Friday, 27 May 2011

Malachi 4 Restoration

Malachi 4 Restoration

I would like to share my thoughts on the Malachi 4 restoration, and pose a few questions that came to mind.

…Jesus said, "Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things." Before the coming of our Lord, Elijah must come back for a work of restoration in the church. This is what Malachi 4:5 says, "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord; and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." There is absolutely no doubt that Elijah must return before the coming of Jesus. He has a specific work to accomplish. That work is the part of Malachi 4:6 that says "he will turn the hearts of the children to their fathers". The reason that we know this is his specific work to do at that time is because he has already accomplished the part that says "he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children," when the Elijah ministry was here in John the Baptist. Luke 1:17, "And he shall go before Him in the Spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the Just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." In the ministry of John the "hearts of the fathers were turned to the children". We know that because Jesus said so. But it does not say that the hearts of the children were turned to the fathers. That is yet to take place. The hearts of the last day children will be turned back to the Pentecostal fathers. John got the fathers ready for Jesus to welcome the children into the fold. Now this prophet upon whom the Spirit of Elijah falls will prepare the children to welcome back Jesus.

How could the prophet condemn the denominational Pharisees of our day of denying and rejecting a work of restoration of Malachi 4, if this restoration had not yet been manifested?

INDICTMENT.THE  JEFF.IN  V-3 N-19  63-0707
  …your forms of godliness, you've denied the power of His resurrection. But the hour has arrived; the last days are here, when God promised according to Malachi 4 that He would raise up in the last days and would turn the hearts of the people back to the original blessings and the Pentecostal faith of the fathers. And you can't deny it, and you can't withstand it. And now, I condemn you, guilty, and challenge you and indict you before God, that with wicked, selfish, denominational hands you've crucified the Word of God before the people. And I call you guilty and ready for the judgment. Amen. Yes, sir.

What Blinded these modern day Pharisees? The revealing of Jesus Christ through human flesh, (that of a prophet) opening of the Word, revealing the mysteries, which was the Message that restores the hearts of the children back to the fathers.

But now, God has promised us these things in the last days. In Malachi 4, said that Jesus Christ would come down and impersonate Himself in human flesh like He did at Sodom. That's right. And said the world would be in a Sodom condition. And it said, "As it was then, the Son of man will be revealed that day."
See, this Man that come down in the form of a man, which was "Elohim," by Abraham, before this promised son came. Look what it was. Abraham said it was God. And the Bible said there was three men came to him, dust on Their clothes, traveled, set down and eat like men. And Jesus said, "Just at the time the world gets in a Sodom condition, then the Son of man would reveal Himself again, not Son of God, Son of man (See?), would reveal Himself."
Now, mark that with what the last prophet said, "Behold I send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the--the hearts of the children back to the fathers," (See?) a Message to bring them back to the Bible. And the Son of man will be revealing Himself in that day. And at that day of the sounding of the last church age, the seventh angel, the mysteries of God should be made known in that day. The Seven Seals would be broken; the mysteries of all these churches and things, how they happened and what take--how, what taken place.
See, they don't know it. Jesus said, "You blind Pharisees." Said, "If the blind leads the blind, don't they both fall in the ditch?" See, that's the reason those people don't see that.

If we “got the real one” (the real Malachi Elijah prophet) wouldn’t that indicate by identification, he came to do the restoration appointed to him?  Are we to believe he came but did not fulfill the Scriptural promise?

God said, "I promised in the last days I'd send you Malachi 4." It don't have to be interpreted; He did it. He said, "And as it was in the days of Lot, the world will be in a Sodom condition; and that time I will reveal the Son of man by it exactly." We got all kinds of impersonations and everything else of it, but we got the real one too. See? He said He would do it.

If Brother Branham said they were seeing the fulfillment of Malachi 4 then, (during his ministry) what were they seeing, if it wasn’t the Elijah restoration?

  Now, we believe that the hour has come that St. John 14:12 must be fulfilled. We--we believe that Malachi 4 must be fulfilled. We believe that Luke 17:30 must be fulfilled. We believe that all these prophecies that He said would come to pass in this day, we believe they must be fulfilled. And we believe we're seeing them fulfilled right now. That's exactly right!

I have yet to find where Brother Branham refers to Malachi 4 and Luke 17 promises as being only partially fulfilled. I must tell you, I believe “all” means “all.”   

Then the works that the Holy Spirit is doing today by these visions never failing, promises never failing, all the apostolic signs promised in the Bible of Malachi 4, and, oh, the Revelations 10:7, all of that is being fulfilled

When we seen St. John 14:12, Hebrews 13:8, St. John 14:9, have we seen Luke 17:27-28, and all these Scriptures as promised, Malachi 4, all of them fulfilled right here before us? What has it done to our eyes? If it doesn't open them, it'll blind them eternally. It opens some, blinds the others. See? It opens them to it these last days, what He's promised to do this, what He said He would do it, restore back the faith.

Brother each of us is supposed to have a part in that restoration right now, present tense. That is not something to come. How could Brother Branham exhort the people to accept something that wasn’t present?

FUTURE.HOME  JEFF.IN  V-3 N-5  64-0802
…the eternal One that came and redeemed us and taken us back, letting us recognize that we were a part of this.  Now, how do you know you're a part? Because that the Word of the hour, the promise of the day. What is it? A restoration back to the first day, the first: "And he shall restore the hearts of the children back to the fathers," bringing a restoration again of the Pentecostal genuine, not sensations... and will manifest the Evening Light, the same sun that showed in the Morning Light. That's promised for the day. Amen, amen.

that's supposed to be the Message of the hour, to restore back the hearts of the children back to the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Won't you accept it tonight?

