Friday, 27 May 2011

Ready and Watching

Ready and Watching

Usually in the world today, that people think of the appearing of the Lord as a horrible, dreadful thing. "Oh, the world might come to it... Don't talk to me about that," they'll say. They don't want to know about those things. They don't care about them, just for the present day living. But those who love the Lord, love His appearing.  What if one of your loved ones, some of you older people, that your mother was gone on, or your father, or your baby, and they were--been away for so many years, and you knowed that they might appear at any time, why, you'd have the house all cleaned up. You would just be ready and watching down that road for every car light that turned in; you'd think it would be them.
Now, that's the way the Church ought to be watching for the coming of the Lord: all in order, all ready, all packed up and ready to go as soon as He comes; because it'll be in a moment in a twinkling of an eye. Just try to time how long it would take your eye to twinkle. That's just how quick the rapture of the Church will take place.

Them are privileged that's gone on. They come first, See, we which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord will not hinder or prevent those that are asleep. The trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then when our eyes behold our loved ones, then we'll be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, and with them shall be caught up together. See, the ones that goes first are privileged above those that are living.

And what difference does it make if I'm living here or I'm buried out yonder? For if I am already paid the penalty of death, I'll be there before any man that's a-living. That's right. "I say this," II Thessalonians, 5th chapter, "I say this to you in the commandments of the Lord. We which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord shall not hinder or prevent those that are asleep. For the trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first," the privilege of those that are dead will come forth first. That's how we know that it's at the hand. See?
"Then we which are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment, twinkling of an eye, and shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air.”

And now, at the coming of the Lord Jesus, those who are really loving His a-coming, that's living for it, when He appears in the sky, the Church that's dead in Christ shall rise and those will be changed in a moment. The rest of them know nothing about it. Remember, appeared to those in the city. See, the--the--the rapture will be like that. We'll see each other, and we'll see them. The rest of the world won't see them. It will be caught away as a secret going…

  …remember, if we go before He comes, we will be up and in His Presence, or raised before the others are changed. "The trumpet of the Lord shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which alive and remain shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, and be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." Look at the order of the resurrection. See, God knows that we long to see our loved ones. And if we got there to meet Him first, we'd be looking around to see if mother or dad and the rest of them was there. But see how, the Holy Spirit in His wisdom? We meet one another first, and then when we get there and sing "Amazing Grace," that's--that's when there's going to be a time of worship.

  the Holy Spirit; It's to be manifested when we see the Lord Jesus coming in glory, and feel that transforming power, and see the dead rising out of the grave, and know that in a second longer we'll be changed and have a body like His. It'll be made manifest.

RAPTURE.THE YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14 65-1204
I thought, "Oh, my God, one day there'll come a blast from heaven, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.

 …the translation of the Bride will be the same thing. The Word that's in you, the body will materialize around that Word, and the same thing did by Sarah... When that old body that she had, that first body, it had to be changed in order to produce a son. You get it? That body could not do it. This body cannot do it, so it'll have to be changed the same way to receive the Son.

Now, look. I want to ask you something. If it took the Holy Ghost to brood you out of the earth, and out of the earth you have come, and here you are now to a--up to an intelligent person; and now, if you, without any choice, the Holy Spirit made you what you are today, then how much more can He Who brought you from the earth in the first place, raise you up in the last days, though your body be scattered from the east to the west? Remember your bodies was laying here when the Holy Ghost begin to brood in the first place. If It didn't, where did it come from? You're calcium, potash, and cosmic light, and petroleum, the life here on the earth... God has put you together. And no else could do it. You can't get potash and calcium and pull it together and make a man. It takes the Spirit of the Life of God to come into the man to make him what he is.

Someday rainbows will sweep the sky. There'll be a trumpet sound. The dead in Christ shall be coming up.

Just like He'd appeared to him down there: Elohim. He needed--He needed a body to come down to earth in, so He just gathered up the cosmic light, and the petroleums, and so forth, and stepped into it. See, He's God. That's the way He'll do you. After you're no more than a spoonful of ashes in the dust, He'll still speak, and you'll be there. He'll call your name and you'll answer: the seed of Abraham.

I'll rise at that day just the same as I took a little nap somewhere." 

Now, all along, instead of getting weaker, Abraham got stronger, the Bible said. He was stronger, giving praise to God. He knowed it was going to happen. No matter how long it lingers, it's going to happen, going to happen. Like people today, they say, "Oh, the Bible said... It ain't no difference from the time our fathers fell asleep. Oh, I've heard that coming of the Lord since I was a little kid. My mother said she heard her mother talk about it. There's no such a thing."

You see, then they go and eat, drink, and be merry. You see that? They go out and start off, because why? There's never been any confirmation of it in their heart yet. But when God once confirms that in your heart, instead of get... If you're a real true seed of Abraham, instead of getting weaker as you see the days go by, you'll get stronger all the time. You say, "Well, if didn't grandmother see it, and mother didn't see it, if I don't see it, I'll looking for it. And if I don't, my children will see it. We were... I'm believing it. I fall asleep in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh watch. (Either church age, the first church age or to the last church age, those watches, which are watches.) If I fall asleep in each one of them, no matter where it is, I'll awake in Him that morning. So I'm going to be ready, believing that He's coming to this age.

The people who are looking for Him coming is under great anticipation and expectation. We can feel it, the pressure. And they're seeking, watching every move and every sign, comparing it with the Scriptures.

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