Monday, 1 April 2013



  14-2  {78}    John, the revelator, over in the Book of Revelation, he saw this tabernacle (Revelations 21). He saw the new temple coming, descending down from heaven, adored as a bride was adored for her husband, and a voice out of the temple said, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and God shall be with them, and they'll wipe all tears from their eyes. And there shall be no more hunger, nor no more sorrow, no more pain or death, for the former things have passed away."
Then the true Son of David (as we're going to see in this lessons coming on in this week) will then come to His temple, the temple of God, the real tabernacle, which He has gone away to construct now. For He said in John 14, "In My Father's house are many mansions, and I will go..." What did He mean by that? It was already foreordained, "And I'll go to prepare a place for you, and will return back to receive you unto Myself." And of course, we know that'll be in the great age to come. And the true Seed of David will take the throne, which is Jesus Christ, and there will reign over the Church as His Bride, in the house with Him and over the twelve tribes of Israel throughout all eternity.

  E-7    And one day the door of mercy will be closed, and people will go right on thinking they're getting saved, and preaching, and so forth, and mercy has done been spurned its last time, and know it not until it's missing. Remember, there's hundreds of people missing every day that we cannot find or give an account for them, world over. "There'll be one in a field; I'll take one. One in the--two in a bed, and I'll take one." Universal, so it won't take very many to make that escape, raptured Bride.
Remember the signs. Israel was always relied upon their signs, instead of intellectual speeches. They were supposed to... God sent them prophets. The prophets give signs. And signs... Always, when there's a sign, a Scriptural sign, there's got to be a Scriptural voice follow that Scriptural sign. And it must all be Scriptural promised.
So see, you get into a trend like Luther on justification. That's what he knowed; that's all. They was satisfied, and went right down, ended their doctrine. Here come Wesley with sanctification: went right on past it. Then he organized. Along come Pentecost with the restoration of the gifts, and they organized. And God moves right on, right straight on, all the time (See?) for each day, each church age.

  161    Her long hair, Nazarite vow shows that She's vowed to God. Her beautiful gown of His promised Word for the age that She's living in wrapped around her, vindicating Her with Himself of Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. As She is a part of the Word Groom, true to Him in every point...
Now, look. If a woman goes out here and is married to a man, and she goes out and makes love with another man and has an affairs with him, and come back to her husband, he should kick her out. That right? She must be true to him, 'cause she's vowed to him. And the Bride of Christ is vowed to Christ, and He is the Word. Not even wink at the other side, a woman should not even wink at another man. She should make no signs, no emotions at all towards him, for she is absolutely a bride to one bridegroom. We don't want none of your mixed trees, your denominations. Be true to Christ, the Word. He'll vindicate It to be true.
No, sir. Not even any emotion of anything towards making love to him, not join his ranks or anything else, or let him get you in his arms or in his care, or--or talk to you over this way, that way, you listen to--only one Voice: "My sheep know My voice; a stranger, they'll not..." What is His Voice? Any man's voice is his word, and this is It, the Bible. Not one word to be added to It or taken from It, just stay right with that Voice. A stranger, they won't follow a denomination.

  45-7    All at once we heard something from the top of the hill, a voice come down through the loud speaker said, "All things are ready."
Then this man, standing right there by the side of me, said, "Let the fire fall."
Here it comes pouring down across that mountain, a glacier of fire and blazes a licking, a sight to behold.
Brother, let's get all things ready, for one of these days, the fire's going to fall. We're going up. Now, let's get ready for the fire-falling time.
We're in the last days. We all know that. And we're ready for the coming of the Lord. The thing to do is separate yourself from all sin. Separate yourself from anything that pertains to the world. Don't love the world or the things of the world. Let no man, by his creed, deceive you. You stay right straight in the promise of God, the Word of God; and that Word, if It's the Word, for this day, God vindicates It so. If He doesn't, it's not the Word for this day. The Word that fell on the day of Pentecost will not work this day. No, sir, that was for Pentecost. This is for the Bride: going home of the Bride. We got something different. The Pentecostals represented that again. We're in the Bride age. No more than the Word of Noah would worked in the days of Moses. No more than Moses' law would've worked in the time of Paul, here. He tried to tell them, "You're dead to that. And you cannot have that."

Now Paul said that the Word came in power as well as voice. The Word preached actually demonstrated itself. Like a flaming, cutting sword it went to the consciences of men, and like a surgeon's knife it cut out the diseases and set captives free. Everywhere those early believers went, "they went preaching the Gospel (Word) and God confirmed that Word with signs following." The sick were healed, devils were cast out, and they spoke in new tongues. That was the Word in action. That Word has never failed in the mouths of believing Christians. And in this last age it is here stronger and greater than ever in the true Word bride. Oh, little flock, you little minority, hold on to the Word, fill your mouth and heart with it, and some day God will give you the kingdom.

Before we close this section on the messenger of the Laodicean Age, we must seriously consider these two thoughts. First, this age will have ONE Prophet-Messenger. Revelation 10:7, says, "When he (singular) shall begin to sound." There has never been an age where God gave His people two major prophets at one time. He gave Enoch (alone); He gave Noah (alone); He gave Moses (he alone had the Word though others prophesied); John the Baptist came ALONE. Now in this last day there is to be a PROPHET (not a prophetess--though in this age there are more women purporting to give God's revelation than men), and the infallible Word says that he (the prophet) will reveal the mysteries to the end time people, and turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers. There are those who say that God's people are going to come together through a collective revelation. I challenge that statement. It is a bald, invalid assumption in the face of Revelation 10:7. Now I do not deny that people will prophesy in this last age and their ministries can and will be correct. I do not deny that there will be prophets even as in the days of Paul when there was "one Agabus a prophet who prophesied of a famine". I agree that is so. BUT I DENY UPON THE INFALLIBLE EVIDENCE OF THE WORD THAT THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MAJOR PROPHET-MESSENGER WHO WILL REVEAL THE MYSTERIES AS CONTAINED IN THE WORD, AND WHO HAS THE MINISTRY TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN TO THE FATHERS. "Thus saith the Lord" by His unfailing Word stands, and shall stand and be vindicated. There is one prophet-messenger to this age. On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together. Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride? That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth. He won't need to speak for himself, God will speak for him by the voice of the sign. Amen.

Yes sir. The church is no longer the "mouthpiece" of God. It is its own mouthpiece. So God is turning on her. He will confound her through the prophet and the bride, for the voice of God will be in her. Yes it is, for it says in the last chapter of Revelation verse 17 "The Spirit and the bride say come". Once more the world will hear direct from God as at Pentecost; but of course that Word Bride will be repudiated as in the first age.

But thank God, at this moment, this age is not over. He is yet crying. And His cry is not only in the spiritual ears of men by His Spirit, but once again a prophet is in the land. Once more God will reveal the truth as He did to Paul. In the days of the seventh messenger, in the days of the Laodicean Age, its messenger will reveal the mysteries of God as revealed to Paul. He will speak out, and those who receive that prophet in his own name will receive the beneficent effect of that prophet's ministry. And they that hear him will be blessed and become part of that bride of the last day who are mentioned in Revelation 22:17, "The Spirit and the bride say come." The corn of wheat (the Bride Wheat) that fell into the ground at Nicaea has come back to original Word Grain again. Praise God forever. Yes, listen to the authenticated prophet of God who appears in this last age. What he says from God, the bride will say. The Spirit and the prophet and the bride will be saying the same thing. And what they will say will have already been said in the Word. They are saying it now, "Come out from among her now and be ye separate." The cry has gone out. The cry is going out. How long will the voice cry? We do not know, but one thing we do know, it won't be long, for this is the last age.

