Voice of God Recordings
Voice Of God Recordings <vogr@branham.org> Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:17 PM
To: jayam14051980@gmail.com
Dear Brother Jayam,
Greetings in Jesus Christ precious and wonderful Name!
We wish to thank you for writing to us with your request and with your details of the needs for Message materials in your area. We are happy to inform you, Brother Jayam, that our translation and printing operations have stepped up considerably at our Voice Of God Recordings regional office in Chennai in the last year. We are printing on average 3-4 Message books a month at the Chennai office and monthly mailings has increased considerably. It would be an honor for us to supply you and your ministry with as many Message materials as you would have need of. We invite you to contact Brother Joel Paramanandam at the Chennai VGR office so as to detail your Message needs and provide him with your shipping address.
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Please remember us in your prayers as we will be praying for you. May the Lord Jesus ever keep you and guide you in His perfect will.
Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
India Missionary Department
Voice Of God Recordings
Monday, 30 May 2011
Saturday, 28 May 2011
` Let us remain standing a moment, as we bow our hearts now
before God.
2 Our Heavenly Father, we are indeed grateful for the privilege of
being here today, assembled together in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
We pray You forgive our sins, and as we are here to turn our attention
towards the Eternal things and the Life that lays beyond this mortal
reach. Now we pray that You will give us of Your directions, of how
that we must turn, what we must do in the future, and even in the
presence now, to gain that place that we are^been promised.
3 There are many that are sick and needy in the land, and they
haven’t completed their journey. And our great enemy, not only our
enemy, but Your enemy, has come to beset them and to_and to stop
their life, and to send them to a_a premature grave. And we’re
asking for them, today, that You and Your mercy and grace, Lord,
will extend their days to the allotted time.
4 Laying upon the platform, or the pulpit, here lays handkerchiefs
and parcels. And out in the halls and around the place, is them on
cots, stretchers, sick and afflicted, standing in the audience with
hardly enough strength to stand on.
5 O Eternal God, Blessed One, may You hear our prayer this
morning, through the Blood of the Lord Jesus; not looking at our
iniquity, but knowing that He stood in our place, and He is the One
that’s representing us for this prayer. May each and every one be
healed for Your glory, Lord.
6 Bless these handkerchiefs. When they’re laid upon the sick, may
they recover.
7 And now, Father, until we wait for the great healing service, we
believe will follow, break to us the way of Life, Lord, that we might
know through Thy Word what we should do. For we ask it in Jesus’
Name. Amen.
8 As always, this is deemed one of my highest privileges, is to be in
the house of God and to speak to His people. And now I know it’s
very congested, and I have a very long lesson. So I’m^I_I trust
that_that you’ll be comfortable, as possibly you can be, until we
finish the Message.
9 Now, it’s hot, but we’re grateful for the air conditioner. But, a
group of this size, there be no air conditioner could take care of it,
see, because your own body is a generating unit, about ninety-eight
degrees, and it’s constantly putting out heat, and sitting close
together. But I_I trust that God will make you just as comfortably
as He can.
10 And when we are in, build gatherings like this, I_I wouldn’t
have you come here, by no means, if I didn’t think it was to help
you, if I didn’t think that it was doing you good, and that you would
profit by it, by coming. And then, knowing too that we don’t have
too much longer to do this, that we’re_we’re coming to the_the
very closing hours, and I_I want to make every moment count, that
I can, for His Kingdom. And now I’m trusting that the Lord God
will bless us as we assemble.
11 And I want to comment you, that, yesterday I was going to
different places, out seeing some of the sick and afflicted, in the
motels, and I got to meet some of the managers this week, some of
the eating places. Like, I was over to the Ranch House this week,
over here, and the manager was shaking my hand as we started out.
And he said, he called me, “Brother Branham.” I wondered how he
knew me. And he said^
I said, “Are you the manager?”
12 He said, “I’m the owner.” So then he said, “Yeah, your people
come in here to eat, from down there.” Said, “They^”
And I said, “Well, I guess they overcrowd you.”
13 He said, “Sir, that’s one of the finest bunch of peoples I ever
seen.” He said, “They’re really nice.”
14 I went to a motel yesterday, to see a young lady I wanted to talk
to, her father and mother was present, and I had to go to the
manager to find out where the_the mot-^the room they were in.
15 He said, “And you’re Brother Branham?” That’s up at the Oaks.
And I said, “Yes, sir.”
16 He said, “I want to shake your hand.” He said^He introduced
me to his wife; very nice couple. They said, “Every person in this
motel is attending your services. We reserved it for them.” And said,
“All of our other customers we turned down.”
And I said, “Well, I thank you for that.”
17 He said, “Brother Branham, one of the nicest bunch of people I ever
seen, are the people that comes up here, that attends your meetings.”
18 I went in last night to a friend of mine, Mr. Becker down here,
and I always liked his sandwiches. He’s such a^He, I knew him
when I was a boy; knowed him all my life. There was a couple sitting
there from down at the_the old place, down at the Riverside Hotel
down there. So they^Mr. Becker said, “Billy?”
19 I said, “What is it, Homer?” We know one another real well.
He said, “I feed all your people up there.”
20 Some two hundred, or something, each Sunday, eats at the Blue
Boar. And everywhere I go, I hear comments of how nice you are.
21 This fellow said, “Down on the_the Riverview down there,”
said, “all that place is took up with the people attending the
meeting.” Said, “There be hundreds won’t get to come in.”
22 So, to be that, to me you’re the salt of the earth. I_I’m so
grateful to know that I have the privilege of preaching to people that
even sinners and people^I don’t say these people are sinners, but I
mean people that, business and so forth, that can say that you’re a
nice people, and they appreciate you in their business, around their
places. You know, that’s being salty. I appreciate that, your
behavior, the way you take care of things.
23 I’ve always said, “If one comes in and doesn’t, hasn’t the money
to take care of his bill, you just call me up.” See? I said, “We’ll do
something about it.” And I said, “Always feed them, whether they
got money or not.” See, anything can be done.
24 I feel you’re my children. You’re_you’re the stars that I^If I
ever have one when I get there, you’ll be that jewel, outshining part,
in the_in the crown of my ministry. When it’s crowned, you’ll be
that jewel.
25 And I’ve been telling you, in the times past, about the Seven
Seals, the Church Ages, and the things that_that’s been taking place.
26 And now, this morning, I have a very important subject. To me,
it’s a very blessful one. I hope it strikes you the same way. And if I
could only give it in the inspiration I received it in, be wonderful, but
that’ll be up to God to do that.
27 I’ve been telling you about where and what is happening, and we
see all these things taking place.
28 Now I’m speaking, this morning, on: The Future Home Of The
Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride, where they’re going to
live. And, for, I trust that by God’s grace we’re all a part of that
great economy of God.
29 And now I_I trust that you’ll bear with me, have your Bibles,
your pencils, or whatever you do to read with me, ’cause I’m going
to refer to many Scriptures. Trying to get through in time enough to
have prayer for the sick; and I promised that. You been praying for
the last little while, in the rooms and around, for the ones who are
just almost helpless and hopeless.
30 And, the Lord willing, I’ll probably have another service the
sixteenth, just maybe prayer for the sick.
31 Start my vacation now. Since last January, I’ve been traveling,
and I’m coming back here. I’m going to be. I take my family to
Tucson in the morning, and then I’ll return back to spend the time
down here in Kentucky, with some of my friends, hunting, and
squirrel hunting, for a couple of weeks, or maybe seven or eight, ten
days, whatever it is, unless the Lord leads me somewhere else. I
never know, just where you’re going to be; we never know that,
because that’s in the hands of God, God alone.
32 Now for this great subject, we_we^I suppose, if I would take
my time on this, ’cause you have to bring in many things, it would
take weeks. But I’ve wrote down some Scriptures, some notes, just
to hit the highlights of it, to where it’ll let you study.
33 Then soon, maybe, the Lord willing, in October, I don’t know
when, but whenever He will provide, I’d like to have a_a few days,
just of constant meeting, on the 12th chapter of Revelations, to tie in
with this here. Oh, I believe it would be great. It’d just be. It would
be great to see how He done.
34 Then, us coming together now, I said last night, I said, “You
know, when I^” In the morning, like every morning, I think,
“When I come down here, I’m going to recognize every one of my
friends that’s there.” Now how am I going to do it?
35 To have with me here, like my good friend, Doctor Lee Vayle
sitting back here, his lovely wife and daughter. And Brother Roy
Borders, and, I think, Brother Ruddell, Brother Beeler, and Brother
Palmer, and Brother Jackson. And, oh, my, the_the^Them dear
brethren from all different parts! Brother Anthony Milano, and, oh,
everywhere you look, you see some other brother! From down in
Arkansas, I can’t think of their name; Brother John, Brother Earl
Martin, and Brother Blair. And, oh, there’s just^you^It’s just
endless, you see. I’m so glad to have a group like that gathered
around me when I’m teaching on the Word of God, man who I think
are gallant man, real man of God.
36 I’m thankful for this little tabernacle. I’m grateful for its five
open doors to the public. Each door^We have four deacons here,
Spirit-filled man; four trustees, Spirit-filled man. That’s two at each
door. And it’s got a double door in front, for the two pastors, the
37 We’re glad to have you; thankful to God for this. May He ever
bless you.
38 Now we want to stand just a moment, while we read from Second
Peter the 3rd chapter, and also from the Book of Revelations 21.
39 As we stand, O Lord, fill our hearts with gladness because of the
reading of Thy Word, knowing that Jesus has said, that, “Heavens and
earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail.” Know again that
He said, “All Scripture must be fulfilled.” And as we read these things,
may we have an understanding from You, the hour in which we live.
We ask it in Jesus’ Name, the Author of the Book. Amen.
40 Second Peter 3.
This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both
which I stir up your pure minds by the way of remembrance:
That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken
before by the holy prophets, and of the commandments of us
the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days
scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?^(If that
don’t meet this infidel woman!)^and since the fathers fell
asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of
the creation.
For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of
God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the
water and in the water:
Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with
water, perished:
But the heavens and the earth, which now are, by the same
word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of
judgment and the perdition of ungodly men.
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day
is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as
one day.
Now, the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some
man count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not
willing that any should perish, but that all might come to
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;
in^which the heavens and the earth, with a great
noise^shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements
shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth also and the works
that are therein shall burn up.
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what
manner of person ought we to be in all holy conversation and
Looking for the hasting unto the coming of the day of God,
wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the
elements shall melt with fervent heat?
Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new
heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
Wherefore, beloved, seeing that we look for such things, be
diligent that you may not be found^may be found of him
in peace, without spot, and without blemish.
And accounting that the longsffering of the Lord is
salvation; even as our beloved^Paul^according to the
wisdom given unto him has written unto you;
As also^all his epistles, speaking in them of the things;^
which are some times hard to be understood, which they that are
unlearned and unstable wrestle, wrest, as_as they do also the
other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before,
beware lest ye also, being led away with^error of the wicked,
fall from your^stedfastness.
But grow in grace,^in the knowledge of the Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever.
41 Now in the_the Revelation of Christ, in the 21st chapter, I read
these Words.
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven
and the first earth were passed away; and there were no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming
down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for
her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the
tabernacle of God is with man, and he shall dwell with them,
and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with
them, and be their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there
shall be no more death, neither sorrowing, nor crying, neither
shall there be any more pain: for the former things have passed
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all
things new!^he said unto me, Write: for these words are true
and faithful.
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the
beginning and the end. And I will give unto him that is athirst
of the fountains of the water of life freely.
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his
God, and he shall be my son.
Let us pray again.
42 Lord Jesus, with such a promise and such stern talk as Jesus
Himself and the apostle has given us concerning the hour we are
approaching, give us, O Lord, of Thy direction, that we might know
how to approach it in the right way. Because, it’s coming, we know.
The Scriptures must be fulfilled, and so shall it be. And now, Lord, we
ask Your mercy again upon us all, as we study Thy Word. Be with us
and unfold It to us, Lord, for we ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
You may be seated.
43 Now, I wonder if there could be a way that perhaps, maybe they
could turn the lights from the main auditorium off, and just leave
them on the platform here, which would probably be better, and take
some of the current. We about burnt up a transformer, the other
night. And if the custodian will do that for us, we’d appreciate
turning the bottom lights, the main auditorium lights, off. And then
I think you’ll have plenty of room to see, to write.
44 Now, a subject again, to announce it, that we are approaching
the_the subject of: The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom
And The Earthly Bride.
45 Now as it’s been^I’m just going to have to do this. It’s just too
hot up here, see. Yes, sir. As we^I know my wife don’t like for me
to do that; but, that, take my coat off. It’s just too hot up here. See,
you got air out there, and it’s just cut off in a little pen here, see.
Now, in the_in the future, or^
46 In the past, rather, we have studied The Seven Seals, The Seven
Churches. Brother Vayle and those are working upon those now,
faithfully, to get them in book form.
47 And seeing all these mysterious things that we have seen come to
pass, then I think, after understanding that, in the hour that we’re
living in, and the position; there is no one that would want to sit
down real sensibly and examine what has been spoken of, and what
is promised to happen, and what has happened, but what could say
that those things are fulfilled. See? Exactly what God said He would
do, He did it just exactly to the letter. See?
48 Now, I think in this, that, not knowing what time that the Lord
Jesus might appear, I thought it would be good, it seemed pleasing to
the Holy Spirit that we’d speak on this, then; and maybe come back
to it again, two or three times, because I won’t have quite ample
time to get all this out.
49 As where you hit a_a subject that might be a little stumbling to
someone, you can’t carry it all the way out to make it plain, then you
come back again to catch the next subject.
50 And then later on, in the^if the Lord willing, we come into the
12th seals, or not^Pardon me. The 12th chapter of Revelations,
which lays between the Coming of the Lord and the ending of the
Trumpets, and so forth. We’ll try to bring that back, to show who is
Satan, and what he did, where he come from, what’s his purpose,
and how that his great beauty that was give him caused his fall. His
deceit caused it to fall; beauty.
51 Then, how that the impossibility for any man that wants to look
at it right, that serpent’s “seed.” I would make a challenge to that, to
anybody, see, that would want to look at it, with_with just
absolutely common understanding. A child can see it. See? Now, and
we’ll get to that later.
52 Now, we understand here that these two Scriptures^The
reason I read Second Peter the 3rd chapter, and compared it with
Revelations 21, they both here are speaking the same subject, but
John never_never wrote it out like Peter did. See? We understand
that this great Home of the Bride is to be here on earth.
53 And now if you read, just like 21 chapter, 21st chapter of
Revelations, apostle here said, or the prophet said, that, “I saw a New
Heaven and a New Earth.” Sounds like there comes a annihilation.
54 Now, way I always find my Messages is by prayer. I’ll be sitting
in prayer and something reveals to me. And I wait on it a few
minutes and see if it’s right, then I feel it closer. And then sometimes
I keep waiting till it breaks into a vision. But when it begins to come,
and I’m satisfied it comes from God, then I go to the Scripture. See,
That is, ought to be the confirmation of every spiritual thing that’s
done, because the Bible is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ;
see, It is His Body.
55 And now, in that, maybe I find a place in the Scripture that
doesn’t sound just right, and I’ll wonder. I go back again to prayer. It
comes again. Then I_then I begin to_to examine my Scripture.
56 Now, our Bible is wrote in English, and English words change,
all the time. For instance, like Saint John 14, said, “In My Father’s
House is many mansions,” a mansion in a house. Well, then, you,
what you do with that then, is run it back to the_to the original and
see what James meant, or go back to the Hebrew, or to the Greek,
from the first translation. And in there it says, “In My Father’s
Kingdom is many palaces.” Well, then, you come back to the time
that the translators translated for King James, the kingdom was
called, in English, a “house,” and the king was the father over his
delegates. There is the reason they translated, “In My Father’s
House is many mansions.” See? And then you get those words and
you have to hunt them up.
57 Then, you see, from that inspiration^This pulpit this morning, I
say, not one time has it ever been nothing but straight, the Scripture.
That’s how Serpent’s Seed and all these other things come. See? By^
58 And it’s, really, if a fellow would just read and say, “In My
Father’s House is many mansions,” if you didn’t stop to study, pray,
you’d be all confused. See? But just keep praying. God always makes
it right, if it comes from God.
59 Now, John explains the change and the com-^how it comes
about^He doesn’t explain it, rather, but Peter does. John just said,
“I saw New Heavens and New Earth; first heavens and first earth
was passed away. There was no more sea. I John saw the holy City
coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned
for Her Husband.” But, we turn back to Second Peter now to find
out, Peter explains how this process will come about. Now, if you’d
look at what John said, it sound like, “For the first heavens and first
earth was passed away,” annihilated. See, then, that sounds very
strange. So that’s what struck me, and I begin to look for the word,
“pass away.” And, now, but it’s clear that both of these, apostle’s
and prophet, were talking of the same thing.
60 And now, also, in the Book of Isaiah, now, that you want to put
these Scriptures down, in Isaiah 65:17. Isaiah, speaking of the
Millennium, that thousand years of rest for_for the people of God.
Isaiah spoke of it, and he said, “I^There was a^All the former
things had passed away,” and how they’ll build houses, inhabit them.
If we had time^Maybe we just take time and_and read this just a
minute, Isaiah 65, and let’s just read for a few minutes here. And
here it is, right, for us. Now, to begin, Isaiah 65:17.
And, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth:^
61 Now, Isaiah, the prophet, was one of the prophets that wrote
exactly the entire Bible in his prophecy. He starts out with the
creation; in the middle of his Book, about the 40th chapter, comes
around John the Baptist, the New Testament; and winds up here, in
his Book, in the Revelations, in the Millennium. There is sixty-six
books in the Bible, and there is sixty-six chapters in Isaiah. He wrote
a complete commentary.
62 Now, we find out, here now he’s getting the 65th chapter, one
more chapter, and he speaks of the Millennium. Notice it, how
^behold, I create new heaven and^new earth: and the
former thing shall not be remembered, or come into mind. (It’s
to “pass away.”)
But be_be ye glad and rejoice^even in that which I have
created: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoice, and her
people a joy.
And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the
voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, for^nor the
voice of crying.
There shall be no more thence^infant of days, and^an
old man that has not fulfilled his days: for a child shall die an
hundred years old; and a sinner being a hundred years old shall
be accused. Then shall^
And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall
plant vineyards, and shall eat the fruit of them.
And they shall not build, and another inhabit; (that is,
your farm, your son fall heir to it, or some of your
heirs)^they shall not plant, and another eat there: (they
do their own planting and remain there; they got Life
Eternal)^for as the days of a tree are the days of my
people, and my long^ mine elect shall long enjoy the
works of their hands.
They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for
they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their
offsprings with them.
63 Now notice, here is where I’m going to get to, after a while.
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer;
and while they are yet speaking, I’ll hear.
And the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion
shall eat straw like a bullock:^dust shall be the serpent’s
meat. And they shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy
mountain, saith the LORD.
64 What a promise, of these prophets and great sages, teachers of
the Bible, way back in ancient days, seeing this glorious Day come!
65 By these passages, one might think, or be led, rather, to believe
that the whole planet, of this earth, will be destroyed, “I make a New
Heaven and a New Earth,” see, that the heavens will be gone and the
earth will be gone, completely annihilated. But a close study, and
with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can see the Truth of this; and
that’s what we’re going into.
66 It is only the atmospheres around it, and the sin that’s upon the
earth, that will be destroyed. See? Now, we realize that the heavens
means the “atmospheres above.” See?
67 What does it do? It then, these thistles, and sickness, and death,
and politics, and sinful man, and sinful woman, and evil spirits, will
all be gone away and annihilated. See? It has to be done that way,
because we are going to live right here. We’ll prove that by the Bible.
Right here is where we live. Now notice, thistles, germs, all
sicknesses and things, will be completely taken away. All this, its
existence that’s in the earth now, man-made systems, politics, sin, all
kinds of evil spirits that the world is contaminated with, and all the
heavens above us in here, is contaminated with evil spirit. Now we’re
going to go deep and long, in this, see.
68 All this exists in the heavens, or atmospheres, and the earth
which is now. This earth holds those things, but it wasn’t made for
that purpose. Sin caused it to be like that. See? It was made by God,
the Creator. But all^
69 And all of our bodies, that we live in now, was put on the earth
when God created it, because you’re out of the dust of the earth. It
was all laid out here. When God Himself create it, you were in His
thinking. And in Him, the Great Eternal, was the thought, which is
His attribute.
70 And now sin caused all this to happen. And God, through this
age, is gathering up His material.
71 Satan is still here. That’s the reason all these things happen. He is
still here, and all of his evil forces are still here. Notice, that’s why
the earth now is so filthy. That’s why the scum and ridiculous things
that goes on; bloodshed, war, politics, sin, adultery, all kinds of
filthiness goes on, is because that Satan is the ruler of this earth and
this atmosphere.
You say, “The atmos-^?” Yes, sir!
72 Both the heavens and earth now is contaminated with devils that
can accuse us before God. Jesus is There to intercede for us. See?
While the accusers keep pointing a finger, “they did this, they did
this, they did this,” but the Blood still covers. He came to redeem
that Elected that He foresaw. That’s why it’s so filthy today.
73 Here, the apostle, in Second Peter here, the 2nd chapter, and the
5th and the^and the 5th and 6th verse. Yes, I’ve got it. He refers
to three stages of the earth. See, he_he gets three stages of it. Notice
how he brings them.
74 “The old world stood out of the water,” now, that was the
antediluvian world.
75 Now, the one that is, the present world we live in now, called it a
76 “The old world that stood out of water,” Genesis 1:1. Now and
the “world” that is now present. And then, again, he refers to
another one, “the world that is to come,” the New World. Three
worlds; three stages of the world.
77 And notice how God makes plain to us His plan of redemption.
Oh, this just thrilled my soul when I saw it, how He makes plain to us
here now His plan of redemption. Now compare what we see with our
own eyes. What God has done to redeem His world, He’s done the
same plan to redeem His people, for the unchangeable God changes
not in any of His plans or anything. Such a glorious thing!
78 How He led us to Himself, to a tabernacle in us, by three stages
of grace; just like He’s led the world in three stages, to come to the
world. As God will come to the world after it’s gone through three
different stages of purification, that’s exactly how He comes to us
through three stages of grace. I taught that at the beginning; I’ve
never changed, since. It’s God’s Word.
79 You have to keep your three’s together, your seven’s, your
twelve’s. The numerics of the Bible must run perfect or you’ll get
your picture all mixed up. If you can’t understand it, just keep
praying. You watch, it’ll cut right in, exactly. God is perfected in
three’s. See?
80 Notice, “the old world,” the antediluvian; the “world” that’s
present now; and the One to come.
81 Now, first stage that He brings us to^See, His plan of
redemption is exactly the same by everything. He uses the same
method. He never changes. He said, in Malachi 3, “I am God, and I
change not.” The way He does it, therefore, if He saved the first man
He ever saved, by the shed Blood of an innocent One, He’ll have to
save the next one; and every one He saves will have to be the same
82 If He healed a man at any time through the journey of life; let it
be in the days of Jesus, the apostles, the prophets, whenever it was;
when the same conditions is met, He’s got to do it again. That’s
right. He doesn’t change. Man changes, time changes, age changes,
dispensation changes, but God remains the same. He is perfect.
What a hope that ought to give the sick people!
83 If He ever healed a person, He has to do it again when the same
conditions is met. He ever, ever saved a man, He’s got to do it on the
same grounds He did it the first time. If He ever filled a man with the
Holy Ghost, He’s got to do it on the same grounds He did the first
time. If He ever raised a man up from the grave, He’s got to do it the
second time, and every other time, on the same principle.
84 He doesn’t change. Oh, what a hope that gives me! What is it?
Not in some man-made theory, something that groups of man have
come together; but His unchangeable Word.
You say, “Is it the Truth?”
85 He said, “Let every man’s word be a lie, and Mine be true.” “For
heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail.”
“All Scripture is given by inspiration, therefore it’s good and
profitable for doctrine.” And remember, that, “All Scripture will be
fulfilled,” every bit of it.
86 Notice how God makes it plain to us. And if that wasn’t a_a
great confirmation, a good^a great, loving blessing from God!
When I see this, and see that since a boy, first time ever Christ dealt
with me, I’ve still always taught those three stages of grace. Notice if
it isn’t true now.
87 Now, the first step is “repentance towards God.” And then
follows after that, is water baptism, “water baptism,” “Repent, and
be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.” See, water baptism
follows, showing that repentance was genuine. Or, to “remit” our
past sins, that has nothing to do with future sin. It only remits.
“Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.” What for?
“Remission.” Taking away of past sin has nothing to do with the
future. Just, your sin has been chopped off, what you did.
88 You can’t repent for what Adam done. You never done it; Adam
did. You just get forgiveness for what you done. The old nature is
still there.
89 Let me take this board just a minute. [Brother Branham draws
illustrations on the blackboard_Ed.] Now, here is a human heart.
Now, I’m not^I’m a long ways from being an artist. Here is a
human heart; and here is a human heart. Now, this one over here has
a snake in it, that’s sin, here he has his life. This one over here has a
dove in it, which is the Holy Spirit, here he has a Life. Well, this one
here, he has malice, hatred, envy; that’s what’s causing it, is this
fellow here. Well, this one over here has love, and joy, and
long-suffering; and That’s what does it, down here.
90 Now, when you are asked, or you are forgiven of your sins,
you’ve only done this, taken that away. But the thing that made you
do it is still there. That’s the old root of evil; it’s still there. Notice,
then you repent and are baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, that
He forgave you of your sins. Notice.
91 Then, secondly, comes sanctification, which sets our mind in
order for holiness, to think right. Taken away^sanctification is a
compound Greek word, which means “cleaned, and set aside for
92 Then, the next, comes the baptism of the Fire and Holy Ghost,
that God might dwell in us. And the Fire of God cleanses our hearts
from sin, and puts the Holy Ghost inside. Then we bring forth the
same Life that This did, because That’s in us.
93 Notice, in the natural birth, when a woman gives birth to a baby.
The natural life types the spiritual life. When a woman gives birth to
a baby, the natural, the first thing happens is breaking of water, then
blood, and then the spirit (the life). Grab the little fellow and spank
him [Brother Branham claps his hands together once_Ed.], and
away he goes, screaming. Water, blood, spirit.
94 And now when a baby is born into the Kingdom of God, he
comes the same way: water, Blood, Spirit.
95 Now notice, sanctification, the third stage^second stage of it,
cleanses the mind; sets the heart, the mind of the heart, in order of
96 A man can repent of sins and he is still thinking of^Well,
maybe he’s a_a immoral man, every immoral looking woman he
finds, is still there. Maybe he’s a drunkard; every time he smells the
drink, it’s still there. See?
97 But then when he gets sanctified, that cleanses that desire out of
him. See? It takes the want of it away. He can still be tempted, but
He takes the want of it away. Still, he’s not right yet.
98 Then, he is baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire. Cleansed,
burnt out, cleaned up; and then put into the service of God.
Sanctification only sets them aside for service.
99 And notice just exactly how that come, the messages coming.
Martin Luther, justification; John Wesley, sanctification; the
pentecostal, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The messages, that’s
where there can’t be no more ages of it, see. We’re at the end time.
Three stages. Baptism cleanses the heart with the Holy Ghost.
100 How striking now, He takes the place where we are to dwell in,
through the same process.
101 Now, He’s called the Church through justification, called It
through sanctification, then filled It with the Holy Ghost and Fire.
And He took It through a process, that He Himself, the Holy Spirit
Himself, the Son of God, could dwell in the human heart. Now, It
has to go through that before He can come into It.
102 Notice, He done the world, where that Bride is going to live in,
the same way, His same plan of_of salvation.
103 Notice the antediluvian world. He, after it had repented, by
through the Bride of that day, Noah, He give it a water baptism,
covered it over with water. Then, justification, showing that He’s on
His road to call this fallen world, from Eden, back to its restoration
104 Then Christ came and shed His Blood upon it, cleansing it and
claiming it. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit several times_
Ed.] See, that’s the world that we live in now.
105 See how Satan, here in the Scripture, tried to make Him break
God’s plan to receive it, give it to Him when he took Him up on the
mountain, and tried to give it to Him without the purchase of the
106 Did you notice how Abraham, when they tried to give him the
land, he bought it with so many shekels of silver, before the people,
as a ensign, as a witness? “Let it be known this day that I bought this
burying place.” See, purchase it! And Satan tried to_to give Him the
kingdom which belongs to him now. He tried to give it to Him as a
gift, but He wouldn’t receive it. Cause it’s, see, then Satan could still
have claim on it. But, it had to be bought. Amen. He was the Word
in the fullness thereof. They couldn’t deceive Him in it.
Then, it is now to get a baptism of Fire.
107 See, it has now^What happened? Christ came and called the
Church to repentance, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the
remission; sanctify the Church; and with the Fire of God come
down and burn out all the filth, and come and dwells in the human
108 Now, the world, to be redeemed for this redeemed person, He uses
His same method. He baptized it in water, after the antediluvian
destruction. Shed His Blood upon it, to sanctify it and claim it. It’s His.
Satan tried to say, “I’ll give it to You.”
109 He said, “No, sir, I’ll buy it.” Let it be a witness. He was lifted
up, for an ensign, that He bought it. He purchased it.
110 But now it has to go through a baptism of Fire, holy Fire from
God, which cleanses the earth and the heavens around it. Then, it’s
purchased so that the redeemed can live on it, live in it in peace.
Notice, the baptism of Fire is to cleanse it from sin, from sickness,
from disease germs, from sinners, from the devil and all of his group.
He is to be cast out, into the Lake of Fire. Holy Fire from God, comes
down from God, out of Heaven, and burns it up, notice, to make it
ready for God to dwell in. For, God, in the New World that is to
come, is to dwell in the earth. Cause, you say, “God, He dwells in the
human heart.” But, He and the Bride becomes One, and they go to
their Home in the New World. And the same plan of redemption is
used to redeem, both, world and the persons that live in it.
111 See, the heart has to be cleansed like that. Before God can come
down in the person of the Holy Ghost, which is Christ coming down
and dwell in the human heart, it first must be repented. It must be
baptized in water, in His Name, to show who it belongs to.
Then it must be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.
112 And then the holy Fire and Holy Ghost, from God, comes down
and burns out all the desire of sin, all the nature of the world. “And,
therefore, he that sins willfully after receiving the knowledge of the
Truth^” Then, again the Bible said, “it’s impossible^” “For, a_
a man that’s born of God cannot sin; he does not sin.” There is no
way for him to sin. How can he be a sinner, and a redeemed, at the
same time? How can I be in the pawn shop, and out of the pawn
shop, at the same time? See? Oh, He redeemed us by His Blood; by
His Spirit He cleansed us; and then comes to dwell in us, the Church.
Not the denomination, now; the Church!
113 Notice close now as we take this, the places we are to_to dwell
in. Now, now, the_the antediluvian repentance, then, brought water
baptism. Then Christ came and shed His Blood upon it, to cleanse
and to claim it. And then comes, the next, the destruction of the
world as it is now.
114 All the sin that’s in the heavens above, “he is the prince of the
power of the air,” he keeps off (wars off) the blessings from God. In
there comes thunderbolts of lightning and strikes the earth, and
everything, from the heavens, sheets of slicing rain, and typhoons,
typh-^storms and everything, “comes from above,” which is
Satan, “the prince of the power of the air.”
115 Notice, see how Satan tried to take it, as I said a few minutes
ago, by giving it to Jesus without buying it. Then, Satan still has a
claim, because it’s earmarked, see. But Jesus buys it by His shed
Blood and brings it back to the rightful owner. See? That’s how He
bought us, by His Blood, how He bought the Church.
116 And now its baptism of Fire cleanses it from all germs, all its
diseases, all sicknesses, even all the spiritual things; which is by us,
too, it does the same way; to make it ready for God to dwell in, in
this great age that’s to come, the New Earth. See, He redeems it in
the same way He does His people. He makes it all just the same, His
plan of redemption. For, He is the unchangeable God, always the
same in His plans.
117 How I’ve told you, before, and make it known to you, and by all
ages, that God cannot change; makes it known, every way, by the
118 He made it known, His first message, in the antediluvian world,
by Noah the prophet.
119 I was talking to a dear brother who is sitting present with me
now. Yesterday, he said, “One thing you said, Brother Branham,
that always shook me.”
I said, “What is it, brother?”
120 And he said, “Here is what you said,” and it’s true, “‘The
minority, how a little group is going to be saved in the days of
Coming.’ And we talked of how Jesus said, ‘Strait is the gate and
narrow is the way, and but few there will be that’ll find it.’ Now
notice, the Bible said, ‘As it was in the days of Noah wherein eight
souls were saved by water, so shall it be in the Coming.’”
I said, “Brother, you just got^”
He said, “Remember, there is only eight souls there.”
I said, “You just got half the picture.”
121 Yet, Noah was a type of the remnant that’s carried over, not the
translated bunch. Enoch, one man, went in the Rapture before the
flood came, showing that the Church does not go into the tribulation
or anything around it. Enoch was translated, one man. Oh, the
church may be a number; but the Bride is going to be a very small
group that’ll make up the Bride. Now, the church may be a great
number; but, the Bride, you see, compare eight with one. Eight times
less, will be the Bride, than the church.
122 “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where will the sinner and
the ungodly appear,” those who know better, to do it, and go ahead
and do it anyhow? Those who follow the rules of denomination
instead of the Word, where will they appear at, yet called Christians,
taking the Name of Christ?
123 Now, perfectly, Noah was a type of those carried over.
Remember, when Noah come out, Ham was with him. Sin was still
in there. Sin went right on over, through the ark. Unbelief, doubt,
went over in the ark, carried above the judgment. But Enoch went
higher than the ark, he went on into the Presence of God. But Noah
went through and come out, and there was still sin; type of the
Millennium, of the world’s condition.
124 The Millennium is not the end of it. There will still be time after
the Millennium. The Millennium is a space of time; but, not the New
Earth. No, indeed. Notice, in that, we’ll get to it after a bit.
125 See, the earth, redeemed, goes back to its original Owner again.
It took^He took it from Satan. He pulled, taking the earth away
from Satan, just like He took you away from Satan, like He took the
little woman at the well away from Satan. There stood the priest,
thought he was with God, and he had nothing. See?
126 I’d like to draw that for you just a moment. Now, we want to get
this real clear, so now watch close now on this teaching. [Brother
Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard, for the next few
127 Now, this here, here is God. God, which is the Eternal,
without^There is no one but Him. But, in God, He had attributes.
Now, this here represents the Word, the Word of God, which was
made flesh and dwelt among us in the person of Jesus.
128 Now this here, fellow here, we’re going to make him like this.
Now, this is called the woman at the well. This is the priest, Pharisee.
And where you see this, open blackboard, means grace and salvation.
129 Now, “In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made
flesh and dwelt among us.” The three stages. It was a attribute first,
was in God, that He thought of Himself as being human; and that
transmitted Him down to be Jesus; and now, if you’ll ever be There,
you was with Him then. For, there’s only one form of Eternal Life,
that’s God; and you had to be a part of God at the beginning, not
what you just chose down here. He chose you. “All the Father has
given Me will come.”
130 Now look at this priest here. We find his bottom part, here, his
back life, back behind him, his predestination back here, is sinful.
Here is hell, down here.
131 Now, this little part in here, that looks like the blackboard, that
represents his purity. He was a priest. He was an honorable man.
That represented this. He was, also, had to be a good man, or he
couldn’t be a priest. But you see how he got it, was intellectual
132 Now, this little woman, her first life, up here, she was a
prostitute, she was all marred up. But way down in her, here, was
just a little bit of understanding. “I know when the Messiah
cometh^” See? See, that was there.
133 Notice, when Jesus came and manifested the Word, because
the Word discerned the thoughts that was in the heart; as Hebrews
4 says It will, 4:12, that He would. “The Word was a discerner of
the thoughts of heart,” and He came as the Son of man, the
Prophet. What happened? This priest, with only intellectual
learning, said, “It’s a devil,” because that’s what his denomination
called it. What did it do? He had no representation, so it blacked
him out.
134 But this little woman had nothing to present; she was as filthy
and dirty as she could be. But, notice, way down in her, she’s got
representation, see. And, then, she was looking for this to be made
And when He said, “Go get your husband and come here.”
She said, “Sir, I have none.”
135 Said, “You’ve said the truth, ’cause you got five, and the one you
have now is not yours. You’ve had five. That makes six you had.”
