !"
What are we doing, this... Identifying ourself, like in the Old Testament they laid hands upon their sacrifice to identify themselves. By faith we lay our hands upon Christ to identify ourself with Him. Today we lay our hands upon the sick to identify ourself with this Word.
TOKEN.THE BAKF.CA V-22 N-8 64-0208
62 031 We read over here in Hebrews the 10th chapter, 26th verse, "If we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin; but a fearful, dreadful, looking for the fiery judgments which will devour the adversary." That is, if we disbelieve willfully after we have a knowledge of the truth, there is no more sacrifice for sin. Think of it! No matter what you're thinking in your heart, the Token can never be applied. If you reject it the last time, then it cannot be applied, for he that sins or disbelieves willfully.
Then when we see Him going up Calvary, look at Him. I want this audience to get a vision of Him. Let's go back nineteen hundred years ago for a moment and give me your attention. It's dark over Jerusalem. Why? The sacrifices is refused by Jehovah. Something is fixing to happen. As the blood's burnt on the altar God refused it. The real sacrifice is going up the street. I can hear the bumping of something. Look down--there goes that old rugged cross, under Roman capital punishment, of a man that done nothing. And I can see a little woman run out in front and say, "What has He done but heal your sick and raise the dead?"
Somebody slapped her in the face, and said, "Would you believe that woman before you'd believe your priest? Away with such a man."
E-66 066 Look at his coat. There's little red spots all over it in the back. As He goes further up the hill them spots get bigger and bigger. After while they all run into one. There's something splashing against Him. What is it? It's his blood, and the cross is dragging out the footprints of the bearer.
The Voice of the Blood is the Holy Ghost. That brings Life. It is Life, and It brings Life to the Word and quickens It. Amen, amen, amen.
168 087 Sure, the Blood speaks; It speaks a better thing. The Old Testament, the blood spoke of guilt. In the New Testament It speaks of redemption. In the Old Testament it spoke of death and sorrow. In the New Testament It speaks of resurrection and Life. It speaks of healing. It speaks of joy. It speaks of power. It speaks of Life. It speaks of Heaven. And that same Blood that was shed upon the ground, that called out after his dead brother, or called out after his brother that had killed him. The Blood of Jesus Christ covers all of our sins, and speaks peace and resurrection, and power and Life, and healing. And all the redemptive blessings that the Blood was shed for, It speaks for us.
19-4 047 Now, and Christ is God's provided Lamb. Notice how appropriate it was now, showing that that Jerusalem was ceasing. When? It was in effect until that hour; the blood of the lamb was all right until that day. But now, at the crucifixion it changes. The old system is done. There was a new one, and the--the Lamb was at the sacrifice. The Lamb, the sacrificial Lamb, was on the grounds. They were condemning and doing the very thing there that they had to do. That's right.
God be blessed for seeing this wonderful, heavenly Light in this last day, because the churches is doing the same thing today. Until the hour that organization religion is condemned and proved to be sacrificing Christ's Word, from then on comes the Word and the Word only. From... The old paschal lamb passed away, and Christ become our Lamb at the day of the crucifixion. And the day that the denomination crucified the Word of God and accepted a creed in the stead of the Word, that's the day the Word come into full effect. That's just been recently.
Remember, the natural seed failed, because it accepted law in the stead of the Word of grace. And so has it in this "rout about," in the Gentiles in the last day. But there is a Seed, royal Seed with the Word, stands true, casting out devils, doing great signs and wonders, getting all the unbelief away from the Word, keeping the Sacrifice clean, keeping the Word holy, keep It reverenced; not put anything with It, add anything to It; just keeping it away, standing on guard, letting nothing touch It.
39 019 Now, remember, He has a provided place, one place alone where He'll meet the believing children. Anywhere else won't work.
64 029 Now, to back it up, we could take the entire Bible to back up what I'm going to say. For, the place that He chose is in Christ, in Jesus Christ. It is in Him, His Son; God's Son, Jesus Christ.
…under the sacrifice of His Own Son! That's God's only provided place. There is where people can meet God, is in Christ. That is His provided place.
You go into church, and many times they give out an old soda cracker or some kind of a--a something, break it up, and light bread or--or something, and--and break it up; and people who smoke, drink, everything else, because they're a member of the church they come and take the Lord's supper. Well, that's filthiness before God!
38 014 Even the sacrifice, said, "Your holy days and your sacrifice become a stench in My nose." Yet He ordained them to make that sacrifice. But the way they treated it, it become a stench, stink in His nose (His nostrils), the very sacrifice that He ordained. That's the way we take the Word of God too many Christians today (so-called) does that. We stand up here and teach this Word, and say, "Jesus Christ isn't the same yesterday, today, and forever," and teach the things that He promised us that He would honor, and say, "Oh, well, that was for something else," our Sodom worships has become a stink in His nose. He will not receive it, by no means. That's the reason, by our traditional habits!
RAPTURE.THE YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 65-1204
58 044 Why, as I was speaking the other night at Shreveport in those--the communion when they'd kill that sacrificial lamb, there was to be no leaven among them through the entire seven days. No leaven, no leaven bread. Everything had to be unleavened. That represented the Seven Church Ages that we get in the book here. And there's no leaven when it's--something mixed with it. And we've the mixed creed, and denomination, and everything else with the Word and still try to call It the Word.
“Everything is positionally placed.”
64 031 Now, twenty-seven hundred years since that time... He said, "In the third day we'll be gathered again. After two days, in the third day we'll be gathered again and receive Life in His sight." Do you see the promise? The hour perfectly wrote on the wall. We see where we are living.
Now, in the homeland waiting for the Feast of the Trumpets, or the recognizing of the Atonement, and to wait for the coming, to mourn for their rejection of the first time that they rejected It; they're in the homeland for that, waiting where they all... Everything is positionally placed. As a minister of the Gospel I can't see one thing left but the going of the Bride. And the Bride has to be taken away before they could recognize what's happened. They were bound, scattered--I mean, they were scattered, blinded, and now gathered. What's left? The Bride to be taken out of the way, waiting for the going of her Bride, so their prophets of Revelations 11 can call them to the Feast of the Trumpet, to make them to recognize what they have done.