  E-80    But we're... You say we're strangers. All right. We don't know each other. But now, we are... You are a Christian. You're a Christian believer. And there's something strange about you. I see a--a water. It's a rolling; it's a sea. And you're not from this country. You're--you're from Italy. You're an Italian. And you used to be Catholic. And you have turned Christian. And you're a war bride. Is that right? Your husband is kind of a little fellow with kind of heavy hair. Is that right?
And you... You're standing for an uncle, or relative somewhere in Italy. It's suffering with a--a venereal disease, syphilitic. And he's Catholic. That's left. Is that right? What I told you there, what that... You heard my voice, but it wasn't me; it was someone else talking. See?

  211    Watch, it's the Church speaking to Him now. "Waters..." Revelations 17:15, said, "Waters means thickness and multitudes of people." Now, "His voice," or this Being that was standing there looking like this, Christ in His Church, as the Bride and Christ being one, like husband and wife is one; the Church and Christ being molded together with one Person, the same Holy Spirit.
And the things that Christ did, the Church does also. Do you see it? That beautiful Church there in holiness, in power, in majesty, with seeing visions, signs, wonders, everything just like He did, here it is on earth; giving all praise to God, saying, "I can do nothing except the Father shows Me; but He showed Me, and here it is." And they come see these things go to taking place.
Now, Christ molded into one.
 ... and the voice... of many waters...
Many people, not just the one; it was the whole Church, the Seven Churches molded together as one great ransomed Body of the Lord. The Methodists, the Baptists, the Presbyterian, all that's born again with the Holy Ghost, speaking with the power of God, that's the Body. That's the Body.
 And he had in his right...

SEAL.OF.GOD_  JEFF.IN  V-26 N-4  FRIDAY_  54-0514
  243    Where'd they come up from? You seen thee sealing them Jews at the end; and when the angels were given to go forth to destroy, said in here, seen them "held." But where did these come from, of all kindreds, tongue, and nations. They appear on the scene.
... and peoples, and tongues, stood before the Lamb, and before... were... clothed... the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hand;... (The Bride, the Gentile Bride had been sealed away here. Watch.)
 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation  to our God that setteth upon the throne, and to the  Lamb.
 And--and... the angels that... stood around about the throne,... the elders,... the four beasts... fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,
 Saying... (Listen, if this don't sound like a Holy Ghost meeting!) A... Blessings, amen, glory... wisdom... thanksgiving,... honour,... power,... might, be to our God for ever and ever. Amen.

  221-74    Watch. 'Course, I know you go back over here to the 14th, and say, "Why, they're with the Bride wherever they..." Absolutely. The eunuchs travel with the queen wherever she went. Truly. But what were they? They were nothing but escorts, and that's just exactly what the Scripture declares it to be here.
And after this... and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations,... kindreds,... people, and tongue,... (There's your Gentile Bride coming up. All right)... these stood... before the Lamb... (There's their Saviour, the Lamb: not the law, the Lamb, grace.)... clothed with white robes,... (Watch, in a few minutes, see if the white robes ain't the righteousness of the saints.)... and palms in their hands;
And they cried with a loud voice,... (If this ain't a Pentecostal revival, I never heard one.)... saying, Salvation to our God which set upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
And all the angels stood around about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts,... fell upon the... before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,
Saying, Amen: Blessing... glory... wisdom... thanksgiving,... honour,... might, power, be to our God for ever and ever. Amen.
That sounds like a camp meeting time, doesn't it? It's going to be. Who was that? The hundred and forty-four thousand? Not at all. This great number that no man... of all kindred, tongues, and nations... Can't you see, my dear friend?

  E-33    Sometime ago, a story, just before closing, that struck me as I heard it many, many years ago... This secret coming of the Lord, sudden secret going of the church... "Watch, it'll be two in the field; I'll take one and leave one. There'll be two in the bed; I'll take one and leave one," showing that the coming of the Lord will not be just at any certain corner, but it'll be universal. One will be in the field working: daytime, the other one in the bed sleeping on the other side of the world. It'll be a universal rapture. And it'll come with the shout, with the voice of the Archangel. And the trump of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise. And she will be caught away secretly. Oh, I love that. The great Bridegroom coming, and the bride that got Herself ready, waiting for that secret moment that she doesn't even know herself, but she's ready and dressed, and waiting for it.

  E-53    Heavenly Father, as the day is growing dim now, the signs of His appearing is at hand. We see the church, that little handful of elected, called out, predestined before the beginning of the world, names are put on the Lamb's Book of Life before there was a foundation of the world. The Holy Spirit has sought through the nations and around the world, until It's called this little group. "All the Father has given Me will come to Me. All that comes to Me, I'll give him Everlasting Life, raise him up at the last day." We see that little group gathering itself together out of every denomination, out of every church, out of every village. God's getting His little group ready, letting the Morning Star shine upon them, as we see the approaching of the Lord Jesus.
Seeing the ministry come from, "Just shall live by faith," Martin Luther; sanctification by John Wesley; the baptism of the Holy Ghost by the Pentecostals, and the restoration of the gifts. And now, coming into that Morning Star begin to reflect, and all the churches pulling out of every church, every nation, every people, a Bride for His Name.
O God, their hearts are filled with joy; they're happy. They'll set in hot buildings; they'll walk in cold weather; they'll walk through the rain, sleet, snow, anywhere; "For where the carcass is, the eagles will be gathered. My sheep know my voice."

  170    Now, this woman was an apostate. Wasn't she? Now, this is teaching, so you must put your conscience behind you now. See? What is that foul woman called whore? Is a woman that's untrue to her marriage vow. Now, the church, the Catholic church claims to be the Bride and the Wife of Christ. Even the nuns cut off their hair and have no affections; they're all affections to Christ. Is that right? Sure. Anybody...
I come from a Catholic background. See? I got their "Facts Of Our Faith," and their books; and your Protestants, and the Baptists, and whatever you believe there in my study. So I study it, so if anybody says anything. "Whoop." I can back you right up to your own thing. See? So the hour's come for this to go out.
Now, first thing, God had to move across the nation, showing signs, wonders, and miracles, that the people would know. God's sheep knows His Voice; they know; they know exactly. You have to find first... You go out without being known, then you just... What do you do? You do more harm than ever. Let it... Let God take care of that. See?

TEN.VIRGINS_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 425-492  SUNDAY_  60-1211M
  63    ... after these things I saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds... that they should not blow upon the earth, nor on the sea,... or any tree.
And I saw another Angel descending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four Angels, to whom it was heard... it was given to hurt the sea and the earth, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, or tree... until we have sealed the servants of our God in their forehead.
Now, remember, the servants has always been... God's servants is the Jew. Abraham was His servant. The Gentile is not a servant; it's a Bride; it's a son. This is the son, the church is. The Jews are the servants. Oh, if you could just... If we just had time to comb them words out. A lot of times I do in the room there, run it all the way through the references and get it up. The Jews are a servant. If I stand here and take up all that time on a servant, I don't hit the other spots. You see? So just remember, trace that through the Bible; you'll find that the Jew is God's servant.