136 She said, “Sir!” (Not, “You’re,” not, “Beelzebub.”) “I perceive
that You are a Prophet. Now, we know the Messiah, which is called
Christ, will come. And when He does, He’ll do this.”
He said, “I am He. ”
137 No more doubt. You didn’t have to explain it. She saw it. She
believed it. Away she went! Why? What did It do to her? It
redeemed her.
138 Now watch, He came to be a Redeemer. Is that right?
[Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] What does redeem mean? “Bring
back.” Why didn’t He get the priest? He never was up there. See?
See, he had no representation.
139 He came to redeem that which had fallen. In the fall, this got
messed up, with that girl; but God had her in His thinking before the
foundation of the world, and He come to cleanse her. See? Then
He^She had Eternal Life. See?
140 Where, the priest, what did it do to him? It sent him right back to
his destination. He had nothing, to begin, only intellectual learning.
141 Now listen, friend, if the only thing you’ve got is just intellectual
learning, you get something different from that. And you’ll never be
able to get It unless you got representation. That’s the reason I
believe you come from the east and west, north and south; the
Word, living, made manifest.
142 Notice now how He makes His way known by His prophets, in
the beginning. He has never changed it.
143 [Blank spot on tape_Ed.]^salvation. He justified a man;
sanctified him; sent the Holy Ghost and Fire, and burnt the sin out
him, and dwelt in him, Himself.
144 He does the earth, that He’s going to use in a plan of redemption,
the same way. It repented and was baptized in water, in^by Noah.
Jesus come and sanctified it, by dripping His Blood upon it, and
claimed it. And in the New Earth that’s to come, it’s to have a holy
Fire baptism, to clean it of every devil, every germ, every sickness,
everything that there is, and make it anew. “I saw a New Heaven
and a New Earth.”
145 You become a new person. Amen! Not just an old one patched up,
by joining church or trying to turn a new page, but you are a complete
brand-new unit. God takes the old man and burns him completely out,
with the Holy Ghost and Fire, and comes Himself, sends down your
representation. “No man can come to Me except My Father has
drawed him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me.” You
see it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] Same plan; same way.
146 Satan was^will be taken from the earth, just exactly like Satan
was taken from you. Satan cannot bother; or, he can tempt, but he
cannot get a born-again Christian. For, God, from the foundation of
the world, foresaw him, and sent Jesus to redeem him, and the Blood
speaks for him. How can he sin when it can’t be seen, even, by God?
He don’t even^The only thing He hears is your voice. He sees
your representation. Amen! That is true. See?
147 By the same means, for the world is one of His attributes just the
same as you are one of His attributes. The world becomes one of His
attributes, because it was God’s thinking, in the beginning. To have a
world, to be on a Throne, to be a King, to be a Redeemer, to be a
Healer, that’s His attributes.
148 Just like an attribute of you. I can’t say a_a “post” ’less I think
of post. I can’t say “man” unless I think of man. And when I think of
man, then say “man,” the thinking is my attribute and the expression
is the word. See?
149 Like Isaiah, how could he say, that, “A virgin was going to
conceive”? What is a thought?
150 Now, many of you wonder how them, that discernment, comes.
I’m going to tell you. See, it’s a word that I say. And it isn’t my
thinking, ’cause I don’t know. I don’t know of the thinking of it.
How can I tell you who you are and where you come from, when I
don’t know you? How can I tell you what you done ten years ago,
when I never seen you in my life? How can I tell you where you’ll do
and what you’ll do ten years from now? How do I know the future?
But it is Somebody else’s thought.
151 “Let the mind that was in Christ be in you. Let the mind that
was in Christ be in you.” See, then it isn’t your thinking. It’s His
thinking, through you. And you’re not expressing your own words;
you’re expressing His Words.
152 That’s how many a times the brethren gets confused, on
interpretation of tongues, and things. See, they say things that’s not
right, they don’t realize that that’s Satan. You say, “In the garden of
God?” Just wait till we get through, find out if it’s not, or not. The
weeds and the wheat grow in the same field. They both live by the
same sun and the same rain. See?
153 “But if there be one among you who is a prophet, I the Lord will
speak to him. And if what he says happens, then that’s Me, see, ’cause
he’s not expressing his own. He is expressing My thoughts, My
attributes of the things that has to come, and I’ll use his mouth to
express them by. And after he said them, they’ve got to come to pass.
Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail.”
154 Isaiah said, “A virgin shall conceive.” That settles it. She is going
to conceive. What God said, He does.
155 Oh, make known, by His prophets, all of His manifestations,
because it’s His attributes of His thoughts expressed.
156 Now, here it was, in this little woman. She was one of His
attributes. See?
157 And there was the priest, representing the Light. He had learned it
from the Bible. He had learned that God was God. He had learned
that holiness was right. He was learned that there was a law of God.
He had learned it because of an intellectual conception. And he was
born in the right lineage; he was a Levite. But he only knowed it by
intellectual conception. And when the Light of the hour^See, he
learned it by what had happened, not what was happening; what had
happened! And when he found what was happening, his
denomination said nothing about It, therefore he had no
representation of It.
158 But here was the Redeemer on earth at that time, to redeem
those attributes of God, and she received it. She never questioned it.
She said, “When Messiah cometh, He’ll do this,” and that settled it.
And she seen it done, so^He said, “I’m the Messiah,” so that
settled it. No more question. She just went, telling everybody else,
“Come, see Who I found.”
159 These processes make us clean, a temple for His dwelling place:
justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost with Fire.
That does the cleansing of (our) this temple.
160 So, as old world frame did not destroy, by the waters when it
was washed off; the frame of the planet, the old frame, the^all the
dirt, all the stuff that God put on the earth, was not destroyed when
the first world was destroyed. And the Bible said it was “destroyed,”
but it never destroyed the frame. It just destroyed the sin and sinners
that was on it. The framework remained.
161 But, you see, as justification, as you Baptists and Methodists
want to think of it, just justification, believing and being baptized,
that’s not enough. You’ll wander right back into the things of the
world, and bob your hair and wear shorts, and everything else. See,
there is nothing happened yet. You just looked back and seen you
done wrong.
162 What did justification do to the world? Never done a thing to it;
started right off again, just as much sin as it ever was. That’s the way
a man does, and that’s all the farther he goes.
163 That’s the way the great evangelist, Billy Graham, ought to see.
He said, “I go and have thirty thousand converts, come back in a
year and ain’t got thirty.” That’s all the farther they went. See? And,
surely, they repent. I believe they repent; most of them, or some of
them, at least. But that isn’t what it takes. It proves it here.
164 Now, so the old world framework was not destroyed by the
water. The world was only washed off. That got its baptism. It was
165 So will the framework remain, though it be burnt by Fire. It
don’t destroy the earth, see, it just destroys the sin that’s on it.
166 Notice here, some of you Bible students, and especially Doctor
Dale looking at me. Notice in Peter, in the 2nd chapter of Peter here,
3rd chapter, rather, he uses the word “world,” as a Greek word
kosmos, which means, “the world order.” “The earth shall pass
away, melt the elements with fervent heat.” See? Doesn’t mean that
the earth, the planet, is going to pass away. But the world, kosmos,
the politics, the sinners, the systems, sin, disease, germs, everything
that’s wrong, will pass away. Everything that once^
167 God once shook the heavens, but this time He said He’ll shake
the earth, heavens and earth^“He shook the earth,” rather, “and
then this time He’ll shake the heavens.” See? “For we receive a
Kingdom that cannot be moved.” It’s a Eternal Kingdom. Watch
how he goes to it.
168 Notice here, Peter said, “And will melt with fervent heat, and
the works therein burnt up,” not the planet. “The works therein,” the
works of man, all their politicians and their schemes, and all their
denominations and man-made schemes, will all go with it when it
169 “And_and heavens will pass away with a great noise.” Did you
notice here? “Heavens will pass away with a great noise.” Listen! The
whole earth will be on fire, and will ignite the gases that’s in the earth
and explode it. That’s exactly. Talk^The Bible said here, Peter said,
“And the heavens will pass away, and earth, with a great noise.” Such
an explosion will rock it, oh, my, ’cause it’s got to kill every disease,
every thistle, every thorn. Everything there is to be done, the Fire will
burn it up. And, remember, it’s not altogether just a literal fire, it’s also
a holy Fire, see, that will take away Satan and all of his, all the devils.
“Both heaven and earth,” amen, “will pass away,” killing all the
germs, all insects, all natural life on it and around it, even the H2O (the
water) will explode. Think of it. Talk about a noise!
170 You think that little noise out here in Tucson was something,
when He opened the six Seals, that shook the country around about,
and caused the talk. Wait till this earth receives her baptism!
171 You know, when a man receives the baptism of Fire, there’s a lot
of noise around there. They think that’s a shame, to hear people
scream and shout like that. Just wait till this earth gets her baptism!
172 Yeah, it’ll explain.^explode it, the H2O, the water, for the
Bible said here in Revelation 21, “and there was no more sea,”
explode it. This will change the whole surface of the entire earth.
She’ll burst and blow to pieces. All the outside, the crust, and for
hundreds of feet below it, will just simply be completely demolished.
The atmospheres, the gases that’s in the earth now, where they’re
finding these missiles that can’t get through it, a great sphere up in
there, way up in some kind of a sphere that there’s all kinds of gases,
they say; and that’ll burst. The holy wrath of God will come upon it,
see, and will cleanse it, will change the entire surface.
173 Now, many of you that want to put down this word, the Greek
word, “pass away.” It comes from the word^I had to find it. I
thought, “How is this world going to pass away, and yet we’re going
to live on it?” But if you’ll notice, some of you people that wants to
put it down, I’ll spell it for you. I couldn’t pronounce it,
p-a-r-e-r-e-c-h-o-m-i-a. I don’t know how to pronouce it.
174 Now, that way, as I said, when I get^The inspiration strikes
me for something, then I go back to find out the word. Now, here, I
can’t spell the word, or I can’t_I can’t pronounce it. But, in that, the
Lord has still give me a way. I go and find out what that word
means, then I got it. See? Then I got it, again. See?
175 Heavens and earth will pass away, now, this word means,
“passing from one form to another.” It does not mean
“annihilation,” as the English word would mean, pass away, it’s
annihilated. But the Hebrew word, or the Greek here, does not mean
pass away; it means, “from passing from one thing to another.”
Look, but, “to pass from one condition,” it says, “to another.”
176 Now notice, Paul used it, if you want to read it now. Put it
down, you can read it later. In Titus 3:5, Paul is using this same
word, means regeneration of man, that man has passed from a sinner
to a saint, not completely annihilated. When a man is changed, he
isn’t annihilated, but he’s a changed person. He has been changed
from what he was to what he is, not annihilated.
177 Jesus used the same word in Matthew 19:28; now, not 28:19.
Now, 19:28, He said to them, “You’ll set with Me in My Father’s
Kingdom, regenerated,” you see, “changed,” when you’re changed.
He used the same word.
178 And He used the same word when He said, to the colt, said,
“Loose the colt and let him go. ”
179 Said the same thing at the resurrection of Lazarus, “Loose him!
Change him! He’s been tied; let him go!”
180 What does it mean? The earth will be loosed from the grip of
Satan. It’ll be loosed. It’ll be loosed from politics, it’ll be loosed from
denominational religious systems; to be used for the Kingdom of
God, to be establish it here on the earth. But as long it’s in the hands
of Satan, politics^Satan the ruler of the earth, he owns it; it
belonged to him, but now Christ has redeemed it.
181 One time, I was his property, but not now. One time, that little
woman was his property, but not now. See, He come to loose the
grip of it. He loosed the grip of sin, of Satan, upon my life, upon
your life, and now we’re not his.
182 Have you often heard me say, in prayer, “take your hands off of
God’s property”? See? Amen! Have faith to claim your own. That’s
your rights. “Take your hands off of her! Take your hands off of
him!” See, faith will do it. Oh, my! Not annihilate it, but, just, “Take
your hands off of it,” to loose it, let it go, pass it away. It changes.
183 The earth will change. Politics will change. The religions will
change. The denominations will pass away. Politics will pass away.
The Kingdom of God shall be established.
184 We read in John, read John in Revelation 6:14, see, “it departed
as a scroll.” The Bible said the^that it^John said, “I saw the
heaven and earth depart as a scroll.” John, Revelation 6:14.
185 Jesus said, “Heavens and earth shall pass away,” or, other words,
“heavens and earth shall be changed.” See, used that same word
right there again.
186 No, not annihilated. For, later, in Revelations 21:2 to 24, he seen
the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven, and
sitting upon this earth. It doesn’t mean it’ll be annihilated. The
systems will be changed.
187 Daniel saw the same thing. A Rock struck the world, was hewed
out without hands; and the whole image of the systems was broke
down and become like chaff on a summer threshing floor, and the
wind packed it away. And the Rock, Itself, grew into a great
Mountain that covered the earth. Watch that Mountain now, in a
little bit. That Mountain covered the earth.
188 Also, we find out here, over in, also, in Revelations there, it said,
“The kings of the New Earth will bring their honor and glory into
it.” In the earth, is sitting^The New Jerusalem is sitting on this
earth. See, it just changed.
189 You’re the same man, in stature, that you was when God called
you, same woman. But, you see, what it did, it was a regeneration.
The old life passed away. The old desire has passed away. When, you
used to like to drink, and cuss, and fuss, and stew, and run around,
and immoral, that thing just died. See? But now you are used^
Then you was Satan’s instrument; now you are redeemed.
190 And that’s what the world will be, the same way, redeemed, a
New Heavens and New Earth.
191 Just like you, “You are a new creature.” And the Greek word
there, anybody knows, said, “You are a new creation.” Amen! A
new creation in the same old temple. Hallelujah. Watch what
happens here now. Glorious! All right.
192 Now we find that this earth will hold the kings of the earth.
193 And, again, in Matthew 5:5, Jesus said, “The meek shall inherit
the earth.” It isn’t going to, just going to have another earth. It’s just
going to be the same earth. I’m trying to get the_the plan of
redemption to you, before, if I don’t get nothing else, see. The
baptism of Fire, on it, only is to cleanse it and make it a fit place for
His meek to live in. See? Oh!
194 Like He did us, His creation, to live in. Before He could come in it,
He had to give us the baptism of Fire; then the Holy Ghost come in
and live, baptism of Fire. Then, when you get that baptism of Fire,
then the Holy Ghost can come in. What? As It does, It burns up
everything contrary to the Word, out of you. See? It won’t believe
nothing else but the Word, because It is the Word. See? See? See?
195 Now, that’s what we was talking the other day, the evidence of
the Holy Ghost. See? The evidence of the Holy Ghost is when you
can receive the Word; not some system, but have a clear understand.
How do you know the Word is clear, understand It? Watch It
vindicate Itself.
196 “Well,” you say, “I see this do it, and that.” Oh, yes, weeds live
the same way. See?
197 But it’s got to be the entire Word. To be the Bride, you have to
be part of Him. He is the Word. See? And what a part of Him is it?
The Word that’s promised for this day when He calls His Bride. Be a
part of that. You get it? Now, don’t_don’t lose that now. Notice.
And He makes it a fit place to live through Eternity.
198 Notice, this is still not referred to^This Millennium reign, the
thousand years, is not the New Earth. See, the Millennium reign is a
different reign. That’s what we go into, the Millennium, but that isn’t
the New Earth, the New Heaven. No, no. That’s just a rest place, see, a
rest period, not at all the New Heavens and New Earth; for, you see, in
the Millennium we have things that would not go into That. It’s a type
of the old seventh day, out at Eden; the seventh day, after He made the
world. The seventh day, He rested in Eden, and the Millennium.
199 See, the world has now almost six thousand years, old. See?
Every two thousand year it’s had a_a destruction. See?
200 First two thousand, the flood came, and He baptized it with
(what?) water.
201 Next two thousand, Jesus come to sanctify it and claim it,
dropped His Blood upon it, called it His. All right.
202 “I’ll come again,” uh-huh, now as King with His Queen, and the
second two thousand years (what does He do?) He comes and gives
His rest period.
203 And then burns her off, and claims it for His Own; puts His Own
back on it.
204 And notice, not the perfect world, this Millennium, it’s a type of
the seventh day. Then comes the White Throne Judgment. See, we
still have judgment. We’re still in time, in the Millennium. It’s a day,
one thousand years. It’s a time element. Not, don’t get that mixed up
with the New Earth, now, ’cause it’s not.
205 You might say this to me. Now I just feel somebody might say
this to me, that, “Now, Brother Branham, what are you going to do
now? You’ve run out of your complete sevens. Where you going to
do now? Now, you’re a dispensationalist.” Which, I am. I believe
that God is, too. Note, notice. “You’ve run out of dispensation
types. For, if you’re going to put something beyond that seventh day,
how you going to get it? Where you going to now?”
206 All right, I’ll call your attention to something, see. See? No, I
ain’t, I ain’t out of dispensations, yet. I got another Scripture here.
And, remember, all of It has to be fulfilled, every bit of It. See?
207 Now you say, “Brother Branham, you’re trying to put something
way over yonder beyond that seventh day, that seventh-day sabbath.”
208 As God made the earth and labored six days, and rested the
seventh, was only a type of time, time. But I’ve just said here, we
become Eternal.
209 “So where is your type now? You said you’re a typologist. So,
you, you’ve run out of types now.” No, I haven’t. Let’s just find out
if we have.
210 Let’s go to Leviticus, back in the 23rd chapter of Leviticus. Now
I want you to notice in Leviticus, where we was at last Sunday, or
last^This is what give me the idea, right here. The 23rd chapter of
Leviticus, and the 26th verse.
211 Now remember, there is seven feast days. The feast of trumpets,
the feast of_of tabernacles, the feast of the sheaf-waving, the^All
this, there is seven great feast days, that was only a type of the Seven
Church Ages. And you remember how many sabbaths there was
between one and the other? See, seven sabbaths between pentecost
and the trumpets, which was Seven Church Ages. And there was
seven feast days, that represent the Seven Church Ages. Keep your
numbers running.
212 Say, “Well, now, Brother Branham, you’ve done run out. You
got your seven.”
213 All right, let’s take the last feast, which is the feast of
tabernacles. Now notice here in the 36th verse.
Seven days shall you offer offerings made of fire unto the
LORD: on the eighth day_on the eighth day shall be a holy
convocation (there is another holy time coming)^holy
convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire
unto the LORD: and it is a solemn assembly; and you shall do no
servile work therein.
214 Now we got a “eighth day.” Now, there is only seven days, but
here we speak of “the eighth day,” holy convocation, convocation.
Notice, “Do no work in it.” The eighth day, are (what?) back to the
first day. Why, it speaks of Eternity, as she rolls around without a
stopping place. Amen. Do you see it? [Congregation says,
215 Notice, it was also upon this eighth day. Last day, feast day of
the tabernacle, notice after that, after the last feast day, after the last
Church Age, after the last complete seven days upon the earth, after
the Millennium, that this Holy Convocation comes.
216 Remember, this is feast of tabernacles, tabernacles, “gathering
places.” Amen! Where, “In the Millennium,” the Bible said, “they
shall build houses; they shall inhabit.”
217 But in the New Earth, He has already went and prepared the
place. It’s built. We have nothing to do with the building of it.
Amen. Eternal! Oh, I just love that Word! My! A Holy Convocation,
the eighth day. Which, is only seven days. Then on the eighth day,
which comes back to the first day again, comes right back to the first
day, the eighth day is a Holy Convo-^Convocation.
218 Notice, seven days, only has to do with the old creation, world
time. Seven days, that’s the Millennium, the rest day. As God
labored six days, rested the seventh; the Church labors six days, and
rests the seventh, but you’re still in time element. I ain’t speaking of
the Eternal.
219 But, you see, there is no such a thing as eight days; you go back
to the first day again, see, the first day.
220 The sabbath speaks of the old law, which was to pass away. The
keeping of a sabbath, which “passed away,” or, I have said,
“changed to another.” It didn’t pass away; it just changed from the
old law, of keeping a certain day of the week.
221 Isaiah, the 19th chapter, said, I believe 28:19, said, “Precept must
be upon precept; here a little, and there a little.” “Hold fast to that
what’s good.” “For with stammering lips and other tongues will I
speak to this people. And here is the rest.” See?
222 You enter into Life, not keeping a day or shadow. Paul said, over
there in Hebrews the 4th chapter. “You keep days and shadows, and
things like that; I’m scared of your experience.” See, we don’t pass
into certain days and orders. “You’ve passed from death unto
Eternal Life,” not days and times. You’ve passed into Eternity.
That’s the holy convo-^convocation, convocation, rather.
223 Seven days, watch, which “pass away,” or, I have said, will
“change to another.” Eight days deals with new creation, see, not old
creation. Eight days is new creation.
224 For, it was on the eighth day that our Lord raised from the dead.
There is your other convocation, the holiness; not considering the
sabbaths, at all, or the feast of the tabernacles, feast of this, and the
feast of the pentecost. Jesus raised from the dead, for our
justification, on the eighth day. After the seven sabbaths, or seven
days, Seven Church Ages, Jesus raised from the dead. Eighth day,
which is a holy convocation, see, which is the first day.
225 See, you’ve, done has passed through time, and dropped into
Eternity again; not keeping of days, and keeping of sabbaths; and new
moons, and things like that. “But hath passed,” changed your form;
not annihilated. Glory! “But passed from death unto Life Eternal.”
Oh, what the Bible does teach us! See, passed from one to another.
226 All right, “passed,” the old sabbath is passed. Jesus raised on the
eighth day. That was a solemn day, holy. And it wasn’t a day; ’cause
day, a time, had done run out. It passed into Eternity. See, it swung
right back to the first day again. See?
227 Eternity is like a_a ring. You can’t find no corner to it. You
can’t find no stopping place in a perfect circle. You go on and on. I
don’t care how far you go, you’re still going. You can start going
around like this; go through the floor, go through the earth, go
beyond the earth, you’re still go-^[Blank spot on tape_Ed.]
228 All things that was created down in here, are perverted, not
created, by Satan, will drop out when the great golden bell rings and
a Trumpet sounds.
229 And back yonder at the beginning, where the tie post was made
in Eden, when man came to the earth and he fell, a little lamb shed
its blood, that spoke of the great Lamb was coming to shed Its
Blood. Calvary raised the cross, that tied for the Old Testament; to
them who justified, looked for It. And in this new dispensation, at
the Coming of the Lord, at the New Earth, the rope of salvation (the
Blood, the redeemed Power that I’m talking about, and through the
same system has redeemed both man and the earth) will raise right
up into Eternity again. And the Lake of Fire will consume everything
that’s ungodly and unpredestinated to It. Do you see it?
230 Notice, the eighth day, Jesus raised for our justification. The
Eternal King, with the Eternal Kingdom to be baptized into, to
Eternal Life. Not seven days; had nothing to do with any of the days.
It’s speaking of another, Eternal, coming; speaking of an Eternal
time, the World that I’m speaking of.
231 And, notice, after fifty days, or seven sabbaths from there, again
there come another holy convocation. What happened? The Holy
Ghost fell on the Day of Pentecost, on the seventh day^Or, the
eighth day, rather, eighth day, fell on the eighth day. Was seven
sabbaths later, exactly, after His resurrection, see; so it’d be seven
times that again, bring it right back around to the first day of the
week again, exactly. See?
232 There is your holy convocation, not have anything to do with the
literal things. It’s beyond that. It’s into the Kingdom of God, with
Eternal Life, with the predestinated that never did start. It never
started on any day. You wasn’t saved on any day. You was always
saved. Amen. Jesus just come to redeem that; but you was saved,
from the beginning, because you had Eternal Life, to begin with.
233 A trout fish can never be a gar or a tadpole. He might be in the
same water with him, but he was, from the beginning, a trout. The
net only caught him, see, but he was that from the beginning. There
is that^
234 Now, we’re not out of dispensations. Are we? We’re right into
the Scripture. Fifty days later, it come.
235 See, eight cannot be counted with the week. See, it cannot be
counted, eight days in a week. You can’t do it, see, because there’s
only seven days in a week. Count it any way you want to. Sunday is
the first day of the week. See, you count seven, then you got to go
back in and start over again. Count seven, come back and go over
again. See?
236 And we lived through all these types in here, but, when you hit
the eighth, you go on into Eternity. You don’t come by laws, and
rituals, and orders. You come by predestination. Amen! There is a
genuine, holy convocation! See? And we’re ending the seventh
church age, church age, the Pentecostal age. Do you see it? We’re
entering that holy convocation. We are entering into that real,
genuine, Eternity, where the Church is called; not to some station,
some denomination, but into Eternity with their Eternal King. See?
We don’t have it at all, no such a thing as days, and things, and
times. You’ve passed into Eternity, where you come from. You was
There, to begin with. See?
237 If you got Eternal Life, there is only one form, that’s God, and
you are an expressed attribute. See? If you^If you’re not, you’re
not going to be there, anyhow. “No man can come to Me except My
Father has drawed him.” See? Which, “passes away,” all these old
things; but these Things don’t, so it speaks of Eternity. The Holy
Ghost is Eternal. Then, you are in Eternity, where you was all the
time, but you’ve just recognized what happened.
238 See, you were made for an Eternal purpose, because you was
the_the manifestation of an attribute that was in God, that thought of
you and expressed you; and He made a earth to take you out of, and to
make you a human being. And sin come along and perverted His way.
You come, anyhow, but you was lost with the world. So He come and
redeemed you, the expressed attribute, and also redeems this earth by
the same way. Then, His purpose rolls on. See? Oh! Hallelujah! Oh,
that does me so much good, think of just what lays ahead!
239 Now, in Ephesians 1:10, it’s called^Now, if you’re putting it
down, Ephesians 1:10, is called, not a dispensation, not the seventh
day. It’s called, “The fullness of time.” And when “the fullness of
time” has come, that’s when time has been fulfilled. When there is
no more time, then you go into Eternity, after the seventh church
age is over, and it is; Luther’s age is over, Methodist age is over,
Pentecostal age is over. And now you go into (what?) Eternity; no
more seven’s, no more three’s, no more other. They’re in Eternity,
where there is no such time as numbers, and times, and things.
Amen! Oh, my! You see it now?
240 Or, after time has been fulfilled, all sin is gone, taken away, at
the Millennium, at the great White Throne Judgment. (A type, by
the Holy Ghost.) After the world is on fire and baptized, its baptism
of holy Fire from Heaven; all sin is gone, all germs is gone, all devils
is gone, all imp temptations is gone, all evil is gone. (Type now.)
Then what does God do? He can sit upon the earth, see, because all
sin is gone.
241 That’s the same thing He does when He gives you the Holy
Ghost baptism with Fire. He can come and dwell with you, and we
can sit in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, because we are already in
Him. Not we “will be.” We are now sitting in Christ Jesus. How do
we get into it? By one Holy Ghost baptism. “By one Spirit we’re all
baptized into Christ,” which, we are now. Won’t “be” in Christ; we
are! He is the great spiritual King over the Spirit that’s in us, because
we were in Him at the beginning.
242 See, God, in the beginning, when He thought of you and thought
of others like that, thought of Himself of being tangible. That was
His thoughts. See? So, He expressed His thoughts by Word. He said,
“Let there be.” “Let there be,” and there was. “Let there be,” and
there was.
243 Then, after a while, He kept saying “let there be,” till the people
said, one day, “Don’t let God speak!”
244 He said, “Now I’ll speak to them through a prophet.” See?
“From this on, I’ll speak to them through a prophet.”
245 And the prophet said, “There shall come; there will be,” and it was,
and it was. And it was, and it was, see, just like that. You get it now?
246 “The fullness of time” has come after time has been fulfilled. Sin
is gone, after the world’s baptism, after the world’s baptism makes it
a fit place; no sickness, no germs; no thorns, no thistles; no death, no
sorrow, no heartaches; no old age, nothing to represent death;
nothing wrong; all right; nothing natural. Eternal!
247 Then, His attribute is expressed because it was there, first, to
begin with. That’s what He thought. [Brother Branham illustrates at
the blackboard_Ed.]
248 And then what happened? He set Adam and Eve here on the
earth, and said, “Multiply now and replenish the earth.” Their bodies
was all laid out here, for you to eat and make your body. That’s the
way He had of doing it.
249 But sin come along and interrupted His plan. She rolls right on,
just the same, time does.
250 But what did Jesus do? God came down and expressed Himself
in the form of a Man, a human being; gave His life, instead of
staying here. Which, He was the King, but He gave Hisself to
redeem the rest. You get it?
251 And when it’s all over, then it’s pulled right back, and God’s
purpose is fulfilled. There is the Eternal King again with His Eternal
subjects, expressed in human flesh, exactly the way He had it; sin is
took away; the devil is gone; it’s all done now.
252 What will do it? This earth couldn’t be a place for Heaven to sit
now. Look at it, the sin. It will have to be cleansed.
253 No man, no person, no woman, boy, girl, I don’t care who he is,
is fit to go in the pulpit, or even claim to be a Christian, without
being filled with the Holy Ghost. You have no right to the Lord’s
supper, or any communion, feet-washing, or anything, until you’ve
been cleansed by the Holy Fire of God.
254 No man has a right to preach unless you, like Moses, meets Him
out there on that sacred grounds, that Pillar of Fire hanging there,
where he knows where he’s at. See?
255 Notice how, how we go. After the world’s Fire baptism, all germs
is gone, makes it a fit place then for Heaven to dwell here on earth.
256 Type, now, of sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus; passed
from this, dirty like the little woman was, into the expressed
attribute of God. “Now we are the Sons of God,” not we will be.
We’re the attributes of God’s thinking. See?
257 Now you say, “Well, look at this priest. Wasn’t he a son of
God?” It proved he wasn’t. He couldn’t recognize what? Did he say,
“I believe the Bible”? Sure. But he couldn’t recognize the expressed
Word of the hour. He only had an intellectual learning from some
group that had been back before him.
258 And it’s the same thing today! See? I know that’s strong, but it’s
the Truth.
259 There was the Word, as spoken exactly for that day; and, he, yet
he was a scholar, yet he was a renown person, but he could not
recognize It. Why? No matter how scholar he was, anything like
that, he still didn’t have representation of predestination. See?
260 Only the predestinated will only be the one who does it; only can
be. And you only can do it^Because, look, it proves
predestination. Cause, if you’ve got Eternal Life, you had to be a
part of God all times, ’cause He’s the only One is Eternal. You see
it? Oh, my! Think of it.
261 Now watch what happens through the great Millennium. Sin all
gone, Millennium now set in, it’s time now the Holy Spirit takes Its
262 Just like He does in us, “passes from death unto Life,” dwelling
in Heavenly places in Christ, in His glorious Presence. Even physical
death will pass away then; just as spiritual death has passed away
263 There is no such a thing as spiritual death now, to_to a_a
baptized saint of God. “Though he were dead, yet shall he live.
Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.” All Scripture,
It must be fulfilled. See? You can’t die. You got Eternal Life. Only
thing, the Redeemer has made you recognize it. And you were
always That, and that’s the reason you see the day you’re living in.
How many sees it? Raise your hand. See? Thank you. See? The day
that we’re living in, you recognize it.
264 Now, the Methodist said, “When you shout, you got It.” A lot of
them shouted and didn’t have It.
265 The Pentecost said, “When you speak in tongues, you got It.”
Many speak with tongues, and didn’t have It.
266 Look how, all kind of forms those Pharisees had, but when the
Word was made manifest, they didn’t recognize It. See? See?
267 And if you are the Bride, the Bride is a part of the Husband. And
if^The only place that you’ll ever recognize It, is recognize what
part of that Husband (that Word) you are, or you can’t recognize
being the Bride. How many sees that? [Congregation says,
“Amen.”_Ed.] See? See? You have to recognize your position.
268 You can’t recognize somebody else’s. What if_what if Moses
would have come with Noah’s message? And Noah was a part of it,
but it wouldn’t have worked. What if_if_if_if Jesus would have
come with Moses’ Message? It wouldn’t have worked. See, it was a
different age, it was a different prophecy, a different part of the
Word had to be fulfilled there. They was another day of the week.
Not, Tuesday’s work can’t be done on Wednesday. And Wednesday
has got to be done on Wednesday. See? Saturday has to be
Saturday’s work. See?
And, they, they was recognize, “Oh, Moses, we have Moses.”
269 He said, “If you’d have knowed Moses, you would know Me, for
he was the one that spoke of Me. ‘The Lord your God shall raise a
prophet likened unto me.’” Get the idea? Oh, my! See?
270 Then Jesus said, in John 14, “When He, the Holy Ghost, is
come, He will bring these things to your memory, see, show you
what day you’re living in. And then, another thing you’ll know Him
by, He’ll show you things to come,” see, see, right back to the
prophetic again, “when He’s come.” See?
271 In the New Earth and New Heavens, will never be blackened
again, when this New Earth is to come. The devil will be bound^
Satan, he is still loose now; he is accuser. But in the New Earth, he
will be bound and cast into the Lake of Fire, in this holy Fire.
272 Then, in this New Earth, let’s look at it for a few minutes now.
In this New Earth, the skies will never be black again; no, that’s from
the curse, see. Never be black again with angry clouds. Winds will
never blow across her again like that. No. She’ll never tear up the
trees, and tear up the houses, and turn over the things. Lightning and
the wrath will never belch from Satan across there, and kill a man
walking down the road, or burn up a building. See? No, no more.
There’ll be no more typhoons sweep down, or storms and tornadoes,
and tear up houses, and kill little children, and things. Huh-uh, won’t
be no more. Trying to destroy, it won’t be there. Satan is cast out.
273 Wish we had time now. I’m just passing Scriptures, now, so we
won’t be too late. I got to pray for the sick.
274 Heavens and earth have met; God and man is reconciled. A
restored Eden has begun; see, all the curse is gone.
275 Just like, all the curse of sin is gone when the Holy Ghost accepts
you. See, you don’t accept It; It accepts you, see, ’cause It’s God’s
attribute. See, if It’s the Holy Ghost, means, God’s Spirit; and it’s
the attribute, the thought of God, has accepted you because that you
were ordained for that purpose. See? Yet, you was born in sin; but
God had that attribute, and here you expressed yourself here on
earth, and He comes down and gets you. See, you’re back here; here is
where you belong. See? See, sin has lost its power. That’s right. The
desire of sin has done gone from your heart, when the Holy Spirit
comes in. You are a restored person.
276 And then when the earth is restored, by the same thing, there can
be no more cursing, no more storms, no more winds, no more
typhoons_typhoons, rather. You are reconciled; man and God has
met. The New Earth will be put on its Eden beauty again. The New
Earth will spread forth, her, after her baptism of Fire.
277 Just think, she’ll catch afire and burn up. The elements will burn
with_with fervent heat. All the works in the earth will burn. All the
water will explode; it’ll ignite and blow all. Everything will blow up.
Volcanics will erupt and, thousands of miles in the air, will fly burning
hot lava. Every germ^The Holy Spirit of God will cleanse off every
speck of all the sin and everything. All the devil will be bound and cast
into the Lake of Fire, consuming Fire, God’s wrath of Fire.
278 No beast will be there to destroy you again. When you walk
down the road, in the flower gardens, there’ll not be any serpent
there to hiss at you and bite you, with his poison venom. Oh, my!
Won’t it be wonderful? Listen. There will be none of that New Earth
ever mounted up to a little yellow sod bank, for a grave; be none of
them there.
279 Man and God has come together; Bride and Bridegroom.
Heavens and earth has embraced each other; God has come down to
dwell among man. His tabernacle is with them.
280 There will be no more sin, no more sorrow. Never will there ever
be a tear drop off of a mother’s cheek, over her baby. Amen. It won’t
be, on that New Ground. No. It’s redeemed. It belongs to Him, and
for His that was redeemed out of it. See?
281 And, look, you are a part of that ground. Is that right? And when
He redeemed you, He redeemed the earth with the same thing, and
you are together again. Oh, how much plainer can it be. See? You
have to be redeemed ’cause you’re a part of it. And if the Blood
didn’t drop on you, you ain’t redeemed yet; you’re not called. Then
He cleanses it; that’s the same thing He does in the Fire. Even, the
Blood dropped, it’s yet got to be cleansed by Fire, that’s right, for a
dwelling place for God.
282 God already took up His abode, potentially. The Kingdom of
God is in the earth now, in the hearts of His saints. It’s His attributes
that He begin in the beginning. Now His attributes is redeemed.
What’s He waiting? To redeem the earth, to set His attributes on it,
to fulfill exactly His predestinated plan. Do you see it?