72 035 God's Word of this age, what did He promise this age? If you look in the Bible and see what's promised to this age, and you see That living out, I don't care who says It's right or wrong; It's right because It's God interpreting His Own Word. He needs nobody to say, "Well, them days are passed. No such a thing as Divine healing. And all that's fanaticism." It's--it's wrong. When God says He'll do it in a certain age, He'll do it. But the thing of it is, we get in an old trend of something way back, some great school from way back, and we miss it.
That's the reason they missed Jesus when He came. They was still trying to live under the law, when the Bible had clearly said... Right here, I'll read It. He said, "Search the Scriptures, in Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are They that testify of Me. If the Scriptures don't testify of Me, then it's wrong."
That's God's purpose for Jesus Christ, was to express Himself, to take His own laws and live by His laws, and fulfill His law by death. Christ, God died in flesh in order to condemn sin in the flesh that He might bring to Himself a glorious Bride, redeemed back, that will believe only in the Word of God and not swap It, like Eve did, for intellectual conceptions of men.
E-36 036 Now, we read now, and take from the dedication of the temple... Let us go now to Acts the 7th chapter again and the 44th verse, and we start in quotation. Stephen in his notable sermon as he preached, he said, "Solomon built Him a temple," because it was promised through David that he would... God promised David that he'd build the temple. And God in a type, which was to be taken away by an antetype... Just like the sacrifice of the lambs at the dedication was a type of the real Lamb coming for sacrifice, all the natural typing the spiritual...
And we find out that when this taken place, Stephen is speaking of it. He said, "Our fathers found a favor before God, and Solomon built Him a temple. But howbeit, the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands, as the prophet said, `Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool: and where is the house that you could build Me? Heaven's My throne; earth is My footstool; and how could you build Me a house to dwell in?'"
Then, how beautiful Hebrews 10:5, "But a body hast thou prepared Me," showing that God was going to dwell in a body. [Blank spot on tape--Ed.] "... prepared Me." Oh.
E-37 037 And when this body had been made a sacrifice, the correct Lamb had been sacrificed, there was coming forth then... God came to His own Body, which was His Bride, and there'd been one hundred and twenty temples that God had created was ready for dedication,[19] that had got all their unbelief beat out of them. And they gathered in the upper room and waited for ten days for dedicational service. Then when completely surrendered, God came down again in the Shekinah Glory, and filled all the house where they were setting.
E-40 God always fills His temple. At the day of dedication He fills His temple. He fills it with Hisself. The same thing today, God will fill every temple that will thoroughly dedicate itself to Him.
Any persons that will... The temple is not this little building here. The temple is not the one in Salt Lake City. The temple is not the one in Rome. The temple is you. You are the temple that God wants to dwell in and express Hisself through it, that all nations might know Him. You are living images of God that God wants to work through.
E-41 And if we will come back to the original dedication, and will open our hearts, and empty ourselves, God, in dedication as we give it to Him, will fill our temple with His Shekinah Glory. Then the living God will be moving in a living church, among a Living people and will spread forth His glory. Then together some day, one being this way, and one this way, and one in one part of the country, she'll come together to make the Bride. We'll be caught up in the air to meet Him.
140 092 A confederation of church will consolidate them together and bring the Jews into this confederation, and bring them back to their own temple worship again in the THUS SAITH THE LORD out of the Bible, and they will have their own church.
They are what now? I just caught it just now, fresh. They are now a nation recognized. Is that right? But they have not their temple worship yet. And when they establish the temple worship, the Church will be gone. God will be dealing with the Jews as a nation. And then when they are brought into this confederation, Rome will break it in the middle of the seventieth year--three and one half years he'll break that covenant with them, and cause the abomination that maketh desolation to spread to the consummation.
Then he'll take both Protestant and Jew and persecute them, and that time these two prophets will stand up and curse the earth that she'll not rain in the days of their prophecy; they'll call fire out of heavens and everything else. You just wait. We got a lot laying here in store for us to learn.
171 089 Now, these two prophets, what will they do? It's Moses and Elijah! They'll rise on the scene. They'll tell those Jews their mistake. And out of that Jewish bunch that's there now to be the 144,000, God will call with these prophets... What is it? The Spirit of Elijah off this Gentile church will just continue right on into that Jewish church, go right on in and call Moses with him. Hallelujah. You see it? And he'll preach the same message of Pentecost to those Jews, that they rejected the Messiah. Amen! You see it? It'll be the same Pentecostal message that these Jews will preach right over to them.
E-31 031 I'm so happy for that foundation, that was laid by Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone. And we're built together as blocks in the temple of the living God by our confession and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. The same Light that was in them is moving right through the building.
19-1 056 There's coming an exodus where God will show who's who, where the church itself, the Bride of Jesus Christ will be exodused out into the land that's promised: in My Father's House are many mansions in this place.
You don't have to go there and fight like they did; it's already prepared. If this earthly tabernacle dwelling be dissolved, we have one already waiting. "That where I am, there ye'll be also." The great exodus at hand.
45-5 119 Our Lord Jesus is so full of Quickening Power, He was all of It together. He was so full of Quickening Power, He said this: "You destroy this body and I'll raise it up in three days." Talk about confidence in Quickening Power! "Destroy this body and I'll--this temple--and I'll bring it up in three days." Why? Why'd He say that? He knew that it was written of Him (see?), that it was written Him by the Word of God which could not fail. The Word said, "I will not suffer my Holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell." And He knowed that Quickening Power would raise Him up, that there wouldn't be one cell corrupt. He said, "You destroy this temple and I'll bring it back again in three days." Why? It was prophecy, the Word of God.
The church is now supposed to be taking the place of Christ, carrying on His ministry. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also. Yet a little while, and the world seeth Me no more; yet you shall see Me for I will be with you, even in you to the end of the world." There it is: carrying on His work.
14-3 036 Now, God... Or the Bible said here that Stephen spoke of Solomon building a temple; and the most High don't dwell in temples made with hands. "For heaven's My throne, and earth is My footstool." And, "Where is the place of My rest, but a body has Thou prepared Me." Amen. There you are. "A body hast Thou prepared Me."
God dwells in the statue of a man, reflecting Himself into that being: perfect worship, God in us, being His Tabernacle, God manifesting.
58 031 That's exactly on the same basis that they refused Jesus. They were so wrapped up in their denomination, and holy priests and holy buildings, and holy churches and holy temples, they failed to see God in His human temple. "You, being a man, make yourself God."