TEN.VIRGINS_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 425-492  SUNDAY_  60-1211M
  125    There's your hundred and forty... Now, if you want to see the Bride come up after that, to show that the hundred and forty-four thousand is not the Bride, just continue to read now on down from the 8th chapter on--or the, yes, the 8th chapter--or the 8th verse, I mean, from the 7th chapter. Let's start at the 9th--9th verse, 'cause the 8--8th verse is the sealing of Benjamin, twelve thousand.
After--after this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number... (Here comes the Bride.), of all nations,... kindreds,... people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palms in their hand;
And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which setteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb.
... all the angels stood around about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts,... fell--fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,
Saying, Amen: Blessings,... glory,... wisdom,... thanksgiving,... honour,... power,... might, be to our God for ever and ever. Amen.
And one of the elders which... answered and said unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence cometh they?
And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said unto me. These are they which have come up out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in the temple:... (See?)

TEN.VIRGINS_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 425-492  SUNDAY_  60-1211M
  195    Now, watch, 9th verse.
I beheld until the thrones were cast down,... (That's all the Gentile kingdoms over. The prophet's speaking. Now, remember, every one of those things he said has happened right down to this last thing; we know that by our history that we're taking.)... whose... was--was cast down, and the Ancient of days did set, whose garments was white as snow,... (You know Who that was the other night in that vision? Jesus.)... and the hair of his head was like... pure wool: and his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.
And a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousands times thousands ministered unto him,... (There's the church coming back with Him. See?)... and tens of thousands times tens of thousands stood before him:... (That's the Bride coming up, and the rest of the world.)... and judgment was set, and the books were opened... the judgment was set, and the books were opened,
And I beheld them because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: and I beheld even until the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given unto the burning fire.
And concerning the rest of the dead, they that have their dominion taken aw...?... the rest of the beasts,... (I mean.)... had their dominion taken away from them: and yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.

REV.CHAP.4.PT.2.24.ELDERS_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 585-643  SUNDAY_  61-0101
  310    But one of these mornings, friend, one of these mornings, when that's all over, she'll bloom forth again. The fields with its whitening clover and the--the fragrance off of the rose will blend in with the blossom off of the Tree of Life, and Christ will return some morning. When the big birds, the doves, will set in the trees and coo, and there'll be no more death and no more sorrow. Christ and His redeemed will return to the earth, not old people, but young forever, immortal will stand in His likeness, the sun and the stars to outshine.
I'm bound for that beautiful city
My Lord has prepared for His own;
Where all the redeemed of all ages
Will sing "Glory" around the white throne.
Sometimes I get homesick for heaven
And the glory yet to behold;
What a joy that will be when my Saviour I see,
In that beautiful city of gold!
How I long to see Him. Oh, I want to see Him. I'm bound for that beautiful City. John saw it on the Isle of Patmos, coming down as a Bride adorned for her husband. The glory of it I want to behold someday.
I want to see Him, and look upon His face,
There to sing forever of His saving grace;
On the streets of glory let me lift my voice;
Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice.

  83    Now, he read in Jeremiah the 25th chapter. Let's turn over in Jeremiah the 25th chapter and read what Jeremiah had to say. Actually, let's begin at the 8th verse, 'cause it's... I want you to be sure to get it. The 11th verse is where I had wrote down here to read, but let's begin at the 8th verse.
Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts;... (I just like that. When I can hear a prophet stand up with "THUS SAITH THE LORD GOD," brother, that's it. To me that settles it. That's all of it.)... thus saith the LORD of hosts, Because you have not heard my words,
Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, saith the LORD, and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will bring them again--against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all the nations around about, and I will utterly destroy them,... (Remember, them were God's elected that He's talking about. That wasn't infidels; that was church members.)
Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth,... the voice of gladness,... (Just like we have today, all rock-and-roll, Ricky and Elvis, and oh...)... the voice of the bridegroom,... the voice of the bird,... (or the bride, rather.)... the sound of the millstone,... the light of the candle,
And this whole land shall be desolate,...
Hear that prophet cry out. This whole land shall be desolate. And not to impersonate this great servant of God, but I prophesy that this whole nation shall become desolate. God shall punish this nation for her sins. If God would not let Israel, His elected, Abraham's seed, who He made the covenant and promise with, if He would not let them get by with wrong doing, though they were religious to the core, had the great churches, the priests, and the rabbis, but because of the immorals and things among them, and God made them reap what they sowed, so shall we get it.
(11th verse:)... this whole land shall become desolate, and... astonishment;... (That is, everybody just look and say, "There they are. They were so great. Look at them now.")... and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. (That's a lifetime. That's when your own blessed old mother was a baby. They were in there without a God, without a church, without a song, without anything for a complete generation, till all that sinning generation died out.)
And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldean, and will make it a perpetual desolation.
And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it, even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nation.
For many nations and great kings shall serve themselves--themselves of them also: and I will recompense according to their deeds, and according to their words of their own hand.
For thus saith the LORD God of Israel unto me; Take the wine cup of the fury of my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I will send thee, to drink of it. (In other words, "Jeremiah, I've give you this message. Don't set still. Don't stay in one place, but prophesy to all the nations." Do you follow it? "Prophesy to all the nations. Show My signs and wonders, and let them know that I'm coming to do this.")
And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the word that I will send among them.

  133    Now, after this the Bride appears. After the seventy weeks, the Bride appears in Revelations the 19th chapter, the 1st and the 16th verse. She arrives with her Bridegroom, the mighty King. Oh, my. I don't know whether we're going to get it all or not. Just got it so...
Let's just read part of this anyhow. Here's where the Bride will come, after this. See? After the millennium sets in, then Christ comes back with the Bride. Right. One to sixteen in the 19th chapter...
And after these things... (After this tribulation, after the Woes, after the Seals, after the Plagues, after the casting out of Satan, after the setting up of the Millennium. Watch.)
... after these things I heard a... voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory,... honour,... power, unto the Lord our God:
For true and righteous are thy judgments: for he had judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
And again he--they--and again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever... (That's the old prostitute church.)... her smoke rose up...
And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that set upon the throne, saying, Amen; Hallelujah.
And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God--Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.
And I heard as it was the voice of a great multitude,... (Listen. Here you are, church. After She went up in the 3rd chapter, here She comes. See?)... And I... (The 6th verse.)... And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a mighty thundering, saying, Hallelujah: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. (Hallelujah. Watch. The marriage of the Lamb comes now. Here She comes.)
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready. (Here She comes, both Bride and Bridegroom.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is... righteousness of saints.
And he said unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the wedding supper of the Lamb. And he said unto me. These are... true sayings of God.
And I fell down at the feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou doeth it not: I am of thy fellowservant,... thy brethren and have the--thy brethren and have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Christ--of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
And I saw heaven opened, and... a white horse;... (Oh, my.)... and he that set thereon... was called Faithful and True, and... righteousness does he judge and make war.
And his eyes was as flames of fire, and... his head was many crowns;... (He was crowned what? King of kings.)... and he had a name written, that no man knowed, but... himself.
And he was clothed with white vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God... ("In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God; and the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us." Who was It? Jesus.)... and His Name is called The Word of God.
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. (Glory. Here He comes.)
And out of his mouth will go a sharp sword, that--and that... it... should smite the nations: and... shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God.
And he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KING, AND LORD OF LORDS.