283 Notice, no graves, no teardrops, never, no more bloodshed. She’ll
never be moistened by a teardrop or a blood. No. Be no more wars.
No. No clouds of winter. No cold snow upon the breast of her; won’t
lay there no more on it. The hot sun will not, never burn its grass.
Hallelujah! Even the desert shall bring forth roses. “That old, sticky
desert will blossom, one day, like a rose,” God said so; when she is
redeemed, when she takes her Fire baptism. There is all kinds of
cactuses and stickers and everything there now, but she’s got a Fire
baptism coming.
284 Like the man was, when he still had hatred, malice and strife in
him; when the Fire baptism come, it cleaned it off. No more
jealousy, no more of nothing; it’s just absolutely is a dwelling place
for God. And, remember, that’s His delegation that’s going to meet
Him over yonder. Amen! Oh, what a^
285 That’s not just a story; that’s the Truth. That’s what God said.
That’s what He has promised. That’s what the Bride goes to. “Even
the desert,” He said, “shall blossom, be a rose.”
286 Satan, sin, and sinners, has gone, forever. It’s all done; blended it
into Eternity. And all that was perverted, that great archangel that
set there one day, Satan, that did all this evil, will be destroyed. You
remember, the Bible said, “If that soul won’t do as He did, said do,
He will even destroy that soul.”
287 But, you see, He can’t destroy Himself and remain God. So, if
that soul is of the world, it has to be destroyed. But if it’s Eternal,
with God, it never did begin, because it’s part of God and can never
be destroyed. Amen! What a beautiful! How_how thankful, that the
Church ought to see that!
288 People, all you’ve done lays right here. This is what I’m trying to
say. I’m omitting some of it because I want to get back to it again.
289 Even these things, Satan, sinners, are gone, for Eternity; never no
more to be. All^See, Satan cannot create. If he is, he’s God. See?
He can only pervert what has been created. See? And all perversion
will, perverting, will be done away with. And death is the pervertage
of life; and when the perversion is done, there can be no more death.
Old age is a sign of death; and when old age is gone away, life comes
in. All perversion signs and everything else is gone. Thorns and
thistles is a sign of sin, “the earth will be cursed with them,” and
they’re done away with. Sickness come, by that; it’ll be done away
with. Death will be done away with. Bloodshed will be done away
290 Nothing will ever touch that sod but holiness, the Redeemed. Oh,
my! Yeah. Oh, I just feel so good. God, and His creation; and His
creatures of this creation is redeemed by His Own Blood. Cleansed by
His Own cleansing process; His germ-killing, sin-killing process!
291 Like if anything is sterilized, the best sterilization we’ve ever had
has been fire. You can take anything and wash it with soapsuds and
all these chemicals that they talk about, it still ain’t free. But you
burn it once!
292 And when the holy Fire of God sterilizes the earth with the
Chemicals; He has lifted His Bride, which can come into Heaven
with Him, while this is going on. And comes back upon the earth
again, a New Heavens and a New Earth. The cold winter can’t hurt
it. The hot summers can’t hurt it. The deserts will blossom as a rose.
Sin and sinners are gone.
293 God, and His creatures and creation, is dwelling together in
perfect harmony. As the heavens and the earth is husband and wife,
so is Christ and the Church, and they all meet in one big glorious
plan of redemption and is brought right into the bosoms of God
again. You see it?
294 And, in the New Earth, there is a New City. Oh, my! Now listen
close. Don’t forget this. That, Jesus said, in John 14, He would go to
prepare. “Let not your hearts be troubled.” When He’s going away,
“I have a reason to go away. You’ve believed in God,” He said,
“believe also in Me.” They couldn’t see that He was God. Said,
“You’ve believed in God, now you believe in Me. And I’m going to
prepare a Place for you. In My Father’s House is many mansions; in
My Father’s Kingdom is many palaces.” Christ is there, under the
construction of this New Jerusalem now. Now listen close. Don’t
move. Don’t, don’t miss this. Christ is in Heaven, today, preparing
the New Jerusalem.
295 Just as God created the earth in six days, made the earth in six
days, or six thousand years. As he said, “Be not ignorant,” we read
in the Scripture, “one thousand years is one day.”
296 And Christ has gone and is preparing a Place, that’s been on its
construction for many, many thousands of years, preparing a Place.
“And if I go and prepare a Place, I will come again, and receive you;
that wherever I am, there you may be also.” Notice the Redeemer
and the Redeemed!
297 Wish we had time now. I got marked here, Solomon quoting,
“this girl, the Bride.” Oh, we just have to omit it; it’s getting too late,
see. I’ll get it, again. “When he tries to get her, but she’s engaged to a
shepherd boy.” Some probably thought that was a song he sang. Oh,
no. Solomon was the throne inherit of David, on earth, but showed
that kingdom had to pass away. It was a type of Christ in love with
the Bride. See?
298 Notice that Jesus said, John 14 now, “go and prepare a Place.”
299 Oh, what will it look like? Did you ever think now, Bride, what it
will look like? It is prepared and designed by the Divine Architect.
What will that City look like? Now, we’re going to talk about it for a
few minutes. The Divine Architect has prepared it, designed it. And,
look, He has designed it with tender hands, for His beloved Bride.
What’s it going to look like?
300 Could you imagine a man marrying a wife, that’s able, how he
builds and puts every little thing just exactly to her touch, just what
she would like? Amen.
301 Now, the Divine Architect has designed the New City, where He
will live with His Bride, just to Her touch. No wonder the apostle
said, “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, or neither has ever
entered the heart of man.” Let’s see if we can probe into it just for a
moment, see what it’s going to look like.
302 The Divine Architect has designed this for His Beloved. See? Oh,
what a place it must be, when, Divine Nature, a Divine Architect has
designed it for a Divine attribute that’s been Divinely predestinated
by a Divine God Who_Who is the author of Divine Life! What will
that City look like! Think of it.
303 Remember, it’s not Heaven. John say, “I saw it coming down
out of Heaven.” It’s to be on earth. See?
304 Not this earth is going to pass away; it’s a redeemed earth. God
didn’t say He was going to raise up a new generation; He is going to
redeem the one that’s here. He ain’t going to raise up a new
generation; He redeems the one that’s already here. He ain’t going to
make no new world; it’s this one right here. He’s just going to burn it
off, cleanse it, like He did you. His plans must forever remain. Now,
look, it’s going to be.
305 Remember, it’s going not to be Heaven. “It comes down from
Heaven.” It’s a dwelling Place, a Place to dwell in, to take up His
abode. Like, it was John, on the isle of Patmos, here in Revelation
21, he saw it “descending.” John saw the City, “descending from
Heaven,” like a dove, like he seen.
306 Here come God, down upon His earthly tabernacle, Jesus, in
the^“descending out of Heaven.” Jesus was baptized, went
307 When He met the prophet! “The Word comes to the prophet.”
And He was the Word. And the prophet was standing there, denying
all their denomination, everything. And, when he seen the Word, the
Word come right to him.
308 And the prophet was so shocked, he said, “I have need to be
baptized of Thee. Why comest Thou to me?”
309 He said, “Suffer it to be so, for thus it is becoming to us (we
know the message) to fulfill all righteousness. I am the Sacrifice; It
must be washed.” He suffered him.
310 When He went up out of the water, he said, “I saw heavens
open.” The prophet saw it. He saw the heavens open.
311 And here come, descending out of Heaven, a form of a Dove;
and a Voice, saying, “This is My part of the earth that I have
redeemed, and from this part of the earth I will redeem the rest of it,
for He is My Word made manifest.” “And the whole world, I spoke
it into existence by My Word,” Hebrews 11. “And Satan has held it
all this time, but I’ve come to redeem it. So much of it has made His
body, and I’m coming to dwell in it.”
312 John said, “I saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem descending
out of Heaven, as a Bride adorned for her Husband.” And where did
it settle on? Just exactly like it did on there; upon the earth.
313 Jesus was part of that earth that the Holy Ghost descended upon,
(is that right?) and remained upon Him forever. It never can leave
Him. It’s always there. He and God are One. Always has to remain!
314 And so John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending
like a comet, or a_a dove, coming down out of Heaven and settling
upon a redeemed, entire earth, (to do what?) to claim every attribute
that He made the earth for. Every man that was represented in the
Eternity, and every woman, is redeemed then. She has been scoured
and burned by Fire.
315 Jesus, in His fiery temptations in the wilderness, for forty days.
After that, notice, it was ready for His ministry then.
316 Think of it, the Holy Ghost descending upon earth, Jesus, and
that holy Blood! Now watch, and I hope I don’t go too deep for you,
see. The holy Blood that was created by God; the Blood, the Life,
the creation of God. “Jesus was the beginning of the creation of
God.” Oh! You see it? God, made in creation. He was Spirit. The
Bible said, “He is the beginning of the creation of God.” How did He
begin? In the wombs of a woman. Which is what? The woman is
317 Like how them blind people can’t see the serpent’s “seed” right
here. See? Eve was put here on the earth, and, before Satan ever
touched her, or anything else, God said to them, “Multiply and
replenish the earth.” That’s right, but Satan comes in here. And, if
that was Adam’s son, then where^
318 Adam was a direct descent from God. And you only take the
nature of your parent.
319 And when you’re born again, you take the Nature of your
Parent, of Heaven. And your Parent of Heaven is the attribute of the
Word^Or, the Word is the attribute of your Parent. Then, how
can you deny It, for a denomination? My!
I hope you don’t miss this. I know it’s from God.
320 Jesus. Here He comes, descending; and there was Jesus, the
attribute of God.
321 Now, “the woman,” she. Watch. God said, “Because they did
this,” said, “I’ll put enmity between your Seed and the serpent’s
seed.” Is that right? And the woman don’t have any seed. Did you
ever think of that? She has a field, not a seed. See, the serpent had
already placed his “seed” there.
322 Then, if the woman doesn’t have a seed, she has to remain to
have a Seed.
323 You see, through the sexual intercourse here, had brought from
Satan, the serpent, which was not a reptile; had legs, ’cause his legs
went off of him. He was the most subtle, the only beast that would_
would co-ordinate with the woman.
324 A beast’s seed won’t do it now, and nothing else. They’ve tried.
It won’t work. See, the seed life out of a male won’t go into a female
woman. It won’t do it.
325 But that was the closest thing. See, they can’t find that specie
between a chimpanzee and a man. See, each one, as it’s evoluted up,
from the birds, and on up to monkeys, and so forth, up to
chimpanzee, then there’s a “lost.” That was the serpent, not a snake;
every form is lost from him, because he was cursed.
326 Now, God didn’t curse Adam; he might have done the same
thing, but He cursed the earth, “thorns and thistles.”
327 He didn’t curse Eve, but said Adam would be her “ruler.” From
now on, she ain’t trying any preaching or anything, Adam is her
ruler. “And all the days of your life, and in sorrow, and you’ll bring
your life into the earth.” But He said, “I’ll put enmity between your
328 Now, she didn’t have any seed, she never did have, so, she had to
receive a Seed from some way. God gave her a Seed, not by sexual
intercourse, but by creation.
329 Can’t you blind people see that’s the “seed” of the serpent? Oh,
my! Satan got there before Adam; that was the “seed.”
330 But she received a Seed. What was it? God Himself. “He was the
beginning of the creation of God.”
331 Now look when Seth was born, or Abel, he was a just man, from
his father. Seth is the same way.
332 Where did that evil fellow come from; murderer, liar? See, see
where it come from? It had to be a “seed,” because he was a seed;
Cain was a man.
333 Oh, where is them blind people at? “God of this world has blinded
them.” Well, no wonder, Jesus said no man can see it. You see?
You say, “Why don’t they see it?”
334 Jesus said one time, to His disciple, “It’s given to you to know
the Kingdom of God, but not to them.”
335 And that’s the reason you come from fifteen hundred miles
square, see, “It’s given to you to know the Kingdom.” Look, fellows
come even from South Africa and around, this late hour when the
Bride is made up to go into the Kingdom.
I just don’t have enough time. Notice. Watch now, see.
336 Now can you see the serpent’s “seed” there, see how he done it?
It’s perfect, see. Now some of them said^
337 Now, like that guy in Tucson the other day, trying^Ah, he
may listen to this tape. But, if it is, man, I want to tell you
338 When he said, “Eve said,” here is where they go to, “‘I have
gotten a son from the Lord, or a man from the Lord.’” Why,
certainly. God has a law.
339 Look, you take a seed and plant it out here in a field where
there’s wheat, and you plant briars out there. I don’t care, the same
sun and the same rain brings that seed to life. God has a law, and
that law cannot be broken.
340 I don’t care if a_if a^the orneriest woman in the town and the
orneriest man, and unmarried and everything, would have an_an
affair, and live together and bring forth a child; that child would
have to come by the law of God, ’cause there’s no other way. If you
don’t, you make Satan a creator, and then he’s a god. Oh, how blind
can you be! See, God’s law, certainly.
341 If you ever got a baby, I don’t care if it was Esau, Jacob,
whoever it was, or any ill-famed person, if it was Judas, it had to
come by God. God has a law.
342 The Bible said, “The sun shines on the just and the unjust; the
rain falls on the just and un-^” Hebrews the 6th chapter, and it
says that, “The_the rain cometh oft upon the earth, to water it, and
prepare it for what it’s dressed, you know, to make living; but thorns
and thistles live by the same water, same sunshine.” For, it’s a law of
God, to ripen every seed, to make every seed produce itself.
343 So, it had to produce the serpent’s “seed.” And it never_never
hindered God; it fulfilled His complete plan, it made Him a
Redeemer. Any blind ought almost see that, unless it’s hid. “The god
of the world” has hid it from you. It’s just as plain as anything you
can see. There you are. There is your serpent’s “seed.” Now notice.
But, “Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God.”
344 Now what does the woman do? When, the germ comes from the
male sex. Now deny that? The woman has no life in her, at all. She
only has a little egg, which is a field out here.
345 Like you took a field and disc it all up, and_and put a spray on
it, and spray all the germs out of it. And not_not even grass or
nothing could grow in it; and then you fertilize again, sow some
good seed in there. If the enemy comes and sows some other seed,
the same law of God will ripen both seeds.
346 Well, God wasn’t intending for that to be, see. But what
347 See, the sperm from the male carries the hemoglobin, which is
the blood. In the blood is the life. And if you ever^I’ve watched it,
in hybreeding cattle and things like that. Brother Shakarian and I
taken it through, and the doctors and so forth, watching how it goes
through, the chemists. See? Then here comes the sperm from the
female, which is a bunch of eggs. Here comes the sperm from the
male, which is a bunch of germs.
348 This hasn’t got a bit of germ in it. It’s only a by-product of the
man. That’s how she got here, in the first place, and she’s only a
field. There’s a egg; it’s got the fertile ground for this life. And this
life moves in and crawls. There is a mystery, how that^
349 “Maybe,” you say, “well, the first one meets. The rest of them
dies.” Well, how, who determines it? “Well, the first one.” Will it
be the one in front; the first egg in front, and the first germ? No,
350 It might be one egg; plumb back, in the back, in the middle of the
sperm, will come up a germ and go meet it. Shows that some
intelligence determines whether it’s going to be red-headed,
black-headed; whether it’s going to be little, big; male or female. See?
You can’t, you can’t do nothing else about it; it won’t work. You can
mix them together, and everything, it won’t make a bit of difference.
God determines it. And after a while, one little germ will crawl into
that field, egg. What has a little tail, like, on it, twisting around;
drops off, and there starts the spine of the baby.
351 What is she then? She has no seed. She has a field to receive the
seed. So the^
352 See, the enemy went forth. While the good sower went forth,
sowing good Seed; and the enemy come behind him, sowing corrupt
seed. “But the rain falls on the just and the unjust; the sun.” It all
has to grow.
353 Jesus said, “Let them grow together. At that day they’ll be
bundled, the tares.” And they’re bundling now, in big organizations;
going to the big bundle, World Council of Churches. And what was
the end? Is to be burned. But the grain is to be take to the garner.
See? Where, they both live by the same thing, the same water, the
same rain.
354 A citrus tree, that’s a_that’s a orange tree, will bear, will have
to; will bring forth on it, if it’s grafted into it, a pomegranate. It’ll
bring forth a lemon. It’ll bring forth a grapefruit. See? But it won’t
be an orange, but it’s living off the same life that the orange tree is
355 Denominations have been injected into the Vine. Because, if they
claim “Christians,” they live by it. Caiaphas was; you know what he
was, and yet he even prophesied. See? See, they live by it.
356 Oh, I wish we could have a week, that we could just study this
thing out, and make it so clear you_you can’t miss seeing it. Now
I’m going to omit some of these things.
357 Now watch. Look, them hands designed this for His Beloved
Bride, designs in tenderly love for His Bride.
358 Remember that the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus, which, Jesus
was a part of the earth. Why? The germ of God, the Life of God, was
designed in the womb of a woman (that right?), which was the earth.
All right. And then the Life of God came in, so, “He was the beginning
of the creation of God.” See? And then that Blood of God, that was
there by that germ; when it was shed at Calvary, dropped back upon
the earth. What for? To redeem the earth. Now, it’s been justified; it’s
been sanctified; called, and claimed; and now it’s to receive its baptism
of Fire, and be cleansed for Jesus and His Bride.
359 And you are these other parts that’s drawed out of this earth.
The earth, you’re a part of the earth; your body. Your soul is part of
God, a attribute of God, displayed here on earth in a body. The body
is to be redeemed.
360 Now, the soul is redeemed, because it was in sin. So God come
down, by a process of justification, sanctification, baptism of the
Holy Ghost, and redeemed your soul.
361 And you, being part of the earth, it’s redeemed by it. You’re in
the process now. It’s growing on. Your body was justified under
Noah’s baptism. Amen! And, your flesh, when It dropped upon
there. And the earth is to be cleansed by Fire, the place where you’ll
live, with the baptism of the Holy Ghost; a dwelling Place for Christ
and His Bride, the New Jerusalem.
362 Watch this City; earth, take up its abode on earth. Now you can
plainly see as I said, the^this change, the earth must be changed.
It cannot have It like this. The church could not go^Or, the world
could not go right on, after the Millennium, without being changed.
See? To have such a Place in it, it’ll have to be changed.
363 Just like, we must be changed by His holy Fire, to condition and
make a place for Him to be contained within us; that is, the Holy
364 Notice now, there will be plenty of room in the New Earth.
Uh-huh. See, plenty of room! It’ll be renovated, that’s true, by Fire,
but there’ll be no more sea. Notice, the City is fifteen hundred miles
365 Now listen real close while we draw these dimensions. I want to
erase the blackboard, just a moment. [Brother Branham erases his
previous illustrations_Ed.]
366 Here is a deep revelation from God. Here, I’ll just stop here.
None of these other^I’ll bring the rest of this up, the Lord willing.
367 Notice now the earth is^Well, you turn over into the Book of
Revelations, you can see how he measured it by the cubits and by the
furlongs. Twenty-three hundred^So now we find out that the_the
City is measured, “fifteen hundred miles” square.
368 You know how far that would reach? I measured it off, this
week. It would reach from Maine to Florida, and from the eastern
seaboard to six hundred miles apast, west of the Mississippi. In other
words, half of the United States, just for the City.
You say, “There ain’t no room. ”
369 When the sea is gone there will be, ’cause pretty near four fifths
of it’s in water. That right? The explosion dries up the sea, erupts the
earth. Oh, my! Remember, fifteen hundred miles square, what a
City! And, but, remember, the sea is gone.
370 “And the breadth and the height are the same.” That would
make it fifteen hundred miles this way, fifteen hundred miles that
way; fifteen hundred miles; the length by the breadth by the height.
Fifteen hundred miles, think of it, transparent gold. And the City
had a wall around it.
371 Now, now, that doesn’t necessary mean, by being equal^It said,
“And the walls and the foundation were equal,” that doesn’t necessary
mean that it’s a cube or square. There is another geographical
measure, that the dimensions are the same, that is, a pyramid.
Foursquare, “lieth foursquare,” and the walls were the same.
372 Let me draw it. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the
blackboard_Ed.] See: length, breadth, height. We’re going to get
into something, as sure as the world. See? Notice, the dimensions of
this angle is exactly the same, all of them, length by the_by the
height. There is another measure, the pyramid, that proves it.
373 This, being this a way, would answer exactly Enoch’s sign in
Egypt, the pyramid. Would it? Enoch, before the antediluvian
destruction, when justification was coming in, he brought forth a
sign, and in this pyramid is seven steps going to the king’s chamber.
Watch on the seventh step, if you ever studied the dimensions of the
pyramid, what comes out to take the oncomer, to introduce to the
king. Watch whose station that is standing there, and you’ll see the
day you’re living, in the pyramid.
374 Now, God made three Bibles. Now, there’s a pyramid teaching
that’s nonsense, but there’s a genuine pyramid. See? Notice. Now,
God, first Bible^He made three. There have to be everything in a
375 Jesus comes three times. Come, once, to redeem His Bride; next
time, to get His Bride; next time, with His Bride. See?
376 Now notice how beautiful. See? And in this pyramid was seven
steps, and then the king’s chamber. And we’re in the seventh church
age, before the King takes His Throne. And, remember, the pyramid
never did have a capstone on it.
377 God’s first Bible was in the skies, the Zodiac; it starts off and
runs every age. The first, beginning of the Zodiac, is a virgin; that’s
how He come, first. The last figure in the Zodiac is Leo the lion; the
Second Coming. Just before there is a crossed fishes, which is the
cancer age; that we’re living in now.
378 There was a pyramid after that, Enoch, which testified exactly.
We wouldn’t have time to go into it, but, someday, by God’s help,
I’ll show you, just exactly draws the dimension of the hour we’re
living. See?
379 Notice, but this geographical measure now that we have, who
dimensions are the same, doesn’t necessary mean that it has to be a_
a cube. Notice, this would answer Egypt’s^or the Enoch’s sign in
380 In the earth’s time of purifying, by its baptism of Fire, there will
be volcanic, such as this earth exploding, and will push up a
pyramid-like Mountain. See? Plenty of room to do it! This whole
thing will be changed. The whole surface will be changed. You got
it? It’ll push up a pyramid-like Mountain.
381 This would exactly be with the Word if it does it, which it will.
Now notice, for, in Isaiah 65:25, where we just read, He said.
They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, saith
the LORD.
382 Oh! “All My holy Mountain!” Remember, it’s always a
“Mountain. ”
383 If the walls were straight up-and-down, the City could only be
seen from the outside^or from the inside, the Throne can only be
seen from the inside; but notice it would be seen only from the
But now we see the promise of Isaiah 4:5. Let’s just read it.
384 Are you in a hurry? [Congregation says, “No.”_Ed.] No, don’t
be in a hurry now. We_we_we’re to_to a particular thing now, too
much_too much of a_a time that you must understand right here.
Cause, I want to make this clear. And then when we get back to it
again, I’ll_I’ll show you then where we’re_where we’re talking
about, what, in our next study on this, at another time.
385 Oh, praise the Lord Jesus! Watch here, how the Words cannot
fail. Now watch here in Isaiah. I got it wrote down here, if I can find
it again, just a minute. Isaiah 4:5. Now listen, he’s talking of the
Coming of the Lord, how that women would be so immoral. Oh, he
said, “Seven women^” Listen. Let’s just read it. Look here.
And in that day seven women shall take a hold of one man,
saying, We’ll eat our own bread,^wear our own apparel:
only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
386 That’s the end time, where we’re living now; marriage, divorce,
and prostitution, and whatever.
In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and
glorious,^the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and
comely^them that^escaped of Israel. (How that you
escaped all that damnation! See?)
And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he
that’s a remnant in Jerusalem, shall^(Let’s see.)^in
Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written
among the living in Jerusalem, see:
Wherein the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the
daughter of Zion, (remember, that’s always the Bride,
see)^and shall have purified the blood of Jerusalem (that’s
the remnant of the Jews, plus the Bride, see)^and in the
midst thereof with the spirit of judgment, fire^
387 That’s always God’s judgment, when He makes His final
judgment. Calls you, justifies you, and brings you to redemption;
then His judgment breaks forth upon you, and the Holy Ghost and
Fire cleanses away the sin. Then you’re His.
388 Same thing He does to the earth, when He purges it with Fire,
“and by the spirit of burning.” Now look. Listen! Are you ready?
And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount
Zion, and upon her assembly, a cloud of smoke by day, and a
shining of^fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a
389 [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard_Ed.] “The
Lord, in that day, upon the top of it, shall create a Fire of Light to
burn upon the day.” And it goes ahead and says, “It’ll be a shelter,
a rest, a refuge.” Notice, making exactly the speaking of the Bible,
exactly. The walls were straight up-and-down, you couldn’t see it.
It has to lean. “All My holy Mountain’s^” “He’ll create this
Light upon this Mountain, and it shall be for a defense.” Oh, we
sing that song:
Oh, that City on Mount Zion,
As a pilgrim, yet I love it still;
Now and through those ages,
When I reach that City on the Hill. See?
390 Notice, Mount Sinai was where God descended on top of it,
when He spoke to Israel in a Pillar of Fire. He descended on top of a
mountain, Mount Sinai.
391 On the Mount of Transfiguration, when He declared, “This is
My beloved Son; hear ye Him,” He descended in a Pillar of Light
and shining brightness, upon top of the mountain, before Peter,
James, and John. And, in there, He was represented with both
Moses and Elijah; the translated, and the dead raised. Glory!
392 The New City and the New Earth; the new creation; the City on
the Hill, with the Throne in the top of it. [Brother Branham draws
illustrations on the blackboard, for the next few paragraphs_Ed.]
The Throne up here, in the top; and the dwellers, all up-and-down, on
this Mountain.
393 And the wall that’s around this, had twelve foundations. And
each one of them had the breast stone was in Aaron, which
represented the twelve tribes of Israel.
394 And, in the gates, they had four gates set just exactly like the
temple in the wilderness, like the tent was in the wilderness. Notice
each one, had_had the apostles, three on each side, twelve apostles.
Each^And it was one hundred and forty-four cubits high. One
hundred and forty-four cubits is exactly two hundred and sixteen feet,
making each one of those big stones almost twenty-foot tall, the
breastplate in that gate, making up that wall that was around the City.
395 Now it, the City, doesn’t rest on top of the wall, ’cause a city,
fifteen hundred miles, could not do that. It’s the wall here that you
enter in, like the gates of the old Jerusalem. You entered through the
wall, into that.
396 And each one of these, had the twelve foundations, and each one
had the emerald and the different stones, which represented the
twelve tribes of Israel.
397 And the apostles, each, over that big, one solid-pearl gate, set a
name of an apostle. And didn’t Jesus said, “You’ll sit on twelve
thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel”? Who set at the gate, to
judge, when they come into the City? Oh, my! There you are. The
kings of the earth entering into the City, comes before the apostolic
judge, as Jesus promised. Oh, my!
398 On this Throne, on top of it, fifteen hundred miles high, the
whole world will see the Light of the world, Jesus, setting on the
Throne on top of the world, top of the Church, top of Mount Zion;
which is fifteen hundred miles, half the size of the United States, and
raises plumb up till you can see Him the world over, fifteen hundred
miles high.
399 And all up-and-down here, will be the Redeemed. There will be
the houses of pure gold. There will be avenues, and parks, and
gardens. And the River of Life coming, trickling out from the
Throne, and running down through little chasms and, oh, over the
terraces. And the Tree of Life will be blooming in every yard; and
bear Its fruits, twelve times a year, a changed fruit every month.
400 And the kings of the earth shall come into it and bring their
honor. “And the leaves are for the healing of the nations,” when the
kings are living in peace out there. When they go out, they’ll pick a
tree, a leaf off like that. Like the dove come back, that the wrath of
God had been settled, and brought the holly leaf into the ark. So
when the king leaves, by bringing his glory into the Bride’s chamber
here into the City, he’ll hold a leaf to his neighbor king, and, “We’re
in peace forevermore.” Amen! Healing of the nations! “It’s all
settled. One time we fought for one another’s bloods, brother. And
we’ve cherished, and hollered; and shot, and burnt children,
everything. But now there is peace, the healing.” Not disease
healing; it’s all done. Healing of the nation! Amen!
401 City with the Throne in top. Revelation 21:23, “And they need
no light, for the Lamb and the Lord God is the Light thereof.” See?
The Lord God is that Pillar of Fire that followed the children of
Israel through the wilderness. And He is ascended up on the Throne,
in that perfect Kingdom’s^when time^“the Kingdom that Jesus
is to surrender to the Father, that God might be all, and in all.” Jesus
sets upon His Throne here, as our Joseph. And the King is that Light
that will be on top of Mount Zion, and His holy Light will flood the
entire City. Hallelujah!
402 Fifteen hundred miles high, and fifteen hundred miles square,
with the paradises of God built all through that City; streets,
avenues! Read your Revelations 21, see if it isn’t right. See, “They
need no light there, for the Lamb is the Light.” And on the Throne
can be seen, setting, fifteen hundred mile.
403 It don’t run right straight up like this. It slants off, like the
pyramid. If it would be half of the distance, then that would be
about run up like this, you see, from one city to the other^now if
you’ll notice, from one side of the City to the other one.
404 I could drop a little something here if you want me to. Did you
notice the little group here? It’s just about that part, a circumference
it covers. Georgia, California, to Saskatchewan; from Kansas, to the
rock-bound coast of Maine; that’s what’s gathered. That’s about
what’s represented right here, about fifteen hundred miles square.
Oh, they come from the East and West,
They come from the land afar;
To feast with our King; to dine^(What on? “Man
shall not live by bread alone.” By Bread,
Word!)^to dine as His guests;
How blessed these pilgrims are!
In the world, I have to say, I never seen people like them.
Oh, beholding His hallowed face
Aglow with Light Divine;
Blest partakers of His grace,
As gems in His crown shall shine.
Oh, Jesus is coming soon,
Our troubles will then be o’er.
Oh, what if our Lord this moment should come?
405 It won’t be long. Everything is perfectly. Geographically, Sodom,
the messengers; everything sitting just exactly right. See? What does
it mean? Just think, coming to this one little tabernacle, fifteen
hundred miles square, from the same dimension.
406 Why is it God so thought and cared so much about that little
place of Palestine, see, when it’s just a little spot? But right in there is
where the temple is set. That’s where the New Jerusalem will break
up, right there. “Olive, Mount of Olive shall cleave, part to the right
and left,” sure, when she pushes up from the beneath. Not, they say,
it’s pushing apart like this. It’s pushing up, “In that day when He
stands His holy feet upon the Mountain.” Notice, on His Throne,
fifteen hundred miles high!
407 Remember, Satan tried to tempt Him, one time, on top of a
mountain. See?
408 The New City has twelve foundations, as we went through,
twelve patriarchs; hundred and forty-four cubits; being the
breastplate of Aaron; twelve gates of pearl, twelve disciples’ name.
409 Jesus stand, the Headstone, on the Throne, when His saints has
crowned Him, “the King of kings, the Lord of lords.” And He’s the
410 I don’t have my pocketbook with me. But if you’ll notice in your
pocketbook, if you have a one-dollar bill, they have the seal of the
United States; a eagle on one end, a-holding the spears, the coat of
arms, as it were; and on the other end, it’s got the pyramid, with a
all-seeing eye on top of it. See, they didn’t know what they were
doing. And on there it’s wrote in Latin, and you’ll find out it says it,
this is “the great seal.” They didn’t know what they were doing.
Neither did Caiaphas know he was prophesying.
411 [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard_Ed.] There is the
Great Seal. Here it is, see, the City. It’s not just a flat cube like this,
see, but it leans up so it can be seen. And upon this holy Mountain of
the Lord, the Lord shall descend upon top of His Mountain; here He
is. That’s the reason the capstone wasn’t put on by Enoch. See?
That’s the reason the Capstone has to come now. And the Mountain
will be pushed up, and it’ll be the Mount of the Lord.
412 And in here will dwell the Redeemed. These, avenues and big
freeways, as it was, parks, and the River of Life will draw, run right
through it. And every house will be made of transparent gold. And the
streets will be made of gold. And the trees of Life will be there, and
will bear twelve manners of fruit. And the kings and the honored man
of the earth shall bring their honor and glory into the gates. And the
gates shall not be shut by night, because there is no night there.
In that City where the Lamb is the Light,
In that City where there cometh no night;
I’ve a mansion over there, that’s free from toil and
Oh, I’m going where that Lamb is the Light.
413 Don’t you see that the towns, the cities, the houses, the
dwellings, are_are speaking of that right now? All these natural
things are a shadow.
414 Take a shadow, at a distance, like my hand. Before there could
be a_a positive^or a negative, there has to be a positive. And, you
see, that shadow, look like I got a dozen fingers, but then when you
go to getting it close together, it_it focuses down to one, and then
the shadow fades into the hand.
415 And that’s, a lot of time, people thinks there’s three or four
Gods. You’re looking too far back in the early reformations. See?
Come on down now and, you find, focus in till there’s One. That’s
416 There is one Bride; not a dozen, denominations. But one Bride,
that’s the Elected, out of every^out of the_out of the earth that’s
been predestinated to this, the ones who can recognize their place in
the Kingdom.
417 On this Throne, look, so high! The New City; with the
foundations; twelve gates; Jesus, the Headstone; the apostles,
judging; the twelve tribes.
418 The pyramid of Enoch casts no shadow no time of the day. I’ve
been in Egypt, at the pyramids. It’s so geographically fixed, and in
the dimensions of this great geometrical figure; that, no matter
where the sun is, there is never a shadow around the pyramid. See
how it is?
419 And there’ll never be no night there. Him on top of the
Mountain, floods it with His glory. His Glory Light will be there all
the time. There’ll be no night there. Jesus, the Headstone!
420 Now notice. So, the Redeemed shall walk in the Light. We sing
now, “We’ll walk in the Light, that beautiful Light.” There is
something in us calling out. “Is passed from death unto Life.” It’s
because that’s waiting. See? That’s what’s the attribute, what we feel.
421 Truly, this is^Are you ready? This is the City that Abraham
was looking for. See? Being a prophet, he knowed that City was
somewhere. The Bible said so. And he forsook the city he lived, and
he went over; look where he went, exactly where it’ll be. See? “He
was looking for a City Whose builder and maker was God,” see,
being a prophet.
422 Jesus gone to prepare, with the Divine hands, a Divine City;
Divine Architect, for a Divine-boughten people, for a predestinated
people. He has gone to prepare.
423 Abraham was looking for it. “And he professed that he was a
pilgrim and a stranger, for he looked for a City Whose builder and
maker was God.” That prophet, knowing it was somewhere! John
saw it coming down, but Abraham thought it must be on earth right
then. Why? He met Melchizedek, the King of it, and give Him a tithe.
“Which had no father, or no mother. He had no beginning of life or
no ending of life.” Abraham met Him, and they took communion
right on the literal spot where the City will be raised up, the holy
Mountain of the Lord, where the Redeemed will live. Oh, my!
424 That time just don’t stop. No, we’re in time; after a while we’ll
go to Eternity.
425 Oh, holy Mountain! There will be streets of transparent gold,
avenues; and houses, and parks. If you want to read this, Revelation
21:18. The Tree of Life will be there; twelve different manners of
fruit, one each month, will be bore on it. The people that eat these
fruits, they’ll change their diet every, every month.
426 And it’s_it’s from^for only the overcomers. Do you know
that? It isn’t for the denominations.
You say, “You mean that, Brother Branham?”
427 Let’s turn to Revelations 2, just a minute, and find it.
Revelations 2:7. Let’s find out now whether it’s really the Truth or
not. Revelations 2:7 reads like this.
And he that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit^
428 Now, remember, He is not talking to the Jews now. This is the
Church, the Gentile.
He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the
churches; To him that overcometh, I will give to eat of the tree
of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
429 “Overcomers only, that overcome the beast, overcome his
mark,” that’s Catholicism, Protestantism, denominationalism, “who
overcome the beast, his mark, the letter of his name.” “He’ll have a
right to the Tree of Life, to enter into the gates where nothing that
defiles can ever go in.” See? Think of it. Now, just a minute now, as
we go just a little bit farther. Tree of Life will be for the overcomers
430 The leaves will be for the healing of the nations. That is, the
kings that live in there, bringing their honor in, when they bring their
honor in and lay it before the Throne of God. Just like the outside,
the ten^the eleven tribes brought in, every one of them, a tenth to
Levi, see. When they bring their honor into the^from the blessed
land, in that, they’ll reach from the Tree of Life, break off a holly
leaf^or a Tree of Life leaf, and they’ll walk out together. There is
no more war. Everything is at peace. The leaves are a memorial, for
the healings of the nation.