E-18 018 Now, we all know that the earthly only types the heavenly. The natural only types the spiritual. The... Really, the one that He was a speaking of was Christ for the temple.
264 143 You know, in the dedication this morning, Moses followed the pattern that he saw in Heaven, and pitched a tent to represent it. When Solomon built the temple, he (what did he do?) followed the pattern that Moses, by the tent, keeping the Scripture in line.
And when God come to His Temple for the last days, this Temple, the Holy Ghost, "a body hast Thou prepared Me," the Holy Ghost fell on the day of Pentecost, the message was, "Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."
14-1 {76} 043 And now, David was not permitted to build the temple. He could not do it. But He said, "I'll raise up from your seed, and he will build the temple, and that temple will be an everlasting temple. And upon your son, the Son of David, will be an everlasting Kingdom He will control." Solomon, David's son in the natural (from his natural strength) built a house unto the Lord, a temple. But when the real Seed of David come, the Son of David, He told them there would come a time that there wouldn't be one stone left upon the other of that temple, but He tried to point them to another temple.
14-2 {78} 044 John, the revelator, over in the Book of Revelation, he saw this tabernacle (Revelations 21). He saw the new temple coming, descending down from heaven, adored as a bride was adored for her husband, and a voice out of the temple said, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and God shall be with them, and they'll wipe all tears from their eyes. And there shall be no more hunger, nor no more sorrow, no more pain or death, for the former things have passed away." Then the true Son of David (as we're going to see in this lessons coming on in this week) will then come to His temple, the temple of God, the real tabernacle, which He has gone away to construct now. For He said in John 14, "In My Father's house are many mansions, and I will go..." What did He mean by that? It was already foreordained, "And I'll go to prepare a place for you, and will return back to receive you unto Myself." And of course, we know that'll be in the great age to come. And the true Seed of David will take the throne, which is Jesus Christ, and there will reign over the Church as His Bride, in the house with Him and over the twelve tribes of Israel throughout all eternity.
14-4 {80} 045 And these little places... As David could not build the true tabernacle of God, because he wasn't prepared to do it... There was nothing he could do. He was a mortal and shed blood.
So is it today to us. We are not prepared to build the true Tabernacle of God. There's only One can do that, and it's being in its construction now. But this little tabernacle, along with the temple that Solomon built Him, and along with the others, are only temporary places of worship until the time comes when the real Tabernacle will be set up upon the earth, and righteousness shall reign from sky to sky, and there will be no more sorrow. There'll be no funerals preached in that Tabernacle. There'd be no more weddings, for the wedding will be one great wedding for eternity. What a time that will be. [20]
133 086 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. (Glory! Here He comes.)
And out of his mouth will go a sharp sword, that--and that... it... should smite the nations: and... shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God.
And he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KING, AND LORD OF LORD.
134 087 What was it? His people had just crowned Him King of King and Lord of Lord, coming back to His holy Temple, anointed with the Presence of God to live and to reign through the Millennium with His Church. Amen! The appearing with the mighty King to take Her place at His side, the new royal anointed Temple.
Author’s comments:
Yes, the tabernacle is to be rebuilt, Jesus said, “ I go to prepare a place for you.” We all know that the temple in the Old Testament typed that which was to come in the New, the habitation of God; the body of the believer, the assembly, the true church.
Not a carnal building that is to be constructed in Jerusalem; but new bodies, new habitations for His sons and daughters in the New Jerusalem. Not a re-instatement of the Levitical priesthood, but now through Christ Jesus we are kings and priests in His service. Not a carnal re-instatement of a sacrifice, the red heifer, but each of us identified with Him, saved by the blood of the Lamb, slain before the foundation of the world.
The Old Testament temple was filled by the glory of God at the dedication by Solomon, so much, that the priests could not minister, a beautiful type of what Joel prophesied and was fulfilled for the first time on the day of Pentecost, the 120 in the upper room in the New Testament.
Also a shadow of what will come one day soon, when the Spirit of God fills our bodies, both dead and living, and raises us up in His presence. 2 Chron 5:13-14, Acts 2:1-36
There was a reason why Moses and Elijah, at Mount Transfiguration spoke to Jesus concerning His death, burial, and resurrection. Jesus was the fulfillment of all that they typed and shadowed in their ministries. Notice even the disciples wished to further the temple worship by building one for each of the three they had seen, but the Lord would not allow it. Stephen in his notable sermon vividly described the fulfillment of the parallel types of the temple and its’ being done away with. So much that it caused the people to rise up in anger and martyr him.
Regressing back to the temple worship and sacrifice would be trodding under foot the Blood of Jesus Christ and that of many saints who sealed their testimony with there own.
Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice “once and for all”, notice how he declared “it is finished,” Hebrews 9:19-28 shows Christ offered himself once as an eternal sacrifice then sat down because it was finished.
Scriptural references concerning the rebuilding of the temple:
1 Cor 5:7
Isa 66:1-8
Hebrews 3:1-12
1 Cor 6:8-12
1 Cor 6:19-20
2 Cor 6:16-18
Acts 7:46-60
Matt 12:6
Ephesians 2:19-22
Romans 12:1-3
1 Cor 3:16-17
Hebrews 4:8-16
Hebrews 5:5-14
Hebrews 6:1-10
Hebrews 7:11-28
Hebrews 8:1-13
Hebrews 9:6-15
Hebrews 9:19-28
Hebrews 10:1-39
Hebrews 11:1-40
Hebrews 12:1-29
Hebrews 13:1-22
14 The question of Polygamy
A resurgence of carnal revelations in the Message can only be explained as Brother Branham pointed out,…Satan's tactic to begin with, and he still uses the same thing, and still successful with it: a reasoning. Warning signals should put our spiritual thinking on guard, especially when the same tactics of Satan are manifesting again. Brethren, any revelation that is sexual in nature, should immediately be suspect and be examined by the full context of the Word.
SATAN'S.EDEN JEFF.IN V-2 N-20 65-0829
5-4 017 Oh, you say, "But wait a minute; we preach the Word." Look back here at my text tonight. Satan was the one preached the Word to Eve first. "God has said." See? It's that misconstruing that part of the Scripture that applies to the day.