  32    The lady had just got in. She turned around to the other people that was there, and just bowed her head. I noticed she was dressed kindly old fashioned. And the lady turned around to bow to me, just before... And I'd walked up in the pulpit then to preach. And--and just as she held her head down, and I turned around like this, to her. And when I raised my head up, and she raised her head up facing me, it was mama. And she looked at me and smiled. She was young, real young. And a great thundering Voice shook the place, and words came forth and said, "Do not worry about her, she's like she was in 1906."
And when the vision left me, I looked to see what 1906 was. That was the year she was a bride to my father. And I--I know now too, that she's part of a Bride, the Bride of Jesus Christ.

  E-11    And I seen a renowned woman walk in, though she was dressed old fashion, with a skirt down, and the little things around the neck, and big hat turned over, and lots of hair done up in the back. So I seen her walking up through the building and--through the place. This wasn't a building; it was outside. And there was a box on each side, like where the celebrity set. And she was in this box in a few moments, bowing to the people. And I got in the pulpit and was going to preach. And the lady turned to bow her head to me, like this. When she had her head down, I bowed mine. I was in five feet of her. And when she raised up, it was mother, beautiful, young.
Just then, like over here, a thunder and a lightning and a roar, and a Voice said, "Do not worry about her no more. She's like she was in 1906." I went away and looked in the old family Bible to find out what happened in 1906, and that was the year that she was a bride to my father. So today she is part of the Bride of the Lord Jesus, of which I am a member. Someday I will see her again.

  E-73    Have you noticed the Christian Business Men's Voice? I speak for them internationally. I can't pull no punches for them. This is the Word. Look. What about in the... Looky here at the Presbyterians, Episcopalians: hundreds of them everywhere trying to seek the Holy Ghost. They're playing up a great big thing.
A precious minister friend of mine from Africa, fine man, godly man, I've asked him, "Don't you know what it is, brother? What's your ministry?"
He said, "I'm supposed to bring Babylon in."
I thought, "Can't you see, the very time that the unwise virgin wants some oil to make her seeds to grow also, that's the time that Christ comes and she's left out?" The great preacher Billy Graham has just said that we need a Pentecost, we need people back. Episcopalians wrote a great article, a folder that long, said, "We need speakers with tongues. We need Divine healers in the church having healing services, people out praying for the sick." What are they trying to do? Get oil in their lamps. Exactly. That's a end time seed sign. Amen. While she was trying to do that, the Bridegroom come and the Bride went in, and she was locked out. Oh, what a wonderful day we're living in.

  E-74    The--the Bride must be unified, unified together by the Word. "My sheep hear My voice," and this is His voice on printed Word. All right. Unified by the Word, she makes herself ready, not with the regular creed.
Like Esther... When Esther was to be chosen to stand before the king, she didn't adorn herself with all the things. But she adorned herself with a sweet, meek spirit. That's what the Bride's adorning herself within, with all of the fruits of the Spirit following it. What's she got? Assembling together in the fellowship of the Word. Amen. Fellowship of the Word (That's right.), fellowshipping, setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus tonight: one accord, one place, one Spirit, one mind, one hope, one God, one purpose. Amen. See, there you are.
Every time the Bible says anything, we say, "Amen." Punctuating every word with, "Amen." "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." "Amen." "Repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." "Amen." Everything is "Amen, amen, amen." Right on down (See?), in fellowship...

  E-9    And something said while we was just standing in my room, just a moment before I was going to have prayer and come over... And I was going to speak this morning--teach on the "Bride Tree," but my voice had got bad. And I said, "I better bypass that, 'cause it's long."
And I said... Well, I--I walked... Something just said, "Take Joseph out in the yard." And I just put my arm around him, walked out into the yard.
We walked down through these big, stately, pine trees. And seemed like that wind blowing through there sings, "There's a land beyond the river..." And I, standing there with my little friend, talking, and a certain thing I was talking to him about... which just he and I to know...
And he said, "But, Brother Branham, where the Lord gave you this Scripture thirty years ago, but did you ever read this below it?" It done something to me. I felt the Holy Spirit just come down all around us.
I said, "Thank you, Joseph." I put my arm around him, walked back to the door, went in, picked up my Bible. It was there just exactly where... Why, I never read but just them first few verses, I don't know. Just for this hour, that's all.
You know Jesus picked up the Scriptures one time, and just read so much of it? Just as much as to be fulfilled then and left the rest of it; 'cause that part pertained to Him in that time, and the next part pertains to Him the second time. I may speak on it tonight, Lord willing.

  14-2  {78}    John, the revelator, over in the Book of Revelation, he saw this tabernacle (Revelations 21). He saw the new temple coming, descending down from heaven, adored as a bride was adored for her husband, and a voice out of the temple said, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and God shall be with them, and they'll wipe all tears from their eyes. And there shall be no more hunger, nor no more sorrow, no more pain or death, for the former things have passed away."
Then the true Son of David (as we're going to see in this lessons coming on in this week) will then come to His temple, the temple of God, the real tabernacle, which He has gone away to construct now. For He said in John 14, "In My Father's house are many mansions, and I will go..." What did He mean by that? It was already foreordained, "And I'll go to prepare a place for you, and will return back to receive you unto Myself." And of course, we know that'll be in the great age to come. And the true Seed of David will take the throne, which is Jesus Christ, and there will reign over the Church as His Bride, in the house with Him and over the twelve tribes of Israel throughout all eternity.

  15-2  {82}    But let us purpose in our hearts today, that in commemoration and waiting for that Tabernacle to come, that we will so characterize ourself by His Spirit that we will worship in this place as if we were in that other place, waiting for that place to come.
Now, let us stand to our feet, and as I read the holy Script.
And I saw a new heavens and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth was passed away; and there were no more sea.
... I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adored for her husband.
And I heard the... voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

  142-1  {166}    But think, now he wrote this, but when he started to write those other seven thunders, he said, "Don't write it." He'd been commissioned to write everything he seen. But when these seven thunders over in Revelations 10 uttered, he said, "Don't write them at all." They're mysteries. We don't know what they are yet; but my opinion they'll be revealed right away. And when it do, it'll give faith for that rapturing grace for that Church to move out. We just move through everything that we know of; through all the dispensations we've watched everything. We've seen the mysteries of God. We've seen the appearing of the--of the great gathering together of the Bride in the last days, but yet there's something in there that we just can't lighten ourself with. There's something another. But I imagine when them mysteries begins to come forth... God said, "Hold it back now. Wait a minute. I'll reveal it in that day. Don't write it at all, John, 'cause they'll stagger over it. Just let--let it go. (See?) But I'll reveal it in that day when it has need to done."
They never uttered for nothing. You remember, like the little drop of ink, everything is for a purpose. Everything's for a cause. But notice, the Creator uttered, and he had a--he heard this voice, and he went to see.