431 The same Tree, not like Adam, he^There was a Tree of Life in
the garden of Eden, that he might have eaten from if he hadn’t a fell.
That Tree of Life reminded him, all the time, that his new^his
youth was continually going on. See?
432 Same will the nations. The leaves will be for the healing of the
nations; notice, not the sickness now. You’d have the same rights
that Adam did, like the le-^dove with the holly leaf, it’s all^
each king taking a leaf.
433 Notice, the River of Life, perhaps many little streams making it
up. Now, in this earth^
434 I’m going to close just in a few minutes. In this earth^Or, I’m
just going to stop. That’s how much more notes is got, now about
thirty pages. Yeah. Look.
435 In this_in this life, I have never seen nothing so quenching as to
be in the mountains and find, as I preached on the other night, that
stream bubbling up, its life-giving resource. You’d be tired and
thirsty, fall down by a good stream; way down where germs can’t go,
way down hundreds of feet in the earth, is bubbling forth pure,
genuine, life-giving water. We appreciate that. That’s little. Now, the
earth has its many streams with refreshing water. When you’re
thirsting and dying, you get a good, cold drink from that, it’ll_it’ll
help you to live.
436 But look where this One comes from. From the Throne, there is
where it gets its Life-giving resources. Comes from under the Throne
of God, where God sits.
437 All of it, all of this earth, this earth here we live in now; every
one, whether it be Christian or pagan, has temples. Did you ever
think of that? Churches, all of them.
438 But this One doesn’t have any. The Bible said, “And there was no
temple there. But the Lord God and the Lamb is the Temple of it.”
The Lamb is the Light. The Lamb is the Temple. The Lamb is the
Throne. The Lamb is the Life. He is that Temple. See, all these
temples have a object they’re worshiping; but, in this City, He is the
object. He is with His people. His Spirit Light floods the pyramid City.
439 Like Peter and John, up on top of the mountain. The Light
covered the top of the mountain, and a Voice spoke, said, “This is
My beloved Son.”
440 In Revelation 21:3 and 4, “The tabernacle of God is with man.”
God has tabernacled in man, by redeeming him, by these three
processes. Now God is going to redeem the earth and tabernacle in the
earth, with His subjects of the earth, which He brought forth from the
earth. And through sin it fell, but the^He had to let it go on. But now
He sent Jesus to redeem that fallen earth, which we are part of. “There
not one hair of your head will perish.” Jesus said so. He said, “I’ll raise
it up again at the last day.” See? Why? You’re a part of the earth.
441 You notice, I had the little joke about my wife telling me I lost
my hair. I told her I hadn’t lost one of them.
She said, “Where they at?”
442 I said, “Where they was before I got them.” Ever where they
was, a substance; wherever they are, they’re waiting for me. See?
That’s right. I’ll go to them, one day.
443 This old body, wrinkling and falling, and dwindling over in
shoulders, and aching in knees, and_and hoarse in the throat. That’s
all right. You can bury it in the sea, but the Trumpet will wake
me!^?^Yes, sir. We’re going to change, one of these days. I am
part of this world that’s redeemed. You’re in the world, but nothing
of the kosmos. You’re in a different order, a redeemed order.
444 Notice, “The tabernacle of God will be with man.” Notice, “The
former things has passed away.” This, this thing, has passed away.
This means that Heaven has come down to resident with man. See?
Heaven and earth are embraced.
445 Just exactly when the Dove came upon part of the earth, which
was Jesus; He was the dust of the earth, man. God, coming from
that one little Life-germ, by creative power. And that Blood that was
in that^The Life that was in that Blood ascended back to God, but
the Blood dripped upon the earth, to claim it. [Brother Branham
knocks on the pulpit several times_Ed.]
446 Because of the blood that was brought through, from the germ
cell from Cain, see; now He comes back with the creative power just
like He did Adam, creating Adam, here is the Second Adam. And
through that breaking cell there, where (sin) Cain broke that blood
cell upon the just, see, now this Blood Cell^Because, he killed
Abel, but Abel was born sex.
447 But this One wasn’t born sex. “It was the creation of God, the
beginning of it,” and It redeemed the earth. And all of the calcium,
potash, petroleum, cosmic light, that you are made out of, is
redeemed. “Not one hair shall be harmed. And I’ll raise it up again
at the last day.”
448 Then what? God comes down to resident upon the earth. Which,
He is a part of it, His Own body. He raised it up for our justification,
and we’re justified by believing that and accepting that. Notice in
types, Jesus becomes^In the type, Jesus becomes man; God^or
predestinated to take his place, to redeem us, to make all these things
Notice, outside of its beautiful walls, of this City.
449 Now have you got “the City”? See, it’s a holy Mountain.
[Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard_Ed.] “Nothing shall
hurt or destroy in all My holy Mountain, saith the Lord.” The City is
not a cube. It is a Mountain. And the_the width by the breadth by
the height, are equal, see; fifteen hundred miles this way, fifteen
hundred miles that way, fifteen hundred miles all the way around;
and fifteen hundred miles high. So it’s just a great Mountain, like the
pyramid, and the City is on the Mountain. Glory!
450 There you are, there is the paradises of God, the Light of the
world, that perfect Kingdom. Not the seventh day; the Eternal one!
See? Not the Millennium; the New Earth! See?
451 While it’s going through the Millennium, it’s going through its
sanctifying process, but still must be burned. See? Which, the Blood
redeemed the people, it shows this memorial that it’s^the price is
paid, that thousand years. But then it has to be cleansed by Fire; just
like you were, His delegates of this City, the delegation.
452 So if you die or if you live, what difference does it make? If He
comes today, or He comes a hundred years, or a thousand years, I’ll
only rest till my change comes.
453 So, old man and old woman, don’t you be discouraged. [Brother
Branham illustrates at the blackboard_Ed.] If you are a
representation up here, in this attribute of God; this, God; if you
have it, if you’re represented here, you cannot^You’re in the
Eternal. And if you’ve crossed from that seventh day, into the
eighth, you got into the Eternal by the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
you’re included in This. Now, if you’re just trusting upon a
sensation, or jumping up-and-down, or, “I do this. I keep my seventh
day. I don’t eat meat,” and things like that, that’s going to perish,
anyhow. See? But This is the Eternal. See? This is the Eternal, the
Feast after the feast of tabernacles. See?
454 The feast of tabernacles was the last feast, the seventh feast. We
are worshiping now under the feast of the tabernacles, the seventh
church age.
455 In the Millennium, we’ll be under the feast of tabernacles, again,
in the seventh day.
456 But, then, after the seventh day, we have a Holy Convocation, go
back into the Eternal. How? By the Eternal One that came and
redeemed us and taken us back, letting us recognize that we were a
part of This.
457 Now how do you know you’re a part? Because, that, the Word
of the hour, the promise of the day. What is it? A restoration back to
the first day, the first. “And he shall restore the hearts of the children
back to the fathers,” bringing a restoration again of the pentecostal
genuine, not sensations; and will manifest the evening Light, the
same Son that showed in the morning Light, as promised for the
day. Amen and amen!
458 Where are we, friends, where are we? Just waiting now to get
out of the way, so Revelations 11 can be made to^known to the
Jews; that’s right, the Rapture coming.
459 Watch, outside the gates of the walls, spread across the New
Earth, nations will dwell in Eternal peace. Now what? Honored
kings will bring their glory into it. No sin can be there. No more
bobbed-haired women will enter that City. I’ll guarantee you that.
No more short-wearing, cigarette-smoking. Whoremongers, whores,
or liars, idolaters, whatever they was, won’t enter that City. No,
it’ll all be over. Sin will be gone. “Nothing to defile its holiness
shall enter there.” That’s what He said. “All has passed away,
460 Look out in its fields and around its gates:
The bear will be gentle, the wolf will be tame;
And the lion shall lay down with the lamb;
And the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;
I’ll be changed from the creature that I am.
461 With this death working in my mortal body, old age setting in,
I’ll be changed.
462 You’ve heard the song? “The bear will be gentle. The wolf will
be tame.” He’ll not jump up, and rear up and try to kill you. He’ll
walk with you down the paths.
Who is going to inherit it? The Redeemed. Who will it be?
Notice, I can only teach my types now. Notice, Brother Lee.
463 Who come out on the new earth with Noah the prophet? Those
who went in with him in the ark. That right? That’s who walks out
on it. See? Those who went in with Noah, by his message, was the
one who walked out upon the new earth after its water baptism.
464 The one who goes in with Jesus now. How do you get into Him?
By one Spirit; and He is the Word. You become part of Him. What
part of Him are you? The Word that’s living of this hour,
recognizing. You’ll walk out with Him in the Millennium. That’s
when you walk out. Notice, not a new generation. A transplanting!
You say, “Oh, Brother Branham!” Oh!
465 Notice, if God could raise up Elijah and take him up, twenty-five
hundred years ago, to transplant him back into the earth again, to be
a prophet for the Jews, how much more can He do the Bride!
466 After Noah came out of the ark, notice what was said to Noah
after he come out of the flood, just like it was with Adam before.
After he come out, upon the new earth; said, “Multiply and
replenish the earth,” after the flood. Notice, “was to be fruitful,
replenish the earth,” as Adam at the first.
Now you can see exactly here. Now listen real close.
467 Adam was to “multiply and replenish the earth.” That right? Noah
was, after the new, (world was destroyed), was to “multiply and
replenish the earth.” Get it? Now can’t you see what the serpent’s
“seed” is? What replenished the earth? You get it? All right. You see
how Satan got to Eve now. That’s why death has reigned on earth ever
since. And heavens, earth, beast, atmosphere, is all cursed of God
because of it. That’s the curse, because Satan got to this first.
468 Jesus came to redeem it back to the Father. In order to do this,
He became part of it; as I’ve just went through. And from that very
dust (the part Jesus was, Himself) being redeemed, through Him all
of the attributes of God are redeemed with the earth.
469 He was the spoken Word. We who are redeemed is part of Him.
Then, if you can recognize! See?
470 The Pharisees claimed they were. But, you see my first
illustration, they was only that by intellectual. They couldn’t
recognize the Word when It was made manifest right before them.
They said, “This man is a evil spirit.”
471 Now, today, we’re called false prophets. We’re called every dirty
thing could be called, by religious people, see, by great and talented
man. See, they just don’t understand. See?
472 Its water baptism wasn’t sufficient to cleanse it; neither is theirs.
Sanctification, of the Blood, brought it back, claimed it. But the
baptism of the Fire cleansed it; like it did His Bride. Like
justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost.
473 Never promised to raise up a new race, as I have said, but He
promised to redeem the fallen. Them that was the_the
predestinated, inherit it as He has promised. And He is the
unchangeable God; we know that.
474 Remember, God took Elijah, after the rapture, and translated,
transplanted him back among the people, to take the place as a
prophet among his people; pretty soon He will do that. And has
kept him, alive, these twenty-five hundred years. He’s to appear
475 Notice again, He raised up Moses from the dead. Where is his
grave? Can anybody find it? Read the Book of Jude. See? Satan^
The Archangel disputing with the archangel, Satan, said, durst^
“the Lord rebuke you,” disputing over the body of Moses. And here
Peter, James and John was standing there looking at him, on Mount
Transfiguration, right there in the land where the Mountain is to be
raised up to dwell in. See?
And He come to redeem it.
476 See, there was the raptured Church then, represented; there was
them that are asleep, represented. Whereabouts? [Brother Branham
illustrates at the blackboard, for the next few paragraphs_Ed.] In the
City; up on top of the mountain. See?
477 There was Peter, James, and John, looking on; three, a witness.
There was Elijah, Moses, and Jesus; as a Heavenly witness. See?
478 And there was Moses, the dead, had been raised up. There was
Elijah, the rapture, was still alive. And they was both represented on
this holy mountain.
479 And, Jesus, the Redeemer. When God, up above Him like this,
overshadowed Him, said, “This is My beloved Son.”
480 Remember, Jesus said, about a day before that, He said, “Verily I
say unto you, that some are standing here now, will not see death,
until they see the Kingdom of God established in power.”
481 What was it? The resurrected dead and the raptured saints,
together, caught up together to meet Him in the air. With God
overshadowing Him, and Jesus standing there in this shadow, saying,
“This is My beloved Son, in Whom I’m well to please in,” the order
of the New Kingdom. Oh, brother, sister!
482 Death doesn’t change you. Death only changes your dwelling
place. See?
483 Remember, Samuel, when he was dead and been buried for two
years, he was in Paradise. And the witch of Endor called him up, and
Saul recognized him; and she did, too, and fell upon her face. He
hadn’t changed, one bit. He was still the same Samuel, after being
dead two years, and he was still a prophet. He said, “Tomorrow
you’ll fall in battle, your son with you, and by this time tomorrow
night you’ll be with me.” And that’s just what happened.
484 See? And when Moses returns back, and Elijah, for Revelations
11, they’ll still be prophets. Hallelujah!
485 And over yonder, in the Land, the City where the Lamb is the
Light, I’ll know you, Brother McKinney. I’ll know you, my people,
my jewels in the crown. When they come from the East and the
West, to the City; when fifteen hundred miles square, she’ll be
setting there, and the City built foursquare. When you’re setting
there in the holy Mount, where God sets upon the Mount, and Jesus
on the Throne. And the golden trumpet sounds when Joseph leaves,
to walk down through the Paradise, and the children of God fall
upon their knees and worship Him, knowing that they were
redeemed. See? Amen! Hallelujah!
Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,
And the glory I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
I’m bound for that beautiful City
The Lord has prepared^
[Blank spot on tape_Ed.]
486 Isaiah said, in Isaiah 9:6, “And of His peace and of His increase
there shall be no end. The government shall be upon His shoulders;
His Name will be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty
God, the Everlasting Father. And the government shall be upon His
shoulders; and of His increase and of His peace there is no end.”
Even the animals is there. Oh, my!
The bear will be gentle, and the wolf will be tame;
And the lion shall lay down by the lamb,
And the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;
But I’m going to be changed.
487 I’ll be changed from this creature that I am, when that Day
comes, for I’m going to that City. I’m bound for that beautiful City!
I feel the redeeming Power in my whole heart now.
488 If this isn’t so, then I’ve throwed my life away; I’ve taught others
deceitful things. But when I look down and see that the promise He
made of this day, and see It vindicated; and look at this
fifteen-hundred-mile-square congregation set here, an Elect that’s
been called from denominations and races and creeds and things,
gathered together; as I see the Word vindicating Itself, I know,
beyond one shadow of doubt, the jewels of my crown will outshine
everything in the world, at that Day.
489 There will come a time! People, we’re not gathering here for in
vain. We’re only waiting for that time. It is very, very late, but
Jesus is still very, very near. And, His Glory, it’s wonderful. “His
Name shall be called Counsellor.” That City, can you see it? There
is where the Bride and the Groom will settle, and never again
490 Now, if you think it’s wonderful when we drive hundreds of
miles to set here and feed on His Word, which this is only a shadow,
what will it be when we live in the City with Him! When I live
next-door neighbor to you, and when we eat of those trees, and we
will walk in those streets, when we walk up those streets of gold to
the fountain, drink from the fountain, walk into the paradises of
God, with Angels hovering the earth, singing the anthems, oh, what
a Day that will be! It’s worth all. The road seems rugged, sometimes
it gets hard, but, oh, it’ll be so little when I see Him, so little. What
will the bad names and things that they’ve said, what will that be
when I see Him in that beautiful, beautiful City of God?
491 Let us bow our heads.
I’m bound for that beautiful City
My Lord has prepared for His Own;
Where all the Redeemed of all ages
Sing “Glory!” around the White Throne.
Sometimes I go homesick for Heaven,
And its glories I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
492 On the island of Patmos, John saw it! [Brother Branham weeps
for joy_Ed.]
493 Dear Jesus, this hope, my hope’s built on nothing less, Lord.
That’s the mother of my heart; that City, the great King. God, don’t
let one here perish, please. May we examine our lives again, today,
Lord, waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Where, all them
Redeemed, out yonder in that great coliseum in Rome, where them
Christians was eat up by lions, shall the dust break forth someday!
494 There’ll be no graveyards on the hillside of Glory. No doorknobs
will hold a funeral wreath. No tear will spot upon it. No, no. No
heaped-up sod. No storms will strike it. It’ll all be glorious there.
495 Help us, Lord. If there is one here^that’s called to this Wedding
Supper of the Lamb, this thousand years of Millennium reign, and to
then enter into the City after the Honeymoon is over. The Millennium
is merely the Honeymoon. Then She, the Bride, takes His^
Bridegroom takes His Bride Home. It’s Hers. Her Bridegroom; His
Bride. Oh, He’s gone to prepare a House, since He’s become engaged.
496 May we be true to Him Who is the Word, for He is the Word.
Regardless of how others try to sass us, keep us away from It; Lord,
draw me nearer.
For sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,
And its glory I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
497 The future Home of the Groom and Bride! He is coming
back^[Blank spot on tape_Ed.]^to the Wedding Supper; it’s
going to be three and a half days. Then return again, in the
Millennium, on our honeymoon. And then He_He’s going to bring
the City into view. Like the bridegroom taking the bride to her
surprise, how the little bride stands there in awe as she looks at her
future home! And by faith, today, Lord, we see it yonder. It’ll be
right here on this earth. You promised it.
498 Your Church will be completely redeemed, one of these days.
And then Your world will be redeemed, the rest of the particles. But
first You have redeemed Your people, their bodies that’s made up of
the world.
499 Help us, God. If there is one here who isn’t just exactly sure of
that, Lord, may they receive it just now.
500 I know it’s been long and hot, but, people, we won’t always be
standing here. I won’t always be your pastor. Let’s make it sure.
“Is there a way, Brother Branham?”
501 Yes, become a part of the Word, a part of the Word of today.
Can’t be a part of the Word of Moses’ day; that part is done made
up, that was the feet. We’re at the Head now. This is Christ. Not the
arms time, back in Luther, no. This is the Head time. Christ, the
Headstone, comes to the Body.
502 If you’re not just feel exactly right about it, wherever you can,
will you raise up your hand just so I can see. Let everybody else keep
their head down. God bless you.
503 Say, “Remember me in prayer, Brother Branham. I want to be
there so bad! I_I don’t want to miss it, Brother Branham. I_I’m
checking, I’m doing everything I can, but pray for me now, will
you?” God bless you.
504 While you’re thinking of it now, just pray, say, “God^” It’s in
your own heart. See, if you feel something tug, tingling at your
heart, that’s what it is. It’s that attribute trying to declare itself.
I’m bound for that beautiful City
My Lord has prepared for His Own;
Where all the Redeemed of all ages
Will sing “Glory!” around the White Throne.
Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,
And the glories I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
505 Heavenly Father, take us now, Lord. Let the Great Shepherd,
the Great Redeeming Shepherd, the Great Shepherd Who left
Glory, knowing that some of the attributes was lost on them great
valleys of sin, where the wolves and the_the animals would soon
devour that little sheep; but He left the golden corridors, came
down into the earth and was made one of us, so He could declare
the love of God to us. There He found them, some of them in
denominations, some of them in the house of ill fame, some of
them on the streets, blind, some of them in the hedges and
highway, but He redeemed every one that the Father had ordained
Him to redeem.
506 And He commissioned us, that we would live this part of the
Word for our ages. And we see the great reformation of Luther, in
that age; and of Wesley; and the Pentecostal. Now we’re looking for
the Headstone of the City. O God, we know the age and the promise
that we are given for this day, how that This is to be restored again.
“The evening Light shall ripen the fruit of it. And it shall come to
pass that there will be a day that cannot be day or night, can be
called, but in the evening time it shall be Light.”
507 That same glorious Son of God, manifesting Himself in human
flesh up here on the earth, making the promise live itself exactly,
blinded to the eyes of the Pharisees and Sadducees and Herodians,
and so forth.
508 And today it repeats again, the Word being manifested just like
It was. The Word, knowing the secret of the heart, just exactly the
way it was, as the Scripture said, which cannot be broken. Help us,
God, to realize it.
509 Help these now who raised their hands. May they buckle up a
little tighter; shod themselves with the Gospel of peace; put on the
full armor of God; pull the helmet down; take the shield of faith;
march forward, from today on. Grant it, Lord.
510 Just a little while, we’ll be summoned, then the Rapture will
come. Just a little bitty group, like Enoch, will be taken up.
511 Then, “the remnant of the woman’s seed, that keep the
commandments of God,” Jews, “have the testimony of Jesus
Christ,” Gentile, will be hunted down like dogs, “and shall give their
life for their testimony.”
512 Then, one great morning, the break of the Millennium, for the_
the Honeymoon will start.
513 “And then the rest of the dead lived not till the end of the thousand
years.” Then, at the end of the thousand years, there was a Judgment,
showing that Ham was in the ark. And Ham is still there in the
remnant. Ones that heard It and rejected It will have to be judged.
514 Now, grant it, Lord, that we’ll not be considered among them,
but will be in the call to the Wedding Supper. For, we do recognize
Jesus among us today. We’re going in with Him; out of the world,
into Him. Let us walk forth in that City, come out with Him.
515 I’m getting old, Lord. I ain’t got many more sermons to preach.
But I’m certainly trusting You. I’m looking for that City, like my
father Abraham did. There is Something in me tells it’s coming. I’m
trying everywhere, Lord, to spread the Light and call them. Let not
one of these, Lord^
516 How beautifully, a while ago, You revealed that to me. From the
circumference of about fifteen hundred miles, just one here and there,
are set together today, that gathered to one little spot, waiting for
that City to appear. We profess that we’re pilgrims and strangers.
We’re outcasts. The heathen, the world, laughs and makes fun; the
religious denominations ridicule; but we are not moved by such
things. Make us part of the Word, Lord, unmovable. “It shall come
to pass in the last days.” May it be us, Lord, may we be a considered
among them. We ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
517 You believe it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”] Let’s raise our
hands like this.
I’m bound for that beautiful City
My Lord has prepared for His Own;
Where all the Redeemed of all ages
Will sing “Glory!” around the White Throne.
Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,
And glories I There shall behold;
Oh, what a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
518 Now, if we’re to dwell in that City together, just shake hands with
somebody, say, “God bless you, pilgrim. Where you from? Louisiana,
Georgia, Mississippi? I’m a pilgrim, too. I’m looking for that City.”
519 I’m looking for that City, Brother Neville. I’m getting way over
there in the^?^Amen. Brother Capps, I’m looking for that City,
yet, tonight. [Brother Branham begins to hum No Disappointment_
And its glories I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
Oh, the bear will be gentle, and the wolf will be
And the lion shall lay down by the lamb, oh, yeah;
And the beast from^will be led by a child;
And I’ll be changed, changed from this creature
that I am, oh, yeah.
Oh, there will be peace in the valley for me some
Oh, there will be peace in the valley for me. (Right!
There’ll be no more sorrow, no more sadness, no
more trouble I’ll see;
And there will be peace in the valley for me.
520 Our invisible King, this morning, will be made manifest. And I
won’t look upon Bill Dauch at ninety years old. You won’t look
upon me as fifty. But I’ll be changed, that Day.
And when the beast from the wild, will be led by a
But I’ll be changed, changed from this creature that
I am.
521 Won’t you be glad? Gray hairs will be gone; the stooped
shoulders. But beauty, immortal, will stand in His likeness, the sun
to outshine. Oh, wonderful!
^for me, O Lord, I pray;
There’ll be no sadness, no more sorrow, no more trouble
I’ll see;
And there will be peace in the valley for me.
522 That’s what we’re here for. How many of you need strength for
the journey? God grant it to us! How many of you are sick in your
body, wounded soldiers? Dozen, or more. You believe He’s here, the
invisible King? Things visible; invisible are made manifest by the
visible. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, only the corporal
body. Now, if this is His Spirit that’s preached this through me, He’ll
do the works that He did when He was here. Oh, how wonderful!
I am bound for the promised land,
I am bound for the promised land;
Oh, who will come and go with me?
I am bound for the promised land.
All over those wide extended plains
Shines one Eternal Day;
There God the Son forever reigns,
And scatters night away.
Oh, I am bound for the promised land,
I am bound for the promised land;
Oh, who will come and go with me?
I am bound for the promised land.
523 Five hundred walking into the river yonder, the first day the
Angel of the Lord appeared visible, to vindicate, like He did on
Mount Sinai, that I had met Him. I walked into the river, and
hundreds singing that same song for the baptism. Here He come,
descending, that same Pillar of Fire that you see in the picture there;
descending down, right down here at the river, and said, “As John
the Baptist was sent to forerun His first coming, this Message will
forerun the second Coming.” See? There you are, see.
Oh, who will come and go with me?
I am bound for the promised land.
524 That same Pillar of Fire is here with us. Are you aware of it? He
has made some of us for one thing, and some another. If you’ll,
without one doubt, believe that He’s in the midst of the building, I
believe He’ll prove Hisself to you. Will it satisfy you? If I don’t get to
every one^It’s going on two o’clock, but if you^It’s a little after
one, rather. If you’ll believe, let Him ascend down upon us! Where is
our faith? See, you got to believe that. If you don’t doubt it, one bit,
it’s going to work.
525 I_I recognize the Divine Presence of the Being of Christ, Who is
the Word. And the Bible said, “The Word is^powerful than a
two-edged sword, and It cuts to the marrow of the bone, and
discerns the thoughts that_that’s in the heart, revealing the secret of
the heart.”
526 Look. Why, I didn’t know those things, years ago. And when I
said it, not knowing it, look what He’s done. He said, “Now you’ll
take the people by their hand, and, don’t think nothing, just speak
what attribute is told you. Say it’s tumor, whatever it is.” Then said,
“It will come to pass that you won’t have to do that.” See? See? “It
will discern the very thing that’s in them.” We’ve had all kinds of
impersonations, we know that, almost to deceive the Elected if
possible. Watch how the rest of the thing goes with the Word, then
you’ll know whether it’s right or not. But, still, Jesus remains the
same yesterday, today, and forever.
527 How many in here that’s sick, and knows I don’t know you?
Raise up your hand, say, “I_I know you don’t know me.” Oh, it’s
just, I guess, everywhere. Only thing you have to do is just believe it.
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
528 Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be when
the Son of man will be revealed upon the earth in the last day. When
the Son of man shall be revealed, or, reveal Himself in the last day.”
Now, not the former days, the middle days; the last day, see, He
would reveal. And now we’re in the last days. Sodom sets just
exactly, everything, the messengers, just alike.
529 What happened to the_the little remnant was called out with
Abraham’s group? There was One come among them, in human
flesh; represented in human flesh, eating with them, drinking with
them, same food that they eat, everything. He stood among them,
told the Message. Then He said, “I’m going to do this great thing.”
530 And Abraham kept studying, “Is this it? I’ve been looking for a
City. Is this the King?”
531 And He said, “Why did Sarah doubt this?” In the tent, behind
532 Abraham said, “Lord God, Elohim!” Cause, He discerned
Sarah’s thoughts.
533 Jesus said it would repeat again when He would be revealed in the
last day, the Headstone coming into the Body. To redeem the^
That’s the redeemed, coming to take His Own. He is here with us.
534 Now, there is only about a dozen hands, or more, went up. I
believe that God can heal every one of you. Right. I believe you are.
I don’t believe that a person really could set in a place like this
without^in this kind of time, and this atmosphere, without
knowing, recognizing something.
535 I want you to pray. I want you to get what’s wrong with you,
in_in_in your heart, see, and then begin to pray, say, “Lord Jesus,
reveal this. I’m_I’m speaking to You what’s wrong with me. And
now You send Your Holy Spirit to Brother Branham, to fulfill what
he said to be the Truth, in this Message that he’s talked today about
You, I know it’ll be the Truth. Now, reveal it to me, Lord. Speak to
536 Now it’s scattered, kind of here and around. So just pray, and
just believe with all your heart, that God will grant it.
537 Now I want you to look at me, and pray. Just as Peter and John
said, “Look on us.” He wanted something, and he’s just about to
receive it. And you want something, and I believe you’re just about
to receive it. He said, “Look on us.”
538 He said, “Silver and gold, I don’t have any; but such as I have,
I’ll give you.”
539 Now, healing, I don’t have any. That’s all in Christ. But such as I
have, a gift of God, give I thee, faith to believe Him. Now, in the
Name of Jesus Christ, every one of you be healed. Believe it. See? “If
thou canst believe!”
540 The lady sitting there, looking at me. She was crying, a few
minutes ago, praying. She’s got a thyroid trouble that’s bothering
her. I don’t know you. You’re a stranger to me. That is true, isn’t it.
[The sister says, “That’s right.”_Ed.] You’re not from here. You’re
from Chicago. Mrs. Alexander. If that’s right, wave your hand. Now
go back to Chicago and be well.
541 What did she touch? Same Thing that woman with the blood
issue touched, the border of His garment, not mine.
542 Here’s a little lady setting right down among the crowd, if I can
make her to understand me. You that raised your head sideways. I
don’t know you. You’re a stranger to me, but you’re suffering with
a stomach trouble. Your husband sets next to you. He has
something wrong with his ear. Your name is Czap. You’re
strangers to me. You’re not from here. You’re from Michigan. If
that’s right, wave your hands. Go back to Michigan, well. Your
faith makes you whole. “If thou canst believe, all things are
543 Little lady there with throat trouble, sitting right back here on
the end, from Georgia, dressed in white. Go back, down Georgia,
well. Jesus Christ makes you well. Do you believe it?
544 Lady sitting there, looking at me, right on the end of the seat.
She got sinus trouble. She’ll believe it, God will heal her. Mrs.
Brown, believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make^You’re
a stranger to me, but He knows you. Uh-huh. You believe it? Raise
up your hand. That’s right.
545 Laying here on this cot. Tell her to look over here. She’s been
suffering, going on. If I could heal her, I would do it, sir. I can’t heal.
She is not from here; come a long ways. You’re from Missouri. Your
troubles are an internal. But if you’ll believe with all your heart, and
don’t doubt, Jesus Christ can heal you; and you can go back to
Missouri, well, and give your testimony. You believe it? Then accept
it, and take your cot and go home. Jesus Christ make you well.
546 Do you believe? That’s the identification of the Eternal King’s
Presence. Do you believe it now, with all your heart? Now, He’s
certainly made a ring, right around through this building. Do you
believe it with all of your heart? You believe you’re in His Presence?
547 Now, do you believe and accept that you are one of the
delegation of this Kingdom? Raise your hand. Jesus said, “These
signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the
sick, they shall recover.” We are one another; you’re a part of me,
I’m part of you; we’re all part of Christ. Now, together, let’s lay our
hands on each other.
548 Right here, the woman on the cot has got up, moving around,
going back home to be well. Amen.
549 You’re, every one, healed, if you’ll believe it. Now put your
hands on one another, and you are this part of Christ. You pray for
the person you got your hands on, just the way you want to.
550 Lord Jesus, we recognize You here. You’re our King; You
identify Yourself among us. We thank You for this Presence. And,
Lord, You said, “If you say to this mountain, ‘Be moved,’ don’t
doubt it; believe what you said will come to pass, you can have it,
you can have what you’ve said. ”
551 Then, in obedience to this commandment, in obedience to the
Word of God which cannot fail, we as Your delegates from fifteen
hundred miles square, like the City, we say to Satan, the defeated
devil, “Your end is to be burned. We are the delegation from the
City that’s foursquare, the City where the Lamb is the Light. We are
the expressed attribute of God Almighty, who Jesus Christ has
redeemed by His grace.”
552 Satan, come out, and leave every sick person that’s in here, in the
Name of Jesus Christ. Holy hands that’s been redeemed, because
they believe the Word and are attributes of God’s thought, now
them hands is upon each other. You cannot hold them any longer.
Come out, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
553 Now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, now, He’s here. His Word
says He’s here. Your presence and your faith speaks, of, you’re one
of the delegation. Even every geographically measure that we can
show, it is. Can you recognize that you are redeemed sons and
daughters of God? You recognize this is your Home? This is where
you’re going.
554 That’s why you come here, that’s why you come to Christ, you
are feeding on His Word. And if you can have a time like this, here,
just by His expressed attributes, what will it be when we come into
His Presence? Oh, it’ll be wonderful! Each one of you has the right
to heal the sick, lay your hands upon the sick. Each one of you has
the right to baptize.
555 If somebody is here that’s not been baptized in the Name of
Jesus Christ, the pool is open.
556 That’s the only way you’re going to make it, uh-huh, that’s right,
is to obey every Word. Remember, one little phase of the Word, in
the beginning, caused every sin on earth. Jesus said, “Whosoever
shall take one Word away from This, or add one word to It, won’t
go in.” His name is off the Book, as soon as he does it.
557 And there’s no place in the Bible where anybody was ever
baptized, in the Church, otherwise than in the Name of Jesus Christ.
If you haven’t been baptized that way, you had better do it.
558 “Oh,” you say, “it don’t make any difference.” It did to Eve.
559 Satan said, “Oh, surely, God, you know God^” But, He did.
He said so.
560 He give Peter the keys to the Kingdom, and what was bound at
Pentecost is bound forever. That’s the reason the Bride come into
re-preview, the second time; there has to be a Church called out of
the latter day, like there was in the first day, just exactly. The Tree
has come from its roots, up to the Bride Tree, like it did in that time;
God’s masterpiece again, as I said two Sundays ago, to be taken to
the City.
God bless you. “I now believe.”
561 Satan is defeated. He knows. He’s on the earth, he is going like a
roaring lion. It isn’t long till he’s, oh, he’s finished. He knows his
time. He’s going like a roaring lion.
562 But, remember, the Prince of Peace stands by; the Great Divine
One. The Architect of my being, the Architect Who built me what I
am, Who built you what you are, is here. If the Architect, Who
knows how to put the building together, its right place, who knows
better than the Architect? And He’s here to prove, Hisself, He’s here.
563 Now it’s based upon your faith. Believe, only believe!
I’m bound for that beautiful City
My Lord has prepared for His Own;
Where all the Redeemed of all ages
Will sing “Glory!” around the White Throne.
Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven, (when this
is all over),
And the glory that I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
564 Remember, at the church, tonight, they’ll be giving communion.
If you’re here in the city, yet, would like to come, we’d like to have
you. It’s a memorial of what we’re going to eat, one of these days,
with Him.
565 I love you. I don’t know how to express it. I think you’re the salt
of the earth. And I hear your behavior out amongst the world, then
that gives me more confidence in you.
566 But, think, this little group will be, lovely as we are, will be
broken up, one of these days. We’ll dream of this. But if one of us
happens to pass away before we meet again, we’ll^
I will meet you in the morning, by the bright river
When all sorrows has drifted away;
I’ll be standing by the portal, when the gates open
At the close of life’s long, weary day.
I will meet you in the morning, by the bright river
I’m often^?^by the river, and, with rapture,
old acquaintance renew; (I’ll see you then, know
You will know me in the morning, by the smile that
I wear,
I will meet you in the morning, in the City, City
that’s built foursquare.
567 You love it? “Till we meet!” Now let’s stand. Take The Name Of
Jesus With You, give us the chord.
568 You love Him? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] Isn’t He
wonderful? [“Amen.”] Do you believe this is Truth? [“Amen.”] Are
you headed that way, by the grace of God? [“Amen.”] Until we get
You take the Name of Jesus with you,
As a shield from every snare;
And when temptations around you gather,
Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.
That’s all to do, until we see you again. All right.
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and^
[Someone says, “Tonight?”_Ed.] No.
It will joy and comfort give you,
Take it everywhere you go.
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
569 Now, I had to skip over my Message. Someday, the Lord willing,
I’ll come back and take these “avenues,” and pick it up, see, where
we can have more time. You been hollering about not staying long
enough. We have, today. It’s hot. But, now, God bless you. I like
that singing.
570 A neighbor here, said, the other night when they turned the
outside speaker off, said, “I enjoyed the Message so much, but why
did you turn that pretty singing off, see, on the outside?” So,
neighbor, if you’re listening in this morning, I think we got the best
neighbors there is in Jeffersonville. We park our cars in front of their
houses and everything else; they don’t say nothing about it; we just
go on. So, we thank them now.
571 Oh, how wonderful He is! God be with you now.
^Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Till we meet^
572 Let’s bow our head. The pastor will dismiss us, just in a few
moments. God be with you!