Satan come to Eve and begin to reason against the Word of God, the great Armor that God had fortified His people with. He begin to use reasoning. Now, "It's only reasonable that God would not destroy you. Surely you will not die." But remember, friends, that's Satan's tactic to begin with, and he still uses the same thing, and still successful with it: a reasoning.
242 109 If the Holy Spirit isn't there, you say, "Oh, well, I don't think that means any difference." Look what you've done right there! Same thing Eve done. You're right back in the same place.
COUNTDOWN BAKF.CA V-22 N-9 64-0209
36 018 But God in the spiritual achievement is going forward, not going backward. He's going forward, looking into the Word and believing the promises for things that never has come yet, for the spiritual revelations to manifest the spiritual things that God has promised. He sees them come to pass. Just as the scientist in his laboratory are working on different things to help man take in creation; the spiritual man is looking forward to something that God promised that has never yet been created. The natural man looks backward. The spiritual man looks forward.
TOKEN.THE BAKF.CA V-22 N-8 64-0208
124 061 Full obedience to the Word brings God, the Word eternal in you. And that is the Token. When the Word is in you, it's Christ in you.
TOKEN.THE JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M
32-3 103 Don't just come this far, say, "I believe the message." You obey the message. Come into Christ. You say, "Oh, I believe every word you said, Brother Branham."
That's good. but that's just--that is just being able to read. Take the Message; take it into your heart, that you must have the Token, the very Life that was in Christ, be in you. "When I see that, I will pass over you."
TOKEN.THE BAKF.CA V-22 N-8 64-0208
Full obedience to the full Word of God entitles us to the Token. No other way is there that you can ever be entitled to the Token, until you fully obey the Word. Not what somebody's put into it, and added to it, but what God said about it.
E-72 072 Remember how strict His words was? Even the Angel said, "Don't even look back." And Lot's wife turned to look back, 'cause her children and grandchildren were burning up in the judgments of God. She turned, and she stands there yet today. You got to obey.
You say, "Oh, it don't make no difference what..." It does make a difference. 'Cause a woman just disbelieved a little bit of the Word, caused every sickness, heartache, death, and everything else, was Eve.
The Holy Ghost is the Word of God in you that identifies Itself by accepting that Word. Outside of that it can't be the Holy Ghost. If it says it's the Holy Spirit and denies one word of that Bible, it cannot be the Holy Spirit. That's the evidence whether you believe it or not.
GUIDE.A JEFF.IN V-12 N-7 62-1014E
29 024 A lost man from God, a lost church from God, a church that's gone away from God, got away from the principles of God's Bible, will do things that sometimes that you wouldn't expect to find in a church of the living God. They'll get their money by bunco games, playing lottery, gambling, anything that they can do. They'll teach anything, let anything get by, pat man on the back who's big payers in the church, and so forth like that, to let them get by with it. That's right. Put deacons on the board that's been married four or five times, just in order to get by with it, to make ends meet. There's only one end you've got to meet, that's your obligation to God. Stand and tell the Truth!
305 122 They cannot accept the message that's unadulterated, from the Word of God. I don't care, Judas could've done all kind of signs and wonders; but when he come to receive the Holy Ghost at the day of Pentecost, he showed his colors. That Devil can come right up and impersonate right to the very thing, till it comes to this Word; but he can't take all that Word. He can bring it all up, maybe to one Word like Eve did, the Devil did to Eve, but he can't cross it all. Because the only... The whole thing is the Body of Christ.
147 104 Now notice how striking Satan makes his every attack, just the same each time.
60 033 The spirit of delusion is of the devil, devils now working in the children of disobedient. Disobedient to what? What's the children of this day disobedient to? Like Eve was at the beginning, the true Word of God. Right. Now, if you would want to get that, let's turn to it,... Ephesians 2:1 to 2:
And you has he quickened, who were once dead in trespasses and sin:
Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that NOW worketh in the children of disobedience: (Children of disobedience!)
E-53 053 Examine your revelation with the Word. If it's contrary to the Word, leave it alone.
SATAN'S.EDEN JEFF.IN V-2 N-20 65-0829
6-1 019 Just as Eve knew that what God said, God would do; but she turned her back on it to listen to what he had to say. Just remember, in other ages, it's always been the same thing. In every age it's always been that Satan tries to pervert that Word to them, making them see some other age.
109 055 Whether you're in holy Eden, or holy church, or holy denomination, or whatever it might be, you'll die the day you disbelieve one word of God's Word to be the Truth when It's vindicated and proved to you. That's the day you separate yourself from God. Not just the whole sentence, one word. Whosoever shall add one word or take one away, that's the day you die.
196 089 Look at Balaam, he was a prophet, and he seen the seed of God vindicated. But under his own great denomination that he lived in, Moab, seen that bunch of wanderers coming through the land; he sprayed it, and said, "Well, wait a minute. We're all Christians. We're all believers. Why, our fathers and your fathers are the same. Aren't we Lot's children? Wasn't Lot Abraham's nephew? Aren't we all the same? Let's marry one another." And Israel, as Eve in the garden of Eden, let Satan spray her, he also sprayed Israel through a false prophet.
By his scientific research, in the same pattern he deceived Eve, he also has deceived the church, which there Eve was a type. Now, now, Adam a type there again, or Eve, rather, of the church, notice what it did. Through the wandering for knowledge, she slips across the line between right and wrong by listening to Satan's perversion, or deformity, of the original Word of God.
100 051 And notice he preached that kind of a scientific, social, educated, progressive gospel to Eve, and Adam's bride believed it. And he has succeeded in filling the so-called bride of Christ, the church of the Second Adam, with the same arguments.
78 078 It started at the beginning, that when the natural and the spiritual... Yet Cain and Abel worshipped the same God! They both built the same kind of altars, and they both worshipped the same God at the same church, same altar. But Cain by carnal reasoning brought in the fruits of the land and laid them upon the altar as a sacrifice, thinking that surely that this would answer to God for an atonement. So he must've brought in--as people think today--apples, that Adam and Eve took that caused the sin, …
30-1 092 Certainly, but you see where the seed of the serpent... What was the seed of the serpent? Adultery. You follow it? Adultery with Eve.
88-3 080 That's how adultery--that's how adultery is committed spiritually. When you, knowing better by the Word of God, by the intercourse of the mind, take in a lie of the devil against the Word of God: that's exactly what Eve done.