  368-1  {269}    Notice now, though they had tried to get rid of Joseph, his grace reached to them. Though they tried to get rid of Jesus, He still comes right back around, 'cause they was blind, and gives them each one a white robe. He's going to take them right on in home anyhow. It doesn't make a bit of difference 'cause He done said, "I'll save them all anyhow." See?
Now, verse 10. Notice, they asked for revenge. See? Now, if that had been the Bride, it'd been like Stephen: "Father, forgive them," you know. See? But these are Jews that just come in. See? They asked for revenge.
Notice, again... See? Again He said... Notice, it's not... He said, "It's thy brethren," the Jews, the hundred... Now, they wanted revenge.
They said, "Oh, we're going to... We--we want you to revenge us down there."
He said, "Just a little while now, just a little while, for..." (Notice, let me read it here. It's in the--the 10th verse.) All right.
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
And white robes were given to every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet... a little season,... (See? Watch)... a little season, until their fellowservants... (See? Now, what is it? The prophets now are preaching to Israel. See?)... till thy fellowservants also--thy fellowservant and also thy brethren, that should be killed... (See, the ones predestinated to be done, so you see, should be killed)... as they were, should be fulfilled.

  542-4  {127}    Let's just read. Now, listen real close now. Now, I want you to read with me if you can because I'm going to refer back to this just in a little bit: 7th chapter, now this is between the Sixth and Seventh Seal.
... after these things... (After these things, these Seals, this Sixth Seal was let loose, and that's the tribulation period. Everybody understand that now? Sixth Seal was let loose, and the tribulation was on. After this, watch.)... after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that... it should not blow upon the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. (four angels)
And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the sea--the earth--the sea,
Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the tree, until we have sealed the servants... (Not the Bride, servants, not the sons, servants. Israel has always been God's servant. The church is sons. See? By birth. Israel is His servant. Watch, every place it's always... Abraham was His servant. We're not servants; we're children, sons and daughters. Yeah.)... of the--of our God in their foreheads. (Now, watch, our God in their forehead.)
And I heard the number of them that were sealed:... (Now, I want you to listen close to the reading of them.)... and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

  E-14    The church, just church, is looking for more members. But the Bride is looking for the coming of her Lord. We're all looking.
It depends on what the voice is trying to tell you to look for. Some of us are saying, "Look for this." And if it's a church, we're saying we want so many more this year, members. That's all right. But the voice that I'm trying to say to you this morning is like the writer of this epistle, we believe to be Paul, which is saying, "looking for the coming of Jesus Christ the second time," looking for Him.

  267    And this little girl standing there, she's screaming to the top of her voice, about to go into hysterics, about like the little Bride is. But you know what, her little brother cried out, said, "Little sister, don't fear ('cause he's standing right by the engineer)." Said, "There's a man here who can turn on the lights." Don't fear, little Sister, there's a Man here Who can turn on the Light. He can make this Word live. We don't know how He's coming; we don't how--when He's coming; I don't know nothing about that, but He's here. And He can turn on the Lights. How we going to get out of it? I don't know, but He's here, and He's the One that can turn on the Lights. Yes, sir. He is the One; He is the Light. He just makes Hisself known; that's how He turns on the Light. Exactly right. It takes Christ to flash away on His Lights, and then all the darkness scatters. He separates; He's pulling His little Bride out: "I'll take a people out of the Gentiles for My Namesake that'll have My Name." What is His Name? All right. Not Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran--Jesus Christ. That's right.

  E-49    All ministries have three signs if it's sent from God. Jesus had three signs; Moses had three signs; Noah had three signs; Elijah had three signs. Everything comes in three signs.
Notice. Listen, friends. It's getting a little bit late. Now, oh, my. I didn't know it was that late: quarter after. If you can believe the Sodom sign of Luke (See?) as He promised it... You believe the Sodom sign, then why can't you accept the Malachi voice that follows the sign, to return to the Word. []
The Bible said so, and you see it. Then listen at the voice of the sign, "Flee the wrath to come. Don't think 'Because I belong to the UPC, Assemblies of God, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, I have a right to go in.' God's able of these stones to rise children to Abraham." Turn to the Word. Back away from your worldlyism, and your organizational systems and things. God will destroy them from the face of the earth. He'll sink them into the depths of the sea of forgetfulness, just like He did Egypt when He called Israel, nation out of a nation. When He calls the Bride out of the church. You'll go through the tribulation, and drench your blood upon the earth. Flee the wrath that is to come, for it's at hand.

  E-73    Heavenly Father, as the music is sweetly playing, may everyone that's in Divine Presence, Lord, see that this is the calling time. It's a--it's a separating time when the chaff and--and wheat is to be separated. Although the--the wheat has been wrapped in the chaff, but now it's a calling-out time. It's another Exodus.
I pray, God, as the great sunlight has ripened the grain for every stage of its life, from the time... Like in Canada now, when the wheat's just coming up, that hot sun of July would kill it right now. But it has to ripen according to the way that nature brings the sun upon it. So there's a hot sun upon Luther's doctrine, Wesley, and the rest of them; it scorches it down. But it's to ripen the wheat.
It should've matured, Lord, just as it come up. But remember, all the branches was pruned off, and the bride tree come right out of the center. "I will restore again all the years that the palmerworm, caterpillar (the same insect, only in different stages), has eaten away. I will restore it," saith the Lord. You'll do it, Lord. You promised it. I pray that You'll do it in every heart this afternoon.
They're Yours, Lord. I commit them to You now. And I may never see them. If I'd come back a year from today, there's many sitting here... If I'm living they won't be, no doubt, this size crowd. Next time I meet them will be at the judgment. Let them see, Lord. Let them open their eyes if there's--and see.
All these on tape, Lord, that's listened to the voice at this time (many different languages, even be translated), may they understand. Many men and women in little houses, and out in little jungles in Africa, with those little machines with the tubes in their ears, may they hear, Lord, hear. Grant it.
The missionary was right in what he said, but this is... A greater witness than what he had is ready now. Dearest Father, we commit it all to You in the Name of Jesus Christ Thy Son, and for the calling of His bride. Amen.

  E-22    It's becoming... Now, you've got one more picture to develop, that's death. Then the negative becomes positive. Then you're in the Bride, and with Christ. As He taught, like husband and wife today, so God, Christ and the church will be the same.
Now, the elected, called... Moses was borned a proper child. The Bible said that, one of the prophets, Jeremiah, God said, "Before you was even formed in your mother's womb I ordained you a prophet to the nation."
John the Baptist, why, he was identified in the Scripture. Isaiah, seven hundred and twelve years before his coming said, "He's the voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord.'" And about four hundred years before His appearing, again, we find Malachi said, "Behold, I send My messenger before my face to prepare the way before the Lord." See, he was foreordained.

  E-7    And one day the door of mercy will be closed, and people will go right on thinking they're getting saved, and preaching, and so forth, and mercy has done been spurned its last time, and know it not until it's missing. Remember, there's hundreds of people missing every day that we cannot find or give an account for them, world over. "There'll be one in a field; I'll take one. One in the--two in a bed, and I'll take one." Universal, so it won't take very many to make that escape, raptured Bride.
Remember the signs. Israel was always relied upon their signs, instead of intellectual speeches. They were supposed to... God sent them prophets. The prophets give signs. And signs... Always, when there's a sign, a Scriptural sign, there's got to be a Scriptural voice follow that Scriptural sign. And it must all be Scriptural promised.
So see, you get into a trend like Luther on justification. That's what he knowed; that's all. They was satisfied, and went right down, ended their doctrine. Here come Wesley with sanctification: went right on past it. Then he organized. Along come Pentecost with the restoration of the gifts, and they organized. And God moves right on, right straight on, all the time (See?) for each day, each church age.