^we meet at Jesus’ feet, (at the great City, at the
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet. `
64-0802 Vol. 3-5R
This Message by Brother William Marrion Branham was delivered on Sunday morning,
August 2, 1964, at the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A. The tape,
number 64-0802, is three hours and thirty-nine minutes. Having obtained a clearer and more
complete original tape, this book has been re-edited with an R added to the volume number.
Every effort has been made to accurately transfer the verbal Message from the magnetic tape
recording to the printed page, and is printed herein unabridged and distributed by Voice Of
God Recordings.
` Let us remain standing a moment, as we bow our hearts now
before God.
2 Our Heavenly Father, we are indeed grateful for the privilege of
being here today, assembled together in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
We pray You forgive our sins, and as we are here to turn our attention
towards the Eternal things and the Life that lays beyond this mortal
reach. Now we pray that You will give us of Your directions, of how
that we must turn, what we must do in the future, and even in the
presence now, to gain that place that we are^been promised.
3 There are many that are sick and needy in the land, and they
haven’t completed their journey. And our great enemy, not only our
enemy, but Your enemy, has come to beset them and to_and to stop
their life, and to send them to a_a premature grave. And we’re
asking for them, today, that You and Your mercy and grace, Lord,
will extend their days to the allotted time.
4 Laying upon the platform, or the pulpit, here lays handkerchiefs
and parcels. And out in the halls and around the place, is them on
cots, stretchers, sick and afflicted, standing in the audience with
hardly enough strength to stand on.
5 O Eternal God, Blessed One, may You hear our prayer this
morning, through the Blood of the Lord Jesus; not looking at our
iniquity, but knowing that He stood in our place, and He is the One
that’s representing us for this prayer. May each and every one be
healed for Your glory, Lord.
6 Bless these handkerchiefs. When they’re laid upon the sick, may
they recover.
7 And now, Father, until we wait for the great healing service, we
believe will follow, break to us the way of Life, Lord, that we might
know through Thy Word what we should do. For we ask it in Jesus’
Name. Amen.
8 As always, this is deemed one of my highest privileges, is to be in
the house of God and to speak to His people. And now I know it’s
very congested, and I have a very long lesson. So I’m^I_I trust
that_that you’ll be comfortable, as possibly you can be, until we
finish the Message.
9 Now, it’s hot, but we’re grateful for the air conditioner. But, a
group of this size, there be no air conditioner could take care of it,
see, because your own body is a generating unit, about ninety-eight
degrees, and it’s constantly putting out heat, and sitting close
together. But I_I trust that God will make you just as comfortably
as He can.
10 And when we are in, build gatherings like this, I_I wouldn’t
have you come here, by no means, if I didn’t think it was to help
you, if I didn’t think that it was doing you good, and that you would
profit by it, by coming. And then, knowing too that we don’t have
too much longer to do this, that we’re_we’re coming to the_the
very closing hours, and I_I want to make every moment count, that
I can, for His Kingdom. And now I’m trusting that the Lord God
will bless us as we assemble.
11 And I want to comment you, that, yesterday I was going to
different places, out seeing some of the sick and afflicted, in the
motels, and I got to meet some of the managers this week, some of
the eating places. Like, I was over to the Ranch House this week,
over here, and the manager was shaking my hand as we started out.
And he said, he called me, “Brother Branham.” I wondered how he
knew me. And he said^
I said, “Are you the manager?”
12 He said, “I’m the owner.” So then he said, “Yeah, your people
come in here to eat, from down there.” Said, “They^”
And I said, “Well, I guess they overcrowd you.”
13 He said, “Sir, that’s one of the finest bunch of peoples I ever
seen.” He said, “They’re really nice.”
14 I went to a motel yesterday, to see a young lady I wanted to talk
to, her father and mother was present, and I had to go to the
manager to find out where the_the mot-^the room they were in.
15 He said, “And you’re Brother Branham?” That’s up at the Oaks.
And I said, “Yes, sir.”
16 He said, “I want to shake your hand.” He said^He introduced
me to his wife; very nice couple. They said, “Every person in this
motel is attending your services. We reserved it for them.” And said,
“All of our other customers we turned down.”
And I said, “Well, I thank you for that.”
17 He said, “Brother Branham, one of the nicest bunch of people I ever
seen, are the people that comes up here, that attends your meetings.”
18 I went in last night to a friend of mine, Mr. Becker down here,
and I always liked his sandwiches. He’s such a^He, I knew him
when I was a boy; knowed him all my life. There was a couple sitting
there from down at the_the old place, down at the Riverside Hotel
down there. So they^Mr. Becker said, “Billy?”
19 I said, “What is it, Homer?” We know one another real well.
He said, “I feed all your people up there.”
20 Some two hundred, or something, each Sunday, eats at the Blue
Boar. And everywhere I go, I hear comments of how nice you are.
21 This fellow said, “Down on the_the Riverview down there,”
said, “all that place is took up with the people attending the
meeting.” Said, “There be hundreds won’t get to come in.”
22 So, to be that, to me you’re the salt of the earth. I_I’m so
grateful to know that I have the privilege of preaching to people that
even sinners and people^I don’t say these people are sinners, but I
mean people that, business and so forth, that can say that you’re a
nice people, and they appreciate you in their business, around their
places. You know, that’s being salty. I appreciate that, your
behavior, the way you take care of things.
23 I’ve always said, “If one comes in and doesn’t, hasn’t the money
to take care of his bill, you just call me up.” See? I said, “We’ll do
something about it.” And I said, “Always feed them, whether they
got money or not.” See, anything can be done.
24 I feel you’re my children. You’re_you’re the stars that I^If I
ever have one when I get there, you’ll be that jewel, outshining part,
in the_in the crown of my ministry. When it’s crowned, you’ll be
that jewel.
25 And I’ve been telling you, in the times past, about the Seven
Seals, the Church Ages, and the things that_that’s been taking place.
26 And now, this morning, I have a very important subject. To me,
it’s a very blessful one. I hope it strikes you the same way. And if I
could only give it in the inspiration I received it in, be wonderful, but
that’ll be up to God to do that.
27 I’ve been telling you about where and what is happening, and we
see all these things taking place.
28 Now I’m speaking, this morning, on: The Future Home Of The
Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride, where they’re going to
live. And, for, I trust that by God’s grace we’re all a part of that
great economy of God.
29 And now I_I trust that you’ll bear with me, have your Bibles,
your pencils, or whatever you do to read with me, ’cause I’m going
to refer to many Scriptures. Trying to get through in time enough to
have prayer for the sick; and I promised that. You been praying for
the last little while, in the rooms and around, for the ones who are
just almost helpless and hopeless.
30 And, the Lord willing, I’ll probably have another service the
sixteenth, just maybe prayer for the sick.
31 Start my vacation now. Since last January, I’ve been traveling,
and I’m coming back here. I’m going to be. I take my family to
Tucson in the morning, and then I’ll return back to spend the time
down here in Kentucky, with some of my friends, hunting, and
squirrel hunting, for a couple of weeks, or maybe seven or eight, ten
days, whatever it is, unless the Lord leads me somewhere else. I
never know, just where you’re going to be; we never know that,
because that’s in the hands of God, God alone.
32 Now for this great subject, we_we^I suppose, if I would take
my time on this, ’cause you have to bring in many things, it would
take weeks. But I’ve wrote down some Scriptures, some notes, just
to hit the highlights of it, to where it’ll let you study.
33 Then soon, maybe, the Lord willing, in October, I don’t know
when, but whenever He will provide, I’d like to have a_a few days,
just of constant meeting, on the 12th chapter of Revelations, to tie in
with this here. Oh, I believe it would be great. It’d just be. It would
be great to see how He done.
34 Then, us coming together now, I said last night, I said, “You
know, when I^” In the morning, like every morning, I think,
“When I come down here, I’m going to recognize every one of my
friends that’s there.” Now how am I going to do it?
35 To have with me here, like my good friend, Doctor Lee Vayle
sitting back here, his lovely wife and daughter. And Brother Roy
Borders, and, I think, Brother Ruddell, Brother Beeler, and Brother
Palmer, and Brother Jackson. And, oh, my, the_the^Them dear
brethren from all different parts! Brother Anthony Milano, and, oh,
everywhere you look, you see some other brother! From down in
Arkansas, I can’t think of their name; Brother John, Brother Earl
Martin, and Brother Blair. And, oh, there’s just^you^It’s just
endless, you see. I’m so glad to have a group like that gathered
around me when I’m teaching on the Word of God, man who I think
are gallant man, real man of God.
36 I’m thankful for this little tabernacle. I’m grateful for its five
open doors to the public. Each door^We have four deacons here,
Spirit-filled man; four trustees, Spirit-filled man. That’s two at each
door. And it’s got a double door in front, for the two pastors, the
37 We’re glad to have you; thankful to God for this. May He ever
bless you.
38 Now we want to stand just a moment, while we read from Second
Peter the 3rd chapter, and also from the Book of Revelations 21.
39 As we stand, O Lord, fill our hearts with gladness because of the
reading of Thy Word, knowing that Jesus has said, that, “Heavens and
earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail.” Know again that
He said, “All Scripture must be fulfilled.” And as we read these things,
may we have an understanding from You, the hour in which we live.
We ask it in Jesus’ Name, the Author of the Book. Amen.
40 Second Peter 3.
This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both
which I stir up your pure minds by the way of remembrance:
That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken
before by the holy prophets, and of the commandments of us
the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days
scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?^(If that
don’t meet this infidel woman!)^and since the fathers fell
asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of
the creation.
For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of
God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the
water and in the water:
Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with
water, perished:
But the heavens and the earth, which now are, by the same
word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of
judgment and the perdition of ungodly men.
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day
is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as
one day.
Now, the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some
man count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not
willing that any should perish, but that all might come to
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;
in^which the heavens and the earth, with a great
noise^shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements
shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth also and the works
that are therein shall burn up.
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what
manner of person ought we to be in all holy conversation and
Looking for the hasting unto the coming of the day of God,
wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the
elements shall melt with fervent heat?
Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new
heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
Wherefore, beloved, seeing that we look for such things, be
diligent that you may not be found^may be found of him
in peace, without spot, and without blemish.
And accounting that the longsffering of the Lord is
salvation; even as our beloved^Paul^according to the
wisdom given unto him has written unto you;
As also^all his epistles, speaking in them of the things;^
which are some times hard to be understood, which they that are
unlearned and unstable wrestle, wrest, as_as they do also the
other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before,
beware lest ye also, being led away with^error of the wicked,
fall from your^stedfastness.
But grow in grace,^in the knowledge of the Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever.
41 Now in the_the Revelation of Christ, in the 21st chapter, I read
these Words.
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven
and the first earth were passed away; and there were no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming
down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for
her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the
tabernacle of God is with man, and he shall dwell with them,
and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with
them, and be their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there
shall be no more death, neither sorrowing, nor crying, neither
shall there be any more pain: for the former things have passed
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all
things new!^he said unto me, Write: for these words are true
and faithful.
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the
beginning and the end. And I will give unto him that is athirst
of the fountains of the water of life freely.
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his
God, and he shall be my son.
Let us pray again.
42 Lord Jesus, with such a promise and such stern talk as Jesus
Himself and the apostle has given us concerning the hour we are
approaching, give us, O Lord, of Thy direction, that we might know
how to approach it in the right way. Because, it’s coming, we know.
The Scriptures must be fulfilled, and so shall it be. And now, Lord, we
ask Your mercy again upon us all, as we study Thy Word. Be with us
and unfold It to us, Lord, for we ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
You may be seated.
43 Now, I wonder if there could be a way that perhaps, maybe they
could turn the lights from the main auditorium off, and just leave
them on the platform here, which would probably be better, and take
some of the current. We about burnt up a transformer, the other
night. And if the custodian will do that for us, we’d appreciate
turning the bottom lights, the main auditorium lights, off. And then
I think you’ll have plenty of room to see, to write.
44 Now, a subject again, to announce it, that we are approaching
the_the subject of: The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom
And The Earthly Bride.
45 Now as it’s been^I’m just going to have to do this. It’s just too
hot up here, see. Yes, sir. As we^I know my wife don’t like for me
to do that; but, that, take my coat off. It’s just too hot up here. See,
you got air out there, and it’s just cut off in a little pen here, see.
Now, in the_in the future, or^
46 In the past, rather, we have studied The Seven Seals, The Seven
Churches. Brother Vayle and those are working upon those now,
faithfully, to get them in book form.
47 And seeing all these mysterious things that we have seen come to
pass, then I think, after understanding that, in the hour that we’re
living in, and the position; there is no one that would want to sit
down real sensibly and examine what has been spoken of, and what
is promised to happen, and what has happened, but what could say
that those things are fulfilled. See? Exactly what God said He would
do, He did it just exactly to the letter. See?
48 Now, I think in this, that, not knowing what time that the Lord
Jesus might appear, I thought it would be good, it seemed pleasing to
the Holy Spirit that we’d speak on this, then; and maybe come back
to it again, two or three times, because I won’t have quite ample
time to get all this out.
49 As where you hit a_a subject that might be a little stumbling to
someone, you can’t carry it all the way out to make it plain, then you
come back again to catch the next subject.
50 And then later on, in the^if the Lord willing, we come into the
12th seals, or not^Pardon me. The 12th chapter of Revelations,
which lays between the Coming of the Lord and the ending of the
Trumpets, and so forth. We’ll try to bring that back, to show who is
Satan, and what he did, where he come from, what’s his purpose,
and how that his great beauty that was give him caused his fall. His
deceit caused it to fall; beauty.
51 Then, how that the impossibility for any man that wants to look
at it right, that serpent’s “seed.” I would make a challenge to that, to
anybody, see, that would want to look at it, with_with just
absolutely common understanding. A child can see it. See? Now, and
we’ll get to that later.
52 Now, we understand here that these two Scriptures^The
reason I read Second Peter the 3rd chapter, and compared it with
Revelations 21, they both here are speaking the same subject, but
John never_never wrote it out like Peter did. See? We understand
that this great Home of the Bride is to be here on earth.
53 And now if you read, just like 21 chapter, 21st chapter of
Revelations, apostle here said, or the prophet said, that, “I saw a New
Heaven and a New Earth.” Sounds like there comes a annihilation.
54 Now, way I always find my Messages is by prayer. I’ll be sitting
in prayer and something reveals to me. And I wait on it a few
minutes and see if it’s right, then I feel it closer. And then sometimes
I keep waiting till it breaks into a vision. But when it begins to come,
and I’m satisfied it comes from God, then I go to the Scripture. See,
That is, ought to be the confirmation of every spiritual thing that’s
done, because the Bible is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ;
see, It is His Body.
55 And now, in that, maybe I find a place in the Scripture that
doesn’t sound just right, and I’ll wonder. I go back again to prayer. It
comes again. Then I_then I begin to_to examine my Scripture.
56 Now, our Bible is wrote in English, and English words change,
all the time. For instance, like Saint John 14, said, “In My Father’s
House is many mansions,” a mansion in a house. Well, then, you,
what you do with that then, is run it back to the_to the original and
see what James meant, or go back to the Hebrew, or to the Greek,
from the first translation. And in there it says, “In My Father’s
Kingdom is many palaces.” Well, then, you come back to the time
that the translators translated for King James, the kingdom was
called, in English, a “house,” and the king was the father over his
delegates. There is the reason they translated, “In My Father’s
House is many mansions.” See? And then you get those words and
you have to hunt them up.
57 Then, you see, from that inspiration^This pulpit this morning, I
say, not one time has it ever been nothing but straight, the Scripture.
That’s how Serpent’s Seed and all these other things come. See? By^
58 And it’s, really, if a fellow would just read and say, “In My
Father’s House is many mansions,” if you didn’t stop to study, pray,
you’d be all confused. See? But just keep praying. God always makes
it right, if it comes from God.
59 Now, John explains the change and the com-^how it comes
about^He doesn’t explain it, rather, but Peter does. John just said,
“I saw New Heavens and New Earth; first heavens and first earth
was passed away. There was no more sea. I John saw the holy City
coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned
for Her Husband.” But, we turn back to Second Peter now to find
out, Peter explains how this process will come about. Now, if you’d
look at what John said, it sound like, “For the first heavens and first
earth was passed away,” annihilated. See, then, that sounds very
strange. So that’s what struck me, and I begin to look for the word,
“pass away.” And, now, but it’s clear that both of these, apostle’s
and prophet, were talking of the same thing.
60 And now, also, in the Book of Isaiah, now, that you want to put
these Scriptures down, in Isaiah 65:17. Isaiah, speaking of the
Millennium, that thousand years of rest for_for the people of God.
Isaiah spoke of it, and he said, “I^There was a^All the former
things had passed away,” and how they’ll build houses, inhabit them.
If we had time^Maybe we just take time and_and read this just a
minute, Isaiah 65, and let’s just read for a few minutes here. And
here it is, right, for us. Now, to begin, Isaiah 65:17.
And, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth:^
61 Now, Isaiah, the prophet, was one of the prophets that wrote
exactly the entire Bible in his prophecy. He starts out with the
creation; in the middle of his Book, about the 40th chapter, comes
around John the Baptist, the New Testament; and winds up here, in
his Book, in the Revelations, in the Millennium. There is sixty-six
books in the Bible, and there is sixty-six chapters in Isaiah. He wrote
a complete commentary.
62 Now, we find out, here now he’s getting the 65th chapter, one
more chapter, and he speaks of the Millennium. Notice it, how
^behold, I create new heaven and^new earth: and the
former thing shall not be remembered, or come into mind. (It’s
to “pass away.”)
But be_be ye glad and rejoice^even in that which I have
created: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoice, and her
people a joy.
And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the
voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, for^nor the
voice of crying.
There shall be no more thence^infant of days, and^an
old man that has not fulfilled his days: for a child shall die an
hundred years old; and a sinner being a hundred years old shall
be accused. Then shall^
And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall
plant vineyards, and shall eat the fruit of them.
And they shall not build, and another inhabit; (that is,
your farm, your son fall heir to it, or some of your
heirs)^they shall not plant, and another eat there: (they
do their own planting and remain there; they got Life
Eternal)^for as the days of a tree are the days of my
people, and my long^ mine elect shall long enjoy the
works of their hands.
They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for
they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their
offsprings with them.
63 Now notice, here is where I’m going to get to, after a while.
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer;
and while they are yet speaking, I’ll hear.
And the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion
shall eat straw like a bullock:^dust shall be the serpent’s
meat. And they shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy
mountain, saith the LORD.
64 What a promise, of these prophets and great sages, teachers of
the Bible, way back in ancient days, seeing this glorious Day come!
65 By these passages, one might think, or be led, rather, to believe
that the whole planet, of this earth, will be destroyed, “I make a New
Heaven and a New Earth,” see, that the heavens will be gone and the
earth will be gone, completely annihilated. But a close study, and
with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can see the Truth of this; and
that’s what we’re going into.
66 It is only the atmospheres around it, and the sin that’s upon the
earth, that will be destroyed. See? Now, we realize that the heavens
means the “atmospheres above.” See?
67 What does it do? It then, these thistles, and sickness, and death,
and politics, and sinful man, and sinful woman, and evil spirits, will
all be gone away and annihilated. See? It has to be done that way,
because we are going to live right here. We’ll prove that by the Bible.
Right here is where we live. Now notice, thistles, germs, all
sicknesses and things, will be completely taken away. All this, its
existence that’s in the earth now, man-made systems, politics, sin, all
kinds of evil spirits that the world is contaminated with, and all the
heavens above us in here, is contaminated with evil spirit. Now we’re
going to go deep and long, in this, see.
68 All this exists in the heavens, or atmospheres, and the earth
which is now. This earth holds those things, but it wasn’t made for
that purpose. Sin caused it to be like that. See? It was made by God,
the Creator. But all^
69 And all of our bodies, that we live in now, was put on the earth
when God created it, because you’re out of the dust of the earth. It
was all laid out here. When God Himself create it, you were in His
thinking. And in Him, the Great Eternal, was the thought, which is
His attribute.
70 And now sin caused all this to happen. And God, through this
age, is gathering up His material.
71 Satan is still here. That’s the reason all these things happen. He is
still here, and all of his evil forces are still here. Notice, that’s why
the earth now is so filthy. That’s why the scum and ridiculous things
that goes on; bloodshed, war, politics, sin, adultery, all kinds of
filthiness goes on, is because that Satan is the ruler of this earth and
this atmosphere.
You say, “The atmos-^?” Yes, sir!
72 Both the heavens and earth now is contaminated with devils that
can accuse us before God. Jesus is There to intercede for us. See?
While the accusers keep pointing a finger, “they did this, they did
this, they did this,” but the Blood still covers. He came to redeem
that Elected that He foresaw. That’s why it’s so filthy today.
73 Here, the apostle, in Second Peter here, the 2nd chapter, and the
5th and the^and the 5th and 6th verse. Yes, I’ve got it. He refers
to three stages of the earth. See, he_he gets three stages of it. Notice
how he brings them.
74 “The old world stood out of the water,” now, that was the
antediluvian world.
75 Now, the one that is, the present world we live in now, called it a
76 “The old world that stood out of water,” Genesis 1:1. Now and
the “world” that is now present. And then, again, he refers to
another one, “the world that is to come,” the New World. Three
worlds; three stages of the world.
77 And notice how God makes plain to us His plan of redemption.
Oh, this just thrilled my soul when I saw it, how He makes plain to us
here now His plan of redemption. Now compare what we see with our
own eyes. What God has done to redeem His world, He’s done the
same plan to redeem His people, for the unchangeable God changes
not in any of His plans or anything. Such a glorious thing!
78 How He led us to Himself, to a tabernacle in us, by three stages
of grace; just like He’s led the world in three stages, to come to the
world. As God will come to the world after it’s gone through three
different stages of purification, that’s exactly how He comes to us
through three stages of grace. I taught that at the beginning; I’ve
never changed, since. It’s God’s Word.
79 You have to keep your three’s together, your seven’s, your
twelve’s. The numerics of the Bible must run perfect or you’ll get
your picture all mixed up. If you can’t understand it, just keep
praying. You watch, it’ll cut right in, exactly. God is perfected in
three’s. See?
80 Notice, “the old world,” the antediluvian; the “world” that’s
present now; and the One to come.
81 Now, first stage that He brings us to^See, His plan of
redemption is exactly the same by everything. He uses the same
method. He never changes. He said, in Malachi 3, “I am God, and I
change not.” The way He does it, therefore, if He saved the first man
He ever saved, by the shed Blood of an innocent One, He’ll have to
save the next one; and every one He saves will have to be the same
82 If He healed a man at any time through the journey of life; let it
be in the days of Jesus, the apostles, the prophets, whenever it was;
when the same conditions is met, He’s got to do it again. That’s
right. He doesn’t change. Man changes, time changes, age changes,
dispensation changes, but God remains the same. He is perfect.
What a hope that ought to give the sick people!
83 If He ever healed a person, He has to do it again when the same
conditions is met. He ever, ever saved a man, He’s got to do it on the
same grounds He did it the first time. If He ever filled a man with the
Holy Ghost, He’s got to do it on the same grounds He did the first
time. If He ever raised a man up from the grave, He’s got to do it the
second time, and every other time, on the same principle.
84 He doesn’t change. Oh, what a hope that gives me! What is it?
Not in some man-made theory, something that groups of man have
come together; but His unchangeable Word.
You say, “Is it the Truth?”
85 He said, “Let every man’s word be a lie, and Mine be true.” “For
heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail.”
“All Scripture is given by inspiration, therefore it’s good and
profitable for doctrine.” And remember, that, “All Scripture will be
fulfilled,” every bit of it.
86 Notice how God makes it plain to us. And if that wasn’t a_a
great confirmation, a good^a great, loving blessing from God!
When I see this, and see that since a boy, first time ever Christ dealt
with me, I’ve still always taught those three stages of grace. Notice if
it isn’t true now.
87 Now, the first step is “repentance towards God.” And then
follows after that, is water baptism, “water baptism,” “Repent, and
be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.” See, water baptism
follows, showing that repentance was genuine. Or, to “remit” our
past sins, that has nothing to do with future sin. It only remits.
“Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.” What for?
“Remission.” Taking away of past sin has nothing to do with the
future. Just, your sin has been chopped off, what you did.
88 You can’t repent for what Adam done. You never done it; Adam
did. You just get forgiveness for what you done. The old nature is
still there.
89 Let me take this board just a minute. [Brother Branham draws
illustrations on the blackboard_Ed.] Now, here is a human heart.
Now, I’m not^I’m a long ways from being an artist. Here is a
human heart; and here is a human heart. Now, this one over here has
a snake in it, that’s sin, here he has his life. This one over here has a
dove in it, which is the Holy Spirit, here he has a Life. Well, this one
here, he has malice, hatred, envy; that’s what’s causing it, is this
fellow here. Well, this one over here has love, and joy, and
long-suffering; and That’s what does it, down here.
90 Now, when you are asked, or you are forgiven of your sins,
you’ve only done this, taken that away. But the thing that made you
do it is still there. That’s the old root of evil; it’s still there. Notice,
then you repent and are baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, that
He forgave you of your sins. Notice.
91 Then, secondly, comes sanctification, which sets our mind in
order for holiness, to think right. Taken away^sanctification is a
compound Greek word, which means “cleaned, and set aside for
92 Then, the next, comes the baptism of the Fire and Holy Ghost,
that God might dwell in us. And the Fire of God cleanses our hearts
from sin, and puts the Holy Ghost inside. Then we bring forth the
same Life that This did, because That’s in us.
93 Notice, in the natural birth, when a woman gives birth to a baby.
The natural life types the spiritual life. When a woman gives birth to
a baby, the natural, the first thing happens is breaking of water, then
blood, and then the spirit (the life). Grab the little fellow and spank
him [Brother Branham claps his hands together once_Ed.], and
away he goes, screaming. Water, blood, spirit.
94 And now when a baby is born into the Kingdom of God, he
comes the same way: water, Blood, Spirit.
95 Now notice, sanctification, the third stage^second stage of it,
cleanses the mind; sets the heart, the mind of the heart, in order of
96 A man can repent of sins and he is still thinking of^Well,
maybe he’s a_a immoral man, every immoral looking woman he
finds, is still there. Maybe he’s a drunkard; every time he smells the
drink, it’s still there. See?
97 But then when he gets sanctified, that cleanses that desire out of
him. See? It takes the want of it away. He can still be tempted, but
He takes the want of it away. Still, he’s not right yet.
98 Then, he is baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire. Cleansed,
burnt out, cleaned up; and then put into the service of God.
Sanctification only sets them aside for service.
99 And notice just exactly how that come, the messages coming.
Martin Luther, justification; John Wesley, sanctification; the
pentecostal, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The messages, that’s
where there can’t be no more ages of it, see. We’re at the end time.
Three stages. Baptism cleanses the heart with the Holy Ghost.
100 How striking now, He takes the place where we are to dwell in,
through the same process.
101 Now, He’s called the Church through justification, called It
through sanctification, then filled It with the Holy Ghost and Fire.
And He took It through a process, that He Himself, the Holy Spirit
Himself, the Son of God, could dwell in the human heart. Now, It
has to go through that before He can come into It.
102 Notice, He done the world, where that Bride is going to live in,
the same way, His same plan of_of salvation.
103 Notice the antediluvian world. He, after it had repented, by
through the Bride of that day, Noah, He give it a water baptism,
covered it over with water. Then, justification, showing that He’s on
His road to call this fallen world, from Eden, back to its restoration
104 Then Christ came and shed His Blood upon it, cleansing it and
claiming it. [Brother Branham knocks on the pulpit several times_
Ed.] See, that’s the world that we live in now.
105 See how Satan, here in the Scripture, tried to make Him break
God’s plan to receive it, give it to Him when he took Him up on the
mountain, and tried to give it to Him without the purchase of the
106 Did you notice how Abraham, when they tried to give him the
land, he bought it with so many shekels of silver, before the people,
as a ensign, as a witness? “Let it be known this day that I bought this
burying place.” See, purchase it! And Satan tried to_to give Him the
kingdom which belongs to him now. He tried to give it to Him as a
gift, but He wouldn’t receive it. Cause it’s, see, then Satan could still
have claim on it. But, it had to be bought. Amen. He was the Word
in the fullness thereof. They couldn’t deceive Him in it.
Then, it is now to get a baptism of Fire.
107 See, it has now^What happened? Christ came and called the
Church to repentance, baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the
remission; sanctify the Church; and with the Fire of God come
down and burn out all the filth, and come and dwells in the human
108 Now, the world, to be redeemed for this redeemed person, He uses
His same method. He baptized it in water, after the antediluvian
destruction. Shed His Blood upon it, to sanctify it and claim it. It’s His.
Satan tried to say, “I’ll give it to You.”
109 He said, “No, sir, I’ll buy it.” Let it be a witness. He was lifted
up, for an ensign, that He bought it. He purchased it.
110 But now it has to go through a baptism of Fire, holy Fire from
God, which cleanses the earth and the heavens around it. Then, it’s
purchased so that the redeemed can live on it, live in it in peace.
Notice, the baptism of Fire is to cleanse it from sin, from sickness,
from disease germs, from sinners, from the devil and all of his group.
He is to be cast out, into the Lake of Fire. Holy Fire from God, comes
down from God, out of Heaven, and burns it up, notice, to make it
ready for God to dwell in. For, God, in the New World that is to
come, is to dwell in the earth. Cause, you say, “God, He dwells in the
human heart.” But, He and the Bride becomes One, and they go to
their Home in the New World. And the same plan of redemption is
used to redeem, both, world and the persons that live in it.
111 See, the heart has to be cleansed like that. Before God can come
down in the person of the Holy Ghost, which is Christ coming down
and dwell in the human heart, it first must be repented. It must be
baptized in water, in His Name, to show who it belongs to.
Then it must be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.
112 And then the holy Fire and Holy Ghost, from God, comes down
and burns out all the desire of sin, all the nature of the world. “And,
therefore, he that sins willfully after receiving the knowledge of the
Truth^” Then, again the Bible said, “it’s impossible^” “For, a_
a man that’s born of God cannot sin; he does not sin.” There is no
way for him to sin. How can he be a sinner, and a redeemed, at the
same time? How can I be in the pawn shop, and out of the pawn
shop, at the same time? See? Oh, He redeemed us by His Blood; by
His Spirit He cleansed us; and then comes to dwell in us, the Church.
Not the denomination, now; the Church!
113 Notice close now as we take this, the places we are to_to dwell
in. Now, now, the_the antediluvian repentance, then, brought water
baptism. Then Christ came and shed His Blood upon it, to cleanse
and to claim it. And then comes, the next, the destruction of the
world as it is now.
114 All the sin that’s in the heavens above, “he is the prince of the
power of the air,” he keeps off (wars off) the blessings from God. In
there comes thunderbolts of lightning and strikes the earth, and
everything, from the heavens, sheets of slicing rain, and typhoons,
typh-^storms and everything, “comes from above,” which is
Satan, “the prince of the power of the air.”
115 Notice, see how Satan tried to take it, as I said a few minutes
ago, by giving it to Jesus without buying it. Then, Satan still has a
claim, because it’s earmarked, see. But Jesus buys it by His shed
Blood and brings it back to the rightful owner. See? That’s how He
bought us, by His Blood, how He bought the Church.
116 And now its baptism of Fire cleanses it from all germs, all its
diseases, all sicknesses, even all the spiritual things; which is by us,
too, it does the same way; to make it ready for God to dwell in, in
this great age that’s to come, the New Earth. See, He redeems it in
the same way He does His people. He makes it all just the same, His
plan of redemption. For, He is the unchangeable God, always the
same in His plans.
117 How I’ve told you, before, and make it known to you, and by all
ages, that God cannot change; makes it known, every way, by the
118 He made it known, His first message, in the antediluvian world,
by Noah the prophet.
119 I was talking to a dear brother who is sitting present with me
now. Yesterday, he said, “One thing you said, Brother Branham,
that always shook me.”
I said, “What is it, brother?”
120 And he said, “Here is what you said,” and it’s true, “‘The
minority, how a little group is going to be saved in the days of
Coming.’ And we talked of how Jesus said, ‘Strait is the gate and
narrow is the way, and but few there will be that’ll find it.’ Now
notice, the Bible said, ‘As it was in the days of Noah wherein eight
souls were saved by water, so shall it be in the Coming.’”
I said, “Brother, you just got^”
He said, “Remember, there is only eight souls there.”
I said, “You just got half the picture.”
121 Yet, Noah was a type of the remnant that’s carried over, not the
translated bunch. Enoch, one man, went in the Rapture before the
flood came, showing that the Church does not go into the tribulation
or anything around it. Enoch was translated, one man. Oh, the
church may be a number; but the Bride is going to be a very small
group that’ll make up the Bride. Now, the church may be a great
number; but, the Bride, you see, compare eight with one. Eight times
less, will be the Bride, than the church.
122 “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where will the sinner and
the ungodly appear,” those who know better, to do it, and go ahead
and do it anyhow? Those who follow the rules of denomination
instead of the Word, where will they appear at, yet called Christians,
taking the Name of Christ?
123 Now, perfectly, Noah was a type of those carried over.
Remember, when Noah come out, Ham was with him. Sin was still
in there. Sin went right on over, through the ark. Unbelief, doubt,
went over in the ark, carried above the judgment. But Enoch went
higher than the ark, he went on into the Presence of God. But Noah
went through and come out, and there was still sin; type of the
Millennium, of the world’s condition.
124 The Millennium is not the end of it. There will still be time after
the Millennium. The Millennium is a space of time; but, not the New
Earth. No, indeed. Notice, in that, we’ll get to it after a bit.
125 See, the earth, redeemed, goes back to its original Owner again.
It took^He took it from Satan. He pulled, taking the earth away
from Satan, just like He took you away from Satan, like He took the
little woman at the well away from Satan. There stood the priest,
thought he was with God, and he had nothing. See?
126 I’d like to draw that for you just a moment. Now, we want to get
this real clear, so now watch close now on this teaching. [Brother
Branham draws illustrations on the blackboard, for the next few
127 Now, this here, here is God. God, which is the Eternal,
without^There is no one but Him. But, in God, He had attributes.
Now, this here represents the Word, the Word of God, which was
made flesh and dwelt among us in the person of Jesus.
128 Now this here, fellow here, we’re going to make him like this.
Now, this is called the woman at the well. This is the priest, Pharisee.
And where you see this, open blackboard, means grace and salvation.
129 Now, “In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made
flesh and dwelt among us.” The three stages. It was a attribute first,
was in God, that He thought of Himself as being human; and that
transmitted Him down to be Jesus; and now, if you’ll ever be There,
you was with Him then. For, there’s only one form of Eternal Life,
that’s God; and you had to be a part of God at the beginning, not
what you just chose down here. He chose you. “All the Father has
given Me will come.”
130 Now look at this priest here. We find his bottom part, here, his
back life, back behind him, his predestination back here, is sinful.
Here is hell, down here.
131 Now, this little part in here, that looks like the blackboard, that
represents his purity. He was a priest. He was an honorable man.
That represented this. He was, also, had to be a good man, or he
couldn’t be a priest. But you see how he got it, was intellectual
132 Now, this little woman, her first life, up here, she was a
prostitute, she was all marred up. But way down in her, here, was
just a little bit of understanding. “I know when the Messiah
cometh^” See? See, that was there.
133 Notice, when Jesus came and manifested the Word, because
the Word discerned the thoughts that was in the heart; as Hebrews
4 says It will, 4:12, that He would. “The Word was a discerner of
the thoughts of heart,” and He came as the Son of man, the
Prophet. What happened? This priest, with only intellectual
learning, said, “It’s a devil,” because that’s what his denomination
called it. What did it do? He had no representation, so it blacked
him out.
134 But this little woman had nothing to present; she was as filthy
and dirty as she could be. But, notice, way down in her, she’s got
representation, see. And, then, she was looking for this to be made
And when He said, “Go get your husband and come here.”
She said, “Sir, I have none.”
135 Said, “You’ve said the truth, ’cause you got five, and the one you
have now is not yours. You’ve had five. That makes six you had.”
136 She said, “Sir!” (Not, “You’re,” not, “Beelzebub.”) “I perceive
that You are a Prophet. Now, we know the Messiah, which is called
Christ, will come. And when He does, He’ll do this.”
He said, “I am He. ”
137 No more doubt. You didn’t have to explain it. She saw it. She
believed it. Away she went! Why? What did It do to her? It
redeemed her.
138 Now watch, He came to be a Redeemer. Is that right?
[Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] What does redeem mean? “Bring
back.” Why didn’t He get the priest? He never was up there. See?
See, he had no representation.