With a spiritual intercourse first that come by believing Satan's lie into the womb of her mind, that polluted her soul, set death in the soul; then the natural act taken place. And that's the only way that a woman ever can commit adultery against her husband, is to first let some man talk her into it and then receive another man that's not her husband. Then she's committed adultery. And when the Bride of Jesus Christ lets manmade creeds and dogmas take the place of the Word of God, she is committing adultery.
45-2 095 This is an awful strong thing. I didn't know how to bring it out! What will I do when I got man and women setting in my congregation, some that's been married twice or three times? Good man, good women, all mixed up! What done it? False teaching.
48-3 101 Now, we are found in this mess because of misinterpreted theology. Is that right? That's why you women married the second time and you man, because misinterpret theology.
Now, you believe this to be true and believe it to come from God. And by the vindication of His Cloud and His Message that's brought me this far, should not God upon the mountain permit me to do the same thing to suffer you to go on the way you are and do it no more! Go with your wives and live in peace for the hour is late. The coming of the Lord is at hand! We haven't got time to break these things up! Don't you dare try to do it again! I'm speaking only to my congregation. But if you are married--and God bore me witness to that on the mountain that I could say this (a supernatural revelation because of the opening of the Seven Seals and this is a question in God's Word): let them go on in as they are and sin no more!
49-1 103 It wasn't so from the beginning. That is right. It wasn't so, and it will not be at the end! But under modern conditions, as God's servant--I won't call myself His prophet, but I believe that if I wouldn't be sent for that, I'm laying a ground for him when he does come--so under the modern conditions, I command you to go to your home with your wife now. If you are happy with her, live with her, raise your children in the admonition of God; but God be merciful to you if you ever do that again! You teach your children to never do a thing like that.
49-5 105 God, I pray that the people will go home being thankful that God has granted this grace to them. I only spoke it, Lord, through permission. And I only say it through permission, Lord. And let the people be so grateful that they'll never try to do that sin again.
47 020 So people say, "I had a revelation." Yes, we know Joseph Smith and many had revelations and things, but was contrary to the Word.
It's got to come according to the Word if it comes from God, because it's to vindicate or to prove God's Presence.
24-1 068 Cain thought they eat apples. They still got that idea, but it wasn't. It was adultery: serpent's seed. And there, when the Seven Seals opened, it declared it and proved it. (My book's just out on it. I think we have got a thousand here now. See?) Notice, that's Scripturally from Genesis to Revelations. At the end-time both trees are coming to the seed and proving themselves.
Get in contact, not with some organization, some theological seminary, but get in contact with the Mate, Christ Jesus, Who brings the fertility to the Spirit of life that's in you. He's the one that makes you believe it.
E-19 019 Clean out the nest and start over again. You pat them on the back, and take them in, and make them deacons--and married four and five times and everything. What in the world we coming to, anyhow? Send them off to seminary, and inject some of that embalming fluid into them, and bring them back and...
Now, for instance here, Jesus made a statement, a promise. The inside man says that's true; the outside man reasons that it can't be true to you; then ignore the outside man and accept the inside man. Now, that's the same thing that Paul's speaking of. He was sold under the law to carnal sin. Every one of us is the same. That's the reason we are--have the troubles we do, of married four or five times, and this, and that, and the--all kinds of sin, and adulteries, and everything else along in our lives, is because of those things. We are carnal, and that part must perish; but then, inside, we are a spirit man, soul inside, and that's faith in God's Word; then we bring our outside body under subjection to the Word by faith, by accepting what God said.
19-5 039 The religious world, the church itself, the church, the called out church (that we call the called out church), the last church age, the Pentecostal church age--where is it? It's in Laodicea as the Scripture said.
Today they've let down the bars. Their women are half-dressed, their man are... it's a horrible thing! Some of them married three or four times, on deacon boards and everything else. They've let down and brought in corruption, because they've set in councils and took the place with the world.
354-7 004 The Bible requires a deacon to be a married man. He must be the husband of one wife.
E-66 066 I tell you, we need a good old Holy Ghost washing, all the way from the pulpit, plumb to the janitor. That's exactly right. A Holy Ghost washing, cleansing our people... Men, Pentecostal men, saying, "I just can't keep from smoking." A man married two wives and be a deacon in a church... Kick him out. Certainly, that's the thing to do. You got to get things... The Bible said that the deacon should be the husband of one wife. that's exactly right. Some of them have two or three in Pentecostal ranks. Brother, we can't have a revival, till we get this thing cleaned up. How can you build upon a foundation that's not right?
2-4b 006 Gracious heavenly Father, as we stand here before this deacon tonight, and truly a fine office he holds, for a deacon must be found blameless, the husband of one wife, controlling his family well, for if he doesn't know how to control his family, how can he control the house of God?
E-86 086 Oh, what a disgrace it is today, that men and women who claim to be sons and daughters of God, with the nature of God in them--ministers in the pulpit claiming to be sons of God--and deny that there is a Divine healing, denying there's an operation of the Holy Spirit.
What a shame it is for our sisters who claim to be saints of God cutting off their hair, and putting their clothes off, and acting the way they do. How... what a shame it is for our churches to permit men that's married two or three times to be deacons on the board and things. What a disgrace it is!
I seen a preacher the other day had four wives, living wives, said, "I don't know what's the matter with my church."
I said, "You oughtn't to have to look very far." Amen.
E-53 053 Oh, my. Yeah, he got them all mixed up out there, and begin to marry, intermarry. That's the way they did today, when you got to wandering around. If you'd stayed on the real firing line of God, you wouldn't have done these things. Marrying believers with unbelievers, and in and out, and so forth, and marrying them that had been married two or three times and had three or four wives, and so forth, and marry them again. That's that old doctrine of Balaam. That's right.
There's a drawing line somewhere. That drawing line is God's Word. That's the Word. God's drawing line is His Word. "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine the Truth."
So how can we bless what God has cursed? How can you let the men be married two or three times and deacons in your churches?
And you deacons that's married two or three times! And you man that run out on your wives, and try to hold your profession! You women that crossed the other way! You people that hide behind the cloak of the church! …Shame on you!
37-4 077 Now, you notice in I Corinthians 7:10, notice, Paul commands the wife that is--that divorces her husband to remain single or be reconciled, not to remarry. She must remain single or to be a--reconciled back to her husband. She cannot remarry; she must remain single. But notice, he never said about the man. See, you can't make the Word lie. From the beginning, the sex law by polygamy.