  187    I fell into a trance. And when I did, there was somebody with me. I didn't see the person. It was just a voice. And I--I looked. And as I--I looked this way, he said, "The Bride will come in view for preview." And I looked coming to me, and I seen the most--the most prettiest bunch of clean-dressed women I ever seen in my life. But each one of them, looked like, was dressed different. They all had long hair, and they were... longer sleeves and skirts and so forth, young women... They looked kind of, I'd say about, maybe, twenty.
Now, I have the Bible open here before me. See? I can only say what I seen. If you say, "What are you looking at?" I'm looking at a clock. "What are you looking for?" I'm looking for people--looking at people. "What are you looking at?" I'm looking at the Bible. That's what... I'm telling the truth; that's what I see. And I can only say what I seen. I don't--I don't know what it--all about it, I just have to tell you.

  40    And remember the vision of last week, that when the Bride came to be--preview of it. There came up the little Bride, lovely, in the vision. And I--not thinking about it, just setting there watching outside. And there come the Bride. I heard a Voice by the side of me, said, "Here is a preview of the Bride." And She came by. I noticed Her, the way she was, very lovely, pretty, young. She was walking just the step as She could, not a march, just in the stride of a--a woman, how they walk gracefully, ladylike. That's the way She was walking, coming to my left on this side. And She went out of my sight.

FUTURE.HOME_  JEFF.IN  V-3 N-5  SUNDAY_  64-0802
  7-1    Now, in the--the Revelation of Christ, in the 21st chapter, I read these words:
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there were no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adored for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying,
Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrowing, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things have passed away.
And he that set upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new... he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. And... I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountains of the water of life freely.
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

  1112-Q-361    361. Brother Branham, please explain Acts 9 verse 7 and Acts 20--Acts 22nd verse. (Would you get it for me, Brother Neville.) Please explain Acts 9 verse 7.
Now, while he's getting that, I'll see if I can get another one right quick. Are you getting tired? I know you are.
Please explain the mystery of the translation of the Bride. How it will take place and where, the place, the Bride goes. Isn't them lovely questions. That's really nice, I'd just stand here all day...
[Brother Branham answers question 361--Ed.] Just a minute now, verse--verse... Acts 9 verse 7 (Thank you, Brother Neville)--9 verse 7:
And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing the voice, and seeing no man.

  E-90    We know that this wheat's come through the same process. Every nature works the same. Now, Lord, when we see the shuck now pulling away from the grain, going worldly, O God, grant that those grains will... The--the shuck has to pull away so the grain can get in presence of the sun. And I hear the coming of the combine, Lord. It won't be long. And then the great elevator will take up His bride into the glory and the Presence of God.
I pray, Father that You'll bless each one of us. Let us remember, Lord, that this is our opportunity. We may not have one tomorrow. Today is our opportunity. "Today, after so long a time, when you hear His voice harden not your heart."
Lord God, I don't know these people. If there's any here short of this, grant tonight that they will receive the Fullness of God and be filled with the Holy Ghost. Grant it, Father.

  185    Yes, that's the reason Moses knew this Voice had spoke to him was a Word Voice. He knowed that God had told Abraham, "Your seed shall sojourn for four hundred years, but I will deliver them." And he knowed the four hundred years was up and he was called to do it.
Men and women, God promised in this last days that He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. He promised He'd send the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and He'd call a Bride without spot or wrinkle. He promised to do it; He'll do it. Don't listen to these hireling shepherds; they'll lead you astray. The Holy Spirit is the Shepherd to feed you sheep food from His Word. It always comes by the Shepherd. He is our Shepherd. Listen to Him; you are the sheep of His fold; if you are, you hear His Voice, not what somebody else says; you hear what He says. A strange voice, you know nothing about it.

  24-5    My friend, if you're satisfied with such carrion of the world, there's something wrong. My sister, my brother, let me say to you this in godly fear, knowing that I may never live to see an Easter again, but there's one thing sure: when a genuine foreordained son of God by the Word of God hears that voice of God, he'll rise and go to meet It. It's the potentials that he's going to meet the real living Word. As He was... The bride will meet the groom. She's a part of His body.

  37-2    Let us stand to our feet in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you never hear my voice again... If God willing, I'm sailing to Africa in a few hours; I may never return. I don't know. But I tell you with all my heart; I've told you the truth. I haven't shunned to declare to you everything that God has told me to say, and I've said it in the Name of the Lord.
It's a solemn moment. I don't know how to express it. I've tried to leave the pulpit three or four times, and I can't do it. This is a solemn hour. Don't you never forget it. This is a time that maybe God may be making His last call. I don't know. He'll make His last call someday. When? I don't know. But I'm telling you, according to that vision, it looks like that that Bride's about finished.
Look at the nominal churches coming in. When the sleeping virgin come for oil, she failed to get it. The Bride went in. The rapture went up. While they went to buy oil, the Bridegroom come. Are you asleep? Wake up quickly, and come to yourself, and let us pray each one like we were dying at this minute, in the Name of the Lord. Let's each one pray in your own way.

  19    But we didn't... They all didn't all die. They're not all dead. In the days of the Nicene Council, many of you people that's read The Nicene Council of the early church, when they wanted to make an organization out of it and break up all the other churches, and come into one, when they had that Nicene Council, rugged man like Elisha come in there from the wilderness, eating herbs alone, great rugged men. But the dignitaries, the higher-ups, under Constantine, and so forth, stilled their voice, because those, being prophets, knowed that the corn of wheat of the church Bride had to fall in the ground, the same as a corn of wheat in the Bridegroom had to fall in the ground. And there it laid for a thousand years.
And that's why they're writing the books today, "Where is that silent God that could stand and look, see little children murdered and women tore to pieces by lions, and set in the skies and say nothing about it?" They don't know the Word. That corn of wheat's got to fall in the earth. How could a righteous God stand and look at His Own Son die and be spit on, and so forth? But it's according to the Word; it has to be. And that's the way it is even to this hour.

  161    Her long hair, Nazarite vow shows that She's vowed to God. Her beautiful gown of His promised Word for the age that She's living in wrapped around her, vindicating Her with Himself of Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. As She is a part of the Word Groom, true to Him in every point...
Now, look. If a woman goes out here and is married to a man, and she goes out and makes love with another man and has an affairs with him, and come back to her husband, he should kick her out. That right? She must be true to him, 'cause she's vowed to him. And the Bride of Christ is vowed to Christ, and He is the Word. Not even wink at the other side, a woman should not even wink at another man. She should make no signs, no emotions at all towards him, for she is absolutely a bride to one bridegroom. We don't want none of your mixed trees, your denominations. Be true to Christ, the Word. He'll vindicate It to be true.
No, sir. Not even any emotion of anything towards making love to him, not join his ranks or anything else, or let him get you in his arms or in his care, or--or talk to you over this way, that way, you listen to--only one Voice: "My sheep know My voice; a stranger, they'll not..." What is His Voice? Any man's voice is his word, and this is It, the Bible. Not one word to be added to It or taken from It, just stay right with that Voice. A stranger, they won't follow a denomination.