139 He came to redeem that which had fallen. In the fall, this got
messed up, with that girl; but God had her in His thinking before the
foundation of the world, and He come to cleanse her. See? Then
He^She had Eternal Life. See?
140 Where, the priest, what did it do to him? It sent him right back to
his destination. He had nothing, to begin, only intellectual learning.
141 Now listen, friend, if the only thing you’ve got is just intellectual
learning, you get something different from that. And you’ll never be
able to get It unless you got representation. That’s the reason I
believe you come from the east and west, north and south; the
Word, living, made manifest.
142 Notice now how He makes His way known by His prophets, in
the beginning. He has never changed it.
143 [Blank spot on tape_Ed.]^salvation. He justified a man;
sanctified him; sent the Holy Ghost and Fire, and burnt the sin out
him, and dwelt in him, Himself.
144 He does the earth, that He’s going to use in a plan of redemption,
the same way. It repented and was baptized in water, in^by Noah.
Jesus come and sanctified it, by dripping His Blood upon it, and
claimed it. And in the New Earth that’s to come, it’s to have a holy
Fire baptism, to clean it of every devil, every germ, every sickness,
everything that there is, and make it anew. “I saw a New Heaven
and a New Earth.”
145 You become a new person. Amen! Not just an old one patched up,
by joining church or trying to turn a new page, but you are a complete
brand-new unit. God takes the old man and burns him completely out,
with the Holy Ghost and Fire, and comes Himself, sends down your
representation. “No man can come to Me except My Father has
drawed him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me.” You
see it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] Same plan; same way.
146 Satan was^will be taken from the earth, just exactly like Satan
was taken from you. Satan cannot bother; or, he can tempt, but he
cannot get a born-again Christian. For, God, from the foundation of
the world, foresaw him, and sent Jesus to redeem him, and the Blood
speaks for him. How can he sin when it can’t be seen, even, by God?
He don’t even^The only thing He hears is your voice. He sees
your representation. Amen! That is true. See?
147 By the same means, for the world is one of His attributes just the
same as you are one of His attributes. The world becomes one of His
attributes, because it was God’s thinking, in the beginning. To have a
world, to be on a Throne, to be a King, to be a Redeemer, to be a
Healer, that’s His attributes.
148 Just like an attribute of you. I can’t say a_a “post” ’less I think
of post. I can’t say “man” unless I think of man. And when I think of
man, then say “man,” the thinking is my attribute and the expression
is the word. See?
149 Like Isaiah, how could he say, that, “A virgin was going to
conceive”? What is a thought?
150 Now, many of you wonder how them, that discernment, comes.
I’m going to tell you. See, it’s a word that I say. And it isn’t my
thinking, ’cause I don’t know. I don’t know of the thinking of it.
How can I tell you who you are and where you come from, when I
don’t know you? How can I tell you what you done ten years ago,
when I never seen you in my life? How can I tell you where you’ll do
and what you’ll do ten years from now? How do I know the future?
But it is Somebody else’s thought.
151 “Let the mind that was in Christ be in you. Let the mind that
was in Christ be in you.” See, then it isn’t your thinking. It’s His
thinking, through you. And you’re not expressing your own words;
you’re expressing His Words.
152 That’s how many a times the brethren gets confused, on
interpretation of tongues, and things. See, they say things that’s not
right, they don’t realize that that’s Satan. You say, “In the garden of
God?” Just wait till we get through, find out if it’s not, or not. The
weeds and the wheat grow in the same field. They both live by the
same sun and the same rain. See?
153 “But if there be one among you who is a prophet, I the Lord will
speak to him. And if what he says happens, then that’s Me, see, ’cause
he’s not expressing his own. He is expressing My thoughts, My
attributes of the things that has to come, and I’ll use his mouth to
express them by. And after he said them, they’ve got to come to pass.
Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail.”
154 Isaiah said, “A virgin shall conceive.” That settles it. She is going
to conceive. What God said, He does.
155 Oh, make known, by His prophets, all of His manifestations,
because it’s His attributes of His thoughts expressed.
156 Now, here it was, in this little woman. She was one of His
attributes. See?
157 And there was the priest, representing the Light. He had learned it
from the Bible. He had learned that God was God. He had learned
that holiness was right. He was learned that there was a law of God.
He had learned it because of an intellectual conception. And he was
born in the right lineage; he was a Levite. But he only knowed it by
intellectual conception. And when the Light of the hour^See, he
learned it by what had happened, not what was happening; what had
happened! And when he found what was happening, his
denomination said nothing about It, therefore he had no
representation of It.
158 But here was the Redeemer on earth at that time, to redeem
those attributes of God, and she received it. She never questioned it.
She said, “When Messiah cometh, He’ll do this,” and that settled it.
And she seen it done, so^He said, “I’m the Messiah,” so that
settled it. No more question. She just went, telling everybody else,
“Come, see Who I found.”
159 These processes make us clean, a temple for His dwelling place:
justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost with Fire.
That does the cleansing of (our) this temple.
160 So, as old world frame did not destroy, by the waters when it
was washed off; the frame of the planet, the old frame, the^all the
dirt, all the stuff that God put on the earth, was not destroyed when
the first world was destroyed. And the Bible said it was “destroyed,”
but it never destroyed the frame. It just destroyed the sin and sinners
that was on it. The framework remained.
161 But, you see, as justification, as you Baptists and Methodists
want to think of it, just justification, believing and being baptized,
that’s not enough. You’ll wander right back into the things of the
world, and bob your hair and wear shorts, and everything else. See,
there is nothing happened yet. You just looked back and seen you
done wrong.
162 What did justification do to the world? Never done a thing to it;
started right off again, just as much sin as it ever was. That’s the way
a man does, and that’s all the farther he goes.
163 That’s the way the great evangelist, Billy Graham, ought to see.
He said, “I go and have thirty thousand converts, come back in a
year and ain’t got thirty.” That’s all the farther they went. See? And,
surely, they repent. I believe they repent; most of them, or some of
them, at least. But that isn’t what it takes. It proves it here.
164 Now, so the old world framework was not destroyed by the
water. The world was only washed off. That got its baptism. It was
165 So will the framework remain, though it be burnt by Fire. It
don’t destroy the earth, see, it just destroys the sin that’s on it.
166 Notice here, some of you Bible students, and especially Doctor
Dale looking at me. Notice in Peter, in the 2nd chapter of Peter here,
3rd chapter, rather, he uses the word “world,” as a Greek word
kosmos, which means, “the world order.” “The earth shall pass
away, melt the elements with fervent heat.” See? Doesn’t mean that
the earth, the planet, is going to pass away. But the world, kosmos,
the politics, the sinners, the systems, sin, disease, germs, everything
that’s wrong, will pass away. Everything that once^
167 God once shook the heavens, but this time He said He’ll shake
the earth, heavens and earth^“He shook the earth,” rather, “and
then this time He’ll shake the heavens.” See? “For we receive a
Kingdom that cannot be moved.” It’s a Eternal Kingdom. Watch
how he goes to it.
168 Notice here, Peter said, “And will melt with fervent heat, and
the works therein burnt up,” not the planet. “The works therein,” the
works of man, all their politicians and their schemes, and all their
denominations and man-made schemes, will all go with it when it
169 “And_and heavens will pass away with a great noise.” Did you
notice here? “Heavens will pass away with a great noise.” Listen! The
whole earth will be on fire, and will ignite the gases that’s in the earth
and explode it. That’s exactly. Talk^The Bible said here, Peter said,
“And the heavens will pass away, and earth, with a great noise.” Such
an explosion will rock it, oh, my, ’cause it’s got to kill every disease,
every thistle, every thorn. Everything there is to be done, the Fire will
burn it up. And, remember, it’s not altogether just a literal fire, it’s also
a holy Fire, see, that will take away Satan and all of his, all the devils.
“Both heaven and earth,” amen, “will pass away,” killing all the
germs, all insects, all natural life on it and around it, even the H2O (the
water) will explode. Think of it. Talk about a noise!
170 You think that little noise out here in Tucson was something,
when He opened the six Seals, that shook the country around about,
and caused the talk. Wait till this earth receives her baptism!
171 You know, when a man receives the baptism of Fire, there’s a lot
of noise around there. They think that’s a shame, to hear people
scream and shout like that. Just wait till this earth gets her baptism!
172 Yeah, it’ll explain.^explode it, the H2O, the water, for the
Bible said here in Revelation 21, “and there was no more sea,”
explode it. This will change the whole surface of the entire earth.
She’ll burst and blow to pieces. All the outside, the crust, and for
hundreds of feet below it, will just simply be completely demolished.
The atmospheres, the gases that’s in the earth now, where they’re
finding these missiles that can’t get through it, a great sphere up in
there, way up in some kind of a sphere that there’s all kinds of gases,
they say; and that’ll burst. The holy wrath of God will come upon it,
see, and will cleanse it, will change the entire surface.
173 Now, many of you that want to put down this word, the Greek
word, “pass away.” It comes from the word^I had to find it. I
thought, “How is this world going to pass away, and yet we’re going
to live on it?” But if you’ll notice, some of you people that wants to
put it down, I’ll spell it for you. I couldn’t pronounce it,
p-a-r-e-r-e-c-h-o-m-i-a. I don’t know how to pronouce it.
174 Now, that way, as I said, when I get^The inspiration strikes
me for something, then I go back to find out the word. Now, here, I
can’t spell the word, or I can’t_I can’t pronounce it. But, in that, the
Lord has still give me a way. I go and find out what that word
means, then I got it. See? Then I got it, again. See?
175 Heavens and earth will pass away, now, this word means,
“passing from one form to another.” It does not mean
“annihilation,” as the English word would mean, pass away, it’s
annihilated. But the Hebrew word, or the Greek here, does not mean
pass away; it means, “from passing from one thing to another.”
Look, but, “to pass from one condition,” it says, “to another.”
176 Now notice, Paul used it, if you want to read it now. Put it
down, you can read it later. In Titus 3:5, Paul is using this same
word, means regeneration of man, that man has passed from a sinner
to a saint, not completely annihilated. When a man is changed, he
isn’t annihilated, but he’s a changed person. He has been changed
from what he was to what he is, not annihilated.
177 Jesus used the same word in Matthew 19:28; now, not 28:19.
Now, 19:28, He said to them, “You’ll set with Me in My Father’s
Kingdom, regenerated,” you see, “changed,” when you’re changed.
He used the same word.
178 And He used the same word when He said, to the colt, said,
“Loose the colt and let him go. ”
179 Said the same thing at the resurrection of Lazarus, “Loose him!
Change him! He’s been tied; let him go!”
180 What does it mean? The earth will be loosed from the grip of
Satan. It’ll be loosed. It’ll be loosed from politics, it’ll be loosed from
denominational religious systems; to be used for the Kingdom of
God, to be establish it here on the earth. But as long it’s in the hands
of Satan, politics^Satan the ruler of the earth, he owns it; it
belonged to him, but now Christ has redeemed it.
181 One time, I was his property, but not now. One time, that little
woman was his property, but not now. See, He come to loose the
grip of it. He loosed the grip of sin, of Satan, upon my life, upon
your life, and now we’re not his.
182 Have you often heard me say, in prayer, “take your hands off of
God’s property”? See? Amen! Have faith to claim your own. That’s
your rights. “Take your hands off of her! Take your hands off of
him!” See, faith will do it. Oh, my! Not annihilate it, but, just, “Take
your hands off of it,” to loose it, let it go, pass it away. It changes.
183 The earth will change. Politics will change. The religions will
change. The denominations will pass away. Politics will pass away.
The Kingdom of God shall be established.
184 We read in John, read John in Revelation 6:14, see, “it departed
as a scroll.” The Bible said the^that it^John said, “I saw the
heaven and earth depart as a scroll.” John, Revelation 6:14.
185 Jesus said, “Heavens and earth shall pass away,” or, other words,
“heavens and earth shall be changed.” See, used that same word
right there again.
186 No, not annihilated. For, later, in Revelations 21:2 to 24, he seen
the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven, and
sitting upon this earth. It doesn’t mean it’ll be annihilated. The
systems will be changed.
187 Daniel saw the same thing. A Rock struck the world, was hewed
out without hands; and the whole image of the systems was broke
down and become like chaff on a summer threshing floor, and the
wind packed it away. And the Rock, Itself, grew into a great
Mountain that covered the earth. Watch that Mountain now, in a
little bit. That Mountain covered the earth.
188 Also, we find out here, over in, also, in Revelations there, it said,
“The kings of the New Earth will bring their honor and glory into
it.” In the earth, is sitting^The New Jerusalem is sitting on this
earth. See, it just changed.
189 You’re the same man, in stature, that you was when God called
you, same woman. But, you see, what it did, it was a regeneration.
The old life passed away. The old desire has passed away. When, you
used to like to drink, and cuss, and fuss, and stew, and run around,
and immoral, that thing just died. See? But now you are used^
Then you was Satan’s instrument; now you are redeemed.
190 And that’s what the world will be, the same way, redeemed, a
New Heavens and New Earth.
191 Just like you, “You are a new creature.” And the Greek word
there, anybody knows, said, “You are a new creation.” Amen! A
new creation in the same old temple. Hallelujah. Watch what
happens here now. Glorious! All right.
192 Now we find that this earth will hold the kings of the earth.
193 And, again, in Matthew 5:5, Jesus said, “The meek shall inherit
the earth.” It isn’t going to, just going to have another earth. It’s just
going to be the same earth. I’m trying to get the_the plan of
redemption to you, before, if I don’t get nothing else, see. The
baptism of Fire, on it, only is to cleanse it and make it a fit place for
His meek to live in. See? Oh!
194 Like He did us, His creation, to live in. Before He could come in it,
He had to give us the baptism of Fire; then the Holy Ghost come in
and live, baptism of Fire. Then, when you get that baptism of Fire,
then the Holy Ghost can come in. What? As It does, It burns up
everything contrary to the Word, out of you. See? It won’t believe
nothing else but the Word, because It is the Word. See? See? See?
195 Now, that’s what we was talking the other day, the evidence of
the Holy Ghost. See? The evidence of the Holy Ghost is when you
can receive the Word; not some system, but have a clear understand.
How do you know the Word is clear, understand It? Watch It
vindicate Itself.
196 “Well,” you say, “I see this do it, and that.” Oh, yes, weeds live
the same way. See?
197 But it’s got to be the entire Word. To be the Bride, you have to
be part of Him. He is the Word. See? And what a part of Him is it?
The Word that’s promised for this day when He calls His Bride. Be a
part of that. You get it? Now, don’t_don’t lose that now. Notice.
And He makes it a fit place to live through Eternity.
198 Notice, this is still not referred to^This Millennium reign, the
thousand years, is not the New Earth. See, the Millennium reign is a
different reign. That’s what we go into, the Millennium, but that isn’t
the New Earth, the New Heaven. No, no. That’s just a rest place, see, a
rest period, not at all the New Heavens and New Earth; for, you see, in
the Millennium we have things that would not go into That. It’s a type
of the old seventh day, out at Eden; the seventh day, after He made the
world. The seventh day, He rested in Eden, and the Millennium.
199 See, the world has now almost six thousand years, old. See?
Every two thousand year it’s had a_a destruction. See?
200 First two thousand, the flood came, and He baptized it with
(what?) water.
201 Next two thousand, Jesus come to sanctify it and claim it,
dropped His Blood upon it, called it His. All right.
202 “I’ll come again,” uh-huh, now as King with His Queen, and the
second two thousand years (what does He do?) He comes and gives
His rest period.
203 And then burns her off, and claims it for His Own; puts His Own
back on it.
204 And notice, not the perfect world, this Millennium, it’s a type of
the seventh day. Then comes the White Throne Judgment. See, we
still have judgment. We’re still in time, in the Millennium. It’s a day,
one thousand years. It’s a time element. Not, don’t get that mixed up
with the New Earth, now, ’cause it’s not.
205 You might say this to me. Now I just feel somebody might say
this to me, that, “Now, Brother Branham, what are you going to do
now? You’ve run out of your complete sevens. Where you going to
do now? Now, you’re a dispensationalist.” Which, I am. I believe
that God is, too. Note, notice. “You’ve run out of dispensation
types. For, if you’re going to put something beyond that seventh day,
how you going to get it? Where you going to now?”
206 All right, I’ll call your attention to something, see. See? No, I
ain’t, I ain’t out of dispensations, yet. I got another Scripture here.
And, remember, all of It has to be fulfilled, every bit of It. See?
207 Now you say, “Brother Branham, you’re trying to put something
way over yonder beyond that seventh day, that seventh-day sabbath.”
208 As God made the earth and labored six days, and rested the
seventh, was only a type of time, time. But I’ve just said here, we
become Eternal.
209 “So where is your type now? You said you’re a typologist. So,
you, you’ve run out of types now.” No, I haven’t. Let’s just find out
if we have.
210 Let’s go to Leviticus, back in the 23rd chapter of Leviticus. Now
I want you to notice in Leviticus, where we was at last Sunday, or
last^This is what give me the idea, right here. The 23rd chapter of
Leviticus, and the 26th verse.
211 Now remember, there is seven feast days. The feast of trumpets,
the feast of_of tabernacles, the feast of the sheaf-waving, the^All
this, there is seven great feast days, that was only a type of the Seven
Church Ages. And you remember how many sabbaths there was
between one and the other? See, seven sabbaths between pentecost
and the trumpets, which was Seven Church Ages. And there was
seven feast days, that represent the Seven Church Ages. Keep your
numbers running.
212 Say, “Well, now, Brother Branham, you’ve done run out. You
got your seven.”
213 All right, let’s take the last feast, which is the feast of
tabernacles. Now notice here in the 36th verse.
Seven days shall you offer offerings made of fire unto the
LORD: on the eighth day_on the eighth day shall be a holy
convocation (there is another holy time coming)^holy
convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire
unto the LORD: and it is a solemn assembly; and you shall do no
servile work therein.
214 Now we got a “eighth day.” Now, there is only seven days, but
here we speak of “the eighth day,” holy convocation, convocation.
Notice, “Do no work in it.” The eighth day, are (what?) back to the
first day. Why, it speaks of Eternity, as she rolls around without a
stopping place. Amen. Do you see it? [Congregation says,
215 Notice, it was also upon this eighth day. Last day, feast day of
the tabernacle, notice after that, after the last feast day, after the last
Church Age, after the last complete seven days upon the earth, after
the Millennium, that this Holy Convocation comes.
216 Remember, this is feast of tabernacles, tabernacles, “gathering
places.” Amen! Where, “In the Millennium,” the Bible said, “they
shall build houses; they shall inhabit.”
217 But in the New Earth, He has already went and prepared the
place. It’s built. We have nothing to do with the building of it.
Amen. Eternal! Oh, I just love that Word! My! A Holy Convocation,
the eighth day. Which, is only seven days. Then on the eighth day,
which comes back to the first day again, comes right back to the first
day, the eighth day is a Holy Convo-^Convocation.
218 Notice, seven days, only has to do with the old creation, world
time. Seven days, that’s the Millennium, the rest day. As God
labored six days, rested the seventh; the Church labors six days, and
rests the seventh, but you’re still in time element. I ain’t speaking of
the Eternal.
219 But, you see, there is no such a thing as eight days; you go back
to the first day again, see, the first day.
220 The sabbath speaks of the old law, which was to pass away. The
keeping of a sabbath, which “passed away,” or, I have said,
“changed to another.” It didn’t pass away; it just changed from the
old law, of keeping a certain day of the week.
221 Isaiah, the 19th chapter, said, I believe 28:19, said, “Precept must
be upon precept; here a little, and there a little.” “Hold fast to that
what’s good.” “For with stammering lips and other tongues will I
speak to this people. And here is the rest.” See?
222 You enter into Life, not keeping a day or shadow. Paul said, over
there in Hebrews the 4th chapter. “You keep days and shadows, and
things like that; I’m scared of your experience.” See, we don’t pass
into certain days and orders. “You’ve passed from death unto
Eternal Life,” not days and times. You’ve passed into Eternity.
That’s the holy convo-^convocation, convocation, rather.
223 Seven days, watch, which “pass away,” or, I have said, will
“change to another.” Eight days deals with new creation, see, not old
creation. Eight days is new creation.
224 For, it was on the eighth day that our Lord raised from the dead.
There is your other convocation, the holiness; not considering the
sabbaths, at all, or the feast of the tabernacles, feast of this, and the
feast of the pentecost. Jesus raised from the dead, for our
justification, on the eighth day. After the seven sabbaths, or seven
days, Seven Church Ages, Jesus raised from the dead. Eighth day,
which is a holy convocation, see, which is the first day.
225 See, you’ve, done has passed through time, and dropped into
Eternity again; not keeping of days, and keeping of sabbaths; and new
moons, and things like that. “But hath passed,” changed your form;
not annihilated. Glory! “But passed from death unto Life Eternal.”
Oh, what the Bible does teach us! See, passed from one to another.
226 All right, “passed,” the old sabbath is passed. Jesus raised on the
eighth day. That was a solemn day, holy. And it wasn’t a day; ’cause
day, a time, had done run out. It passed into Eternity. See, it swung
right back to the first day again. See?
227 Eternity is like a_a ring. You can’t find no corner to it. You
can’t find no stopping place in a perfect circle. You go on and on. I
don’t care how far you go, you’re still going. You can start going
around like this; go through the floor, go through the earth, go
beyond the earth, you’re still go-^[Blank spot on tape_Ed.]
228 All things that was created down in here, are perverted, not
created, by Satan, will drop out when the great golden bell rings and
a Trumpet sounds.
229 And back yonder at the beginning, where the tie post was made
in Eden, when man came to the earth and he fell, a little lamb shed
its blood, that spoke of the great Lamb was coming to shed Its
Blood. Calvary raised the cross, that tied for the Old Testament; to
them who justified, looked for It. And in this new dispensation, at
the Coming of the Lord, at the New Earth, the rope of salvation (the
Blood, the redeemed Power that I’m talking about, and through the
same system has redeemed both man and the earth) will raise right
up into Eternity again. And the Lake of Fire will consume everything
that’s ungodly and unpredestinated to It. Do you see it?
230 Notice, the eighth day, Jesus raised for our justification. The
Eternal King, with the Eternal Kingdom to be baptized into, to
Eternal Life. Not seven days; had nothing to do with any of the days.
It’s speaking of another, Eternal, coming; speaking of an Eternal
time, the World that I’m speaking of.
231 And, notice, after fifty days, or seven sabbaths from there, again
there come another holy convocation. What happened? The Holy
Ghost fell on the Day of Pentecost, on the seventh day^Or, the
eighth day, rather, eighth day, fell on the eighth day. Was seven
sabbaths later, exactly, after His resurrection, see; so it’d be seven
times that again, bring it right back around to the first day of the
week again, exactly. See?
232 There is your holy convocation, not have anything to do with the
literal things. It’s beyond that. It’s into the Kingdom of God, with
Eternal Life, with the predestinated that never did start. It never
started on any day. You wasn’t saved on any day. You was always
saved. Amen. Jesus just come to redeem that; but you was saved,
from the beginning, because you had Eternal Life, to begin with.
233 A trout fish can never be a gar or a tadpole. He might be in the
same water with him, but he was, from the beginning, a trout. The
net only caught him, see, but he was that from the beginning. There
is that^
234 Now, we’re not out of dispensations. Are we? We’re right into
the Scripture. Fifty days later, it come.
235 See, eight cannot be counted with the week. See, it cannot be
counted, eight days in a week. You can’t do it, see, because there’s
only seven days in a week. Count it any way you want to. Sunday is
the first day of the week. See, you count seven, then you got to go
back in and start over again. Count seven, come back and go over
again. See?
236 And we lived through all these types in here, but, when you hit
the eighth, you go on into Eternity. You don’t come by laws, and
rituals, and orders. You come by predestination. Amen! There is a
genuine, holy convocation! See? And we’re ending the seventh
church age, church age, the Pentecostal age. Do you see it? We’re
entering that holy convocation. We are entering into that real,
genuine, Eternity, where the Church is called; not to some station,
some denomination, but into Eternity with their Eternal King. See?
We don’t have it at all, no such a thing as days, and things, and
times. You’ve passed into Eternity, where you come from. You was
There, to begin with. See?
237 If you got Eternal Life, there is only one form, that’s God, and
you are an expressed attribute. See? If you^If you’re not, you’re
not going to be there, anyhow. “No man can come to Me except My
Father has drawed him.” See? Which, “passes away,” all these old
things; but these Things don’t, so it speaks of Eternity. The Holy
Ghost is Eternal. Then, you are in Eternity, where you was all the
time, but you’ve just recognized what happened.
238 See, you were made for an Eternal purpose, because you was
the_the manifestation of an attribute that was in God, that thought of
you and expressed you; and He made a earth to take you out of, and to
make you a human being. And sin come along and perverted His way.
You come, anyhow, but you was lost with the world. So He come and
redeemed you, the expressed attribute, and also redeems this earth by
the same way. Then, His purpose rolls on. See? Oh! Hallelujah! Oh,
that does me so much good, think of just what lays ahead!
239 Now, in Ephesians 1:10, it’s called^Now, if you’re putting it
down, Ephesians 1:10, is called, not a dispensation, not the seventh
day. It’s called, “The fullness of time.” And when “the fullness of
time” has come, that’s when time has been fulfilled. When there is
no more time, then you go into Eternity, after the seventh church
age is over, and it is; Luther’s age is over, Methodist age is over,
Pentecostal age is over. And now you go into (what?) Eternity; no
more seven’s, no more three’s, no more other. They’re in Eternity,
where there is no such time as numbers, and times, and things.
Amen! Oh, my! You see it now?
240 Or, after time has been fulfilled, all sin is gone, taken away, at
the Millennium, at the great White Throne Judgment. (A type, by
the Holy Ghost.) After the world is on fire and baptized, its baptism
of holy Fire from Heaven; all sin is gone, all germs is gone, all devils
is gone, all imp temptations is gone, all evil is gone. (Type now.)
Then what does God do? He can sit upon the earth, see, because all
sin is gone.
241 That’s the same thing He does when He gives you the Holy
Ghost baptism with Fire. He can come and dwell with you, and we
can sit in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, because we are already in
Him. Not we “will be.” We are now sitting in Christ Jesus. How do
we get into it? By one Holy Ghost baptism. “By one Spirit we’re all
baptized into Christ,” which, we are now. Won’t “be” in Christ; we
are! He is the great spiritual King over the Spirit that’s in us, because
we were in Him at the beginning.
242 See, God, in the beginning, when He thought of you and thought
of others like that, thought of Himself of being tangible. That was
His thoughts. See? So, He expressed His thoughts by Word. He said,
“Let there be.” “Let there be,” and there was. “Let there be,” and
there was.
243 Then, after a while, He kept saying “let there be,” till the people
said, one day, “Don’t let God speak!”
244 He said, “Now I’ll speak to them through a prophet.” See?
“From this on, I’ll speak to them through a prophet.”
245 And the prophet said, “There shall come; there will be,” and it was,
and it was. And it was, and it was, see, just like that. You get it now?
246 “The fullness of time” has come after time has been fulfilled. Sin
is gone, after the world’s baptism, after the world’s baptism makes it
a fit place; no sickness, no germs; no thorns, no thistles; no death, no
sorrow, no heartaches; no old age, nothing to represent death;
nothing wrong; all right; nothing natural. Eternal!
247 Then, His attribute is expressed because it was there, first, to
begin with. That’s what He thought. [Brother Branham illustrates at
the blackboard_Ed.]
248 And then what happened? He set Adam and Eve here on the
earth, and said, “Multiply now and replenish the earth.” Their bodies
was all laid out here, for you to eat and make your body. That’s the
way He had of doing it.
249 But sin come along and interrupted His plan. She rolls right on,
just the same, time does.
250 But what did Jesus do? God came down and expressed Himself
in the form of a Man, a human being; gave His life, instead of
staying here. Which, He was the King, but He gave Hisself to
redeem the rest. You get it?
251 And when it’s all over, then it’s pulled right back, and God’s
purpose is fulfilled. There is the Eternal King again with His Eternal
subjects, expressed in human flesh, exactly the way He had it; sin is
took away; the devil is gone; it’s all done now.
252 What will do it? This earth couldn’t be a place for Heaven to sit
now. Look at it, the sin. It will have to be cleansed.
253 No man, no person, no woman, boy, girl, I don’t care who he is,
is fit to go in the pulpit, or even claim to be a Christian, without
being filled with the Holy Ghost. You have no right to the Lord’s
supper, or any communion, feet-washing, or anything, until you’ve
been cleansed by the Holy Fire of God.
254 No man has a right to preach unless you, like Moses, meets Him
out there on that sacred grounds, that Pillar of Fire hanging there,
where he knows where he’s at. See?
255 Notice how, how we go. After the world’s Fire baptism, all germs
is gone, makes it a fit place then for Heaven to dwell here on earth.
256 Type, now, of sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus; passed
from this, dirty like the little woman was, into the expressed
attribute of God. “Now we are the Sons of God,” not we will be.
We’re the attributes of God’s thinking. See?
257 Now you say, “Well, look at this priest. Wasn’t he a son of
God?” It proved he wasn’t. He couldn’t recognize what? Did he say,
“I believe the Bible”? Sure. But he couldn’t recognize the expressed
Word of the hour. He only had an intellectual learning from some
group that had been back before him.
258 And it’s the same thing today! See? I know that’s strong, but it’s
the Truth.
259 There was the Word, as spoken exactly for that day; and, he, yet
he was a scholar, yet he was a renown person, but he could not
recognize It. Why? No matter how scholar he was, anything like
that, he still didn’t have representation of predestination. See?
260 Only the predestinated will only be the one who does it; only can
be. And you only can do it^Because, look, it proves
predestination. Cause, if you’ve got Eternal Life, you had to be a
part of God all times, ’cause He’s the only One is Eternal. You see
it? Oh, my! Think of it.
261 Now watch what happens through the great Millennium. Sin all
gone, Millennium now set in, it’s time now the Holy Spirit takes Its
262 Just like He does in us, “passes from death unto Life,” dwelling
in Heavenly places in Christ, in His glorious Presence. Even physical
death will pass away then; just as spiritual death has passed away
263 There is no such a thing as spiritual death now, to_to a_a
baptized saint of God. “Though he were dead, yet shall he live.
Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die.” All Scripture,
It must be fulfilled. See? You can’t die. You got Eternal Life. Only
thing, the Redeemer has made you recognize it. And you were
always That, and that’s the reason you see the day you’re living in.
How many sees it? Raise your hand. See? Thank you. See? The day
that we’re living in, you recognize it.
264 Now, the Methodist said, “When you shout, you got It.” A lot of
them shouted and didn’t have It.
265 The Pentecost said, “When you speak in tongues, you got It.”
Many speak with tongues, and didn’t have It.
266 Look how, all kind of forms those Pharisees had, but when the
Word was made manifest, they didn’t recognize It. See? See?
267 And if you are the Bride, the Bride is a part of the Husband. And
if^The only place that you’ll ever recognize It, is recognize what
part of that Husband (that Word) you are, or you can’t recognize
being the Bride. How many sees that? [Congregation says,
“Amen.”_Ed.] See? See? You have to recognize your position.
268 You can’t recognize somebody else’s. What if_what if Moses
would have come with Noah’s message? And Noah was a part of it,
but it wouldn’t have worked. What if_if_if_if Jesus would have
come with Moses’ Message? It wouldn’t have worked. See, it was a
different age, it was a different prophecy, a different part of the
Word had to be fulfilled there. They was another day of the week.
Not, Tuesday’s work can’t be done on Wednesday. And Wednesday
has got to be done on Wednesday. See? Saturday has to be
Saturday’s work. See?
And, they, they was recognize, “Oh, Moses, we have Moses.”
269 He said, “If you’d have knowed Moses, you would know Me, for
he was the one that spoke of Me. ‘The Lord your God shall raise a
prophet likened unto me.’” Get the idea? Oh, my! See?
270 Then Jesus said, in John 14, “When He, the Holy Ghost, is
come, He will bring these things to your memory, see, show you
what day you’re living in. And then, another thing you’ll know Him
by, He’ll show you things to come,” see, see, right back to the
prophetic again, “when He’s come.” See?
271 In the New Earth and New Heavens, will never be blackened
again, when this New Earth is to come. The devil will be bound^
Satan, he is still loose now; he is accuser. But in the New Earth, he
will be bound and cast into the Lake of Fire, in this holy Fire.
272 Then, in this New Earth, let’s look at it for a few minutes now.
In this New Earth, the skies will never be black again; no, that’s from
the curse, see. Never be black again with angry clouds. Winds will
never blow across her again like that. No. She’ll never tear up the
trees, and tear up the houses, and turn over the things. Lightning and
the wrath will never belch from Satan across there, and kill a man
walking down the road, or burn up a building. See? No, no more.
There’ll be no more typhoons sweep down, or storms and tornadoes,
and tear up houses, and kill little children, and things. Huh-uh, won’t
be no more. Trying to destroy, it won’t be there. Satan is cast out.
273 Wish we had time now. I’m just passing Scriptures, now, so we
won’t be too late. I got to pray for the sick.
274 Heavens and earth have met; God and man is reconciled. A
restored Eden has begun; see, all the curse is gone.
275 Just like, all the curse of sin is gone when the Holy Ghost accepts
you. See, you don’t accept It; It accepts you, see, ’cause It’s God’s
attribute. See, if It’s the Holy Ghost, means, God’s Spirit; and it’s
the attribute, the thought of God, has accepted you because that you
were ordained for that purpose. See? Yet, you was born in sin; but
God had that attribute, and here you expressed yourself here on
earth, and He comes down and gets you. See, you’re back here; here is
where you belong. See? See, sin has lost its power. That’s right. The
desire of sin has done gone from your heart, when the Holy Spirit
comes in. You are a restored person.
276 And then when the earth is restored, by the same thing, there can
be no more cursing, no more storms, no more winds, no more
typhoons_typhoons, rather. You are reconciled; man and God has
met. The New Earth will be put on its Eden beauty again. The New
Earth will spread forth, her, after her baptism of Fire.
277 Just think, she’ll catch afire and burn up. The elements will burn
with_with fervent heat. All the works in the earth will burn. All the
water will explode; it’ll ignite and blow all. Everything will blow up.
Volcanics will erupt and, thousands of miles in the air, will fly burning
hot lava. Every germ^The Holy Spirit of God will cleanse off every
speck of all the sin and everything. All the devil will be bound and cast
into the Lake of Fire, consuming Fire, God’s wrath of Fire.
278 No beast will be there to destroy you again. When you walk
down the road, in the flower gardens, there’ll not be any serpent
there to hiss at you and bite you, with his poison venom. Oh, my!
Won’t it be wonderful? Listen. There will be none of that New Earth
ever mounted up to a little yellow sod bank, for a grave; be none of
them there.
279 Man and God has come together; Bride and Bridegroom.
Heavens and earth has embraced each other; God has come down to
dwell among man. His tabernacle is with them.
280 There will be no more sin, no more sorrow. Never will there ever
be a tear drop off of a mother’s cheek, over her baby. Amen. It won’t
be, on that New Ground. No. It’s redeemed. It belongs to Him, and
for His that was redeemed out of it. See?
281 And, look, you are a part of that ground. Is that right? And when
He redeemed you, He redeemed the earth with the same thing, and
you are together again. Oh, how much plainer can it be. See? You
have to be redeemed ’cause you’re a part of it. And if the Blood
didn’t drop on you, you ain’t redeemed yet; you’re not called. Then
He cleanses it; that’s the same thing He does in the Fire. Even, the
Blood dropped, it’s yet got to be cleansed by Fire, that’s right, for a
dwelling place for God.
282 God already took up His abode, potentially. The Kingdom of
God is in the earth now, in the hearts of His saints. It’s His attributes
that He begin in the beginning. Now His attributes is redeemed.
What’s He waiting? To redeem the earth, to set His attributes on it,
to fulfill exactly His predestinated plan. Do you see it?
283 Notice, no graves, no teardrops, never, no more bloodshed. She’ll
never be moistened by a teardrop or a blood. No. Be no more wars.
No. No clouds of winter. No cold snow upon the breast of her; won’t
lay there no more on it. The hot sun will not, never burn its grass.
Hallelujah! Even the desert shall bring forth roses. “That old, sticky
desert will blossom, one day, like a rose,” God said so; when she is
redeemed, when she takes her Fire baptism. There is all kinds of
cactuses and stickers and everything there now, but she’s got a Fire
baptism coming.