Now, the Word of God runs true with nature of God, runs in continuity. See how there is one school went east and the other one went west on it? You got to come back to the Truth to find out what it is. It's always been that way. That's the regular covenant with God from the beginning.
First, before the beginning, from the beginning, there's just one and one. After the sin came in, then there was one man and a bunch of women. Run that way in nature, every animal; and human beings and natural flesh is animal. We are mammal. We know that, all of us. See? And it's all God's nature in continuity.
6-4 019 …see what the Lord said about this marriage and divorce. It's more sacred than people think it is. And it'll blend right in with the serpents seed, just the same thing, just moving right on; that's them mysteries.
You remember, in the days of the seventh angel, all the mysteries of God should be finished, those unknown things that the Lord would wind up.
38-1 078 But now that the Seals are opened, the Spirit of Truth directs us to the Word. That explains why all the mistakes has been down through the ages, because the Seals was not open. This was not revealed. It's true.
2-4 005 And so, there He spoke to me and said, " The Seven Seals will be opened. The seven mysteries--seven-fold mystery of the Bible that's been closed up since the foundation of the world will be revealed." And we, yet a humble little group compared with all the world, we've enjoyed these blessings now, hearing those mysteries: Marriage, Divorce, Serpent's Seed. All those different questions has been completely revealed to us, not by man but by God, Himself, that's opened those seven mysteries of what the church was, how it was in Christ at the beginning, and how it would be revealed in the last day.
71 028 Someone said to me, said, "Now..." Oh, he said, "Well, now, someday the Lord, probably you seeing visions, Brother Branham, will reveal to you what these things are; we can all get closer to God and have more power than we get in speaking in tongues and things."
I said, "It can't be that way."
'Cause, see, I believe the Word to be the Truth. And the Bible said, "Whosoever shall add one word or take one Word from It." It has to be in this Word. See? It's the mysteries that the people's overlooked. Well, right there is where come my Message of serpent seed and the true belief of the security of the believer.
25-1 067 As in the marriage and divorce case the other day, when the Holy Spirit had told me that, I come said it just the way He told me. Some minister lady give me a right sharp, little bawling out. She said, "I guess you take the place of God."
I said, "No, ma'am."
Said, "Well, you told them their sins forgiven." Said, "Well," said, "only God has power to say..." Another Pharisee. See?
I said, "You see, that you might know that Jesus told Peter and the apostles, after he had the revelation of Who He was and told Him, ` Thou art Christ, the Son of God,' He said, `Blessed art thou (see?), son of Jonas, flesh and blood never revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed It. Upon this Rock I'll build My church; the gates of hell can't prevail against It. And I give unto thee the keys. Whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind it in heaven; what you loose on earth... `" That's that Divine revelation of the Word made flesh. If it was flesh in that day by the Son, the Groom, it's of flesh today by the Bride.
So that shows the virgincy of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bride will have to be unadulterated the Word, not one Word missing nowhere. Certainly. Could you imagine a correct bride, one breast off and the other one something or other wrong, you know? That's not going to be the Bride of Christ; She's perfect. She's everything the Word, not one Word failing anywhere. No.
And do you know that the whole Book, the whole Bible, is a revelation? That's how you have to know the Truth between this one and the other. It's because it's a revelation, and the revelation must be exactly with the Word! Not contrary to the Word.
42-3 089 You say, "Well, I--it was revealed to me." Then if it's contrary to the Word, it never come from God.
In the beginning God created just one male and one female. But then the woman was made different from the animals, all other animals, for deception. Now, watch. Now, it wasn't so from the beginning. She was made... If she'd have stayed in original condition, she would have never been no fall. But she caused the fall in the interruption that broke the whole continuity of God and throwed death, sorrow, and everything else on the earth. She was made thus.
31-1 065 Now, notice. Now, after the beginning, after the beginning, after time began (back in that was eternity) it was over. Notice, after that fall was made by Eve, after the fall, there was need to be another covenant made. Now, this is going to stumble you, but I'm going to give you the Scripture to prove that this is the Truth. Now, notice, after the fall... Jesus said, "God, at the beginning, made one of a kind," but now, after the fall--now, we're going beyond that; the covenant was co-equal--but now after the fall, there's another covenant made. Now, she was no longer ruler with him. Each must have a separate covenant.
But you see, woman, you are--you are a jewel if you want to be a jewel, but the desire has to be by you. And you see why the marriage and divorce was, that Jesus pointed back yonder? It was because your kind was the cause of all sin. That's the reason polygamy and divorce and things was introduced. At the beginning it never was so and it won't be so in the world over yonder.
32-1 067 Two covenants! Now, that closes the beginning of what Jesus said: "It wasn't so at the beginning." We got another covenant now. Notice, it's another covenant. Now, there's a covenant for the product and a--the byproduct. Notice, the fall brought trouble, death to every creature of the creation, making a difference in all nature.
Now, let us notice what Jesus said about: "From the beginning it wasn't so." Now, it is not so from--it is--now, it is after the beginning. Now, there's a double covenant. First it was just a covenant. Adam and Eve was co-equal; one man, one woman. Now, the woman sinned. And what does she do? That throwed them all to death, and God had to make a covenant by that, another covenant. Here it is right here in Genesis 3:16. He made another covenant.
32-3 068 Now, the world is to be repopulated, not by the original creation of God like in the beginning, not by the original creation, but by sex desire. Now, that takes care of the beginning, doesn't it? In the beginning there was only one man and one woman, one male, one female. But when she crossed that line and brought this sin, now the world's to be repopulated again by sex; not by creation, by sex.
33-3 069 Now, you see, then after the beginning it was--something else was introduced. Now, this is going to shock you. (Are you tired? Just set still just a little longer.) Then when the double covenant was made by man and woman through sex (another covenant altogether; not the original covenant, but another covenant), now what's introduced? Polygamy in all. Then after the beginning, polygamy was introduced both in man and beast, after the beginning, the fall.
8-1 020 Now, it's a serious thing when we go to choose a wife. A man... For the vows here is until death do we part. That's how we should keep it. And you take that vow before God that only death will separate you.