  45-7    All at once we heard something from the top of the hill, a voice come down through the loud speaker said, "All things are ready."
Then this man, standing right there by the side of me, said, "Let the fire fall."
Here it comes pouring down across that mountain, a glacier of fire and blazes a licking, a sight to behold.
Brother, let's get all things ready, for one of these days, the fire's going to fall. We're going up. Now, let's get ready for the fire-falling time.
We're in the last days. We all know that. And we're ready for the coming of the Lord. The thing to do is separate yourself from all sin. Separate yourself from anything that pertains to the world. Don't love the world or the things of the world. Let no man, by his creed, deceive you. You stay right straight in the promise of God, the Word of God; and that Word, if It's the Word, for this day, God vindicates It so. If He doesn't, it's not the Word for this day. The Word that fell on the day of Pentecost will not work this day. No, sir, that was for Pentecost. This is for the Bride: going home of the Bride. We got something different. The Pentecostals represented that again. We're in the Bride age. No more than the Word of Noah would worked in the days of Moses. No more than Moses' law would've worked in the time of Paul, here. He tried to tell them, "You're dead to that. And you cannot have that."

  130    Three things happen, a voice--a shout, a voice, a trumpet, has to happen before Jesus appears. Now, a shout. Jesus does all three of them when He's--He's--He's descending. A "shout," what is a "shout"? It's the Message going forth first, the living Bread of Life bringing forth the Bride.
Now, God has a way of doing things, and He never changes His policy. He never changes His... He's the unchanging God. In Amos 3:7 He said He would do nothing on the earth until first He revealed it to His servants the prophets. And just as certain as He promised it, He'll do it.

  152    No, it's... The first thing is the sounding--or the first thing is the trumpet and a--or a voice--a shout, and then a voice, and then a trumpet. Shout, a messenger getting the people ready... The second is a voice of the resurrection. The same voice that, a loud voice in St. John 11:38 and 44 that called Lazarus from the grave. Getting the Bride together, and then the resurrection of the dead (See?), to be caught up with it. Now, watch the three things take place.

  153    The next is what? was a trumpet. A voice--a shout, a voice, a trumpet. Now, the third thing is a trumpet, which always at the Feast of Trumpets is calling the people to the feast; and that'll be the Bride's supper, the Lamb's supper with the Bride in the sky.
See, the first things comes forth is His Message calling the Bride together. The next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride, the--the one that's died back in the other ages. They're caught together, and the trumpet, the feast in the heavens--in the sky. Why, it's--that's the thing that takes place, friends.
We're right there ready now. The only thing, the church coming out has got to lay before the sun to ripen. The great combine will come by after while. The wheat will be burned, the stalks, but the grain will be gathered into it's garner. See?

  164    Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together. See? The shout and the trumpet, the same morning with a loud voice He screamed out with that shout, and--and voice and woke Lazarus. With a loud voice He cried, "Lazarus, come forth." See? And the voice wakes up--wakes up the sleeping Bride, the sleeping dead.
And the trumpet, with the sound of the trumpet, and when it does, it calls... Always a trumpet called Israel to the Feast of the Trumpets (See?), which was the Pentecostal feast, the great feast in the sky and the Feast of the Trumpets... And now, a trumpet denounced a calling together, calling to the feast. And now that is the--the Lamb's supper in the sky (Now, watch.,)--the assembling together in the Bride, the Feast of the Trumpets, the Wedding Supper.
We have seen it in types. Now, watch just a moment before we close.

  169    One rapture is passed. Three's happened in the Old Testament of them prepared who the Word of the Lord came to. See? The Word of the Lord came to Enoch. The Word of the Lord came to Elijah. He was a prophet. See? The Word of the Lord was Jesus. See?
Watch in the Old Testament, them Old Testament saints now when this rapture first taken place. Notice verse 50: His loud voice awakened the Old Testament saints just exactly like the loud voice wakened Jesus--or wakened Lazarus. See? The loud voice awakened. And the second is fulfilled in II Thessalonians the 4th chapter. Let's just take a read--read... We just read it a few minutes ago. See? "I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those that sleep, that you sorrow not, even..." That's I Thessalonians 4:12-18. That--that will be the second rapture. The second rapture will be the catching away of the Bride.

  172    David said over there, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up."
He led captive captive and give gifts unto men. When the Old Testament saints went in with Him, they said, "Who is this King of righteousness?"
"The Lord of glory, mighty in host--mighty host." Here they come in, marching. Jesus led captivity captive. And here He comes with the Old Testament saints, and the--went into the new gates up there, and said, "Lift up, ye everlasting gates, and be ye lifted up, and let the King of glory come in."
The voice come from the inside, said, "Who is the King of glory?"
"The Lord, mighty in battle." The gates flew open. And Jesus the Conqueror led captive captive them that had believed on Him, and the Word had come to them. There the Old Testament saints laying in there waiting. He led captivity captive, ascended on high, took the Old Testament saints, and went in. There's one rapture already passed.
The next rapture takes place is II Thessalonians for the church, the Bride, to be resurrected to be raptured into glory. "We which are alive and remain (That's the body that's left on earth.) will not prevent or hinder them which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall sound first, and the dead in Christ shall rise. (See?) And we which are alive and remain shall caught up together with them."

Now Paul said that the Word came in power as well as voice. The Word preached actually demonstrated itself. Like a flaming, cutting sword it went to the consciences of men, and like a surgeon's knife it cut out the diseases and set captives free. Everywhere those early believers went, "they went preaching the Gospel (Word) and God confirmed that Word with signs following." The sick were healed, devils were cast out, and they spoke in new tongues. That was the Word in action. That Word has never failed in the mouths of believing Christians. And in this last age it is here stronger and greater than ever in the true Word bride. Oh, little flock, you little minority, hold on to the Word, fill your mouth and heart with it, and some day God will give you the kingdom.

Hold this carefully in mind. Now take the next step. Redeem means to buy back. It restores to the original owner. God, by His death, the shed blood BOUGHT BACK HIS OWN. He bought back the Spoken Word Seed Bride. "My sheep hear My voice (Word) and they follow Me." You always were a sheep. You never were a pig or a dog turned into a sheep. That is impossible for every kind of life produces the same kind and there is no change in specie. As we were in the thoughts of God and then expressed in flesh, there had to come a day when we would hear His voice (the Word), and hearing that voice become aware of our Father calling us, and recognize that we are the sons of God. We heard His voice and we cried out as did the prodigal son, "Save me, Oh, my Father. I am returning to Thee."

The question now arises, why are these righteous ones in the judgment? There is no other place that they can come up, for there are but two resurrections and since they could not qualify for the first resurrection they must come up in the second which is a resurrection unto judgment. The ones who qualify for the first resurrection (the bride) are not in the judgment. John 5:24, "Verily, verily I say unto you, He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life (that is, the believer is already the recipient of eternal life which he has in his possession now) and shall not come into condemnation (shall not come into the judgment, is what it really says) but is passed (permanently) from death unto life." But notice carefully, Jesus must have yet another group in mind who at a certain resurrection will receive eternal life. They will receive it at the resurrection, NOT HAVING PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED IT AS A MEMBER OF THE BRIDE. John 5:28-29, "Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, in the which ALL that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." Now we all know that John 5:28-29 is NOT THE RAPTURE for only the dead in Christ will arise from the graves at that time along with the living bride who still is on the earth. I Thessalonians 4:16-17, "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." But it says in John 5:28-29 that ALL are going to come forth from the grave. This is the very same resurrection that is spoken of in Revelation 20:11-15 wherein THE DEAD were brought before the Lord and judged according to their works, and all whose names were not in the Book of Life were then cast into the lake of fire.