284 Like the man was, when he still had hatred, malice and strife in
him; when the Fire baptism come, it cleaned it off. No more
jealousy, no more of nothing; it’s just absolutely is a dwelling place
for God. And, remember, that’s His delegation that’s going to meet
Him over yonder. Amen! Oh, what a^
285 That’s not just a story; that’s the Truth. That’s what God said.
That’s what He has promised. That’s what the Bride goes to. “Even
the desert,” He said, “shall blossom, be a rose.”
286 Satan, sin, and sinners, has gone, forever. It’s all done; blended it
into Eternity. And all that was perverted, that great archangel that
set there one day, Satan, that did all this evil, will be destroyed. You
remember, the Bible said, “If that soul won’t do as He did, said do,
He will even destroy that soul.”
287 But, you see, He can’t destroy Himself and remain God. So, if
that soul is of the world, it has to be destroyed. But if it’s Eternal,
with God, it never did begin, because it’s part of God and can never
be destroyed. Amen! What a beautiful! How_how thankful, that the
Church ought to see that!
288 People, all you’ve done lays right here. This is what I’m trying to
say. I’m omitting some of it because I want to get back to it again.
289 Even these things, Satan, sinners, are gone, for Eternity; never no
more to be. All^See, Satan cannot create. If he is, he’s God. See?
He can only pervert what has been created. See? And all perversion
will, perverting, will be done away with. And death is the pervertage
of life; and when the perversion is done, there can be no more death.
Old age is a sign of death; and when old age is gone away, life comes
in. All perversion signs and everything else is gone. Thorns and
thistles is a sign of sin, “the earth will be cursed with them,” and
they’re done away with. Sickness come, by that; it’ll be done away
with. Death will be done away with. Bloodshed will be done away
290 Nothing will ever touch that sod but holiness, the Redeemed. Oh,
my! Yeah. Oh, I just feel so good. God, and His creation; and His
creatures of this creation is redeemed by His Own Blood. Cleansed by
His Own cleansing process; His germ-killing, sin-killing process!
291 Like if anything is sterilized, the best sterilization we’ve ever had
has been fire. You can take anything and wash it with soapsuds and
all these chemicals that they talk about, it still ain’t free. But you
burn it once!
292 And when the holy Fire of God sterilizes the earth with the
Chemicals; He has lifted His Bride, which can come into Heaven
with Him, while this is going on. And comes back upon the earth
again, a New Heavens and a New Earth. The cold winter can’t hurt
it. The hot summers can’t hurt it. The deserts will blossom as a rose.
Sin and sinners are gone.
293 God, and His creatures and creation, is dwelling together in
perfect harmony. As the heavens and the earth is husband and wife,
so is Christ and the Church, and they all meet in one big glorious
plan of redemption and is brought right into the bosoms of God
again. You see it?
294 And, in the New Earth, there is a New City. Oh, my! Now listen
close. Don’t forget this. That, Jesus said, in John 14, He would go to
prepare. “Let not your hearts be troubled.” When He’s going away,
“I have a reason to go away. You’ve believed in God,” He said,
“believe also in Me.” They couldn’t see that He was God. Said,
“You’ve believed in God, now you believe in Me. And I’m going to
prepare a Place for you. In My Father’s House is many mansions; in
My Father’s Kingdom is many palaces.” Christ is there, under the
construction of this New Jerusalem now. Now listen close. Don’t
move. Don’t, don’t miss this. Christ is in Heaven, today, preparing
the New Jerusalem.
295 Just as God created the earth in six days, made the earth in six
days, or six thousand years. As he said, “Be not ignorant,” we read
in the Scripture, “one thousand years is one day.”
296 And Christ has gone and is preparing a Place, that’s been on its
construction for many, many thousands of years, preparing a Place.
“And if I go and prepare a Place, I will come again, and receive you;
that wherever I am, there you may be also.” Notice the Redeemer
and the Redeemed!
297 Wish we had time now. I got marked here, Solomon quoting,
“this girl, the Bride.” Oh, we just have to omit it; it’s getting too late,
see. I’ll get it, again. “When he tries to get her, but she’s engaged to a
shepherd boy.” Some probably thought that was a song he sang. Oh,
no. Solomon was the throne inherit of David, on earth, but showed
that kingdom had to pass away. It was a type of Christ in love with
the Bride. See?
298 Notice that Jesus said, John 14 now, “go and prepare a Place.”
299 Oh, what will it look like? Did you ever think now, Bride, what it
will look like? It is prepared and designed by the Divine Architect.
What will that City look like? Now, we’re going to talk about it for a
few minutes. The Divine Architect has prepared it, designed it. And,
look, He has designed it with tender hands, for His beloved Bride.
What’s it going to look like?
300 Could you imagine a man marrying a wife, that’s able, how he
builds and puts every little thing just exactly to her touch, just what
she would like? Amen.
301 Now, the Divine Architect has designed the New City, where He
will live with His Bride, just to Her touch. No wonder the apostle
said, “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, or neither has ever
entered the heart of man.” Let’s see if we can probe into it just for a
moment, see what it’s going to look like.
302 The Divine Architect has designed this for His Beloved. See? Oh,
what a place it must be, when, Divine Nature, a Divine Architect has
designed it for a Divine attribute that’s been Divinely predestinated
by a Divine God Who_Who is the author of Divine Life! What will
that City look like! Think of it.
303 Remember, it’s not Heaven. John say, “I saw it coming down
out of Heaven.” It’s to be on earth. See?
304 Not this earth is going to pass away; it’s a redeemed earth. God
didn’t say He was going to raise up a new generation; He is going to
redeem the one that’s here. He ain’t going to raise up a new
generation; He redeems the one that’s already here. He ain’t going to
make no new world; it’s this one right here. He’s just going to burn it
off, cleanse it, like He did you. His plans must forever remain. Now,
look, it’s going to be.
305 Remember, it’s going not to be Heaven. “It comes down from
Heaven.” It’s a dwelling Place, a Place to dwell in, to take up His
abode. Like, it was John, on the isle of Patmos, here in Revelation
21, he saw it “descending.” John saw the City, “descending from
Heaven,” like a dove, like he seen.
306 Here come God, down upon His earthly tabernacle, Jesus, in
the^“descending out of Heaven.” Jesus was baptized, went
307 When He met the prophet! “The Word comes to the prophet.”
And He was the Word. And the prophet was standing there, denying
all their denomination, everything. And, when he seen the Word, the
Word come right to him.
308 And the prophet was so shocked, he said, “I have need to be
baptized of Thee. Why comest Thou to me?”
309 He said, “Suffer it to be so, for thus it is becoming to us (we
know the message) to fulfill all righteousness. I am the Sacrifice; It
must be washed.” He suffered him.
310 When He went up out of the water, he said, “I saw heavens
open.” The prophet saw it. He saw the heavens open.
311 And here come, descending out of Heaven, a form of a Dove;
and a Voice, saying, “This is My part of the earth that I have
redeemed, and from this part of the earth I will redeem the rest of it,
for He is My Word made manifest.” “And the whole world, I spoke
it into existence by My Word,” Hebrews 11. “And Satan has held it
all this time, but I’ve come to redeem it. So much of it has made His
body, and I’m coming to dwell in it.”
312 John said, “I saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem descending
out of Heaven, as a Bride adorned for her Husband.” And where did
it settle on? Just exactly like it did on there; upon the earth.
313 Jesus was part of that earth that the Holy Ghost descended upon,
(is that right?) and remained upon Him forever. It never can leave
Him. It’s always there. He and God are One. Always has to remain!
314 And so John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem, descending
like a comet, or a_a dove, coming down out of Heaven and settling
upon a redeemed, entire earth, (to do what?) to claim every attribute
that He made the earth for. Every man that was represented in the
Eternity, and every woman, is redeemed then. She has been scoured
and burned by Fire.
315 Jesus, in His fiery temptations in the wilderness, for forty days.
After that, notice, it was ready for His ministry then.
316 Think of it, the Holy Ghost descending upon earth, Jesus, and
that holy Blood! Now watch, and I hope I don’t go too deep for you,
see. The holy Blood that was created by God; the Blood, the Life,
the creation of God. “Jesus was the beginning of the creation of
God.” Oh! You see it? God, made in creation. He was Spirit. The
Bible said, “He is the beginning of the creation of God.” How did He
begin? In the wombs of a woman. Which is what? The woman is
317 Like how them blind people can’t see the serpent’s “seed” right
here. See? Eve was put here on the earth, and, before Satan ever
touched her, or anything else, God said to them, “Multiply and
replenish the earth.” That’s right, but Satan comes in here. And, if
that was Adam’s son, then where^
318 Adam was a direct descent from God. And you only take the
nature of your parent.
319 And when you’re born again, you take the Nature of your
Parent, of Heaven. And your Parent of Heaven is the attribute of the
Word^Or, the Word is the attribute of your Parent. Then, how
can you deny It, for a denomination? My!
I hope you don’t miss this. I know it’s from God.
320 Jesus. Here He comes, descending; and there was Jesus, the
attribute of God.
321 Now, “the woman,” she. Watch. God said, “Because they did
this,” said, “I’ll put enmity between your Seed and the serpent’s
seed.” Is that right? And the woman don’t have any seed. Did you
ever think of that? She has a field, not a seed. See, the serpent had
already placed his “seed” there.
322 Then, if the woman doesn’t have a seed, she has to remain to
have a Seed.
323 You see, through the sexual intercourse here, had brought from
Satan, the serpent, which was not a reptile; had legs, ’cause his legs
went off of him. He was the most subtle, the only beast that would_
would co-ordinate with the woman.
324 A beast’s seed won’t do it now, and nothing else. They’ve tried.
It won’t work. See, the seed life out of a male won’t go into a female
woman. It won’t do it.
325 But that was the closest thing. See, they can’t find that specie
between a chimpanzee and a man. See, each one, as it’s evoluted up,
from the birds, and on up to monkeys, and so forth, up to
chimpanzee, then there’s a “lost.” That was the serpent, not a snake;
every form is lost from him, because he was cursed.
326 Now, God didn’t curse Adam; he might have done the same
thing, but He cursed the earth, “thorns and thistles.”
327 He didn’t curse Eve, but said Adam would be her “ruler.” From
now on, she ain’t trying any preaching or anything, Adam is her
ruler. “And all the days of your life, and in sorrow, and you’ll bring
your life into the earth.” But He said, “I’ll put enmity between your
328 Now, she didn’t have any seed, she never did have, so, she had to
receive a Seed from some way. God gave her a Seed, not by sexual
intercourse, but by creation.
329 Can’t you blind people see that’s the “seed” of the serpent? Oh,
my! Satan got there before Adam; that was the “seed.”
330 But she received a Seed. What was it? God Himself. “He was the
beginning of the creation of God.”
331 Now look when Seth was born, or Abel, he was a just man, from
his father. Seth is the same way.
332 Where did that evil fellow come from; murderer, liar? See, see
where it come from? It had to be a “seed,” because he was a seed;
Cain was a man.
333 Oh, where is them blind people at? “God of this world has blinded
them.” Well, no wonder, Jesus said no man can see it. You see?
You say, “Why don’t they see it?”
334 Jesus said one time, to His disciple, “It’s given to you to know
the Kingdom of God, but not to them.”
335 And that’s the reason you come from fifteen hundred miles
square, see, “It’s given to you to know the Kingdom.” Look, fellows
come even from South Africa and around, this late hour when the
Bride is made up to go into the Kingdom.
I just don’t have enough time. Notice. Watch now, see.
336 Now can you see the serpent’s “seed” there, see how he done it?
It’s perfect, see. Now some of them said^
337 Now, like that guy in Tucson the other day, trying^Ah, he
may listen to this tape. But, if it is, man, I want to tell you
338 When he said, “Eve said,” here is where they go to, “‘I have
gotten a son from the Lord, or a man from the Lord.’” Why,
certainly. God has a law.
339 Look, you take a seed and plant it out here in a field where
there’s wheat, and you plant briars out there. I don’t care, the same
sun and the same rain brings that seed to life. God has a law, and
that law cannot be broken.
340 I don’t care if a_if a^the orneriest woman in the town and the
orneriest man, and unmarried and everything, would have an_an
affair, and live together and bring forth a child; that child would
have to come by the law of God, ’cause there’s no other way. If you
don’t, you make Satan a creator, and then he’s a god. Oh, how blind
can you be! See, God’s law, certainly.
341 If you ever got a baby, I don’t care if it was Esau, Jacob,
whoever it was, or any ill-famed person, if it was Judas, it had to
come by God. God has a law.
342 The Bible said, “The sun shines on the just and the unjust; the
rain falls on the just and un-^” Hebrews the 6th chapter, and it
says that, “The_the rain cometh oft upon the earth, to water it, and
prepare it for what it’s dressed, you know, to make living; but thorns
and thistles live by the same water, same sunshine.” For, it’s a law of
God, to ripen every seed, to make every seed produce itself.
343 So, it had to produce the serpent’s “seed.” And it never_never
hindered God; it fulfilled His complete plan, it made Him a
Redeemer. Any blind ought almost see that, unless it’s hid. “The god
of the world” has hid it from you. It’s just as plain as anything you
can see. There you are. There is your serpent’s “seed.” Now notice.
But, “Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God.”
344 Now what does the woman do? When, the germ comes from the
male sex. Now deny that? The woman has no life in her, at all. She
only has a little egg, which is a field out here.
345 Like you took a field and disc it all up, and_and put a spray on
it, and spray all the germs out of it. And not_not even grass or
nothing could grow in it; and then you fertilize again, sow some
good seed in there. If the enemy comes and sows some other seed,
the same law of God will ripen both seeds.
346 Well, God wasn’t intending for that to be, see. But what
347 See, the sperm from the male carries the hemoglobin, which is
the blood. In the blood is the life. And if you ever^I’ve watched it,
in hybreeding cattle and things like that. Brother Shakarian and I
taken it through, and the doctors and so forth, watching how it goes
through, the chemists. See? Then here comes the sperm from the
female, which is a bunch of eggs. Here comes the sperm from the
male, which is a bunch of germs.
348 This hasn’t got a bit of germ in it. It’s only a by-product of the
man. That’s how she got here, in the first place, and she’s only a
field. There’s a egg; it’s got the fertile ground for this life. And this
life moves in and crawls. There is a mystery, how that^
349 “Maybe,” you say, “well, the first one meets. The rest of them
dies.” Well, how, who determines it? “Well, the first one.” Will it
be the one in front; the first egg in front, and the first germ? No,
350 It might be one egg; plumb back, in the back, in the middle of the
sperm, will come up a germ and go meet it. Shows that some
intelligence determines whether it’s going to be red-headed,
black-headed; whether it’s going to be little, big; male or female. See?
You can’t, you can’t do nothing else about it; it won’t work. You can
mix them together, and everything, it won’t make a bit of difference.
God determines it. And after a while, one little germ will crawl into
that field, egg. What has a little tail, like, on it, twisting around;
drops off, and there starts the spine of the baby.
351 What is she then? She has no seed. She has a field to receive the
seed. So the^
352 See, the enemy went forth. While the good sower went forth,
sowing good Seed; and the enemy come behind him, sowing corrupt
seed. “But the rain falls on the just and the unjust; the sun.” It all
has to grow.
353 Jesus said, “Let them grow together. At that day they’ll be
bundled, the tares.” And they’re bundling now, in big organizations;
going to the big bundle, World Council of Churches. And what was
the end? Is to be burned. But the grain is to be take to the garner.
See? Where, they both live by the same thing, the same water, the
same rain.
354 A citrus tree, that’s a_that’s a orange tree, will bear, will have
to; will bring forth on it, if it’s grafted into it, a pomegranate. It’ll
bring forth a lemon. It’ll bring forth a grapefruit. See? But it won’t
be an orange, but it’s living off the same life that the orange tree is
355 Denominations have been injected into the Vine. Because, if they
claim “Christians,” they live by it. Caiaphas was; you know what he
was, and yet he even prophesied. See? See, they live by it.
356 Oh, I wish we could have a week, that we could just study this
thing out, and make it so clear you_you can’t miss seeing it. Now
I’m going to omit some of these things.
357 Now watch. Look, them hands designed this for His Beloved
Bride, designs in tenderly love for His Bride.
358 Remember that the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus, which, Jesus
was a part of the earth. Why? The germ of God, the Life of God, was
designed in the womb of a woman (that right?), which was the earth.
All right. And then the Life of God came in, so, “He was the beginning
of the creation of God.” See? And then that Blood of God, that was
there by that germ; when it was shed at Calvary, dropped back upon
the earth. What for? To redeem the earth. Now, it’s been justified; it’s
been sanctified; called, and claimed; and now it’s to receive its baptism
of Fire, and be cleansed for Jesus and His Bride.
359 And you are these other parts that’s drawed out of this earth.
The earth, you’re a part of the earth; your body. Your soul is part of
God, a attribute of God, displayed here on earth in a body. The body
is to be redeemed.
360 Now, the soul is redeemed, because it was in sin. So God come
down, by a process of justification, sanctification, baptism of the
Holy Ghost, and redeemed your soul.
361 And you, being part of the earth, it’s redeemed by it. You’re in
the process now. It’s growing on. Your body was justified under
Noah’s baptism. Amen! And, your flesh, when It dropped upon
there. And the earth is to be cleansed by Fire, the place where you’ll
live, with the baptism of the Holy Ghost; a dwelling Place for Christ
and His Bride, the New Jerusalem.
362 Watch this City; earth, take up its abode on earth. Now you can
plainly see as I said, the^this change, the earth must be changed.
It cannot have It like this. The church could not go^Or, the world
could not go right on, after the Millennium, without being changed.
See? To have such a Place in it, it’ll have to be changed.
363 Just like, we must be changed by His holy Fire, to condition and
make a place for Him to be contained within us; that is, the Holy
364 Notice now, there will be plenty of room in the New Earth.
Uh-huh. See, plenty of room! It’ll be renovated, that’s true, by Fire,
but there’ll be no more sea. Notice, the City is fifteen hundred miles
365 Now listen real close while we draw these dimensions. I want to
erase the blackboard, just a moment. [Brother Branham erases his
previous illustrations_Ed.]
366 Here is a deep revelation from God. Here, I’ll just stop here.
None of these other^I’ll bring the rest of this up, the Lord willing.
367 Notice now the earth is^Well, you turn over into the Book of
Revelations, you can see how he measured it by the cubits and by the
furlongs. Twenty-three hundred^So now we find out that the_the
City is measured, “fifteen hundred miles” square.
368 You know how far that would reach? I measured it off, this
week. It would reach from Maine to Florida, and from the eastern
seaboard to six hundred miles apast, west of the Mississippi. In other
words, half of the United States, just for the City.
You say, “There ain’t no room. ”
369 When the sea is gone there will be, ’cause pretty near four fifths
of it’s in water. That right? The explosion dries up the sea, erupts the
earth. Oh, my! Remember, fifteen hundred miles square, what a
City! And, but, remember, the sea is gone.
370 “And the breadth and the height are the same.” That would
make it fifteen hundred miles this way, fifteen hundred miles that
way; fifteen hundred miles; the length by the breadth by the height.
Fifteen hundred miles, think of it, transparent gold. And the City
had a wall around it.
371 Now, now, that doesn’t necessary mean, by being equal^It said,
“And the walls and the foundation were equal,” that doesn’t necessary
mean that it’s a cube or square. There is another geographical
measure, that the dimensions are the same, that is, a pyramid.
Foursquare, “lieth foursquare,” and the walls were the same.
372 Let me draw it. [Brother Branham draws illustrations on the
blackboard_Ed.] See: length, breadth, height. We’re going to get
into something, as sure as the world. See? Notice, the dimensions of
this angle is exactly the same, all of them, length by the_by the
height. There is another measure, the pyramid, that proves it.
373 This, being this a way, would answer exactly Enoch’s sign in
Egypt, the pyramid. Would it? Enoch, before the antediluvian
destruction, when justification was coming in, he brought forth a
sign, and in this pyramid is seven steps going to the king’s chamber.
Watch on the seventh step, if you ever studied the dimensions of the
pyramid, what comes out to take the oncomer, to introduce to the
king. Watch whose station that is standing there, and you’ll see the
day you’re living, in the pyramid.
374 Now, God made three Bibles. Now, there’s a pyramid teaching
that’s nonsense, but there’s a genuine pyramid. See? Notice. Now,
God, first Bible^He made three. There have to be everything in a
375 Jesus comes three times. Come, once, to redeem His Bride; next
time, to get His Bride; next time, with His Bride. See?
376 Now notice how beautiful. See? And in this pyramid was seven
steps, and then the king’s chamber. And we’re in the seventh church
age, before the King takes His Throne. And, remember, the pyramid
never did have a capstone on it.
377 God’s first Bible was in the skies, the Zodiac; it starts off and
runs every age. The first, beginning of the Zodiac, is a virgin; that’s
how He come, first. The last figure in the Zodiac is Leo the lion; the
Second Coming. Just before there is a crossed fishes, which is the
cancer age; that we’re living in now.
378 There was a pyramid after that, Enoch, which testified exactly.
We wouldn’t have time to go into it, but, someday, by God’s help,
I’ll show you, just exactly draws the dimension of the hour we’re
living. See?
379 Notice, but this geographical measure now that we have, who
dimensions are the same, doesn’t necessary mean that it has to be a_
a cube. Notice, this would answer Egypt’s^or the Enoch’s sign in
380 In the earth’s time of purifying, by its baptism of Fire, there will
be volcanic, such as this earth exploding, and will push up a
pyramid-like Mountain. See? Plenty of room to do it! This whole
thing will be changed. The whole surface will be changed. You got
it? It’ll push up a pyramid-like Mountain.
381 This would exactly be with the Word if it does it, which it will.
Now notice, for, in Isaiah 65:25, where we just read, He said.
They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, saith
the LORD.
382 Oh! “All My holy Mountain!” Remember, it’s always a
“Mountain. ”
383 If the walls were straight up-and-down, the City could only be
seen from the outside^or from the inside, the Throne can only be
seen from the inside; but notice it would be seen only from the
But now we see the promise of Isaiah 4:5. Let’s just read it.
384 Are you in a hurry? [Congregation says, “No.”_Ed.] No, don’t
be in a hurry now. We_we_we’re to_to a particular thing now, too
much_too much of a_a time that you must understand right here.
Cause, I want to make this clear. And then when we get back to it
again, I’ll_I’ll show you then where we’re_where we’re talking
about, what, in our next study on this, at another time.
385 Oh, praise the Lord Jesus! Watch here, how the Words cannot
fail. Now watch here in Isaiah. I got it wrote down here, if I can find
it again, just a minute. Isaiah 4:5. Now listen, he’s talking of the
Coming of the Lord, how that women would be so immoral. Oh, he
said, “Seven women^” Listen. Let’s just read it. Look here.
And in that day seven women shall take a hold of one man,
saying, We’ll eat our own bread,^wear our own apparel:
only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
386 That’s the end time, where we’re living now; marriage, divorce,
and prostitution, and whatever.
In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and
glorious,^the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and
comely^them that^escaped of Israel. (How that you
escaped all that damnation! See?)
And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he
that’s a remnant in Jerusalem, shall^(Let’s see.)^in
Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written
among the living in Jerusalem, see:
Wherein the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the
daughter of Zion, (remember, that’s always the Bride,
see)^and shall have purified the blood of Jerusalem (that’s
the remnant of the Jews, plus the Bride, see)^and in the
midst thereof with the spirit of judgment, fire^
387 That’s always God’s judgment, when He makes His final
judgment. Calls you, justifies you, and brings you to redemption;
then His judgment breaks forth upon you, and the Holy Ghost and
Fire cleanses away the sin. Then you’re His.
388 Same thing He does to the earth, when He purges it with Fire,
“and by the spirit of burning.” Now look. Listen! Are you ready?
And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount
Zion, and upon her assembly, a cloud of smoke by day, and a
shining of^fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a
389 [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard_Ed.] “The
Lord, in that day, upon the top of it, shall create a Fire of Light to
burn upon the day.” And it goes ahead and says, “It’ll be a shelter,
a rest, a refuge.” Notice, making exactly the speaking of the Bible,
exactly. The walls were straight up-and-down, you couldn’t see it.
It has to lean. “All My holy Mountain’s^” “He’ll create this
Light upon this Mountain, and it shall be for a defense.” Oh, we
sing that song:
Oh, that City on Mount Zion,
As a pilgrim, yet I love it still;
Now and through those ages,
When I reach that City on the Hill. See?
390 Notice, Mount Sinai was where God descended on top of it,
when He spoke to Israel in a Pillar of Fire. He descended on top of a
mountain, Mount Sinai.
391 On the Mount of Transfiguration, when He declared, “This is
My beloved Son; hear ye Him,” He descended in a Pillar of Light
and shining brightness, upon top of the mountain, before Peter,
James, and John. And, in there, He was represented with both
Moses and Elijah; the translated, and the dead raised. Glory!
392 The New City and the New Earth; the new creation; the City on
the Hill, with the Throne in the top of it. [Brother Branham draws
illustrations on the blackboard, for the next few paragraphs_Ed.]
The Throne up here, in the top; and the dwellers, all up-and-down, on
this Mountain.
393 And the wall that’s around this, had twelve foundations. And
each one of them had the breast stone was in Aaron, which
represented the twelve tribes of Israel.
394 And, in the gates, they had four gates set just exactly like the
temple in the wilderness, like the tent was in the wilderness. Notice
each one, had_had the apostles, three on each side, twelve apostles.
Each^And it was one hundred and forty-four cubits high. One
hundred and forty-four cubits is exactly two hundred and sixteen feet,
making each one of those big stones almost twenty-foot tall, the
breastplate in that gate, making up that wall that was around the City.
395 Now it, the City, doesn’t rest on top of the wall, ’cause a city,
fifteen hundred miles, could not do that. It’s the wall here that you
enter in, like the gates of the old Jerusalem. You entered through the
wall, into that.
396 And each one of these, had the twelve foundations, and each one
had the emerald and the different stones, which represented the
twelve tribes of Israel.
397 And the apostles, each, over that big, one solid-pearl gate, set a
name of an apostle. And didn’t Jesus said, “You’ll sit on twelve
thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel”? Who set at the gate, to
judge, when they come into the City? Oh, my! There you are. The
kings of the earth entering into the City, comes before the apostolic
judge, as Jesus promised. Oh, my!
398 On this Throne, on top of it, fifteen hundred miles high, the
whole world will see the Light of the world, Jesus, setting on the
Throne on top of the world, top of the Church, top of Mount Zion;
which is fifteen hundred miles, half the size of the United States, and
raises plumb up till you can see Him the world over, fifteen hundred
miles high.
399 And all up-and-down here, will be the Redeemed. There will be
the houses of pure gold. There will be avenues, and parks, and
gardens. And the River of Life coming, trickling out from the
Throne, and running down through little chasms and, oh, over the
terraces. And the Tree of Life will be blooming in every yard; and
bear Its fruits, twelve times a year, a changed fruit every month.
400 And the kings of the earth shall come into it and bring their
honor. “And the leaves are for the healing of the nations,” when the
kings are living in peace out there. When they go out, they’ll pick a
tree, a leaf off like that. Like the dove come back, that the wrath of
God had been settled, and brought the holly leaf into the ark. So
when the king leaves, by bringing his glory into the Bride’s chamber
here into the City, he’ll hold a leaf to his neighbor king, and, “We’re
in peace forevermore.” Amen! Healing of the nations! “It’s all
settled. One time we fought for one another’s bloods, brother. And
we’ve cherished, and hollered; and shot, and burnt children,
everything. But now there is peace, the healing.” Not disease
healing; it’s all done. Healing of the nation! Amen!
401 City with the Throne in top. Revelation 21:23, “And they need
no light, for the Lamb and the Lord God is the Light thereof.” See?
The Lord God is that Pillar of Fire that followed the children of
Israel through the wilderness. And He is ascended up on the Throne,
in that perfect Kingdom’s^when time^“the Kingdom that Jesus
is to surrender to the Father, that God might be all, and in all.” Jesus
sets upon His Throne here, as our Joseph. And the King is that Light
that will be on top of Mount Zion, and His holy Light will flood the
entire City. Hallelujah!
402 Fifteen hundred miles high, and fifteen hundred miles square,
with the paradises of God built all through that City; streets,
avenues! Read your Revelations 21, see if it isn’t right. See, “They
need no light there, for the Lamb is the Light.” And on the Throne
can be seen, setting, fifteen hundred mile.
403 It don’t run right straight up like this. It slants off, like the
pyramid. If it would be half of the distance, then that would be
about run up like this, you see, from one city to the other^now if
you’ll notice, from one side of the City to the other one.
404 I could drop a little something here if you want me to. Did you
notice the little group here? It’s just about that part, a circumference
it covers. Georgia, California, to Saskatchewan; from Kansas, to the
rock-bound coast of Maine; that’s what’s gathered. That’s about
what’s represented right here, about fifteen hundred miles square.
Oh, they come from the East and West,
They come from the land afar;
To feast with our King; to dine^(What on? “Man
shall not live by bread alone.” By Bread,
Word!)^to dine as His guests;
How blessed these pilgrims are!
In the world, I have to say, I never seen people like them.
Oh, beholding His hallowed face
Aglow with Light Divine;
Blest partakers of His grace,
As gems in His crown shall shine.
Oh, Jesus is coming soon,
Our troubles will then be o’er.
Oh, what if our Lord this moment should come?
405 It won’t be long. Everything is perfectly. Geographically, Sodom,
the messengers; everything sitting just exactly right. See? What does
it mean? Just think, coming to this one little tabernacle, fifteen
hundred miles square, from the same dimension.
406 Why is it God so thought and cared so much about that little
place of Palestine, see, when it’s just a little spot? But right in there is
where the temple is set. That’s where the New Jerusalem will break
up, right there. “Olive, Mount of Olive shall cleave, part to the right
and left,” sure, when she pushes up from the beneath. Not, they say,
it’s pushing apart like this. It’s pushing up, “In that day when He
stands His holy feet upon the Mountain.” Notice, on His Throne,
fifteen hundred miles high!
407 Remember, Satan tried to tempt Him, one time, on top of a
mountain. See?
408 The New City has twelve foundations, as we went through,
twelve patriarchs; hundred and forty-four cubits; being the
breastplate of Aaron; twelve gates of pearl, twelve disciples’ name.
409 Jesus stand, the Headstone, on the Throne, when His saints has
crowned Him, “the King of kings, the Lord of lords.” And He’s the
410 I don’t have my pocketbook with me. But if you’ll notice in your
pocketbook, if you have a one-dollar bill, they have the seal of the
United States; a eagle on one end, a-holding the spears, the coat of
arms, as it were; and on the other end, it’s got the pyramid, with a
all-seeing eye on top of it. See, they didn’t know what they were
doing. And on there it’s wrote in Latin, and you’ll find out it says it,
this is “the great seal.” They didn’t know what they were doing.
Neither did Caiaphas know he was prophesying.
411 [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard_Ed.] There is the
Great Seal. Here it is, see, the City. It’s not just a flat cube like this,
see, but it leans up so it can be seen. And upon this holy Mountain of
the Lord, the Lord shall descend upon top of His Mountain; here He
is. That’s the reason the capstone wasn’t put on by Enoch. See?
That’s the reason the Capstone has to come now. And the Mountain
will be pushed up, and it’ll be the Mount of the Lord.
412 And in here will dwell the Redeemed. These, avenues and big
freeways, as it was, parks, and the River of Life will draw, run right
through it. And every house will be made of transparent gold. And the
streets will be made of gold. And the trees of Life will be there, and
will bear twelve manners of fruit. And the kings and the honored man
of the earth shall bring their honor and glory into the gates. And the
gates shall not be shut by night, because there is no night there.
In that City where the Lamb is the Light,
In that City where there cometh no night;
I’ve a mansion over there, that’s free from toil and
Oh, I’m going where that Lamb is the Light.
413 Don’t you see that the towns, the cities, the houses, the
dwellings, are_are speaking of that right now? All these natural
things are a shadow.
414 Take a shadow, at a distance, like my hand. Before there could
be a_a positive^or a negative, there has to be a positive. And, you
see, that shadow, look like I got a dozen fingers, but then when you
go to getting it close together, it_it focuses down to one, and then
the shadow fades into the hand.
415 And that’s, a lot of time, people thinks there’s three or four
Gods. You’re looking too far back in the early reformations. See?
Come on down now and, you find, focus in till there’s One. That’s
416 There is one Bride; not a dozen, denominations. But one Bride,
that’s the Elected, out of every^out of the_out of the earth that’s
been predestinated to this, the ones who can recognize their place in
the Kingdom.
417 On this Throne, look, so high! The New City; with the
foundations; twelve gates; Jesus, the Headstone; the apostles,
judging; the twelve tribes.
418 The pyramid of Enoch casts no shadow no time of the day. I’ve
been in Egypt, at the pyramids. It’s so geographically fixed, and in
the dimensions of this great geometrical figure; that, no matter
where the sun is, there is never a shadow around the pyramid. See
how it is?
419 And there’ll never be no night there. Him on top of the
Mountain, floods it with His glory. His Glory Light will be there all
the time. There’ll be no night there. Jesus, the Headstone!
420 Now notice. So, the Redeemed shall walk in the Light. We sing
now, “We’ll walk in the Light, that beautiful Light.” There is
something in us calling out. “Is passed from death unto Life.” It’s
because that’s waiting. See? That’s what’s the attribute, what we feel.
421 Truly, this is^Are you ready? This is the City that Abraham
was looking for. See? Being a prophet, he knowed that City was
somewhere. The Bible said so. And he forsook the city he lived, and
he went over; look where he went, exactly where it’ll be. See? “He
was looking for a City Whose builder and maker was God,” see,
being a prophet.
422 Jesus gone to prepare, with the Divine hands, a Divine City;
Divine Architect, for a Divine-boughten people, for a predestinated
people. He has gone to prepare.
423 Abraham was looking for it. “And he professed that he was a
pilgrim and a stranger, for he looked for a City Whose builder and
maker was God.” That prophet, knowing it was somewhere! John
saw it coming down, but Abraham thought it must be on earth right
then. Why? He met Melchizedek, the King of it, and give Him a tithe.
“Which had no father, or no mother. He had no beginning of life or
no ending of life.” Abraham met Him, and they took communion
right on the literal spot where the City will be raised up, the holy
Mountain of the Lord, where the Redeemed will live. Oh, my!
424 That time just don’t stop. No, we’re in time; after a while we’ll
go to Eternity.
425 Oh, holy Mountain! There will be streets of transparent gold,
avenues; and houses, and parks. If you want to read this, Revelation
21:18. The Tree of Life will be there; twelve different manners of
fruit, one each month, will be bore on it. The people that eat these
fruits, they’ll change their diet every, every month.
426 And it’s_it’s from^for only the overcomers. Do you know
that? It isn’t for the denominations.
You say, “You mean that, Brother Branham?”
427 Let’s turn to Revelations 2, just a minute, and find it.
Revelations 2:7. Let’s find out now whether it’s really the Truth or
not. Revelations 2:7 reads like this.
And he that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit^
428 Now, remember, He is not talking to the Jews now. This is the
Church, the Gentile.
He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the
churches; To him that overcometh, I will give to eat of the tree
of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
429 “Overcomers only, that overcome the beast, overcome his
mark,” that’s Catholicism, Protestantism, denominationalism, “who
overcome the beast, his mark, the letter of his name.” “He’ll have a
right to the Tree of Life, to enter into the gates where nothing that
defiles can ever go in.” See? Think of it. Now, just a minute now, as
we go just a little bit farther. Tree of Life will be for the overcomers
430 The leaves will be for the healing of the nations. That is, the
kings that live in there, bringing their honor in, when they bring their
honor in and lay it before the Throne of God. Just like the outside,
the ten^the eleven tribes brought in, every one of them, a tenth to
Levi, see. When they bring their honor into the^from the blessed
land, in that, they’ll reach from the Tree of Life, break off a holly
leaf^or a Tree of Life leaf, and they’ll walk out together. There is
no more war. Everything is at peace. The leaves are a memorial, for
the healings of the nation.
431 The same Tree, not like Adam, he^There was a Tree of Life in
the garden of Eden, that he might have eaten from if he hadn’t a fell.
That Tree of Life reminded him, all the time, that his new^his
youth was continually going on. See?
432 Same will the nations. The leaves will be for the healing of the
nations; notice, not the sickness now. You’d have the same rights
that Adam did, like the le-^dove with the holly leaf, it’s all^
each king taking a leaf.