209 111 The morals in our country is lower, and divorces, than it is in France or Italy, where prostitution's on the streets so... But they're prostitutes; ours is married women trying to live with several man, and several married man trying to live with other women. In the nations where they have polygamy, it's a thousand times better. And yet, polygamy is wrong; we know.
1012-Q-286 041 286. Brother Branham, is it (Let's see.)... for a person who has a--who has a living, divorced mate who remarry before coming unto the Message to minister?
Well, in I Timothy 3:2, if you want to put that down, and Titus 1 to 6 (I wrote that one down.), I want you to read that for this question. See? If a man--if a man desires the office of a bishop or a preacher (something another in church), he's got to have just one wife. That's right. A minister... Now, that's I Timothy 3:2, and Titus 1 to 6. Now, Titus 1 to 6, yeah. All right. Now, notice that the Bible said that that man that's a minister in the house of God will have one wife.
471-4 {99} 046 5. Now, Brother Branham, is there any Scripture permitting marriage after divorce. This is very important.
It says important. Well, that's the reason it wasn't pertaining to this. As far as I can see, my brother or sister, whoever it may be, there isn't unless your companion's dead, because the Bible said we're bound to them as long as they live. See?
So as--as far as being any Scripture, that's what was asked here: "Is there Scripture. See? Is there any Scripture?" Not as I can find. See? Not as I can find, 'cause Paul said that the--the married couple, if the companion's dead, then they're free then to marry whosoever they will in the Lord. But until then... But watch. You take it, "Until death we part..."
That's it. You've done took an oath over that (You see?), so I don't think there is. Now, if there's--if you found some, and it's correctly why, all--all right. But as far as myself, I--I don't find any.
700-40 016 A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such case, that is, if your companion is putting you away and wants to depart for it. You don't have to just hold onto them. If they're wanting to leave you and they're going to leave you for the cause of Christ, let them leave. But you can't remarry. "But God has called us unto peace."
See? Now, not that you can remarry again; he's already stated that, but you don't have to live with an unbelieving husband or an unbelieving wife if they are not willing. But now just to say, "I... Brother Branham, I got married and my wife's an unbeliever, and here's a sister over here I can marry. I'm going to leave this one and marry that one." Oh, no. No, indeedy. Your vow is until death you separate, and there's nothing else in the world will permit you to marry in the Bible until your companion is dead. That's right. The only grounds... There's no remarrying nowhere at all, except a dead companion. That's all. See?
700-44 018 You can't make It contradict Itself. So just read the verses before and after, and you'll catch then what he's talking about. Now, this means here, not... See?
Does this mean a sister or a brother is free to remarry?
No, sir. See, he explained that first.
59-4 191 "Well," you say, "now wait a minute, Brother Branham, you're talking about the Old Testament." He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's the full revelation of God. If God ever says anything, He can never change it. He always magnifies it, not change it. The law was magnified, not changed: magnified.
"Whosoever commits adultery shall be guilty of death, but whosoever now (magnified) looketh upon a woman to lust after her..." He never changed the commandment; He magnified it. "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy," one day in the week. Now He magnified it.
The rest comes from keeping the Spirit of God. "Precept upon precept, and line upon line, here a little and there a little; hold fast to that what's good, for with stammering lips and other tongues will I speak to this people." And that is the rest. That's the refreshing from the Presence of the Lord. And yet they would not hear it, and wagged their heads, and walked away to their denominations. Uh-huh. This is the refreshening (See?), magnifying the Sabbath day, to you Sabbatarians and so forth. Oh, my. He don't change; He magnifies it. Hell has spread her gates to receive them.
60-3 192 Now, you can see now the end time Message, why It's rejected. Can you?
… She's coming back to the pure unadulterated Word of God being manifested. I hope every man that hears this tape and every woman will understand that. See? She's the second Eve, but She's not breaking and--and spoiling Her skirts of purity and holiness to Her Husband. She'll stay with this Word regardless of what anybody says. You can have all the ecumenical moves you want to and all the affiliations.
195 092 Any church member that'll side in with such stuff as that and call themselves a Christian, …man carrying on the way they're doing now with form of godliness, taking drinks, and smoking cigars, and married several times, and becoming deacons in the church and even pastors and so forth; and the people that put up with such as that, that sort of life is not worthy of the Gospel.
312-136 085 There's a little old girl setting back there tonight, my wife; I love her with all that's in me. And if I knowed that I could run around with another woman and get by with it, and go tell her, and say, "Meda, I did wrong," you think I'd do it? If I love her right, I won't do it. That's right.
Now, what if I'd say, "Oh, I can't do it, 'cause I tell you why. She'd divorce me, and I got... Oh, I'm a preacher. See what that'd do? That'd take me out of the pulpit, if she'd divorce me; a divorced man.
39 024 And right here we could start. I believe that when God calls a man to service, if he's a married man and has a helpmate, He calls his wife with him, because they two are one.
2-4 …there's about three major things that usually brings a minister to his--back to the rut. And noticing them: one of them was money, women, popularity.
E-33 033 Don't faint when you're rebuked. When you read something in the Scripture, and you know that you should humble yourself, and follow the Word of God in the path that He ordained for you to walk in, then you don't do it, then the first thing you know, it's over. Your influence is spoiled. Now, we must remember that.
32 Keep the Message honorable, live the right kind of life. Don't let no smut come upon It. We're living too late now, we're too late in the hour. Let's live It clean. [21]
E-41 041 He didn't throw out any lines either. When Herod come up there with his brother Philip's wife, somebody said, "Don't you preach on marriage and divorce." Walked right up in his face and said, "It's not lawful for you to have her." God, give us men who'll stand for the truth (Amen.), regardless of who's setting close or who it is. Let the chips fall where they want to, and lay the Gospel to the hewing line. That's right. Call black black, and white's white. Right's right and wrong's wrong. If you're not right, then get right. It'll straighten you up, make you look different, act different, live different, be different. The Holy Ghost is good for you. It'll straighten you out.
138 075 What we need today is the Gospel handled by the power of God, to vindicate the Word of this hour, to where will come somebody who will stand up and call black "black," and white "white," somebody that will stand up and tell the Truth, whether It takes the hide off or shucks you down, or what It does. That's exactly what the--what the hour calls for today.