To further clarify, notice specifically the words of Matthew 25:31-46. It does not say that a shepherd is literally separating sheep from goats, but it is AS a shepherd dividing sheep from goats. These are not sheep in this particular area of time (White Throne Judgment). The sheep are in His fold, they heard His voice (Word) and they followed Him. THEY ALREADY HAVE ETERNAL LIFE AND CANNOT COME INTO THE JUDGMENT. But these do NOT have eternal life, and they are in the judgment. They are allowed to GO INTO eternal life. But upon what grounds do they enter into life eternal? Certainly not upon the fact that they already have His life as does the bride, but they receive it because they were kind to His brethren. They are not His brethren: that would make them joint-heirs with Jesus. They are NOT heirs to anything but life. They share no throne, etc. with Him. THEIR NAMES MUST HAVE BEEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE AND NOT REMOVED. Now because of their love of the people of God they are recognized and saved. No doubt these served and helped the children of God. Perhaps like Nicodemus and Gamaliel they stood for the children in a time of trouble.

It is the second resurrection that the "souls under the altar" as set forth in the fifth seal (Revelation 6:9-11) are given white robes, and of course eternal life, or there would be no point of white robes. "And when He had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow-servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled." Now note particularly that none of these under the altar were killed for the testimony to Jesus. They were not like Antipas who was slain for holding fast His Name. These are not born again ones, with eternal life as their possession. They come up in the resurrection and receive life because of their stand on the Word. And notice how these are crying out for vengeance. They cannot be bride material. The bride turns the cheek and cries, "Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do." These are Jews. They have to be because they are in the fifth seal, and it is in the fourth seal that the Gentile bride is gone in the rapture. So these Jews aren't born of His Spirit. They don't even believe that Jesus is the Messiah. But as they were blinded by God for the Gentile's sake, God gave them eternal life on the grounds that though they could not come to Him, yet they were truly faithful to all the Word they knew, and died for it as multitudes died under Hitler, Stalin, etc., and will yet die.

  "And I will confess his name before My Father and His angels." Roll call in heaven! "If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Thou shalt call and I will answer Thee: Thou wilt have a desire to the work of Thy hands." The Great Shepherd is calling His sheep by name. The creative voice of God is calling them forth from the dust or changing their atoms even though they had not fallen asleep. It is the rapture. It is the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb and His bride.

God is talking about the bride here. Do you want to see another picture of her? It is over in Revelation 7:4-17, "And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nephthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand. After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God Which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple: and He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb Which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of water: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." Jesus has come. He has sealed the 144,000. He took 12,000 out of each tribe. But there is another group that doesn't belong in this 144,000 who are seen in verses 9-18. Who are they? These are in the bride taken from amongst the Gentiles. They are before His throne day and night. They serve Him in the temple. They are the special care of the Lord. They are His bride.

Revelation 21:1-4. "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." How wonderful. All of God's wonderful promises fulfilled. It will be all over. The change will have been completed. The Lamb and His bride forever settled in all the perfections of God. Describe it? Who is able to do that? No one. Think about it? Dream about it? Read what the Word says about it? Yes we can do all of that, yet we can only know an infinitesimal part of it until it becomes reality in the first resurrection.

Before we close this section on the messenger of the Laodicean Age, we must seriously consider these two thoughts. First, this age will have ONE Prophet-Messenger. Revelation 10:7, says, "When he (singular) shall begin to sound." There has never been an age where God gave His people two major prophets at one time. He gave Enoch (alone); He gave Noah (alone); He gave Moses (he alone had the Word though others prophesied); John the Baptist came ALONE. Now in this last day there is to be a PROPHET (not a prophetess--though in this age there are more women purporting to give God's revelation than men), and the infallible Word says that he (the prophet) will reveal the mysteries to the end time people, and turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers. There are those who say that God's people are going to come together through a collective revelation. I challenge that statement. It is a bald, invalid assumption in the face of Revelation 10:7. Now I do not deny that people will prophesy in this last age and their ministries can and will be correct. I do not deny that there will be prophets even as in the days of Paul when there was "one Agabus a prophet who prophesied of a famine". I agree that is so. BUT I DENY UPON THE INFALLIBLE EVIDENCE OF THE WORD THAT THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MAJOR PROPHET-MESSENGER WHO WILL REVEAL THE MYSTERIES AS CONTAINED IN THE WORD, AND WHO HAS THE MINISTRY TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN TO THE FATHERS. "Thus saith the Lord" by His unfailing Word stands, and shall stand and be vindicated. There is one prophet-messenger to this age. On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together. Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride? That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth. He won't need to speak for himself, God will speak for him by the voice of the sign. Amen.

Yes sir. The church is no longer the "mouthpiece" of God. It is its own mouthpiece. So God is turning on her. He will confound her through the prophet and the bride, for the voice of God will be in her. Yes it is, for it says in the last chapter of Revelation verse 17 "The Spirit and the bride say come". Once more the world will hear direct from God as at Pentecost; but of course that Word Bride will be repudiated as in the first age.

Oh, God still has a voice for the people of the world, even as He has given a voice to the bride. That voice is in the bride as we have said and we will talk more about that later.

  "Buy of Me, gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich." Now these people had plenty of gold, but it was the wrong kind. It was that gold that bought men's lives and destroyed them. It was the gold that warped and twisted human character, for its love was the root of all evil. Revelation 18:1-14, "And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power, and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine: and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God Who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Standing afar off for the fear of her torment saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city, for in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, and cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all." This is exactly the organized churches of the last day, for it says in verse 4, "Come out of her MY PEOPLE". The rapture has not yet taken place. The bride is not yet gone when these terrible conditions in this rich, false church exist.

But thank God, at this moment, this age is not over. He is yet crying. And His cry is not only in the spiritual ears of men by His Spirit, but once again a prophet is in the land. Once more God will reveal the truth as He did to Paul. In the days of the seventh messenger, in the days of the Laodicean Age, its messenger will reveal the mysteries of God as revealed to Paul. He will speak out, and those who receive that prophet in his own name will receive the beneficent effect of that prophet's ministry. And they that hear him will be blessed and become part of that bride of the last day who are mentioned in Revelation 22:17, "The Spirit and the bride say come." The corn of wheat (the Bride Wheat) that fell into the ground at Nicaea has come back to original Word Grain again. Praise God forever. Yes, listen to the authenticated prophet of God who appears in this last age. What he says from God, the bride will say. The Spirit and the prophet and the bride will be saying the same thing. And what they will say will have already been said in the Word. They are saying it now, "Come out from among her now and be ye separate." The cry has gone out. The cry is going out. How long will the voice cry? We do not know, but one thing we do know, it won't be long, for this is the last age.

  34    Then will I cause to cease from the cities of Judah, and from the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride: for the land shall be desolate.

  9    For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will cause to cease out of this place in your eyes, and in your days, the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride.

  10    Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones, and the light of the candle.

  11    The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD [is] good; for his mercy [endureth] for ever: [and] of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, saith the LORD.

JOHN 3:29
  29    He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.


  23    And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

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