433 Notice, the River of Life, perhaps many little streams making it
up. Now, in this earth^
434 I’m going to close just in a few minutes. In this earth^Or, I’m
just going to stop. That’s how much more notes is got, now about
thirty pages. Yeah. Look.
435 In this_in this life, I have never seen nothing so quenching as to
be in the mountains and find, as I preached on the other night, that
stream bubbling up, its life-giving resource. You’d be tired and
thirsty, fall down by a good stream; way down where germs can’t go,
way down hundreds of feet in the earth, is bubbling forth pure,
genuine, life-giving water. We appreciate that. That’s little. Now, the
earth has its many streams with refreshing water. When you’re
thirsting and dying, you get a good, cold drink from that, it’ll_it’ll
help you to live.
436 But look where this One comes from. From the Throne, there is
where it gets its Life-giving resources. Comes from under the Throne
of God, where God sits.
437 All of it, all of this earth, this earth here we live in now; every
one, whether it be Christian or pagan, has temples. Did you ever
think of that? Churches, all of them.
438 But this One doesn’t have any. The Bible said, “And there was no
temple there. But the Lord God and the Lamb is the Temple of it.”
The Lamb is the Light. The Lamb is the Temple. The Lamb is the
Throne. The Lamb is the Life. He is that Temple. See, all these
temples have a object they’re worshiping; but, in this City, He is the
object. He is with His people. His Spirit Light floods the pyramid City.
439 Like Peter and John, up on top of the mountain. The Light
covered the top of the mountain, and a Voice spoke, said, “This is
My beloved Son.”
440 In Revelation 21:3 and 4, “The tabernacle of God is with man.”
God has tabernacled in man, by redeeming him, by these three
processes. Now God is going to redeem the earth and tabernacle in the
earth, with His subjects of the earth, which He brought forth from the
earth. And through sin it fell, but the^He had to let it go on. But now
He sent Jesus to redeem that fallen earth, which we are part of. “There
not one hair of your head will perish.” Jesus said so. He said, “I’ll raise
it up again at the last day.” See? Why? You’re a part of the earth.
441 You notice, I had the little joke about my wife telling me I lost
my hair. I told her I hadn’t lost one of them.
She said, “Where they at?”
442 I said, “Where they was before I got them.” Ever where they
was, a substance; wherever they are, they’re waiting for me. See?
That’s right. I’ll go to them, one day.
443 This old body, wrinkling and falling, and dwindling over in
shoulders, and aching in knees, and_and hoarse in the throat. That’s
all right. You can bury it in the sea, but the Trumpet will wake
me!^?^Yes, sir. We’re going to change, one of these days. I am
part of this world that’s redeemed. You’re in the world, but nothing
of the kosmos. You’re in a different order, a redeemed order.
444 Notice, “The tabernacle of God will be with man.” Notice, “The
former things has passed away.” This, this thing, has passed away.
This means that Heaven has come down to resident with man. See?
Heaven and earth are embraced.
445 Just exactly when the Dove came upon part of the earth, which
was Jesus; He was the dust of the earth, man. God, coming from
that one little Life-germ, by creative power. And that Blood that was
in that^The Life that was in that Blood ascended back to God, but
the Blood dripped upon the earth, to claim it. [Brother Branham
knocks on the pulpit several times_Ed.]
446 Because of the blood that was brought through, from the germ
cell from Cain, see; now He comes back with the creative power just
like He did Adam, creating Adam, here is the Second Adam. And
through that breaking cell there, where (sin) Cain broke that blood
cell upon the just, see, now this Blood Cell^Because, he killed
Abel, but Abel was born sex.
447 But this One wasn’t born sex. “It was the creation of God, the
beginning of it,” and It redeemed the earth. And all of the calcium,
potash, petroleum, cosmic light, that you are made out of, is
redeemed. “Not one hair shall be harmed. And I’ll raise it up again
at the last day.”
448 Then what? God comes down to resident upon the earth. Which,
He is a part of it, His Own body. He raised it up for our justification,
and we’re justified by believing that and accepting that. Notice in
types, Jesus becomes^In the type, Jesus becomes man; God^or
predestinated to take his place, to redeem us, to make all these things
Notice, outside of its beautiful walls, of this City.
449 Now have you got “the City”? See, it’s a holy Mountain.
[Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard_Ed.] “Nothing shall
hurt or destroy in all My holy Mountain, saith the Lord.” The City is
not a cube. It is a Mountain. And the_the width by the breadth by
the height, are equal, see; fifteen hundred miles this way, fifteen
hundred miles that way, fifteen hundred miles all the way around;
and fifteen hundred miles high. So it’s just a great Mountain, like the
pyramid, and the City is on the Mountain. Glory!
450 There you are, there is the paradises of God, the Light of the
world, that perfect Kingdom. Not the seventh day; the Eternal one!
See? Not the Millennium; the New Earth! See?
451 While it’s going through the Millennium, it’s going through its
sanctifying process, but still must be burned. See? Which, the Blood
redeemed the people, it shows this memorial that it’s^the price is
paid, that thousand years. But then it has to be cleansed by Fire; just
like you were, His delegates of this City, the delegation.
452 So if you die or if you live, what difference does it make? If He
comes today, or He comes a hundred years, or a thousand years, I’ll
only rest till my change comes.
453 So, old man and old woman, don’t you be discouraged. [Brother
Branham illustrates at the blackboard_Ed.] If you are a
representation up here, in this attribute of God; this, God; if you
have it, if you’re represented here, you cannot^You’re in the
Eternal. And if you’ve crossed from that seventh day, into the
eighth, you got into the Eternal by the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
you’re included in This. Now, if you’re just trusting upon a
sensation, or jumping up-and-down, or, “I do this. I keep my seventh
day. I don’t eat meat,” and things like that, that’s going to perish,
anyhow. See? But This is the Eternal. See? This is the Eternal, the
Feast after the feast of tabernacles. See?
454 The feast of tabernacles was the last feast, the seventh feast. We
are worshiping now under the feast of the tabernacles, the seventh
church age.
455 In the Millennium, we’ll be under the feast of tabernacles, again,
in the seventh day.
456 But, then, after the seventh day, we have a Holy Convocation, go
back into the Eternal. How? By the Eternal One that came and
redeemed us and taken us back, letting us recognize that we were a
part of This.
457 Now how do you know you’re a part? Because, that, the Word
of the hour, the promise of the day. What is it? A restoration back to
the first day, the first. “And he shall restore the hearts of the children
back to the fathers,” bringing a restoration again of the pentecostal
genuine, not sensations; and will manifest the evening Light, the
same Son that showed in the morning Light, as promised for the
day. Amen and amen!
458 Where are we, friends, where are we? Just waiting now to get
out of the way, so Revelations 11 can be made to^known to the
Jews; that’s right, the Rapture coming.
459 Watch, outside the gates of the walls, spread across the New
Earth, nations will dwell in Eternal peace. Now what? Honored
kings will bring their glory into it. No sin can be there. No more
bobbed-haired women will enter that City. I’ll guarantee you that.
No more short-wearing, cigarette-smoking. Whoremongers, whores,
or liars, idolaters, whatever they was, won’t enter that City. No,
it’ll all be over. Sin will be gone. “Nothing to defile its holiness
shall enter there.” That’s what He said. “All has passed away,
460 Look out in its fields and around its gates:
The bear will be gentle, the wolf will be tame;
And the lion shall lay down with the lamb;
And the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;
I’ll be changed from the creature that I am.
461 With this death working in my mortal body, old age setting in,
I’ll be changed.
462 You’ve heard the song? “The bear will be gentle. The wolf will
be tame.” He’ll not jump up, and rear up and try to kill you. He’ll
walk with you down the paths.
Who is going to inherit it? The Redeemed. Who will it be?
Notice, I can only teach my types now. Notice, Brother Lee.
463 Who come out on the new earth with Noah the prophet? Those
who went in with him in the ark. That right? That’s who walks out
on it. See? Those who went in with Noah, by his message, was the
one who walked out upon the new earth after its water baptism.
464 The one who goes in with Jesus now. How do you get into Him?
By one Spirit; and He is the Word. You become part of Him. What
part of Him are you? The Word that’s living of this hour,
recognizing. You’ll walk out with Him in the Millennium. That’s
when you walk out. Notice, not a new generation. A transplanting!
You say, “Oh, Brother Branham!” Oh!
465 Notice, if God could raise up Elijah and take him up, twenty-five
hundred years ago, to transplant him back into the earth again, to be
a prophet for the Jews, how much more can He do the Bride!
466 After Noah came out of the ark, notice what was said to Noah
after he come out of the flood, just like it was with Adam before.
After he come out, upon the new earth; said, “Multiply and
replenish the earth,” after the flood. Notice, “was to be fruitful,
replenish the earth,” as Adam at the first.
Now you can see exactly here. Now listen real close.
467 Adam was to “multiply and replenish the earth.” That right? Noah
was, after the new, (world was destroyed), was to “multiply and
replenish the earth.” Get it? Now can’t you see what the serpent’s
“seed” is? What replenished the earth? You get it? All right. You see
how Satan got to Eve now. That’s why death has reigned on earth ever
since. And heavens, earth, beast, atmosphere, is all cursed of God
because of it. That’s the curse, because Satan got to this first.
468 Jesus came to redeem it back to the Father. In order to do this,
He became part of it; as I’ve just went through. And from that very
dust (the part Jesus was, Himself) being redeemed, through Him all
of the attributes of God are redeemed with the earth.
469 He was the spoken Word. We who are redeemed is part of Him.
Then, if you can recognize! See?
470 The Pharisees claimed they were. But, you see my first
illustration, they was only that by intellectual. They couldn’t
recognize the Word when It was made manifest right before them.
They said, “This man is a evil spirit.”
471 Now, today, we’re called false prophets. We’re called every dirty
thing could be called, by religious people, see, by great and talented
man. See, they just don’t understand. See?
472 Its water baptism wasn’t sufficient to cleanse it; neither is theirs.
Sanctification, of the Blood, brought it back, claimed it. But the
baptism of the Fire cleansed it; like it did His Bride. Like
justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost.
473 Never promised to raise up a new race, as I have said, but He
promised to redeem the fallen. Them that was the_the
predestinated, inherit it as He has promised. And He is the
unchangeable God; we know that.
474 Remember, God took Elijah, after the rapture, and translated,
transplanted him back among the people, to take the place as a
prophet among his people; pretty soon He will do that. And has
kept him, alive, these twenty-five hundred years. He’s to appear
475 Notice again, He raised up Moses from the dead. Where is his
grave? Can anybody find it? Read the Book of Jude. See? Satan^
The Archangel disputing with the archangel, Satan, said, durst^
“the Lord rebuke you,” disputing over the body of Moses. And here
Peter, James and John was standing there looking at him, on Mount
Transfiguration, right there in the land where the Mountain is to be
raised up to dwell in. See?
And He come to redeem it.
476 See, there was the raptured Church then, represented; there was
them that are asleep, represented. Whereabouts? [Brother Branham
illustrates at the blackboard, for the next few paragraphs_Ed.] In the
City; up on top of the mountain. See?
477 There was Peter, James, and John, looking on; three, a witness.
There was Elijah, Moses, and Jesus; as a Heavenly witness. See?
478 And there was Moses, the dead, had been raised up. There was
Elijah, the rapture, was still alive. And they was both represented on
this holy mountain.
479 And, Jesus, the Redeemer. When God, up above Him like this,
overshadowed Him, said, “This is My beloved Son.”
480 Remember, Jesus said, about a day before that, He said, “Verily I
say unto you, that some are standing here now, will not see death,
until they see the Kingdom of God established in power.”
481 What was it? The resurrected dead and the raptured saints,
together, caught up together to meet Him in the air. With God
overshadowing Him, and Jesus standing there in this shadow, saying,
“This is My beloved Son, in Whom I’m well to please in,” the order
of the New Kingdom. Oh, brother, sister!
482 Death doesn’t change you. Death only changes your dwelling
place. See?
483 Remember, Samuel, when he was dead and been buried for two
years, he was in Paradise. And the witch of Endor called him up, and
Saul recognized him; and she did, too, and fell upon her face. He
hadn’t changed, one bit. He was still the same Samuel, after being
dead two years, and he was still a prophet. He said, “Tomorrow
you’ll fall in battle, your son with you, and by this time tomorrow
night you’ll be with me.” And that’s just what happened.
484 See? And when Moses returns back, and Elijah, for Revelations
11, they’ll still be prophets. Hallelujah!
485 And over yonder, in the Land, the City where the Lamb is the
Light, I’ll know you, Brother McKinney. I’ll know you, my people,
my jewels in the crown. When they come from the East and the
West, to the City; when fifteen hundred miles square, she’ll be
setting there, and the City built foursquare. When you’re setting
there in the holy Mount, where God sets upon the Mount, and Jesus
on the Throne. And the golden trumpet sounds when Joseph leaves,
to walk down through the Paradise, and the children of God fall
upon their knees and worship Him, knowing that they were
redeemed. See? Amen! Hallelujah!
Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,
And the glory I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
I’m bound for that beautiful City
The Lord has prepared^
[Blank spot on tape_Ed.]
486 Isaiah said, in Isaiah 9:6, “And of His peace and of His increase
there shall be no end. The government shall be upon His shoulders;
His Name will be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, the Mighty
God, the Everlasting Father. And the government shall be upon His
shoulders; and of His increase and of His peace there is no end.”
Even the animals is there. Oh, my!
The bear will be gentle, and the wolf will be tame;
And the lion shall lay down by the lamb,
And the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;
But I’m going to be changed.
487 I’ll be changed from this creature that I am, when that Day
comes, for I’m going to that City. I’m bound for that beautiful City!
I feel the redeeming Power in my whole heart now.
488 If this isn’t so, then I’ve throwed my life away; I’ve taught others
deceitful things. But when I look down and see that the promise He
made of this day, and see It vindicated; and look at this
fifteen-hundred-mile-square congregation set here, an Elect that’s
been called from denominations and races and creeds and things,
gathered together; as I see the Word vindicating Itself, I know,
beyond one shadow of doubt, the jewels of my crown will outshine
everything in the world, at that Day.
489 There will come a time! People, we’re not gathering here for in
vain. We’re only waiting for that time. It is very, very late, but
Jesus is still very, very near. And, His Glory, it’s wonderful. “His
Name shall be called Counsellor.” That City, can you see it? There
is where the Bride and the Groom will settle, and never again
490 Now, if you think it’s wonderful when we drive hundreds of
miles to set here and feed on His Word, which this is only a shadow,
what will it be when we live in the City with Him! When I live
next-door neighbor to you, and when we eat of those trees, and we
will walk in those streets, when we walk up those streets of gold to
the fountain, drink from the fountain, walk into the paradises of
God, with Angels hovering the earth, singing the anthems, oh, what
a Day that will be! It’s worth all. The road seems rugged, sometimes
it gets hard, but, oh, it’ll be so little when I see Him, so little. What
will the bad names and things that they’ve said, what will that be
when I see Him in that beautiful, beautiful City of God?
491 Let us bow our heads.
I’m bound for that beautiful City
My Lord has prepared for His Own;
Where all the Redeemed of all ages
Sing “Glory!” around the White Throne.
Sometimes I go homesick for Heaven,
And its glories I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
492 On the island of Patmos, John saw it! [Brother Branham weeps
for joy_Ed.]
493 Dear Jesus, this hope, my hope’s built on nothing less, Lord.
That’s the mother of my heart; that City, the great King. God, don’t
let one here perish, please. May we examine our lives again, today,
Lord, waiting for the Coming of the Lord. Where, all them
Redeemed, out yonder in that great coliseum in Rome, where them
Christians was eat up by lions, shall the dust break forth someday!
494 There’ll be no graveyards on the hillside of Glory. No doorknobs
will hold a funeral wreath. No tear will spot upon it. No, no. No
heaped-up sod. No storms will strike it. It’ll all be glorious there.
495 Help us, Lord. If there is one here^that’s called to this Wedding
Supper of the Lamb, this thousand years of Millennium reign, and to
then enter into the City after the Honeymoon is over. The Millennium
is merely the Honeymoon. Then She, the Bride, takes His^
Bridegroom takes His Bride Home. It’s Hers. Her Bridegroom; His
Bride. Oh, He’s gone to prepare a House, since He’s become engaged.
496 May we be true to Him Who is the Word, for He is the Word.
Regardless of how others try to sass us, keep us away from It; Lord,
draw me nearer.
For sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,
And its glory I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
497 The future Home of the Groom and Bride! He is coming
back^[Blank spot on tape_Ed.]^to the Wedding Supper; it’s
going to be three and a half days. Then return again, in the
Millennium, on our honeymoon. And then He_He’s going to bring
the City into view. Like the bridegroom taking the bride to her
surprise, how the little bride stands there in awe as she looks at her
future home! And by faith, today, Lord, we see it yonder. It’ll be
right here on this earth. You promised it.
498 Your Church will be completely redeemed, one of these days.
And then Your world will be redeemed, the rest of the particles. But
first You have redeemed Your people, their bodies that’s made up of
the world.
499 Help us, God. If there is one here who isn’t just exactly sure of
that, Lord, may they receive it just now.
500 I know it’s been long and hot, but, people, we won’t always be
standing here. I won’t always be your pastor. Let’s make it sure.
“Is there a way, Brother Branham?”
501 Yes, become a part of the Word, a part of the Word of today.
Can’t be a part of the Word of Moses’ day; that part is done made
up, that was the feet. We’re at the Head now. This is Christ. Not the
arms time, back in Luther, no. This is the Head time. Christ, the
Headstone, comes to the Body.
502 If you’re not just feel exactly right about it, wherever you can,
will you raise up your hand just so I can see. Let everybody else keep
their head down. God bless you.
503 Say, “Remember me in prayer, Brother Branham. I want to be
there so bad! I_I don’t want to miss it, Brother Branham. I_I’m
checking, I’m doing everything I can, but pray for me now, will
you?” God bless you.
504 While you’re thinking of it now, just pray, say, “God^” It’s in
your own heart. See, if you feel something tug, tingling at your
heart, that’s what it is. It’s that attribute trying to declare itself.
I’m bound for that beautiful City
My Lord has prepared for His Own;
Where all the Redeemed of all ages
Will sing “Glory!” around the White Throne.
Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,
And the glories I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
505 Heavenly Father, take us now, Lord. Let the Great Shepherd,
the Great Redeeming Shepherd, the Great Shepherd Who left
Glory, knowing that some of the attributes was lost on them great
valleys of sin, where the wolves and the_the animals would soon
devour that little sheep; but He left the golden corridors, came
down into the earth and was made one of us, so He could declare
the love of God to us. There He found them, some of them in
denominations, some of them in the house of ill fame, some of
them on the streets, blind, some of them in the hedges and
highway, but He redeemed every one that the Father had ordained
Him to redeem.
506 And He commissioned us, that we would live this part of the
Word for our ages. And we see the great reformation of Luther, in
that age; and of Wesley; and the Pentecostal. Now we’re looking for
the Headstone of the City. O God, we know the age and the promise
that we are given for this day, how that This is to be restored again.
“The evening Light shall ripen the fruit of it. And it shall come to
pass that there will be a day that cannot be day or night, can be
called, but in the evening time it shall be Light.”
507 That same glorious Son of God, manifesting Himself in human
flesh up here on the earth, making the promise live itself exactly,
blinded to the eyes of the Pharisees and Sadducees and Herodians,
and so forth.
508 And today it repeats again, the Word being manifested just like
It was. The Word, knowing the secret of the heart, just exactly the
way it was, as the Scripture said, which cannot be broken. Help us,
God, to realize it.
509 Help these now who raised their hands. May they buckle up a
little tighter; shod themselves with the Gospel of peace; put on the
full armor of God; pull the helmet down; take the shield of faith;
march forward, from today on. Grant it, Lord.
510 Just a little while, we’ll be summoned, then the Rapture will
come. Just a little bitty group, like Enoch, will be taken up.
511 Then, “the remnant of the woman’s seed, that keep the
commandments of God,” Jews, “have the testimony of Jesus
Christ,” Gentile, will be hunted down like dogs, “and shall give their
life for their testimony.”
512 Then, one great morning, the break of the Millennium, for the_
the Honeymoon will start.
513 “And then the rest of the dead lived not till the end of the thousand
years.” Then, at the end of the thousand years, there was a Judgment,
showing that Ham was in the ark. And Ham is still there in the
remnant. Ones that heard It and rejected It will have to be judged.
514 Now, grant it, Lord, that we’ll not be considered among them,
but will be in the call to the Wedding Supper. For, we do recognize
Jesus among us today. We’re going in with Him; out of the world,
into Him. Let us walk forth in that City, come out with Him.
515 I’m getting old, Lord. I ain’t got many more sermons to preach.
But I’m certainly trusting You. I’m looking for that City, like my
father Abraham did. There is Something in me tells it’s coming. I’m
trying everywhere, Lord, to spread the Light and call them. Let not
one of these, Lord^
516 How beautifully, a while ago, You revealed that to me. From the
circumference of about fifteen hundred miles, just one here and there,
are set together today, that gathered to one little spot, waiting for
that City to appear. We profess that we’re pilgrims and strangers.
We’re outcasts. The heathen, the world, laughs and makes fun; the
religious denominations ridicule; but we are not moved by such
things. Make us part of the Word, Lord, unmovable. “It shall come
to pass in the last days.” May it be us, Lord, may we be a considered
among them. We ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
517 You believe it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”] Let’s raise our
hands like this.
I’m bound for that beautiful City
My Lord has prepared for His Own;
Where all the Redeemed of all ages
Will sing “Glory!” around the White Throne.
Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,
And glories I There shall behold;
Oh, what a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
518 Now, if we’re to dwell in that City together, just shake hands with
somebody, say, “God bless you, pilgrim. Where you from? Louisiana,
Georgia, Mississippi? I’m a pilgrim, too. I’m looking for that City.”
519 I’m looking for that City, Brother Neville. I’m getting way over
there in the^?^Amen. Brother Capps, I’m looking for that City,
yet, tonight. [Brother Branham begins to hum No Disappointment_
And its glories I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
Oh, the bear will be gentle, and the wolf will be
And the lion shall lay down by the lamb, oh, yeah;
And the beast from^will be led by a child;
And I’ll be changed, changed from this creature
that I am, oh, yeah.
Oh, there will be peace in the valley for me some
Oh, there will be peace in the valley for me. (Right!
There’ll be no more sorrow, no more sadness, no
more trouble I’ll see;
And there will be peace in the valley for me.
520 Our invisible King, this morning, will be made manifest. And I
won’t look upon Bill Dauch at ninety years old. You won’t look
upon me as fifty. But I’ll be changed, that Day.
And when the beast from the wild, will be led by a
But I’ll be changed, changed from this creature that
I am.
521 Won’t you be glad? Gray hairs will be gone; the stooped
shoulders. But beauty, immortal, will stand in His likeness, the sun
to outshine. Oh, wonderful!
^for me, O Lord, I pray;
There’ll be no sadness, no more sorrow, no more trouble
I’ll see;
And there will be peace in the valley for me.
522 That’s what we’re here for. How many of you need strength for
the journey? God grant it to us! How many of you are sick in your
body, wounded soldiers? Dozen, or more. You believe He’s here, the
invisible King? Things visible; invisible are made manifest by the
visible. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, only the corporal
body. Now, if this is His Spirit that’s preached this through me, He’ll
do the works that He did when He was here. Oh, how wonderful!
I am bound for the promised land,
I am bound for the promised land;
Oh, who will come and go with me?
I am bound for the promised land.
All over those wide extended plains
Shines one Eternal Day;
There God the Son forever reigns,
And scatters night away.
Oh, I am bound for the promised land,
I am bound for the promised land;
Oh, who will come and go with me?
I am bound for the promised land.
523 Five hundred walking into the river yonder, the first day the
Angel of the Lord appeared visible, to vindicate, like He did on
Mount Sinai, that I had met Him. I walked into the river, and
hundreds singing that same song for the baptism. Here He come,
descending, that same Pillar of Fire that you see in the picture there;
descending down, right down here at the river, and said, “As John
the Baptist was sent to forerun His first coming, this Message will
forerun the second Coming.” See? There you are, see.
Oh, who will come and go with me?
I am bound for the promised land.
524 That same Pillar of Fire is here with us. Are you aware of it? He
has made some of us for one thing, and some another. If you’ll,
without one doubt, believe that He’s in the midst of the building, I
believe He’ll prove Hisself to you. Will it satisfy you? If I don’t get to
every one^It’s going on two o’clock, but if you^It’s a little after
one, rather. If you’ll believe, let Him ascend down upon us! Where is
our faith? See, you got to believe that. If you don’t doubt it, one bit,
it’s going to work.
525 I_I recognize the Divine Presence of the Being of Christ, Who is
the Word. And the Bible said, “The Word is^powerful than a
two-edged sword, and It cuts to the marrow of the bone, and
discerns the thoughts that_that’s in the heart, revealing the secret of
the heart.”
526 Look. Why, I didn’t know those things, years ago. And when I
said it, not knowing it, look what He’s done. He said, “Now you’ll
take the people by their hand, and, don’t think nothing, just speak
what attribute is told you. Say it’s tumor, whatever it is.” Then said,
“It will come to pass that you won’t have to do that.” See? See? “It
will discern the very thing that’s in them.” We’ve had all kinds of
impersonations, we know that, almost to deceive the Elected if
possible. Watch how the rest of the thing goes with the Word, then
you’ll know whether it’s right or not. But, still, Jesus remains the
same yesterday, today, and forever.
527 How many in here that’s sick, and knows I don’t know you?
Raise up your hand, say, “I_I know you don’t know me.” Oh, it’s
just, I guess, everywhere. Only thing you have to do is just believe it.
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
All things are possible, only believe.
528 Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be when
the Son of man will be revealed upon the earth in the last day. When
the Son of man shall be revealed, or, reveal Himself in the last day.”
Now, not the former days, the middle days; the last day, see, He
would reveal. And now we’re in the last days. Sodom sets just
exactly, everything, the messengers, just alike.
529 What happened to the_the little remnant was called out with
Abraham’s group? There was One come among them, in human
flesh; represented in human flesh, eating with them, drinking with
them, same food that they eat, everything. He stood among them,
told the Message. Then He said, “I’m going to do this great thing.”
530 And Abraham kept studying, “Is this it? I’ve been looking for a
City. Is this the King?”
531 And He said, “Why did Sarah doubt this?” In the tent, behind
532 Abraham said, “Lord God, Elohim!” Cause, He discerned
Sarah’s thoughts.
533 Jesus said it would repeat again when He would be revealed in the
last day, the Headstone coming into the Body. To redeem the^
That’s the redeemed, coming to take His Own. He is here with us.
534 Now, there is only about a dozen hands, or more, went up. I
believe that God can heal every one of you. Right. I believe you are.
I don’t believe that a person really could set in a place like this
without^in this kind of time, and this atmosphere, without
knowing, recognizing something.
535 I want you to pray. I want you to get what’s wrong with you,
in_in_in your heart, see, and then begin to pray, say, “Lord Jesus,
reveal this. I’m_I’m speaking to You what’s wrong with me. And
now You send Your Holy Spirit to Brother Branham, to fulfill what
he said to be the Truth, in this Message that he’s talked today about
You, I know it’ll be the Truth. Now, reveal it to me, Lord. Speak to
536 Now it’s scattered, kind of here and around. So just pray, and
just believe with all your heart, that God will grant it.
537 Now I want you to look at me, and pray. Just as Peter and John
said, “Look on us.” He wanted something, and he’s just about to
receive it. And you want something, and I believe you’re just about
to receive it. He said, “Look on us.”
538 He said, “Silver and gold, I don’t have any; but such as I have,
I’ll give you.”
539 Now, healing, I don’t have any. That’s all in Christ. But such as I
have, a gift of God, give I thee, faith to believe Him. Now, in the
Name of Jesus Christ, every one of you be healed. Believe it. See? “If
thou canst believe!”
540 The lady sitting there, looking at me. She was crying, a few
minutes ago, praying. She’s got a thyroid trouble that’s bothering
her. I don’t know you. You’re a stranger to me. That is true, isn’t it.
[The sister says, “That’s right.”_Ed.] You’re not from here. You’re
from Chicago. Mrs. Alexander. If that’s right, wave your hand. Now
go back to Chicago and be well.
541 What did she touch? Same Thing that woman with the blood
issue touched, the border of His garment, not mine.
542 Here’s a little lady setting right down among the crowd, if I can
make her to understand me. You that raised your head sideways. I
don’t know you. You’re a stranger to me, but you’re suffering with
a stomach trouble. Your husband sets next to you. He has
something wrong with his ear. Your name is Czap. You’re
strangers to me. You’re not from here. You’re from Michigan. If
that’s right, wave your hands. Go back to Michigan, well. Your
faith makes you whole. “If thou canst believe, all things are
543 Little lady there with throat trouble, sitting right back here on
the end, from Georgia, dressed in white. Go back, down Georgia,
well. Jesus Christ makes you well. Do you believe it?
544 Lady sitting there, looking at me, right on the end of the seat.
She got sinus trouble. She’ll believe it, God will heal her. Mrs.
Brown, believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make^You’re
a stranger to me, but He knows you. Uh-huh. You believe it? Raise
up your hand. That’s right.
545 Laying here on this cot. Tell her to look over here. She’s been
suffering, going on. If I could heal her, I would do it, sir. I can’t heal.
She is not from here; come a long ways. You’re from Missouri. Your
troubles are an internal. But if you’ll believe with all your heart, and
don’t doubt, Jesus Christ can heal you; and you can go back to
Missouri, well, and give your testimony. You believe it? Then accept
it, and take your cot and go home. Jesus Christ make you well.
546 Do you believe? That’s the identification of the Eternal King’s
Presence. Do you believe it now, with all your heart? Now, He’s
certainly made a ring, right around through this building. Do you
believe it with all of your heart? You believe you’re in His Presence?
547 Now, do you believe and accept that you are one of the
delegation of this Kingdom? Raise your hand. Jesus said, “These
signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the
sick, they shall recover.” We are one another; you’re a part of me,
I’m part of you; we’re all part of Christ. Now, together, let’s lay our
hands on each other.
548 Right here, the woman on the cot has got up, moving around,
going back home to be well. Amen.
549 You’re, every one, healed, if you’ll believe it. Now put your
hands on one another, and you are this part of Christ. You pray for
the person you got your hands on, just the way you want to.
550 Lord Jesus, we recognize You here. You’re our King; You
identify Yourself among us. We thank You for this Presence. And,
Lord, You said, “If you say to this mountain, ‘Be moved,’ don’t
doubt it; believe what you said will come to pass, you can have it,
you can have what you’ve said. ”
551 Then, in obedience to this commandment, in obedience to the
Word of God which cannot fail, we as Your delegates from fifteen
hundred miles square, like the City, we say to Satan, the defeated
devil, “Your end is to be burned. We are the delegation from the
City that’s foursquare, the City where the Lamb is the Light. We are
the expressed attribute of God Almighty, who Jesus Christ has
redeemed by His grace.”
552 Satan, come out, and leave every sick person that’s in here, in the
Name of Jesus Christ. Holy hands that’s been redeemed, because
they believe the Word and are attributes of God’s thought, now
them hands is upon each other. You cannot hold them any longer.
Come out, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
553 Now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, now, He’s here. His Word
says He’s here. Your presence and your faith speaks, of, you’re one
of the delegation. Even every geographically measure that we can
show, it is. Can you recognize that you are redeemed sons and
daughters of God? You recognize this is your Home? This is where
you’re going.
554 That’s why you come here, that’s why you come to Christ, you
are feeding on His Word. And if you can have a time like this, here,
just by His expressed attributes, what will it be when we come into
His Presence? Oh, it’ll be wonderful! Each one of you has the right
to heal the sick, lay your hands upon the sick. Each one of you has
the right to baptize.
555 If somebody is here that’s not been baptized in the Name of
Jesus Christ, the pool is open.
556 That’s the only way you’re going to make it, uh-huh, that’s right,
is to obey every Word. Remember, one little phase of the Word, in
the beginning, caused every sin on earth. Jesus said, “Whosoever
shall take one Word away from This, or add one word to It, won’t
go in.” His name is off the Book, as soon as he does it.
557 And there’s no place in the Bible where anybody was ever
baptized, in the Church, otherwise than in the Name of Jesus Christ.
If you haven’t been baptized that way, you had better do it.
558 “Oh,” you say, “it don’t make any difference.” It did to Eve.
559 Satan said, “Oh, surely, God, you know God^” But, He did.
He said so.
560 He give Peter the keys to the Kingdom, and what was bound at
Pentecost is bound forever. That’s the reason the Bride come into
re-preview, the second time; there has to be a Church called out of
the latter day, like there was in the first day, just exactly. The Tree
has come from its roots, up to the Bride Tree, like it did in that time;
God’s masterpiece again, as I said two Sundays ago, to be taken to
the City.
God bless you. “I now believe.”
561 Satan is defeated. He knows. He’s on the earth, he is going like a
roaring lion. It isn’t long till he’s, oh, he’s finished. He knows his
time. He’s going like a roaring lion.
562 But, remember, the Prince of Peace stands by; the Great Divine
One. The Architect of my being, the Architect Who built me what I
am, Who built you what you are, is here. If the Architect, Who
knows how to put the building together, its right place, who knows
better than the Architect? And He’s here to prove, Hisself, He’s here.
563 Now it’s based upon your faith. Believe, only believe!
I’m bound for that beautiful City
My Lord has prepared for His Own;
Where all the Redeemed of all ages
Will sing “Glory!” around the White Throne.
Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven, (when this
is all over),
And the glory that I There shall behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful City of gold!
564 Remember, at the church, tonight, they’ll be giving communion.
If you’re here in the city, yet, would like to come, we’d like to have
you. It’s a memorial of what we’re going to eat, one of these days,
with Him.
565 I love you. I don’t know how to express it. I think you’re the salt
of the earth. And I hear your behavior out amongst the world, then
that gives me more confidence in you.
566 But, think, this little group will be, lovely as we are, will be
broken up, one of these days. We’ll dream of this. But if one of us
happens to pass away before we meet again, we’ll^
I will meet you in the morning, by the bright river
When all sorrows has drifted away;
I’ll be standing by the portal, when the gates open
At the close of life’s long, weary day.
I will meet you in the morning, by the bright river
I’m often^?^by the river, and, with rapture,
old acquaintance renew; (I’ll see you then, know
You will know me in the morning, by the smile that
I wear,
I will meet you in the morning, in the City, City
that’s built foursquare.
567 You love it? “Till we meet!” Now let’s stand. Take The Name Of
Jesus With You, give us the chord.
568 You love Him? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] Isn’t He
wonderful? [“Amen.”] Do you believe this is Truth? [“Amen.”] Are
you headed that way, by the grace of God? [“Amen.”] Until we get
You take the Name of Jesus with you,
As a shield from every snare;
And when temptations around you gather,
Just breathe that holy Name in prayer.
That’s all to do, until we see you again. All right.
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and^
[Someone says, “Tonight?”_Ed.] No.
It will joy and comfort give you,
Take it everywhere you go.
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven;
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
569 Now, I had to skip over my Message. Someday, the Lord willing,
I’ll come back and take these “avenues,” and pick it up, see, where
we can have more time. You been hollering about not staying long
enough. We have, today. It’s hot. But, now, God bless you. I like
that singing.
570 A neighbor here, said, the other night when they turned the
outside speaker off, said, “I enjoyed the Message so much, but why
did you turn that pretty singing off, see, on the outside?” So,
neighbor, if you’re listening in this morning, I think we got the best
neighbors there is in Jeffersonville. We park our cars in front of their
houses and everything else; they don’t say nothing about it; we just
go on. So, we thank them now.
571 Oh, how wonderful He is! God be with you now.
^Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heaven.
Till we meet^
572 Let’s bow our head. The pastor will dismiss us, just in a few
moments. God be with you!
^we meet at Jesus’ feet, (at the great City, at the
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet. `
64-0802 Vol. 3-5R
This Message by Brother William Marrion Branham was delivered on Sunday morning,
August 2, 1964, at the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A. The tape,
number 64-0802, is three hours and thirty-nine minutes. Having obtained a clearer and more
complete original tape, this book has been re-edited with an R added to the volume number.
Every effort has been made to accurately transfer the verbal Message from the magnetic tape
recording to the printed page, and is printed herein unabridged and distributed by Voice Of
God Recordings.
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