37-4 104 Oh, God, that's like the pulpit. Where is men? men that's men that stands for a principle? Where is women that stands for a principle? Where is a church that stands for a principle? I ain't got a nickel's worth of time for a wishy-washy, give in, compromising spirit.
37-6 Where is men of integrity? Where is men with spirit? They're so wishy-washy and gaumed up, until they don't know where they stand. God, let me stand with the principles of one man as a minister, the Word of Jesus Christ: For heavens and earth will pass away, but It'll never fail.
26 017 This is thirty years later, and here I am still tonight proclaiming that Message. And around the world it's went, and I'm glad to be back in my hometown tonight to represent this Lord Jesus Christ that I still love with all my heart. Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before. I've never changed one iota in my doctrine. [22] The first thing I started with, I still believe the same thing tonight. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Overview of the sequence of the Rapture and corresponding events
message that foreruns His Second Coming …68-70
fulfillment of Mal 4:5-6 Luke 17:30 Rev 10:1-7 …34,35
mysteries revealed, the Seals opened …19
Son of man revealed, His ministry …52-63
opening the eyes of some, blinding the eyes of others …72,92
rapture, resurrection passed …83-95
identified with Him now, redeemed now …66,86
raptured up into heavenly places …85,86
we now possess the earnest of the resurrection …66,87
quickened now, by the Word, by the Message …41,84
then the last one comes in …117
at the appointed time …89
trumpet sounds …68,98
resurrection …24,66,84,86,93
translation of the living …104,128
then the sercret is over …91,114,115
meditorial work is over, lamb becomes a lion …109
blood leaves the mercy seat and no longer protects the earth …109
appearing of the visible body of the Lord Jesus …90,107
Christ claims his possessions …89
His Second coming, all that has eternal life comes with Him …89
divine judgment strikes, tribulation begins …117
great earthquake strikes …115
seventh vision, destruction of United States is fulfilled …117
earth is straightened up on its’ axis …118
Satan is cast out of heaven…chain of circumstances begins …125
marriage supper begins …85,122
millennium begins …124
two prophets appear to Israel, Message goes to the Jews …128
Daniel’s 70th Week is completed, ends with the battle of Armageddon …122
[2] An example of revelation not discerned in the Scripture is that of the disciples oblivious to the prophecy of Malachi 3 fulfilled through John the Baptist.
They were looking for a literal fulfillment of the prophecy as it passed right through their midst. Jesus opened their eyes after John’s ministry was complete, or they still would have been bewildered and unable to rightfully place Jesus’ ministry in the Scriptures. The same thing is happening with all that was fulfilled by Brother Branham’s ministry and Message. Many are expecting some particular facet of what Brother Branham taught to take place or come into being and they have failed to realize all is finished. By examining, researching, and studying everything that was said about many different subjects you will find the entirety of what Brother Branham taught is complete.
[3] Jesus taught in a manner that caused those with carnal reasoning to leave Him. Only the predestinated Royal seed are the ones He chose to reveal it to.
John 6:29-66, John 3:2-12, John 5:24, Matt 4:4, John 5:21
Paul contended with the same carnal reasoning amongst the Church.
Romans 2:28, Eph 2:11-16, Philip 3:3, Col 2:11-17, 1 Cor 12:27
[4] Just as Brother Branham did not stand in the pulpit and simply recite scripture as his message, I don’t believe a minister should only quote Brother Branham’s quotes as his entire sermon. Brother Branham expounded upon the Bible, as should we the Message; led by the power and leadership of the Holy Spirit.
You may say, “Well, that’s putting the Message up equal with the Scriptures.”
I would reply, “Yes, you are correct, that’s placing the Message as the revelation and fulfillment of the Scriptures.”
I find it preposterous that any Message minister would represent that someone other than the Holy Spirit is required to interpret the meaning of Brother Branham’s teachings.
Equally disturbing is to disdain his teachings as he taught them.
We must follow them to the letter, just as Brother Branham adhered to Paul’s doctrine and teachings.
Why would God provide a means by which the voice of this prophet, in this age and this age only, be recorded verbatim?
It wasn’t to record the words of William Branham, it was to record the One that was using his voice, standing there as the Pillar of Fire, the ministry of the Son of man.
It was given to one man, William Branham, a ministry, a message to call out a Bride in the closing hours of time. We should be determined to hold firmly to his voice and his message. Once you recognize the “manifestation of the Son of man” was the Voice of God audible amongst us, you realize the importance of saying just what that Voice said.
[5] Notice how the last church age messenger strictly followed what was previously taught by the first messenger, Paul. Even though Brother Branham’s ministry was the greatest prophetic ministry in the history of the world, the capstone ministry rested upon the foundation laid by Paul. The importance of this is evident by what was said during Brother Branham’s experience “beyond the curtain of time.”
Do not be naïve to think the spirits that Brother Branham identified and exposed years ago have set idle all this time.
The spirits of Cain, Balaam, Core, Jannes, Jambres, Judas, and Nicolaitanism are still here. Their workings have not stopped.
The trail of the serpent continues.
[6] Refer to COMMUNION quote p. 138
9 Who hath saved us, and called [us] with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,
To do away with healing, shall we dare to do away with Calvary as well?
I PETER 2:24
24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
[9] Refer to chapter 5, i.e. ” that finishes the message to the Church”, “the promise is fulfilled”
[10] refer to chapter 1, …”discern the body of the Lord”
[11] refer to chapter 1, …”discern the body of the Lord”
Now then, who are we quoting? Where did these revelations come from?
[13] An answer to question, ”How do you know what is right, and what is incorrect in the Message?”
[14] refer to footnote on page 54, Where did these revelations come from?
[15] This Message is the “Shout,” the first stage of the Rapture, it must be in you or you will be left behind. Refer to RAPTURE quotes on p. 68.
[16] Compare with p 36
[17] Refer to footnote on page 33
[18] refer to RAPTURE quote on p.138
[20] refer to SIXFOLD.PURPOSE.GABRL.VST.DAN quote on p.141
[21] Read carefully Lev 21:17-24 and Deut 23:1-4. These are the qualifications of a priest under the Old Testament priesthood. Notice the sanctity and unblemished requirements that was called for. A type and shadow for ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now then, how much more so should we be accountable to the qualifications of a minister as Paul stated in Titus 1:6-9, 1 Tim 3:1-7.
[22] Brother Branham did not change his doctrine on Marriage and Divorce.
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