If the same One Who caused Moses and Paul to write the Bible was literally present revealing the Word through the ministry of William Branham, wouldn’t this “revealing”  be the restoration  of the Word prophesied in Malachi 4?  (here we could attach the revealing of “all “ the mysteries i.e. Rev 10, but that is another entire posting)

  Notice, same Pillar of Fire sent to Moses and to Paul that wrote the Bible, now sent to reveal It. The grace of God, the unchanging God fulfilling the promises of Matthew 28, "Lo, I am with you always," fulfilling St. John 14:12, "The works that I do, you also," fulfilling St. Luke 17:28-29, "In the last days the Son of man will be revealed," (See, see?) Malachi 4, "Behold, I send to you Elijah the prophet, that will restore the faith of the people back to the original Word." You see? See? How this... See? Oh, my.

Some of us for many years have had preconceived ideas and expectations of things Brother Branham told us was so simple we would fall over it. I believe the Malachi 4 restoration of the Word is one of those things. I believe It has come and been fulfilled and many of us fail to recognize it as so.
Brother Branham rehearsed the following Words of Jesus many times, and indicated the same  applied to this end-time.  My point being this: It has to have “already come” before the people can be rebuked that “it’s already come and you didn’t know It.”

CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE  L.A.CA  V-2 N-28  65-0429E
Then it could be--happen to us, friends, like it did when John the Baptist came. Even the disciples said, "Why did the Scriptures say, why did the--the apostles, or the prophets say, why does it say that Elias must first come and restore all things?"
He said, "I say unto you, that Elias has already come, and you didn't know it."
One of these days we could be left setting here. "What about the rapture before the tribulation sets in?"
"It's already come and you didn't know it."

That's what the church is in such a condition tonight, that it's in. It's because we have failed to believe all that He said He would do. All the Scriptures that pertains to Him, WE FAIL TO BELIEVE IT ALL. We bang it around, mix it up, and put something else to it. If we'd believe the whole thing, there'd be a Spring of joy in our souls because we're raised with Him in the likeness of his resurrection, now sitting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with all principalities, and powers, and darkness under our feet…

“the power of infallibility which is to be restored…”

BUT I DENY UPON THE INFALLIBLE EVIDENCE OF THE WORD THAT THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MAJOR PROPHET-MESSENGER WHO WILL REVEAL THE MYSTERIES AS CONTAINED IN THE WORD, AND WHO HAS THE MINISTRY TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN TO THE FATHERS. "Thus saith the Lord" by His unfailing Word stands, and shall stand and be vindicated. There is one prophet-messenger to this age. On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together. Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride? That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth. He won't need to speak for himself, God will speak for him by the voice of the sign. Amen.

 And we do have today, by God's help, the perfect interpretation of the Word with Divine vindication.

The original wheat seed of Pentecost was to come back in the last age. It had been buried at Nicaea. It sent up a shoot at Sardis. It grew a tassel at Philadelphia, and it was to mature at Laodicea. But it could not be back to the original until the Word was restored. The prophet had not yet come upon the scene. But now according to the time wherein we stand in the Laodicean Age, the `Prophet-messenger' of Revelation 10:7 must already be in the land. Once more "Thus saith the Lord" must be here, ready to be manifested with infallible vindication. Thus is the True Seed already maturing, and THEN THE HARVEST.

It is my belief Brother Branham fulfilled the above ministry when he came. It is important to see the above quote was presently taking place, not promised to come back and complete at a future date.  As you can see in the above Q&A quote: Brother Branham believed the Word was right then being “manifested with infallible vindication.”  To deny a restoring has taken place is to deny the Holy Spirit, through prophet’s message, has brought us  “back to the original”  Word which was opened and revealed to us.

There will come a messenger in the last days, will guide the people back to the first-fruit, back to the original faith. Grant it, Lord, that that great Messenger among us now, the great Christ, the Holy Spirit made vivid, made understanding, opening up the Word and revealing It to us, may He guide them back to the original Pentecostal faith.

If we put aside my understanding, and your understanding, and we sincerely wish to know what Brother Branham believed was “left undone”  what would we see?

…God Himself doing His Own interpretation, interpreting. He don't need anybody to interpret Him, He interprets Himself by manifesting what He promised that He would do.
Oh, if the church could only see that and see the promises that's lotted for each age! All other ages, God has sent on the scene (even down through the seven church ages) and has manifested everything that He promised to do. Everything, there's not one thing left undone. Exactly! What He said He would do, that He did.

Now, I want you to look at me just a minute. What has God left undone? Look how He's, what the Word that we have read, the prophecies that we have told, that Jesus identified Himself by the prophecies. Now, look at the hour, and these last three weeks where we have placed the hour that we're living. Look at what we have read, how about the false prophets and almost signs that would deceive the elected. How the Word has been manifested, how the god of this age has blinded the lie, hearts of the people. And how that God Himself has said through His prophecies that these things would take place in this Laodicea Age. There's nothing left undone. God is here just the same God that talked to those people on Emmaus, that identified Himself by the prophecies that was foretold of Him, He's here tonight identifying His Presence by the prophecies foretold for this age.

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